The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, May 15, 1890, Image 5

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Clothes that havo been sprinkled
will not mildow for days, oven In sum
mer, If kept away from the tiro.
For aint sauco wash and chop small
bunch of mint; put In cotfeo cup; till
threo-quartors full of vinegar; till with
wator almost full; sweeten with sugar;
mix; servo In sauco boat.
Nothing removes impurities from
floors, otc, so rapidly ad boiling hot
soda and water, applied with a long
handled scrubbing brush and rinsed off
onco with clear water and dried with a
clean cloth.
Bouillon: Fivo pounds of juicy beef
cut In small piecosand simmorod slowly
for two and one-half hours in two quarts
of wator, Itemoyo every bit of fnt,
strain through a cloth, season with salt,
no popper.
Forcemeat Fritters: Two cups stale
bread soaked until soft, one onion
chopped tine, salt, peppor and a little
sage to season, ono tablespoonful drip
plug. Form into cakes and brown on
greased griddle. Servo hot. -Tho Hume.
Milk Soup: Four potatoes, two on
ions, two ounces of butter, one-quarter
ounce of salt, pepper to taste, ono pint
of milk, three table-spoonfuls tapioca.
Boil slowly all tho vegetables with two
quarts of wator. Strain through the
colander. Add milk, sweot-basil, and
tapioca. Boil slowly and stir constantly
for twenty minutes.
Yeast Buns: Ono and one-half cups
of warm milk, ono cup of sugar, one cup
of yoast, thicken to a batter, let It rise
over night, or until it is light, then add
ono cup of sugar, ono egg, ono-halfcup
of molted butter, a little salt and nut
meg, two cups chopped raisins or cur
rants as you prefer, add Hour as for
bread, put In a baking tin in small
:akos, let them rlso again, and then
As drops of oil on creaking hinges
of doors and on machinery silence com
plaint of too much friction, so kind
words, pleasant deeds, polito attentions,
Etc., lubricate tho whoio domestic econ
omy. What a dilTorenoo is thus occa
sioned In tho running of farms, house
holds, and every sort of business! Even
a nail or screw can be driven homo
much moro oasily and porfoctly by ap
plication of a Uttlo oil.
To Broil Spring Chicken: Split a
half-grown spring chicken down tho
back, twist tho tips of tho wings over
tho second joint, wipe dry, spread out,
and break tho breast-bono with the
rolling-pin. Put on a greased gridiron
over a clear ilro, rub with clarified but
tor. Turn often to prevent scorching.
When half done sprinkle with salt and
popper. Wlion thoroughly done put on
l hot dish with molted butter and a lit
tle mushroom catsup. Garnish with
iquares of toastod broad.
Knitted I'ortioro: It Is tho easiest
thing imaginable to do If you can collect
enough silk pieces. An old black silk,
no matter how forlorn, is tho very thing
you want. Cut it in strips about a half
in Inch wido, and sow together. Mix
with it any strips of colored silk. Tho
thlldron's old fadod sasnes or hair rlb
oons are mado useful by dying them
orange, red, or any other color. After
vou havo wound your strips into balls
like carpet rags, get a pair of bone knit
ting needles about three q minors of a
yard long, knit tho plain stitch until
you havo a very handsome portioro. N.
Y. Obsorvcr.
Three SimROHtlmiH Mudu by (Soothe,
(irent Poi't-lMilloHoplinr.
Goethe's advice to a friend, to whom,
tto was writing, is well worth romombor
Ing and accepting, viz: "Make, sure each
lay to see some beautiful object, to read
lomo great truth, to perform some good
leed." Tuo llrst suggestion, "Make
luro each day to seo some beautiful ob
ject, ' Ls to the most of us neglected.
To bo sure thorn aro many so situated
A'ho could not if thoy would, comply with
this advico, but how many, on the other
band, pass along through lifo scarcely
noticing the beautiful skies, the lleecy
floating clouds, tho starry firmament,
tho glorious sunset, tho glistening
mows, tho llowers and groon-swards,
ind all tho varied beauties of naturo,
which aro froo to all. Thon, too, tho
beauties of architecture, which so do
light tho oye of one trained to appreci
ite them, or one having a natural tasto
for symmetry, might bo onjoyod far
moro than thoy aro. And tho develop
ing of talent and bentlment in that
iirection would do much toward tho
larger cultivation of that art.
