The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, May 08, 1890, Image 3

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    THURSDAY, MAY S, 1890.
JCOTH. On act uuntof tho strike of em
ployees on the railroad we wore unnhlo to
get our paper, and are two days late in
Hon. llobert A. sillier, democratic noini
nee for Congress, and l'rof. A, Iiltoy,
nominee for Superintendent of Public In
struction, will address the voters of Union
and vicinity on Friday, May llith nt one
o'clock p. ni., and nt La Grande at 7:30
in the evening.
The Onkos' Swiss llell IMngcrs and Come
dy Sketch Club performed before n large
suhigTitn Si-orr this week. We t.ust our t and appreciative. audience at Small' opera
patrons will overlook the matter, this once,
as it was unavoidable.
A Paragraphic Record of Recent Happen
ings In and Around the City.
Subscribe for Tin: Onsoox Scout.
Swiss Hell ttinscrs, Tuesday night.
The new saloon was opened this week.
Furnished room to rent. Knquirc at this
County Court has been in session this
Several communications crowded out of
this issue,
Attention Is called to Frank Itro'.s new
ad. in this issue.
Joseph, Wallowa county, will celebrate
the glorious Fourth.
Oakes' Comedy Sketch Club at Wright's
hall, Tuesday, May 13th.
K Small hr.uso for ront on Main street. Kn
cpiire of Mrs. I.. 15. lllnehart.
Hooned seats for Oakos' Comedy Co.
are now on sale at Wright's store.
15akcr City is to have reduction works,
and is preparing for quite a boom.
The republican central committed had a
hi:; pow-wow in thu city last Saturday.
It is now proposed to build a motor lino
from Walla Walla to Milton in ITinntilln
All parties indebted to us arc requested
to call at once and sottlo. UinitiaRT it
All kinds of country produce tnken In
exchange for goods at Mrs. I'inelitirt's
.millinery store.
!Now is the time to plant your corn and
beans, also the safest time for paying your
Cove drug store account.
There were thirty-two business failures
Jn Spokane Falls In one day recently. Such
js the sure result of booms.
Air W. W. lilack of Laf!co...
Nellie Westerlake, of Huntington, Were
married in this city last Saturday
rpl. ... . .
inu orK oi painting, graining, papering
and decorating the new saloon was done by
James Jiell, and shows excellent taste and
skill, throughout.
The latest novelties in fans, dress trim
minus, etc, at Mrs. L. 15. Kiuehart's dress
making parlors. Plushes, surahs, etc. just
received from Chicago.
Three hours of uproar and laughter.
Oakes' Comedy Sketch Club and Swis.s Hell
ltingerx at Wright's hall Tuesday night.
Don't Jail to hear them.
A negro who had just commenced work
nt the Hilgvard sawmill last Monday got
Ids right hand in the way of tli3 edger and
two or three lingers were cut off.
If a hunk of concentrated pain, about
the size of a wagon wheel, grabs you by the
Jinpooftho neck and slashes you around
like a patent spinning top, then you can
conclude that you have got the grip.
Lafayette Wrirfit. a hoy of W.-iilmvn
county, for stealing three dollar's worth of
-whiskey from a suIoju nt Enterprise, was
tried, convie'ed and sentenced to one ami
one-half years in the penitentiary. Jle was
laken below lastFridny.
The directors of the public school have
employed teachers 'for the next term as
follows: Mr. Moore, principal; Miss Chris
man, first intermediate department; Miss
Jtishop, second intermediate department:
Miss Stevens, primary department.'
Hon. Frank W. Paino of Walla Walla,
who has just returned from the east-, in an.
interview with a reporter ef tho Union,
said, that "the only trouble Mr. Hunt is
having in negotiating his boiula if to decide
which of tho many oilers fortlium is tho
best one to accept.''
Hon. II, 15. Miller, of Grant's Pans makes
a public oiler of one-halt of all his roal os-
tatc property in that town to any ono who
will iinng a water ditch, surtlcientfor maim
faetuiing purposes, from Itoguo river Inti
tne town, no nrguos that he can well
afford to do this since tho remaining half
would treble in value.
