The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, May 22, 1890, Image 3

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fifFtar o-- .-v-
lll'V XT
A Paragraphic Record of Recent Happen
', lncs In and Around the City.
Saturday Is Pioneors' Day. .
Attend the Pioneer Ball, Saturday night.
Furnished to rent. Knijuire at this
Work on the brick yard is rapidly pro
gressing. A large amount of trunks just received
at Levy's.
Mcacis seem to 1)3 prevalent in various
v parts of.thc county.
Mr. Louis Bronil'or wrltci to have his
Scout sent to Cornucopia.
A rtf In
crowded out of this Issue.
A number of brick buildings will be erec
ted in Union this summer.
Small home for rent on Main streot. En
miiio of Mrs. I.. B. Binehart.
Mr. .1. W. Bloodsworth, of Elk Hat, made
j, us a substantial vHt Saturday.
'V Mr. .1. N. Chandler, of Elgin, called on
us Friday and subscribed for Tin: Scoirr.
Mr. Chas Foharc writes to have The
Scour sent to him at Tolt, King countv,
The particular attention of our renders
is called to Staver it Walker's big ad. in
this issue.
S The La Qranders seem to lie making pret
ty good use of that .fi!0,O0O they got ostensi
bly to put in water works with.
Mr. Thomp Carroll returned from his vis
it to the east, a few days ago, looking as
though the trip had agreed with him very
Mr A, E. KHis is again back in his old
position as agent at the Union depot, hav
ing taken the place of Mr. Abbott who goes
to La Grande.
Our best farmers are beginning to lind
that Staver it Walker sell the best ma
y c'uinery and vehicles, and that their prices
are the most reasonable. 5-15-t'J
Mr. A. E. Eaton has received the sad
news of the death of his sister, Mrs. Eliza
Lord, of South Boston. Her death oc
curred on the 12th inst.
Extensive preparations arc being made
for the reception of the old pioneers next
Saturday, and it promises to be an event
long to be remembered.
Over forty of the men who signed the La
Grande bond do not pay taxes. What do
the honest property owners of Union coun
ty think of such a gang?
There will bo a social dance at Davis'
hall in this city, next Saturday evening.
The best of music will Do furnished and
a good time is anticipated. Tickets $1.
Everybody admits that the Improved
Kandolph Steel Frame Header sold by Sta
ver it Walker, is tho lightest running easi-
est managed headers on the market. 5-l."
One week from next Monday and it will
be decided whether Union or La Grande is
to be the fortunate town. In the mean
time be sure and call at the Cove drug store
and settle your account.
County Clerk Neill has received ballot
paper from the secretary of state to be
used in printing tickets for the Juno elec
tion. The Scout will print the democratic
. tickets for Union county,
Mr. J. A. Donncv and wife, of Pino val
ley, arrived in this city last Friday. Mr.
Dennoy took his departure, Monday, for
Portland to attend tho Grand Lodgs of Odd
Fellows which moots thore.
Mr. Samuel Sired, of Canyon City, cn
routo to the Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows
of this state, was run over by the west
bound passenger train at Arlington at noon
Saturday and killed instantly.
Mr. Isronl Goyetto, of Wauregan, Conn.,
arrived in this city lat week, to look at the
country and visit his brother. Mr. Peter
Goyette, of JNh valley. Tho brothers had
not scon each other fur eighteen years.
Mr. J. E. Jones, a tin and hardware
merchant of Elgin, fell from a load of hay
on Wednesday of last week while going
' down a steep hill one mile west of Elgin
and was run over by the wagon and in
stantly killed.
Dr. E. M. Clements and Mrs. Viola. Win
tors, both of this place, started tiiis morn
ing for Wciser City, Idaho, from which
place they intend to return homeward on
their wedding tour. Joy be with them.
Wallowa Chieftain.
Mr. John Kimbrell and family, of North
Powder, were in the city a few days ago.
-John is a whole-souled genial fellow and
his work as county surveyor for tho past
two years has been satisfactory. Wo do
not think the people can do better than to
elect him again.
1 Hon. BobortA. Miller and Prof. A. Lu
Boy deutocratiocandidatosfor congress and
stale school superintendent, addressed the
citizens of Union last Friday. Their
speeches wore llstoiied to with attention.
