The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, May 29, 1890, Image 6

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Reforo another issue of Thk Fcovt i
reaches our n adcrs the i lection will
liavo taken place, the voice of the pco- j
2lo will have been heard, our ollicials
for the next two yens will havo been
selected and matters of local impor
tance which have been a jource of
discord for some time past, will have
been sottlcd. In this free country the
people are supremo and when an ox-
r .!...! ...:n I I...-
prussiun ui muir win 11,13 m.-uu jiiuuu
known through the medium of the
ballot-box, it should bo and generally
is, obeyed without a niurmer. The
right of suffrage, albeit unappreciated
and unprized by many, is the most sat
crcd and important trustcver yetgiveu
to man. For it, and the liberty it en
tails, havo earth's bravest and bust
struggled through centuries of pain
and oppression, and bought the price
less piivilcgo with their blood. The
story of Christ, if true as narrated, of
fers no gieater example of a noble
purpose than this. Tho blood that
purchased a chance for some to at
tain happiness beyond the skies is not
more precious than that which has
been poured out by patriots to enable
their fellow men to enjoy liberty while
on earth. "Tho right of suH'rago should
bo held above price and used only
with tho greatest care. Upon the
wise exnrciso of it depends tho stabili
ty of this republic which loads in ev
erything tending to advance mankind.
If it becomes n thing of barter and
salo and its results valueless, what hope'
is there for the progress of the world?
Tho most humble man when ho de
posits his ballot in the box adds an
impetus to one or the other of the op
posing forces that are wot king for
good or evil. That litllo paper ballot
is tho basis and source of law and the
man who casts it is not himself ex
empt from its cU'eels. According (o
tho motives which causes it to be
dropped in that little box it formulates
a code and defines crime givinu lo the
vicious or tho good authority to exe
cute its decrees. It has power to build
prisons; fotgo manacles for tho limbs
of any man, however innocent ;
inako a Siberia of any laud ; suppress
free speech; construct gibbets and
and choke tho lifo out of tho man who
casts it, at the end of a ropo. It has
power to do this or to prevent this as
tho case may bo. Tho man who does
not appreciate tho value and impor
tance of it is n fool. Tho man who
has it for salo is a villian doubly dyed,
as dangerous to his fellow men as a
venomous reptile. Tho cunning,
I rainy rascal, who buys votes is no
bettor than they are. Misleading with
his sophistry tho feeble intellect of tho
fool; appealing to the prejudices of
tho knave; paying with coin for tho
votes of tho rcjitiles who havo thorn
for sale, ho is a leper to be avoided
and despised by all honest men.
That such men abound, more or
less, i:i various localities cannot bo
denied. That their manipulations
havo a tondaney to biing these locali
ties into disrepute and causes thorn to
bo looked upon with suspicion, U ecr
,tain. Much as Tin: Hcoi t regrets to
say it, such a condition confronts tho
peoplo of Union county today ami
causes a vague fear in tho minds of
tho taxpayers throughout tho county
whoso financial interests are at btako
in tho coming election, Their eyes
aro turned toward La Grande and they ,
foar what will bo done there next Mon
day. Mot what will bo done by the
many honest peoplo of that place hut
what will bo done by thu schumers
who manipulate things over there. It
cannot bo taid that thoo fears ate
groundless. The recent municipal
election there is without a parallel for
venality, corruption and open fraud
.nnil proves that there aro ballot-box
manipulators there as unscrupulous
us it is possible for men to be. It must
also bo said that tho fact that a num
ber of thuin are not now within tho
walls of the penitentiary and that the
whole disgraceful alluir was smoothed
over as much iih possible "in order
thnt harmony might provail at tho
-county seat election" is not creditable
to the honest peoplo of that place.
Wo are compelled to fay that wo look
"upon llioso men, who mo still free,
mul ready for woik noxt Monday,
with a considerable degree of appre
hension and advise that thu olllcors of
tho government aided by the people
at largo seo to it that a fair and honest
Amos K Jo.nt.h,
election is hold at (Juit place. Wo j Ui Grande. It is a wull mid genecnlly
nro certain that unlets strenuous of- understood rule of law that it takes
forts nro made to accomplish this that two in make a imiruel that is bind
the result will be anything but Mitis- , iug. No one mn niter into a con-
factory. No law-abiding citizen, nuy
where; will otject to precautionary
measures being taken in his precinct
i! plitinf it iu flirt
to iiifcuro a fair election, That it is the
intention of the schemers of La
Grande to icpent the disgraceful
fccouus enacted at the city election
there can be no doubt. Tho Gazette
intimated as much and justifies such a
course in the following extract which
wc dip from its hist issue:
"J 11 reference to tho 'Dago' votes,
the plain, unvarnished truth of the
matter is this Union papers made a
great ado about what would happen on
tho first of March. It was publicly
and repeatedly reported in the Union
papers that at that lime Hunt would
havo liOO men making the dirt fly, and
if Union hud succeeded in tho plans
that were mapped out and expected to
j mature there would not now bo a word
I K'lid nlmnf. trnnsipilL voters. The Olllv
said about transient voters. 1 he only
thing La Grande could do was to
check-mule this move as far as pos
sible. Union failed, and now they
pqueal that's the whole truth of it in
a nut shell."