V i. 1 . 1 i . . . .
oAt wcck me county court will invite
.scaled bids for the construction of a county
bridgo across Powder rivor, near tho mouth
of Kaglo creek, also, a bridge across firande
Hondo river near tho saw mill of Win.
N'oyes. Also, a bridge norosd the state
ditch nearthe farm of C. W. Hamilton.
Commencing Frid.iv, April 23. tho Over
land Flyer No. 'J, leaving Portland nt 0 p.
in. and passing Union at 11:53 a. in. will bo
equipped with Colonist Chair Cars from
Portland to Omahn, without ohnngo This
new arrangoinent affords chairrcnr service
on both trains Nos. 2 and I. All classes of
tickets are honorod on either train.
Tho coming meeting of the old pioneers
of Union county scorns to have absorbod
almost every other intorest hero. The
libcrul citizens of Union are determined to
greet tho old tlinors with the hospitality
and liberality that lias nlwnys characterized
them on public occasion. Tho pioneer
meeting is ct for Saturday May 31th at lo
Mr. .Jerry Thomson recently received
from tho uast a inuohlne for mitklu wood
piping and has rimmed out about .'KM feet
(or his own use. This will In- Ini I from
Catherine creek to his place an 1 fir
denco and grounds will be
nbumlniH'oof water for all p'lrp.i -means
of a h drutili.. rsui he u I
run Various kinds of li'bt ui !r, v
At the reifiiUr i.iei tint' of lite city conn
cd Ift't Salui ': i m i, big a liquor li, n
i:.l Kind la-d- li'l
v .AU, . ' .
1 1 I l ' I I ' , .III
!l i, - , I. I s I
- I ...i'. -. : .r !
hotue, Monday night, and pivc entire sat
faction. This is truly a fine company, for
every member is an artist, and deserves
good housos wherever they put in nn ap
pearance. Walla Walla Journal.
At a special meeting of the directors of
the La (Irande National P.ankhtld nt their
office In La (irande on Thursday May Sth
It. il. Steel. Ksq. was elected a director in
place of Mr. Fred Prcoebsted removed. At
the same meeting It. M. Steel liq. was
olecttd ptosideut of the La Grnndc Nation
al Hank In place of Mr. Henry Anson re
signed. Xa than Swlgcr, an old resident of Union
county, dictl at his homo in High valley
ast Monn ay. nfttr a lingering and painful
illness. The remains were deposited in the
Union cemetery Wednesday and were fol
lowed to the grave by a large number of
sorrowing friends and relatives. Mr. Swlger
was a good and true man and will be missed
in this community. May ho rest in peace.
The Poker City Keveillc says: "We
were about to exclaim, 'This day is
there born unto tho state of Oregon another
newspaper,' when wo discovered that it
was r .infold friend the Union Scout dressed
in Its new and nobby spring suit of clothes.
The Scout was always good looking, and
it Is trying awful hard to make a mash on
the penplu of that section."
We are informed by a member of the
electric light company that 012 standard
lights bin e already been subscribed for,
and that more will be taken by the time the
plant is in operation. The work is being
pushed rapidly, and in order to save
time the company had a large wheel shipped
from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, by express
instead of freight. The wheel arrived
Saturday and tho express charge on it
was just one hundred dollars. The tvlicej
cost at tho factory, ejght dollar.
A Letter that avus Not Pub
lished iu tho Gazette.
7. H. McDonald Vindicates Himself from
on Unprovoked Attack.
Brief Personal Mention Epitome of the
Week's Amusements.
if Fm
veil lis tlie
isucd as
(lal'V. tllU
......i- au ft,.-, ,'n'ntor Uno, as v
'electric light plant,, h W8,v"
rapidly ns posrtWtYi Mr. K. .u. -Unioo
Pacillc engineer will return to this
city nwet Monday and will superintend
the wc.vk of gr;dj'rip, which -will commence
at oners. This- wwk would have com
menced sooner: but it u-.n impossible
to secure- teams-, and men. 'i''10 co"'
tract for furnishing tho ncces& ry ties has
beon let to W. W. Gordon & Co ot IJorth
Powder, and they will be on h ll,ul in a
very few weeks. It is t!in n.rv. iseofthe.
in open
ttioti by to have the line
the llrst of July.
