The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, May 15, 1890, Image 4

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    The Oregon Scout
Jones fit CHANOEY Publishers.
The Grent Trio The Man, the T.M
Man nnil the Left Man.
Whoovor doubts the prevalence of uni
orsal law has but to watch tho depart
ing trains from a railroad depot. Thoro
is always a la to man, a last man and a
loft man. They aro readily distinguish
bio. Howovor much thoy may differ In
physical attrlbutos, tho instant thoy
on tor tho magic region of a train thoy
aro motamorpho3od into their standard
Tho lato man heels nd tons it along
tho station platform undor high pros
Buro indignation. It rogisttrs itsolf in
tho shako of his hoad, tho norvous
ohango of his grip sack from ono hand
to tho othor, his doflant staro at his
watch, his challonglng look at tho con
ductor, his go-ahoad-lf-you-daro glanco
at tho steaming locomotive, and tho vol
ume of assertions wrltton upon his faco,
that ovory thing olso in to world is
wrong excopting himself. llo places
his foot upon that train as if to hold it
fast until tho last allowable second.
Tho last man has lost all starching
confidence; ho has abandonod hopo,
reason, indignation. As ho whirls
through tho gato, liko a gale around a
ornor, ho has but ono purposo in llfo
to catch tho vory tip end of tho roar
nost portion of that train, if ho has to
chaso it through all eternity. Going at
his maximum spoed, ho takos no thought
of life, its surroundings, its troubles,
its cares. His coat-tails and grip-sack
might bolong to another univorso, in so
far as sovoranco of knowlodgo of thotn
from himsolf Is concorned. Beyond tho
vision of smoko puffs and a moving
mass ahead of him, his wild staro takes
no cognizance llo is a wound up auto
maton with a grip sack and a purposo.
Tho concentration of his thoughts
upon tho moving onglno would hypno
tlr.o it if it was suscoptiblo to mosmurie
laws. Ho cranes his nook forward; ho
projects his body as if to hook on to
somothing with his noso; ho throws his
froo hand ahead to its uttormost exten
sion; ho condonsos ovory muscular
powor into a log motion; ho spurts.
Thoro is a frantic grab at the roar hand
rail of tho train; a jork, a swing and ho
rides a block or so with the ratchot
edges of four steps holding him by tho
hack, his foot treading rfpaou in search
of a foothold and his gripsack anchored
to somo friendly post ou the lust verter
bra of tho flying train.
The last man is a concentrated desire;
but the loft man is an attenuated void.
Tho hydrant sign of a plumber's shop is
an intollootual wonder ami a phonoino
11 al acrobat oomparod to him. As tho
train gato si a ins boforo him he 001110s to
a atatuosquo halt The spoed of his ar
rival and tho suddonness of his stop,
shoots astonishmont to his face to leave
It thoro, iixod as a mask upon a wooden
god. For an instant his skull Is a
-vacuity to which a sood squash is as a
plethorio pudding. Thon his allolmont
f original sin swolls to tho occasion
with unimpoded fervor. Ho glances
stealthily about to see who is looking at
him. Conscious of a full doso of inward
Aepravlty, ho snillos with tho benignity
of ono who, having forgiven all and
evorybody, is ready to bocome a cherub.
Ho quickly slips his gripsack behind
him, and with a face sot to catch sympa
thy remarks to tho noaroststrangor that
ho Is much dlsappolntod that tho friend
whom ho oauio to meet did not arrive on
that train. .Seeking tho uearost oor
nor, for tho socluston proper to 11 swoar,
he loosous his safety-valve and blows
off until all about him Is bluo.
Watch html In a fuw moments ho is
an innocent interrogation mark before
tho liureau of Information. Detroit
Vreo Press.
IV) wn Life I)U(iiulllli,n 1'oopln fur Uurn
ititttlni; Kxortlun.
It has lntoly boon pointed out, as the
outcome of an exhaustive Investigation,
that of the loading judges, lawyers, phy
sicians, clergymen, publishers, editors,
bankers manufacturers and merchants
of Now York, not over ton per cent, wore
horn on Manhattan Island.
Thoro is something, apparently, In
tho atmosphere and vital conditions of a
metropolis which tends to disqualify its
natives for unroiulttlug and triumphant
exertion in the strugglo for existence.
The sumo phenomenon has often boon
observed In Loudon and in Purls.
Tho causes may bo obscure, but that
thoy aro doop-seatod, and inseparable
from largo conglomerations of human
beings, scorns uvldout from tho persist
ence of tho raco-typo In countries whoso
cities have boon repeatedly occupied by
foreign Invaders. Thus In Spain, whore
tho Ilomuu colonists sottlod in tho
towns, and left tillage to tho conquered
people, there is not now a trace discern
able of Roman blood. In Syria, al
though its cities remained in tho hands
of U rooks for upwards of nine centuries,
or from tho time of Aloxundor to tho
tlmo of tho Huooossors of Mohammed
there now remains scarcely a vestige of
tho Grook domination.
