THE COVE, Dog's Experience With a Porcupine. CATCHING FISH ON THE MINAM HttvoBtln? tho Crops Local Improve mentsPersonal Notes. ' Aug 27, 1800. Mr. J. M. Thy is blasting rock nenr bis rcaitlcnoo ut tho point and excava ting for u largo irrigating ditch. Mr. George Gray mndo the boss score a short time ago hunting one day cast of Mt. Fanny. Ho shot three deer and a bear. Conloy's harvest queen is now being run to its capacity and is said to work to perfection. Tho grain it turns out is unusually clean. Mr. Thomas js hauling lumber to build a new house on his farm near Cove. It will bo a two story structure and of imposing proportions. Hundreds of salmon arc being booked and shot on the Minam and some salted down for winter use. They weigh as high as fifty pounds. Grain harvest is under full headway. Tho yield will bo very good but wheat will bo shriveled in somo localities on account of tho few torrid days in July. Carpenters arc at work on tho Ed. Robinson house and will soon trans form it into a furnished dwelling. It will lo an ornatnenj, to Leighton ave- nuo. Gilbert Kennedy of Independence, is visiting relatives in town. Ho has not been in Covo for five years and notes many changes having taken place during that timo. Mr. Frank Kennedy was married at Independence, July 27th, to a Miss Hill, and has sottled down to bo old. folks. JIo liowovcr wants to movo back to Grande Jlondc. Henry Lynch killed a largo animal ol tho deer kind in a grain Held near Otho Kckersly's last week. Somo say it was an elk and others a mule deer, It dressed over 200 pounds. Miss L. A. Collison of Now York has signified her nccoptanco of tho primary department in tho Covo school and will start for tho land ol tho setting sun tho latter part of September. Tho applo drying season is upon us and bouso roofs on tho sunny side tip pear as if fruit had hailed upon thorn .Early apploH aro plenty out tno crop of winter fruit will not bo so good A genuine porcupino was shot a few days since at tho Parker placo on tho river. It partod with a largo quantity of quills in favor of a dogs mouth. 'Tho plucking furnished two porsons days employment and tho dog still has a fow coursing through its anatomy, rrominont Covo lady (to tramp) Want something to eat, ohY Woll hero's como cold hash, Tramp Hut I haven't anything to cat it with. Ladv Just keep on a littlo farther and you'll find a fork in tho road. Fred Corno one of tho solid inert of Dig crook is down and if some induce ment is held out will remain and as Bist in tho harvest. Fred has estab lished a good homo on tho creek and all bo noeds to fill his cup of bliss is a buxon young help mato in tho shape of a comely hotter half, Hero is a fine opportunity for an aspiring MisB to grow up with tho country. Mr. J. O. Smith who is working on tho improvements in tho (louring mill was taken with sovoro cramps Sunday night. An M. 1). was hurriedly sum moned and tho sunorers life spared. Mr. S. can well bo proud to say this ia tho ilrst timo ho has ever hnd to call a physician. As thoy say of a man who has just becomo a happy father, "bo is able to bo around again." Happy llooalers. Win. Tliiiiiions, Postmaster at Idavllle, Ind., write: "Electric Ittttcrx lias done, more for mo than nil other medicines com bined, for that bud feeling arising from Kidney and Liver trouble." John Leslie, farmer and stockman, of name place, says: "Kind Electric Hitters to bo tho best Kid ney and Liver medicine, mndo mo feci like a now man," J. W. Ourdber, hardware merchant, sumo town, says: Klcctrlo Hitlers Is Just the thing for a man who Is all run down und don't care whether ho lives or die; ho found new strength, good appetite and felt Just like he had a new lease on Ufa. Only Mo, a bottlo, at It. II. llrowu's drug utoro. Booml Boonill Boomtll Bo quick if you want a Ilrst class bargain in city or country property (Wo'll loan you money to buy with.) Now is tho timo. Got there "Eli." You'll double your money tho first month. Call on WiUon fc Hackutt managers Union Kvul Estate Associa ton. CONTINUED FItOJI SKVKNTH PAOE. elected as follows : President, L. Sam - uel, K. C. Pentland, secretary and S S. Train of Albany, treasurer. Vice presidents, E. Hofer, of the Salem Journal; 1). 