The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, May 15, 1890, Image 2

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THURSDAY, MAY 15, 1890
Written for Titr SVoi-t j
While I in (1ir!.np- vjiiiilrpirn,
With feeble ihoucb's and fnot-tcp slow;
In illicit of km wtiI-'p I V"iil'l nf'1-
Some question ; whoM nsiime the tn.k to
answer ye, or no?
the-c n God who mil's above
Wi'li pure undying ceasics lovp :
And while He mle tbo heavenly spheres
Dot-!" lie b-lwid thN vale of n m's?
Dec If f flip .1IIP pur" !'IV Ic-dOW
On hV the rrraitirp" hero In-low?
And dii' lie sen tin- dir.- (litrcx
That unlk" pni.i tlii uildernes?
AVn it bv Ii!m tbnr tnnn v miidn
Anil has lie power toreinbr aid
Anil guide limns wtivwanl vvaturrln mini
Tlmt Iip in ty joyful blessing IliniV
When Ilc'mnde man did lie fnrek'inw
TIip i.trugglrs ninn inn-t hercpissthroiiEh?
Wa mini in pure perfection wrought
Withou' a wrong or ininurc thought?
Perfect within fhn dpths n' f "ill,
Alike to (Iriil prfi'Pt nlld Whole,
Ilii form erect niul nnlilv grand
O'er nil tin; earth to Imvc (iommn'idJ'
"WIipii in tin: garden ninn vn pliirfl
'Midst perfect t ni it . Iiy nnuuht defaced
Did (lod design ninn to remain
And pure Integrity retain?
Did Hp dpi(.'ii man should not cit
The hiclous fruit so p'lro mid sweet?
Did God Iiy his foreknowledge know,
When planting out the trees to grow,
Tlint Eve wntt'd liten to tlm snake
And the forbidden fruit i;i rt:iki y
And now I nl: If Adam coiilil
Fail doing what (lod knew he would,'
Please nnswer yen. or no.
II. C. l.'.MKItV.
Union, Orcein, .Inn 111. IH'.jO.
Items of Interest! Gleaned I'rom tlis flum
mrvlllo Aunotator.
Tlio Wallowa sfngo lino changed
titno May 1st. Tim singes now lonvo
La Cirn iiK' daily nt fi o'clnol: n. in. and
arrives nl. .Joseph tlio sannxliiy.
Dr. Dcnn mid finn.of Joseph, passed
through this place Monday, mi route
for .Sanger, when; limy have foiiio
placer mines which (hey intund to
work this summer.
The meeting of tlio Pioneers at Union
on (ho filth inst. in looked forward to
with grout interest mid promises to be
one of tlio mo.4 inleti-sling events (hat,
lias taken plaee in Union coimfy for
The taxpnyprs of Union comily now
have an opportunity to got their lives
insured and honow nionoy on easy
(erniM, jirovided tliey will get. Ilieii votes
for the county peat to L i Grande. The
great chief from Halein is horo to die
tuto what voters shall do hofoiM they
can ho free citizens. We presume that
his influence is equally us great, as
that of a loan agent from China.
A painful accident oecured lust Sat
urday on Terry TuKles farm three
miles east nf town. Albert Hill and!
Ed, Tu'Uo were hiiuliiij; hay when their
team lieeaiuo rigliieriotl and ninaway,
and while Albert whs dying to gain
control of (ho leuni he was thrown from
tho wagon with a terrible force which
dislocated his chonlder, broko his arm
and broke one leg. Dr. DiUebrandt of
this place, w.m culled and at onco set
tho broken limbi and replaced tho dis
located shoulder; and with tho Dr.'s
careful attention tho patient is at. pres
ent getting along nicely.
Circular na to tho Uon-EMslUUity of
Ao3cosom nud Certain OMior Persons tir
Appointment us Census Enumerators.
7U: Kobt 1'. Porter, superintendent
of tho ceneiiM hat issued a circular con
taining the following statement and
instructionc :
"From representations recently niudo
to this ollleo from dillbrent parts of tho
country, it is evident (hut there is
moro or less misconception existing
among certain clashes of tho com
munity, more especially tho agricultu
ral class, as to (he object of the census,
and thero is great reason lo fear that,
unlofB such a contingency he specially
guardod against, many persons will bo
detened fiom rendering full and ac
curate statements of their property
and its pioduetions by tho fear that
such informations would ho used for
tho purposes of taxation.
