THE OREGON SCOUT la independent in all thing, neu tral in nothing; devoted to every cause it believes to be right i journal for the people. THE OREGON SCOUT . Hns na large acirculatiionasuny two papers in tbls section of tho State combined, and is corre spondingly valuable as an adver tising medium. Horo Will the Press the People's Rights Maintain. VOL. VII. UNION, UNION COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 24, 1S90. NO. 5. The Oregon Scout An Indfprmlent we. kljr journal, Iwuei erery Thur.iUr morning by JONES & CIIAXCEY, PubllshTi and Proprietors. A. K Joxsi, Kdltor. 11. Chanckv, Foreman. ItaU'H of Subscription. ()o fopj oae ear, ... One copy 'X ruoiiohi, ... On copy three months, 1.50 ) 00 .75 Invariably Cnh In Atlvnnrr. hy chance tubrcriptiont are not paid till end year, tiro dollars iriI lie charged. RaU-s oT ndtertinlng made known on application. Z3T Corrt'ondcnco from all p.rts of tne country aolicited, Addrenaa'l communl-atioos to the Okkoo.v Scout, Union, Oregon. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. UNITED STATES. President Benjamin Harrison of Indiana. Hkcketaiiy orfcrATK-Jame" tl. Hla ne of Maine. Secretarv or tiik Th icasUKV William Wlndom of Minnesota. Sechetahv or War- RcdfieM Proctor of Vermont. Heciketarv or rut Navk llenjtmla K. Tiaoy of New York. Seckktarv or the Interior- John W. Noble of Miesouri. I'imtmahter-Geseral John Wanamalitr of Penn sylrsnla. ArroRNEt-GKNEHAL-W. II. II. Miller of Indiana. SKURKTAnv or Aiiiuci'LTi'KE-Jercmlali Kusk of Wisconsin. STATE OF OREOON. Senators, Congressman, -Gu-errjor, Secretary of Slate, ULto Treasurer. (J. II. Ml 1 J. N. I)oi. ITCIIEt.L. I'll. IllNOKR Hkrmank. Sylvkter Pknnover. (Ii.oiiukW. McHride. ;. w. wehb. SuperlaUncleut of Iublic Instruction, K. It. McKuiov. Htatd Printer,' ... irk O. Hakkr. ( It. K TRAIIAN, W. P. Lom. (.W. W. TlUYKK. 'Supreme Judges, SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT, Circuit Judges. . - WiTSX1 rnHD EK. PinwciitiiiR Attorney J. L. Hand. COUNTV OK UNION. State Senators, Reprentatlve, Judge Hheilrf, Clerk, Treasurer, School Hupeiiuteudtmt, ftur-eyor, Assessor, Coroner, Commissioners, 1.1. W. NORVAL. I J. II. Haley. (Charles Coounouiik. (J- L. Kok, O. P. OOOIIALI.. A. N. Hamilton. A. T. Neill. K. 0. HllAINARI). J.I,. Carter. J. W. Kimiirki.l. J. I). (Iuili. It. IlUHKI.H. I (t. W IlENNEIIOI' r. I Joli.s McDoKALII. CITY OK UNION. Mayor, Recordrr, Marshal, J W. Kes.veiiv. J. K. TlITTLE. M. llERITAUE. COUNCILS! KN. II. K. Wilsov J. 11. Comu.v. J. S. Elliott. a. K. 1'.. Kk.mii.laiu. S. A. Puiihel. LODGES. 'UNION LODGE, No 39, I. O, O. K MEETS EVERY Friday ewnlng ut 7:30 o clock WM. HALEY, N. G. C H Miller, Se'ietary. GRANDE RONDE KNOAMeMKNT, No, 11, 1, O. O. Y., Hi' ets on the first and third Tue-d.js in each month. 0. S. MILL Lit. C P J. I! Tiiompmin', Scribe. GRANDE RONDE VALLE LODGE. No. 56, A F. A, A M., meets. 'U the secoii.i an 1 fourth naturdays every month. E. W. DAVIS, W. M. It. II. lliiowx, Secretary- GRANDE RONDE VALLEV CHAITEI!. No. 20.. R. A M., meets first u d third Tuenlnti each mouth. W. T. WRIGHT, M. E. H. P. Turner Oliver, Secretary. BLUE MOUNTAIN LODGE No. 2S K. OK P meets ever Wednesday evening. G, K. HALL. 0. C. Turner Oliver, K. of It. 4 8. cPRESTON POST, No. 18. G A. It., MEETS EVERY third Saturday lu eacu month a, the Odd Fellows' hall. JOSHUA IIRADKOHD, P. O. Groiuii: Hkisinoeh, Adjutant. CHURCHES. The Methodit Eld copnl Church holds services at 11 ilethodiH Eld copnl Church U 7 r. M. of taca Sunday. Rev. S. M. DRIVER, Pantor. Sendees are held at the Presbjterlan Church at 11a, m anil 7 i. M. of tach Suui'uy. Rev. it. II. PARKER, Pastor. SOCIETIES. Tho Union Literary and Musical Society meets every "Friday tmilug ut the M. E. Church. