The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, September 18, 1890, Image 3

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A Paragraphic Record of Recent Haj?prs
iass in and Around th Olty.
The wheat crop is excellent.
Mrs. llinchart leads in millinery.
Extra copies of The Scout, 5 cents.
Circuit court convoncf next Monti'.
School books, school stationery, slutes,
etc. at the Covo drug store
Hall Bros, keep the 'Fairv Qneen," th
best 5 cent cigar on t lie market. U-1M2.
Born, in High valley, Sept. lfth, to the
wife of Frame Uoss, a daughter.
Go to Hall Hros. for the best Scontolgar
on the market, the "Fairy Queen." 0-IS-tS
Eggs, butter and wood taken in exohnnce
for goods at Mm. tlinoharfs millinery store.
The celebrated "-. cigars, "Fairy Queen'
arc the best. Hall Hro. sole agents. 018t2
The surveyors employed to "locate tho
town," have been busily at work tor se
eral days past,
Hill's code of Oregon, and Dcauj's ootlo
and session laws since 1874, for sale cheap.
Enquire of J, It. Cntus. 9 18-tf.
The cars run over a line heifer. bslonging
to Titus Nelson, at the depot iast Monday
and cut oil" one of its leg. The animal had
to be killed.
The second annual fair of the First Eas
tern Oregon District opens at tho Ihiker City
Stock and Agricultural grounds on Thurs
day, Sept. 30th.
A large number or horses in this ett
have the pink eve. but as yet we have the
first case to hear of wherein it proved fa
tal. Uaker City Democrat.
The harvest in Oregon is nearly over.
Partners nro more than satisfied with tho
yield, and with good prices there will bo
prosperous times in Oregon.
Tho board of trade and busings mon of
Baker City met a few days ago and com
menced the initiatory steps toward getting
a census recount for the city and county.
Judge Fee will hold the full term of court
in Grant, Baker, Malheur and Harney
counties, while Judge Clillord will occupy
tho bench in Umatilla, Union and Wallowa
The U. P. railroad, company arc making
preparations to erect a large grain elevator
at Alicel on tho Sandridge. They have lot
the contract for 12.",000 feet of lumber and
100,000 shingles.
Reduced rates on certificate plan have
been made for meeting of the annual con
vention of the Young Mens' Christian As
sociation to bo held in Portland from Sept.
22nd to Oct. 2nd, inclusive. Noel II. Jacks,
secretary, will sign certificates,
Horticulturists say that the yellow jackets
are doing a splendid worK In tho orchards
of Rogue River valley this year by destroy
ing tho green aphis. When a swarm of
jackets light on a tree alllicted with this
pest it is cleared within two hoiife.
A painful accident befel Isaac, tho oldest
boy of Mr. Jos. Dolby at the homo of his
father on Big creek last Saturday. He fell
from a swing and broke one of his thigh
bones. A physician from Baker reduced
the fracture, but the hoy will be laid up for
several months.
Ward brothers, of Wallowa valley, have
discovered that some persons had altered
the-brand on eight head of their horses. It
is thought that the persons who changed
the brands had tried to drive the animals
away, but that they had got back to thoir
accustomed range in some way.
Tho McDonald Bros, of the lower part of
the valley have their cattle and horses on
the range justbpyond tho Wallowa bridge.
They are preparing to go into the business
of stall feeding eattlc'on an extensive sealo
during the coming winter. They nro stor
ing hay and bran in largo quantities.
Tho Lexington Budget has ourthanks'for
tbc following: "The Oregon Scout, pub
lished at Union, is in its seventh volume.
Located in a productive region and in a
wide-awake community, the ability and
merit of the Scout are appreciated and it
enjoys a healthy patronage. Long may it
The Baker City Democrat suys: ''The
Democrat reporter heard a proininont real
estato owner romark yesterday that if the
Hunt railroad would come to Baker City
ho would donate forty acres of choice land
for tho use and purposes of depot grounds.