As this would seriously impair the
value of the chisus for t-omo of it
most important purposes, supervisors
of consus have been hut t noted not lo
recommend for appointment as onu
inoratorany perton directly or indirect
ly concfrned either in tho assossmont
of propei ly for taxation or in tho actual
levying of luxation in your district, ns
no feiioh recommendation will ho ap
proved. Although this order will hnvo the
elfcot of t seluding many persona who
in overy other ivspnet than that inon
tioned wuld nmkn oxwdlout onumora
tore, mid whose appointment was ovon
contmnplitd in th lsttor of Instruo
lions irWij-d to mi;. -rvisnrs with their
leapectivo (Hiininiscio't", the iuterests
of thu uoiuns umko its obHerv.iK-i ab
solutely iiupo.rat.ivo,
Methods cf Ms Wort: Manner of Living
, Resources of his Lands.
llcnEAuHofTiintiN', 1
ItAl.EIlllI. N. C.i
KntToitOHKfioN ScotT:
Tho. word "farmer" conveys to our
minds a gon"rnl meaning; and yet in
its meaning it is capable of many sub
divisions. A farmer of New England
i a tnnn nf 'imy kinds nf work, and
of ninny (itles. He raises, consumes,
and sells everything which the soil can
bo mndo to produce or support. In
the western states a f irmer may be a
man who measures his one crop of corn
by the hundreds 'of acres. In tho Hcd
Itiver valley or in California he may
be the tnnn who measures his one crop
of wheat by the thousand acres. In
Texas he may count his cattle grazing
on ln's ranch by the thousands.
In many of tho Southern States ho
may sjicak of his one, two, or four
horso crop of cotton as his farm ; or
his fifty acres of melons, or his twenty
five acres of tobacco as his farm.
Again, scattered in all directions,
throughout tho Southern States, are
many farmers working and living
more like tho New England typo of
that class of men, who civo us tho
mo.-tof the food wc eat and the clothing
which we wear. Industrious, intelli
gent, upright, man respecting, God
fearing men. Their homo life is sim
ple and unpretentious. Their homes
are not luxurious, hut they arc tho
abodes of plenty and comfort. Tlio
whole family may betray the lack and
need of educational advantages; but
they will also illustrate tho old buying,
"Wood will tell;" for in very many of
these plain homes will bo found the
character of the born lady and gentle
man, as clear and fair as can ho found
upon earth. The hospitality of these
homes is from tho heart and complete.
One of thopuicst and most guiltless
characters wo over met, wo found in
ono of theso remote farm houses. And
when ho said in a soft and geutlo voice,
"1 will keep you over night if von will
stay" wo know that wo had as full and
honest an invitation lo share tho hos
pitalities of that home, as it is possible
for human heart to give. Such invita
tions aro never given with tho con
cealed hope that they will bo refused.
And tho stranger accepting them is at
onco at case, and almost literally at
If Eomo fairy should transport a
farmer from any of tho rioh Northern
States, in a single night, to tho average
southern farm, ho would awako and
declaro that an evil spirit had ruined
him and that ho could not live there.
Not too fast my friend. Take another
day beforo you lie down and die; look
squarely at tho good things which
your southern brothors possess; and
you will find these. Ilia land costs
him much lets per acio, and yields
moro. Tho average yield of cotton is
of a halo, or thiity-sovon dollars
per aero, llow many northern farms
havesold tho products of the cultivated
land at thirty-seven dollars per acre?
Again, tho labor to produce this costs
tho southern farmers about sixty-six
per cent of tho cost of labor to tho
northern farmer. Tho cost of erect
ing and maintaining tho neccessary
farm building is less than ono half tho
cost at tho North.