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. JOHN R. CRITES, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office two doors south of PostofHoe. Union, Orcciiii, Collecting anj probate practice specialties. J W SHELTON. J. M. CARROLL. SHELTON & CARROLL, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Ottice tw o doors south of Postorlici. Union, Oregon. Slal attention given to all builneu entrusted to us. It KAKIN J. A. EAKIN, Notary Public. R; EAKIN & BRO., ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Union, (Ircunn, Prompt at'entlon uld to oollsdions. II F WIIJjON. Notary lMbllc A.J. IIAOKKTT. Notary Public. WILSON & HACKETT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Union. Oreifon. OoUactloo and all other busluM entrusted to ui vail receive prompt attention. ....... A complete abstract of th land of Union county la our ostctf. Maaairt of Uit UNION REAL ESTATE ASSOCIATION. PROFESSIONAL CAKDS. I. N. CROMWELL, M. D PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Offer one door routh of J II. Eaton's suite, I'ninn, Orrgron. T. McNAOGHTOR, H. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Klein, (Iregon, All cat's promptly attended to day or n'ght. - A. L. DANFORTH, M. DM PHYSICIAN AND SURCEON, North I'owtlur, Oregon. DISEASES OK WOMEN A SPECIALTY Calls attended to nt all hours. C. H. DAY, M. D., HonHeopathic Physician and Surgeon. All Call Promptly Attended to. Office adjoining .lores Itros.' s'ore. Can be found nights at residence in Southwest Union. WILLIAM K0EN1G, Architect and Builder, Cove, Orrgiin, Drafts, plans and deslms for dwellings and bridges furuuhed on application. DR, A. M, MUSSER, Dentist, Graduate of Pennsylrania Dental College, Is at the CENTENNIAL HOTEL And Is prepared t do ait kinds of dental work lain lealy. DR. E. N. NORTH, DENTIST, Oillco H Street. Union, Or. Teeth extracted without pain by the successful new method. UnionTonsorialParloPs GEORGE BAIRD, Proprietor. Shaving, Hair-Gutting and Shampooing In the Lasest Style of the Art. Shop two dinrB south of theCentcnulal hotel. Give me a call. City Meat Market Alain Street, I'nlon, Oregon. BENSON BROS., Proprietors, KEEP CONSTANTLY OS Ut.ND Beef, Pork, Yeal, Mutton, Sausage, Hams, Lard, Etc. Montreal Saloon . Ed Remillard, Proprietor. If jou want a rtfrestlng drink or a good cigar, drop In, lilllianl and iool tables for the accommodation of cu'tomers. Gornueopia Saloon. William Wilson, Proprietor. The Finest of Wines, Liquors and Cigars Always in Stock. Fint-cU' billiard table Drop In and be sociable. For Information About the South -ADDRESS WITH STAMP - The Official Immigration Department OK FIFTEEN SOUTHERN STATES. CARL ROUINHON. KwcUry, lill-u, jf! 0. I THE PACIFIC COAST. Deaf Mutes of Portland Organize a Benevolent Society. The Demand for Gypsum I?rom the Point Sal Mine Increases the Force About One-Fourth. Victoria, R. C, is closini; up all its nam bl inn places. TheLvon clot)iinn house at Soattle baa iMien eeized by creditors. TliO'Rockv Mountain carnival at Oe- den is declared to bo a success. Thfl treBtlo on tbo Union Pacific mid nar Mosier. Or , 50J feet long, has been burned. The Petaluma Water Company is to build a reservoir on Sonoma mountain to hold 50,000,000 gallons of water. Tho Treasury Department has ordered a thorough invesfuration into the smug gling of opium and Chineso from Vic toria. United States Inspector Edwards has seized the steamer Lillian for plying be tween Ya.niina bay and Siuslaw without a proper license. The new Courthouse in San Diego will be turned over to the countv in two weeks. It has absorbed J 20,000 of the taxpayers' money. Nevada City's population according to the lant censuses 2,050. The population of the township is 4,051, a falling off of 2,750 within ten years. The Seventy-six Land and Water Com pany has sold its canal and water rights to the irrigation district in the southeast ern portion of Fresno county, Cal. The street drill