1. Asbury, Canyon City News; Mrs. E. C. Casey, Pacific Far mer; C. S. Jackson, East Oregonian; S. C. Beach Lakeview Examiner. Snr- geant-at-arnis, E. J. Hendricks, Salem Statesman. During their stay in tho city the editors were uucsts at the Hotel Port- laud which is probably the best ant; most accommodating hotel on the coast. Their stay was mndo pleasant by Messrs E. V. Allen, Ed. Casey and L. Samuels, committee ol arrange ments, who have tho thanks of all for their courteous treatment. The editors present now think that there h noth ing too rich for Portland's blood and tho friendly feelini: aroused by tho kindness extended by tho people of that city will result in a greater bar mony of action and consequent bene fit to tho stato at large. OUR PUBLIC SCHOOL. Principal B. H. Words Moore Addresses a Fow to the Parents. Tho fall term of tho Union public schools begins with the month of Sep tember and, we hopo with brighter prospects than over before. There will bo many new pupils who will bo en rolled in our schools for tho first timo with tho coming term and with them will como many old ones. To tho parents of all these wo would like to say a fow words. First, as to the propriety of sending I nil pupils on tho first day. Few who have n6vcr labored in the school room, I realize tho ndvantago accruing to tho pupil and tho energy saved to tho teacher by having all present at tho opening of tho term. To tho pupil, oven tho ones who return, thero, is a certain strangeness of surrounding which places him at a disadvantage for earnest mental application. This is intensified if other pupils have been at their work a fow days and have be como accustomed to tho now routine. It is reduced to a minimum if all seem nearly alike. Littlo actual school work, can be dono on this day but' tho arrangmcnt of classes ought to bo ac complished and tho work well s.tarted. This can only bo accomplished success fully if all tho pupils aro there. If a number como in on tho second or third days or tho second wcok tho work of classification must bo taken up with them and, as a consequence, tho on tiro number of thoso in previous at tondenco lose tho instruction and care of tho teacher uurinir sncli interval as may bo necessary to eompleto such classifvinir. Not only to tho school mate but also to himself is thoro dis advantage in failine to bo present at tho onuninc session. To thoso who take up tho study of a now branch or a now topic in somo previously studied text book, thero is a loss of many in teresting and even necessary thoughts from tho now teacher. Even those who roviow loso much by tho work of tho first day. Disciplinary regulations aro to bo explained, acquaintance with now school associates is to bo acquired, items of knowledgo aro to bo gained, and tho start in earnest, energetic mental action to bo made. Thoso aro somo of tho reasons why all children should bo present on tho first day. To most parents theso words will bo unnecessary, but wo fear that among thoso who havo need for tho labor of their boiis and daughters, thoy will, ovon now, fail of thorough appreciation. To such lot mo say that tho wcok or two which you think of no particular valuo to your boy or girl, is timo of great value. Somotnnes with pupils of ovon ordinary nbihty thero arises great discouragement because thoy must hike up tho branch so far in tho rear of their classmates, very often even one day's absence during a term causes a pupil to loso a drill in somo valuable part of somo tonic then in band. If th.s is so, bow much, then, must bo bo disadvantaged by the loss of tho first week or two at the very threshold of somo study. Father, bet tor tuko a littlo risk in lotting tho crop stand ho much longor than keep from your uoy wnom you uesiro to ue- i i como a thorough man, from that drill and mental acquirement which alouo can make him such. Second, wo would speak of tho neces sity of regular attondonco. A son- tenco abovo voices tho keynote of meaning to this thought. But beyond tho immediate loss of the thought then beforo the class thero aro other ovils. If tho idea is necessary to tho under standing of tho studyand most aro thus necessary tho pupil must got it somehow, Consequently tho teacher s timo is demanded, to explain, tho timo which rightfully belongs to tho ro- niuindor, ia appropriated this is a stolen and required to so be 1 expended when its conservation is so necessary. But we must desist. In conclusion let us 'suggest fivo ways in which parents may assist in having a successful school this coming year. 1. day. 2. 3. 