Dotn gentlemen created a very favorable
Improssion and made many friends while
At the Pioneer mooting. Saturday, W.
W, Baker, Knj., editor of tho Bural Spirit,
will deliver the oration. An original poem
by Union's pioneer hard, E. C. Itrainard,
.and otlior literary exorcise will enliven
and add intweiit to tho occasion. Music
will be ftiruMied by the Union Silver Cor
net Bund. Thu public are invited ami it is
believed that anybody who should full to
prevent will always regret It.
' Mr. John F. ChrUnun, of Joy. Wallowa
oounty , write to u from 'rewill, Lane
QOUUtV follows : ' ' Pleaie di -conlili ue the
jtaper lor the present. 1 bate to tfivu up
Tub 8-u't for it it like partinu with an old
and trit 1 fi i. iid, hut a Into not p rinu
Timitlv iu .iti .l. not hauinir Bold mv h Tm h
yet, 1 d'iir r.
thing ; vi rv
Heel, i l the "
thini? npial t
v n I I ha.
i , t . ii "
( f,-.
1 .1 ,:i
ipi . t
t It. -
.1 iili-
i Charles Bensc. a German sheep herder
' got 111,0 a f'Sht wi,h theOeneve family near
I T'ilnt Mnr L- ITinnHll.i
and stabbed one of the boys with n pair of
sheep shears, killing him Instantly and
then stabbed Mrs Geneve, indicting wounds
from which it is thought she will not re
cover, Bense is now in jail at Pendleton.
Humor says a new town site. will soon be
laid off on Mr. Titus place, about tour
miles from North Powder, on the railroad.
The building of a sidetrack, grain ware
house, store building, etc., will be under
way in n short time. Jas. Hutchinson Is
said to be the prime mover in the enter
prise. Haines correspondent Baker Blade.
Parties Just down from Pine valley and
Keating inform us that Thk Scout reached
the postotlicc at these places on Thursday,
just one week after they were published.
There seems to be a dcvclish. diabolical
and premeditated plan to keep Thk Scout
from being circulated. Wonder if the issue
just before the election will not be sup
pressed altogether? There seems to be no
difliculty about the Gazette getting to Its
destination on tune. We will see what we
will see.
Mr. .). A. Wright, republican nominee for
representative, writes to us from Sparta
and subscribes for The Scout. Mr. Wright
adds: Nothing like looking the emunv
'square in the face' " That is very true
and shows a spirit of fairness that is com
mendable. It may also be said that no
man is titled to properly represent his
county unless he is a readerof ati the coun
ty newspaper-', for through them, only,
can he familiarize himself witli the needs
of the various. localities, and the general
sentiments of his constituents upon all
important questions.
Farmers, Remember
That Mrs. L. B. Uinehart takes all kinds of
produce in exchange for goods.
Cooper Shop.
S. B. Aylcs proprietor, manufacturer of
butter barrels and keijs, A good supply al
ways on hand. Shop at Union depot, Un
ion county, Oregon. 0-22-tf.
New Livery Stable.
I take this method of informing the pub
lic that I have rented the livery stable op
posite Boothc's hotel, and will, about the
i!."ith inst. open the same with a line line of
buggies, buggy teams and saddle horses.
Every accomodation will bo afforded custo
mers, and a share of the public patronage
is solicited. W. E. BOWKEB.
The transition from long, lingering and
painful sickness to robust health marks an
epoch in the life of the individual. Such a
remarkable event is treasured in the memo
ry and tne agency whereby the good health
has been attained is gratefully blessed.
Hence It is that so much is heard in praiso
of Electric Bitters. So many feel they owe
their restoration to health, to tho use of the
Great Alterative and Tonic. If you are
troubled witli any disease of Kidneys, Liv
er or Stomach, of long or short standing,
you will surely lind relief by use of Electric
Bitters. Sold at .')0c. and si per bottle at
Brown's drugstore. Union, Oregon.
Two Trains Daily Between Portland and
Spokano Falls.
Effective May 11. 1S!0, the Union Pacilic
System will establish two daily trains be
tween Portland and Spokane Falls. Pull
man Palace Sleepers and Keclining cars
will be run between Portland and Spokane
Falls without change.
This new arrangement will aliord both
local and through passengers additional
and unsurpassed facilities. Tickets, de
tailed time of trains, and general informa
tion, can bo obtained upon application to
anv ticket agent Union Pacilic System.
