f What fume Is. Blinks Abl How do do, Jcnks! Hi-a Ins famous, I see. Jenks Well, my nanio has been In the papers a good deal lately. "So I havo noticed. How do you liko itf "It makes no change in my daily life ex cept thnt ir.y mail is overburdened with liver pad circulars." Omaha World. 11 o Had lleen There. "V J-'. if . - St i Robber Your money or your lifo! Victim Well, look here, you may shoot if you liko, but I'm cleaned out; I havo just brought my family from tho seaside and llobber All right, young man; I know what that means. Pass right on 1 Life. A Trick of Speech. Tricks of speech grown into mannerisms often betray pcoplo into blunders nbsuid enough. Ono instance of this conies from a town in Maine, where dwelt a man who qual ified his reply to every question with the word "handy" twisted, into somo sort of a conditional clause. It was even asserted that he proposed to tho lady who became bis wife by declaring ho would liko to marry her "if she could muko it handy," but this very likely is a fabrication of invidious gossips. Calling recently at a house, of which the lato master was lying unburied in tho parlor, tho visitor was asked if he would liko to see tho remains of his old friend. "Well, yes," ho answered, "that is, I'd like to seo them if you'vo got 'em 'round handy. If you haven't, it's no matter." Boston Courier. "What Ho Meant. "Witness," said a lawyer in tho police court the other da', "you speak of Sir. Smith being v ell off. Is ho worth f 0,000?" "No, t.ah. "Two thousand?" "No, sab; ho hain't worf twenty-five." "Then how is ho well off?" "Got a wife who s'ports de hull fam'ly, sahl" Detroit Free Press. , ltotatlon in O III co. Omaha Man Will you reopen your sum mer hotel uejet season? Summer Landlord I shall bo hero, but not ns the lessee. I have obtained a job as head waiter. 'Eh? You don't say sol Who will be the lessee then?" "The bend waiter I had this season." Omaha World. Not !? Serious, After AH - -I Colored Doctor I guess it yain't bo se rious, aunty; wid n little caro I reckon do old man '11 pull through nil right. Aunty T'ank heaben, doctprl I was awful skeered, 'case dar warn't a cent in tho houso fo' to buy entry mournin' wif. Springfield Homo- Btead. On the UlRUt Itor.d. Stranger Will you kindly direct mo to tho hall whoro tho Anarchists meet! Anarchist Yes, mine vrieut, you will bo welcome. "Thank you. I am anxious to get thero as quick as possible." "You, too, boil mit wrath ven you dink of deso dings. You mako bombs, eh?" fili. no." "Vot you vant mid dot hall, eh?" "I am superintendent of a lunatic asylum, and am hunting for an escn.Kxl patient." Omaha World. The Kind Hearted Czar. The Czar Your president contemplates a trip through your country, I hear? American Yos, ho will visit quite n num ber of tho great western citios. "So I noticed. One of them, I see, is Chicago?" "Yes." "I havo long desired to testify my nppro ciatlon of your president, and if it is not too late I think I will forward him ono of my boiler irou shirts." Omaha World. None in Stock. Grocer (to new boy) What did that lady want, James! New Boy Salt mackerel. I told her we hadn't any. Grocer Great Scott, James! I told you we had a dozen kits come in fresh this morn ingl New Boy Yes, sir, but she didn't want em fresh; she wanted 'em salt New York Sun. Xo Knr for Music. Sister Clara (practicing nt tbe piano) Wasn't that young Mr. Featherly, Bobby, who spoke to you on tho street just now! Bobby Yep, bo's goin' home to dinner. Sister Clara (simulating indifference) Did he have anything particular to say! Bobby