1. By tending the child on tho first By sending the child every day. By sendingthe childpunctually. By assuring yourself (hat every lefson assigned to be studied at home is fully prepared there. fi. By visiting the school and en couraging and commending tho ear nest efforts of teacher and pupil, re fraining from careless criticisms. Just a word on this last. Many and many a child is radically hindered in his school work beeausc the parent has carelessly criticised some plan of the teacher. Perhaps the parent was misinformed, perhaps he was right. In either case he robs the child of u confidence in his teacher necessary to the best use of time and talent in t'o acquisition of knowledge. If mistaken, ho would better have kept still ; if cor rect, ho should have visited tho princi pal or teacher vith his grievance. Wo think our corps of teachers is an excellent one, one which will do thor ough work. But they need tho help of all, parents and others, in encourag ing a regular, punctual attendance and in creating and fostering an interest in school work. Plcaso assist us in all ways possible and especially bo care ful to refrain from doing or saying aught that shall hinder child in train ing to its best ultimation in our hands. Very Itespcctftilly. B. II. MOORE, Principal. Written for Tin: Scout.I A DREAM OF HOME. Last night I dreamed of thee, mother, And earth seemed bright and fair, For I was once again at home, And you wcro with mo there; It seemed that I were yet a child, And from life's cares were free, Hut when I woko it was a dream, And thou wert not with me. bast night I dreamed of thee, mother. And my heart was lllled with bliss, For again I heard thy loving voice, And felt your good-night kiss; Hut the vision faded from my gaze, At the early dawn of day, And I awoke to llnd it all a dream, That soon would fade away. Last night I dreamed of thee, mother. Unconscious of the pain That the coming morn would bring to me, when I should awake again And know that thee, my mother dear, Now sleeps where willows wave, Where summer (lowers so sweetly bloom Abovo thy silent grave. - Miss Xm.ui: Uloo.m. Wi:st Oakland, Cal. F21M oalio Wealth I Cannot bo successfully traveled with out good health. To roach wealth or any coveted position In lite requires the lull possession and operation of all tho fac ilities kind nature has ondowed us with. Theso conditions cannot exist unless the physical being Is In perfect working crier, and this Is Impossiblo when tho liver and spleen aro torpid, thusobstruct Ing the secretions, causing Indigestion end dyspepsia, with all of their accora- panjing horrors. DR. HENLEY'S English Dandelion Tonic exerts a specific Influence over the liver, excites It to healthy action, resolves Its chronic engorgements, and promotes the secretions ; cures Indigestion and consti pation, sharpens tho appetite, tones up the entire system, and makes life worth living. t 1 THE ONLY TRUE IRON it 12 TONIC Will Tmrtfr tU BIm4 rxfftiUtath ft,ltr ftnu i7i man iuv llttllh 1 Tlrtllk. pftpcptla. iMct of BtraDglh anif Tired FltngbKhiUljcurd.l!ouM, muioiH ana Barret receive new force. .niiveiisiiimioa and uppllee Ilrain Power, ' z- oanern balrtrlns from complaint bHUI In OH. HAKTKK'a III OX mi nnn TONIC a eare and ueelr cure. Ulvee a clear, neau hi completion. Frequent attempti at counterfeit na onlr add to the opular!t7 of the original. DonoteiDeriment-eetthe ORIOIIUL BIST. ( Rr. HARTER'8 L TTLB MYBII ire OontUpalion, Liter Complaint and Nick M Headache. rUiupla Dote and Dream Uoolf mailed on recelnt of two rente lu lKMtaae. r Or. HARTER MEDICINE CO., StLoius, He. For Sale! TTOUSKHOLI) F UliNI T U It K (JoiisitjtinKof Parlor ttntl llcd-room but, chain, table, carpets, organ, etc., -ALSO- A GOOD BARN Will ho Hohl on niasoiiuhlo tortus. MKS. H. T. 11L001I, 8.2M1 Union, Oregon. polite way of saying much extra energy is ,! The Hew So. 3 lee in ii i urn ii in: 1 1, ii mi 1 1 ii tn i ii ii 1 1 it i AT TH E iiii? : Z Jua PARIS, 1S59 : Tha Highest Po33iblo Praaiun, THE ONLY GR A KB PRIZE! FOR SEWING MACHINES, i V.'AS AWARDED TO IWHEELER & WILSON MF S, CO -AND HE- GR6SS 6F THE :'LEQ!OH OF HONORJ WAS CONFERRED UPON NATHANIEL WHEELER, The President of the Company. Hlllllllllllllllllll I I I I I I I I I I II I II lllllllllllllllllll Facile Coast Agency, THE OH SCOUT ant leWs Unabriflsefl Dictionary for only THE OREGON SCOUT has more read ers, and is therefore the Best Advertising Medium of any paper in Eastern Oregon. SUMMONS. Tn the Circuit court of tho State of Oregon, lor union county. Mary Hirers, I'laintill, E. li. Hill! Defendant To 13. IJ Hill, the above named defendant : In 'run of tiii: Statu of OniXiox: You arc hereby required to appear and an swer the complaint tiled against you In the above entitled court and action", on or be foro the first day of the next regular term of said court, to-wit: on or before the 22d day of September. 