TIIUKSDAY, MAY 22, 1890. Written for Tun Scnrr 1 EASTER BELLS. KTng out. g'ad hells! ulod Kn'or Tiell-f. Clmii'i loud Ihv April morning knoll, Fur over land. en to tin sea, When- dashing waves shall answer thec! J ' i 1 1 tc 1 ( nv n the forest di-on and wide, IUiil' to tlio re.iliu whero cloud- abide; Hoti-nl liuJ fie anthem or thy praNe T"ii'i mnii with thoughts of Imiipicrdays llring tuvk t!io hours of ba-efnols e'er. V lien Ihi-1Ii tiiliipi welcomed thee! Oil. ItrlN of Kater. tnei niv lienrt. With eh IduoodN boil. idles joy, apart. Kitting ao-ii this April diiy, Jlv lueiii'iry wanders I'm iiway. To tint old home beneath the hill ! Close bv the hike. st-reiit- mid ntiil ! I .sop oneo more three leuefoot boys Wi'h hearts oVrrttn. with careless joys I see t lie farmhouse und the flotvurs And mother slng;ng through l"tig hours; Oh K.ister UelN ih it ehlnio in glee! UiiiK hack that happy song to mo I Uring hack. Oh Hells! one other d.iy, Wh'nnll the world to me. was gay! When joy gushed through each throbhlng vein, And gladness danced with might and nuiin ! I tool: her tender hand in mine, And caw the light I" deep eyes shine. I touched her lip, and thrilled to (eel The warm lluh through my, pulses steal I Urint' hack glad Hells, the whlporcd vow 'J'hnt hinds me to her side, e'en now I Urlng back sweet Hells the, golden day. When we joined heart, tor aye! Glad Master Hells ! My memory glows With p!eaant dreams, thiotigh mm und mows ! I conntthe mllex from chlldood's plain, And wander idly hack ntrnin . I cee the land marks stninliriK yet, Who built them theie? Can I forget! Hut days go on, and hours creep by j (Jray'cloud folds .sweep the April sky 1 King loud glad Hells! lthig loud thy gleco! t Thy sound Is fraught with joy for mo! - m:itT V. Ilullnian. ltuTTi:, Mont., April, li, 1800. N031TII POWDER 1I0T2S. Compiling tho Contentious La Oraatlo With OurfUster Town, Unltfn. May 17 1800. W. II. Jltifl'inun was in our town re contly. !i. b. McCotnitH paid onr httlo town a visit lust week. Dan Stnibird was in (own Ycecntly looking after his. interests. Mr. .loo i owell of Fylcs canyon passed through (own a few days ago. Two somebodies are going to got married in our town next week "who is it." No man who pays heavy tuxes, out side of J, a (Irande, will vote to change tho county seat. wnoso stoppi'di ins ears ut tlio cry of tho poor, ho also shall cry himself but shall not ho hcatd. As a thorn goeth up into the hand of a drunkard, so is La (it-undo, to tlioso who stiifled tho Imllot box at their city election. The desire of a man is his kindness, and a poor hum is better than u liar, II is hotter to dwell in (he wilderness than with a contentious and angry woman. A continual dumping in a very rainy day, und a contentious wo man a ro alike. Dr. II. Hoyd, lato of Georgia, has located inXorlh Powder. Tho doctor brings with him a good recommenda tion. Ho has taken two courses at Jiollvitnv .Medical college Now York, two courses at Tttlano University New Orleans, La., and one year in Touro Infirmary Hospital, Now Orleans, La. Tlio doctor is a half brother to J)r. Ashford of linker City. JIo is a young man of extraoidinary ability. JIo is noquuok, and tho people need not ho afraid to call on tho Dr. when in need of a physician. .1. 11. H.uun.w THOMPSOH'3 MANY EA'IKS. Tho Numerouo Asonclos That Aro to lie Ilia btay in This Campaign. Ih'low is a list and tho locations of Mr, Thompson's banks. Thesc.nro tho ngoneiea he expects to elect him. Their money is being poured out like oil upon tho troubled waters. Ho owns a controlling interest in the LaOraudo National of La Grande. Commercial National, Dayton, Columbia National, Portland. National Hank of Commerce, Taconm National Dank of Hoppnor, National Hank of Spokane. Portland Havings Hank, Portland. Pendleton Havings Hank, Pendleton. Kirt National Hunk of Poineroy. First National Hank of Hprague. Firm National Hank of Walla Walla. FirM National Hank of Pendleton. First National Hank of Island City. First National Hank of Union, First National Hank of Haker City. Firt National Hank of Arlington. First National Hank of Mc.Miuvillo. First National Hank of The Dalles. Portland .Mercury. Boanil Ilaomlt Ilooinlll Ho quick if you want a ilrst class bargain in city or country property (Wo'll loan you money to buy with.) Now is the timo. (Jet thrr "1211." You'll diitihlo your monoy the llrot month. Call on Wilson & Haokutt, manager Union Kual Kstuto Awouia tion. PINE VALLEY. Vividly Described. THE GEM OF UNION COUNTY. Progress, Prosperity and Sociability of the Old Pioneer Settlexs. "There'.s n countrv famed in tory As you've often times been told. "Us a land i'f mighty rivers, Punning over sands of fold, The abode of peace nlld plenty, And with prosperity 'tis blest; Hut this countrv that's so famous Is away oil in iJie West." It is said that the traveler through the Great Kahariun Desert of Afiica, being enervated and worn out by the burning sun and scorching wind, till almost compelled to lie down by the wayside and die, suddenly sees in tho distance a beautiful lake surrounded by a cool nud shady grove, hut when upon rushing forward to the place where ho imagines ho can wet his his parched lips with nature's spark ling beverage and rest his weary limbs under the shady palm trees, ho finds to his sorrow that he has been de ceived bv what is known in philoso phy as an optical illusion, and instead of finding his cool lake and shady grove, ho discovers that ho is still traveling through burning sand and Ecorching wind. And so I imagine that the pioneer pilgrim moving west ward from tho "states" with a view to founding a homo for himself and fami ly, and, after traveling many a long and tedious day across the desert sago brush wajto that lies between the Pa cific coast and Middle states, when he stood for the first time upon the sum mit of the mountains that hound Pino valley on tho east, and looked forth upon the dueling beauty of tho laud scape that laid before him, exclaimed to himself, ''Certainly tho sight that meets my eyo cannot be a reality, but must be one of those optical illusions that deceives tho weary traveler (lirough Africa." Hut as ho approaches nearer he ascertains that tho beautiful valley before him is no delusion or mirage but that hero in Eastern Oregon lies the most beautiful and most fertile valley upon which tho sun ever shono; a valley twelve miles long and seven miles wide; a valley surpassing all others for tho fertility of its soil, the beauty of its scenery and tho mildness of its climate. I Although ono of tho newest settled valleys in (ho west, yet Pino valley takes the lead of all others in improve ment and development. It has been transfoimed as if by magic from tho barren prairies of '7fi into tho cultiva ted fluids of 'DO. Heie, whero only fifteen years ago the Indians chased the deer and tho elk, and the only sound which broke the deathly still ness of night was tho pitiful howl of tho hungry coyote, tho ehild-liko cry of the ttoachcrous panther and tho hooting of the scieeeh owl, now can bo seen vast fields of growing grain, btately houses and well cultivated farms which speak more eloquently than I am able to do of tho prosperity of the ianehers of Tine. Hero, tho lunohor can raise -10 bushels of wheat to tho acre, 7f bushels of oats, 110 bush els of barley, fruits and vegetables of tho largest size and finest quality and can cut from two to threo crops of alfalfa a season. Here, drouth, chinch hugs, grasshoppeis, locusts, hot winds and all the other plagues that pester the farmers of eastern states, aro un known. Tho ranchers of Pino are even independent of Damo Nature and are not compelled to depend upon at mospheric changes for tho watering of their crops. Pino valley has four sehool districts, two saw mills, ono grist mill, four stores, two postoflleos, ono hotel, threo blacksmith shops and ono saloon, Hut one of the best and most commen dable features of Pino valloy is tho so ciability of its people. Hospitality is the religion of the people of this valloy. True it is that this valley like all other places has its tale-bearers and mischief-makers, but like tho fragrant polo-cat their presence is always known, and hence they aro perfectly harmless. Quito a number of tho people of this valley aro southern born and havo irought hero to Eastern Oregon