He asked mo if that was the piano tuner la tho parlor. Now York Sun. A Kinder Horse Xevor Lived. Passenger on front platform That nlgb no looks liko a pretty good horse. Driver A kinder animal never lived. Passenger Kindl How so! Driver Ho kinder bites and kinder kicks nnd kinder wants to run onco In a while. New York Star. The W.lld Weil Hero, fired with feelings that foam In their frenxy, Filled with a fury immortal and strong, Tho rouse In her madness of wild Influenza Tours down on thy head her wild tumult of MDS. . . . With a whirlwind of passion and power and pathos; With a manioc soul and Inebriate will; la a cataract torrent of bluster and bathos, fine bathe the bare brow of bold Buffalo Bill. -Yankee Wade. asm . TO IV M mm . aw. A MEltCIIANT'S DKC1SION A KTK11 TK1AI,. Sierra Chemical Co. Genti.kmkx: "When I started in to give yeur Grcut Sierra Kidney and Liver Cure n trial, I supposed it was liko all other ad vertised preparations put up to make money and of no use. Now since I. have taken it my decision is that it in the best remedy in the uortd fur kidney and liver disorders. It ha" done me so much pood that I will forever praise it nnd gladly recommend it to all sullVring with general disorders of the body. Very truly yours, V. ,T. Adams, Firm of Reynold & Adam?, San Kruucihco, California. People nre a good do il like trees. Those who mnke the most bows do not olteu bear tlie most fruit. A IIAUXTKD llOUSK. This body of ours bus been likened to a tene ment It often bus u haunted apartment the stomach. Scared by the eliirlch . rite, dyf pcj sla, dlgo'dlnu tl ntiil refusi s to return. hat can break the spell, what enn rxlso the ban ! Id upon the unhappy otgiius? Wo answer unticd fittingly. Hostel tor's Stomach Hitters, Htid we nr warranted iu the response by the recorded testimony of y rinds, covortus a period of over at ird of a century. A nrse of the Hitters, begun in any singe of the iillllctlon nnd persist ently followed, will terminate in cure positive, Hot ia Mitt. The Hitters restore toue to the ep icntrlc nerve, renews and purifies the Jtilc-s exuding from the cellular tissue that act upon i he foi d dig' sttvely, expels bile from the stom ach and the blood, and promote a regular habit f body. Malaria, kidney coinpUliit, nervous ness, rhiwimatism and neuralgia give way to this medicine. Why should Hostutt consider a sedentary drink as less kluiul than a perpendicular one? Six Xovels Free, will bo sent by Cragin & Co., Philadelphia, Pa-, to anyone in the baited States or t nnada, postage paid, upon receipt of 2o lJobbitu' Ivleetric Hoap wrappers. Seo list of novels on circulars around each bar. Soap for sale by all grocers. I'lidcr every gnruient of ickcloth and ashes you will find somo bits of Haunting colors. T1IK isj:st uxtkiisai, ukmkdy. S. J. Tiilwell, Haley's, Marion county, Ala., write: "Ai.ixock's Poitous Pi.astiius are a most invaluable household remedy. They do nil that is claimed for theni. I sell many htnulrfdB every year, and every day I hear of their curing coughs and tolds, disef.se- of the spine, liver, and imuecake; in fact, there is tin disease that can be retched by an external application that they iio not cure." Uewnro i f imitations and do not bo de ceived by tnisteirosenlntinn. Ask for Allcock's, nnd let tin solicitation or ex planation induce you to accept a substi tule. Am.cock'b Cons and Hitnton Siiikmjs eil'ect quick and certain relief. WHERE HIS THOUGHTS WERE. A Lightly Chid SoniiiiiiiibiilNt Visits 111 Sweetheart lit Midnight. Tho strangest somnambulistic feat wo over