Amos K. Joxks. Editoii. THURSDAY, JULY 17, 1890. KDITOUIAI. KOTEB. Somk Republican organs nre still trying to prove to the fnrniers that mortgages on tlieir farms arc cvidonco of their wealth and prosperity. This is quito na reasonable as trying to provo that thoycan be benefited by "protection." In voting against the coinage of eilvcr, Senator Dolph, of Oregon, en joys the distinction of betraying the trust imposed upon him by the pco plo of this State as expressed in the platform of both political parties in the Inst election. Tiik late James A. Oarfiold said in congress: "lam for that protection in national industries which lends ul timately to frco trade." Itecd, McKin ley and the rest of Garficld'h success ors in republican leadership aro for that protection which leads to mo nopoly and spoliation. We haven't, individually speaking, a boy of our own, but if we had we cer tainly would teach him a few things that a boy ought to know, and endea vor to eradicate from his mind the de sire which cem8 to bo natural with every boy to become a "bad man" and bo a "holy terror." To this end wo would pcremtorily prohibit tho use of firearms. Recently, in Lane county, a father and young eon were out hunt ing, when the boy, in trying to shoot a blue jay, on the wing, accidentally lodged twenty-five or thirty bird-Miot in tho anatomy of his parent. While the father had a very pronounced in terview with the young hopeful, later on, it didn't seem to make the bird shot any easier to gouge out. It would havo yielded better results all round had tho interview taken place several months prior, when the boy first showed symptoms of wanting to monkey with a gun. General Freemont, tho Pathfinder, has taken his departure for a country from which no explorer lias returned. Ho died at his homo in Washington City last Sunday. THE SCOUT PREMIUM. An Excellent Offer to Anyone Who Wants a Good Dictionary. Wo nro indebted to the American Public IJealth Association for a neat ly bound book of IDOpagcfl containing tho prize essay on "Practical and economical cooking adapted to persons of moderate and small means" written by Mrs. Mary Hinman Abel. It is a book that should bo in overv household. An oxchapgo very truthfully says: "Don't blamo your newspaper mrtn for whatlinppens in tho community. If there is anything in tho life of tho placo that you do not wish logo abroad to tho world, blame yourself that it exists not tho paper for saying some thing about it. It is tho cditors's du ty to make a typographic photograph of the town each week, and if you tako i. t. . .. . . , . u jiuiui'iy piuiure, uon i kick tno in strument to pieces, but try to get a bottcr expression on your faeo next time." Tin: pension sharks at Washington are fishing on a largo scale now that the dependent pension bill has recoived the president's signature. Five tons of of extra mail matter went to Washing ton on Monday of this week. man valley. An Emorald Oom Sparkling in tho Moun tains East of Qrande Rondo. No doubt our readers are fain iliar with High valloy and tho names of many of its inhabitants, having read the interesting letters of "Homo" written from that placo to Tiik Scour, but, probably, not one in a doxcu realizes just what kind of a placo it is. Tlicso would bo amply rewarded for their troublo by making a trip up more, wo, in company with our hotter half, hud tho good for tuno last Sunday to visit tho place and enjoy for ono day tho hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. John Minniek who havo a most attractivo homo situated almost in tho center of thy valloy. Starting Webster's Unabridged Dictionary which formerly cost $10 and 12, will be given to all new subscriber! to Tiik OnrcnoN Scout, mid old subscribers who will renew and pay one year's subscription in advance, for? 1.5V. The -subscription price of Tim Scout is f 1.50 per nunui'i. Anyone sending us the names of 10 new subscribers, with the cash, will rccelvo one of these superb dictionaries frco of charge. This is tho best chance for securing n good dictionaiy over presented ami should -ct the boys and girls of the country to work with a will in getting up clubs. Tho wants of the people of the great mass ot tho pcopla at least do not require for their satisfaction nn in vestment of f 10 in n dictionary. In most cases that amount can be better expended in the purchase of articles more urgently needed. The reprint edition of Webster's Dictionary ollercd by Tiik ScorT selves as n reliable guide Tor spelling and pronunciation. It contains, besides, more than 100,000 words, a com plete vocabulary of Mercantile and legal terms, scriptural nnd historical proper names, Greek and Latin proper names, an npendix of more than 10,000 uncommon words. 