The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, May 15, 1890, Image 3

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THURSDAY, MAY 15, 185)0.
Parasraphlo Record of Recent R&ppea
ings In and Around the Otty.
Sec nil. of the "Hlue light" saloon.
Subscribe for Tun Onsoox Scoirr.
Furnished room to rent. Enquire at this
a line line of carpets just received ot
A horo buyer from linker City was In
Union thi week.
Copious rain have fallen this week
the farmer rejoice.-.
Ilcmcmbei' the meeting of the old
ncors in thiii city on the -Mth.
Small house for rout on Main street,
quire of Mrs. L. 15. I'inchnrt.
The Jones Uro. are having a nbe
front put in their ."tore building.
Horn, in thieitv, Saturday, Mav 10
to the wire of Mr. A. T. Xeill, a .-on.
North l'owder it preparing to celebrate
the Fourth of July in a befitting manner.
All parties indebted to u are requested
to -cull at onco and settle. Hijxt.haRT A
All kinds of country produce taken In
exchange for goods at 3Irs. llinchart's
millinery store.
Wallowa county has four thikots in the
Hold democratic, republican, union labor
and prohibition.
The finest line of hat, feathers and dow
ers ever brought to the city, ju,-t received
at Mrs. ltinchurt'a
A new postotHee i 3oon to be opened near
1'ino Grove, in 121k flat, by the name of
Klkton, with Mrs. Richards as postmaster.
Died, May 1th. 1'earl, aged 15 months, of
.acute meningitis, infant daughter of .Mr.
and Mr'. Win. Hli.e. of Uock creek, Huker
Grading on the motor line will commence
in a day or two and tno line will be com
pleted and in operation sometime in the
latter part of June.
Our best farmers are beginning to tlnd
that Staver fc Walker sell the best ma-
cuinery and vehicles, and that their prices
are the most reasonable. fl-lo-M
You should call and see these line em
broideries, hosiery, ladies underwear, fans,
parasols, etc, at Mrs. L. 15. Kiuehart's, be
fore purchasing elsewhere.
Mr. II. F. Wilson, of this city, lias been
appointed a member of the Democratic
Suite Central Committee. All communica
tions should be addressed to him hero.
Everybody admits that the Improved
llandolph Steel Frame Header sold by Stn
ver & Walker, is the lightest running easi
est managed headers on the market. 6-1.)
Call at the dressmaking parlors of Mrs.
L. 15. l'iiichart, if you want tine work done.
A line assortment of books and fashion
plates which contain tho latest stylos. Two
doors south of iiostollicc.
If you want to subscribe for any paper
or magazine in the world, hand the pub
lisher's price to Jasper U. Stevens the Cove
druggist, and your wants will be attended
to without extra ciiarge.
AVliit Hall and Tom Ficklin tested the
pulling qualities of their teams, on a wager,
last Monday. Thoy are both splendid
teams and about evenly matched, although
Tom's team earned oil-the honors.
Kdison has notonly invented a doll which
laughs, talks, and cries In a loud voice af
ter tho manner of ji phonograph, but a
clock which counts One Two, Three, and
ko on as it .strikes. There is no knowing
where he will stop.
A man by tho name of Spearman, while
driving a gang plow on the Hutchinson
much near town, last Monday, got his hand
caught in the machinery in some way and
his thumb was crushed almost to a pulp.
Dr. Day dressed the wound.
Wm. Strickland, the colored man who
got his fingers cutoff at the Hilgurd saw
mill a few days ago was brought to the
county poor farm last Mouday and is get
ting along very well under the care of Dr.
Wo are informed that the high wuUr h:a
nearly washed away tho bridge across
Lower l'owder river. Tho supervisor
should mako largo culvert for the pas
sage of water through the grades approach
ing tho bridge.
The man, Proebstel, who was tent out by
Ia Grande to canvass the southern portion
of the county on the county seat que-. Hon,
went as far its llig creek when be gut his
belly full of tlic job and returned home. If
La Grande can keep him In the field Union
will oheerfully pay half th expenses.
ilr. II. 1). lteekman addressed the people
of Union last Monday eveni ng at tbe court
house Mr, Ueekuiau Is a very goad . peak-
Brief Personal Mention Epitome of the
Week's Amusmnts.
Attorney J. 11. Crites visited Pendleton
this week.
Mr. Alex Jones returned from the Sound
last Monday.
Miss Ella Green has returned from her
visit to Iexington.
Mr. S. 15. Iteeves, of ln Grande, visited
Union Inst Friday.