heard of occurred in tho woods near Interlachen tho other night. A young man, whom wo will call Tom Jeffreys, by way of illustration, was very much infatuated with a young ,1in i llwa mildift l'n.'wl & n Ues fm his hdmo. Ew- i , i l i i 1 1 it. .1 ..n..t (V.a CO (I WlllllllTBDllll, llinniAib ui-i-'iiuu Hum- hotly who has traveled that part of the , , ml Iiml ,,,,,, nlul remied so. It bo country knows that tho neighborhood c.imo very 8ore u, n,e touch and hot. Tho i ihipltlv soltled. and for miles VOU ! p-o without D-ettincr out of sicrht of 1 somo one's house. The road is traveled ahout as much as somo of our hack streets. Ono night, ahout 8 o'clock, ho re tired early. It was bright moonlight. In his sleep ho got up out of bed, and, in his night clothes, walked undis turbed to tho houso of his lady love. As is generally the case in this coun try, stairwaj's" run up to tlie second lloor on tho outsido of tho huildings, and this ono in particular leads from tho ground to tho young lady's room door. Young Joll'roys walked up those stairs and sat down unconscious ly near tho lady's door. How long ho remained thero ho does not know, hut when ho nwoko his head was resting on his knees, and it was 10 o clock. Imairino his surprise, lhere, at ins ailianced's home, in his night clothes, threo miles from home. As easily ns possible ho crept down tho stairway. Ho could hear tho old man down in the Held attending to Ins horses and cattle. Everything was still. Thopeo plo in tho houso wero quietly chatting. tVn open space oi uuoui twenty icei separated tiio kitchen from tho main building. Tho young man went around to tho corner or tno houso, anu saw tho young lady and her mother going to and fro in dischargo of household duties. Ho couldn't speak to them, becauso ho wasn't dressed that way. His trouble was to get back homo without being discovered or noticed. When ho was quietly stealing his way out of tho yard into tho road two ferocious dogs awoko from their slum bers, and with crinning teeth took after tho Hying night shirt which was j making its way to tho thicket on tho sido of tho roau. Tho animals over took tho object, and what part of tho whito garment thoy did not tear oil" tho briars and brush did, and that young man found himself in a most unpleasant fix with half his skirts torn oil". Tho night was cold and ho felt it. On getting into tho thicket ho got out of tho way of tho dogs, but for two hours ho was wending his way home, dodging passers by in tho public road and shivering liko n leaf in tho Ai-ctic regions. Palatka (Fla.) Enterprise. Itecordlne Speed of Train. Tho speed recorder for railway trains ia tho invention ot a Chicago German. An indicator mav bo placed in a passenger car. anil tho speed of tho train at any timo is shown up its face. Tho connection is mado with tho locomotive cngino by tho steam pipes. Tho cost of tho instrument ia about $130. Ono was tried tho other day on n train between Chicago nnd Now York. There wero brief times when tho wheels of tho car stop.HJd, aud then tho indicator dropped quiokly to zoro, as tho instrumont is govorned by tho revolutions of tho wheels. Frank Leslie's JJpwspaper. FKKi: KKCtjlXIXG CUAIIt CAKS VIA I'XIOX PACIFIC SYSTK.M. Train No. 4, " I he Limited Fast Mall," leaving Portlaid on tho Union Pacific svstem at 7 A. m. dally, in addition to i Pullman Palace and Colonist Sleepers and Dining Cars, Is also equipped with e'egant free lleclining Chair Cars, both flrstclass ami Colonist, which run through from Portland to Chicago without change. Both tlrst-class and Colonist