It is a fact that vory few Florentines
leave ttioir beautiful city, so filled with
joins of architectural beauty, and with
.vorks of gonitis, to mako new homes for
themselves elsewhoro, oven when thoy
tould better themselves financially by
10 doing. Tho question being asked of
in Italian lady as to tho cause, tho in
itant reply was: "Ah, a Florentine
must see somothing beautiful every day!
Florentines would not bo happy without
i sight of their dear Uuomo and Campi
nilo, and the towors and tho churches.
They lovo tholr old city, "La Bella
And tho second suggestion, "Head
lomo great truth," might bo adopted by
aoarly all. A great truth read and pon
lered every day would no doubt bo holp
tul, stimulating to higher thought, to
broador conceptions of lifo and its oppor
tunities, and preventing us from too
much introspection, and keeping many
who now devoto too much of their time
to gossip and small talk to got rid of
that unfortunate habit
Tho third injunction of the old Gor
man philosopher, "Make sure each day
to perform some good dood," would bo
io oasy for every ono to follow, but alas!
ilas! in this selfish world how few, how
vory fow tho number of those who have
luch a purposo boforo them at tho dawn
lug of each new day. What a sweot and
lovely world this would bo were that
advico followed by evory ono.
Llko tho falling of a gontlo rain upon
tho hard and arid soil on which no
bright llowers bloomed but which soon
responded to tho boavonly blessing and
made the plant to blossom, bo the In'.lu
enco of good doeds would purnieate all
society, leaving beauty and fragrance
every whore.
Good to remember is this advice
giv.-n lontf tjro, "Make sure each day to
be ouie Uiauttf ul object, to read some
great truth, to perform some good dood."
iii:uiT iu:si:itvi:s it.
We are not in the habit of pulling up j
any patent medicine, but where merit de
serves it we are always ready to notice the
same particularly for tho benefit of man
kind. We have heard much of the fame ,
of The Great Sierra Kidney and Liver
Cure, but lately we have received positive
proof of Its healing qualities. A gentle-.
man well known to us had miHVred fori
years of kidney complain. The Great -I- '
erra Kidnev and Liver Cure was recom-,
mended to him. He has given it a trinlj '
and now nures us tint a wonderful
chrome has come over him. and that ho
Is entirely cured. Thanks
rely cured. Thanks to your great
,C !!!; n;V"8?."ibc ro,",,,1?-r,f 1
i iniH Observer. San Francisco, ( at.
mm s
Sas FitANClsco, Januaty 7.
Sierra Chan. Co.
Gknti.k.mi:n: I have useii your Great
Sierra Kidney and Liver Cure with won
derful xatifttction, anil can recommend It
fully for kidney and liver disorders.
Joswu .May,
Finn of Livingston & Co, ;5 Fremont
i .
j The Datm-litcr of i SwrdUh Prince Offl-
clntly Ignored by Ho.yn.lty.
Prince Oscar Karl August Bernadotto,
tho son of tho King of Swedon, as 19
j woll known, iu 1SSS married a Miss
I Munk, a daughtor of a Swedish citlzon,
' and for tho sako of lovo reslgnod his
' rights to tho throno. His marriage, of
! course, placed him in a rather peculiar
j and, in many respects, an awkward
position to tho royal family. But this Is
! still moro true of his wife and daughtor
j and thoir mutual position and rank both
1 in society and in relation to tho Prince,
j The Stockholm Dagblad. in a special
Bl UB1 uus ""omuia, reports mat me
Swedish olllcial calendar mentions
Prince Bernadotto and wifo, but not on
tho same page with tho other mombora
of tho royal houso. Their daughter's
namo is omitted, and is thoroforo not
officially recognized as of royal blood.
In tho Almanak of Swedon Princo and
Princess Bornadotto aro again named,
likewise aftor tho rost of tho royal fam
ily, but their poor daughtor is treated
as not existing. In tho calondar of tho
Swedish nobility tfio Princo's namo la
recorded undortho Munk family as mar
ried to one of its niotubors.
His child's namo was not admittod.