Thooxponsos of livingaro loss; no
ticeable in clothing, fuel, and thoso mis
cellaneous expenses which tho domands
of society at tho North erect into
a steady drain upon tlio farmer's in
come. Taxes aio light. Tho towns,
cities and states of tho South havo not
yet learned that real prosperity is
nieasutcd by extravagant expenditures
and largo bonded debts. Farms aro
not mortgaged. Tho instances of a
sourthern farmer paying interest on a
mortgago aro very rare. Tho condi
tion of tho northern farmer as shown
by published figures, is ono tho south
ern farmer has novor known. Last,
tho southern farmer has a monopoly of
crops tho North cannot produce ; and
some of theso crops aro tho best paying
crops that adorn tho bosom of Mother
Kurth. It is a monopoly granted and
protected by tho C reator. Tarill's poli
tics, iluetuations in trade, nothing
which man can do can wros t this
monopoly from tho southern farm.
This monopoly may bo for you, mort
gage ridden northern farmer. Soil bo
foro you aro consumed, and uso youi"
margin to cqiiio South and made a
J. T. P.VTIttCK.
Booml Boomtt lloomtll
llo tpiicl: if you want a first olass
bargain in city or country property
(WVll loan you monoy to buy with.)
Now is tho titmi. Hut thoro "Kli."
You'll tloublo your money tho tlrtt
month. Oidl on Wilson t llnoktt,
mann;ers Union Heal Kstato Awooiu-tion.
Ui'i'int Wallowa, March 10, 1890.
Editok (JftKGON Scout:
Spring rains arc copious and fre
quent. j Nothing is being done in our mines
at present,
j Farmers aro rejoicing for cause and
stockmen aio glad.
Tho past ten days of summer weath-
or has forced our water courses up to
i flood tide.
T. F. Hitch, an old timer of this
county, is gathering his stock together
with a view of moving lo Colorado.
Wo shall mi-is 13. W. Imhlor miso
him by ronton of his manly, upright
! qualities. Such men as Mr. Itnbler
I aro a loss to ns when they leave us, a
gain to us when they come among us.
At tho fall term of cirou t court held
in this county, It. M. Downey and
wife were divorced, on complaint of
Mrs. Downey. Mrs. Downey was
married a few days ago to a "younger"
but not a bettor man. Solah.
Joseph refuses to bo comforted. So
does .7. A. Rumble. In a quiet but
determined way they aro preparing 1V
initio to bo sprung on the first Monday
in Juno, next. If tho explosion of
this mino lias tho desired cfi'ect, House
and a few others whose names appear
on tho Wallowa county republican
ticket, will wonder how it all hap
pened. Hut few slock sales aro reported
outside of sheep. Cattle and horses
aro too thin in flesh for tho market.
They aro just beginning to recover
from tho cfi'ects of tho past hard win
ter. A goodly number of ranches aro
changing hands. The old arc going
out, tho new aro coming in. Thus it
has been over will he.
Oakomnk C.
A Little Boy Drowaod Ruso of Saloon
Keepers Local Notes.
Foukht Dam:, .May 12. 18110.
Higher waters than known for years.
Mr. Goodbrod of Union was in the
valley recently.
Mrs. Turner of Cornucopia recently
visited friends in tho valley,
Judge O. V. (loodall brought his
daughter in to teach tho Cornucopia
school and paid a Hying visit to friends
A httlo hoy, son of Mr. IJassott, fell
in 1'ino creek May .'ird, and was
drowned. Tho body has not been re
covered. Sometimes wo get the county papers
horo on Saturday after publication,
sometimes on Tuesday and sometimes
not at all.
Sjott Curry returned on Wednesday
from an extended trip to Southern
Oregon and Washington. Scott says
Pino has more pretty girls and is tho
best placo ho has found.
Horn, in linker City, to tho wife of
Dorsoy Robinson of I'ino valloy, April
2S)th, a son, which only lived two days.
Tho young parents havo tho sympathy
of many friends in thcii loss.
Miss Ooodall, who is now engaged
in teaching the young idea of Cornu
copia, paid a visit to friends in tho
valloy during tho week. She was tho
guest of Mrs I. X. Pancako and Mrs.
J. A. Denny. She started back in a
second Noah's Hood, but wo think
liruco would "got thoro all tho same."