Chair Cars are furnished with lleclining Chairs of tho latest Improved pattern, aro tlttetl up with smoking rooms, lavatories for both ladies and gentlemen, nnd nre lighted by gas. All classes of passengers aro carried In these cars without additional charge. Passengers desiring the quickest time and best possible service from Portland and the Northwest to all Eastern points should purchase their tickets via the Union Pacific system. Their agents will take pleasure in furnishing rates, tickets, through baggage checks, detailed informa tion, etc., upon application. Man Is never too old to learn, and his sons are never too young to think they can teach him. The preacher forgets to pray When ti e people forget to pay. A pocket pincushion free to ktnoker of "Tau slll's Punch" Cc Cigars. When a man tells his acquaintances that ho Is sorry he ever got married, it is safe to assume tluit'hls wife Is sorry, too. Beware of imitations of the celebrated Seal of North Carolina Plug Cut Tobacco. is it possible for a man with a weak stomach to digest great truths? AN KI.KGANT I'ACKAGK OF CAIUIS, FINK Including 15 raro novelties, shapes and artistic imported oleographic and chro matic cards. This largo and beautiful col lection bent by mall to any one who will do this: Buy a box of tho genuine- I)r. C. McLanc's Celebrated Liver Pills from any druggist, price 25 cents, and mail us tho outsido wrapper with your address, plain ly written, and 4 cents in stntnps. The genuine McLmio's Pills aro prepared only by Fleming Pros.. Pittsburgh, Pa., and have been in constant ttso for over sixty years. They are suprior to all others in purity and effectiveness. A certain euro for indigestion nnd hick headache. Ad dress, Fleming Pros.. Pittsburgh, P.a. How many men begin on cake and have to finally comedown to bread. in: viktu TKSTIiO : OJ' MKOIC1NK ItY ITS lM-'I'KCTS. IS Modesto, Cal., May 21, 1890. Dr. J. Ui'gene Jordan, Seattle. Wash. Di:ak Silt: 1 hope you will not consider mo tedious if I tell a. little experience, such as may not have come, under your observation. About fifteen yeats ago a br'ght red spot, about the size of a pen, came on one Hide, of the end of my nose. It was a source ot great annoyance to mo nnd great anxiety to my friends, who feared the spot might be n can -or. It seemed strange such it thing would come on my face, for my health has nlwaysbeen good and I never had so much as a pimple nn mv skin. I did not know what to do for tho Uio trouuio. mere was a uiriiuu nj; . 1' nil Ihe. while, aul last fall, when the cold we tthi-r Bet in, the spot beenne Ham- ' nulii was a throbblnir. severe pain Then 1 became truly alarmed, for the thing was l.oonmiiiL' worse, and somo time in Febru ary I reinemboted that you recommended U water for the eyes when they were in- llatned; so I aprlied tins to my nose one eveniii' and win sure that with this ono application theinllamnialion was lessened. I kept up the treatment a week, und my nose i-eeired well. I continued taking tho medicine for six weeks, and at the end of that timo the purple spot was entirely gone, and there is no trace of tho tiling left. The redness has nlso entirely disap peared. I could not be thankful enough that I had heaul of your medicines and knew what to iibe. ltespectfully, Mas, J. i'uuvis. Dr. Jordau's oll'ce is at the residence of ox-Mayor Yesler, Third and James, Seat tle. Consultation and prescription abso lutely riti;i:. Send for free book explaining the Histogcnetic fcystem. Caution. The mitogenetic Medicines are fold in but one ngency in each town. Tho