On the subscription list of every
paper may bo found occasionllv the
of a subscriber dishonest enough to i
and silly enough to think that when
indebtedness to the paper has beet '
large, all ho has to do is just tend a cc
back with "Pcfused" written therco
But (ho paper .still goes to his address ai
cording to good American law, and no.
until an at'ornoy comes around to collect
that little debtat the expense of the dis
honest fool does he discover that bis art'
fullness was merely amusing. Then he
sees where the laugh comes in, but hodon't
get any of it. It isn't the silly rogue's turn
to laugh, and besides ho is to busy to peel
his gums just then. Khiniutft Star.
TheXew Walla Walla Herald copies the
poem entitled "Sendln' Him Out in the
World,'' written by our contributor. Mr.
15. W. Huffman, and pays tho following
deserved tribute to thegiftedatithor: "We
publish in this issue a little poem written
for the Union Scout that should lind a
place in the scrap bow: of every mother
und son in all this broad land. To us the
sentiment therein contained is as noble as
was ever traced by mortal pen and the poe
try ot expression up 0 u,0 standard of our
best bards. We have known the pirer.ts
of this boy poet for a quarter of a century
and have known (ho young bard from
childhood to early manhood which he Is
just now entering. We also know of .his i
ambition to go out into tho broad world and
meet life face to face and to battle for fame
and fnrtuuo on his wwii merits and wher-
iiiiB" uiirrtes mo nest Wlslies ot a
..." r: 1 , ....
" i menus iiiiiiioereii oy all ills ac
quaintances, and wo shall expect some day
to sec tho namo of Hurt W. Huffman lituu
berod among tho greatest pools of our
Tho last issue of the La Grande Gazette
contained nn nrtlclo written by Henry
Wildev which was an unprovoked attack
upon Henry Anson and W. II. McDonald,,
president and cashier of tho La Grande
First National 15auk. Mr McDonald wrote
a reply vindicating himself, and the bank,
from the charges made, and sent it to the
Gazette but that paper refined, to publish
it on the grounds that the paper was In thu
hands of a committee and they could not
allow every body to talk through its col
umns. This is a new species of journalism
but it is characteristic of the worthies who
conduct it and manage nff.drs In La Grande..
Such n paper is u menace to good govern
ment and a danwrous factor in any coun
try where It is published. Any man can
have free speech in Tin: ScorT and the
communication of Mr. McDonald is pub
lished below.
Tin: r.KTTr.i:.
La Grande, Oregon, May fl. U'slO.
To the editor of the La GraudeGnzette:
I desire to say that the article which ap
peared lu the hist weeks issue of your pa
per, over tho signature of Henry Wildey,
was a wilful and malicious falsehood.
Neither Henry Anson or myself ever dis
posed of a dollar of our stock in the La
Grande National I5ank to the M. fc M. Co.,
of Island City, or to any individual con
nected with that association. The M. & M.
Co., of Island City, bus iiuvrr had anything
to do with tho management of the La
Grande National UaivUin any way, shape
or form. The Ui Grande National Hank
has paid interest on time deposits from tho
date of Us organization. The rate of in-,
terest charged by tho .bank ns all o,Hier. of
Its hAistncss is regulated by tc manage
went o( tho b:k composed of gentlemen
who eoiiduetlla nrhnte utfulrsas tiny misl-
, i i... .iw n nnlicv
- n.,lnnirNl SllOUlll - ll""- " '
-i 'I1,W wmild do well lo
WHICH " ""-J
. , :., .mifliision. wo
inn jviiii in w--- -- . .
it would be more consistent i"""- '
Mr Wildey would meet bis obligations at
it - J V. i Auk. loin: since
the La uranue mm""'
,ir..,timr li s appreela-
past one, ouiuiu "i,.,ul
ion of the financial favors he hn
,t the hands of Mr. Anson and myself, m
the low and villnnlous manner he displays.
Cashier La Grnndc National Rank.
would add, that
naiue lope,
is Worth a
Ounce of Prevention
Pound of Cure.'