of the Seattle cbain cang is one of the sights of the place. Forty stalwart men are in line daily cleaning tho streets and public squares. The Astorian says : The deaf mutes of Portland are organizing a society for protective and beneficent purposes, to be called the Knights of Siltnce of Oregon. Sandy Olds, who shot Emil Weber on tho streets of Portland in May, 1830, has been twice convicted after three trials and has again been granted another trial. Captain George H. Douelass of San Franc' sco, who has been connected with the Spreckels shippint: firm for many years, and who was injured bv being thrown out of bis bugtry a few days ago, liaB died, aged 53 years. The rases against Mnjor Joseph Wham and Major Albert S. 'lower, atTucpon, for violating an article of war, by causing to be jwid exorbitant r ntals for officers, have resulted in the acquittal of both of ficers by courts-martial Ttio strikinir Oakland carp- liters have organized the Oakland Co-operative Buildinu Company, w iih a capital ptock of $25,000 in 5,000 nbares. Contractors claim they have all tbo nun thov want to employ, and can get more if tboynetd them. The case of the Hartley heirs at Santa Ana for $40,1X10 damages ayainst the Cal ifornia Southern railroad for the killing of their r-ister at a crossing nnir tho Santa Fo depot in December, 1888, ter minated bvtheCouit granting a motion for a Bonsuit. During May 4,:J."'7 ' .'50 pounds of do mestic wool were slip mI East from San Francisco. The total hipments for five months wore in.250,13il pounds, an in crease of 5,108.480 pounds over the same time last year. During May 5311,054 pounds were stiipped by eea. The Santa Rarbara Press says : Tho demand for gypsum from the Point Sal mine has been so great that it has become necessary to increase tho force aliont one-fourth. Thero will be more than 4,000 tons taken out during tho present year. There is being more than forty tons a day mined now. . Tho Yuma Sentinel pays: The In dians this year have reaped n heavy har vest of wheat and corn from the moist lands adjacent to the "bottoms," which were overflowed up to a few days uuo. The "children of the forest" have learned that thov can get three crops in one vear by moving to different parts of of tho alluvial landsattho proper tinn . A number rf Yumos have grapo vines and pomegranates planted near tho river, but above overllow, and they are doing nicely and will be in full bearing next season. A new swindle is reported from Santa Rarbara county. It is perpetrated by means of a double fountain pen, ono end of which is filled with good substantial ink, the other with ink that fades away in a day or two. Tho sharper writes his agreement, contract or whatever purlieu lar thing he may have chosen with ink that fades, ami has his victim slun with the other end of the pen that laBts. In a few days he has a slip of paper with nothing on it but a good signature, over which ho writes any sort of note that ho can easiest turn into cash. Tho San Francisco Chioniele states that tho Alaska Commercial Company, which until recently had tho exclusive right to capture seals in tho Ameri' an waters of lleliring sea, has now secured a contract with the Russian Government granting them tlm exclusive right to cap ture seals on tho Siberian CoaBt. Tho number of seals to be taken is limited, but it is not known. It is believed to bo very largo. Tho steamer Karluk, owned hy tho compuny, liaB recently sailed for Petrofftky to capture seals there. Tho competition of the Alaska Commercial Company will bo very Fevere for tho North American Commercial Company, which was recently awarded by tho United States tbo sealing privileges in Retiring rea, and It is believed tho effect will be to greatly reduce the price of skins. EASTERN ITEMS. Rev. Father Mollinger Reiwrtcd to be Dying;. Philadelphia's Growth