A THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11. 1890. Written for Tub Scoot. DESPONDENCY. I sometimn'j nlmot wlh to fjo Across the dark nnd shadowy stream; To leave this world of strife und woe, And pass away ns but a dream. And be fonrot of all the eartl ; All blotted out my name untold No one to know I o'er bad birth Jly form decayed all dead and cold, Mv mind deprived of sense of life; My Hcn!-call bereft of fnrro; No sene of love; no fear of strife; My quaking limbs a atillcned corse. No mar remain to tell the tale 1 ever lived or hcine bad Wrapped in oblivion's sable veil No one to weep; no one feel glad. But no I 1 fetill must stay to meet The Hows and ebbs, In fides of life. 2tltit Hoar, along midst cold and sleet, Where jovs oft end in bitter strife. JJ. C. Hmuky. L'mon, Oregon, Letter From Hon. J. L. Summkkvii.lk, Or., August 28, 1800. Editor Okkoon Scout: In your issuo of August 21st, in arti cles on thu Hunt railroad, you make Bomo Htateincnts in regard to right-of-way through my land, winch I dediro to correct, and I prestinio you will bo willing to publish the real facts in tho ensc. The statement made that J nt one time ngreed with tho committee to take forty dollars per acre and allow tho road to go through, is not true. No such ngeccmcnt was ever made, nnd of course tho further statement that when I learned tho "committee" would pay that amount, 1 wanted an addi tional lifleon hundred dollars, is alto untrue. I never gave any committee any prieo for the right-of-way, as they very well know I urged the fact that it would nearly ruin my farm, and that it wotdd bo cheaper and hotter to chango tho road through Aliccl, ns it would bo iust as short and about tho same grade. Mr. 1. ! Jtmehart told mo some time during last January that ho did not think there would ho any troublo about making tho chnngiyia Mr. Hunt told him if I objected to Iho ro.ul cross ing tho Elgin branch on my land, ho would find eoino ono who would not object- I told him to tell Mr. Hunt I objected and wotdd continue' to object, and to find tho ono who would not. The statement that 1 surely know tho road would benefit mo in a greater degree than others who have given tho right-of-way through their lands, t-ooms very htrange, coining from ono who probably never saw my ranch, and not being a practical farmer, has a very imperfect idea of tho damage a rail road does lo a grain farm. In what way can 1 possibly bo benefitted in a greater degree? Have you knowledge that tho toad will give me special rates, or haul my grain to markot free? Judging front the brilliant "sehonio" gotten ui by ono of tho supposed em ployes of tho road, to try to force mo to give tho right-of-way, 1 am led to beliovo 1 would bo fortunate to got common rates with my neighbors. If you, Mr. Iiditor, will take tho troublo to coino down to my placo, I will convince you, hy thowing you over tho place, that I nor no other person owning my land, could allorcl to give or sell for a nominal sum, right-of-way tlirntiL'h it on tho survoved route. Or if you or any one who is "heart and soul" in tho Hunt road, think 1 should give tho right-of-way, I will sell my land to you or him for what it is worth without tho road through it and tho purehater can bo as liberal with it as ho pleases, as it will bo his own proper ty he will then bo giving away, which niav nut a sufficient cheek on his lib- orality. As far as 1 am concomed I would liko to 00 a competing lino of road in tho vallov. and I subscribed as much as 1 was able