Tho saloon inon of Pino stole a
march on tho remonstrators by pub
lishing their petition in tho m Grando
CJazotto of which, probably not moro
than half a dozen copies aro sent to
Pine, of thoso sent however, tho issue
of March ith does not contain tho
petition, nud beginning at March 11th
tho petition could not roach tho fifth
successive publication boforo May 9th
and court set May fith but ns tho laws
of our country seem mndo to favor
saloons thoy will hnvo probably ob
tained tho liconso nil O. K.
CAItltIK 11. Dovk.
Durham Bull And Cowa For Sale,
Ono four-year-old rod Durham Hull
A lino animal and will bo sold nt a
reasonable price. Will nUo sell n
few oxcellent Durham milch cows.
Apply to S. F. Nowhiud, Hot lake,
Union county, d-i-lm
Tin: Now Walla Wnlla Hernld, pub
lished by McConms it Freeman is nt
hand. It is n neat, live column, eight
page paper. Wo wish it success.
Or vou lnso it. If vou want a ehean
lot in Union, cull quick or you Uu it.
Call on Wilson v nucleoli, managers
Union Heal Kstato Association.
ror, sale.
I OU Sumimirvlllo. uth rtiduitco and
biuhmss proporty la tho cities of Union
and batiramfu, cheaper than the ubeaiiesi.
o-'JO-tf, J. It. OHlTliS.
hi ii i ii mi miMiin i in iimn in
cxkaii Ycmt rAcn.
it mi ueou ncrcto.orc nown in
mesa minimis mnt jnixicru incui
cine bus demonstrated that a pim
ply siin Is not tho result of Wood
dlicacs, but Is caused by Impaired
digestion, for which they now clre
vegetable correctives lutcnd ot pot-
tih end mineral blood purifiers, Two uliort test).
1 xnonlals aro hero glrcu to contract the notion ol
the potash mrsaparlllas and Joy's VcsctaWo Knr
saparllla. Mrs. C. D. Stuart of 1221 MUslon ftrcet, P. 1..
writes that she took ouo of the leading saren
parJllfts for indigestion and dyspcpsln, Its only
effect was to cause pimples to nppcnr on her face.
Cikiu takliic Joy's Vegetable Hiirsnpntllln the
first effect was the disappearance of the pim
ples and nbo was subsequently relieved of hci
Indigestion and dyspepsia. Robert Stewart nlst
writes from Tetaluma, Cal., that
being troubled with bolls he fouud
that one of the leading wirsapa
rlllas actually Increased the erup
tions, which responded nt onco to
. r- . 111.. ,1
joy s vegciuuiu aariuijiuuim urn. T.imvi-i'
disanncarod almost Immediately. ' 'VWjVi
The Hew Discovery.
You have heard your friends and neigh
bors talking about it. You mny yourself
be one of the ninny who know from person
al experience just bow Kood a thing it is.
If you have ever tried it, you arc one of iN
htatinch friends, because the wonderful
thing about it is. that when once given a
trial, Dr. KinH's New Discovery ever after
holds a place in the house. If you have
never used it and should be nfllictcd with a
cough, cold or any Throat, Lung or Chest
trouble, secure a bottle at once and give it
a fair trial. It is guaranteed every time, or
money refunded. Trial bottles free at
llrown's drug store. Union, Oregon.
Under and by virtue of an attachment,
execution and order of sale issued out of
the Honorable Circuit Court of the .state of
Oregon, for Union county, to mu directed
and delivered upon a judgment rendered
in said court on the 12tn day of February,
18!X), in favor of W. T. Carroll administra
tor of the estate of , II. Stanscll de
ceased, and against . I. It. Stansell and W.
IS. Hamilton defendants, requiring me that
out of tlie property hereinafter described, I
make tlie sum of' flit .If! with interest at
the rate, of 10 per cent, per annum, from
February 12. 1H!X). and the further .sum of
2-"),(X) attorneys fees in this action, and
costs ami disbursements taxed nt .f2!) l.r and
costs of this writ, and accruing costs, and
whereas by said execution and decree it
was ordered that tlie following described
real estate hesold. to-wit: The SWk SE'A
Section 112, Township 1 South of Kange ."!)
