The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, April 24, 1890, Image 5

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Thursday, April i. 1S90.
The Oregon Scout has as large a circu
lation as any two paprrs in this sec
tion of the Stale, combined, and is cor
respondingly valuable as an advertising
KoriU .fullCdeocrlption of Union
County see irmlde puRes.
A Paragraphic Record of Recent Happen
ings in and Around the City.
Furnlshrd room to rent
Enquire at tills
Ileal estate transfers
ire of frequent oo-
Horn. In tills eitv
April Hi. t&iO, to tlio
wife of Taylor Uroen, Jr., a son
A neat and tervireablc bedstead for four
dollars Apply at the Cove driiy store.
Union will jircscnt a lovely appearance
when the tn,e""tako"on their garb of green.
McMahon 's eircu- has started out from
Portland, and will visit the various towns
of the state.
The Hunt railroad grader?- have got so
far down the valley that they are beyond
our jurisdiction.
The new register of the Ia Orande land
ollice. Mr. Lon Cleaver, will ontor upon his
duties in a few days.
The poles for.'tho electric light plant will
be erected in a few days and tho wires
strung. The work is being pushed as
rapidy as possible.
fhe block in North I'liion belonging to
Kd. Davis and John Wel-h has been en
eIo"cd with a substantial fence and the
premises will be otherwise improved.
The Herald is the name of the paper to he
.started by K. is. MeComas in New Walla
Walla, soon. An invitation to exchange
with the new paper has been sent us
There will be a meeting of the Union
Cemetery .Society at the residence of Mrs.
.1.15. Thomson, to-morrow afternoon at '2
o'clock. All who are interested in this
matter are requested to be present, liv
order of Mrs. L. II, Kinehart, secretary.
A company lias been incorporated in
Union for the purpose of manufacturing
brick and the work will commence at once.
Mr. Totterdell, one of the incorporators,
and an experienced mason and architect,
informs us that a contract has been signed
by 'Wm. AViNon lor the construction of a
brick building on the corner of Main and
A streets, size HSxCO. Negotiations are be
ing made by several parties and contracts
will be signed in a few days for the erection
of three or four more brick buildings. Work
on tho Wilson brick will be pushed rapidly.
J. L. Woodell and .las. McKcnzic, two
substantial farmers of Summerville, bought
this week from 0. W. Parsoll, the horse
dealer, the Imported Clydesdale, I'almleaf,
which traces his pedigree to the noted prize
winner, Prince of Walts. No. 7;i, the pur
chase price was $1000. It certainly shows
good judgement in tlieso gentlemen to in
vest in an animal that stands at tho head
of the list in point of breeding and ancestry.
It will well repay those who take an interset
in the tine horse ilcsh to call upon Messrs.
Woodell it McKinzie and sec what Palm-
leaf looks like. Gazette.
Mm. L. P. Kinehart returned from Port
land last week, whero she has been pur
chasing her spring and summer stock of
millinery goods, a part of which have alrea
dy arrived and are now ready for the in
spection of tho public. Her stock com
prises all the latest styles and whapes in
hats, trimmings, etc., besides a well selec
ted stock of ladies' underwear, sailor waists,
and many neat and novel articles of wear
ing apparel too numerous to mention. Do
not fail to call and examine her wods and
prices, before purchasing, as she will not
bo undersold in anything.
The La Orande electric lights aro a com
plete success and every thing worked
smoothly from the lirst. Notwithstanding
the fact that the Gazette said thcro was
upwards of ICO lights to start with we are
informed by one who knows that there was
less thau250. Union will, also, have electric
lights m the coun-e of three or four weeks.
Already .'109 lights have been subscribed
for and without doubt the company will set
their dynamos in motion with between 100
and r00 lights. This isanothor comparison
of the enterprise of La (irande and Union
which Union need not be ashamed of.
J. AV. Shelton president of the Union
Electric Power and Light Co. is in recoipt
of a telegram from manager C. J. Smith, of
tho U. P.. Htating that their surveyors
who have been employed at Elgin will be
in Union to-day for the purpose ol survey
ing the motor lino from this city to the
depot. The Electric Co. employed these
surveyors for the reason that tho U. P. Co.
will notallow outside surveyors to locate
switches from their road. A switch will
also be located from the main line, near
North Powder, to tho Hutchinson Uros.
ranch. This will enable the Hutchinson
Bros to ship the immense quaiiltios of grain
they have Htored at their ranch direct to
their mill in this city.
