The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, May 08, 1890, Image 5

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Education In Russia is at a low ebb.
Only twelve per cont. of the population
can road and write.
In Paris thcro is a skatinp rink
formed of real ice on a circular basin oi
water artificially cooled by pipes con
tabling ammonia gas.
The Emperor of China visits tho
Empress dowager at the Xnnhat palace
every live days to inquire after Her Ma
jesty's health. Tho visits are always
mado early in tho morning, attended by
a vast retinuo of personal followers.
Thcro were assembled at the Uoyal
Palaco in Copenhagen the other day one
Emperor, ono Empress dowager, threo
Kings, ono Queen, four heirs-apparent
and thirty-live imperial and royal
Princes and Princesses.
Last year tho Trans-Caspian rail
way, built by tho Russian Government,
carried to Russia 00,000,000 pounds of
raw cotton grown in Russia's Asiatic
possessions. Tho production of cotton
in Central Asia is rapidly on the in
crease. Tho Duke of Hamilton's tomb, on
tho grounds of tho Hamilton palace,
cost $(00,000, and is belloved to be tho
most splendid structure of tho kind in
England. Tho collln of tho Duke is in
closed in an Egyptian sarcophagus of
fino black marble that was brought from
The Eighth Hussars of tho Rrltish
army have a gazollo for "child of tho
regiment." It accompanies tho regi
mont everywhere and is an especially
conspicuous tlgtiro on tho Sunday church
parade, when it accompanies tho band,
loading the lino with a steady tread,
apparently imitated from that of tho
drum major.
Rurial reform in England contem
plates the prohibition of leaden and
other solidly constructed collins, tho ef
fect of which is thought to retard com
plete decomposition, and so prolong tho
poriod during which tho dead aro not
only esthotienlly objectionable, but aro
an indisputable .source of danger to tho
living. It is proposed to use wicker
work or "papier macho receptacles.
A gentleman at Poona, India, re
cently received a letter that had been
posted at a station twenty mile away
two years and four months before, ac
companied by the explanation from tho
postal authorities that the delay was
owing to the fact that it "had been
posted by tho wrong train." Instead of
being grateful for tho explanation he is
mean enough to insinuate that tho train
tho letter got on must have had an un
commonly long run.
Tho steady reduction of tho death
rate ti London in recent years, notwith
standing )'( increase in population and
ovorcrowdiir lias been most remarka
ble. It fell below .'() per 1,000 for the
lirst time in ltsis5. when it was 10.8, and
in the following two years it was 10.1)
and In ISsS it furthor declined to
1S.5, which was mentioned by tho reg
istrar-general as "far the lowest death
rate yet recorded in London;" but tho
roport for 1SSV) will bo much more fn
vorablo still tho rato having fallen to
A raso of money lending at 720 per
conU e .into out in tho Lord Mayor's
Court in London a short time since. Tho
dofondant in tho case, named P.ryant,
said ho wae it cashier at a salary of '.!
por week. Hi- had been a clerk in tho
Loudon and Westminster Rank, but in
consequence of difficulties with money
lenders he had been discharged. His
fellow-clerks ilien subscribed and put
his wife and two daughters into busi
ness. On this particular debt he bor
rowed Vi and gave a bill for t'lfi. llo
had paid interest at the rate of PJO per
cont. on the original loan, and was now
summoned for the amount of the loan.
Tho judge made an ordur for S shillings
por mouth.
Frame W'us Iter Ono TlioiiKht nml I 'a lis
Her I'araillsr.
Slio could novor bo hinpy out of
Knincc, and t ho gates of I'liradiso wcro
rolontlessiy clobcd to licr. Napoleon,
indued, told his brother .losoph tliat if
slio would only hp contont to liv( quiet
ly and say notion;? ho had no objection
to lior coining' back, biitsllonco and soif
oiracemi'iit woro too liifjlia price to pay.
"What is it sho wishes'.'" tho Utnporor
had asked , losoph. ".My Uod," she ox
claimed, when tho conversation was re
peated to her, "it is not a question of
what 1 wisli but of what I think."