Sho Is evidently not oven consldorod a
member of tho nobility. To got her
namo into tho list of tho proud nobility
of Swedon sho must, like her fathor,
marry ono of its members. Tho Svonska
JEttartal, it seems, is tho only almanac
which thinks it worth while to montlon
her name. As if to excuse itsolf, It In
forms its readers, moreover, that both i
Prince Bernadotto and his wlfo aro do-1
scondants of Margareta, tho mother of '
Karl, son of Knut, ancestress of Gustai j
Vasa. Now, it is strango that while In '
lior own country tho daughtor of a royal I
prince should not appear in tho lists of I
royalty or aristocracy, to wait many a
year for such honor, the Almanach de I
i. , . , ,. ...
Gotha should havo taken pity upon this
Princess Cinderella and montlon her,
together with hor parents, but, of courso,
not among tho mombora of tho royal
family, whoro tho Prince is also listed,
but In tho supploment. Who knows
whethor or not her beauty, which sha
is said to havo inhoritod from hor
mother, some day will win for hor a
princo's heart and titlo?
If That Organ U Intact Every Thlnff li
Well With You.
It Is rofreshing to meet a doctor who J
will talk to ono about some part of tho
anatomy other than tho stomach or tho
head. A clever old gentleman has an
oflico in ono of tho down town hotols.
I think ho calls himself resident phy 1
sician or something of that sort. lie '
mot mo tho other day and asked: "How 1
is your uosoV" Tho inquiry was now.
Ho continued :
"I ask you that boeauso if your noso
is not well your whole body is sick.
A man doesn't appreciate his nose.
Noither does a woman. If a man baa
an eruption or an abrasion on his noso, 1
I don't euro how lndifioront lie may be,
ho can't keep his hand away from It,
and ho thinks, vory proporly, that ev
ory ono ho meets sees that his noso is
not what it ought to be. You can't hide '
your nose. It is llko a city set on a hill
Moro appropriately, it is liko a red
6chool-houso on a hill. All great uioti .
havo been sensitive of tholr noses. Tho '
surgeon has tho highest respect for the I
noso. How seldom ho touches it with
his lanco ! A woman will go to tho
opera with a bunion, with a pain in hor
sido, with tho neuralgia, with almost
any ailment, but if tho re is an oruption
on her noso sho won't budgo from hor
room. Slap a man's face or hit him on
tho back, and ho may not resent cither.
Tweak his noso and if thoro is any man
hood in him ho will fight. I havo i
adopted a now rulo. I ask a patient
wbon ho calls how his noso is. If that 1
organ ls intact I havo no trouble in
treating him." -Chicago Tribune.
To Tin: Editor: Please Inform your renders
that I hnve u positive remedy for tho abovo
nnmed diicase. lly Its timely uso thousaiida of
hopelets cases hao been perinuiiently cured, I
shall 1)0 glad to send two bottles of my remedy
free to any of your readers who have consump
tlmi If they will send niv their express and pott
oftlce uddress, Uespectfully,
. A. SbOC'L'M, M, C,
181 Pearl street, Now York.
Your Blood
The Importance of thoroughly purifying the
blood Thl Spring cnuuot bo overestimated.
The extraordinary epidemic of "the grip" and
other dlieiuei, tbeunbcaltbtnl winter, close con
finement Indoors and carelenness In diet have
caui' d accumulation of Impurities in tho blood
which must bo expelled before you can feel well
aud itronn "gain. Tbo universal praise given
Hood's fiartaparllla by tboie who have taken It
should certainly convince you thatltlstheidenl
Spring .tlt-illcliio. It acts especially and
immediately upon the blood, overcomes puvil
cal weakness, revives the btalth tone and ire
ales a good apitlle. Try t this spring
N. 11. If vou decide to take Hood's i-nriapa
rilla, do not be induced to take any other
Hood's Sarsaparilla
ikdd by all druirglsts, (1 tlx for t. J'tt-pafd
oulybyc I IDiUli & i ( . I-owcll, Han.
1 100 Doses Ono Dollar
Modkstu, Cal., March 30, 1SD0.
Dr. J. Eugene. Joulan, Seattle Wash.
I)i:ak Sin: Your letter with prescrip
tion came some days ago. Tho medicines
MUs Hall was taking were A.,1., M., 00.,
L Slio has been taking your prescription,
and is taking it still, although she says
she considers herself thoroughly cured.