We hope the gentleman will be given tho
opportunity to fulfill his promise."
The foot race last Sunday, between Davis
and Cameron was quite an exciting ati'air.
The distance was 75 yards and Cameron
won tho race by ten inches. The friends of
Davis wero dissatisfied with the result and
refused to give up tho stakes, and at last
accounts had not done so. It is prubablo
the matter will bo amicably adjusted.
If reports are true Census Supervisor
Strange's "estimates'' on the population of
several Eastern Oregon towns will bo rather
widoofthe mark. It is now stated that
Baker Qlty's population is 3000, while La
Grande is but 1700. Tho exact figures will
not bo given until the Oregonian gets
through kicking." Baker City Blade.
At the school meeting last Monday the
directors were authorized to bond the dis
trict for $15,000. Tho increase of fi.000
over the amount they wore authorized to
bond for at a meeting held several weoks
ago, was deemed necessary in order to build
such additions to the present building as
will meet tho increased requirements of the
One of the prisoners conllnod in tho coun
ty jail, Frank Smith by name, made lilt es
cape last Monday oviuiiuir, bat was cap
tured near La Grande next morning and
returned to the jail, ltsoui that Hberiif
Bolle had hired Pete M order to watch the
jail, and Pete. In coming out of the jail in
the afternoon negkotod u lock the door
and had gone to sleep in the torri lor. The
prisoner dicoverod the 'nuacwn and
Smith concluded to truvttl. The otberc.
not feeling tiic netd of recreation, re
mained at home.
I News was received from Sanger, yester
day to the effect that Andy O'Toole while
i lying tindemonth a heavy vs(rn, repnring
the axle from which the wheel had been
taken, met with a serious accident, The
prop which held up the axle Kave wn nlu'
J it came down on O'Toole's head, crushing
! it badly. Dr. Deering went out to see what
' he could do for the patient.
! The lecture by Mr. II. C. Emery, last
i Tuesday evening on "Educntlon" was an
extremely interesting one and contained
many good points. For some rea-on there
were but very few in attendance, it would
seem that the average cltixen of Union is
dreaming along in a seini-dormant state and
ta afraid to get his intellectual faculties
shook tip lest the sudden jar might kill
For the Stock ami Agricultural Asoeia
tion to be held at Baker City, Sept. With to
Oct, 1, I!), the I". P. By. will sell round
trip tickets Sept. 20th;n Oct. 4th, for one
and onc-lifth fare for the round trip. Tick
ets cood to return until Oct. 5th. For the
Walla Walla Fair, Oct. Otli to It. 1MI0, tick
ets will be old at one and one-fifth fare for
the round trip. Tickets on, sale Oct 5th to
11th. in -!uive, pood to return up to and
including Oct. i;Mh.
DaTiduffg Instantly Killed and His Wife
Severely Injured.
Last Friday afternoon as Mr. and Mrs.
David llugg, an aged and respected couple
who. live near Suniinervillc, wore returning
to their home from Elgin, seated in a bug
gy, tho horses became frightened at some
railroad ties and inn away. While goim: at
a frightful paeo !lown the road tho bug
gy collided with a tree throwing Mr.
linger against'it, killing him instantly. Mrs.
Jlugg was thrown from the buggy and had
one arm broken, receiving Internal injuries
from which it is feared she will not recov
er. When the collision occurred the hors
es became detached from tho vehicle.
Straugc to say when Mr. llug was hurled
against tho tree, tho momentum was such
that the body was thrown back Into the
buggy. Mr. Geo. McDonald and Mr. Chas.
Oswald saw the accident from a distance
and hurrying to the scene rendered what
assistance they could. The funeral took
place from tho residence, Sundav, Rev. R,
II. Parker, officiating. The remains wero
deposited in the Sunimurville cemetery and
were followed to their last resting place by
a large concourse of sorrowing friends.
To the North Pacific Industrial Exposition,
Portland, from September 25th to Octo
ber 25th., and Northwest Industrial Ex
position, Spokane Falls, Oct. 1st to Oct.