What is oven morenotoworthy, tho Bed
ntary Arub population Is dying out, and
its placo Is taken by an inflow from tho
rural districts, which have been Inhab
ited by tho sumo Aramaic stock since tho
tiawn of history. Hut tho most striking
xamplo of tlio fugitive character of ur
ban population is furnished by tho Nile
land, whoso oltlos In historical times
have been successively tenanted by As
syrians, Persians, Greeks, Uoiuans,
Arabs und Turks. Thoy would bo soli
tudes to-day but for tho Incessant re
cruitment of their inhabitants from tho
ftllahctn, whoso raoe-typu is Identical
with that of tho subjects of thu Pharaohs
depleted 011 thu walls of tho rock tombs
at Thelitis.
Tho laws of naturo soom to huvo pro
nounced u oursu upon tho dwollers in
groat oltlos, und fronl tho view-point of
Industrial and vital statistics it Is un
questionably truo that God luado tho
country uud man wado tho town.-N. Y.
Being an Account of the Fall and
Vengeance of Harrnachis, the
Royal Egyptian,
By H. Rider Kaggakd,
Author or " King Solomon's Mines,"
" Sho," " Allan Quntormnln,"
Etc., Eta., Etc.
This then I did.
That night ot tho great feast of Cleo
patra I sat njgh to Antony, who was at her
side, and woro tho poisoned wreath. Now,
as tho feast went on, fast flowed tho wine,
till Antony und tho Queen grew merry.
And sho told him of her plans, and of how
oven now her callers woro.tcInK h
tho canal that leads ircm" Oupasns uiriyu
Pcluslao branch of tho Kilo, to Clysmn at
tho hoad of tbo Bay of Hloraopolls. For it
was her design, should Cresar provo stub
horn, to lly with Antony and her trcasuro
down the Arabian Gulf, whoro Cicsar had
no fleot, and seek somo new homo in India,
whither her foes might not follow. But,
Indeed, this plan camo to nothing, for tho
Arabs of Petra burnt tho galleys, incited
thereto by a mcssago sent by tho Jews of
Alexandria, who hated Cleopatra aud woro
hated of her.
Now, when sho had mado an end of telling
him, the Queen called on him to drink a cup
with her to tho success of this new scheme,
bidding him, as sho did so, steep his wreath
of roses in the wlno, and make the draught
more snoot. This, then, he did, and it Do
ing done, sho pledged him. But when ho
was about to pledgo her back, she caught
his haud, crying "Holdl" whereat ho paused,
Now, among tho servants of Cleopatra was
ono Eudosluo, ti steward; and thisEudosius,
seeing that tho fortunes of Cleopatra woro
at an ond, had laid a plan to fly that vory
night to Cajsar, as had done many of his bet
tors, talcing with him all tho treasures in
tho paluco that ho could steal. But this de
sign being discovered to Cleopatra, sho de
termined to bo avoDgod upon 15udo3lus.
"Eudoslus," sho cried, for tho man stood
near, ' coruo hlthor, thou faithful servant I
Secstthou this man, most uoblo Antony;
through all our troubles ho hath clung tous
and been of comfort to us. Now, therefore,
ho shall bo rowarded according to his de
serts und tho measure of his faithfulness,
aud that from thino own hand. Olvo him
thy goldon cup of wlno, and let him drink a
pledgo to our success; tho cup shall bo his
And still wondering, Antony gavo it to
tho man, who, stricken In his guilty mind,
took it, and stood trembling. But ho drank
"Drink, thou slavo, drlnkl" cried Cloo
patra, half rising from her seatand flashing
a flcrco look on Ids white faco. "BySeraplsl
bo suroly as I yot shall sit In tho Capitol at
Homo, and thou dost thus flout the Lord
Antony, I'll bavo theo scourged to tho
bonos, and tho rod wlno poured upon thy
open wounds to heal them I Ah! at longtli
though drlnkost I Why, what is it, good
Eudoslust art sickl Surely, then, must
this wine bo as tho water of jealousy of
thoso Jows, that hath power to slay tho
false and strengthen tho honest only. Oo,
lomoof you, soarch this man's room; mo
thinks ho is a traitor I"
Meanwhile the man stood, his hands to
his hoad. Prosently ho began to tremble,
and then foil, shrieking, to tho ground.
Auon bo was on his foot again, clutchiug at
his bosom, as though to tear out tho 11 ro In
bis heart. Ho stnggorcd, with livid, twist
ed faco und foaming lips, to whoro Cleo
patra lay watching him with a slow and
cruel smllo.
"Ah, traitor) thou hast It now I" sho said.
"Prithee, is death Bwoet?"