Retarded by Km ignition to Suburban Towns to the Number of 75,000. Three hundred changes were made in the House tariff bill by tbo Senate. c 1 ir - , Ice verm rvaestiH onginui-pacKaun cases 'are to Ihj taken to tho Federal Supreme The World's Fair Commissioners have decided to have a single head a Director Genera). St. Paul chames Minneapolis with pad' ding the census to the extent of 50,000 to im.uoo names. By tho will of Lawyer Charles M. do uosta ot New ork Columbia College will bo $100,0(10 richer. A monument to Alexander II. Ste phens is at last to bo erected over his grave at Crawfordsville, Ga. Tho Missouri Stato Board of Equaliza tion has incr.'iisud tbo valuation of rail road property for taxation $2,500,000 over last year. At an election at Cuyahoga Falls. O., it was decided by a voto of 202 to 271 to havo open saloons. They iiavo been elosed-for two years. Last year there wero 3,545 election dis trict in Now York. State. This year, under the operation of tho niw electoral law, there will be 5,000. Tho Postmaster-Goneral of Japan and the Postmaster-General of Canada havo signed u convention for the establishment of a parcels pojt between the two coun tries. Of tbo 150 applicants for admission to the Military Academy at West Point. twenty-four mum to pass tho required examinations on account of physical de lects. Mr. Tracy, Secretary of the Navy, has issued an order to the Marino band when it plays in public to alwajs "close tho programme with one of our national airs." An order has been issued by the Gen oral Superintendent, of tho Railway Msil Service diso-mtinuinii the Sunday morn ing dispatch from San Francisco, to take effect on July 0. Tho growth of Philadelphia in the past decade was apparently retarded by tbo emigration to tbo suburban towns of about 75,000, according to the railroad commutation table. If the reports of tbo money earned by Henry George during his Australian lecturing tour arc true, every inhabitant of tho Antipodes has paid at least a "sin gle tax" to bear Mr. George speak. A number of owners of property on Michigan avenue, Chicago, have filed a bill in the Chancery Court to restrain tho World's Columbian exposition from erect ing any buildings on the lake front. Tbo Pennsylvania Grand Lodge has is sued an edict requiring all MasoriB who are members of ttio Egyptian Masonic Rite of Memphis to renounce their alle giance to the body within ninety days. It is estimated at tho Treasury Depart ment that there has been a decrease of about $20,000,010 in tho public debt sinco Juno I. Ttio total decrease for tho fiscal year is $87.K00,000, as against $114,000, 000 for tho previous fiscal year. On the great Pennsylvania road cer tain trains are supplied with stenograph ers and typi writers, for the use of pas sengers who wish to conduct their cor respondence on tho wing. Another idea is a bulletin of the stock market. Supervisor of the Census Wright esti mates tho population of Maine's princi pal cities as follows: Portland, 54,500; Lewiston, 21,000; Riddoford, 13,500; Au burn, 10,100. The gains in each case are very small. It is shown that on tho basis of tho imports of 1889 tho duties collected un der tho McKinley tariff bill would bo $205,344,077, while tho Senate amend ments would reduce tho amount to $201, 080,007, or $4,055,070 less. It is reiortcd that a mythical building and loan compai y of Philadelphia has been victimizing Western people. Tho name of the concern, which is alleged to be without legal existence, is tho Eastern Building and Loan Association. It is proposed to construct an nir-line railroad from Toledo through Ohio, Indi ana, Illinois. MishouriArkansas, Indian Territory, '1 exits and Mexico, striking the Pacific at Mazatlan. Tho road will be known as tho Atlantic and Mexican Pacific. Tho investigation committee to exam ine into tho chargrs