The health of your family should be your
(ivvt .nns'ideration. Good,
healthy food
... i .. rr.mi lis than any modi-
wi l pronucu ui;i.w - ,
cue vou can swallow. Save the health of
vour family by striking the roots-by cast-in-
away your stove with solid iron doois,
a,,d without delay purchase one of Kil.ey s
New Charter Oak Stoves or l!ancs with
be wlre-gau.o oven door. Tho enormous
iving in fuel, mid gnin in weight of bread
.i ..,,.t win soon nay ior ;i v.i...
:,,nkK for itseif. No otlier stovo
Id will stand the test. Sold
i & Layne, Union. Oregon.
in tne
bv Sum
We d
years n
Now Life
Electric 15?
remedies tL
en such uni
hesitate to j
and we stand
price, if satfsf.
their use. Tho.
popularity pun.'l.
Brown, druggist,
csiro to sav to our citizens, that for
t have been selling Dr. King's New
... for Consumption, Dr. Kin
Pills. Rucklcn's Arnica Salvo and
((rU have never handled
a, sell as well, or that have giv sati action. We do not
uaranteo them every time
rcadv to refund the purcnase
ictorv result h do not follow
i rmiirdles have won their
their merits. H. H
Union, Oregon.
An Expression of Oonfldonce
Geo. P. JJowell A Co., of New York, tho
publishers of the American Newspaper
Directory, undertake to rate newspaper
circulations very much as tho morcantilo
agencies report thojcapital and credit of the
buslnoss community. About one publish
er iu ten tells his oxaot issue witli truthful
precision. Home of tho other nine decline
to tell the facts because they assert that
those who do tell nro in the habit of lyluc.
Howell & Co., after nn experience ol over
twenty yenrs, have come to the conclusion
Hint tills view ennnot bo sustained In tho
If there is a prints,
makes our beer taslt
es us to jump off" fch
another, it Is thso tw
"back east." "Oh, the
cast." Well, for heaven
it. AVhat in the Siwash
weearo. We, with the .
'back east" for that rta
hero because It was iliffen
cast." Don't tall; about beat
cr "back cast in Wccscom
they do things in Missouri,
one consolation postage In
back cast if wages are. A "do
makes us weary. Hx,
Him Weary.
) that gives us n chill,
like coal tar or cans
o bridge, moro than
o very short words,
y do so und so back
snko, lot thoin do
and Puynllup do
rest of vou, loft
son. We cnino
nt from "buck
is being chenp
en," or how
You have
Mr. Win. Sims was overfroin In ttrandc,
Hon.Chns. Gooduough was on ourstreots
Miss Jennie Henry has returned from
Rig creek.
Mr. W. J. Hewitt, of tho Cove, called on
us Friday.
Mr. S. R. Ruvroughs of the Cove was in
Union, Friday.
Mr. Ike. Golde, of Rig creek, visited
Union, Monday.
Mr. Geo. Miller, of tho Sandridgc, was in
the city, Friday.
Mr. Al. Goodbrod returned from (Ibruu
copia, Tuesday.
Mr. James Turner, of Rig creek r-v.s in
the city, Saturday.
Mr. Win. Suaw and wife of Clover urek,
visit, d Union, Friday.
Mr. George Obcrst came down from, Ra
ker City a few days ago.
Mr. Wm. Stoker, .made final proottm. hi
laud claim last Monday.
Mrs. Thos. O'Rryaiit, of North IT0wlurr
visited Union, Saturday.
Mr. Chas. Orico, of Pine valley, Iiim. beein
appointed notary public.
Mrs, D. 15. llilW is visiting her torn Mr..
Win. RIIxo, of Raker county.
Mr. G. W. Thompson, of Island, .was imj
tho city several days tliis week. , f
Mr .1. S. Yandex nnter, of the Park; ltuulli
us a pleasant visit a few days ago.
Mr. Chet Ridwell. of. Island CJ5. w-'im-vl.iiting
friends iu Union, Friday.
Mr. Arthur Riimmel, arrived li the lily,
from linker county, a few days ne:,i
Mr. K. S. Mediums, of New W iMtiWMIa.
was in the city several days this week-
Mrs- Fannie Rird presented h udiusbnnd. J
with an eight pound dauglitci 'I'jst Friday
Mr. .1. Conleyand family, of tho Sniid-
rldge were visiting friends in I hton trntur- i
days I
Ivev. W. C. Rairdpreaclnjil His farewell I
, sermon at Lostjne, and has sim to Dda-ri
Mr. and Mrs. Johnny C.hrk, -t Ln-
Grande, were visiting frieuds-i'in Un'mu this !