Modern Treutment That Cures ConftMii
tloii. According to tho Sua Francisco dallta a remo
Jy liai been discovered that with almost uu
srrlng certainty overcomes coustipatlou. It is
tho new liixatlve principle) in Joy's Vegetable
Suriaparlllu. Tbo papers are full of recent oc
currences conunntns IM ofilclency, and wo give
pUce to their 1U kcusntlou, u card from San
Frtnciico'i well known lady manicure Sao
ctjri: "I am willing to relate the following or
lrlcncc. I liovo for year had a went stomach
attended with conitlputlon, aud never louud but
ono preparation thut liolil tno uuJ that toon
wore out and lost its effect, and I wai ngaln a
(uffercr till I tried Joy'i Vegotublo tsarwparllU
It lulpcd mo in every way and liai tborougUI) 1
rtdfoulzed rae. I had one of the inott enatl(
tiftvomaclii und wui In continual dUtrem, but ,
can with tho aid of Joy'i Voctrtablo KnmriUj
now eat aur and owythiitir with my old so ,
customed freedom without nny tU effcti. I ate j
both inrj-rlied and delighted, aud iludly ruconv
saond it." I
Clara Jinm, Manicure, .
I KtuitM) fctreet, H. Y j
Brief Ptrsonal
Mention-Epitome Of tHe
V7ce Aauitmeeti.
Mr. J
II. ( nrlitii U ruMieatitig on the
Uoothe and family, who hare
Mr. S. K,
Itwn visiting In Union, returned to their
home In Island last Saturday.
Mr. Chas. Hinckley, of Telocaset, made
us a pleasent visit, Friday.
Mts. L. 15. ninehart returned from the
Willamette last Thursday.
Mr. .lob. Curies, of Pine valley, while
here attending th convention oitllcd on us
and subscribed for Tub Scout.
Mr. P. II. Murray, of La Orande, willed
on us. Monday,
Miss Corn Knann took her deoArtttrc.
Saturday, for Wallowa countv to visit her
Miss Cora Norval, whohasboen attending
school here returned to her home near,
Suminervillo, last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. PirdoIl, of ltaymo flat,
were in the city, Monday.
Mr. Wm. Plummer, of North Powder,
called on us Monday.
Mr. Wm. Pine, of Elgin, made us a pleas
ant call the fore part of the week.
Mr. II. M. Olliver, of Summorville, called,
Tuesday and subscribed for Tur. ScofT
to be .ent to Lewis Jones, New Home, Mo.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Carroll, of North
Powder, were visiting friends in this city
during the week.
Messrs. J. T. Holies. A. II. Olidowell and
Jnmo Cunninisliam, of Cornucopia, made
our ollice a pleasant visit this week.
Mr. A. 11, Tuttlo, of Elgin, who was here
as a delegate to the democratic convention,
called on us, Tuesday.
Uncle Jack Collins, of Sumnierville, niude
us a pleasant visit, Monday.
Uncle Hi. Osborne and Wm. Emerson, of
Wingvillo, were in Union this week visiting
friends and relatives.
A party of young Indies composed of
Miss Helen Striker, Mis3 Heat rice Lowe,
and Misses Lora and Leah Warren went
hunting last Thursday which resulted as
follows: Miss Leah killed one duck and
one ground squirrel; MNs Lora, threo bird,
Miss Helen, two birds: Miss Heatrice ono
duck and one bird. The young Indies in
tend going again this afternoon.
Written in' memory of P. F. Cnrlsman who
UiedatCove, Oregon, Jan. 2G, 1890.
Itett theein pcaco! In si'ence rest,
Calm, undisturbed in dreamless sleep,
While loved ones gather 'round thy bier,
A sad, lone vigil there to keep;
.ad, sorrowing heaits! Of joy bereft,
By the relentless baud of death.
Itest thee in peace! No more will strife.
Or worldly care oppress thee now,
No more will sorrow mar thy life,
Nor bring deep furrows to thy brow ;
Thy labors here on earth are oYr
Lite's fitful storms are thine no more.