Mr. H. J. Hafcor, of Pine valley, was in
the city tills week.
Mr. Cy. Projoott, of Antelope, was on
our streets Saturday.
Mr. Chase, of Pvlc canyon, was in the
eity several days this week.
Mr, Wm. Wilson took his departure, last
Saturday for n visit to the east.
Mr. T. A. Ktnehart, of Suminervillc, was
in the city several days thN week.
Mr. J. 15. Sams and Mr. P. II. Miles, of
15lg creok, were in the city this wcok.
Mr. G. W. Cooper, of La Grande, sent in
tilts week and subscribed for Till! Scout.
Mr. E. 15. Conklin. of the Cove, called on
u Saturday and subscribed for Tin: Scout.
Mr. II. C. Emery left for Maker county,
Saturday, and will probably bo gone sev
eral weeks.
Mrs. Dr. Niggers, of La Grande, was
visiting friends in this otty tho foro part of
the week.
Attorney II. F. P.urleigh, of Elgin, was
interviewing nis many friends in I'nion
this week.
Mr. II. J. Goer of the Cove, passed
through Union, Monday, on his way to
Maker City.
Mrs. D. M, liilts returned front Maker
county last Monday, ller son, Mr. Wm.
iiii.'.e, accompanied her home.
Miss MrtIo Clark, of Lti Grande, who
has been visiting relatives and friends in
tills city, returned home Monday.
Mr. W. F. Mutchcr, the Athena lawyer,
will move to linker City some time next
mouth for tho practice of his profession.
Attorney D. W. Shchan, of Wallowa
county, was admitted to practice before
the bar of the supreme court, a tew days
Mr. A, Mc Alexander, of Elgin, visited
Union a few days ago. He is making
preparations to start a brick yard at that
llev. H. II. Parker's father arrived here
a few days ago from Olympia, on a visit to
his son. Mr. Paiker will probably remain
here about a month,
Mrs. Eva M. Stone, nee Miss Eva M.
Shinn, formerly of this city, is now making
a tour of Mexico, with her husband. A
very interesting letter from her, written at
Panama, is published in the Maker Demo
crat. Miss Ida Campbell, savs the Athena
Press, although able to walk around a
little is far from being well. Her ailment
is a spinal disease brought on by over ex
ertion of mental forces. She will probably
take a much needed rest and spend a few
weeks in tho Grande Hondo valley.
Local Educational Meeting.
A teachers' educational meeting will be
held in Suininerville, commencing on Fri
day evening, May i-'J, 1S;K), and will be fol
lowed by a day session on Saturday. All
teachers of the vicinity are cordially invited
to be present and participate in the exer
cises. Supt. Carter expects to have tho
assistance of tho teacher and friends of
education of this valley. C. E. Oliver, Mrs.
Hue Lnughlin and T. A. llinehart will act
as a committee of general arrangements.
II. S. Strange and A..1. Hackett will de
liver short addresses on Friday evening.
The following teachers are expected to be
present and take part: M. II. Moore, W.
S.'Mean, G. W, Swinchart, 1). II. Procter,
J. L. Kerns and J. C. Munch.
or, but he hi at a disadvantage wbeu he
tries to make the people believe that black
is white, or, in other words that a tariff is a
protection to anybody except the boodlera.
, The Scouts for our subscribers In the
lowor end of the valley do not reach them
for three or four days after they are mailed
when thoy should be received the next day.
The fault is with the mall clerks on the
cars or the Im. Grande post office. We will
tlnd otfi who is to blame In a very short
tli no.
It is thought that the electric light com
pany will havo their plant in operation in
ihlo of four or Ave days. At a meeting of
tho city council, Tuesday, seven street
lights of 1000-candle power each were or
dared for the city, placed at various
point along Matu street. When lit up the
street will present a magnificent appear
ance. A waterspout .incurred in Py eanyon
hut ieaturday utm.A and did considerable
Tho Wallowa Signal says: "LastSntur
day, Mr. Wilmor who lives near Alder,
brought to town an elk horn, one side of
which was gone and the remainder Inning
tho appearance of having been shed many
years ago. In plum letters thai, had been
cut with a knife long since on tho sound
part of the antler, wore the words. "1817
Fremont.'' This Is certainly a great etui
ofity, to say the least. Tho piece of horn
was found a few days ago in a grove on Mr.
WV farm. Ho ulso exhibited a potrilied
toad stool."'