Even on lior travols tho imperial
oiknity pursued her At Vionnu, whore
slio had found a warm wolcomo on a
former visit, a communication from tho
French autocrat brought her notice to
quit and an escort of gendarmes to
tho Kussiiiin frontier. As a rule, liow
uvor, she niiht liavo found consolation
in tho distinguished receptions that
awaited her olhowhere. Russians,
Swedes, (lormans, Italians and
liiigllsh vied with ouch otlior
in paying her oxcoptional honors,
lior fame wont before Lor and hor ropu
t.ition rose, as nhe dazzlod tho world
with hor brilliant versatility and tri
umphs of hor literary genius. In lior
house of .lunlpor Hall, in tho pictur
esque Mieklohain valley, in England,
woro hold the reunions of tho most dis
tinguished Krone h emigres.
In (fermany, when gathoring mate
rials for the inot famous of hor works,
slio whs in familiar intercourse with
Sohiller and Cioetho and all tho
minor lights of a period that
was as intellectually brilliant as it
was politically dark. Tho romanco
sho wroto aftor hor travols in Italy as
tonished hor warmest admirers and
most Intimato friends by tho unexpected
dollcaoy of its subtlo, artistic percep
tions. She lived to return to l'aris with .
tho ltourbons, when sho favored tho
govorntnont with a political programme
which migbt have dotormi or avt rted
tho noxt revolution had they followed
it. And perhaps there Is no btrongor
proof of her "political importance" than
tho fact that, amon the crowd of eager
cUiuianto uml in tun overwhelming
number "f 1' i-'mded claim, the
Minister- ft H- ,r nm i.nd means
to repay her large suma of which Keeker
hud !'' n roblwd by the republic Kan
bjs LUv Mar.
Sierra Cftemical Co.,
Gknti.kmkn: When I sUrtcd in to give
your Great Sierra Kidney ami Liver Cure
a trial, I supposed it was like all other ad
vertised preparations, put up to make
money and of no use. Now since I have
taken it my decision is that it is the best
remedy in the irorld for kidney and liver
disorders. It has clone me so much good
that I will forever praise U and gladly
recommend it to all suH'ering with general
disorders of the body.
Very truly yours,
P. J. Adams,
Firm of Reynold & Adams. San Francisco,
It Is Sadly Xegleeted mid III Tombatuiit
It Without Inscription.
"While in Dublin I thought I would
liko to visit tho grave of Robert Em
met," said .Judge McCarthy. "I bunted
up tho Cemetery of Glas Nevin, just out
sido the Irish Capital. In this burying
ground I found tho 3plendid monument
erected to Daniel O'Connell. It is in
shape like an Irish round tower and
vory imposing. 1 saw there manysplon
did monuments erected in memory of
patriots, and in fact noarly all Ireland
is a graveyard with more monuments
than any other country of twice its size.
I couldn't find Emmet's grave at Glas
Novin and asked tho gatekeeper to di
rect me. I had to travel by tram-car
into another county, and visit a littlo
Irish cottage on a hillsido near Roilons
town. 1 knocked on tho door and an
aged woman answored. Sho said she
would direct mo to tho grave of 'Ire
land's immortal hero.' She took down a
big key from tho wall and wo started
out. We walked a long way and finally
reached a little country church and a
neglected chutch-vard, which had for
many years not been disturbed by the
grave-digger's spade. Grass and weeds
woro all about. Tho monuments woro
nearly all tumbling to pieces from old
age. I Dually was shown Emmet's
gravo alongside a paling. It had
boon neglected for a long time, and a
dense undergrowth covered the llattoned
mound. A .small, plain bluo limestone,
shaped liko an oclipso and broken oil
near tho top. was at tho head of tho
"Where is tho inscription? Tlioro is
no name on this broken and crumbling
stone," I said to my guide.