Sho commence 1 taking the medicine w hen
she was llrst taken sick, rnd was itunu'ill
ately benefited. She was persuaded by her
' folks to go back to her old physician. She
i .... . , , ,' , ,,
crew woro under tils treatment, anil
finally took her case in her own hands and
bought tho five bottles of Hlstogenetic
medicines referred to, and pronounces her
self well. She is the happiest person 1
think I ever saw. I wouldn't attempt to,
tell you the many w.i)s in which this
young lady was attllcted eight years an
invalid ; cured of everything. '.' Just
think," she remarked, " I can eat anything
and everything 1 want to. and nil 1 want
to, and even have red cheeks."
Miss Ha'l's sister, a married lady of
about MO, is as much of an enthulast as
myself over the Hlstogenetic medicines,
and seriously thinks of npnlying to you to
be received as a medical student. Yours j
truly, Mas. Purvis. I
- 1
Dr- Jordan's ofilre is at tho residence of
ex-Mayor Yesler, Third and James, Seat-,
t'e. Consultation and prescription nlno-1
lutely fhke. Send for free book explaining !
the Hlstogenetic system. I
CAirrioN.-The Hlstogenetic Medicines i
nru 8oId but ono a;ency in each town.
,,,,, ,,,, ,, wit.. i.r- ti... f,d I
lowing inscription: " Dr. J.
dan's Hlstogenetic Medicine.'
device is a fraud.
Kngene Jor
' K vory other
'TIs, as you say, u tlrst-rnto match;
For beauty there are few to match her.
And she bus made n splendid catch,
For she caught a baseball catcher.
! DON'T GO orr
I It
! Particularly on a long journey. He fully
nared. You cannot be. permit us to say. un
von aro accompanied w itli the traveler's ami
' tourist's rivfc mrciim, Hosteller's Stomach Hlt-
ters, most genial of appetizers, aecllmatlzers
, and promoters of digestion. Avaitist sea sick
' ness, miliaria, cramps and colics begotten of
' badly cooked or unwholesome food ami brack lh
water, nervousness, Increased by travel, cluonlo
biliousness and constipation, the Hitters is u
sovereign preventive. It Imparts n relish for
food not altogether to your taste, and prevents
1 It from disagreeing with you. Never was thero
such r capital thing for the unfortunate dys
peptic who stnnds In drend of the best cookeil
l meal. Stomachic trouble caused by Ill-prepared
viands aboard ship, on steamboats, anil rations
. hastily bolted at railway restaurants, Is soon
i remedied bv the Hitters, which gives a quietus
also to rheumatism, kidney troubles and iu-
j Young Lndy (hurriedly) I want a novel
something popular. Hook Clerk (briskly) Yes,
miss. Vt hat sort wlclccu or vapiu
KII.KSI I'll. Mai! 1'II.KS ! I I
nr. William's Indian Plies Olntmont is the
only sure euro for mind, ;ecllnK or Itching
Piles ever discovered. It never fulls to euro old
chronic cases of long standing,
Judge t'offlubury, Cleveland, O, says: "1
have found by experience that Dr. William's
Indian Piles Ointment gives Immediate relief."
Do not miller an instant longer. Sohl by Will
iamson's Manufacturing Company, proprietors,
Cleveland, O.; f0 cents and $1.
Sold by I.. Hlumauor A Co., wholesale drug
gists, Portland, Or.
Hewnro of Imitations of tho celebrated Seal of
North Carolina Plug Cut Tobacco.
riiiiili-riy Orcirun Illuoit I'urlfler is
the best remedy for that diead disease, dyspep- I
sla, for It regulutes tno lympuauo system aim
bad secretions.
surely cured by
Perry Oaves'
readtte: directions
it Cough Hrup
Can bo made easy br
raining Chickens. A
Ml I Mil W lurgo8'.-pagolllutra-
ten uuwn
Catalogue de
f I VII h I
scribing Incubators,
i, u.uii,tii
Houses, How a u d
What to Fccjl, How
long to keep them in
tho Ilrtxxlur, Drinking
and their Cure, Iu fact
moro Infonnatloii
than ls given lu muny
VrVl-Ut Uiciks. Hunt
, iiiiv HftHri.tis nn riM
t,'(ilpt of 20. stamp.