Fast of the Willamette meridian, and NW
4 of SE4 Section A, Township 2 South of
ltange.1!) Fast of the Willamette meridian,
all in Union county, Oregon, be sold and
proceeds arising therefoiu bo applied in
satisfaction of said Judgment; therefore I
will sell on
Saturday, tlio l ltli dny i.f.Imie, 1800,
at 2 o'clock p. in. of said day, at public auc
tion, In front of tlie court house door in
said county, all the right, title, claim and
interest which said defendants J. It. Stan
sell and W. 11. Hamilton had on or after
January .'!0, 1S1X1 in or to said property, and
that I will on the same day and date above
mentioned sell the following described per
sonal property, to-wit: Two black marcs,
.'years old. bVanded S 0 on left hip; one
hay mare, :t years old. branded S i) on left
liip;onebav horse, .'J years old. branded
S! on feft hip; two red cows, about
four years old; one cow oycars old,
branded II on left side, and one roan cow,
branded F S on left hip, in satisfaction of
said judgment.
Terms of sale, cash to me in hand.
Dated May 8, 1800
Sheriil'of Union County' Oregon.
Under and by virtue of an order of sale
and decree of foreclosure and salo issued
out of the Honorable Circuit Court of the
state of Oregon, for Union county, on the
2!)th (lav of April, 1MI0, wherein J. W. Sliel
ton, plaintill". obtained a judgment and de
cree of 'foreclosure and sale, against ,1. W.
Dray and S. A. Dray, defendants, on the
12tli (lay of February. 18!K). requiring mo
that out of the property hereinafter de
scribed and described in said decree, I make
the hum of $234.00 ami interest thereon
from February 12, lf!x) at the rate of 10 pol
ecat, per annum, and costs and disbutse
nients taxed nt $il 00 and the further sum
of foO.OO attorneys fees and costs of this
writ and accruing costs, and that to secure
said payment or sum of money, said defen
dant J. W. Pray, executed and delivered to
said plaintiff Ills certain mortgage upon
the following described laud, situated in
Union countv. Oregon, to-wit : Tlie SW'4
of NKJ4 and NWofSF.M of Section 2o,
Township ;1 South, . f Unnge US East of Wil
lamette Meridian, also lilocks No. 2.4,0, 8,
i) and 11 In Arnold ,fc Dray's addition to tho
town of La Grande, in said county, also
the Fast half of Lot one in Illock one on
"O" street In said town of La (irando; tlint
the claim to and interest in said land
claimed hy defendant S. A. Dray is subse
quent in point of time and subject to the
mortgago of said plaintill'; Therefore I will
sell on
Snturduy, the 14th dny of June, 1K0O,
at 2 o'clock p m. of said day. at pubic auc
tion, in front of tho court house door in
said countv. all the right, title, claim and
interest of said defendants .1. W. Dray and
S. A. Dray, or, In and to tiie above described
propertv.'and tlie proceeds to bo applied in
satisfaction of said judgment.
Terms of sale, cash tome in hand.
Dated May 8, 1MH).
Sheriff of Union county, Oregod.
SIltililFF'S SAI.K.
II v virtue of an attachment execution is
sued out of the Circuit Court of tho state
of Oregon, for Union county, upon a judg
ment rendered In said court on the
12th day of February, WW, in favor of W.
T. Carroll administrator of tho estate of
Josso 11. Stanscll, deceased, and against G.
W. A. StAiisell and Martha J Stanscll de
fendants, requiring me that ont of the prop
erty hereinafter described and described In
said decree. I make the sum of $7S7.Sti with
interest thereon from February 12, IsOO, at
the rate of 8 per cent, per annum, and for
costs mid disbursements taxed at $27.72 and
tho costs of this writ ami accruing costs,
and whereas bv said execution It was or
dered that tho following described real
estate be sold, to-wlt: The SWJi of SF'4
Section .'12, Tonnship 1 South of Itangc :il
Fast of tho Willamette Meridian, and NW
j; of NKK of Section A, Township 2 South
of Hange KS) Hast of tho Willamctto meridi
an, all in Union county, Oregon, bo sold
and the proceeds arising therefrom lie ap
plied In satisfaction of said judgment;
therefore I will sell on
SnturMny, tlm 14th dny if.lHii, 1800,
at 2 o'clock p. in of said day, at public
auction, In front of the court bouse door
in huld county, all the right, tillo, claim
and interest of said defuuluiiU G. . A.