'Wo," she ropl'ied. "Don't you re
member what Unimet said before his
death: 'That my name remain in
oblivion and my memory uninscrihed
until other ages, when other men can do
justice to my character when my coun
try takes her place among the nations of
tho earth. Then, and not till then, let
my opitaph be written.' "
"in the old cemetery also rests the
body of that other great Irish loador,
ThoobaK Wolfo Tone, who was in his
zenith in 177$, u low years boforo Em
mot's time." N. Y. Star.
i:.itlne; ti IIlrd'H .N'esl.
To an American tho idea of eating a
bird's nest, which, of nocessity, can not
bo otherwise than filthy, is repulsive;
when it is known that tho nest to bo
oaten is composed of tho bird's saliva,
tho thoughts of using such a tiling for
dessert causes a nausea. Tho bird
building this ediblo nest is a species of
swift, not unlike tho Amorican chimney
swallow, nesting in tho caves and under
shelving rocks along tho coast of China
and Japan. In sonio cases tho nest is
composed of a groundwork of twigs or
seaweed, but tho best and cleanest (V)
nosts, which, of course, bring tho high
est price, aro composed entirely of pure
mucus from tho salivary glands. Tho
material in its hardened stato is brittle,
ilbrotis, white and transparent, very
liko puro gum arable, or oven
glass. With tho Chinoso tho ediblo
birds' nest is a most appetizing
delicacy, and tlioy will eat it when
two-thirds of tho ontiro structuro is
composed of a framowork of hair,
feathers and straw. St Louis Re
public. It is expected that a scholarship for
Hawaiian youth will soon bo estab
lished in tho Thoological Sominary, of
Oakland, Cal. Throe thousand dollars
is tho sum required, more than half of
which has been pledged.
n the Spring
Nearly everybody needs n good inedlelne. The
Impurities whli h have accumulated lu the blood
during the cold mon the must be expelled or when
theiullddays couie,aud the ellVetof briiemgair
is lost, the body in llablo to be mvicoine by de
bility or some norlone dlvease. Ttio ruuiurkable achieved t Ilood'sSarsflparllla, und the
many words of priilst It has received, iniike It
worthy your confidence. Wo nk you toglve this
medicine u trial. We ure nurc it will do you good
"Our little Kin, Vi lmiuths old, wan troubled
with eorofiihi loren. Her eye were In u Urtr.ble
condition, aud her uoMt all covered with wab.
I'hyslcliinii said they could not cure her. We
commenced giving her Hood's Karn jutrlllu, and
now, alter using two bottles in the jwkt tLrev
mniithk, her lace and i-)Os up- clear of the sorei,
ami her app tlte has ntiirnid. We feel verv
thankful for flnillng t-a Milimble n inidl' lue as
iiiw.M'y Miriaiiarllla to tave our child." J. A.
UKKV, 15S Mliier avenue, Stockton, Cul.
Hood's Sarsaparilla J
Sold by all druggUts, 11: tlx for ts. I'rtpared
only by C. I HOOD & CO., Lowell, Man. .
IOO Dosos Ono Dollar '
i prMrlb an4 tally
Jor Hit ii u th air
Ptrlfio forth cuvJac
ot tbU dlu4.
O.U IMiKA If AU.U. P.,
Annturdkio, H. T.
W bar ioIU Alt Q let
Dinr 7r. and U ku
a rirro tb but of 4U
Ctalcco. Ill
C1.00. Cal47nffUkv
Do You Wish to Marry?
Tin n h t ii a-ci-' M'li Ii" I"-' 1" '"' t-ilv-r
an I ' V Kl'.f .L J.J.AI ," 1M k
i,a I'vruauii ir r"i
K35 vr4irvr
Vcdanu CfeaUtl St.
.Uti OTffM
Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes once said that
cay-ctyliiR widows take new husbands soonest.