Wire Netting, bono
Mills, Ilono Meal and
nil kinds of Poultry
PelaluiTia Incubator Co.. Petaluma, Gal.
Thy Okkmka for breakfaaU
mroun. !
I N. ?. N. U, No. 335 B. F. N. U. No. 412
The trouble Is Unit when a mnn lies out of one
thlug lie lies Into (mother.
Our Ilnuiinh June wm thin mid weak,
And nhy white lier 1I nnd cheek,
We often thonijlit and tliotiRlit with pain
" Wo oon must loo our llnutml .lane "
With chance of doctor, elianpe uf air,
She sought for bciillne ever) h re.
And, w hen our hones were altmikt pnst,
" Fnvtrlte Prescription" tried at Inst.
It Rave us Joy; It gave us hope;
She ceased to pine; she censed to mope;
Pierce's remedies are sun- nnd truej
Now Hannah Jntie Is Rood as new.
Dr. Tierce's Fnvorlte Inscription Is the only
medicine for women, sold by drucxists untlrr i
iwritive guarantee from t c mnnufneturers that
1 ".S'fK" iliiV
' printed on the bottle wra,
rled out for ninny year.
it will give satisfaction iu every eae, or money
guarantee nas uei-u
pper and faithfully car-
Hr. Pierce's Pellets cleanse and roculate the
stomach, bow el and system generally. One a
dose; purely vcKetnlde.
The things we think at niirtit would hoof Krcnt
value next day if we could only rcincmUr
If success be the true test of merit, It Is
a settled l.tct that "Hrairn's Uronchtal
Troches" have no equal for the prompt .'
lief of coughs, colds and throat troubles.
"Klepnnt Queen Anne Cottage," i. . Delight
ful If you could only live In the porch.
St'.r iVorc.s Free will be sent by Crng'n
& Co., Philadelphia, Pa., to any one in the
U.S. or Canada pi-tnge paid, upon receipt
of 'Jo Dobbins' F.lectne Soap wrappers,
-co list of novels on circulars around each
bar. Soap for sale bv all grocers.
Some men hnve no nmhltiou beyond making
enough to buy tobacco.
Old smokers prefer "TnnslU's Punch."
When a man Is up in
isn't upright.
the arts of knavery ho
si'iti: emu roi: rn.i:s.
Sure cure for bl ml, bleeding nnd Itching
Piles. Ono box ban cured the worst ea'o ot ten
j ears' standing. No ohh need suU'or ten min
utes after using Kirk's German I'lio Ointment
It absorbs tumors, nlhns the itching, nets as
a poultice, gives relief. Dr. Kirk's Oerutan Pile
Ointment is prepared only for Piles and itching
of the private pirts, ami nothing else. Kvorj
bo is warranted.
Sold by Driuglsts and sent bv mail on receipt
of price. per oox. J. .!. Muck & Co.,
Wholesal" Agent. San Kriiiicico,
Cuiicura RtMious Cuns
Skin and Blood Discasis
X In which the t'uncim.i Hi:mkpii:s aie held
by tho thousands upon thousands whose lives
have been made happy by the cure of agonizing,
humlllntlug. Itching, sealey and pimplydlsaseH
of the skin, sculp and blood, with lots of hair.
CUTIci'ltA, the great skin cure, and OUTlouiiA
Soac, an exquisite skin beailtifler, prepared from
it,, and ('ctici'iia Kksolvknt, the
new blood purifier, Internally, aro a positive
euro for every form of skiu and blood dlsenso
from pimples to scrofula.
Sold everywhere. Price, Cuticuiia, fflo: Soap,
J.'ic: Uesoi.vknt, tl. Piepared by Jtlie Pottk.ii
Send for " How to Cure Skin Diseases."
BtW Pimples, blackheads, chapped and oily
Bi skip iireventeu oy cuTicuiiA ho.r. tis
Khuiimatlsm, Kidney Pains and Weak
ness speedily cured by Cuticuka ANTl-
I'ain i'i.ASTKii,iueoiiiy paiiiKiiiing piaster
Faber's Golden Female Pills.
I'orFcmalo Irregular
Itles: liothlugllkothem
on tho market. Serer
Jail, Kucccssiully used
by (imminent ladles
monthly, Cliuiniutecd
to relievo suppressed
Don't bo humbugged.