1,500 cuts and other useful and in structive matter In great quantity. It Is in short nn imlispciuablc book for evcrv student and family, and costs so llttlo that every family can n.Tord to have it. The paper and binding arc both good, ami the book will bear examination. (Jail at this ofllce, sec sample copy ami bo convinced. Frank Bros. Imp Iflll1i!it yOip LA GRANDE -:- AND -:- ISLAND CITY, OREGON. w s O 2 r ! o r- --! B o a 52 .2 O p C3 o a a trt .X3 in e5 o o H tn 1-4 b) cl - a in c bo a 3 cz o AH e 0 - Q) 6 u s U S3 -J H. d E. 3sL m s it . 5 2 02 3 ' a Ouu old friend Miko DoYouni:. nro prietor of tho San KrauciscoClu-oniclo, c:u'lv il1 tlic rning tho ride up Oath a viGoitous men. A Jlnrclianl'H Wifo tho IJone of Contention. A Tlcimnciatloii. A well known merchant who lias been greatly benefitted by Joy's Vegetable Sar.vaparllla, desired to glvo it to Ills wife, who was very delicate, but out of caution first consulted his physician, Dr. W. II. Orlswold of 8M Market street. Tho doctor, who Is ouo of our leading practitioner? objoctcd, caylug he hud never seen a sarsaparllla that did not contain potath, which thinned tho blood; that his patlcut did not havo any vitality to low, and that what delicate people need Is not de creased vitality, but inoro blood. He consented when assured that Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparlll was directly opposed to tho old mistaken blood thinning Idea of other sarsaparillm, amfthat on the contrary by specific vcsetablo alteratives II stimulated the excretory organs, promoted diges tion, and repaired nutrition, hence created now blood and was tho very thing for feeble people. Tho above explains tho hundreds of cases la which aged, enfeebled, delicate and run down people, havo been built up by Joy's Vcgctabl Sarsaparllla after the potash sarsaparlllas failed. Its effects aro creating a &cusatlon. H. t Z amtner. Electric Bitters. BflSKWe are in the field with a much larger and better stock of goods than ever before, and can show more and greater im provements for the season of 1890 than any other house. Do not fail to call and see for yourself. FRANK I3KOS. IMPLEMENT CO., La Grande and Island City. S. C. MILLER, Dealer In Bedding and Loimges, Parlor and Chamber Suits, Mirror Plates, Picture Prames, Oil paintings, Window shades, 1 1 AT HACKS, WALL POCKETS, and BRACKETS of all DESCRIPTIONS, Mods Sold on ie Installment Flan. Constantly on hand n full line of Sash, Doors and Mouldings. Picture Frames Made to Order. All kinds of Job Work Done to Order. Shop and Ware Room ou Main Street, Union, Oregon. 1. 4 1 . 4 1 mm mnii us an cicgani mcuai as a aouvenir of tho 2fith anniversary of the' Chronicle, and as a remembrancer of tho inauguration of its now thirleen- 8try building. Tho modal is of white metal. On 0116 sido is an engraving of tho magnificent structure and on tho other Bide is a medallion bust of Do Young himself. Wo necopt the sou yenir with thanks. Mike lias got somewhat ahead of us in tho nowspn por business and wo may not bo able to catch up with him, but it is with tho kindost feelings, unmixed with any thing approaching envy, that wo wisli him continued success. IIradstiikkth, of July , says of tho wool market: "Business is vory dull m all tho wool markets. Stocks on tho seaboards aro small, and prices would advance if demands woro at all active. Few manufacturers, if any turnover, oro buying tixcopt for their present wants. A largo amount of machinory is idle, and tho light-weight gem bouoath . 