Stanscll and Martha J. Stanscll, of. in and
to the ulMjVodeeriued property, or mi much
thureof as mav be uocoary to tl fy tutu
judgment, with interest mid ousts, to the
hiuhest bidder, cash to me hi hnuil.
Dated Mny 8, liifO.
Sheriff of Union 0unty, Oregon
i r i ii '
In the Circuit rotirt of th- Stan- of Ortfon,
for t'nlon county.
Xi lsou Hi hoonovtr.
T. It. Tminatt and .1. F. H;tpr.
To thP Defenilnntii. T. R. Tannatt and J.
F Dover:
I Tin: S'awi: or Tilt .Stat:: ok Ohkoos :
You and P-n-h of ynu h In r.-mir
to npi.ptr ami answer tin: r uin. In nt ti- (I
"iti,.t vou in thf nbove ' nti.l. d Mitt. -....
I.nfi.r".. rho diiviiftli? IK'.vt regular
lesion of tlir- nhorp rntitl" I con't after tin
publication of thi- Minmiims f..rii'. we'd;-,
to-wit: mi the 23rd day f pf( mber .
or that in default thrrcuf I'mmtiff wiU
take a judgment and (li-n e tr.Mimt varlt
of vou tor ihc relief demanded m 'h" con.
plaint in this cause, to-wit: Thut by tlie
judgment and decn c of tUU court 'lie De
fendants lie deerci d to convey tlie N ' or
XK' i of Section :!!. T.wnhip I South, of
Itane :5! Ku-t. of tlie Willamette :nerid;.-iii.
to l'.'nintilT, hy a ttm mid sulTUii'iit deed
of convevane'e within a reasonable time,
and that 'in dcfaiiir thereof the decree oi
this court ve.-tln the title to said land in
plaintiirhe rendered ami for coso. and di-hur.-enicnts
and for such other fuither and
more ccncral relief us to.tlie court may seem
equitable in the premise-.
This summons Is puhlishul in IhiiOhk
oox ScotT bv order of the Honorable
.Tunics A. Fee, judge of the Sixth Judicial
District of the State of Oregon made and
dated at chamhi-n the 10di day of May.
lf)D. SIIKLTON .V, CAKllOi.L,.
0-1,3 AUorncv for I'lff.
Timber I.und, Act June :i, 1HTS Notien
For Publication.
U. S. Land Oflicc, La fir.inde, Oregon, 1
March 11, lbim.
Notice is hereby given that in coirplianc
with the provisions of tho act of Cmigre-n
of June ."!, 1S78. entitled "An act for' the
sale of timber lands in tho states of Cali
fornia, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington
Territory." Fdward Hemillard of Union,
eountv of Union, state of Oregon has this
day fifed in this ollleo his 'vorn statement
No. 170, for tlio purchase of tlie S',sj SWVf
and NW su'!; of Sec nr.. ami sic; ski,
1 Section .'SI in Township No! S Itangc No 40 E
and will oiler proor to snow ttint tne innu
sought is more valuable for its timboi or
stone than for agricultural purposes, and
to establish Ills claim to said land beforo
tlie register and receiver of this oflicc at
LaOrandc, Oregon, on Fiiday tlie 23rd day
of Mny. 18!)0.
He names as witnesses: Kd. .larvis.
"Wade Slielton, Cleorgc Ames and George
Simmons, all of Union, Oregon.
Anv and all persons dunning adversely
the above-described lands are requested to
file their claims in this ollice on or before
said 2!lrd (lav of May. 18i)0.
Il-20-wlO ltegister.