against tho West End railway of lobbying with members of tho Massachusetts legislature finds that carriages and dinners and hotel bills wore paid for by the company, but no money for corrupt purjroses was spent to their knowledge. The House Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds bus decided to rejort favorably tho bill providing for the purchase of the building south of the Capitol owned by Renjuinln F, Rutlor, providing a good title bo obtained and the cost does not exceed $275,000. The convicts at a coaling camp sixteen miles south of Rusk, Tex., assaulted and killed the guard, then visited other camps and liberated three squads. A large force of officers is In pursuit, and blood ehed will follow, as the convict obtained firearms from faruihouces, FOREIGN NEWS. A Project on Foot to Connect Berlin With the Sea. Turkish Engineers Report That the River Euphrates Can Re Made Naviga ble the Vear Round. O'Connor will make no further rowing matches in Australia. A nobleman is feodirte daily 1, POO vic tims of the famine in Tokio, Japan. Soudanruo soldiers aro being recruited in Egypt for tbo Congo Free Suite. The cholera is increasintr in Valencia. Spain. Cases are reported at Oporto, rortugal. llerr Mignel, tho new German Fi nance Minister, favors an increase of tho income tax and corn duties. Tho British Cabinet has decided to drop tho tithes bill and after the sup ply votes adjourn rorliament. Italy is trying to divort tho tlood of Italian emigration from America to her newly acquired colomeB in Africa. Tho real sum which Mr. Stanley re co ved in cash for his latest book Is said to bo in tho neighborhood of $70,000. Turkish engineers sav that tho rivor l'.uphratcs might be matte navigable tho year round by an expenditure of $100, 000. Tripoli is being devastated by locusts. Tbo decomposed bodies of tho insects fill tho wells, rendering tho water unfit for use. President Barillas of Guatemala wants to interfere In tho selection of President of San Salvador by choosing a person wnom no can control. The coal porters of Dublin, 2,000 in number, have struck in consequence of tho emp'oyment by tbo masters of a number of a non-union men. Tho highest military authorities havo determined to build in tho neighborhood of St Petersburg a largo factory for tho manufacture of smokeless powdor. Tho distillery of Glenlivat, the oldest of all ttio distilleries of the Scottish Highland whisky and the only one with a history, has recently been burned. Tho experimental telopbono lino le- tweeu Paris and Calais has proved a suc cess. Another lino will soon bo con structed lutween Paris and Ixmdon. It appears that tho National Rank of Ruenos Ayres has not suspended, as was tule.'rupliu I. The bank only suspended pavinenl of the quarterly dividend, which was approved at tnu lastuunual mooting. The Italian Deputies raised such an uproar in the Chamber over tho Munici pal Council bill that an adjournment was necessitated. Picotti resigned his seat. Serious disturbances have occurred at Anrrtcnu. near Mnninhiiio. The na tives attacked tho Governor's residence, but. wuro repelled with groat loss of life. llnllnnil'H ni'tinn will lend In thn iliHHn- lution of the anti-sluvory conference, in wiucti event tne enorts to suppress biovo trade will havo been completely wasted. Dispatches from Chardiui, Turkistan. say that hundreds of bales of Afghan cotton have arrived thero from Kelif. This is tbo first direct sale made by tho Afghans to tho Russians. Thero is a decided sensation at Madrid over tho etatoinont of Senor Robledos that during five years tho Littorals havo been in power 450,000,000 reals of public money have been Btolon by officials. General Iunacio Martinez of Li redo is accused of causing tho uprising along the borders of ttio llio Uramlo. lie was for merly of tho Mexican arinv, but was dismissed