There Is nothing I ke wet weather, he says, for
Particularly on a Iuuk Journey. He fully pre
pared. You cannoi be, permit us to say. unless
you are accompanied with the traveler's and
tourist's vmle mrtum, llostetter's Stomach Hit
ters, most genial of appetizers, accllmatlzers
ami promoters of digestion. Against sea sick
ness, malaria, cramps and colics ln-gottcn of
badly cooked or unwnoieoine iouu nun uim-kiui
water, nervousness. Increased by travel, chronic
biliousness and constipation, the Hitters Is a
sovereign preventive. It Imparts a relish for
food not altogether to your taste, and preveuts It
trom disagreeing with you. Never was there
such a capital thing for the unfortunate dys
peptic who stands In dread of the best cooked
meal. Stomachic trouble caused by 111 prepared
viands aboard ship, on steamships, and rations
hastily bolted at railway restaurants, is soon
remedied by the Hitters, which gives a iiilctus
also to rheumatism, kidney troubles and lu
somnla. Mr. Bashful I do so love Hoston bread, yon
know. Mla Waiting (seizing her chaueo) .Now,
do you know, I am Hoston bred. Tableau hit
gagemeut; wedding.
For l!l ears Dobbins' Electric Soap has
been imitated by untcrupuloUH soap
makers. Why I because it is best of all
and has an immense sale. Ho sure nud
get Dobbins' and take no other. otir
grocer has it, or will get it.
nolle (suddenb I'm afraid all this talk about
student I- rather frivolous for Sunday. May
(easily) Oh, but they're all theological HtudeiiU,
you know.
coM'ior.Nci: iiiiuoT or srcciiss.
Po successful has Dr. l'leree's Golden Medical
Dlscoverv proved In curing chronic nasal ca
tarrh, bronchial and throat dheae, thnt Its
manufacturer now sell it thrcugh druggists un
der a muifir auarantce of Its bouciltlug orcurlug
In overvcase, If given a fair trial, or money paid
fur It will be refunded. Consumption (which is
siTofulu of the lungs). If taken In time, Is also
cured by this wonderful medicine.
For constipation or sick headache use lir.
Pierce's l'ellets; purely vegetnble. One a dose.
There probably never was nn old bachelor w ho
dhl not think that some woman somewhere In
the world was missing u mighty good thing.
A pocket mirror free to smokers of "Tansill's
Punch " 5c Cigar.
The difference between a linr and a hypocrite
Is that the liar Is not always Incurable.
For coughs, nthni, and throat dis
orders, use "Jlrown's Ilronchial Troches."
: 5 cents a box.
Howareof the nihil who Is always suspicious
of other people. It Is mine than possible that he
Judges other people by hlmsell.
'kw Sm-rio.N.ii, Macs ok
Kevlsed to October, 1SS9.
75 Coulis Together,
Mulled anywhere. Address
J. K. OI LI, ,t CO., Publishers.
Portland, Oregon.
T It P O 11 T Tj A D ,
1 .n... l.lnl in l.i l,i. nil flu, mnilnrtl l,n.
4 III-,, tlilll-lt I'll in i ii i 1. 1- mi im ...if.iv... ....
proveinents: every loom light and ulry; lighted
l.. ..l....l.l.liu. 1m..tijl l.i- .iiii.iii ilium tl i milnnnti
I IVXU J V: 1 1 J , l-mi ll iv.i nn (inii .j' 11 iiiw,.i.wn,
baths in suits mid on every lloor; elevators.
tiiu-Fls eii'i'itHlneil on c lth r American or Euro
pean plan. The restaurant the finest I n the city.
CHAltl.ICS lv. I.KI.AN'l).
We have only one thing to ask this week, and
that is easily granted, l'lense R'-nil postal card
with your address and a-l. for copy of
It will he readv Mav 1. ami sample copies ore
olb-red tree to ml who uvk for it. We know you
will be Interested lu it. (juoIih. many thousand
aiiit'lcHMi lowfht piii e to ecnsituiers, ami gives
liiiorieatloii now to (ire- i . row 10 uuy, now ,
s'llp, Ik.'.v to live well n.i clu iiply in tiny lart i
of the wm to. Vd'1ris, Sinltti' Oasli Sliire,
IIS I ion t Si., Suit I rnmisco, Cut. '
- !
to who have uppiI rio'
Oi Cure for Counnnintlon
Hold erorrwliors. 23c
- I
O I Ulri V M I A , Oablar. ItO.
nnh I'lano;BunlottOrgaun. Baud Instrument!!.