label around the bottle bears the fob lowing inscription: " Dr. J. Eugene Jor dan's Histogenetic Medicine." Every other device is a fraud. I'fiuifler'h On-con lllood IMirUlcrls tho best remedy for that dread disease, dyspop sia. for it regulates tho lymphatic system aud bad secretions. suitis oirun roit i-ii.ks. rturo euro for blind, bleeding and itching Plies. Ono hoi has cured tho " orHt case ol ten years' standing. No ono need BtiflVr ten min utes lifter ubIiik Kirk's German l'he Ointment, it ubsorlis tumora. ullayu tho itchlnij, acts as a poultice, gives relief. Dr. Kirk's (JeniinnPilo Ointnii nt is prpared only for Piles, und Itching of tho prlvuto parts, and nothing else. Kvcry box is warranted . Bold by Druggists and sent by mull on recolpt of price, $1.(i0 per oox. J. J. Muck Si Co., Wholesale Agent, Sun Kraiicinco, If fflletcd with Bore Kyea, uao Dr. Iaao Thompsou's Eyo Wnter. DruKd'lita aell It; a5c. Try auRMBA for breakfast. Health and Strength Foon replace weakucss and laiujuor If that re llublo medicine, Hood's Baraaparilla, in fairly and faithfully tiled. It Is the beat medlclno to keep tho blood pure aud to expel the germs of scrofula, (nit rhcuin and other poisons which came o much suIRtIiik and sootier or later un dermine the general health, by its pecullsr cu ratlvo power llood'sBarsnparllU streiih'thensthe system while It eradicates disease. Hood's fiarsaparllla is my fuvorlto medicine. I have takon several bottles for catarrh, and havo been greatly benefited by It." Mbh. J. OUtMKAn.Ctttnbrla.eau Luis Obispo couuty.Cal. Hood's Sarsaparilla Bold by all druggists, Hi six for S. Prepared ouly by C. I. HOOD & CO.lwell, Mass. IOO Dosos One Dollar ci'kkd or total dkavxkss In Ten Minute It j- KleetrleltjAiiotlier 1 Wonderful Cure l'erfnriucd ly l)r. I Diirrlu on a Seattle Mull. Mr. Editor: For years I havo been gradually growing deaf, unti tbout one year ago I became almost totally deal im one enr and tho other partially so. l)r Darrin cured mo June Ul in ten minutes by his new mode of cure by electricity. 1 reside at Uillsda'e, three miles Irom fort land, and can be seen any lime to verify the above statement. W.M. Gatks. Acute lti-iineliltl Cured by Dr. Dnrrln. Poirri.ANi), June 0, 1HH). Mr. Editor Silt: For nearly one year I was troubled with acute bronchitis, and tried every remedy I could hear of, but re ceived no'benelll. I then wrote Drs. Dar rin fof ndvicM and treatment, which I took at home, nnd after one mouth's treat ment I was entirelv cured. Can be re ferred to at Seattle, Wash. E. Chapman. For allaying hoarseness and irritation of the tliroat it is daily proved that "Hroirn's Jhom hial Troches" am a mild remedy, yet very etlicaclous. Drs. Harrin's I'liiee of Ituslne. Drs. Dnrrln can b consulted daily at the Washington building, corner Fourth and Washington streets, Portland. Hours 10 too: evenings, 7 to f; Sundays, 10 to V. All chronic disease, blood taints, irregularities in women, loss of vital power and early indis cretions permanently cured, though no references are ever Hindu In the press con cerning such cases, owing to the dolicncy of the patients. K.Naniinatioiis free to all, and circulars will be sent free to any ad dress. Charg' s for treatment according to patient's ability to pay. The poortrcated Ireo of charge from 10 to 11 dally. All private diseases contldentially treated and cures guaranteed. Patients at a distance can be cured by home treatment. Medi cines and letters sent without the doctors' name appearing. Titicura J For A tfiir-Mnvc Bueu iy - and ABrJjUMORS. BAD