Havo Time, Health,
nndinoney;tako nooth
er. Sent to any address,
securo by mull on ro
culptofiirlce,.00. Address,
WestcniUraucb, 'Hos.'il, Jt'OUXLANl), on
Sold by Wisdom Driiu Co., Portland, Or.
Jt IIKACH.Kiiblur. Itoo
nlsh Pianoa:Runli'ttOnrans. Hand ItiHtruinonta.
I Largest stock of .Sheet MuhIchuiI Hooka. Hands
Hiippuuii ut Kiisiern rriceB. .uai TiiiAa
OHAV t'O. 201! Post, Btreot Kan Kranclsco.
T II e p o It T Ij and,
A new hotel, ciiuliitnlng all the modern Im
provements; every room light and airy; lluhted I
iiy electricity; heated by steam; open fireplaces; i
bains in suits aim on every uoor; elevators.
Uuests entertained on cither American or Kuro
liean plan. Tho restaurant thofinust In thoclty.
si,ro soj siwsjr riiui.i. i,uiiie
a. K lirugiK lur inatnon iirunu, iu
red, lut-lNltlo Loxi, lt4 wittl tlu.
rlH-n Tute Mo "III r. All pllla
In iallnar1 Ihii, juk wrspin, or
iluairi.M.ii. ....t..Frlla. Mll4 4f.
(itiu,l lur t'sr11''. f-tlroonlftla tod
-H.-li-r f..r l.udtrs,'n Utttr, bf rrturn
mull. Saint l'tytr
ISUbMl.rlh.a'l lk HaSkaa K.. I'klU.I'a.
I prescrlbn and fully en
dorse IIIk (J as the oul)
sinrlfle for the ctrlaln curs
of this disrate.
U.lI.INdltAirAM.M D.
Amstt-rdam, N Y
We have sold Dig O foi
many yesrs, and it hs
Kivn me uest 01 sans
L'blcseo. Ill
SI. 00. 8old by Druggists.
The Wiley B, Allen Music Store,
The oldest nnd largest In tho Northwest.
Kniilve, Htcck and licbr llros, Pianos, Knrhutr
Mouse-proof Organs. Publishers of The Mutlcal
1'aitlme, a Journal of music (16 pages svadtiig
matter and 1C pages mimic), Issued monthly, 7.'u
per year; sample ropy, 10c. Bend for catalogues.
WII.KY II. ALLEN, 211 First St., Portlaud, Or.
We have only one thing to ask this week, and
that Is easily granted. Please scud postal card
with your address aud ask for copy of
It will ready May 1, and sample copies are
filtered free In all who aik for It. We know you
will le liitert-Urd In It. quotes insny thousand
articles at lowest price to i oiixiimers, and glxts
Information how to onli r, bow to buy, bow to
imp. how to live well and cheaply In any part
of the world. Address Multli'k ('null More,
UH front St., tian I ruucUco, C'ul.
wm uw BUlaUM.
fel Ufdaolj b; Us
1 OlooluisUHM
Including 15 rare novelties, shapes and
artistic imported olengraphlc mid chro
matic cards. Tills large and beautiful eel
lection sent by mall to any one who H
lio this: Buy a box of 'he genuine Dr. (.".
McLano's Celebrated Liver Pills from anj
druggist price 2. cents, and mail us the
outside winpper w ith your address, plain
lv written, and 4 cents In stamps. The
genuine Me line's Pills are prepared only
by Fleming Bros., Pittsburgh, P.i., mm
have been In constant ue for over six'y
years. They nn superior t all others iu
nurity and efl'cctlveiu ss. A certain cure
for indigestion and sick headache. Ad
dress, Fleming Bros., Pit'sburuh, Pn.
Ir. Hill' tUM CCU CI., It Uti It, Ulduitl, .
C5 fSJrak.