31, 1SS0.
. For the North Pacific Industrial Exposi
tion to bo held at Portland, the Union Pa
cific will sell tickets from all ticket stations
on rail lines of tho Pacific Division, from
September 23th to October 2."th, on Mon
days, Wednesdays and Fridays at tho low
rate of one and ono-fifth faro for the round
trip, with fiftv cents added for admission
to the Exposition. Call on any agent of the
Union Pacific System for detailed informa
tion. For tho Northwest Industrial Exposition
to be held at Spokane Falls. October 1st to
Oct. 31. 1800, the U. P. Ry. will sell excur
sion tickets at one and one-fifth fare for
the round trip with fifty cents added to
such rate to cover admission coupon to
Exposition. Sale of tickets will be com
menced Wednesday, Oct. 1st. Tickets will
bo sold for regular trains looking Up Ion
station on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri
days of each week. Sale of tickets will
close Oct. 81, 1S90.
Agent, Union. Gen'l Pass. Agent.
Paronta, Notice.
All pupils aro expected to come direct
from their respective homes to the school
and to return as promptly. Pupils will not
bo detained at the school aftor 1 :30 p. m.
unless something rendering it absolutely
necosMiry should make it to occur, on
which occasions a note explanatory will be
sent to the parent by the teacher. All pu
pils of the 0th, 7th, Sth and Dth grades are
required to prepare at least one lesson at
home, and teachers' programs are so ar
ranged. Will the parents ploaso assist us
in the Inculcation of punctuality and active
mental exertion by uniting with us in these
two Important foaturesof school life?
B. H. MOORE, Principal.
Take It Before Breakfast.
Tho great appetizer, tonic and liver regu
lator. In use for more than CO years in
England. Positive specific for liver com
plaint. Bad tasto in the mouth on aris
ing in the uioruin'.', dull pains in the head
and back of the eyes, tired feeling, dizzi
ness, langour symptoms of liver com
plaint, ll'inedy Dr. Henley's English
Dandelion Tonic Relieves constipation,
sharpen the apetito and tones up the en
tire system. Get tho genuine from your
druggist for $1, and take according to di
rections. 7-3-yl
Eucklen's Arnica Salve.
Tint Bust Salvi: in the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever
Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains,
Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi
aively cares Pile, or no pay required, It
is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction,
or money refunded. Price 25 cents per
box. For sale at Brown's drug store.
The Indies ot the Union ComeUry Society,
through the superintendent, Geo. Wright,
havoKj. o -c i Mr, Leo Phillip sexton of
the In ton cemetery. All persons having
need of a piton wdl pl-a.-e call upon .Mr.
Phillip- i Mr Geo. Wright, and their
work will !.e neatly and properly done. IS-1
Steel Wm.ed.
1 ii, sin to buy fiv h i nd red bead of year
ling itrs for October delivery. Cull ou
or ddr W. V. NOBLE.
18-tf. Union, Oregon.
Brief Personal Mention Epitomo of the
Week's Amusements.
Judge Goodall was in the city Friday.
Mr. W. M. Stoker called on us Friday.
Miss Nellie Welch is teaching the High
valley school.
Mr. J. Newman, of Ladd canyon, called
on us Monday.
Mr. Chas. McClure, of La Grande, called
on us Tuesday.
Miss Mollio Ilcndershott was up from
tho Cove, Tuesday.
Mr, II. W. Lee and wife, of the Park,
visited Union Saturday.
Mr. Jos. Dolby ami son, of Big creek,
called on us Thursday.
Rev. A. M. McCart. ot Pine valley, was in
the city a few days ago.
Mr. Thos. Davis, of Keating, made lis a
pleasant visit, last Friday.
Mr. George Thompson midwife were in
from Tclocaset, Saturday.
Mr. Harvey Rlnchart, of Sumincrville,
was in Union last Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. E. P. McDanicI, of the
Cove, visited Union, Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. 1). B. Recs took their de
parture last week forCcntralia.