What docs that mean? It means
that in order to "Check-mate" an
imaginary enemy La Grande has im
ported a horde of "Dagos" to vote on
the county teat question and intends
to vote t lOin at all hazards, justifying
itself on the grounds that Union would
havo done the same "thing, but failed.
Every oneouts-ido of La Grand'j knows
the falsity of this charge 'against Un
ion ; knows that the Hunt road is being
built without reference to tho county
seat question, and that many of the
laborers employed thereon arc resi
dents of this county when tho samo
number could havo been brought in
from other counties had they been do
Hired as voters.
Union, and tho friends of Union
know now, and havo known for
months, that if a fair ballot is allowed
to be cast by the legal voters who were
in Union county on thu (irst day of
last. March, Union will havo a majority
of at least five hundred. Knowing
tills there was no incentivo for any
thing hut a fair election. La Grande
is also fully cognizant of this fact and
its leaders gave up the contest several
weeks ago, but as a drowning man will
grasp ul u straw, thoy conceived the
idea, as their cause wao hopeless on a
fair ballot, lo havo a majority of tho
ballots anyway although they will
havo lo bo cast by illegal voters ; their
idea being that they might have one
desperate chance loft in a legal contest
after tho election. To carry out this
plan about one hundred men arrived
thero last Friday and nearly as many
more caino the next day. These men
came ostensibly to work on tho branch
railroad but in reality to vote for Dave
Thompson for governor and La
Grande for the county heat. That
thoy will bo voted, unless prevented by
tho proper authorities, it as sure as the
day comes around. La Grande knows
it has but one chance left and grasps
it eagerly.,
In anticipation of a legal contest,
which wo now foresee is sure to come
if tho plans of La Grande's leaders aro
successful, wo urge tho friends of Un
ion in every precinct in tho county to
?eo that not one questionable vote is
cast either for or against us; then if
we aro beaten it will bo all right.
Although but little has been said
lecently concerning tho indemnity
bond filed by sonio of the citizens of
La Grande, ami not one lawyer has
had cheek enough to say that it is a
legal document thero may bo somo that
will bo deceived by it and wo again
publish, by request, our article on the
subject which appeared a week or two
"As might havo been expected, La
Grande comes forward at this liijo and
tiles with tho county clerk what pur
ports to bo an indemnity bond, signed
by a number of its citizons, by tho
terms of which it is agreed that in
case ol the lomoval of the county seat
to La Graudo thoy will indemnify tho
taxpayers for tho loss of county buil
dings. The object of tiis bond is ap
parent to every olio and the securing
of this object is tho hole and only pur
pose of its execution. La Grande is
sorely in need of votes and this scheme
it is hoped by them will inlluenco tho
taxpayers to support them and cause
them as well to lose sight of other
considerations which might influence
their vote. Thoy seem to believe that
if the taxpayer is indemnified against
any loss resulting from a removal of
the county seat then he is ready to
vote with thum. This may be true,
but wo doubt it. Hut let us see about
the validity of an instrument of this
kind. Can it be enforced, and if to
by whom? This iuhtrumtmt has one
I high contracting parly, and one 'only,
tract with himself. The editor of Thk
Scorr might draw up a contract be-
j tween himself and John Doe, but not
ttfifil ila fnpmo 1ic!Q 1ir?n,i ntlftin!1v
llll.ll 111) IVJllltJ IIIUIUIIIIJ
agreed upon is it binding between the
contracting parties, In tho case of
(his bond La Grande has agreed with
itself upon tho terms of a contract
purporting to be entered into with the
j people of tho county. Tho terms of
this contract or bond suits La Grande
whether they suit anybody else or not,
and they have taken the trouble and
gone to the expense of filing the in
strument with the custodian of all our
precious documents of public purport.