those Mioiahlo qualities for which tho people of tho southern states have heootno fa mous. Tho sojourner in Pino can al ways find the "latch string hanging out." Pino valley, indeed, has a must bril iaut future. Its nearness to tho Cor nucopia, Hanger and Sparta mines atlords a good market for surplus pro duoe, and will furnish a better market as these minus continue to hu devel oped. It is authoritively reported that a now company is boon to commence work in the Cornucopia mines. And, Inrthermori!, it is only .a question of time, and it short timo at that, when a railroad will ho htiilt down tho Powder rivor. Also, a movctnent is now on foot to construct a r.iilroad from Salt Lake City, Ufuli, down Snako river, to connect wir.li the Hunt division at Walhtla junction. Another movi-mont which will re- dottn.l to tin- development of Pino vnl- j ley is the attempt which is now being made to navigate Snake river. Al ready a vc.s Ul.l i l,u; ni,fl(n.nifwl nt scl is being constructed nt Huntington to run Irom there to tho Seven Devils, and I apprehend the time is not far distant when the tur bulent waters of Snake will be covered with th'' "white winged messengers of commerce." No doubt tho pionecrsottlors of Pino valley have endured many privations and hardships in order to secure homes for thom?elvcH and families, but the comfort tiny will enjoy in the fu ture in having beautiful homes and well improved ranches will repay them a hundred fold for the sacrifices they havo made and tho hardships tlirotigh which they havo passed. And it seems to mo that every man, woman and child in Pino valley should say with the poet, "Great (lod! We thank Thee for this home, This buiintcons birth land of the free, Where wnnderer.s from afar may conic, And breathe tho air of liberty. Still may her (lowers untrammelled spring, Jlcr harvests tvavc. her cities rise: And yet till Time shall fold his who;, Remain earth's lovliest paradise,'' .1. W. KXOWLKS. Wantedl To exchnnpo goods for .'X) cords of wood. Mrs. li. 11. Itinehart. A No illcntlon. To Whom it May Conct.un: My wife. Kiunia McShano, having left my bed and hoard, withoutmv consent, I forbid any ono to credit the said Emma McShanc, on my account, as I will not pay any of hor debts. l'KTKit McSHANK. Kltfin, Oregon. May I I, 1S!)0. Notice to KrlilKo JSulltlnrs. The county court of Union county, Ore Ron, will receive sealed bids at 'he court house, in Union, up t 2 o'clock p. m , June 7. 18!K. for the construction of a bridfic across Powder river, just above tho mouth of Kagle creek; said bridge to lie of one span of hO feet, with the necessary approach cs, and on abutments of good solid stone masonry, seated to good foundation built of pood rock and Rood stroiiR lime mortar, anil all outside exposed scams pointed with Rood cement mortar. Also tor the con struction of a hridRC on the HIr. or State ditch, near the farm of C. W. Hamilton, of 80 foot span, on double bents, with ne eessarv approaches. Also for the con struction of a bridRC across (Irande Hondo river, on tlio county road petitioned for by .1. M. McKlssock and others, above ililRard and just below the saw mill of Wm. Xoycs; said bridRC to he of -0 feet span, witli ne cessary approaches, and on good solid stono abutments. All hridRos are to ho 1(1 feet wide in clear, with flooring It inches thick, of good sound pine, with railhiR and hub neurits, All tinnier used in construction oi said bridges, except tho (looring. must ho of Rood, sound, straight grained, young growth red Hr. All lihlders are required to sumnit to ino court their own plans and specifications and strain sheet and the court will select therefrom. The county e nirt will also re unite from cacti bidder with his hidacerti lied check or bond as a guarante that he will enter Into contract if award is made to him. Kids for construction of abutments limy be submitted separate. None but Rood material will be accepted in any portion of said brides and the county court reserves tho right to reject anv and all nuis. O. 1'. OOODALL. County Judge. Notlco Tor Publication. Land Olllco at La Grande, Oregon.) Anril 1''. 