T. W. LEE,
Gen'l Pass, Agent.
The Pulpit and the; Stage.
Ilev. F. M. Shrout, pastor United Breth
ren Church, Blue Mound, Kan., says: "I
feel it my duty to tell what wonders Dr.
King's New Discovery has done for me.
My lungs were badly diseased, and my
parishoners thought I could live only a few
weeks. I took live bottles of Dr. King's
New Discovery and am sound and well,
gainiin: -'0 lbs in weight.''
Arthur Love, manager Love's Funny
Folks Combination, writes: "After a thor
ough trial and convincing evidence, I am
conlident Dr. King's New Discovery for
Consumption, heats 'cm all. and cures when
everything cKe fails. Tho greatest kind
ness I can do my many thousand friends is
to urge them to try it." Free trial bottles
at Brown's drug store. Begular size 50c.
and $1.00.
Mario liy Joy's Vegetable Hunapartlbu
Mrs. Deldeii, au aged and feeble lady at 0U
Mason St., San Franciiro, after going down stead
ily for months was completely rcntorcd and is
aovr well and healthy,
J. If. ISrovrn, look.keepcr 1'ttaluma. Cured
sntlrely of bis indigestion and constipation.
Miss Clara Mclvin, 120 Kearney street, 8. F.,
Dnred o( au aggravated case of indigestion and
J. It. Kourutt, Chief Wharfinger, foot of Clay
itreet, S. F Cured of pains lu the back, liver
.rouble and sick headaches.
Mrs, J Uinpbere. 1342 Market street, S. F., had
Seen under physicians' care for two years for
'iver complaint. With the third bottlo she re
tained tier old accustomed health,
1'red. A. fllcckcr, Baldwin Hotel, 8, F., suffered
fur years with dyspepsia. Felt better the first
Mk and is now eurod
Guitar Solomon of 223 Valencia street. 8. P.,
;uied of ilck headaches and liver trouble.
IMward Neatoll, 79 Kvcrctt streot, B. F., cured
I pains in tuu back and chronic biliousness.
AnJ oror 1000 others.
A Pointer For You.
Jf yi'U want to mako ovory dollar do
Mil lj ttv.t.ltt'll Oil tUeOIIIUOf UlOoilOIlp
' ,M- .ii f .nn or city property now
s l - iiM & JIuckett, maim
gi is I'iikiii Kcal Kslute Astociation.
r I
r-1 .
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W "3
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O 0
Governor Pennoyer Will Address
People of Union on tho 27th.
Mrs'. E, P. McDaniel, of tho Cove, and
Mrs. A. E. Eaton, of this city, made our
ollice a pleasant call Saturday. Mrs. ..Mc
Daniel is considerably interested in the
meeting of the pioneers which is to take
plnco here next Saturday, and brought up
from the Covo the tattered remnants of nn
old llajr that was used on the lirst Fourth
of July that was ever celebrated in tbe
Grande Bonde valley, which tookfphicc in
the Covo in 181.9. twenty-ono years ago.
But little remains of the flag except the blue
Held and the stars, but around it cluster
many pleasant memories of those early
days. The ilatr was a home made one, and
Mrs. McDaniel recalls the names of those
who had a hand in its construction, among
them Mr and Mrs. Baudall Itoblnson, .Mr.
and Mrs. James Ileiidcrshott, Mrs. Babin
ton, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. McDaniel, John
Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. V. B. Minor and
Crooks Barnes, Tho oration on that
memorable occasion was delivered by John
ny Clark who was at that time a mere boy.
The llag will be on exhibition at the pio
neers' meeting, and will be quite au inter
esting feature.
The Kotor Line.
The grading for the motor lino com
menced last Friday, and about llftcen teams
are now at work. Tho force will bo in
creased in a few days and the work pushed
as rapidly as possible. About one-half
mllo of the giailo Is completed, It is tho
intention of the company to push the work
as rapidly as possible, as they want to have
the lino in operation by the lirst of July.
The electrio light wires have been strung
nud everything is in readiness to turn 011
tho litdit, with the exception of placing thu
dynamos in potitton. These havo not ar
rived yet although tlicywcrc;lilpped at tho
same time the wire was. Considerable) tele
graphing has been going on to find out their
whereabouts and they are expected hero
Hunt's Railroad Work.