COMIM.r.XIOXS, WITH PIMPLY, blotchy, oily skin, red. rough hiinils, with chaps, painful finger ends and shapeless nails, and simple baby humors prexentod nnd enrud by Ci'TlcmtA So vi" A marvelous bealillller of world-wide celebrity, It Is Incomparable as i skin-purifying soap, uneqiialed for thu toilet and without a rival for the nursery. Absolutely pure, delicately medicated, exquis itely perfumed, Ci'Tici'itA Soai- produces tho whl'test, clearest skin and softest hands mid prevents ItillnmuiHtloii and clogging of the pores, the c ttso ' f pimples, hlackhoails mid most complexlonal disfigurations, while It ad mits of no comparison with other skin soaps, and rivals In delicacy the most noted of tollot and nursery soaps. Sale greater than the com bined sales of ii.l o'her skin soaps. Pilco, 25e. Ketid for " How to cure Skin Dlsra'cs.' Address l'orrr.it lutfu and Ciikmiuai. Coitfo- It vtion, 1 roprletois, Uosion. Jlass. n Aching side A5J rheiiniatisin re Kjt'fiiccn.i Ant Aching sides aim Ihick. weak kidneys and rel even in one minute by ttie NTI 1'AIN 1'l.ASTKIt. '.'"C. PMMhfl ItMdoneilcmijtimefo. ma For a Disordered Liver TryBEEGIWS PELLS. 25cts. a Box. Oir AJjLi DIlUOOIHTsS. Job Printers and Pressmen, SHNU TO PALMER & REY i Who own the only seiim roller fnciory in tin Norlhwest) fur tome of thulr " HKI.IAIll.K ' (.'oinponitloiii or send thon your tnck tocii.l Von will receive a better roller than you huv ever used hefonv FOR MEN ONLY! mm Tat LOHTorFAIUNO MAKnOODl Oenersl and NEKVOUSpEBIUX V WtsJtoess or aaaj mi Kina, i.uecls of ErrorsorEiMnln01iiorYomijr, IUII. SM ntslllMllirallf llMltrta. Ilwlunr LiM"ri'anr.H,iiKrfciii'i:uoiiiiis8At-AiiTkut'rieur. iu.lil.l nafallUf HUM JIIMTBMT-IIjmBIi ill , 4j, Htm ltllr trim Ul SUIM M frl(B(llrlf f. ITrlU Uov, XTartM ERIE frtEDIOAL CO., BUFFALO, N. V. K. P. V. V. No. 342-B. Y. N.U.No. 410 mm 111 ,1 i annrJI IIP -2SB M KM A "V tite wi vttJ w w using ffitl us, TJCOBS Oil . i CURES PERMANENTLY RH 33 XT ISIVI. Suffered for Xn.irly 3(1 Years. 1S7.N thistir . lUltimure, Md. For nearly S i jears I Mi'Kred unit Niennuv tlmn inarm and shoulder: could not lilt un arm. Less than two bottle of M. Jacln Oil cured mo. W. II. HKKfcON. Of Many Years' Stmullnp;. .ni'KI"ii, Crockett Co., Tctin. My case wa-i ru'-umntism f ivmnyjears' standing, evtitrn led during the uar; tried most oxcrwhlhK without r lief M Jacobs Oil finally curd mo. FitbD. KOtiul- AT VKV' t.tst'S AMI OKAJ.Kr.s THE CHARLES A. V0CELER CO.. Baltimore. Md. To euro Biliousness Sick llendnclio Cirtlpntlon, Mnlnrla I.lver ConiplnlnU, t.nko the safo nnd certain rcnieriy SMITH'S BILE I'sothoS.MAM.SlZKdO llttlo beans to tho tot tlol Tliey nro thu most convenient suit nil ages, l'rlcoor either sire. '!" cenu per bottle. tflQCSJ 5Mf "t 7 17.70: Photo gravure rVS OO l BM V panel site of thl picture for 4 ceuta (coppers or stamps). J F SMITH A CO.. Mnkersof "IHIo Heiins. St Units Mo. WHU A WIWm 'i'IIWIi Fi li ! HtWi1 t V.'PIHliilHI TO I.IVH l,ON(5. How to rroloiiH Life After Middle Age. Yli'MH nt'itlt liiiiliient liouiliiu I'll) nIi'Iiiii, Whose Specialty Is Discuses ol (lie A Ki d. John Gardner, M. I)., is a London Phy sician who makes a specialty of the treat ment of diseases of elderly persons. In a recent book upon this subject, Dr. Oaril ncr says : "A healthy anil vigoroim state of every part anil every organ is essential to the health and well being of tho whole system 'To grow old gracefully,' is not the com mon lot of all. With advancing years conic increased infirmities they ate by no means inevitable, and their presence is due to thu failure