The East Oregonlau says: ''Union has
u fairly good court house, on ground owned
by the county, but which ground, if the
county sent is removed, will revert to pri
vate parties. Union is uWo centrally loca
ted, and i a pleasant town to spend a little
tinieln; henoe It does not "yet appear what
right good reason exists for moving tho
county scat to another town, nearer tho
edge of the county, whore new county buil
dings will have to bo erected,"
Mow Livery Stable.
I take this method of informing the pub
lic that I have rented the livery stable op
posite Boothe's hotel, and will, about the
Jifith lust, open tho same with a line line of
buggies, buggy teams and saddle horses.
Every accomodation will be allbrdod custo
mers, and a f hare of the public patronage
is solicited.-W. E. MOWKEM.
Preparations For Their lie
centioii on the 2lth.
All tho Old Honours'
a Good Time
will bo Present and
Is Expected.
Extensive preparations are being made
for the grand reunion of the old pioneers to
tike place on the 21th inst., anil it is ex
pected that it will ho an event long to be
remembered. Many have already written
of their intention to be present, and doubt
less the affair will be a success in every par
ticular. The following committees have
been uppointc.l and all tluHoin attendance
may count on being most hospitably en
tertained: IJcception Committee. E. S. McConias,
L. 15. llinehart. 11. F. Wilson. J. M.Carroll
and A. Levy.
Grounds and Decoration Committee.
The City Council.
Committee on Solicitation and Tables.
Mri. E. S. McCouris. Mrs. A. E Eaton,
Mr. Wallace Harris, Mrs. L. U. Kinebart,
Mrs, II. L. Deacon, Mrs. A. K. Jones, Mrs.
A. Hoiwin, G. F. Hall. M. F. Davis, Wm.
McCouris, Geo. Dcidlcman and Homer
Committee on Music. W. T. Wright, M.
Eukin, T. II. Cooper, It. Chancoy, Dr. Day
and L. .1, Davis,
Marshal. A. C. Craig.
Record of the Proceedings at tho Session
Held Last Week.
If Ms
Resolutions of Condolence.
Whkp.iias, ltrother .lames Payne a ma
son and a member of Cove Lodge No 01 A.
1;. and A. M. who departed this life on the
."rd day of April LS!K), and
WiiniiKAs, lirother Payne was an earnest
and beloved member of our fraternaty,
exemplifying its beauties by Ins moral
worth andexemplary conduct, thereby shed
ding a light halo on our beloved institution
a beacon of light and bright example to
those of the brotherhood who still are at
work in the lodge below, wo feel that our
society has lost one of Its worthiest mem
bers. He was an honest and upright citizen
ever prompt and faithful in every duty and
his whole life was characterized by thoso
virtues which go to make up a noble exam
plo of manhood, therefore
Resuhtd, That we deeply deplore his
loss as a faithful brother and that we will
over hold sacred the memory of our be
loved brother who has gone before, by the
hands of death, to that heavenly lodge
which meets in the New Jerusalem by
the river of life.
HcMlrcd, That wo extend our heartfelt
sympathy to tho family of tho deceased in
this their hour of sorrow and ullliction, and
dispensation putting tin our feryent prayers
that lie who tempers the wind to tho shorn
lamb will look down with compassion up
on the widows and orphans in tills their
hour of desolation and fold the bcnovolcut
arms of his love ond protection around
those who nrc thus bereft of a husband and
father, we would point them for consola
tion to Him who rules the universe.
Ilc.iolcttl, That a copy of these resolutions
he spread upon the minutes of our lodge
and a copy sent to his wife. Mrs. Lovin
Payne and havo tho same published.
i Jas. Hi:Nini:siiOTT,
Committee.,- A. J. Fostkii,
) L. It. Holmes.
License to sell liquors granted to Cun
ningham it Gallagher of Cornucopia, for the
period of six months.
License to sell liquors granted to Hale
Nicholson of Pine Valley, for tho period of
six months.
In the matter of the change in county
road petitioned for bv Haines etui, asked
for by Mrs. Elizabeth Short; there being a
remonstrance tiled against said proposed
change the matter was continued until next
term for further hearing.
Oidcred that Daniel Ellcdge be appointed
supervisor of road district No. vice Geo.
Gekclcr resiirned,
Ordered that $15 he appropriated out of
the county treasury for the relief of Geo.
May who is in destitute circumstances.
Sheriff ordered to repay to A. .1. lluchos
the sum of ?(0.71 taxes on n mortgage of
f'.VJoO given by the said Hughes to Mrs.