This instrument has no considerations
expressed or is there any passing from
one contracting party lo the other,
and a most excellent reason exists why
there is none, for the fact is, thero is
only one contracting party and it
would be an absurdity to talk about a
consideration in such a case. It has
been a rule of law from time immemo
rial that most people are well acquain
led with, tnat a contract witliout a
consideration passing is null and void.
Such a contract could not bo enforced
anywhere, not even among heathens.
With proper parties, there must be a
consideration to make a contract or
bond valid, and it must not only be
expressed in the instrument but must
actually pass in order to make a good
contract. Any contract or bond given
or enteicd into which is against public
policy, made so by its terms, is void
and cannot be enforced. This bond
oi' agreement to indemnify taxpayers
is against public policy and cannot be
valid. By the terms of this instrument
it is calculated lo influence votes
through the hope of pecuniary gain
and is therefore indirectly if not di
rectly an attempt at bribery and an
attempt to tamper with the freedom
of tho elective franchise. Any con
tract, bond or other contrivance which
thus tends to influence votes is void
for tho reason that it is against public
policy. No court anywhere would on
forco a contract or bond of this char
acter, and if a taxpayer should go into
a court of law or equity and attempt
to enfoico it. thus tainted with all the
elements of biibery ho would have no
standing in court and would be so re
buked by Iho judgment of tho court
that ho would be glad to get out emp
ty handed and free from the shackles
of tho ciiminal. This bond is void
and cannot bo enforced, for tho rea
sons abovo set forth, viz: First, bc
causo thero is only one contracting
party. Second, because thero is no
consideration, and third, becauso it is
against public policy, either one of
which teutons being sufficient to in
validate it. The lawyers of La Grande
who drafted this bond and tho peoplo
there generally known that it is void
and cannot bo enforced. The making
and executing of this contract or bond
and everything done in connection
therewith is all for buncombe and of
such thin, gauzy nature that tho intel
ligent voters cannot fail to see through
tho whole business. Not a dollar
do tho peoplo of La Grande purpose
putting up for county buildings or to
pay for those lost by removal of tho
county heat. The lies, misrepresenta
tions and frauds which they have been
guilty of, reaching back to those per;
pet rated by them in getting signatures
to the petitions for tho enabling act,
are indelibly impressed upon tho minds
of the peoplo of this county and hum
bugger now is out of thu question.
Even if this fine bond scheme w s
perfectly straight and the instrument
valid, another pioposition arises to
stare the taxpayors in the face. It
only proposes to inako good to tho
county whatever two ditintereJed(?)
parties shall decide tho county build
ings at Union lo bo worth. Simply
proposing to put tho county even,
with no county building!!. Or in other
woids the county can wipe out eo far
as buildings are concerned and start
in anew on fancy bu&inese principles.
The taxpayer will then bo asked to go
down into the depths of his shining
mul silvery trousers' pocket and dig
hp ij.75,000 or $100,006 for brand now
county buildings such as will for ages
anchor the county seat at La Grande.
So wo can find no great folaco in
accepting tho terms of their little vo
ting incubator. Wo still have now
buildings to erect besides sustnning
a certain loss in the appraisement of
tho property at Union. If La Grande
can suoueed in humbugging tho county
at large into accoptiug their overtures
thoy can certainly manipulate much
easier thu iippmuiug ot buildings,
llewaro fellow citiiens of this bond
cheino which is simply a bait for you
to bite at. Your vote is what thoy aro
after and will do anything to hooure it.
They will nukonll manner of promises
mid five bonds by the wholesale and
any amount to long as they are
I sure' they will not have to comply
with thrir terms. It in expected that
Frank Bros. Imp
SI So i
o rt - W
w I C .s bo D jTyt
giiirsi , WAWif
JSEWe are in the field with a much larger and better stock
of goods than ever before, and can show more and greater im
provements for the season of 1890 than any other house.
Do not fail to call and sec for yourself. FRANK BROS. IMPLEMENT
La Grande will do this because they
havo no argument to present justify
ing a removal of the county scat at
the present time and must buy votes
if possible. Bartering and bribery
will be their stock in trade as they can
not hope to win in any other way.
Honesty justice and fair dealing are
not on their side, and wefeel confident
that the honest voters and taxpayers
of this county will give them a just
rebuke the second day of next month.