"Thou wanton I" yollod tho dying man,
"thou hast poisoned me I Thus muystthou
also perish I" and with one shriek ho flung
himsolf upon her. Sho saw his purpose,
and swift uud supplo ns a tlgor sprang to
ono side, so thut ho did but grusp her Hoyul
cloak, toarlng it from its emerald clasp.
Down ho foil upon tho ground, robing over
and over in tho purple chiton till prosently
ho lay still aud dead, his tormented faco
and froion oyes poorlm? ghastly from its
"Ah I" said tho Queen, with n hard laugh,
"the slave died wondrous hard, mid fain
would huvo drawn mo with him. See, he
hath borrowed my gurmont for 11 pall I Tako
him away imdbury him in his livery."
"What moans Cloopatral" said Antony,
as the guards dragged tho cornso away;
"tho man drank of my cup. What Is tho
purposo of this most sorry jostl"
"Itsorvesa double end, noblo Antony!
This very night would that man have fled
to Octavlanus, bearing of our trcasuro with
him. Well, I liavo lont him witigH, for tho
dead fly fasti Also this: thou didst fear
that 1 should poison thee, my Lord ; uay, I
know It. Boo now, Antony, how ousy wero
It that I should sluy theo if I had the will.
That wreath of roses which thou didst steep
within tho cup is doweii with deadly bane.
Hud I, then, u mlud to muko an end of theo,
I hud not stayod thy hand. O Antony,
henceforth trust mo; sooner would I slay
myself than harm ono hair of thy bolovcd
head I See, here como my messongersl
Speak, what did ye fiudl"
"Hoyal Kgypt, this wo found. All things
In the chamber of Eudoslus aro mado rcudy
for flight, and in klsbugguKO is much treas
ure." "Thou hearost!" said she, Buiillng darkly.
"Think yo, my loyal sorvunts all, that Cleo
patra is ono with whom it is well toulay tho
traitor I llo warned by this Roman's fate I"
Thou n greut bllenco of four fell upou tho
coupauy, aud Antony sat also sllout
in a liahnko oi.Ykipus at ur.uru roison.
OW must I, liar-
Ck liay 1 YUn nmmi mux0 ptea
nu ilnvvn that
..... 0 -
which is permitted
as shortly as may
bo, and leaving mueU
untold. For of this
am I warned, that
Doom draws ou and
my days uro well-nigh
sped. After tho drawing
forth of Antouy from tho
Timonlum came that heavy
tlmo of quiet which heralds tho rising of
tho desert wind. Autony and Cleopatra
once again gavo themselves up to luxury,
ond night by night feasted iu splendor at
tho palace. They sent ambassadors to
Cirsar; but Cicsar would have none of
them; and, this hope being cone, they
turned their minds to tho defense of Ale),
uudrla. Men woro gathered, ships woro
built and a great force was niudo ready
ugnlnst tlio coining ot Ciusar.
And now, aided by Uharmlon, I began my
last work of huto and veugeauco. Deep I
wormed inyaolf Into tho secrets of the
palace, counseling ull things for evil I
baae i'kwpatra keep Antony gnj, lost ho
hould fuoO UpoiTlflB 'Borrows- and Ihfls
she sapped bis strength and energy with
luxury and wine. I gave him f my
draughts draughts that sank bis soul In
dreams of happiness and power, leaving
him to wake to tho heavier misery. Soon,
without my healing mcdicino he could not
sleep, and thus, being ever at his side, I
bound hl3 weakened will to mine, till at last
little would ho do if I said not "It is well."
Cleopatra, also grown very superstitious,
leaned much upon mo; for I prophesied
falsely to her In secret. Moreover, 1 wove
other webs. Great was my fame through
out Egypt, for during tho long years that I
had dwolt in Tapo it had spread through
all tho land. Thcrc-foro camo many men of
nolo to me, both for their health's sake and
becauso it was that I had tho ear of
Antony and the Queon; and, in these days
of doubt and trouble, fain wero they to
learn tho truth. All these men I worked
upon with doubtful words, capping their
loyalty; and many I caused to fall away,
and yet nono could hear an evil report of
what I had said. Moreover, Cleopatra sent
mo to Memfl, thora to move tho Prie6ts and
Governors that they should gather men In
Upper Egypt for tho defense of Alexandria.
And I went and spoke to tho Priosts with
such n double meaning and with so much
wisdom that thoy knew mo to bo ono of tho
initiated in tho deeper mysteries. But how
I, Olympus, tho physician, came thu3 to
bo initiated nono might say. And after
ward they sought mo secretly, and I gavo
them the holy sign of brotherhood, ana
therounder bado them not to ask who I
might be, but send no utd to Cleopatra.
Rather, I said, must thoy make peace with
Caesar, for by Cxsar's grace only could tho
worship of the Gods endure in Khem. Bo,
having taken counsel of tbe holy Apia, thoy
promised in publio to give help to Cleopa
irs. but in secret sont an embassy to Cxsar.