to tho Hunt road, and do not proposo to givo any more in any form. If tho benefits will bo great to all, let all help got it, and not oxpoct tho tow who aro unfortunato enough to bo on tho lino, to givo out of all pro portion to tho benefits they may rc- J - " coivo and havo thoir farms irreparably damaeed for tho ulory thero may bo in it. Do you think it is a reasonable pro position you state when you say in substance that if tho Hutchinson Urou. iud nivsolf had iiivcn tho right-of-way Hunt's force of gradors would havo nrobablv continued work in tho valley ull fall and winter? It would tako them oiuht or ton days to grade through mv land and near tho same time thrmiL'h HutchiiiKon Hros. A short fall and wintor's work surely. Why do you not notice moro par ticularly tho lact uiai mo owners i t ......i 4f Uii.it.iutrvilln nn llio 1 o lino toward Elgin, havo refused to sell or 111I1II L'unt ui .Jl.MI ...v. . ..w grant (ho right-of-way unless tho lino 16 CUaUgUU H PUV ilium- " v much moro of an obstruction than my place. Kespcclfully yours, J. L, ItOE. THE SOUTH. An Account of the Colored Men's Convention. SPEECHES BY SABLE ORATORS. Like Their White Brethern The Negro Hankers After the Spoils. Hai.kioii, N.C.. AtigubtSl, 1800. Editor Orkoon Scout: It has not been the intention of thce letters to discuss agitating political questions, or lo write concerning mat ters likely to stir up unkind feelings in any one. Wo may, however, with an honest desire to impart correct in formation, give an account of tho Re publican State Convention held in Jtaleigh, N. C, during tho last week in August. Wo tako tho quoted matter wholly from the Daily Stale Chronicle, of Raleigh, for reasons which we shall make plain a littlo further on. I his convention was composed of negroes in its mninriiv. Its ollieors wore all negroes ; it had all the privileges in public buildings, which the Democratic Convention enjoyed tho week before. Tho railroads gave the same reduced rates to tho delegates and friends, which they gave to the delegates to tho Democratic Convention. The delegates had tho same freedom of the city and tho same privilege to placo themselves according to their liking Tho Stato Chroniclo reported proceed ings in full. On tho following day largo delegation of negroes called at tho offico and editorial rooms and ex pressed their thanks to tho managers of tho papers for tho just and inipnr tirtl mfinnnr in which thov had been treated by tho paper. Wo givo here their words. As soon as they had all gathered Prof. John C. Dancy, of Salisbury advanced and said that tho largo del ncnlinii had called tn express their r tlmnks to tho Chroniclo for its full accurate and just account of tho pro cccdings of tho convention of tho day before. Prof. E. E. Smith, minister to T.ilmriii. Prof. Mooi'0 1111(1 OtllOrS of the delegates spoko in similar strain grateful thanks and appreciation of of tho fairness and impartiality of tho Chroniclo, and its kind interest in tho welfare of tho negroes. Later in the morning another company of delegates headed by John Williamson, the ongi-1 nator of tho convention, called to thank tho Chroniclo for its full report. "Wo know you aro a democrat," said John, but we thank you for treating us with justice. The Ulironieio is endorsed uy the respectable negroes of tho stato. Wo of course cannot givo tho wholo of tho two pages report. If any of our readers dot-ire, wo will furnish the whole paper as long as it is possible to obtain tho same. "WK AUK T11K UHl'IMlMCAN l'ARTV." Tho