A -ivortD OF CAUTION'.
lu this ni la every other locality whert it li
known, thero nro hundreds of perious yth an
taking Joy's Vegetable Srsaparllla. To tbo w
want to pay ouo word. Iu nlno case out el trtrj
tea it is cfl'cctluKtil'eclflocurai. But word comet
to us occasionally ot poopls who report that II
operutes ton Irccly upon tho bowels. Wo want t4
call tho uttoutlou ot thono to tho fact that the;
aro not following the printed Instructions and
are taking too much of It. If It acta too freely re
duce tho dose, nover taking any more nt any Urns
thnu causes easy aud perfect action. Keep this
Injunction In mlud, aud tako it regularly for i
while nud do not ludulgo In too much greasy food
and wo will havo your testimonial within a fort
night. If taken under theso conditions it is an
absolute, euro for indigestion, dyspepsia, sick
headaches, constipation, face eruptions and HTei
aud kidney dlsordors. it may bo asked bow It
can possibly euro so many aliments. But the rea
son Is clear. All those troubles arc the legltlmsU
resultof improper liver and kidney action or Un
paired digestive organs. Its effects upon ihota
functions nro as astonishing to the medical
fraternity as to tho thousands wis aia dally
taking it.
Booml Booml! Boomlll
Do quick if you want a first class
bargain in city or country property
(YVo'll loan you money to buy with.)
Now is tho time. Got there "Eli."
You'll double your money the first
month. Call on Wilson fc Hackett,
managers Union Real Estate Associa
tion. Bucklon's Arnica Salve.
Thk Hkst in tho world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Halt Khciun, Fever
Sores, Tetter, Chapped llanos, Chilblains,
Corns, and all Skin Kruptloiis,jhiHl posl
ntvely cures Piles, or no pay required. It
is (iiiuranteed to give perfect satisfaction,
or money refunded. Price 23 cents per
box. For salo Brown's drug store.
New Livory Stable.
I take this method of informing tho pub
lic that I liavo rented the livery stable op
posite tootlie' hotel, and will, about tho
Stth Inst, open the same with u fine line of
buggies, buggy teams and saddle horses,
livery accomodation will bo afforded custo
mers, and a .haro of the public patronage
Is solicited. V. K. 1JOWKEK.
A Snap.
The best farm in Indian valley; '.IXInores;
excellent improvements; a home farm;
$:i,UOO cash. Address:
a. f. nntuiioii .tco. Elgin Or.
A Pointer For You.
If you "want to inako every dollar do
full duty, catch on to soino pf the cheap
bargains in farm or city property now
otTcrcd by Wilson ife Hackett, mana
gers Union Real. 1'JgtllU' Association,
Everybody admits that tho Improved
Randolph Steel Frame Header sold by Sta
yer Si Walker, is tho lightest running easi
est managed header on tho market. .VI.)
Quick I
Or you loso it. If you want a cheap
lot in Union, call quick or you loso it.
Call on Wilson it Hackett, managers
Union Real Estate Association,
Our beat farmers arc beginning to find
Hint Stayer Si Walker sell tho best ma
cuinery and vvhlcles, mid that their prices
are the most reasonable, ft-15-t'l
To oxeliange goods for !!0 cords of wood.
Mrs. L. It. Itinchart.
1 U17 Summervllle. Both rvsidcuco and
biutnosi proiicrtv In Ilia cities of Union
ami im uriuitic!, cnenper limn inu cnenpesi J. It. OH mis.
a. m
-:- Mrs. Rinehart,
-I Also Carry
m m yy y
Ladies' Fnrnisliii Mil id Fine Slioes.
All of which wili be
The Finest Lot of
Mens' Whs' Boys' and G!' Clothing
Spring and Summer Hats,
Also tho Greatest and Rest Assortment of
In all tho Latest Styles and Qualities,
A. IjE"V"32"
DVJVl I O AU Kinck '
Latest Styles.
Just Received, Direct from the
MISSES' CALFSKIN SHOES, tho Best Ever brought to this Market.
Also a Fino Assortment of .
My Prices will suit the times. Drop in and see me.
O. VINCENT. Main Street, Union, Or.
HinHmiMiitii ii it iiiiiuiiiiii i n iiiiiiiiiiiiini iii i imiiiiiiiiiu
The Jones Bros., Photographers, Union,
Oregon, are now prepared to do finer work
than ever before.
All work guaranteed to give -.tisfactin or no -h:.rg.
o 2
. r
M o
t-i t
3 " -
f -1
S3 "
S 2
7- a -2,
c c
6 L-J
s 5! H
CO., La Grande and Island City.
the Milliner, -:-
a Fine Line of-
sold at bottom prices.
East, a Larco Invoico of LADIES' and