ThUs then It came to pass that but Uttis
aid did Egypt give to its hated Macedonian
Queen. Thenco from Memfl I came once
more to Alexandria, and having mado ro
port, continued my secret work. And, in
deed, the Alexandrians could not easily be
stirred, for, as they say in the market
placo, "Tho ass looks at tho burden aud is
blind to tho master." So long had Cleopa
tra oppressed them that tho Roman was
llko a welcome friend.
Thus tho tlmo passed On, and every night
found Cleopatra with fower friends than
that which had gono before, for In evil days
friends lly liko swallows before tho frost.
Yot she would not givo up Antony, whom
sho loved; though to my knowlcdgo did
Cccsar, by his lreedman, Thyreus, muko
promise to her of her dominions for herself
and for her children If she would but slave
Antony, or even betray him bound. But
hereunto a woman's heart (for still tho had
a heart) would not consent, and, therefore,
of nocossity must we hold him to her, lost,
Antony escaping or being slain, Cleopatra
might rido out the storm and yot be Queen
of Egypt. And this grieved me, because
Antony, though weak, was still a bravo man
and a great; and moreover, in my own heart
I road the lesson of his woes. For woro wo
not akin In wretchedness! Had not tho
same woman robbed us of empire, friends
and honorl But pity has no place in poll
tics, nor could it turn my feot from tho path
of vengeance It was ordained that I should
tread. Cicsar drew nigh; Pelusium fell;
tho end was at hand. 'Twas Uharmlon who
brought tho tidings to tho Queen nnd Au
tony, as they slept in the heat of tho day,
and with her I came.
"Awakol" she cried. "Awake I This is
no tlm" for sleep I Scloucus hath surren
dered Pelusium uuto Cajsar, who marches
straight on Alexandria U'
With a great oath Antony sprang up and
clutched Cleopatra by the arm.
"Thou hast botrayed me by the Gods I
swear it I Nowthcushalt pay the price I"
And snatching up his sword ho drow it.
"Stay thy hand, Antony I" she cried,
"It Is false naught know I of this I" And
she sprang upon him, aud clung about his
neck, weeping. "Naught know I, my Lord.
Take thou the wife of Beleueus und his lit
tle children, whom I hold in guard, nnd
avenge thyself. O, Antouyl Ajitonyl why
dost thou doubt mel"
Then Antony threw down his sword upon
tho marble, and, casting himself upon tho
couch, hid his face, and groaned In bitter
ness of spirit.
But Charnilon smiled, for sho It was who
had scut sooretly to Seleucus, her friend,
counseling him to surrender forthwith,
saying that at Alexandria would no light be
mado. And that very night Cleopatra took
all her great storo of pearls and emeralds
thoso that remained of the treasure of Mon-ka-ra
all her wealth of gold, ebony, Ivory
aud cinnamon, trcasuro without price, and
placed It in tho mausoleum of granite,
which, aftor our Egrptluu fashion, she had
buljtupon tho hill that Is by tho Tomploof
tho h Isis Theso riches sho piled up
upon a bed of flax, that when sho fired it
all might perish in tho flames aud cscapo
the greed of monoy-lovIngOctavIanus. And
In this tomb henceforth sho slept, away
from Antony; but in tho day timo still sho
saw him at tho paluco.
But a little whilo uftor, when Cajsnr with
all his grout force had already crossed tho
Canoplo mouth o.' the Nile, and was hard
on Alexandria, I camo to the paluco whlthor
Cleopatra bad sun nonod mo. Thoro I
found her In tho A'abnstor Hall, royally
clad, a wild light in hor eyes, and with her
Iras and Charmlon, and before her guards;
and stretched horo und there upou tho mar
ble, bodies of dead men, among whom luy
ono yot dying.
"Greeting, thou Olympus I" sho cried.
"Here Is a sight to glad a physicluu's heart
men dead und mm sick unto death I"
"What doest thou, O Queen!" I said
"What do I! I do Justice on these crim
inals and traitors', and, Olympus, I
leurn tbe ways of death. Six dlfforeut
poisous have I caused to be given to theso
laves, and with an attentive eye hare
watched their working. That man," aud
she pointed to a Nubian, "ho went mud and
raved of his native deserts uud his mother.