Largest stock of Hhoet AIuhIc nud Hookn. Bnudi
suppllea at lvastern 1'rlcea. AlATJJliAM
oitAY co :
, S06 Pout Street, Bak FrAooiaco.
M&ZZK )&S$
SmwA j&3m. SF
To euro niliousnrss Sick Headache ConstirmMun,
Jlalarln. Liver Ctiiiiiliunts, tnko tlie tulo
and certain remedy, SMITH'S
vji fan, raa a. ri l
'a tea FJOiM 1,-
ITsotlio SMALL EIZi: (40 littlo benns to tlio hot
tlei They aio tho inot convenient- suit all ckcs.
J'ncoor eulier ble. i 3 cents pur bottle.
fKCSi9R?(jW!' Rt 7 17. 70i I'lioto-graviirc,
!(. lOvlliU panel buu of this plctuio for -1
cciita (copjiers or stauipi.
J V RMtTII fc CO.,
Maker of "Illlo Beans, hi liOiils. Mo.
r nr. thrnc nut lin hv
Who aro the largest becdsmeu 1.1 the world.
I). M. I'bkky&Co'-.
til llliutrated, UeiLnptire ami I'rtced
lur lbgo i I l-e nuiltil r KJvti to ail ap-
t iLuiits. ami la j iieoicn lu.i'.incrb.
t lliiM.iiir iiin cvrr. i ;mji
.. . .1 T .
ijtcJt i liouM sr ii J f r it. AddreM .
. M. FERflY & CO.
A inik'-r who f t a packat-o of
I M. HI u. mhar Tntuu-eo. The lin ineufct fttlei
of lhl jKii.ular brand jiroven that the uiokr
1 1 ii.
H V. N. U. No. 324-B. F. .U.No. 411
Skatti.k, Feb. 2-.', ISM.
On the 11th of September, ISSN, I called
upon Dr. Jordan with what the doctors i
said was inflammatory rheumatism. My 1
right hand was the size of four, and I had
not been able to sleep for several nights.
Dr. Jordan prescribed for me, and told ine
to obtain sonio small bottles In which to '
put the medicine. I thereupon went luU I
a Seattle drug store and asked for sonio I
bottles, remarking that I wanted them to !
put Dr. Jordan's medicines into. A lady
who was present gratuitously remarked
that Dr. Jordan was a quack. I paid no
attention to this, as I had previous expe
rience with the doctor, who relieved me of
a misery in which other eminent physi
cians failed. In just two weeks I could
writo with my hand, and it has been well
ever since. The only objection I have got
Is that I paid 0 for tho medicine and got
well before I used one-half of It, and now
I have ?U worth of medicine I have no use
for, which Is aggravating.
F. J. l).ciii:i.i)Hii,
Representing the Seth Thomas Clock Co.
Dr. Jordan's olllce is at the residence of I
ex-Mayor Yesler, Third and James, Scat-1
tie. Consultation and prescription nbso-1
lutely rm:i:. Send for free book explaining j
the IliHtogenctic System.
Caution.-Tho Histogcnctlc Medicines
are sold in but ono agency in each town.
The label around the bottle hears the fol
lowing inscription: " Dr. J. Eugene Jor
dan's llistogenetic Medicine." Every
other device is n fraud.
TItK TinilM.I', lV Til K-M ISO "I'HAK
Author Unknown.
" Ilohold 1 1) is ruin: 'twas a skull
Once of ellien til spirit full;
This narrow coll was life's retreat,
This tmaco wilt, thought' luyntorloUBf-cntl
Wlint benutcouK vIkIoiih tilled till pot,
What dream of pleasures long forgot;
Nor hope, nor love, nor Joy, nor fenr
Have left no trace of recotd here.