1800, and If you fail so to appear or answer, the plaintiff will take Judgement apdnst you for tho sum of three hundred and sixty-six and 22-100 dollars, and interest thereon from June 23, 1800 at tho rate of ten per cent, per annum., bal ance due upon a promlsory noto signed by you, und the further sum of $."0 special at torneys fee and plaintill's costs and dis bursements of this action. You will fur ther take notice that plaintiff lias caused to be attached in said action the following described real estate to-wit: All of your right, title and interest in block nine (9) in Hannah's addition to tho town of West Union, I'nion countv, stato of Oregon, ac cording to tho libit thereof now on record in tho clerk's otilco in s:ud county and state, also tho tollowing. to-wit: Commencing at a noint on tho SHJ4 of Sec. 1'3, Tn, 4 S. It. .".0 13, V. M., UnUm county, stato of Oregon, (!0 feet west and 215 feet south of tho N V comer of the land transferred by C. L. Makcsleo and Caroline lllakcslee to Jf. S. Warren, by deed date March 17, I860 and extending thence west 20U teet, thence south 215 feet to tho land owned by Mrs. llenson, thenco east 200 feet, thence north 215 feet to place of bcciuiihn!. said parcel of lutid boing a portion of tho SEH of SHJ4 Sec. 111. Tn. 4 S. H. 3D E. W. M.. Union county, state of Oregon, and tho plaintiff win apply to sain court in sain action lor an order of sale of said premises, to satisfy said judgement. You will further take notico that this summons Is published 111 Tug Okeuox Scout, by order of tho Hon, Jas. A. Fee, judge of tho abovo entitled court, made and dated at chambers at rcndlctou. I ma tilla county, stato of Oregon, on tho 5th day of August, 1NX1. JOHN It. CIMTES. 8 7-w" Attorney for I'llT. Timber Land. Act . I uno II, 1878. --Notice, r I'ulillcntlnn. U. S. Land Okkick, La Qkanuc. Onuoos.l Juno 30. 1800. 1 Notico Is hereby given that in compliance with tlio provisions 01 inn act 01 congress of Juno 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber hinds in tho States of Califor nia, Oregon, Nevada, and ashiugton Ter ritory,'' (Icorgo O. Gray, of Cove, county of Onion, stato of Oregon, has this day filed in this otllca his sworn statement No. 251, for tho purchaso of theSU SW.SWK SKU ol Sec, No. 1. in Tp. No. 2 S, Kongo No. 39 E, and will oiler proof to show that the land sougiii is more vaiuaoie lor us umucr or stono tlmn for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the register and receiver of this ollice at La Grande, Oregon, on Saturday, tho 27th dav of Sept. 1800. Ho names as witnesses: W. W. Kaudall. J. G. Smith, Mlko Kiddle and J. C, Kandall, all of Cove, Oregon. Any and all persons cJaitning adversely tho above-described lands, ure requested to file their cluims in this ollice on or before suld 27th day of Sept, 1800. JlKNKY JilNEUAlJT. 7-17-wlO Kegister. notici: ok i'ouri:iTimi:. To tho heirs of tho lute K. A. Warner: You are hereby notiiiei! that I havo ex pended forty dollars in labor and improve ment on the "May Flower'' mine in order to hold the said mine, as provided in sec tion 2321 revised statutes of the United States, being the amount required to hold one-third of said initio fort lie year 1.-80, and If within ninety day from nervico of this notico you fail or refuse to pay your pro ivortion of such expenditure at co-owntir. your Interest in saiil tiiniu will become the property of tho subscriber under said bec- iion -rji. Cornucopia, Oregon, July 15. ison 7.17.WI3, C.J. IH FFEY. 111 V or ft Machine iStands at the Head. IMost Perfect Machine j in the Market for Family Use. ,Elee:ant in "Wbrkman- i ship and Design. ' T ook at . them before 1 Purchasing. 