Thy children mourn their los to day,
With hearts oppressed with grief, sincere,
A mother's love, a father's care,
Oroi't them no more with kindly cheer,
Two vacant chairs, two loved ones gone
To join the Savior's chosen throng.
llest.tlipe in peace; while hope doth point
Her linger towaidyou starry realm,
And whispers low to those bereft,
Ye will meet willi dear ones there, again ;
Though here ye greet them nevermore,
They are not lost, but guno before.
llesl thee in pence! While fond one wee).
And garland (lowers to deck thv tomb;
Orlet stricken hearts, whose anguish,
Hath shrouded them in deepest gloom ;
'I'liev mii.!i then more tlmn words enn tell.
And yet thoy know Clod doeth all things
Id i;s. lll-OOM.
Wiwt Oak lakh, Cal., April, 3, lfcl.0.
Is Consumption Incurable?
Head the following: Mr. C. II. Morris,
Newark', Ark., says: "Was down with Ab
cess of Lungs, and friends and physicians
pronounced me an incurable consumptive,
began taking Dr. King's New Discovery for
Consumption, am now on my third bottle,
and able to oversee the work on my farm.
It is the finest medicine ever made."
Jesse Middlowator, Doi.atur, Ohio, says:
"Had it not been foi Dr. King's New Dis
covery for Consumption I would have died
of Lung Troubles. Was given up by doc
tors. Am now in best of i.ealth." Try it.
Sample bottles freo at Brown's drug store
Buelclen'3 Arnica Salvo.
Tin: Best in tho world for Cuts,
Uruises, Soros, Ulcers, Salt lUietim, Kovcr
bores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains,
Conn), and all Skin Eruptions, and posi
tively cures Piled, or no pay required. It
Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction,
or money refunded. Price cents per
box. For anient Brown's drug store.
BKliijIIKAltS TUKMAIN. At tho resi
dence of. I. 1 Weaver, In Indian vallov,
Thursday, April 17, WO, Mr. H. II.
Bresheari and Miss Mary II. Tremain,
Mr. Weaver ntlluiating.
CAK110LL--AHX0LI).-.U tho residonco
of the bride's brother, T. .1. Lloyd in Du
ller City. April 11. IstX). by llev. Mr. Vaw
lor, Mr. J. IS. Carroll and Mrs. Annie
Aftor a few duy's stay In Baker, tho hap
py couple returned to their home in North
Powder, ami .1 reception was given at tho
North Powder hotel, which was attended
by a large number of friend from Baker
and Union cotiutlei. A sumptuous nop
lr wai partaken of mid idl went home
wishing tho newly married oouple a long,
properou and huppy life. The Stout ex
tend congratulation.
MINNICK VAK. At the residence of
Mr. and Mi A K. .1 in-. In tins city,
Tbwrduv, April i". I'W). bv H I' WiUon
J. P , Mr. J V. Minti.rl. f li.d valley
an1 l 1 Mar; J. Yu-c. of Monroe, ioua
Tl.i iT.uny frlei.d-i f Mr, Mlhid' k, In thin
c ,ty, imagined V. bun he m.1il1 the 04t it
few MiMuilw ftio, that MHiiclhing of thin
I I id wou'd result und it their iir-
1 : . .1 n- icncl T!k v uli it 1 11. 111
m . In .mm lit!. 1 : 1 1 1 1 . ! . !ft .1 p. -
pi'i . 11 . j 1 r .
Ul If
i 1
r 1
i . 1 1 : if t li 1 ; I ii . I 1 -hi' ,
-' i"U. t " i 1 . 'il.d'
111 eti t Tuk tk o'. r heartily join.
, V0m,tl of., n.-u.nt. Tl-l:fitn,clnr-
tion of Ilnclplos- ennoycr Tor Gover-
I The convention was called to order
j hy A. C. Craiir chahmun of the Demo
cratic Central Committee. After
making the usual introductory re
marks, n voto for temporary chair
man m-tilled in tho selection of Hon.
Dunham Wright of Medical Springs.
Mr. II. Kothchilds of North Powder
was elected secretary and Mr. II. C.
Kinehurt of Summerville, assistant
Committee on credentials. K. M.
Bloom, Cove; (Jeorgo F. Hall, Union;
Wm. Woodell, Summerville; .J. Hopp.r
IshuidCity; A. W. Glidowoll, Cornuco
pia; A. Hliini, La urundo.
Committee on order of business.