" llenonlh this mouldering canopy
Once shown the bright and hu-y cyo;
llut start not .'it the dlmal void
Jf toolal love that t-ve uinployed;
If with no lawless fires It gleamed,
Hut thioueh the dew of khiilnojs beamed
That eye shall be forever b lgh
When tiixTA and .hiiiib have lost their light.
" Here in this Rileiit cavern hun?
The ready, swift nml tuneful tongue:
If falsehood' honey Is dlmliituon,
And where it could not praiso wtu chained;
If bold In virtue's eauso It ipoke,
Yet gentle concord never broke,
That tuneful tongue shall plead for thee
When death uiiu'ils i lernlty."
Thofihove Knd tlioui;li beautiful senti
ment iortran n ruin wroimht 1ou1ilIckh
at mi untimely Htnxe in Its former owncr'n
iiyiHtciico through I'ms iinil jioIkoiis und
unskilled cirorirt of iiieilicine !itid fjrno
runcc of the divine alll that licnls without,
wounding and restore without Injur -clcciricity.
This iioHterlous tliniiRh lic
ncllccnt Influence, (m cvliibllcd lyUr. I)nr
rin of 704 WaliiiiK'on street, rortlaml,
Or., has livened countlcns rulim like Unwi
se elnnucntlv described above. And ninny
ftslat l, 'with ethereal npirlt full,'" btars
hope and love and joy w Ithln lin ' narrow
cell," and " beauteous visions till the
spot," that drujiH and drastic doses loiifi
since have made a " silent cavern." but for
lln. unirlnlf I 1 1 1 a 1 1 1 fl 1,'m U If 1 1 1 ll'lll-
bllU -ll.t '"" v l i ,lli - nil. ii i....... . ...
cxamtile, lend the following curd from e.v
AlayorMill of All. inn. Or Mr. Hill is a
man of undoubted intcurr tv, w hose words
speak volumes for Dr. Darrln. Surely tho
art of curing dieaes by elecirlclty Is Ink
ing tho lead, and no doubt "111 revolution
ize (he irncl'c of medicine in the near
future. l)rs. Darin treat conllilcntially
all curu'jlo chronic, inivate and acute, dis
eases. llx-Mnyor Hill nml Wlfo Testify to Dr.
Darrln's Alilllty In Ciirlnt." Thelt
.Son With i:iectrlelt. Or., April 1(1, 181)1).
Dr. JkirrlnVlMi Silt: We wilto to
inform you that our son Claud, whom you
cured (by your electric prccesHi of sore and
running (tars two jeais ago, haHeontlnued
Hound and well over since, and lu has not
. . .i.t. 1. 1
been trouuicd in nnywaywim nm ohim
since UN hearing is just as good as can
be. We take this method to express our
gratitude and to thank you for the good
I you have been to us in the cno of oureon.
'As health Is untold wealth, money could
; not tiinehnso the benefit tho euro linn been
to us. Hefcr uny t ne to us. ltesncctfully,
, ('. II. &M. A. Hill,
I HHPs block, IJubhcII Hircet, Albina.
4r. KVMls' SI Ki' ft ui; ro 0 face SI.. tlmluEAtl.Q.
i 1 UjihD IK auiiui'ini-iit. It will make
JSS : THAT PUZZLES it "iV"".??
your brain, (let ahead of PVPRVRfillY
Ly orderliiB at oiu e. rend 2t ulDIlUJUtll
ceuU und get ahead of neighbor", Adilrcs
Sim IrimcUco, - California.
The Wiley B, Allen Music Store,
Tho oldeat nilJ lartfCkt III tlio Nortliweet.
Kuabo, Htick und llelir llroi. 1'ihiioh. Karhulf
MouiMproof Oritaun. Publliliem of The Mutlcnl
J'aitlme, a Jouriial of mmde (l jKfS readliilf
matter and 10 l-K iiltuiej, Uaued inonthly,7oc
nor year; amile eopy, 10c. Hend f..r eataloue.