and has since edited a revolu tionary journal. It lu ulnlpil (lint, tlm Krdneli Minintnr nt Foreign Affairs has addressed an inquiry to its representatives abroad for informa tion as to tho condition of labor in tho respective countries to which thov aro accredited. Tho nroioct to connect Berlin with tho sea by means of a canal is causing great excitement in Germany. It is proposed to extend the canal us far as Stettin, Frederick boheck. Official Commissioner of Buildings, is in charge of the affair. It is reported that the Baroness Bur- ilott-Coutis has advanced Agues Hunt i nut on $125,000 with which to form an opera company of her own. It is also reported thst the time held for Sara Bern hardt next season lu tills country will be filled by Miss Huntington's company. London merchants are pointing out to Salisbury tho serious results of tho ex tension of Gorman territory north of Damara, anil the establishment of it Gor man Carrier between Reel, uiinuland and tho North ; also, tho necessity of main taiuing English influence in Madagascar. Lord Salisbury's solicitors threaten to take action against Mr. O'Brien for the recovery of tho costs fa the recent uctipn for lltief and the subsequent proceedings tlicrcou. If Lord Salisbury insists on this measure, ho may drive Mr. O'Brien into bankruptcy, thu effect of which will be to prevent him from sitting and vot ing in thu House, The bill recently before tho British Parliament to regulate the rum traffic lias opened up a discussion that is inter esting to all classes of society. There tire three classes of licenses granted ut pres ent : The publican's license, which al lows tno sale of ull kinds o liquors, dis tilled or formented; tho beer license, and the wine license, taken out by the keep ers of eatini houses und hotels. PORTLAND MARKET. WIIKAT The milling demand Is light, ud there la little trading, Quote, nominally, I1.22S for Valley; $1.10 for Walla Walla. OATH The market la firm. Quote: SOc pr bushel, MII.Lm7Fr!-Tho market i.i firm. Qaotf Bran, $1.1(317; Short-, $1719; Ground Barley. $2f30; Chop Heed, $25; Mlddllugi, 2i5025.0( per tou. HAY The market U steady. Qnote; $19(c per ton. VEOETABLRWTho market is Brm. Califor nia cabtmije has fallen 10C-ioc a cental. There aro uo changes In other vegetable-. Quote: Cal ifomla Cabbage, $2.1f2.'i') per cental; O egou, TNSOc per doien; California Cauliflower, $l.2i pi-r do-cn; Oregon Ureeu I'eas, 5c per pound; young Onions and Lettnto, 15c per dtweu bunches; newCallfornlaOnlon.2iv:p Striug Beans, So per ixmnd; California Cucum- mt, .aci uregon, 4oc per Uoieu; California Car rots, $1.25; Oregon, $1.15 per sack; California. Asparagus, $'i25 per box; Oregon, in bulk, 10c per pound; California Beets, $1.60 per sack; Cal lforula Turnips. $1.50: Oreirou. 11 "S nor sai. CMllforula Tomatoes. $2.2T. per box; California squasii, v&eftm per box; Wax Beans, 8c per pound; new California 1'otatoes, $202.25; new Oregon, $2.25 per cental. FRUITS California Krults havo advanced 50c a box. Quote: Kluraldo Oranges, $1.60t5; fancy Navels, $C per box; California Lemons, $4; fancy aiolly, $6-507 per box; Oregon Chcrrlw, SOrjtofio per box; California Apricots, $1 per box; Oregon Curranta, 4c per pound; I'lneapples, $5.50 per dozen; California Peaches, $1.25 per box; Oregon Raspberries, red, (5c; black, 8c per pound; Bananas, single, $3.75; doultto bunches, $0; California Apples, $2.25 perftO-pound box; California Plums, 80c per box. 01IKK3K Quote: Oregon, ll12)ac; Califor nia, S'fVdOc; Young America, ISQHc per pound BUrrtfR The market is firm. Quote: Ore gon fancy dairy, 22,''c: fancy creamery, 25c; good to fair, 17(420c; common, 12a'c; choice California, is20 cper pound, KCKIS The market remains tho home. Quote: Oregon, aXjWjJic; Eastern, ISc per doien. POULTRY The market continues tho same. Chickens aro gradually going