1368 Market St., San Fan cisco, Cal. NOT1CK OP I'lNAr. SJiTTr.K.MKNT. Notico is hereby given that the under signed executors of the estate of W. T. Ficklin deceased, have filed their final ac count in said estate, in the county court of the state of Oregon, for Union countv, and that September 2, 1800, at a regular term of said court, has been set for hearing ob jections to said, final account and for the settlement thereof. AH perrons interested in said estate, having objections to saiil fi nal account tire hereby notified to appear and file their objections thereto on or before said 2nd day of September, 1890. N. F. FICKLIN, 'S. D. FICKLIN, 7-17-wO. Exexutors. ADMINISTRATOR NOTIC'i: Notico is herein given bv the undersigned administrator ami administratrix of the estate of Nathaniel Swiger deceased, to the creditors of, and all persons having claims against the said deceased, to present them with tho proper vouchers, within six mouths from the date of this notice, tn the said administrator at his residence in High valley, or said administratrix at her resi dence about three miles southeast of Un ion, or to Shelton fc Carroll at their ollice In Union, all of said places being in Union county. Oregon. Dated at Union this 20th dav of Juno. 1800. ANDKE W WILK I NSO N. Administrator. POLLY SWIG UK. 7-3 Administratrix. NOTICU OF TINAl. SKTTLIJHUNT. "VTOTICKIS HEKEBY GIVEN 15 Y THE JL undersigned executors of the estate of E. T. Neville deceased, that they have filed in the county court of the stato of Ore gon, for Union countv, their final account in said estate and that tho court has sot Septembfc 5, 1MJ0 for hearing objections to said liual account and for the settlement of tho same. .All persons interested in said estate having objections to said fund ac count aro hereby notified to appear and file their objections to said final account on or before said September 5, 18!KX Dated Aug, (1, 181) SOLOMON "WILLIAM G. S-7-w5 NEVILLE. NEVILLE, Executors. C. C. COFFiNBERRY, Dealer in nil kinds of Farm WSachinery5 UNION, OREGON. For roasonablo terms and low prices call 011 1110 and I will satisfy you. :5-27-tf. Bakery Restaurant.1 ('. H, COOVKK. Proprietor. Hoard and Lodging at Keasonable Hate. Meals Beds O T Cents. C O Cents. Kreh Uread, Pie.l'aktw ami OonfMlicmory I aovavs on n.inu. aiti. i PATENTS Obtained, and nil Patent lJusincss attended to Promptly and for Moderate Fees. nuroihYc is opposite the U. Patent I Otllce. and we can obtain Patents in less i time tlinn those remote from Wasoington. PcndMODELorllKAWIXO. We advise i a to muiteiitubilily free of charge: and wo I mnko NO I'll AllGE UNLESS PATENT IS SKCUKKD. Vc refer, lirrr, to tho Postmaster, the ' Sunt, of Monev Order l)iv., and ti ofllcials ! of tho U. S. Patent Ollice. Pel circular, j advice, terms and rellc-renees to actual cli- cuts In vour own Stale or County, write to " C. A. SNOW & Co.. Opposite Patent Ofllcc. Washington. 1). 0. Union and Cornucopia ! Stage i o - Line ! Quickest and. Cheapest Route lo the Pine Creek Mines. 11ATKS : TAItE. ?t 50 :i 00 0 00 rnntoiiT, 2V. a nion to Park " ' Sanwr " " Cornucopia .F. Smi Specialist in V eterinary Surgery. Hidgling horses succesfttlly treated. Heilers and sows spayed by the latest im proved methods. I will give inistruetic.i in my system of treatment, and guarantee satisfaction in every instance, or no charges will be made. 1 am permanently located at Union, Oregon. Will promptly attend to all calls, by mail or otherwise. 8-15-tf. Tie : "Blue : Liilit" SALOOSM, Wm. James, Proprietor, Union, Oregon. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars in Stock. Drop in and be sociable. Fine billiaid table- LUMBER for SALE at the High Valley Saw Mill. All kinds of lumber constantly on hand or furnished on short notice. Prices cheap as the cheapest.- Patronage - Solicited. ' 5-30tf WM. WI LKINSON & SON. T. CHAPMAN, Rel Estate Agent, AND CONVEYANCER. Parties desiring to invest in Elgin town property or in farming lands should call on or address mo at Elcin, Oregon. 4-17tf. hinerv For Sale. j 1 will sell or tr.ide mi good terms the fol lowing described machinery : One Sbinglo Machine, Ode Molting Machine. Ono Drag Saw. One Monldinv; Mir-iino. Shafting. Put .js. Kelts, Moulding Knives, etc, Call on or address G. F, v'HITE, 7-31-mO Covo, Or. A NORTHERN FAMILY . DOWN SOUTH, 0 u Has charge of the PINE BLUFF COT TAGE where those who wir-h to escape the cold Northern Win ters can get Board at Modj:::.uj: Pkicks. ASeD THfc PISCES. I HEALTHIEST SPOT IN AMERICA! vnnr.i ss COTTAGE RESORT, Pjni:Buiit, Mooki: Co., N. C. Thomson & PiwmI are agents for tho celebrated Cyclone "Windmill, mid as the prices on them have been great ly reduced they are now within tho reach of all. Sample mill to bo scon at their pinner in North Union. Call and examine it. 1 ecuo for oun Ct TALOGUChd prices ATLAS ENGINE WORKS, INDIANAPOLIS, IND. Mhxtwnndninymrtsl. IlonVi leimcl In .' I !' K'ot. lrepactu FOST 'at n uipUrttluu to I'mf. nut. 1 MUmonUli Irani all A. 237 ItltUAfo. XowYurk.