to keep up to their work tho various organs of the body. The study of the body by scientists furnishes unques tionable evidence that the duration of human life may bu prolonged ton bundled years." Why, then, do so few live- (o Hint ago; and why after middle- life and often be fore is thero so much Btillering from ner vousness, rheumatism, feebleness, luck of appetite, Hlce)les.sncs.s, and debility V lie cause long lilu or overwork has weakened tlie nervous system. IJev. T. Williston, the famous author of "Christ's Millcnial Keign," when eighty four years old, suf fered with indigestion nnd rheumatic af fections. His attention was called fortun ately to I'aine's Colcrv Compound. A free use of that great nieifieine for tho nerves cured him, and made a great improvement in his general health. This grand discovery is an micqunlrd medicine for the n god. It produces Mfe and energy and is a marvelous preserver of the iiro anil vigor of youth. There is nothing like it fin-strengthening the nerve, mid citrine: the discuses to which old folks ari specially subject. It is truly called in valuable by those who have madcaspecinl study of diseases of elderly people. ;) dome lilt U aa tit pr.inc lorinactnaimt'Mf ot till intuit. U. Ii. 1NU KA 11 A.M, M. ., AEWUrdaxi, n, r '.Jiftn.--1 nraAlTitn Wo hr,Y aold TUff 0 I ll -,..,. many ana i jusu fcetloo. D. 11. DTOUK A CXJm Chloaao, ill. toUiVE! tfuiMSl.OS. Bali by BmMim uua.n TAKE IT w.pruNDER's. f Oregon Blood Purifier? KIDNEY $-UVER DISEASES. DYSPEPSIA. PJJiPLCS.BLOTUHLb ANU aWN UlbLAbL Hl.UAUrtL V JUO'CllVLMLtJSj. . uttsL OF CORSETS TRUE That we have secured tho blKjest consignment of Corsets ever oll'ered by any store on thu C'oiiHt fioni one of the lnruest factories in thu w r d, and one of the most popttlnr. To further Intro- .1 .. ......... Ii.ir.. I li..U ! tit., lid ufki. clal terms. Wo oll'er, by mull, i.otiiRi paid, a reiriilnr lift Corset for tl.Ofll a 12 Coiset for 82 i eenti: a (food serviceable (:omet Wi ceutHi a reu- iilarl.VS I.Hillea' vest, 7 ronis; aoovu lire mien iu ii. rai iw.li.r rlriih. L'rev or eo ll. Misses' 76- I w-lalu Ittff"!'. fnr fA ritlltlt. 'l'he ri'HKflll fill- this In thu ma ershellevu jmi will iihviiyH use this Corset If you try one. In II orkluy. Vrhlni) or Sunday (llovra for men we lead nil others. Have closed out bii entire factor tit 00 cents oir the dollar, and ollVr them from K cents up. Kvcry kind und price!1 tell what work you do, Klvo slzo and price, and we Kimrau eo to suit. Mailed fn". AddreM Smith's CiinIi Hturo, llrt Front Hlrecit, Nan franelHco, Cut. CHICHCrSTEn'B c:nqli3h !P!1U (to a. J IV in 'Ml ncn CHOCS DIAMOND. ORANU. ImUi, ml. 1 klwA7- r.lUlna. I.uillc, a.b JruKKtsL f')r OtumtmJ Hr nd. lb r-il, lui-i.ria lit' vuta who wuc . til, I. .11 TuL liu mil r. A II I'UIj ic nnftetHiir-i l-.ii4, ink wrtpr1" T Im Y lttllvrrr l.u.lliV'l t iiihII. A'im i'wpef r ll,ltlir.lrl m-m'I l.i- Wi in (ir, ij rriuru dUo liu- I'kiu. QTPINWAY KKAXIOM. I'KANK OlCircWAI. jt MKAJ..Oivlilor. Hoo nlsh I'laiiosiKurdiittlJrtjtanH. Hand IiiBtruinontii. LarK'-xt Htoclc of Hhoot Muslo und Hookn. H inds Huupllod ot i-iiHturn l'rloeu. AIATTIUAe QUAY CO- el I'oHt Ktreot Han KiiuicIbco. The Wiley B, Allen Music Store, Tlio oldest and lanrcst In tins Northwest. Knabo.Hteck aud llehr llros. Pianos. Kirliiilf Mouse-proof Organs, i'ubllsliers of The Mutlcal ramme, a jourum 01 inuiio iju iuhi h umuui, matter and 10 tmges music), issued monthly, 76c icryeiir; SHmplucopy, luo. nenii tor caisiogues. ,VILKY 11. A l.l.KN. v!Ji Klrst St., Portland, Or. ST A TPKITO NO DCIAY, Circular "" jjjjf r. ft (A . v s. 1 Faker's Golden Female Pills, "V FnrPemnlo TrreBtilar ForFcrnalo Irregular Itlts: tiotlilncllketlietn, on tho market. Sever fntt. Successfully used. Iy prominent ladle, monthly. Guaranteed to relievo suppressed, menstruation. SURE1 SAFE! CERTAINI Don't bo humbugged- Savo Time, llcnlth and money ;tako no oth--er. Sent to any address secttto by mall on re ceipt ot price, t.w, Add idrcss, THE APHRO MEDICINE COMPANY, Western llrauch, DOS 27, l'OKTLAXD, OR Sold by Wisdom Dkuo Co.. Portland, Or. Wtion I mv euro I do net mean mnroly to etnp them rnrntlmoandttiou Iwvo tbom rotum In. 1 rmlleM cure, 1 lisvomiwIetlinilifnMoof l'lTS. hi IU "l'SY or 1Al.UNH SICKNUSSftlllo-longMudy. 1 wrrnt my itmvlr to earn tho wont cm. Hocauso enro. S.-H.1 t onco for trvstlsoumi I'rwi "ottw pf my lnfllilV ri-mmlr. OIto I.ith and l'.wt OtOea JHE SM0KEJ Will Kav2 no other Jobacco Who once tries SZJh OF JWRTjH GAp0liINyn Plug Gut. This is the secret of its Immense sale. THE ORE AT OVERLAND ROUTE I Northern Pacific Thn ONIA' LINK Running Pullman Palaco Uleeptng Curs. MaKiiinccnt Day Coaches, aud KleKaiit KmlKrnnt Sleeping Cam (with bertha frcoof charge) FHOlt WASHINGTON AND OUKOON I'OINTS TO TDK KAST via St. Paul and Minneapolis. TON SCALES OF $66 BINGHAMTON Beam Box Taro Beam N. Y. Ay S j, AIJ.SIZ13 sO S3 J 5 MM FITS S Traiibcontlntjn nl hino , The Only paWce HcaMffc DlriHhG CARS. L- I i i ii l''iiNtCHt '1'lnie Hver Slado from tho Count over tlio NORTHERN PACIFIC R. R. - TO SIOUX CITY, COUNCIL ULUFFS, BT. JOSlCl'll, ATUIllbON, IdCAVKN U OItTIl, KANSAS CITY, UUltldNOTON, QUINCy, ST. LOUIS, UlilOAOO. And all points throughout thoKast and South' cubt, via Ht, I'uul und Miuueapolla. THE ONLY LINB ItUXNIWO Through Emigrant Sleeping Cars KNTIKK LKNOTH OK llOAD. And hauled on rcgulur Kx press Trains over the Kntlro Length of tho Northern I'acllla Kailroad. A. D. CHARLETON, Assistant Oenoral I'astongor Agent. No. 121 First St., Cor. Washington, POKTLANP OHK.nON MR. JOHN W. FURBUSH, An Army VeLeran, OF AVAKKFIULO, who has probnblj suffered inoro than any man or woman In America to-day. Taken i.Iek wbllo In tho Army, ho him endured untold agonies tdncc. JicKcrlhlui; his first Kymptoms ho mild: "My liead ached and my nnpctlto was poor, I felt a fiilntneas at tlio pit of tho Btomaeh, and bad tnstu in my mouth, while my Kkiuwiui sometimes hot and sometimes cold. I next felt piilns In my back, and around thu lower portion of my body, and noticed a peculiar odor nnd color in thu water I passed, which was flcant V at onu timo and f reo at others. Homo times It pained uio to void It, and iignlu it whs in in (nt lmpodslblo to do so nt all. VI unliy I heuim to push clear blood accom panied with tlie proutcst strain and agony." Nn less than KO eminent physicians at tended Mr. Kurbiish nt various times, but not ono of them could help him. Ho was near death's door. And yet ho says: "lam allvo nnd well to-day, wholly through tho wonderful power of limit's Jtciuedy which took mo from tho vergoof tho grave." This Orcnt ilemody ubMlulely cures all Kidney, Uver and Urinary Diseases. l'or Ralo by nil Pcnlors. O. X. CUITTICNTON, flunernl ARont, lir X'ulton.SU, K. V. fml or tximiMei U Ik llunC't Kmnl$ Co W.l- PANTS MADEtoORDER, &B, 9Gf S7, $8. Men's Suits to Order, $25 to $40. Fit Guaranteed. Send -t cents In stamps for ampl7i,.aud rule for s lf-ineustircmeut. You cad Mvti bbr mouey by dealing with me, Sutlsf i(itj(m'trnuiel. ARTHUR KOHN, Clothier, Hattor n. ';Tllor, ix)BHa or t Heeoml and Jtlorrlsun 8t., rorUuuil Or. Mufitlw this HtV.J 1 fcffttf