down in price Yo tig Ducks are tx ginning to come In. Quote: Old Chickens, $4(31.25: largo spring, $3Cul; small spring, $2C(i2-r0; old Ducks, $1 &0i5; young, I5C. 6; old Oeese, $0; young, $89 per dozen; Tur keys, ISc per pound. The MorclutnillHo Murkat. The dlirerent markets continue firm, with no chango in prices. Business In all lines Is Vi-ry good, and (lenient have all they can handle. HU(IAR3 The market is steady and demand good. Quote: (lolden C.fic; oxtia C. f)c; dry granulated, C'c; cube crushed and powdered, 7c per pound. BKANrf Tho market Is steady. Quote: Small Wlilt.s, $3; l'lnk, $l; Bayou, $4.50; Butter, 3; I.lmas, $5.50 per c-ntal. DRIED HKUITS-Tho market Is ste dy. Quote: Hummer dried I'eurs, 10tlc; umlrled and fac tory l'lumr, fiiS6o; Beaches, suu drled, 10'ic; evuporuted Beaches, 16;rVi)17c; Smyrna KIgs, 11(14 16c; California KIgs, c per pound. CANNED GOODS Tho market Is steady, witfi thu following quotations: Table Fruits, 2c; Beaches, $2; Bartlctt Bears, $l.s)0; Blums, $1.05; Strawberries, $2.25; Cherries, $2: Blackberries. $l.o51.95; Raspberries, $2.'i'2.W. Ble Fruit: Assorted, $.1.50 per doen; l'eucbes, $1.25!.30; Plums $1.25; Blackberries. $1.05: Tomatoes. II. in 0:1.50; Hugar I'eas, $1.40I.C0; String Beans, $t. Kiui', Quote: CJJo per pound, HOI'S Tho market is steady, with nominal prices. Quote: 10c per pound. IIIDEd Tho market continues tho same. Quole: Dry Hides, selected prime, moc. 'Xo Ies for culls; green, selected, over 55 pounds. 4c: under 55 pounds, 3o; Sheep Belts, short wool", 3050o; medium, C0(iW0c; long, 90c(t$1.25: Shear lings, i(X(02()c; Tallow, good to choice, .KiWc. WOOI The market unchanged. Onoto: East ern Oregon, lo&tlfio; Valley, lCCtl8c per pound. NAll.8 Priced have advanced 10c. Base quo tations: Iron, $3.20; Steel, $:).30; Wire, $3.90 per keg. The Aleut Alnrket. Tho market is firm, and uo change in price. Quotations: Beef Llvo, 3J,'ic: dressed, 7c. Muttou Live, K(!WSo; dressed, 7c. Hogs Live, 5o; dressed; 6c. Veal 57o per pound. Spring Lambs $2 each. Receipts tho past week were: Cattle, 44a r Shecp, 1,672; Hogs, CM head, SMOKf.l) MEATS AND LARD, Thu markot Is Arm. Quotation: . Eastern Hams. 12J4l3Xo: Breakfast Bacon, 12K13l$e; Bides, yy&Wd l-nrd, 9!;(ttl0JJc per pound. Baron Wlssman was absent from the Colonial Society meeting at Golojr'ie, owing, it is said, to a hint from tho Gov ernment that his presence would bo em barrassing. Tho mooting did not favor tho Anglo-Gorman African agreoment. Tho Gorman Emperor Iiub sumrrjonnl before him for investigation a yourg ne gro Prince, known as Alfred Bell. ioin tho Cameroon country, West Africa, who had been sent to Bremen to loam the trade of carpenter, and who is alleged to havo joined a gang of Socialists and An archists. If Bell should turn out to bo really a Socialist, ho will not bo allowed to return to tho Cameroons for feur of corrupting the natives. 'llio becond Comptroller of tho Treas ury has made, a rilling advert j to the claims of several hundred urmv olllce rs. nggn gating nearly $250,000, for longevity pay mr service oitnor at tne ."M Hilary Academy or as enlisted men, bated ou tbo decision of tho Supreme Court in thu Watson case. Tho Rush has received her orders ami will leave Port Townsend ut once for the Retiring Scu. The ordors ao said to be to proceed ut once to Ounalai ka and then to patrol lioiiring riea, seize all vessels found in the sou with sealskins aboard. or any other prima fucie evidence that the vessel Had been ouchi ig The cut ters are then to take tho upors and In struments and leavo ou botrd onlv u suf ficient quantity of food to keep th ciow until the vcbsoI reaches the nenrest f ort. If any resistance is offered, the poachers am to be fired upon and compelled to submit. The carpenters at San Joie demand 8 for eight honra, and will euforce their demands if aeaMry,