convention was called to order by J. H. Young. Ho said that no saw in tho faces of tbosu present that they were hero for no child's play. You are hero for earnest work. There havo been all sorts of rumors as to tho pur poso of this convention. Thero havo been rumois that it was called for tho purpose of disrupting tho republican party. This report is not true. This convention is to represent tho truo nmiihlinan nartv. Wo aro not here to cause a split or disruption, but wo are - i - horo to demand that wo, tho colored people, ho recognized by tho ruling power of tho republican party, became WK AUK THE KKl'UllMCAN PARTY. Young spoko at length, and ho en thnsed tho convention. Ho said that tho colored peoplo were progressive thoy had edttors, lawyers, doctors in fact they had everything that tho white peoplo had except oiticks. THK NKHItO ORATOR HPKAKrt. The committee retired, and Uev. J. C. Prieo was called out for a speech. Ho is a giant among his race in in tullnnt. ax woll as nhvsical staturo, and is as black as Jim Harris would say "black as tho dovil." Ho said that it might bo proper for him to stato why ho was hero, no had heard that this was to bo a colored man's convention, and on that ground ho thought ho had as much right to bo hero as any man. Then hu was horo to witness and par ticipate in suoh proceedings as it was hoped would result in hccuring to tho colored men tho great voting am living pnrt of tho republican party a proper recognUutlon at tho hands of a low solf-constiluted loaders. Wo aro a loved and potted element in election times. Wo aro pleasant to tho sight and deliirhtful to tho olfactory nerves of a fow self constituted and so calle( lenders. Yes. wo aro favorites. Hut when a now admiimtration comes in wo are forgotten ; and when the piouio times couicE the time for distributing the fruits, why bucIi a thing ns an ap ple, plum, peach Ac, must not touch negro's lips. Now Mr. President, wo all love fruit, whether it be peaches, apples, plums, grapes, or "watermil- ions;" and whon wo help make these fruils when we work for them, we want apart of them when they tiro distributed. okficks ron uk on ron democrat.-. Williamson kept on speaking and wound up by saying that the timo had come now to demand their rights and their dues, and those demands must be made and sustained. If they asked for Mime offices ami couldn't got thorn by compromise or concession, why wo li:ivn tho nower to t!ivo those olliccs to tho dfinocials; and if wo can't get them, let tho democrats take olliccs i 5 nnd keep them. s A C01.0RU1) MAN'S CO.VVr.NT.'ON. ( "j Cheatham took his tent, and a dele- 1 gate from Vance county arose anu said that he endorsed every word that Chctlmm had said. Ho had not de nied tho charge of working against this convention. &a but auce Chct ham had been heard, ho (tho Vance delegate) now favored inviting Con gressman Brower and Collector Whito to come on tho stand and explain themselves. A Granville delegate objected to this on tho ground that tins was a coi.orki) .man's convention, and it was not proper that whito men should be allowed to participate in it. The point was sustained by a dele gate from Bertie who emphasized the fact that this was a iii.ack man's con vention. It will be remembered that Mr. Chcthnni is tho colored member of con gress from North Carolina. Wo donounco party hossism of whatever name or style, local and State, and of whatever position, name or creed. Wo have, no sympathy with office seekers who make us fair prom ises which they