WILKV J. A 1-1. K.N, 11 KlrH at., I'ortlaud, Ur.
b mm fitsj
Wbao I nay -.n I dn nt mnsn rneral to tlmi tbw
far a li aud i l.n ba uia rurn amp. I !'
rxlioal com, I li" road I o dueaaa of I'lTH. )rU:
Itarraot iflj ritwi Tociirt iiwwoiitii
tSjr'Jrs. ETtlMto "-!w f&T'' Sr&t
fSjtS. tsro cored mimi IV wlflfa
tklSvisTffi&TflK canon pronounced Jf rJjf&Y
i vi3AVAl liope!eMM'jpliiil- ' V JiV SfflJ
ViftHiV$W'! i """,c ! ! I
WIaSwVS'''"'""'" will noiiflnttt
Including 15 rare novelties, shapes and
artistic imported olographic and chro
tnatlc cards. This large and beautiful col
lection sent by mail to any one who will
do this: Huy a box of the genuine Dr. C.
McLane's Celebrated Liver Pills from any
druggist, price 25 cent, and mail us tho
outside wrapper with jour address, plain
ly written nud 4 cents in stamps. The
genuine McLinc's Pills are prepared onlv
by Fleming Hros.. Pittsburgh, Pa., and
have been in constnnt use for over sixty
years. They aro superior to all others in
purity and effectiveness. A certain euro
for indigestion and Mek headache. Ad
dress, Fleming Uros.. Pittsburgh, Pa.
Hewaro of Imitations of tho celebrated Seal of
North Carolina I'lug Cut Tobacco,
I'fiiiuli'r't Orcuon lllooil Purifier Is
the best remedy for that dread disease, dyspep
sia, for it regulates the lymphatic system and
bad secretions.
Try Gkkmka for breakfast.
oW to (i)ljr?
Kin$ebcalp !
Diseases I
1 and scalp diseases, with loss of hair, from
Infancy to old age, are speedllv, economically
aim permaneniiy ruteu ny me i cth cka kkmk
nirs when all oilier remedies and methods full. ,
CI'tktra, the great sklu cure, mid Cvtutka,
So vr,Hii vximlsttc skin beautlller, piopared from
If. external! wand CfTici'it v UKsoi.vKNT.ttieliew
blood purltler, internally, euro every form of
skin ami blood disease, from pimples to scrofula.
Sold everywhere. Price, Ct'TU cka. Nc: .sur,
iV; Kkmii.vknt, 1. Itrepired by the Pottkr
Send for ' How to Cure Sklu DlseaesJ ,
tJT Pimples, blackheads, chuppeit ami oil wX
tdT sklu prevented by (Ttu.tiu m.u iS
liellef In one minute, for till paths and
weaknesses, in ClTlcrnA ANTl l'.it.N
iJiTPii. the only pain killing piaster. iV.
HO DItAY, Olnnlar
fns. W. t. EOUITCR.
WAmilNIITtlM, I. V.
u b. raw
.-4. V Mifi-ami una) n in' i . I.uilles, A
1 V-"l.s t'l ' I" T ''.II..' raiiii. In l
A si'SsriiI. i.ioiiili" ln)i, iiJ K'.tli b,uJrA
S" V?.'nii.n Tnl.o mi iitlicr. All fl'i-
-is: sT, V4" !,l l-svli'lios- I I'nxe i. pink i-np) . r, fti-fl
I ' iK "iiiiccMius ei-inilera-Us. --"-ii 1 -Ii-. v
1 W (.utniiiil l..r trlciilfir-, ti.--lniiilujl- tl
V W "l'flli-rnic,"lI.llr, brrvtin.i
StIUtl. Ai ' P-'t
i bltln U r I lirm'i o
, lUJI.nn H.., Cli'.liv, I t-
Ilarru" 'flint's inn calling inn; hlio's go
ing to lick mo, 'cause I didn't hurry from
the druggist's with tills medicine Jimmy,
you can take my gum till I got back ; I've
got to wiuull like I was being half-killed, or
jia'll lick me: ma enn't hurt any, 'cnuSu
bIio's sick most of the time."