E. K. Taylor, Elgin; W. H. Hull'man,
Telocaset; 15. F. Wilson, Union; A. .1.
Tarter, Eagle valley.
Committee on resolutions. J. H.
Slater, Lu Grande, J. J. Turner, Medi
cal Spring; and J. M. Carroll, Union.
At this time Mr. Slater raised an
objection to N. Ilium acting as a mem
ber of the committee on credentials,
on tin; grounds that Mr. Hluin was
not a delegate to the convention; he
only holding a proxy. Some spirited
remarks followed and O. P. Uoodall
to quiet any further discussion moved
the chair appoint threo additional per
sons on the committee on credentials
carried. The chair appointed O. P.
Goodall, Union; 11. F. Ousley La
Grande; L. 11. Holmes, Cove.
Motion to adjourn till ono o'clock,
sharp, c. rried.
The committee on credentials re
ported the following delegates present:
Union. IJ. F. Wilson, M. S. Warren,
J. 1). Thomson, h. 15. Hinehart, J. W.
Kennedy, Win. Ralev, J. K. Cline, 15.
Logsdon, O. P. Goodall, J. M. Carroll,
Geo. F. Hall.
La Grande. J. II. Slater, F. Ouslev,
1'. H. Murray, Jno. Green, E.Mulhoil-
on, by u. M. names, proxy, Geo. Hart
mess, J. M. McAlister, J. A MeArthov,
F. Seeley, II. Henson, J. Koeseh, T.
Flinn, Jno. liny, K. Kelly by Flinn
Cove. E. V. McDaniels, .Jno. Mur
phy, Wes. Duncan, W. 11. Bootho.
J. Gassett, L. K. Holmes, H. Daugherty,
by E. P. McDaniels, proxy J. Gcp
hart. .Summerville. 11. T. Childers, H. C.
Kinehart, .1. Wade, Wm. Laramore,
Win. Woodell, C. E. Oliver, T. A. Mar
vin, K. D. Ruckman, S. L. McKonzie,
and Dan Soniiner.
Indian Valley. Win. Fine, E. E.
Taylor, J. 11. Jackson, A. W. Strange,
A. 11. Tuttlo, K. J. McWilliams, Joel
Weaver. M. A. Stevenson, by Joel
Weaver, proxy Geo. Taylor.
Hod lioek. D. Hni'nl, Win. Con
stable, Wm. Leasy, by Arblo, proxy.
Island Citv. F. IIoline. II. L.
Alexander, C. Pennington, M. A. Har
rison, J. Moroely, W. G. Hunter.
Hilgard. V. Arnold, W. E. NoyeH,
by Arnold proxy, J. W. Hunter
l'ine Valley. J. H. Charles, C. A.
Oliver, by Curtis proxy, T. Jrwin, L,
Lang, C. IJ. Leep, Geo. O'Connor, by
C. IJ. Loep proxy.
Cornucopia. A. II. Glidwoll, James
Cunningham, IJ. F. J'lerce, by Ghd
well, proxy Jas. Shea, by Giidwell,
Camp Carifon. V. 11. nagnoy.
Telocaset. W. H. Huflinan, W. A.
Cates, J. II. Mitchell.
Iiaglo Valley. Geo, Jlolstine, A. J.
Tarter, Chas'. Howell.
Sparta. Jno, Younger, W. 11.
Thompson, by J. Younger, proxy.
Big Creek. J. J. Turner, A. Van
devanter, Dunham Wright.
North Powder. I r. O. Gorham, Jf.
IJ. Bowman, J. H. Stevens, G. II. Bo
bior, T. II. Graves H. Kothchilds.
Sanger. Bort Nunn by 1). Wright
proxy, J. 11. Maloney, by 1). Wright,
Stiirkcy. J. J. Clino. by N. Blum,
On motion tho members of tho press
were invited to seats within tho bar.
Report of committee on order of
business anil organization. Wo your
committee on order of business and
organization, beg leave to mako the
following order of business.
1. Selection of 7 delegates to tho
state convention.
2. Selection of ono county judge.
.'J. Selection of ono county commis
sioner. 1. Selection of ono county assessor,
f). Selection of ono county sherill'.
0. Selection of ono county clerk.
7. Selection of ono county recorder.
8. Seloction of two county repre
sentatives. !). Selection of ono county treasurer.