never expect to ful fill. We condemn that species of hos sism which gets the car of tho adminis tration and assures it that tho negro will remain passive whether ho is rec ognized or not, and therefore urge that wo bo not recognized in tho dis tribution of tho patronage. Wo give tho abovo clippings because they fairly disclose tho animus of the pfinvention and sduarcly express tho greatest de&iro of tho negroes of this stato viz, to sharo in tho distribution of offices. Wo ask a single question. I How many communities in any part of this fair land aro willing that their olliccs of honor and trust should bo filled bv anv nolitical party, whito or black whoso only Shiboloth is- -the pluiu. J. T. PATRICK. l'liiilxi' .and. Act .limn H. 1W78- Not leu 1'iir Publlr.itlon. U. S. LAND Ori'ii i:, La Ciuakdk. Okikion,) .MIllu.Mi, in:w. i N'ntire Is lierebv uiven that in eompliance Willi till! prOVlNIOIlS III 111" UU1.UI v.uii,ivoi ,.f imw. :t 1K7H. entitled "An net for the suit) of timber lauds in tho States of Califor nia. On-con. Nevada, and Washington Ter- ritorv.'1 (ieorKO li. II ray. or oove, uouuiy nf rnion. slate of Oregon, lias tins tiny llletl in this olllce his sworn statement o ittl, for the purchase of theS1 S K.nN U SKK of See, No. 1. in Tp. No. Han;,'o No. :) K. and will oiler proor to snow xnaiuio land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to sain land neiore i i lwlhtor untl reetuver oi uus oiniu in La (Irande, Oregon, on Saturday, tho 27tli .-f mil l.s'MI li,. ..nimw hu u-itnnsses: W. W. Kaitllall. J. (1. Smith. Mlko Kiddio and J. C, Uandall, all of Cove, Oregon. A.iv'iiiu n iicrsons e.aim nn auverseiy the abovo-deserlheil lands, tiro requestea 10 llln llie r e n ins n t his olllco on or noiore said 7th day of Sept. IW0. 1IK.MIY IVI.-SMl.Mil, 7-17-wlO Register. AIIMINISIKATOK'S N.HICU. XTiVIMflK 18 HEKKHYUlVrcN IUAM N persons concerned, that the under siKiied have been regularly nppoinieii an bert deceived. All persons having claims apdnst said estate are notilled to present tho same, dtilv verilled. to tho undersigned administrators within six months from the date of this notice, at their homo in Indian vallev. Union county. Oregon. Da'led this With dav of Aui;iist. 1S0O. 'l'..l. CllANDLKR, ,10HL WRAVKR, l-I-5 Administrators NOTUJi: TO TAXI'AYHUS. XTOTICR IS HICUKUYaiVUNTOTHK tnxiiavors of Union county, Oregon that tho Hoard of Kiualiatlon of Assess uients will ineel on the Stth day of Septeni ii..p ix'i.i it ibu court house in Union. Un ion coiintv. OroKon. All parties feeling theniMilvos aLrioveil. will appear before sab board with their oiievaneos, otherwise all assosuuents will be collect! for the your IKK). J til'H'l'. 8-W Assessor for Union County, Or. AmilNISTKATOUS NOTIOK. -vTnTli'U I.S IMtlM'.llY (ilVKN TO AL! 1 peMons eoncertiod that tho umlur siijiied has been regularly ajipointed ad iinUtnitrlv nt tli. nttnto of John Dobbin docoiuod. All persons lmvlnt; claims awlnst Mtbl estat nro notilled to prosent the Hiune. duly vnrltlod. to tho undorhlBnod adiniuUtrotrlx within six months from the date of this notice, nl Iter Home nwir union Oregon. ' Dated this 18th day of Autjust. ISM. Pl.ORKNCI! DOimiK. H-31-wS. Adinlnlstratrlx T OST. Hrttweon Ln u ramie and tho Ij nwldanee of John MoUonalil on tno Siiiulriiliw, a uoit haiuiiMi rauo wun uie names ui Ur. IS. 11. iirsiKoanu . . immi uf 1 ii uiiktovwI thorfton. llndr will m Btiitn li v rtiwnmtMi uy inraruais kwiiu Pr. K. 11. Prokc, Suuiuiervnlo. Orvgon. ... Ik It k 1 lite I fin i.i -inn i iiiimiimi