1S!H). f Notlco is hereby given that tho following named settler 1ms liled notice of her inten tion to commute and make filial proof in support of her claim, and that said proof will he lnauo notoroiiio register and receive! at La Grande, Oregon, on May LM, 1MM, viz: Kiimin ltldwcll, lid. No. MM, for tlio WW SEU See. NWW NE1,,' and NE1 NW1 See. 27, Tp. I S. It. 10 E, W. M. Sho names the following witnesses to piovo her continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz; l ('. ltldwoll. Wm. Porter, MagRlo P. Ames, and Edward Kiddle, all of Union, Oregon, Any person who desires to protest against tho allowance of such proof, or who knows of any snb taut ial reason, under the law and the regulations of tho Interior Department, why such proof should not ho allowed, will ho given an opportunity at the above men tioned timo and place to cross-examine tho witnesses of said claimant, ami to oiler ovidenoe in rebuttal of that submitted by claimant. HllNItY Kl.NlIIIAUT, I-I7w(! Register. Notice 1'or Publication. laxn Omci: at La (iitASin:. Oisr.uox.i April 'JO, I SIM), i AJOTICE IS IIEISKHY (1IVHN THAT I tho following-named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make llual proof in support of his claim, and that aid proof will he made before the register and receiv er at La Grande, Oregon, on June Oth, 1890, vlx. Wlllanl C. Iliirnln. D. S No. 7.M0, for the SK SWl,' See. 11, and NJ NW4 See. U. Tp, 7 S, It. 41 E, W. M. lie names tho following witnesses to prove his continuous residence- upon and cultivation of. Mild land, viz: George I., Howinau, Cyrus Harnos, lla ncrJW. Lee, anil Offorgo E. I'orpo, all of Medical Springs, Oregon. Any person who desires to protest against the allowance of such proof, or who knows of any substantial reason, under tho law and the regulations of the Interior Department, why such proof should not Ik allowed, will Ik Riven an opportunity at tho above men- I tlonod time and place to cross examine the ' witnesses of said claimant, ami to otter ' evidence in rebuttal of that submitted bv 'claimant Dinky Uinkiuut. .VI wtl HcgUtor. EMORY Mind wnJrin cnml. llooki lNtrttxl In imu noun. TvtlrauuUI tn.uu all parta i't IbaclolM. lnuctul-oT yxix. Mot on M'pltcallon la I'rut, A. olMtlc, S37 Villa Ao. Ntw Yelk. SUMMONS. In the Circuit court of the State of Oregon, for Union county. Kelson Hchoonovcr. 1 I'biinttir, T. It. Tnnmtt and J. P. Hover. I Defendants. J To the Defendants. T. II. Tannatt and .1. F. Hover: Ix Tim Sajik oktuk Statu ok Oiikoox: You and each of you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint liled iiiiit you in the above entitled suit, on or before tho first day of tho next regular session of the above entitled court after the publication of this summons for six weeks, to-wit: on thcli'lrd dav of .September, 1S!0. or that in default thereof Plaintiff will I take n judgment and decree againt c i f votlJ,Hr7Ile runet demanded in the e each coiu- i plaint in this cause, to-wit: That bv the iidiriiient and decree of this court he De fcnil.mts be decreed to convey tho XKK of XHK of Section 1M. Township 4 South, of Halite .'it) Kast. of the Willamette meridian, to Plaintiir, by a jrooil and sullicient deed of conveyance within a reasonable time, and that In default thereof the decree of this court vesting the title to said land in plaintitrhc rendered and for costs and dis bursements and for such other further and more ecneral relief ns to the court may seem equitable in the premises. This summons Is published in Tin: Onrc oox Scoot by order of the Honorable James A. Fee, judge of the Sixth Judicial District of the State of Oregon made and dated at chambers the 10th dav of Mav, SHKhTON it CAHitOLL. 6-15 Attorneys for 1111". Timber Land, Act Juno 3, 1878 Notice Vor rublicntloii. U. S. Land Office, La Grande, OreRon, March 11. 