Work on thu Hunt road Is progressing
finely and about 11! mlloa of thu grade is
now complutod. Tho graders are now at
work on Clyde .Pennington' place. Mr.
Pennington insisted on having Ida nionoy
for thu right-of-way Iwforn thu grading wun
done, nud the amount, f 700, wn railed In
thin city lu one day stud pitld U him, aUo
I'.'IO for thu rlght-of way through Mm.
Wells' pi ice, 'i'h it leaves hut a very little
r S TEELE St AUSTIN, - Grinnell, Iowa. A
Steel Frame Header, Empire Binders and Mowers,
3orc and CJrcatcr Jinprovcmcnis ior J SIX) Than Any Other.
j i
of tho right-of-way to be paid for. Mr.
Hunt will be back from the east in a day
or two when work will bo prosecuted more
actively than over.
Domocratlc Hilly.
Sylvester Pennoyer, Democratic candi
date for Governor, and Hon. Geo. W. Webb
Deniocra tic candidate for State Treasurer,
will address the citi:;ens of Union next
Tuesday May 27th at one 1'. M. A big
time is expected. They will address tho
citizens of La Grande in the evening. Let
everybody come out and hear them.
Balloon Ascension.
One of the features that will add greatly
to tho enjoyment of thu pioneer meeting
in tills city iK-xt Saturday will bo the bal
loon ascension by the celebrated aeronaut,
Prof Long, who has been engaged for tho
occasion. Tho professor made au ascen
sion in Baker City yesterday.
Euoklcn's Arnica Salvo.
Tin: Bkht Halvi: in the world for (Juts,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Bhcum, Fever
Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains,
Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and pos
itively cures Piles, or no pay required. It
is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction,
or money refunded. Price L'.'i cents per
box. For sale at Brown's drug store.
Farmers, Tako Notice.
Before purchasing your mower this year,
don't fail to call cm us and hco our new
Whitney "solid steel" mower. Wu claim
It to bu tho most perfect grass cutter ever
produced. Those visiting the exposition 111
Portland last fall will remember seeing it
in operation. It speaks for Itself. Don't
fall to call and examine it. Ham. linos.,
Union, Oregon. Jj-IiMI
Teachers' Examination.
Notice is hereby given Hint for the pur
pose of making an examination of all per
sons who may offer themselves as candi
dates for teachers of the schools of this
county, thu county school superintendent
thereof will hold a public examination at
Union, Orut'ou, ' beginning at noon on
Wednesday thu 28tli day of May, 1800.
Dated this 13th day of May, IfeO.X
. .1. L. OAKTKB.
School Superintendent, Union Countv.
Auction Sale,
Notice iti hereby given that wo will Kill
at public auction, at John Elliott's) corral
lu thu city of Union, on thu 21th day of
May, 1800, thu following described property
to-wlt: One liorue, four eiows, two year
lings, one wagon, plulv, burrow and other
farming implements, household good, etc.
Terms of nale: All sums under live dol
lars, eumli in hand ; ovor live dollars, ninety
day's time) with lnt-r. it and approved se
curity N l A. D l U KLIK,
AdnuiuxtniMint of tlio vstatu of W. T.
I'icl.llii, deceased.
I iff3
Eisu la
T E"
A SsMidi'idgcr Iteviows tho
Strong Appial to tho Intolllccrcj of
Union County Tr.xpay.ira.
A resident of tho Siinelritlo writing
to tho tSmnmcrvillo Annotuior, of lust
wook, showd tip tho county neat (situa
tion in itn trno light. Head what ho
sayri :
"TI16 pooplo of tho Kidgo woro Hour
ly nil treated to 11 copy of thu La (Jrantlo
Gazotto last weok for which they return
tliunks. Thin largo aiipply of Gazettes
is tsont out to tho taxpayers for their
nonoiii, so 1110 uazouo says, nut, is
nothing but a largo amount of bait
fejr tho purpcjso of feeding suckers.