ii iiiiimiiiii in mi 1411 ii nii'2 I AT TMH V21hiVER5ELLE j PARIS, 155-0 r Tii? Hljhart Possible Preaiitia, 5 7-K2 ONLY GRAMS FOR SEWING MACHINES, W.3 AWARDED TO -AND THE- GR0SS 0F THE fLEQSON OF HONOR,; NATHANIEL WHEELER, jj : The President of the Company. E Hu mi 1 1 in i mi nun inn m M mill minim WHEELER & WILS0ILMF6. JFL PL...1 A i o Jftr3E!fiS I 'HUES li KiFi&l v-ivV ' "1 mrm E&ON slit 1 ju i Li ictioin ir M ill THE OREGON SCOUT has more read ers, and is therefore the Best Advertising Medium of any paper in Eastern Oregon. Cfirtyaiii'l ILH3 XOTICH POI! lTIIMCATIO.V. Arplieatinii tor a U.S. Patent. Survey No. 1). Lot No. ;), Mineral application No. h7. U. S. Land Omen, La Uua.ndi:. Oiikoon, ) , Aumist 20. 1M)0. f ATOTICK IS HKRKRY OIVUX. THAT IN K. K. Clough and C 11. Diiuean. whose potolllce address is npuria, uiium i-uuhij , ir."'.in. have this dav liled thoir applica tion for n patent for tho "Ivnijsht tniartz mine, situated in the -1 tlx mineral district in Township 7 South, RaiiKO No ili K. . .M. and described liy tho oiuciai mais ami uoiu notes on iile in this olllce us lonows. io-wii : Ileylnnini? at tho M: corner poi oi uu Golden Kalo" quartz mine, post beiiif,' ii.Mrl.-rd "for. No. 1. lv. jl. L. survey Mi. !l " on northwest face, from which corner to Sections '2, !!. 10 and 11. Township 7 S, P.aiiKo HI R W 31., bears soutn ni negrees 10 minutes W '2X: feet distant; theme N. di'Kroes V. br00 icet to n iist niarUed Cor. NO. K. Jl. t-. O. -o. v; uiciici- north 8 decrees cast IjOO lct-t to a marked "Cor. No. ;i K. m. u. n. o. h, thence south 8- decrees east ir00 feet, to tho NW corner of the "Summit'' quartz mine, which comer po-t is marked -Cor. K. i k M . r. snrvev rso. !) ' on iiuwiwtii fnf-n nf nost: tbeilCO SOlltll S (lcLTCCS West COO feet to the place of hoinnnin',', eoniain- Ini: 20.0.1 acres. Location neiuc rmunnn In Yol I). pngoSti), records of quartz loca tions, Union county, urosoi . Ail niniiiL' elninisare the "Golden Rafflo" otiariz lode on the south and the Suuiniit' 1 ... .1... 1 .. .....I .ill i n . quartz louo on ino cum. -i") rv sons claimins adversely any portion ot said "Knight" qtiarlz lode abovo described, aro required me llieir auverse uiuims nun mu re-'isterof tho U. S. land olllc e at La t: ramie, nilion countv. Oiccon. during the sixty day's petiod of publication hereof, or thov will no narrcii oy yiriuu ui iuuuimij tho statute. . . ,. . , A, Ul.l'iAN I'.K, liegisier. It is heroby orderdd that tho foregoiim iinile.mf amiHcatlon for a U.S. patent tie published for a period of sixty days (ten consecutive weeks) in Tub Onmiiw Scout, a wecklv nowpapor published at Union. Union comity, Oregon. A, CLIiAVKR, Ot-wlO Register. ADJlIMSTltATOU XOTIOIJ Notice is hereby given bv the undersigned administrator and administratrix of tho estate of Nathaniel Swiger deceased, to the creditors of, and all persons having claims against the said docensed. to present them with tho proper vouchers, within six months from tho date of this nonce, to the said administrator at his residence In High vallov. or said administratrix at her resi dence) about three miles southeast of Un ion, or to Sholton Carroll at their otlloo in Union, all ot said places being in Union county. Oregon. Datodnt Union this 'Jilth day of Juno, 1S00. ANDREW WILKINSON. AdiuliiNtrator. POLLY SYVIliER, 7-;t Administratrix. NOTIOK OI' TINAI. SKTTI.I'.MKNT. Notico Is hereby given that the und. signed executors of the estnte ot l ITeklin deceased, have tiled their tin d a count In said estate, in the oounty court f tho stato of Oregon, for Union com. tv. a' i that September 1!. 