Its suv-erler rxrellt'iii-e rimen In millions of home for
morn thsn a ipmrtrr of a century It used '' tin
t lilted HtnP-s llon-rnme t l in'or-nnl hy the limits o
tin- limit I i j ns ill H tt itrc t I'nr t mil
tin st HcsUli'al Dr I'rlms t'linni ItuMiw Ponder dot
notcoi'tum inmonla I tue r Alum Sol ' only hi can.i
PIllOi; P KIN(5 l'OWDl it CO
" You certainly aro mistaken," fiaid one young mnn to another at an
evening party, " but that cannot bo the young lady I met last winter,
though tho namo is tho name. Judge for yourself. This girl has a glori
ous complexion, while tho other young lady Good heavens, what a skin
she had ! Covered with blotches and red-headed pimples ; it was liko
a nutmeg grater. Oh no, this cannot bo tho young lady." Jut it was,
though, and Dr. Pierco's Golden Medical Discovery had workod tliti
miracle. As a remedy for pimples, blotches, eruptions and all Skin and.
Scalp diseases, it is tho most wonderful medicino extant. Of all tho
many blood-purifiers and remenies for skin diseases, "Golden Medical
Discovery" is (ho only Ollli guanillfpcd to do all that's claimed for it, or
money promptly refunded I Especially has it manifested its potency in
curing Salt-rheum, Tetter, Erysipelas, Eczema, Boils, and Carbuncles.
In all Scrofulous Sores and Swellings, "Fever-sores," "Hip-joint Dis
easo " and fill impurities of tho blood, no matter from whatever cattso
arising, it effects tho most marvelous cures. "Wokld'h Dispknbauy
Mkihcai. Association, Manufacturers, 003 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y.
HVMITOIIH or CATAItKII.- Mendnche, obstruction of nose, discharges
fulling into throat, BoiiictlmcH profuse, watery, mid iicrld, at others, thick,
tonucious. mucous, purulent, bloody, putrid and oircnslvoj oyca wcuit, riiijr
lng In ciira, dcufni'sa; ntfcnslvo brciitb; smell nnd tusto Impaired, and gvn-
orul iiciiiuty. uwy 11 low ot
Dr. Bago'a itctnedy ciircn tho woret cuoca. Only
For a Stock of Candy or Anything for a BAKERY
Alisky Oandy Manufacturing Co.,
Jobierfl In Show Cuhch, Fcnlea, Pupor Uni-'B In fact, nnythinK you need In a Oon
fectionor's storo. Rnleflroom CorniT of Front nful Oak streut.
TRADE Cfrtff
For Stablemen and Stockmen.
Cuts, Swellings,, Sprains, Galls, Strains
Lameness, St.llncss, Cracked Heels, Scratchst,
Ccntractions, Flesh Wounils. Stringhalt, Sor
Throat, Oistempcr, Cohc. Whlllow. Poll Etll,
Fistula, TiiTinrs. Splints, Ringbones and Spavin
In their early SUgs. Directions with each bottle.
A smoker w bo gets a pneknge of
Will Use no other Tobacco. Tho Immenso sales
of this popu'ii brand proves tha the snickers
lit i:tho nti:i:.
l'nslll vrl v Cnreil with VeKCtiildc KrinpdteK.
1 lava cured tlious.iiuls of cnus. Cure imtlents pro
nounced hopeless by ucst physicians. From nratdoso
Tinploun (llsnppt'ari In ten days nt least In.vtlilnln
all symiitoms remorod. Send lur free hook testimo
nials of mlrarulous cures Ten ilayx treatmcnli
free by mall. II on order trial, senit 10c In slaino
to pay postnge Pit It H.UliRlSN.iSONS.Atlniit,Ua.
If you ordor irlsl return this adrortlscnient tons.
Oregon Blood Purifier:
for an Incurable cuho of
Cstsrrh In the Head liy
proprietors of DR. SAGE'S CATARRH REM CO'
hh-su HyinpuiniB imeiy in imi pn-ecnt in uiicu.
SO centa. Sohl by ilrugglaU, ovurywhoro.
Men's Suits Made to Order,
$20 to S40.
Men's Pants Made to Order, $6 to $12.
Fit Guaranteed.
Send ecu tii In itumpt for tamplci nnd rules t&t
kclf-inuaiiirciiifiit. You can ihvo bin moucy by
dealing with mo. BMIifuctlou guarautvod.
ARTHUR KOHK, Clothier, Hatter and Tailor,
Cor. SU mid .MorrUon St., l'ortliuid, Or.
V1M mentlou thla ppw.l