1 . season nas opened wttn 110 promising indications. Values scorn likoly to stand on latt year's basis, or, if any thing, lower rather than higher. In the country buyers representing Kast- p era maniuaciurcrs ami dealers aro operating with unusual caution, the asking prico being usually moro than conservative purchasers are willing to pay. Tho carpot wool market is in a rather uncertain condition. Tin: census enumerators havo com pleted thoir work and from nearly ov ory town, alllioted with tho boom fever, comes a cry that a correct count litis not boon made and the population of tho town has been estimated at less Uian it really Is. Whether theso state ments aro truo or not matters but lit enno creek is most oxlularting. A few miles up, tho road turns to tho left and ascending Littlo creek passes botweon precipitous cliffs, around deep gorges and by over-hanging mountains cov ered with vaiious kinds of trees whicl niuKo perpetrated snade. At ovcry turn a new scene is presented to tho view more enchanting than the ono before Continuing up tho stream ...1 . . . 1 ii wneru cooi water nannies over mossv stones in tho deep shadows mudo by overhanging boughs, tangling tho ferns and grasses at its side, foaming into into cataracts and eddying in deep pools where tho speckled fish disport, wo cross and recross on rustic bridges and aftor traveling for a distanco of two or throo miles arrive at our desti nation and High valley is spread out beforo us, a veritable Garden of Eden, nestling on the sido of tho majestic mountain whero tho dark green foliago of mighty forests in tho distanco form ix suitablo background for tho emerald For a couple of miles on either hand can bo soon a number of well foneed farms whero lields of waving grain ripon in tho sun. Roll ing hills diversify tho scenery and in cosy nooks aro seen comfortable farm houses whore tho Konoral air of thrift speaks eloquently of homo com forts and happiness. On theso hot lulyduys when tho donizons of tho valloy are most uncomfortably warm, horo blow tho cool breezes from tho snowy summits of tho distant moun tains, laden with tho health giving ossonco ol ordorous nines. Some of tho oldest people iu tho county aro living hero and they will, in all prob ability, continue to live 011 indefinite ly for thoro is no occasion for them to dio. Mr. Minniol: has a largo and IintldKOmn msidoimn mirrnnmlrwl ln nn tlo to tho peoplo at largo and will not orchard and well knot PmnmU. H luawnaiiy uuect 1110 ngures m estlma- ia a progressive farmer and whatever ting tho population of tho country as LcionCQ ima .Welonnd in n.n WAV ,,r . - "V labor saving machinery is investioatod This remedy in becoming xo well known and so popular as to need no special ineli lion. AH who have used Kleutrio Hitter ..! II J sins hid .saiuo son; ot prui.e. A purer j niodicmo does not exist and it is guaran teed to do all that is elainied. Electric Hitter will euro all diseases of tho Liver and Kidneys, will remove Pimples, Polls, Salt Ithoum and other alleetions caused by impure blood. Will drive Malaria from tiie system and prevent as well ns euro all Malarial fevers. For euro of Headache, constipation and Indigestion try Electric Hitters- -Entire .satisfaction guaranteed or or money refunded. I'rho 50 ets. and $1.00 I po liottle at Urown's drug store, Union. MONEY TO LO We Guarantee the Lowest Rates. No Commissions. No Delays, where Title and Security isSatisiuGtGI The Cove h Store, JASPER G. STEVENS, Tropr. -DEALEU IN- ure Drugs, at(!nt Medicines, erl umery, aints and Oils. Prescriptions carefully prepared -ALSO DEALER IN- SPORTING GOODS, Consisting of Els, Slot Guns, Pis- ftiuies. tonGai Imported and Domestic. Ci" gars, etc. rs8 Alger. AT THI2- Lottcr Ll3t. CORRESPONDENCE -:- SOLICITED. Wilson & Hackctt, Union, Or. mSME STORE. 1-151 ui icuers reinaiiuni: uncalled lor iu tho postotllco at Island City, June 17, 18tH): Uiichan .1 0 (:) lluchannn Charles Eoudel Peter Klinerv W 11 Lambrlth 0 E(L) Parker Miss Ida Smith 0 Y Persons onlliiiK for tors, will please say "advcrlixed." Kiii:i J. Hoi.itus, P. M. ArejYoB' &oingto Plant an Orcharfl? n'S. til PA Y1W1U-RS E.R J', Of Payette, Ada County. Idaho. Has tho Largest General Nursery Stock in tlio Mountain Cotmtry- Irccs from Payette Nursery will reach Grande Rondo valloy hours from tho timo thoy nre taken from tho ground. loot A rocket UooJr, On June , 1S!H), noun-where Ixstwcon tho Pm-bstel bridgo and La Orande, black pocket book, eontuininu; $ft-ono ten and iwo twenty-dollar bills. I will give 10 to anyone who will return It to 1110 or leave tho name at tho Island City bank. II. A. WILLS. !