10. Selection of ono county school
11. Selection 01 one county sur
veyor, 12. Selection of ono county coroner.
Tho committee suggested that tem
porary odlcers ho made permanent.
Keport accceptcd and committee
Keport of committee on resolutions.
Wo your committco on resolutions,
beg leave to submit tho following re
port: JUiulinl, That the democratic party of
Union county in convention assembled
(tend greeting tothoju whocarnoatly strive
for "ihu gtMtoxt good to the greatest num
ber ' throughout our statu and join hands
with thoin und eiirnenlly congratulate thuin
on the lUttarimj piXNtjMcU) of a grand victo
ry in Jims ovr Ihu ttatiihird bearers of a
pa ts biaUiry lm been one unbroken
chain ui loetoring, fiivoiitlmn for capital
Uu, iuoiipolUU. triuu, (Muiiiptioti of cap
ital Hon. fair, jubt and djuitablu tuxntion.
' ' ', 'Hut ri'i.uw our adherence
:.. i!i . 1 e p'. - 01 :!.., deiiiocruili: party
. 1 1. .in iii' I i'i ;tif iiiiil-iiiul p! .ifonu
,i . .' jiniiii'ii,-ill I ui )T- lit M
.' . T:.-l int or a ayntcui of tux- 1
at Ion, national and tntc, thut ahull tsjual- '
izc tho burthen thereof as ncariy n may
be upon wealth to the end that labor be
lightly burdened ; that radical changes are
I needed in our aessment laws and collce
I tion of taxes, nnd that all property, real
; and personal, be mtulc to contrihitto its
j equal share of support to necessary gov
. eriinient,
I llrmtlrttl, Thut we favor tho rejnl of tlie
so-called mortgage tax law, coupled with
the repeal of the law allowing indebtedness
to be deducted from ncs.iiients; that we
favor the adoption of the Australian ballot
system of voting in this state, to the end
that fraud bo eliminated from the ballot
boxes thereof.
Hrxoti-rtt, That we assert the jniworof the
state to control and regulate the transport
ing of passengers and freight in this state,
and atllrm it to bo the duty of the logisla
turcof this state to provide against extor
tion and unreasonable charges for tho saniu.
Ilffohnl, That we recognize in P. 1'.
Thoinpon, the nominee of the republican
party of this state, for governor, the cham
pion of the exemption of the so called water
works bonds from taxation, a proposition
unsound in principle, unjust to taxpayers
and solely in the interest of capitalists, and
his election would be an endorsement of
mot Vicious system of legislation, under
and behind which capital would hide
and escape its just portion of the burthens
of government.
isrmimi, i iiat lion, rvlvotcr rennoy
eras governor of this state deserves the
unanimous plaudit of the voter thereof,
for his manly courage in arresting at the
very beginning every attempt by a republi
can legislature to foist upon the people a
system so unjust and vicious in principle
as tho exemption of municipal bonds from
taxation, by the onlv remedy in his hand
the veto power.
Ur.mlred, That the renoiniuation of lion
Sylvester Pennoyer for governor, and Hon
0. W. Webb for treasurer would meet the
hearty approval of tho democracy of Un
ion county. J. M. CAl'iKOLL,
.1. J. TtJltNHIl.
IJ. I Wilson nnd A. W
were appointed tellers.
State Delegates. 11. 1). Huelcinan,
E. P. Me Daniel, J. II. Slater, 11. V.
Wilson,.!. II. Cunningham II. Gorham
and D. Wright were the delegates
chosen to attend the state convention
County judge. L. It. Holmes, O. P
Goodall. 11. Kinehart and Harrison
were pi need in nomination, which,
after several spirited ballots, II. Hine
hart of La Grande, took tho honors,
Each of tho others received a voto
he may not feel chagrined at.
Commissioner. L. Lang, of Pino
Valley was nominated bv acclamation
Assessor. John Cates, of Telocaset,
nominated by acclamation.
Shorid'. J. T. Bowles, of Cornuco
pin, nominated on tho first ballot, voto
7."). Made unanimous.
Clerk. Turner Oliver, of Summer
ville was nominated by acclamation.
Kecorder. J. S. Elliott, of Union,
by acclamation.
Keprosontativcs. I Ion. 1).
of Medical Springs and John
tor, on lirst ballot.
Treasurer. E. U. lirainard nomina
ted by acclamation.