1S)0, at a reguli- t nn of said court, has been t for he.um lections to said Html account and k.i h settlement thoroof. All lemons intern!, I in said estate, havliiK objection to him i -iilnevount aro hereby notified t ai.i.. . and lllo their objections thereto on it Uetr. said 2nd day of SoplombT. N. F. FU KLIN. S. 1). FICKLIV 7-17-wli. Kxexut.rs. S.I. 00 ItKUAltl), Lostt, titrayed or StoUn, from II. I'. Catitpholl's stablo on Clover ereek. Auusi it .!, t-urv liolit Mmtl horM. about tu huiuU hlih. we4ht 1 imid-;. thw hi e foot, whito strip in fme bran UhI lmiuiion anchor on loft hip oilr 1 II on rujh shoulder. Tho above r. ward will U wm to any on wtunitns the h..r; to II. 1. OatiiitlHill. Clover t-rcck or Wanloti, Korth Powder H-ml. Machine Stands at the Head. Most Perfect Machine in the Market for Family Use. COtlElegant in Workman- ship and Design. Purchasing. 68 Market St., San Fancisco, Cal. rs for only SUMMONS. n tho Circuit court of the Stato of Oregon, for Union county. Mary Rii ir.ii. Pin I II I Hi iil, VS. K 1. Hill, Defendant To K. 15 Hill, tho above named defendant : In Tim Name of tui: Statu ok Oheuon: Yon urn herobv reoinred to annear and an swer tho complaint tiled asainit you in tho abovo entitled court and action, on or ue foro tho first day of the next regular term of said court, to-wit: on or before the 22il day of September. 1800. and if you fail so to appear or answer, the plaintill' will tako ludirenicnt against you for the sum of three hundred and sixty-six and 22-100 dollars, and interest then, jn from June 2J, 100 at iho rate of ten per cent, per annum., bal ance due upon a proiuisory note signed by vou, and the further sum of $r0 special at tornevs fee and plaintill's costs and dis burse'mants of this action. You will fur ther tako notice that plaintiff has caused II 0) in to 1ih attached in said action the followtn doscrilied real estnte to-wit: All of riuht. title and interest in block nine (0) Hannah s addition to tno town oi v est. Union, Union county, stato of Oregon, ac cording to the plat thereof now on record in the desk's olllce in said county and state, also tho following, to-wit: Commencing at a point on the SKJi of Sec. 13, Tp. 4 S. It. XI K, YV. 11., Union county, stato of Oregon, 00 Teet west and 215 feet south of thoN' V corner of the land transferred by C. L. Ulakcslee and Caroline Hlakesleo to M. S. Warren, bv deed date March 17, LcS0, and extending thence west 200 feet, thence south 21,ri feet to the laud owned by Mrs ISenson, thence east 200 feet, thence north 2K"i feet to place of beginning, said parcel of land being a portion of tho SEVi of SKJ Sec. 1.1, Tp. IS, R 30 E. Y. M Union county, stato of Oregon, and tho plaintiff will apply to said court in said action tor an order of sale of said premises, to satisfy said judgement. You will further take notice that this summons is published in The Oiibios Scoi'T, by order of the Hon, Jas. A. Pee, judge of tho abovo entitled court, made and clntod at chambers nt Pendleton. Uma tilla countv. stato of Oregon, on tho 5th day of August,' 18t)0. JOHN R. CKITES. 