Annie Hunan, it appearing to the satisfac
tion of the court that the same was doubly
Koad petitioned for by G, 11. Taylor et
id; John O. Mlchalson, N. Damn and Hurt
Woods appointed vlewets ami J. W, Kim
hrcll surveyor, to meet at Pin. Grove- school
house on May 'J.'l. 1MW, to view and survey
said proposed road.
Order made directing clerk to bsuo li
cense to Dill ,fc Hrown, of Cornucopia, to
sell liquors for a period of six months,
win u they have tiled their bond ami treas
urer's receipt as by law lequircd.
G. W. Frasier appointed to expend the
appropriation ol fr'.OO made to improve the
Lvou hill road.
ers &
iw Prices!
Happy Hooslcrs.
Wm. Tinuuons, Postmaster at Idaville,
hid., writes: "Electric Hitters has dono
more for me than all other medicines com
bined, for that bad feeling arising from
ICidnoy and Liver trouble.'' .John Leslie
farmer and .stockman, of same place, says
"Find Electric Hitters to bo the best Kid
ney and Liver medicine, made mo feci liko
a new man.'' J. W. Gurdher, hardware
merchant, same town, says: Electric
Hitters is just the thing lor a man who is
all run down and don't euro whether he
lives or dies; ho found new strength, good
appetite and felt just liko ho had a new
lease on life. Only : 50c, a bottle, at II. II.
Hrown's drug store
Ounce of Prevention
Found of Curo."
is Worth a
The health of your family should bo your
first consideration. Good, health v food
will produce better results than any modi
cine you can-swallow. Savo tho health of
your family by striking tho roots by cast
ing away your stove with solid iron doors,
and without delay purchase ono of Fil ley's
New Charter Oak Stoves or Itanges with
tho wlre-gauzo oven door. Tho enormous
saving in fuel, and gain In weight of bread
and meat, will soon pay for a Charter Oak.
It speaks for itself. No other stovo in the
world will sland the test, Sold by Sum
mors it Layue, Union. Oregon.
Teachers' Examination.
raraiar3, Take Notice.
Before purchasing your mower this year,
don't fail to call on us and sec our new
Whltner solid steel" mower. We eJaiiu
It to be the most perfect grat cutter ever
produced. TIioe visiting the exposition in
Portland List fall will remember toeing it
in oMrtUti. li -q alc fur Iteulf. Don't
fail to mil Mttl iniiie it - JIaix Hue.,
rlniunki tutrtitiim of Jum. YowaHV (arm. I I'll WO, Oregon. .VL'-tl
Jm f a mighty good man. but tits heaven-
Notice is hereby given that for the pur
pose of making an examination of all per
sons who muy offer themselves as candi
dates for teachers of the schools of this
county, the county school superintendent
thereof will hold u public examination ut
I'uioii, Oregon, '' beginning at noon on
Wednesday tho Mlh day of May, 1800.
Dated this 13th day of May, 1KX).
J, L. CAltTEM.
School Superintendent, Union County.
Bucklon's Arnica Salve.
v iocr i
Ji n, - 111' hU
lu I d J
fci.n . . .w.
It WOlllil llu.i
the iielU'ial :ilu
i .ion to bn itMtdhut iii wHb
vt wateopfUt
T'.-orapson Speatea.
Tin'. Hkxt Sai.vk in the world for Cuts,
MriiUos, Soros, Ulcers, Salt Khcuiii, Fever
Soros, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains,
Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posl
ulvel) cures Piles, or no pay required. It
is guarantees! to give perfect satisfaction,
or money refunded. Price 'S cents per
I ns, For sale at Mrown'a drug store.
Remarkable Rescue.
Mrs. Michael Curtain. Plainlield, Illinois,
makes the statement that she caught cold,
which settled on her lungs; she was treated
for a month by her faintly physician, but
grew worse. He told her that she was a
hopeless victim of consumption and that
no nicdicino could euro her. Her druggist
suggested :l)r. King's New Discovery for
Consumption; she bought a bottle and to
her delight found herself bcnellted from
the first dose. She continued its use audi
after taking ten bottles, found herself
sound and well, now does hci own house
work and is as well as she ever was. Free
trial bottles of this Great Discovery at II.
II. Hrown's drug store, large bottles .10 ets.
and $1.00.
I i.:.i.Mi in
illlifil fill' i
m ns itX 1 J L Til I HI tMs IN fcj j LSI prJl M VI! HU U HA A V
Union County Placers.