-2'!-t 1 Suinniervllle. Or. Tlio Vnlpit and tlio stago. Itov. M. Shrotit, pastor United Itrelh- ren t iiureli, IlliuOlound, Kan., savs: fool it my duty to tell what wonders Dr. KlUKB ow Discovery ha.s done for me. My lungs were badly diseased, and my parlMliunors thought I could llvo only a fow weeks. I took live bottles of Dr. Klnu's o Discovery and am sound and well. guuiliiK -U lbs in weight." -125 Acres, in six Mountain Crown Trees are Hardv. Vigorous and Healthy. Do not order until you havo visited our.' nursery, seen our agent or got our prices, wholesale and retail. (-2()-yl UO UN. MVKHS In this city. Saturduv. Jtilv a 1CIU1 ... .1... ....r.. ..t .11 it " iic 01 i iiariio jiycra, a uauKiuer. mauiiii:i. Ill'LOr-TIIOMPdON. - At tho Union my notei, i-riday. July ll, 1890, bv Kov. L. J. ltoothe, .Mr. Henry Hivslopand Miss .u. inompsou, imin or i.n The Centennial Hote Union, Oregon. A.?J- GOODBROD, - Proprietor, Recognized by all as tho Leading Hotel of Eastern Oregon! FINK UK(1K BAMrLK ItOOMS For the AreomixUtlou of Cniuiuorclal Traveler CHARGES REASONABLE. Keeps constantly on hand a com plete stock of fresh Stafci'iOry, Slice' Xusic, WiJ'tf Goods, Jfackcts, ANN IJSKKUIi Household Utensik A sharo ol the public patronage so licited. S-15-tf. M FOB IE ! -THE- Union Real Estate Association Have listed a large amount of DESIRABLE LAIS a whole. Whom ono town has boon undorcfltimated another hint been over estimated Htiflloiontly to mako it vtaud ofl". And, after all, but very littlo ro lianco will bo jdaced iu tho couhuh ro portH. Many will naturally loso faith in tho old adago that "llgures nuvor lio" whou it is ofllcially nnd gravoly announced that !a Orando contains a popuUtion of 2.r)00 ami is as largo n town us linker City. It has been tho providing idea that tho population of La Grando would not exceed 1(K) nnd tho ilgures given by tho nuporvisor will apjMMtr atrango, vory slruugo indeed, by him. 1 1 in hams contain headers, thresher, etc., besides an improved traction engine. Other farmont thoro nro equally progressive and their combined labor is rapidly making tho hills nnd forest yield, not only tho nooccHitioi), but tho luxuries of civiliza tion. ITU'K.NISIIKD ItOOMS FOR HUNT. , J-1 """Coy, I'ornureeond nnd 11 St. Union. Oregon, M7-tf, IMVICLKS FOlt SALK.-Ono M Inch 1 J COHBUI IHt! and M ML full nickel, and ono IS inch Ilnish. Kmiulri at this nllire. tandard 17-tf. -ODD WAXTKD. v in vihm Booml Boom II Boonilll llo quick if you want n ilrst class bargain iu city or country proporty (We'll loan you money to buy with.) Ktranfii thin I'M linvn Ilillilioiieil hiirnto- Now in Inn timn rint ll O ' J A " --w-w.-r , I - - - ' W V IM Vt W 4J(lt fora and wd ikmkI not bo tuirprUcd at You'll doublo your money tho litst Uiiti. Lot us rcjoico and bo oxeceding- inonth. Call on Wduon t Jlaokott, y glad tlwt a largo city has sprung up uitinngers Union Ileal Estate Associa te our ilUt if by inagic. tion. (OPrOSITE CENTENNIAL HOTEL.) IJ1J 1 Ivll l'iirfln ilttafriiif in I .y.'i.VSSiras1" ,0 ,l'fcirarr' nn . E. Bawker, Proprietor. Everything First Class. Terms Very Reasonable. 'Bus to and Fiom the Depot Making Connection with all Pass- senger Trains. T A 1F I 7? T V An cnergetlo man M 2V1 LAlilJ, who understnuds Clothing or Tailoring to represent us iu union ami Agent, onion did Full and Winter assortment now ready. WAN AM A K Kit V 11UOWN. Philadelphia, The Largent Clothing and Merchant Tailoring lloiue in Ainvrlca. 7-17-wL'. QllTA it MUKJKH, Contr Actors and Builders, I'nlon, Oregon. t . n 1 a t- .tliftcl nnd nil work nronintly ntumlu! to. 3) -DKAIJCRS IK- Variety and Fane; Good:. Tobacco, Cp, and Choice Family Groceries. Which nre for sale on MOST REASONABLE TERMS. All Letters promptly an swered and all information desired will be cheerfully given. Address nil comniunscations to WIT.SOX & IIACKETT, Secretaries Union Keal Estate Ass'ir R. H. BROWN, Dcalor in Drills aiu Met 1&1 licines TOILET ARTICLES. PERFUMERY, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, PUTTY, Etc, Coniploto and Varied Stook of Wall i'aporon Iiand. Proscriptions Oarofully Conuiounded Day or Night. A full sui'idy of school lw.ol- . etnntly or hand.