1890. ) :e Notice is hereby Riven that in compliance with tho provisions of the act of CoiiRress of Juno a, 1878, entitled "An act for) the sale or Umber lands in the states of C ali fornia, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory.'' Edward Kemillard of Union, rniintv of Union, stato of Oreiroii has this day tiled in this office his sworn statement .o. 170, lor tne purciiasc or tuo fs'A sw and KWK awyj of Sec and SKVX SK, Section .11 inTownshin No-1 S HanReNo lO E and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stono than for agricultural apurposes, and to establish his claim to said land before tho register and receiver of this oflice at l.a Grande, Oregon, on Friuay tlie23rd day of May, 1S90. He names as witnesses: Ed. Jarvis, Wade Shelton, George Ames and George Simmons, all of Union, Oregon. Anv and all ncrsons claiming advcrsolv the above-described lands are requested to 11. j their claims in this oilice on or before said 2.'!rd day of May. 18!K). IlKNRY ItlXHIAKT. 3-20-wlO Register. Timber T.niid, Act Juno 3, 1878 Notice Fr Publication. U, S. Lam Ofi ice, La Giiandk. Oiti:oo.v, ) March 20. 1800, Notice is herehv Riven that in compliance with the provisions of tlio act of Congress of June 3, 1S78, entitled "An act for the sale timber lands In the states of California, Oregon. Nevada, and Washington Ter ritory ,' Itohert Harris, of North Powder, county of Union, state of Oregon, lias this day liled in this otllco his sworn statement No. 173, for the purchase of tho EJ4 NEtf of Section No. 9, in Town ship No. 7 S, Hungo No. 38 E, and will oiler proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stono than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the register and revolver of this otllco at La Grande. Oregon, on Monday, tho Oth, day of June, 1890. lie names as witnesses: W, W. Ellis. James A. Hutchinson, Joseph E. Carroll and Dave Heverage, all of North Powder, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to lile their claims in this oilice on or before said Oth day of June, 1800. IIli.NllY KlNOIAKT, 1-3-wlO. Itegister. Notice l'or Publication. Land Otllee at li Grande, Oregon I April 0.1800. f Notice is hereby given that tho following named settler has filed notice of his inten tion to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will bo made be fore tlio register and receiver at La Grande, Oregon, on May 28, 1S!K). viz: Atlln K. Tuttle, lid. No. -ton. for tho SW See 20, Tp. 1 N, It 10 E. lie names tho following witnesses to provo his continuous residence upon and cultivation of. said land, viz: Jesse L. Ilindman, Jacob Hrugger, J. It. Tucker and Charles L. Harris, all of Elgin, Oregon. Anv person who desires to protest against tho allowance of such proof, or who knows of any substantial reason, tinder tho law and the regulations of the Interior Department, why such proof should not bo allowed, will bo given an opportunity at tho above men tioned time and place to cross-examine the witnesses of said claimant, and to oiler evidence In rebuttal of that submitted bv claimant. He.NUY RlNKlIAltT, 4-17-wt. Register. Timber l.nn.l, Ai't .lime :i. 1878. l'nr I'lilillcntlmi. Notice 17. S. Land Ofkick, La Guanhk. OnnuoN,) April 2!), 1890. I Notico Is hereby given that in compliance with tho provisions of tlio act of Congress of Juno a. 1878, entitled "An act for tho sale of timber lauds in the States of Califor nia, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Ter ritory," America F. Roes, of Cove, county of Union, state of Oregon, has this day tiled in this olllco her sworn statement No 192. for the purchase of tho NKW NEl, of Section No. 11. in Tp. No. 3 S, Range No. 10, ami will otler proof to show that the laud sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim to said laud before the register and receiver of this ollico at La Grande, Oregon, on Saturday, tho 12th day of July. 1890. She names as witnesses ; Othn Eekcrsloy, William Shoemaker, John Shoemaker ami James Heudershot all of Cove, Oregon. Anv and all persons c.'aiming adversely the ahovo-described hinds, aro requested to tile their claims in this oilice on or before said 12th day of July, 1S90. HKNItV KlXKIIAKT, 5-8-wlO Register. Notico of Forfeiture. Cornucopia, Union countv. Oregon,) Feb. 25. 