8 7-v7 Attorney for PUT. A DM ISISTUATOIt'S NOTICI3 ATOT1CE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL 1 persons concerned, that tho undi r signod has been regularly appointed admin lirator of the estate of John E. Jones de ceased. All persons having claims again" t said estate are notilled to prosent tho snnie, duly veritied.to the undersigned adminis trator within six months from the dato of this notice, at his home near Elgin, Union countv, Oregon. Dated this COth dnv of August, 1800. EVAN E. JOYCES, 0-4-wfl Administrator. THE ONLY TRUE IRON Will Ttrttj tk Bli rsnlttatK Ll.tr and IMmm n l Knltr th Illlku4l(ttulk. l)T,pl, Wnt or APiu. indicv.iioo. Iick ot BlrauKtb .n4 ItrcJ iHllnllDKlUUIICUIN.lwnM, DuaclM aol narrv rccftf nawiorr. i.niiTniinnin(i n4 uppiim urain -or. Mnff.Hn. fmm MtmhUml. I f IPI 1 KaVi wtilirioiiiri iii nn'i U AU! Id DR. UARTKRS IRON TONIO t and o ira OItm a clear, baal. thr corauUiioa. Kreqatot atlamwa at coonlUH lan onlj add lo th l-opulorit at th o rUlnal IM uoi axvmnni rs u ('Or. HARTEH'8 LlTTLt UVEK f-iui- Oura lnUiaiton. tlw Oomplaint 4 hick lUadacha. Slapl Ioa aad Dream Hook m.iuion Kfalni oftworanta la rMlaa. Dr. HART CR MEDICINE CO., SLIuiU, Xa. in weosie T TTT 1 hi m -r jmtr- m ram PATENTS Obtained, and all Patent Business nttended Id Promptly and for Moderate Ices Onrollku ! oppo-ito the U. S. Patent Olllcc. nnd wc eun obtain Pateius hi less time tlinn those remote from n.oiuton. Send MODF.hor DIIA-WIXO. We advise as topantcntabilily free of clianre: and we SKCUllKU. We refer, here, to the Potina-tcr, tho Sunt, of .Monev Order Dir., nnu t i oiiicinis of the U. S. Patent Olllce. Kri eirejilar. advit e, terms and retl'oit nt es to .utnal cli ents in vonr own State or County, write to C. A. SNOW & Co., Oppolto Patent Ofllce. Wnbinton. P. U. Union and Cornucopia Stage - Line ! Quickest and Cheapest Route to the Pine Creek Mines. HATES ! FAitn. $1 50 3 00 - 0 00 Fnr.:citr. V4 o nion to Park " " Sanccr " " Cornucopia aprJ-F-Smith yr- - Speciidist in Veterinary Surgery. Uidgllng horses succesfully treated. Heifers and sows spayed by the latest im proved methods. I will give instruction In my system of treatment, and gtiarumee satisfaction in every instance, or no charges will be made. I am permanently located at Union, Oregon. Will promptly attend to nil calls, by mail or otherwise. S-l.Vtf. : "Blue : W SALOON, Wm. James, Proprietor, Union, Oregon. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars in Stock. Drop in nnd bo sociable. Fine billlaid table LUMBER for SALE at the High Valley Saw Mill. All kinds of lumber constantly on hand or furnished on short notice. Prices cheap, as tho cheapest. Patronage - Solicited 5-30R WM. WILKINSON & SON. w. T. CHAPMAN, Real Estate Agent, AND CONVEYANCER. Parties desiring to invest in Elgin town properly or in funning lands should cull on or address me at Elgin, Oregon. -l-17tf. Machinery For Sale. J 1 will sell or trade on good terms the fol lowing described machinery : One Shingle Machine, Ode Rotting Machine. Ono Drag Saw. One Moulding Mi " line. Shafting. Pu. jt.Ilelts, Moulding ixnives, etc. Call on or address CP. I'lIITK. 7-31-111(1 Ciito. Or. a northern"? amTly DOWN SOUTH. JI.is charge of tiio PINK BLUFF COT TAGE whore IllOSO Will) Mlrll tO escape the cold Noithein Win ters enn get Bonnl nl MODKKATK PJvIUKS. AMID TH& PKES. HEALTHIEST SPOT IN AM ERICA I UWliKSS COTTAGE liESORT, Pink Ujatk, Mookk Co., N. C. iris Thomson & Pursel nro ant'iits for tho eelehnitcd Cyclone "Wind Mill, nnd ns the prices on tliein luivcliecn great ly reduced tlioy nro now within the reach of ull. Sample mill to he seen nt their pinner in North Union. Call nttd examine it. SEND FOR OUR CATALOSUCano PRICKS ATLAS ENGINE WORKS. INDIANAPOLIS. IND. EMORY ) ,1 ltladwndrla""d. BookilauMd la on raadtne. TaaliraoaUla from ail parti ti of tn i loo. rroapeoruD Be 1 AW