Mr. awl Mrs. K. P. Hill took Ulcir de
parture for a brief visit 4t the siust. last
Mr. 11. L. Rowmer, forntcrly of the. Mil
ton Eagle, now has charge, if tin- 1 ciulle
ton Tribune.
Mr. llnrvey Moorclunl: and. wire took
their departure for their bomo in. Fairhaven.
last Friday.
Mr Thos. Ruekinnn su.d Mr. Sniii'l Coch
ran, of the Snndriilge. re iu tho city last.
At, ltnnrv Coffliiaii. of Kansas.
the'eity several days this week
ot locating hero.
Mr S. 15. Aylcs, who Vislieu uiu i-.iisi,
ccntly, has returned and will open a cooler
hop at the Union iiopot.
Mrs. SliulU of Lostine, was pronoiucmi
insane a few days ago mm uiucu v. , bv Sheriff Rcavis.
.... A.I,. viln. of Hie Park, was
the city Thursday, tine was
to the Cove to visit menus.
returned from lus visit
to tho cast, last 1-ilday.
nleascd to see him again
Messrs..!. 11. Corbin and '1110.1. ira.mi
who have been on a visit, to inu o.........
turned homo last baturday.
Hon. Henry lllnehart visited Union
last Thursday. He expects, to vacau. .
Register's ollleo in a very tow uais.
t,.,i,.o Gnodall rcturuwl Monday
r-.,,w.,,ni!i where he had been to
daughter, Mry, who has been employed
to teach the school at that plin-e.
Jess Wado and 15. D. Hubers, of Summer,
vllle left for Portland Saturday, having
been drawn as jurors in the United States
district court. Those are the first jurors
ever drawn east of tha Uluo niountnins.
Gazcttc. Atr K. A. Mills, of SuminaiAllle. passed
..... . ...
through Union Monday on m
i-mif. vullev. Idaho, where no goes
w n 1
at the country
if Ms!
Summers &
lew Prices!
11 iS
i Mill mML
With Patent (iauzc-wirc
lie think.
Is in Charge of a I'irst-clasc Workman. and all Work
and Examine our Goods and Prices.
SIMM KUS it LAYNE; Union, Oregon t-L7tf
His frifiuls nro
-Doulor 11-
take his
Bedding and Lounges,
Parlor and Chamber Suits,
Mirror PlUtes, Picture Erajnes,
Oil paintings, Window sliades,
. loods Si ea tie Malem Plan.
Oonsttttitly on hand ; full lino of -
Sash. Doors asid
tore rrasraes
rftTS-Ml lfimlnof Job Work Dono to Ortlor.
Stroot, Union, Oregon.
lade to Order.
Shop ami Wairo Jtooni on Mtun
A yato Inveatmcnt.
Is one which Is Kiuirnntecd to br.
satisfactory results, or in ea.sff fal
return of purchase price. On thislsufi
you can buy from our ndvertKcd droK.
no cheaper
wn hoinor"
'tig you
I nro a
i plan
tweuty.seooud annual issue of their book, i rC . V" 7 " "vory
now in the binder's Hand., they desitrnnto V " .. ...J..1 K"""" to wi
w ..,...Ur h... i 1 1.. , ..I uvury uasi., wuen useu ior any a
r. si-
I I,
every paper that Is nitod iu accordance
with a deUiled statement from tho iuib-
llsher; nud oiler to pay a hundred dollars
for every liutmiue which can be pointed
out of a mUktntt-moiit for which a publinh
ur Is reoiisib!u. Tun Scout Is one of the
papers tliat is wflllr.K to luivu it known
bow i.mny It prints and whoso wood faith
the Uiri- Vnv publisher will guarantee.
In a jirhato !eltr to us they say: "It Is a
fact that l.-i-H than one psper iu slxUton has
urii ii. d 11. h a strlifht-out Btsteinont of
a-. Tjui Scout has done.''