1890. f To Jami:s Faikwkatukk anii Jam:s 11. MoiiTox: You ami each of you are hereby notified that John McFadden has expended one hundred dollars In labor on the "Nettie" mine, situated In tho Granite Mining Dis trict, Union county, Oregon, in order to hold said premises under the provisions of See 2321, revised statutes of the United States, being tho amount required to hold tho same for the year ending Dec. 31, ISsO, nud it within ninety dayx from the service of this notice you fail or refuse to contrib ute your proportion of such expenditure as suoh co-owner, your interest in said claim will become tho property of tlio subscriber under said teotlun 2821. JOHN MoKADDES. 2-27-3IH. SIIKKIPF'S sau:. Under and by virtue of an attachment, execution and order of sale isMP-d out of the Honorable Circuit Court of th.- state of Mrrv'fin. for Union count v. to tin- directed and delivered upon a judgment rendered j . . ...... .1 i-i. ......... 111 said eoiiri on llie lilii ma oi reonuwi. 1MM, in favor of W. T. Carroll administra tor of the estate of .lese II. Stansell de ceased, ned against .1. It. Stansell and W. H. Hamilton defendants, requiring me that out of the property hereinafter drserlbed, I i make the sum of ?141.10 with intue-'t at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum, from February 12. 1890. and the further sum of ?2).0O nttornevs fees in this action, and j costs and disbursement taxed at $2) Vt and ! costs of this writ, and accruing costs, anil! whereas by said execution and decree it v.a ordered that the following described real estate bcsold. to-wit : The SWi SKK Section 32. Township 1 South of liange 30 East of the Willamette meridian, and NW J4 of NEJ Section 5, Township 2 South of l!ango39 Eastof the Willamette meridian, till in Union county, Oregon, be sold and proceeds arising tberefoin bo applied in satisfaction of said Judgment; therefore 1 will sell on haturday, tho 14th day of June, 1800, at 2 o'clock p. m. of said day, at public auc tion, In front of the court house door in said county, all the riuht, title, claim and interest which said defendants J. 11. Stan sell and W. II. Hamilton had on or after January 30, 1800 in or to said property, and that ( will on the same day and date above mentioned sell the following described per sonal property, to-wit: Two black mares. 3 years old. branded S 9 on left hip; one bay mare, 3 years old. branded S 0 on left hip: one hay horse, 3 years old. branded S9 on feft hip; two red cows, about four years old ; one cow fiyears old, branded H on left side, and ono roan cow, branded F S on left hip, in satisfaction of am judgment. Terms ot sale, casn to me in natui. Dated Mav 8, 1890. A.N. HAMILTON, Sheriff of Union County' Oregon. SIIKIUFF'S SAI.K Under and by. virtue of an order of sale and decree of 'foreclosure and sale issued out of the Honorable Circuit Court of tlio stato of Oregon, for Union countv. on the 20th dny of April, 190, wherein J. W. Shel ton, plaintiff, obtained a judgment and de cree of foreclosure and sale, against J. W. Dray and S. A. Dray, defendants, on the 12th day of February, 18!K). requiring mo that out of tho property hereinafter de scribed and described in said decree, I make the sunt of $231.00 and interest thereon from February 12, 1S90 at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum, and costs and disburse ments taxed at ?(!. 00 and the further sum of $50.00 attorneys fees and costs of this writ ami accruing costs, and that to secure . I.l i !., sum payment or sum oi money, saui iieien dant J. W. Dray, executed and delivered to said plaintiff his certain mortgage upon the following described land, situated in I Union countv. Oregon, to-wit : The SWM of NEK and NW4ofSE4 of Soction 20, Township .'I South. f Range 33 East of Wil lamette Meridian, also Hlocks No. 2, 4, (I, s, 1 Oiuid 11 In Arnold Ai Dray's addition to tho i town of La Grande, in "said county, also the East half of Lot one in ltlock one on "C" street In said town of La Grande; that the claim to and interest in said laud 1 claimed by defendant S. A. Dray is subse quent in point of time and subject to the mortgage of said plaintlil'; Therefore I will sell on Saturday, the 11th day at June, 1S0O, at 2 o'clock p. ni. of said day, at pubic auc tion, in front of the court house door in said county, all tho right, title, claim and interest of said defendants J. W. Dray and S. A. Dray, of, In and to tho above described property,"and