Ho thought himself u child again, poor fool I
aud bade hor hold him close to her breast
and savo him from the darkness which
drew ueur. Aud that Greek, he shrieked,
and shrieking, died. And this ho wept and
prayed for pity, aud in the end, llko a cow
ard, breathed his last. Now, note tbe
Egyptian yonder, he who still lives uud
rroaus; the first he took tho draught tho
deadliest draught of all, they swore -and
yet the slave so dearly loves his llfo he will
not leave ltl Bee, ha yet strives to throw
the poison from him; twice have I given
hlra the cup, and yet he Is athlrtU What a
drunkard havo we hore I Man, man, know
est thou not that in death only can peace
bo found I Struggle so mora, but enter Into
rest.' And oven as sho spoke, tho man,
with a groat cry, gavo up tho spirit,
"There I" sho cried, "at length tho farce It
played- away with those slaves whom I
forced through the diClcult gates of Joy I"
aud sho clapped her hands. But when they
bad drawn tho bodies thence thu drow mo 1
to hor and thus sho spoke :
"Olympus, for all thy prophesies, tho end
is at nana, uassar must conquer, oca 1 ana j
my Lord Antony bo lost Now, therefore,
tho liluv bolnir well nigh done. -111st I make I
ready to loavo this stage of earth in such
fashion as buooinos a Queen. Per this cause,
theu. dp I make Jrial of .these ppisqus, see
ing Chill in iliyperTon muTtl Eooh"cn3ure
those agoaies of death that to-day I givo to
others. Theso drugs please me not; some
wrench out tho soul with cruel pains and
somo too slowly work their end. But thou
art skilled in tho medicinos of death. Now,
do thou prepare mo such a draught as
shall, pangless, steal my life away." And
as I listened tho senso of triumph filled my
! bitter heart, for I knew now that by my own
j hand should this ruined woman dio and tho
Justico of tho Gods bo done.
1 "Spoken liko a Queon, OCJcopatral" I
said. "Death shall cure thy ills, and I will
biow such a wlno as shall draw him down a
sudden friend and sink theo in a sea of
I slumber whence, upon this earth, thou shalt
1 nover wuko again. Oh I fear not Death.
Death is thy true friend; und, surely, sin
less and pure of heart shalt thou pass into
tho dreadful presence of tho Gods 1"
Sho trembled. "And if tho heart bo not
altogether pure, tell me thou dark mun
what then? Nay, I fear not tho Goas I for if
tho Gods of Pell bo men, thero shall I
queen it also. At tho leust, having once
been royal, royal shall I over bo."
And as sho spoke, suddonly from tho pal
aco gates came n great clamor and the noise
of joyful shouting.
"Why, what Is this!" sho said, springing
from hor couch.
"Antony I Autony I" roso tho cry "An
tony hath conquered 1"
Swiftly she turned nnd ran, her long hair
streaming on tho wind. I followed her,
more slowly, down tho great hull, across
courtyards to tho paluco gates. And horo
sho met Antony, riding through them,
radiant with smiles and clad iu his Roman
armor. When ho saw hor ho leaped to the
ground, ,ad, all armed as he was, clasped
her to his breast
"What is It!" sho cried; "is Cocsar
"Nay, not altogether fallen. Egypt; but
we bavo beat his horsemen back to their
trcnohes, and, like the beginning, so shall
be the end, for as they say here: 'Where
tho had goes the tail will follow.' More
over, Ccesur has my challenge and if ho will
but meet mo bund to hand, soon shall the
world see which is tho better mun, Antony
orOctavian." And even as ho spoke and
tho people cheered, there came tho cry of
"A messenger from Cicsar l"
Tho herald entered, and, bowing low,
gavo a writing to Antony, bowed aain, and
went. Cleop "a snatched it from his hand,
broko the s ., and reud aloud :
"Caiar to Antony. Greeting:
"This answer to thy challenge: Can Antony
find no better way ot doath ttiun boneath the
word of Cajsar? Farewolll"
And thereafter thoy cheered no more.
Tho darkness came, and ero it was mid
night, having feasted with those friends
who to-night wept over his woes and to
morrow should betray him, Autony went
forth into tho gathering of tho Cuptains of
the lund forces nnd of the fleot attended by
muny, among whom wa3 I.
And when all wero come together he
spoke to them, standing bareheaded in
their midst, beneath the radiance ot the
moon. And thus he most nobly spoke :
"Friends und companions in arms I who
yet cling to me, and whom many a time I
havo led to victory, hearken to mo now who,
to-mbrrow, may lie in the dumb dust, dis
empired and dishonored. This is our de
sign; no longer will ho hung on poised
wingn above tho flood of war, but will
stralghtwuy plunge, perchanco thence to
snatch tho victor's diadem, or, fulling
thero, to drown. Bo now but true to me,
und to your honor's sake, und still may you
sit, tbe most proud of men, ut my right
hand in the Cupltol of Rome. Fuil mo now,
and lost is tho cause of Antony uud lost are
yo. Huzurdous indeed must bo to-morrow's
buttle, but many a timo havo we stood and
faced 11 fiercer peril und ore tho sun had
sunk onco moru huvo driven armies liko
desert sunds before our gale of valor and
counted tho spoils of hostile Kings. What
havo we to fear! Though allies bo fled,
still is our array as strong us Caesar's I
And show mo but us high a heart, why, I
swear to you, upou my princely word, to
morrow night shall 1 deck yonder Cunopie
Guto with tho heads of Octaviau and his cap
tains 1 Ay, cheer, and cheor again 1 I love
that martial music which swells not as
from tho different lips of clnrlons, now
'neath tho breath of Antony and now ot
Cicsar, but rather out thu hearts of honest
men who lovo me. Yet and now I will
speak low, as we do speak o'er the bier of
somo beloved dead yet, if Fortune should
rise against mo and if, borno down by the
weight of arms, Antony, the soldier, dies a
soldier's death, leaving you to mourn him
who over was your frieud, this is my will,
that after our rough fashion of the camp I
hero declare to you. You know where all
my treasure lies. Takoit, most dear friends,
and in tho memory of Antony, make just di
vision. Then go to Cnsar and speak thus:
ntony, tho dead, to Cwsr.r, tho living,
tends greeting, nnd in tho namo of ancient
fellowship and of many a peril, dared crave
this boon: the tafety of thoso who clung to
him und that which ho hath givou them.'