Mr. M. 1). Cochran, of the Sandridge,
made us a pleasant visit Monday
Mrs. E. II. Lewis took her departure
Tuesday for a visit to the Sound.
Mrs. Annie Parker, who has been visit
ing on Big creek, returned Sunday,
Judge A. C. Craig and wife returned
Tuesday from iheir visit to California.
Rev. R. H. Parkorand wife, of Summcr
ville, visited friends in Union this week.
Hon. Jus Ilcndershott and wife, of the
Cove, were in attendance at the institute.
Master Arthur Rinchart returned last
Friday to the Agricultural College at Cor
vallis. Mr. Henry Van Burcn, of Baker City,
sent in this week and subscribed for The
Mrs. Clara C. Jones, of Island City, sent
over a few days ago and subscribed for Thk
Mrs. Vina Duncan, who has been in Cali
fornia for several mouths past, returned
last Tuesday.
Messrs. A. Meachan and Simon McKin
zie, of Suinmervillc, wore in Union Satur
day and Sunday,
Mr. J. B. Eddy, formerly editor of the
Pendleton Tribune, made our ofllcc a pleas
ant visit this week.
Miss Maggie Vansill has been engaged to
teach the Wolf creek school and commenced
work last Monday.
Mr. Frank Bidwell returned from the
Sound last week. He thinks Anacortes is
the coining metropolis.
Hon. Dunham Wright and wife were In
from Medical Springs, last week, to attend
the Farmers' Institute.
Mr. James York, of North Powder, re
turned last week from Chilhcotho, Mo.,
where he had gone with a load of stock.
Mr. Jeff Davis, of High valley, called on
us Thursday and subscribed for Thk Scout
to be sent to Chas. Rosenberg, Stoddard,
Mr. E.J. Couporwill take his departure
next week for Brae of Pert, Lawrenccklrk,
in boiiule Scotlnnd. He will probably be
gone several mouths.
Mr. J. M. Dean, of Sanger, ono of the
staunchest supporters of Thk Scout, made
us a pleasant and substantial Jvlsit Thurs
day. We Hko for such men to call often.
Mr. George Wilkinson, a relative of the
Wilkinsons of this vicinity, arrived hero
last week with his family from Iowa. Mr.
Wilkinson used to llvo hero twenty years
Mrs. John Minnick, of High valley, came
in Saturday morning to meet her father,
Mr. T. Vass. who arrived that day from
Iowa. Mr, Viibs will probably make this
his future home.
Mr. Thos. Hart, of Powder river, and his
friend, Mr. E. Brower, of Blue Hill, Nebras
ka, called on us last Friday. Mr. Brower,
who is a recont arrival, is much pleased
witli the country.
County Clerk Oliver visited friends and
relatives in Suniinervillc this week. He
presented us witli some wild plums that
are growing on his father's place near there,
which are largo and of delicious flavor.
Mr. and Mrs. Foster, of the Cove, who
have been visiting friends in this city, cele
brated tho sixtieth anniversary of their
wedding at tho rcsidenco of Mr. and Mrs.
Jaycox, in North Union, Jast'fuesday.
Mr. J. W. Kimbrcll, who Is now engaged
In survoying the Umatilla reservation,
called on us n few days ago. Ho is making
good progress but thinks It will take two
or three months yet to complete the- work,
Mr, P. M. Collin, who has been in the
east for some time having his eyes doc
tored, we are Informed has had to have one
eye taken out and is having trouble with
the other one, although it will doubtless be
Happy Boosters.
Win. Tiniiiions, Postmaster ut Idaville,
Ind., writes: "Klectric Illttcrn lias done
more for mo than all other medicines coin
bincd, for that hud feeling arising from
Kidney and Liver trouble." John Leslio,
fanner and stockman, of name place, says:
"Find Klectric Hitters to ho the best Kid
ney and Liver medicine, made me feel like
a new man.'' J. W. Gurdher, hardware
merchant, same town, says: Electric
Hitters is just tho thing for a man who Is
nil run down and don't cure whether he
lives or dies; ho found new strength, good
appetite and felt just like he hud a new
leave on life. Only 60c, a bottle, at It. II.