Good reports arc coming from East Eaglo
creek. The high bars along that stream
have been located for fourteen miles us
placer claims, and ditches have been taken
out in a number of places. The ground is
all new and is luarvelously rich, yielding as
high as ?2..r0 to the pan in coarse gold,
with nuggctE as big as a man's thumb
plentifully dispersed through the clean
ups. Great activity is the order of the day
in theso diggings and it is confidently ex
pected that within the next six weeks there
will bo a thousand miners in that camp
where $10 to fit) per day to the man is said
to bo what these new bars tiro yielding.
Auction Salo.
Notice is hereby' given that wo will sell
at public auction, at John Elliott's corral
in the city of Union, on the L'lth day of
May, 18'JO, tho following described property
to-wit: Ono horse, four cows, two year
lings, ono wagon, plow, harrow and other
farming implements, household goods, etc.
Terms of sale: All sums under live dol
lars, cash in hand; over live dollars, ninety
day's time with interest and approved se
curity. X. F. it S. D. FICKLIN,
Administrators of tho estate of W. T.
Ficklin, deceased.
With Patent Gauze-wire Doors.
Is in Charge of a First-class Workman, and all Work arranted.
Call and Examine our Goods and Prices.
SUJIMJ3HS it LAYNK, Union, Orcyon 1-L7tf
-Dcalur In
flection of Officers.
At tho last regular meeting of the Pioneer
Itollef Fund Association, at Cornucopia,
tho following olllccrs were elected: S. M,
Gilinore, president; Dom. Soldinl, vice
president; N. 1). Holey, recording secretary ;
Geo. O, Ncwconib, corresponding secreta
ry; P. W. Gallagher, treasurer; C. XV.
Woods, Ambrose Kippos and I.N.O'Mani,
directors and finance committee.
Bedding and Lounges,
Parlor and Chamber Suits,
Mirror Plates, Picture Frames,
Oil paintings, Windov shades,
oods Sold on tie
as si 9
Constantly on hand a full lino of
nstalmieiit Plan
Picture Frames Hade to Order.
jS"AU kinds of Job Work Dono to Order. Shop ami Witro Kooin oil Slain
Stroot, I'nion, Oregon.
Lottor Llat.
List of letters remaining uncalled for at
tho postoflico at Union, Oregon, for the
month ending April 30, 1PD0:
Austin Win Hrtico Mrs Fannio
Fonl F V Kynr. 11
McCormac C F Mower J
Persons calling for any of tho abovo let
ters, will please say "advertised."
Mits, K. A. Ai.omt, .P. M.
To exchange goods for ."0 cords of wood.
Mrs. L. H. Kliiehart.
Latest Styles.
PAHKKR- HOYFjIL -In this city, May
11, lH'JO. at the resideneo of. and by, Itev.
It. II. Parker, Mr, Georgo Parker and
Miss Anna Hoytr,
idenceof, ami by, Itev. It. II. Parker, in
this city. May 11. lh'JO. Mr. Wallace Har
ris and Miss Delia ilildorbraud.
The abovo mentioned couples tiro well
and favorably known in this city and
commence their married life with the best
wishes of many friends for their future
welfare and huppiness. Tjik Kcot'r ex
tends congratulations.
I'LUMMKK AHHBY.-At the residence
of tho bride' father in Pylo canyon, Muy
II, mm, Mr. V. W. I'luiiuuer mid Miss
C. i;. Ashby, lt v. Hootho olllciatiug.
Just HccoivtMl, Direct from the East, a Lurgo Invoice of LADIES' and
MISSES' CALFSKIN S1IQE8, lli Ik-at Evor bioujjltl to Huh Market.
AIko a Kino AnHorlinont of
My Prices will Hiiit; tho times. Drop in and see me.
C. VINCENT, Main Strcot, Union, Or.
-Tho Fluent Lot of
Tie : "Blue : Lii"
h' Youths' Boys and Elim Don
. r
,u "i u .rt
., .. .! --t
, h-ira!
Farsurs, Remember
Tiiat Mrs. L. II. Itlnimart to Icon all kinds of
prodtue in exchange for good.
J a mm, Proprietor, Union, Oregon.
Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars
in Stock.
Drop in unit be sociable. Fine billiard tabic
Spring and Summer Hats,
AUo tin. Grc.ildt and Jit t At...ilnj ut ut -
In all tho Latottt StyltH iiutl Qualities,
.A.. LEV""5T, - - TJIsTTOIM" OIR,