"Nay, lot not my tears-for I must weep
overflow your eyes I hy, 'tis not manly;
'Us most womanish I All mon must die,
aud deuth were welcome it not so lone.
Bhould I fall, to your tender euro I leave my
children if, perchance, it may avail totavo
them from tho fate of helplessness. Sol
diers, enoughl to-morrow at tho dawn we
tprlng at Cuisar't throat, both by land and
sea. Swear that yo will cling to me, even
to the last Issue!"
"We swear I" they cried. "Noblo An
topy, wo swear I"
"'TU welil Onco mora mv ttar erowt
bright; to-morrow, set in the hlgbst heav
en, tt yet may thine tho lump of Csesai
down I Till then, farewell I"
Ho turned to go, and us ho went they
caught his hand and kissed it; and so deep
ly wero they moved that many wept liko
children; nor could Antony master his
grlof, for, in the moonlight, I taw tears roll
down hi furrowed cheek, aud full upon
that mighty breast.
And, teeing ull this, I was much troubled.
For well I knew that if theso nieu held firm
to Antony all might yet go well for Cleo
patra; Rod though against Autony I bnro
no ill will, yet must bo fall, and In that fall
drag down tba woman who, liko somo poi
sonous plant, had twlaad herself about his
.giant sjrejith till it choked and molderod
In Tier enTnuce".
Therefore, when Antony went, I went
not, but stood back in the shadow watchin'
tho faces of tho lords and captains as they
9 poke together.
"Then it Is agreed!" said he who should
lead tho fleet. "And this wo swear to, ono
and all, that wo will cling to noblo Autony
to tho last extremity of fortune I"
'.! nvl" they nnswered.
"Ay! nyl" I said, speaking from the
shadow; "cling and diel"
Fiercely they turned and seized me.
"Who is he! ' quoth one.
" Tis that d.ark-faced Uog. Olympus!"
cried another, "Olympus, the magician 1"
"Olympus tho traitorl" growled another;
"put an end to him nnd his magicl" and ho
drew his sword.
"Ay I slay him ; ho would betray tho Lord
Antony, whom ho is paid to doctor."
"Hold nwhilo!" I said In a slow and
solemn voice, "nnd beware how ye try to
murder the servant of tho Gods. I nm 110
traitor For myself, 1 abido tho event hero
in Alexandria, but to you 1 say: Flee, flee
to Cicsar! 1 serve Antony nnd tho Queen
I servo them truly ; but nbovu ull 1 serve
the ho y Gods; nnd what they make known
to me, that, lords, I dr. know. And this I
know, that Antony i doomed, and Cleo
patra is doomed, for Cajsar conquors.
Thereforo becauso I do honor you, noble
gentlemen, nnd think with pity on your
wives loft widowed, and your little father
less children that shall. It yo hold to
Antony, bo sold as slaves; therefore I say:
Cling to Antony If yo will, nnd die; or flee
to Csesar nnd be saved I And this I say be
cause it is so ordained of the Gods."
"Tho Gods!" they growled; "what Gods!
Slit the traitor's throat and stop his ill
omened talkl"
"Let him show us 11 sign from his Gods,
or let him die; I do mistrust this man,"
said another.
"Standback, yo fools!" I cried. "Stand
back free mine arms and 1 will show vou
a sign;" and there was that iu my
which frightened them, for they freed me
and stood back. Then I lifted up my hands,
and, putting out all my strength of soul,
searched tho depths of space till my Spirit
communed with tho Spirit of my Mother
Isis. Only the Word of Power I uttered
not, as I had been bidden. And tho holy
mystery of tho Goddess unswored to my
Spirit's cry, fulling 111 awful silenco upon
tho fuce of earth. Deeper and deeper
grew the terriblo silence; even the dog3
ceased to howl, and in tho city men stood
still afearcd. Then, from far away, there
cumo tho ghostly music of tho sistra.