the proceeds to be applied in satisfaction of said judgment Terms of sale, cash to mo in hand. Dated May 8, 1800, A. N. HAMILTON. Sheriff of Unionicgunty, Oregon. SlIKKIFF'S SAI.i: Hv virtue of an attachment execution Is sued nut of the Circuit Court of tlio state of Oregon, for Union county, upon a judg ment rendered in said court on too 12th day of Febniarv, 1800, in favor of W. T. Carroll administrator of the estate of lesse II. Stansell. deeoased, and against G. W. A. Stansell and Martha J Stansell de fendants, requiring me that out of the prop erty hereinafter described and de-eribed In said decree. I make the sum of $7S7.K(i with interest thereon from I'ebriiary 12, lsOO, at the rate of 8 per cent, per annum, and for costs and disbursements taxed at $27.72 and the costs of tins writ and accruing costs, and whereas bv said execution it was or dered that the following described real estate be sold, to-wit: The KU'H of SES Section 1(2, Township 1 South of Uange :!9 Kast ot tlio illamette .Meridian, anil r 14 of NEK of Section li, Township 2 South of Range ;59 East of the Willamette meridi an, all in Union county, Oregon, lie sold and the proceeds arising therelrom be ap plied in satisfaction of said judgment; therefore I wijl sell on Sntunlay, tl Htli ilny of Juno, 180O, at 2 o'clock p. m of said day, at public auction, in front of the court house door in said county, all the right, title, claim and interest of said defendants G. W. A. Stansell and Martha .1. Stansell, of, in and to the above described property, or so much thereof as may he neccsary to satisfy said judgment, with interest and costs, to the hlu'liest bidder, cash to me in hand. Dated Mav 8, 18MI. A. N. HAMILTON, Sherlfl" of Union County, Oregon. C. C. COFF3MBERRY, Dealer in nil kinds of- Farm SVlachinery, UNION, OHEtJON. For reasonable terms and low pricos call on mo and I will satisfy you. .'1-27-tf. Tlie : "Bine : Liif SALOON, Wm. Jamks, Proprietor, Union, Oregon. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars in Stock. Drop In and be sociable Fine hihiard table T. CHAPMAN, Real Estate Agent, AND CONVEYANCER. Parties, desiring to invest in Elgin town property or in farming lauds should oall on or addros me nt Klgtu, Oregon. LlTtf. 1 c AT THK- Keeps cond'tntly on hand it com plete nock f fresh Candies, Stationery, Sheot Music, Wire Good.?, Brackets, -AND USEFUL- Household Utensils. A share ol the public patronage so licited. S-15-tf. R. H. BROWN, Dealer in riiMaMIeiises. TOILET AltTICLKS, P FJU'TJIERY, PA INTS, OILS, GLASS, PUTTY, Etc. A Complete and Varied Stock of Wall Paper on hand. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded Day or Night. A full supply of school books con stantly on hand. THE WORLD'S BEST Sutton lias no equal for Stylo. Tit and Wear. Positively y. Do not di ih shoo. Tate ytyllsti nod deceived. ,8eo stamp on bottom of eac: do otuer.s? ISvcrv pair warranted Mi:i)! to iniy r. utiou in '.ho niarkc equal to iiii.v ts uliou in ho market. KorsaloM Jos. Wright, Union, Or. Leaves Union (iiily at Cove at 3:30 p. in. I ! p. m, arrives at Leaves Cove at 8 av. at 9:30 a. m. in., arrives at Union Connections made with Elliott's coachev running to the depot, carrying- passengers for cast and west bound trains. IIAT1N for I'ASSKNT.l anil l ltKKillT, 1M: HIS. T.UfiGAGK ASONAlll.i:. ROIUNSON & LAYNE, Proprietors. Union and Cornucopia Quickest and Iiouto to the P Mines. KATES : Cheapest ino Creek IHP.E. 3 no 00 rnr.-c.HT, tWc 2Wc nion to Park " " S uurer " " Coriiutop",a J. F.Smith, - - Specialist in Veterinary Surgery. Ridgling horses suceesfullv treated. Ilcilers and sows spayed by the latest Im proved methods. I will give inistructk i in my systom of trentniont, and guarameo satisfaction in every instance, or no charges will bo inado. I am permanently located at Union, Oregon. Will promptly attend to all calls, by mail or otherwise. 8-15-tf. LUMBEB for SALE at the High Valley Saw Mill. All kinds of lumber constantly on hand I or furnished on short notico. Prices cheap as tho cheapest. ; Patronage - Solicited. WILKINSON SON. mmJtlJ oil I 5-30tf WM GEND FOR OUR CATALOGUEno PRICtS ATLAS ENGINE WORKS, INDIANAPOLIS, IND.