Urown's drug ktore.
A Pointer For You.
If you want to rnako ovcry dollnr do
full duty, catch on to boino of tho cheap
bargains in farm or city property- now
ofl'ered by Wilson Sc. Hnckett, mana
gers Union Heal Estato Association.
Remarkable Rescue.
Mrs. Michael Curtain. Pialnlleld. Illinois,
makc the statement that she caught cotd,
which settled on her lungs; she was treated
for a month by her family physician, but
grew worse. He told her that she was a
hopeless victim of consumption and that
no medicine could cure her. Her druggist
suggested1 iDr. King's New Discovery for
Consumption; she bought a bottle anil to
her delight, found herself benefited front
the first dose. She continued its use and
after taking fen bottles, found herself
sound and well, now does hei own house
work and is as well as she ever was. Free
trial bottles of this Great Discovery at R.
H. Brown's drug store, large bottles 50 cts.
and $1.00.
As I shall necessarily le absent from the
county for some weeks, 1 leave all my busi
ness in the hands of O, F. Bell, at the re
corder's ofllcc in the court house. Mr. Bell
Is authorized to attend to all matters of
loans, and also to collect and receipt for
money due me.
Union, Sept. 17, lSOO.
0-18 tf. E. J. COIU'F.K.
An Excellent Offer ta Anyone Who Wants
a rjood Dictionary.
Webster's Unabridged Dictionary which
formerly cost i0 and 11.', will be given to
all new subscribers to Tin: Oiikiion Scot r,
and old subscribers who will renew and
pay one year's subscription in advance,
for fl.tiu.
The subscription price of Tin: Scoi'T is
$l.i0 per annum. Anyone sending us the
names of 10 new subscribers, with the cash,
will receive one of theso superb dictionaries
free of charge. This is tho best chance for
securing r. good dictionaiy ever presented
and should set tho boys and girls of the
country to work with a will in getting up
The wants of tho people of tho great
mass ol the people at least do not require
for their satisfaction an investment of $10
in a dictionary. In most cases that amount
can be better expended in the purchase of
articles more urgently needed. The reprint
edition of Webster's Dictionary ollered by
Tin: Scout selves as a reliable guide for
spelling and pronunciation. It contains,
besides, more than 100,000 words, a com
plete vocabulary of mercantile and legal
terms, scriptural and historical propor
names, Greek and Latin proper names, an
apendix of more than 10,000 uncommon
words. 1,500 cuts and other useful and in
structive matter in great quantity. It is
in short mi indispensable book for every
student and family, and costs so llttlo that
every family can nllbrd to have it. Tho
paper and binding aro both good, and tho
book will bear examination. Call at this
ollice, sec sample copy and bo convinced.
Modern Traatment That Curo Constlptv
According to tho Sau Francisco dnlllen a rcnio
ly has been discovered that with nlmost uu
:rrlnj certainty overcomes constipation. It is
tbc new laxative principle in Joy's Vegetable
iarsaparllla. The papers are full of recent oc
currence confirming Its efficiency, and wo gtvo
place to their last sensation, a curd from San
Francisco's well known lady manicure Suo
says: " I am willing to relate the following ex
perience. I have for years had a weak stomach
atUnded with constipation, and never found but
one preparation that helped mr awl that soon
wore out and lost its effect, and I was again a
sufferer till I tried Jojr'i Vegetable Sarsaparllla.
It helped me in everyway and has thorough!)
reorganized me. I bad ono of tho most sensatlvi
ot stomachs aad was In continual distress, bul
can with tho aid ot Joy's Vegetabla Sarsaparllli
now eat any and everything with my old ac
customed freedom without nuy ovll fleets. I am
both surprised and delighted, and gladly recom
mend It,"
Clara., Manicure,
123 Kearney street, S. F.
In the County court of Union comity, stuto
of OreKon. In tho matter of the estate
of 1). II. Hilts, dec rased.