Faint it was at first, but ever as it came It
grew more loud, till the air shivered with
tho unearthly sound of terror. I said
naught, but pointed with my haud toward
tho sky. And bohoidl bosomed upon the
nir, flouted u vust vail shape that, heralded
by tho swelling music of tho sistra, drew
slowly near, till its shadow lay upon us. It
came, it passed, it went toward the camp of
Cicsar, till at length tho music slowly died
away, and tho awful shape was swallowed
in tho night.
'"Tis Bacchus!" oried ono. "Bacchus,
who leaves lost Autony I" nnd, ns he spoke,
from ull tho camp thero roso u groan ol
But I knew that it was not Bacchus, the
false God, but tho Diviuo Isis who deserted
Khem, and, passing over tho edge of the
world, sought her homo in space, to be no
more known of men. For though her wor
ship is still upheld, though still as she is
here nnd in ull Earths, no more doth Isis
manifest heitclf in Khem. I 'hid my fuce
and prayed, but when I lilted it from my
robe, lo 1 all had fled and I was alone.
N THE morrow, at
dawn, Antony came
forth aud gavo com
mand that his fleet
should adva nee
njrnlnst tbo fleet of
Ca:sar, and that his
cavalry should open
thu land battle with
tho cavalry of
Cajsar. Accordingly, tbe
fleet advanced in a triple
line, and tho fleet of
Cajsar came out to meet it.
But when they met, tho gal
leys of Antony lifted their ours In greeting,
and passed over to tho galleys of Cicsar ; nnd
together thoy sailed away. And the cuvahy
of Antony rodo forth beyond tho Hippo
dromo to charge tho cavalry "of Ciesur;
but when they met they lowered their
swords and passed over to tho camp of
Caisar, deserting Antony, Tneu Antony
grew mad with rago and terriblo to seo. He
shouted to his legions to stand firm
and await attack; and for a little whilo they
stood. Ono man, however that same oftl
cer who would havo slain mo on tho j estnr
night strovo to fly; but Antony seized hirn
with his own hand, throw him to tho earth,
and, springing from his horse, drow his
sword to slay him. On high ho hold his
sword, whilo the man, covering his face,
awaited death. But Antony dropped his
sword und bado him rise.
"Go!" he said. "Goto Cxsar, and pros
perl Onco I did lovo theo. Why, then,
among so many traitors, should I single thee
out for death!"
The man roso and looked upon him sor
rowfully. Then, shame overwhelming him,
with a great cry ho toro open his shirt of
mail, plunged his sword into his own heart,
and fell down dead. Antouy stood and
gazed at him, but never a word ho said.
Monnwhlle the ranks of Crcsar's legions
drew near, and so soon us they crossed
spears tho legions of Antony turned and
fled. Thon the soldiers of Cicsar stood still,
mocking them; but scarce a oaia was sluiu,
for tbcv pursued jmL
"Fly, Antony, fly I" cried Eros, his servant,
whoalono with mo stayed by him. "Fly
ero thou art dragged a prisoner to Ciesar!"
So ho turned and fled, groaning heavily.
With him I went, and as we rodo through
the Canoplo Gato, where many folks stood
wondering, Antony spoke to ino:
"Go thou, Olympus, go to the Queen and
say: 'Antony sends greeting to Cleopatra,
who hath betrayci him I To Cleopatra he
sends greeting and farewell I"'
A speedy settlement of. tlio Bohring
sea controversy seeing Improbable. It is
expected, however, that a teinpornry ar
rangement may bo made for this season
Tlio K. II. Hammond Ileof Company
of Chicago and tlio Central Trust Com
pany hnve issued to Alex Harvey of Now
1 ork a mortgage of $l,G45,fi00on nil thfdr
propeity in all cities from Albany to Chi
capo. Tho Hamm-nd Company is in
corporntod under the luWH of (Jrwit Hrit
ain, and the morU'nge (tills for an Knu
Hhh equivalent to $l,(H6,).0in Amohun
money. Tho mortgage m lit bo divided
and sold to English capitalists.
Good St. Patrick's Work Dnclono by s
Tlpy American Showman.
From Ireland comes tho nows that
snakes havo appeared in that country.
It scorns that about five years ago a
showman named Wilson camo from
America with a show of living wild ani
mals. Ho landod his show at Queens
town, and gavo exhibitions up through'
Ireland with more or less succoss. Hut
ono night at tho little townof Amraugh,
in Tipporary, Mr. Wilson got very
drunk and attempted to clean out his
own show. Tho constabulary forco
sought to intorforo, and (whother as a
means of solf-dofonso or in a spirit of
humor, I know not) Mr. Wilson turned
all tho wild animals loose. Of courao
this created a terriblo uproar, and for a
week tho neighborhood was in a sta'to of
wild excitement. Tho wild boasts woro
duly either capturod or klllod, but for
three years no trace of tho don of snakes
lot looso on that memorable nightcould
bo found. Moanwhilo Mr. Wilson wont
to prison for two years.