Timber I, anil. Act. .Tunc ::, 1 87K I.'otico
l'"or Publication,
U. S. Lami OFnci:, La Gn.uvni:. Oueoon, 1
March 20, 1M0.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
witli the provisions of the act of Congress of
June .'1, 1S78, entitled "An act for the sale
timber lands in the states of California,
Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Tr
rilory,'' Kobcrt Harris,
of North Powder, county of Union, state of
Oregon, lias this day tiled in this otHee his
sworn statement No, 178, for the purchase
of the F.J-.J NK'.J of Section No. '.), in Town
ship No. 7 S, Jtange No. .'iS K, and will oiler
proof to show that the land sought is more
valuable for its timber or stone than for
agricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim to said l.ind before the register and
receiver of this ollice nt La Grande. Oregon,
on Monday, the Uth. day of June, 1890.
lie names as witnesses: W, W. Kill",
James A. Hutchinson, Joseph U. Carroll
and Dave 1'everago, all of North Powder,
Any and all persons claiming adversely
the above-described lands are requested to
iile their claims in this ollico on or before
said Otli day of June, I8C0.
4-3-wlO. ltegister.
Jfiitico JCor Publication.
Land Oi'iceat l. t Grande. Oregon.)
April 0, I8O0. f
Notico is hereby given that tlio following
named settlor has tiled ubtioo of ids inten
tion to make Until proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore tlie register and receiver at Lu Grande,
Oregon, on May 28, 181)0. vi.:
Ailln J'.. Tattle,
Hd. No. -trill, for the SWK Soc 23, Tp. 1 N,
It 10 K.
Ho names the following witne-ses to
prove his continuous residence upon ami
cultivation of. said land, viz:
Jesse L. Iliiidnmn, Jacob Hruggpf, J. It.
Tucker and Charles L. Harris, all of Elgin,
Anv person wljo desires to protest against
the allowance of such proof, or who knows
of anv substantial reason, under the law and
the regulations of the Interior Department,
why such proof should not be allowed, will
bo given an opportunity nt tho above men
tioned time and place to cross-examine the
witnesses of said claimant, and to offer
evidence In rebuttal of that submitted bv
Henry IUseiiaiit.
4-17-wtJ. Register.
Timber I.nii(l,Acl .luim It, 1STS -"itlco
1'or rublicntiou.
U. S. Lam OPI'll'E, L Gkasiik. Oheoos.i
April 2D, IK'M). t
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of tho net of Congrc-s
of Juno If, 1878, entitled "An uet for the
sale of timber lands in tlio States of Califor
nia. Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Ter
ritory," America F. llcos. of Cove, county
of Onion, state of Orogon, has this day
tiled in this ollice her nworn statement No
1D2, for tho purchase of the NIC1,' NF.1, ot
Section No. 11, in Tp. No. 3 s, ltange No.
40. and will oiler proof to show that tlie
land sought is more valuable for its timber
or stone than for agricultural purposes, and
to establish her claim to said land before
tho register antl receiver of this office at
La Grande, Oregon, on aturdny, the 12 h
dnv of July. lsno.
She names ns witnesses: Otho Eclu-rsley,
William Shoemaker, John Shoemaker and
.lames ltend"rhot all of Cove-, Oregon.
Anv and all ncrson c'uiuunK adverely
the atuivo described lands, nr retpioted to
lilo their claims in thi office on or before
said I-H day of July. 1800.
A-S-wlO Kcjfister.
Notiio of l'offolluro.
Cornucopia, I nion county. On .-on.'
Feb. ift. lst-o. i
Mohton :
You and each of you are hcr i.v i.oi i
that John MeFudden has exped. l .
hundred dollars in labor out., '.:n
mine, situated lu the Grniiuc Mini:':- ! -triei,
Union county, Oreton. :n crlir i .
hold mid premise lliulcr (In w-"ti ' n
Sec. 134. revlstsl statutes of ih '
Suite, being the amount mi,.. . o I. 'I
the siiine fo:-the year eu.lj'u !' 1"
11(1 if wi'.bin llliic v il.n .r i .
of thi iiou. on i.i'l or m - c ui .
lite yulir pr.q nr!io' or - .c b . tine it
stlci I II . 111 I , OU- 'till i l i
u .:t ! c ii., I' p . -1 - i i '!
under -.1 . ' -1
'iljr V
2 27 3m
Xntlen Vnr I'ubllcntion.