Jimmy" Let's see that medichio. That's
the same Ur, Pierce's Favorite Prescript ion
that cured my mom. M'Uy, she wmldn't
Kpauk tho lsaby, nnd now -tho other dny
htio shook op so ho doesn't drink any more.
In about two weeks you'll get Iwlteri bo
you'll wihh you'd boon Uuti goMl."
Please roinoinlier, that Dr. Pierce's Fn
vorito Prescrljitlon Is tho only jx-itivo
cure for tho numerous diseases tliat rlo
stroy n woman's iiilluuiice In her faintly.
Y Z A fJt
jt-k Ilk j i imm I
ICilloiiH Ilenilnclie, ZJlzzluosft, Ooiintlpntlou, IiitllBOg
tlon, mitotiu Attncku, and all ilernnKcincittH of the stoinncli und
bowels, are promptly relieved and permanently cured by tho use of
I'tiroly VcgctuMo mid Perfectly Ilnrinlosji.
Ah u XXX7"23m 3PXXjXj, Uiiequulodl
For a Stock of CANDY or Anything for a BAKERY
Alisky Candy Manufacturing Co.,
Jobbers In flhow Cuhcu, Bcalea, Paper Itncs In fact, nnythlng you need In a Cw
frtloitr' alir Vnlnurnnni Corner of Kronf lld Onlf atrfwit.
Cunra Promptly and Permanently
niieuiiuitlsni, Headache, Toothache,
Neuralgia, Swelling, l'rot-blte,
b) Mall (onafTrrrrs. Mr II, HI'tUFTO IX St I'aal.HUn.
wr - - - i - "
OnECON 8 lggd Purifies?
To sell tho eomplfto nt Piianai
M.toryof tho iiumlor of t! lKVJ'ralv,
Giving full nml complete account of the conspiracy.
the trUl ah J rvnllrt. Tho M mlilnttt, 100
llnrs. Onclarfrn I linn, vohimoof about AOOptgts. pries
..IjI,sii. otiriTNMlM litHliT. Benit, at one. ccnt
forannutilt ilrstramn.tlrt tscrved. Tlililthrc)iancoC
yourllrivtlmci liiireoniinlolmri. .Mlilrvrii.LlIKU AUW,
rnNL-Jurlua-Jol JiclicBUemkl,lll.
Season Opens for Trout April 1st
-crft LVa-4
sm ' o
ytf JVcjI St., I'arttnnd, tr,
D&IALSll 1
Arms, Revolvers anil Sportsmen's Goods
It's giinrtititccd to give satisfaction, m
every cate, or money paid for it promptly
" Favorite I'rescriptlon " Is a posltivo euro
for the most complicated and obstinate cases
of loucorrhcn, escowitvo flowing, painful
monstruntion, unnatural supiiresstons, pro
latwus, or falling of tho womb, weak back,
"female wenknoss," nntevcrlon, retrover
tiion. lieariiig-down Fcnwitions, chronic con
getition, iiillauim.itlon nnd ulceration of tho
A Hook of lf0 jmiccs, treating of Woman
nnd her iHX'iillar discuues, and their Self
cure, illustrated with wood-cuts and colored
jilaU'S, mailed in plain, healed envelope, on
receipt of ten cents in stamps.
Address, Wom.n's Dihpenhauy Medioai.
Akhooiation, No. (K53 Muin Street, Buifnlo,
N, Y.
HAMK8T 'fit X.tKn.
Men's Suits Made to Order,
S25 to 840.
Men's Pants Mado to Order, $6 to $12.
Fit Cuarantoocl.
Pond 4 renti In atampi for mnlc and rulc for
aqlf-iiHamirenient. Yuu can tavo !! mo uuy by
dealing with niu. EutUfuctioii Biiaruntced.
ARTHUR KOHN, Clothier, Hatter and Tailor,
Cor. 2d and JlorrUon St., I'ortlHHd, Or.
U'lcaso nicutlou this vper,l