Two years ago tho peoplo in tho neigh
borhood of Amraugh began to miss
poultry and pigs. Several vagabonds
foil under suspicion, woro apprehended,
and were locked up. Hut tho depreda
tions continued, and finally a farmer's
lad testiliod that upon roturning late
ono night from a ranrry-making he had
seen the ovil ono in tho gulso of a sor
pont making way with a pig across a
field. Tlio villago priest took tho lad
in hand and questioned him closely,
but nothing could shako tho fellow's
testimony. About this timo othor peo
plo detected similar fiends in tho act of
like depredations, and at onco aroso a
huo and cry that tho spot was a damnod
one, and had boon given ovor to tho
devil for his diabolical practices. Spo
clal prayers woro said and tho dovll was
publicly donounced, but tho doproda
tions continuod, and presently from
Castolraino, a town twelve miles dis
tant, camo word that his satanic majesty
had begun operations in that locality,
his victims in this iustanco and In this
placo being sheop, not poultry and pigs.
In this dismal emergency tho Bishop
was most properly a-ppoaled to, for the
parish priests were at thoir wits' end
and thoir parishioners woro well-nigh
crazod through fear. Tho Bishop prom
ised to investigate tho affair, but in
stead of resorting to conventional eccle
siastical methods, that holy and saga
cious mun enlisted the sorvicos of two
shrowd detectives from Dublin, tho in
tellectual centor of 13rin. Tho Bishop
fancied that tho devil was doing his un
holy work by proxy not in the guiso of
dragons and serpents, but in tho person
of cortain lawless characters too lazy to
work and just knavish enough to steal.
Tho detectives, laboring undor this
horesy, mado thoir investigations quiot
ly, and in the course of a fortnight re
ported to their omployor that tho dep
redations at Castolraino and Amraugh
had indeed boon committed by serpents,
tho detectives thomsolves having soon
and watched tho saino upon threo dis
tinct occasions seize, kill and carry off
their prey. The sorpents woro de
scribed as dark of color and fully flfteon
foot in longth. Thoy klllod thoir vic
tims by coiling about their bodies.
Tho story was discredited by tho
clergy and laity until, as good luck
would havo it, a correspondent of tho
Frooman's Journal (at Dublin) recalled
tho significant, not to say portentous,
ciroumstanco that tho numerous and
divers species of snakes which had os
caped from tho Wilson show about threo
years previous had never been captured.
Thon of a suddon tho mystery was
cleared up and bands for tho extormlna
of tho moustors was speedily organized
among tho vongoful peasantry. Throo
of tho snakes wero shortly thereafter
soon, pursued and killed in tho bog oast
of Amraugh; tho largest of tho snakes
measured four feot; in tho maw of each
was found a pullet. About a month
thereafter a fourth snako was killod
noar Castolraino; this snako upon being
cut opon was found to contain vory
many littlo snakos which immediately
glided into tho grass and escaped boforo
tho astonished rustics could approhond
them. Subsequently, stimulated by
tho advertic-d reward of half a crown
and a special dispensation for ovory
snako, alivo or dead, tho country peo
ple caught elovon of tho smallor snakes
nono measuring more than sevon
inches in length. Thon tho snakos
seemed to disappear, and, no further
depredations being notod, tho oxcito
mont gradually died out
Hut It Is now roported, aftor a lapso of
two tranquil years, that snakes havo
suddonly appoared at and around Bal
lingal, an agricultural region thirty
miles north of Castelralno, tho country
seat of tho Karl of Donsloo. Theso
snakos aro of a strange species; though
nono havo been captured, thoy aro said
to bo of onormous longth, broadth, thlck
noss, voracity and forocity, and to mako
a noise whon moving liko tho clatter ot
dico in a box; thoy kill by biting, and
thoy havo created great havoc among
tho flocks of his Grace tbe Duko, as well
as in tho coops and sties of tho peasantry.
Simultaneously sorponts similar to tho
Amraugh and Castolraino varmints havo
appeared still further to tho eastward,
and have caused such a panic that tbo
country folks aro nfrald to vonturo out
of doors aftor nightfall.
Tho theory is that in flvo years tho
roptiles let looso by tho wrotchod Wilson
during his ribald drunken frenzy havo
multiplied so numerously that a mili
tant union of Church and Stato will bo
nocessary to rostoro the Island to tbo
virgin condition in which tho good St.
Patrick loft it. London Cor. Chicago
Tho annual report of tho Poabody
Trust for tho malntonanco of good
homos for tho working classes in Loft
don shows the birth rate in tho housos
kept hy the trust to bo 8.73 por 1,000
abovo tho rost of London, and tho death
rate nearly 1 per 1,000 below tho aver
age whilo tho Infant mortality ie
only a littlo over half tho avorago. The
trust has spoilt over Sd,350,000 in pro
viding buildimfs for20,374 porsons. Tho
average earnings of oach family are
about 85.7. por wook, and the averago
weekly rent about 81.20. Tho rato po
rocm Is 5i!-j cents por wook. ,