I ih 0n t: at La tlrtASDit. Or.rffox,i
Aprl' 20, WWi. C
X7vncE is itanEiiY oivkn that
X'' tl foIlowiiiH-anmerl settler lim liled
notice nf ln intention to make final proof
in support of hli chum, and lliaf said proof
trill 1 made before the mj;I'. m.d receiv
er at La Unuide, Oregon, on .lune Hth,
18!X. Viz-
IVillnnl V. ItnrJti.
. - Mm eiy wwt
! mtd N!i NWj.Svc. 14. 'I p. 7 8. i. 41 K,
W M.
Mj namc the miinwinR s to
nrove hii eontlnuoiiH residence U on and
cu!tivation of. enid land.vit:
(jp .rsrol. liownmi. Cyrus Hames ua
itcrW. Ie', ind Gor;e K Ciffie, a 1 of
Medical Spring. Orejton.
Anv person who desires to pretext ng.ilnst
th'1 allowance of such proof, or who knows
of any suMtnntial renvoi, under the law and
the regulations of the Interior Department,
why inch proof should not lie allowed, will
he given mi opportunity at tho above men
tioned time and place to ero-exainincthe
witnesses of said claimant, and to oiler
evidence in rebuttal of that sulnnlttpd bv
claimant. Hk.nky KiNfiuirr,
3-1-w'i Kegister.
Kotlce I'or ritbllrnlloii.
Lnnd Ollice nt La Grande. Oregon.)
April 12. lsno. f
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has tiled notice of her inten
tion to commute and make linal proof in
support of her claim, and that nid proof
will be made before tlie register and rocoivui
at Li Grande. Oregon, on May 23, lf-iO, viz:
Kminn ISIilwidl,
Hd. No. 4150, for tlie WJ,' SE. Sec. 22,
NW'i NE'- and NEK NWK Sec. 27, Tp.
4 S, It. 40 E, W. M. r s
She names the following witnesses to
prove her continuous residence upon ami
cultivation of. said land, via:
C. C. Didwell. Win. Porter, Maggie I'.
Ames, and Edward Kiddle, all of Union,
Anv person who desires to protest :i gainst
the allowance of stu b proof, or who knows
of anv substantial reason, under the lnw and
tlie regulations of the Interior Department,
why such proof should not. be allowed, will
be given an opportunity at tlie above men
tioned time and place to cross-examine the
witnesses of said claimant, and to oiler
evidence in rebuttal of that submitted by
4-17-wfi Kegister.
For Sale !
Tlie Bon Ton Ecstau
rant fitted up in
first-class style,
Object: Business to attend to in
the east. A ymni' team will be taken
as part payment if de.drahlo.
Obtained, and all Patent Business attended
to Promptly and for Moderate Foes.
Ourothee is opposite the U. S. Patent
Oflicc, and we can obtain Patents in less
titue than those remote from Wasoington.
Send MODEbor DUAWING. We advise
as to pantentnbililv free of charge: and we
11'., .Af. I,... I.. 11, n lW.,oi),.r tl,o
Supt. of Money Order Div., and f) ollicials
of the U. S. Patent OtHee. Fci circular,
advice, terms and rell'crences to actual cli
ents in your own State or County, write to
C. A. SNOW & Co.,
Opposite Patent Office. Washington, D. O.
lias chtirso of the 1'iXE BLU.FK COT
TAGE where those who wish to
escape tho cold Northern Win
ters can ;j;et Board at
&mm TH& PBP3ES.
Pink ili.t'i r, Mooi;k Co., N. C.
Tiez'i Estate Agent,
Parties desiring to invest in Elgin
town property or in farming lands
should call on or address mo at Elgin,
Oregon. -l-17tf.
Thomson & Pursel urn nirents for
tho celebrated Cyclone AVindMill, nud
ns the prices on them havo been great
ly reduced they tiro now within the
reach f all. Sample mill to ho seen
nt their planer in North Union. Call
and examine it.
Shingles For Sale!
An unlimited amount of No. l shingles
coiiktanti on h ind and f r sale c.'ic.i;.
Orders fr
:t-il i
mi ,t. y o
t Hs