Bucklen s Arnica Salvo.
was frrniited
aiii'iimt of
III t I M l-l il.
oh id ffi
. 1 11
,ik Hi r Kai.vk in the world fur Cuts,
I , : urc , l l. ers, Salt KhcillII, FfVCr
. J ' . 1 bup;.( d ( h.ll.lului,
...1 ...1 .- i iii Eruption-, and .is.
. - . - l i . , ..I ... p iy rc.,urwl. It
1.1 xtli. it I'M-o'lert ltiili-iniiu-iii la., nn. I .- . u ir 1 He.-I t fiv' pi-rfwt xutinfui-tion.
w ir ,i 1 s ;.. !'. ; j 1 1 u 1 1 1 ' f -oM 'a .l 1 I'rirc .'0 rents j it
a i in 'I 1 ' '. ui. at y. v i. - lr ti j store.
feet Ion of Throat, Lungs or Chest, such .
Consumption, In niuatioii of ung, IJron
chitis, Aslhma. Whooping-cough, Croup,
etc. It Is pleasant and agreoublo to taste,
porioctiy safe, and can always bo dependid
upon. Trial bottles free at It. 11., MrrmuY
drug store, Union. Oregon,
way to
to look
"While here he called on us
and subscribed for two copies of 'I'm: Scout
to bo sent to bis brothers In .MoiUBmcrv
county, lown.
1) KALE It
All Kinds.
New Livery Stable.
I take this method of Informing thu- pur
lio thut I havo rented thu llvory stablo op
poslt Uoothe's hotol. and will, about tho
With inn. open tho same with a lino lino ot
busies, biigicy toiims und saddlo horses.
Kvery aeoomodatloii will Ih allbrded etisto
iners. and a fharo of the public tronage
Is tolleitud. W. K. JtOWKHIL
Kor tho llrt thuo in several years, I'oiv
der river is overflowing its banks, and It is
u esii-fl f ir rejoioing among the ranoh
". iii of Hi it sl(.t,,n for jf wuj , 0f Vllit
g.'id t'j tin- U iy laud,
Linos to tuo Momory of Edward S. Rlno-
hart who Died on Bandriaco, oreeon,
April 20, 1890.
Kddic'sgono. Oh how we miss him,
.Miss his dear, familiar fneji.
Iu our sad nnd lonely school room,
None can ever till Ids place.
And our hearts nro almost breaking,
Crushed beneath this heavy oad,
Vor tho path of life without him
Seems a dark and dreary road.
How hechcered with mirth and sunshine
Our loving hearts and home,
Still wo listen for his tootsteps
Keeling yet that he must come,
Hut 'tis only for a moment,
That we listen for his tread,
Now thu sud truth flashes o'or us,
Ho cannot come, l-.ddle's dead.
Uoloved by all who know him,
Ho passed his life so brief.
Then closed his eyes to earthly scenes
Unconscious of our grief.
Hard it is to bo nubmlHsIvo,
As wo pass beneath the rod,
Our poor hearts all filled with sorrow
Can bo soothed by none but Uod.
o alono nan share our sorrow.
leal our hearts an cnuneii imu mmi
os to us this precious promUo,
essed are they that mourn.
Latest Styles.
Just Jlecoivod, Direct from the Knot, a Lnrgo Invoice of LADIES and
MISSES' OAlisKIN SHOES, tho Deal Ever brought la Mb Market.
AIko a Kino AHSortniont of
My Prices will suit the limes. Drop in ami see me.
C. VINCENT, Main Street, Union, Or.
Mens" lois' B
Tho l'ineat Lot of
I 1 M I
, f
. a
mmi hi
utlmr. wilt thou uuldo lis,
nub tho davs and yeais to como,
all with our dear loved olio
1JV ' heaven a Jiapj'V inm u,
vta1' L. lf. and J.
U(l Mustuif. .i,M ,-tilBii of .Unkm
Vt.....i vrorVi.-.iier than the ehwtpest.
d Ur.nde. c J cmYiS8.
6S ana
Spring and Summer Hats,
Alao tho QroatoHt anil Heist ABSortniont of
Iu all the liUlt'Ht Stylet and QtialitiiH,
A.EBVT, - - XT3TI03Sr OB