To Am. Whom it May;kn ;-
Notice is hereby given that tho under
signed executor of tho above named citato
has this day filed Ills llnnl account of his
administration of the estato pf 1). It. Hilts,
deceased, in the county court of Union
county, state of Oregon, and Monday, the
3d day of November, 181JO, at tho hour of
10 o'clock' in the forenoon of said day, tho
same being a day of tho regular term of tho
above court, has been appointed as tho
time and thu court house In Union, Union
county, stato of Oregon, as tho placp, by
said county court, for hearing objections,
if any, to suld account, und for the showing
of cause, if any there bo, why an order be
not made, settling said account, and mak
ing distribution of said estate, und ills
charging the said executor from further
duty as such executor and of releasing his
sureties from further liability in this un
dertaking. Dated this 15th day of Hciit.. 1. nt Un.
Ion, Oregon. JOHN It. CHITKH,
0-l(f-w5 Kxecutor.
persons concerned that tho under
signed hits been regularly appointed ad
ministratrix of the cstuto of John Dobbin,
deceased. All persons having claims
against said estate are notified to present
the same, duly verified, to the undersigned
administratrix within six month from tho
date of this notice, ut her homo neur I'nioii,
Oregon .
Dated this 18th dav of August. I W).
8-21 wli. Administratrix.
LO H T.-JJetweMi La Orando und tho
residence of John McDonald on thu
Baiidridgo, a gold headed curio wilti tho
names of Dr. K. H. Drakoand W. W Hnch.
us graved thereon, Finder will h suita
bly rewarded by forwarding samo to Mrs.
Dr. E. Hi Drake, Buuiiuerville, Oregon.
Always in
A Large Invoice of FALL and WINTER GOODS JUST RhXhTVliD,
Tie if est, Latest anil Best
Original Designs! Unique Styles!
Latest Novelties! Neatest Costumes!
Kvcrything in the Millinery Line Constantly on Hand. Also a Choice Assortment ol
Ladies' Misses' and Childrens' Shoes.
Prices Cheaper than any other house in tho county. Call and l.o Convinced.
CtF-Eggs, Butter and Wood taken in trade.
. 1M1L
General :-:
A Complete Stock Always on Hand.
Wi not bo undersold by any house in the
comity, for cash.
jtEF Highest Price Paid for Country Prodtico in Exchange for Goods,
Denier In
Bedding and Lounges,
Parlor and Chamber Suits,
Mirror Plates, Picture Frames,
Oil paintings, Window shades,
M Sold on tie Installment Plan.
Constantly on hand a full line ot
Sash, Doors aoid Mouldings.
Picture Frames Made to Order.
gjF All kinds of Job Work Done to Order. Shop nnd Wnro Itooin on Main
Street, Union, Oregon.
.ajdolzfih: lsyts store.
-I nin overstocked in-
Clothing, Dry Goods, and all kinds of Dress
Goods, which must be sold
Call Early and Secure
jgdigThcse goods are of the latest styles
and importations, but must and will be sold
at a sacrifice.
Latest Styles. Jj
Juot Kcccivcd, Direct from the East, it Largo Invoico of LADIES' nnd
MISSES' CALFSKIN SHOES, tho Heat Evor brought to this Market.
-Also a Fino
My Prices will suit tho times. Drop in und see me.
0. VINCENT, Main Street, Union, Or.
The Centennial Hotel,
Union, Oregon.
A. J. COODBROD, - ProprietorD
itccognlzcd by all as tho
Leading Hotel of Eastern Oregon!
l'INK LA HOI! BAMl'LK ItOOJIS Vur tho Accomodation ot VowmercUI TrrltM,
the Lead !
Mrs. L. B. Rinehart,
Main Street, Union, Or.
lilts IX-
All Kinds.
Assortment of-