Tho Ga.otto attempts to give somo
reasons why tho county seat should bo
removed to La Grande, 0110 of which
is that La (Jrando is tho most aecessi-
bio point in tho county. Let us koo
how it will bofor.Suminervillo. When
Hunt's road is completed wo will havo
direct connexion with Union, anil to
reach La Grando by rail wo will bo
compelled to go on Hunt's road 1"
sennostaliou that may bo built on tho
Jtidgo,. ml change euro, and peHibly
bo detained euvcrnl hours. Jt is
sure fact that we will bo etompcllcel
go to La Grando with a team, as now,
while it will take but a fuw minutes to
reach Union. Jt is evident that La
Grundo is doing now ns in the past,
utterly ignoring Htiinmerville'sinleicht.
Another reason given is La Grande's
population. Js a Grande's popula
tion any reason for increasing thu taxes
of this county? Wo know that Jiii
Grando bus a largo population and wo
also know that Kunimervillo pays far
inoio tax per voter limn La Grnntlo.
Lu Grande's population u made up of
loafers, tramps eomo wage) oarnorj',
ballot-box Htud'ors, very few taxpayers
and last but not least hired voter.
The court house has boon declared
eliingorous by tho people of Lu Grande,
yet you muy soo them passing through
tho court hntipo witli impunity. That
proposed bond to indemnify tho poo
plo of Union county against oh ro
minds tho peoplo of Sumineivillu of
H H & M M CI H H m ft H R 8 ft
r- ,
t t
j tho time La Grundo Kent, hero to ne
gotiate for depot grounds. At Unit
; time 11 nuiii of legal lore, hut inoro
I gull, came horo, rattled a naek of peb
' bles, unel said ho hud a wick of twen
j ties. What was that for? To oatoh
I ul..,l-,,..'u r.l,a ,i.wl !o (I,,. :, ,,!,.,
n.i,nv;. a iuluoj tb.ivi in ti.u i.iiiu.iiuivj
bond. After the election, if La Grundo
wins, how easy it will bu for tho sumo
man of gall to lind wine technical
error, and set tho bond aside.
Thoy certainly exhausted Iheir sup
ply of gall when saying to tho tax
payers that taxes would bo less if tho
! county seat was roinoveei to La Grando.
If tho county seat is removed to La
Grando tho county court would bo
compelled to construct now county
builtlings, buy land and pay for re
moving records. If it remains at
Union, do thu taxpayers think that
any county court will build nuw build
ings? If tho property holders of Union
precinct ruled tho county then tho
1 ..lsmijMlj 0f LiV (Jrando would havo
- HOmo fcm,0 wilh Ul0 lllxl,liycMi bu, as
j the voters of this county havo never
, uieclt,,, Uloir cinniissionord ami judge
j from Union 1)rccinut jt is a auro ,lin(;
I mt lhuy wi ol iu thu rilturo TJl0
j mu,stion is aske:el will tho county court
iiuiui umv. buildings? If tho come
j ll0lUi0 -lH ll3 (lvK0IO,Irt tho Gazotto
; represents it to ho it suem.s strange
tllllt U com L )11B I1(lt i,ujt H ll0w (mo
j )(,f,m, llis j5ul W lh(J t!()lrt rupr0.
mcuIs all purls of tho county and knows
j thu (;0llrt hmib0 jt) 8Jlfo anv Uko
i b,,,!,;,,,, iu tho utitu. thuv havo'ueted
1 " '
' us business men act and refused to
t IhmIsI III ntlull'DP (1 Hi n f !i n 1 I 1 1 ion.
ry elo tho taxpayer of this vicinity
think that such men as John MoDouulel
and either of tho nominees for county
judge would build new buildings ut
Union? Taxpayers think, judging thu
future) by th'o past tho town of Union,
consitloring Lu (Jrando's large voto,
will never control tho county court.
Tho Gazotto nelvisin tho taxpayers
to mid. Tho b,il!irelash published
in tho last Gazette h es been read by
many. And after tho reading comes
thu thinking. Our advice is lo think.
This enabling act was a dirty sohemo
of La Gruiuto's, If I lie county seat
is moved to La Grando it may enhance
oily property, bunuiit a h.v near La
Grundo and iiioraibo tho taxes all over
thu county. The taxpayers of this
vicinity havo elooidod to voto for
Iheir interest. Wo must gut iu and
work for wo havo svernd hundred
voter Ofipoutxl to our inloreat ;yho
pay no taxes whatever. With Rinuid
leatfoning all taxpayers will eleuido to
lot tho county seat alone until till parts
of our county nre developed.''