School Superintendent. A
ol, of Union, nominated by
..I. Hack
ucclamu' tion.
Surveyor. J. L. Curtis, of La Grando
nominated on first ballot, vote bO.
Coroner. Joel Weaver of Hlgin, by
Central Committeemen. La Grande,
Jno. McAlister; Big Creek, J. J. Tur
ner; Covo, I'I. 1 Mc Daniel; Union,
A. C. Craig ; Bed Jtock, Win Consta
ble; Eagle Valloy, I. N. Young; Camp
Carson, C. B. Vanhousen ; Cornucopia,
A. II. Giidwell; Indian Valley, Win.
Fino; 3 Hilgard, C. L. Fox; North
Powder, II. Gordon; Pine Valley, J. A.
Dennoy; Starkev, W. (J. Hunter;
Sparta, W. P. Arblo; Telocaset, W. II.
Hull'inan ; Suininei ville,
A. C. Craig selected chairman of
the central committee.
Tho convention complimented
Chairman Wright, by a voto of thanks.
Tho sumo courtesy was extended to tho
secretaries and news reporters. Aftor
threo rousing cheers for Hon. Sylvester
Pennoyer, and tho democratic party
tho convention adjourned.
Iteclinins Chair Cars
raclfic Syctcm.
via Union
Train No. -i, "Tho Limited Fast
Mail" leaving Portland on tho Union
Pacific System at 7 A. ji. daily, in ad
dition to Pullman Fnlnco and Colonist
Slcopers und Dining Oars, is also
equipped with elegant free Iteclining
Chair Cars, both first-class and Colon
ist, which run through from Portland
to Chicago without change.
Both fiist-class and Colonist Chair
Cars aro furnished with Iteclining
Chairs of tho latest improved pattern;
aro luted up wall smoking rooms,
lavatories for both ladies and gentlo-
men, and aro lighted
All classes of passengers are carried
in these cars without additional charge.
rassongcrs desiring tho quickest
limo and best possible service from
Portland and the northwest to all east
ern points, should purchase their tick
ets via tho Union Facinc System1
Their Agents will tufco pleasuro in
furnishing rates, tickets, through bag
gage checks, detailed information, etc.,
upon application,
Durham Bull And Cows For Sale.
Ono four-year-old rod Durham' Bull.
A lino animal and will bu hold at it
reasonable price. Will alto soil a
few oxcullent Durham milch cows.
Apply to S. F. Nowluird, Hot Lake,
Un'.on county. -MM-lm
Komowhoro hotwoon Union and Gitor'n
nursery in tho Cove, n morocco pookot
book oonlnining notes and paparu of
no value except to (lib ownor. Tho
Under will l itwanlw! by lortving tho
sumo witli Air. Qocr In tho Covo or nt
Tiik Scout ofiluo, Uuion.
J-2-l-lm. I. M. Cuitlv.
lew Firm!
tvL r. JiL in J- i iu . 11
Mil If P $ I m'k HI fil ill S"P
1 Yoma; fiviJMS k
. , rr '
With Patent (iauzc-wirc
Is in Charge of a l'irst-olasa Workman, nnd all Work arrantod.
Call and Examine our Goods and Prices.
SUMMEKS & LAYNU, Union, Oregon -1-I7tf
Dealer In-
Bcddiiig' and Loimges,
Parlor and Chamber Suits,
Mirror Plates, Picture Frames,
Oil paintings, "Wmdov shades,
Ills SoM on the Installmeni Plan.
Constantly on hand a full lino of
ash, Doors and Rfiouidiings.
Pacture Frames ITiade to Order.
jf$A kinds of Job Work Done to
Street, Union, Oregon.
Latest Styles.
Just Received, Direct from the
MISSES' CALFSKIN SHOES, tho Best Ever drought to this Market.
Also a Fino
My Prices will suit the I imcs. Drop in and soo mo.
0. VINCENT, Main Street, Union, Or.
Tho Finest Lot of-
Ik' mil
1 mi
' i
Spring and Summer Hats,
Also the Greatest and Uo&t Au-ortmont of
In all tho Latest Stylen and Qiialitit'H,
v"r, - - TTNxojsr o:e&.
rtn niTTi- 11 r i n i n
Order. Shop and Ware Kooin on Main
am BwsnrMsrs,
All Kinds.
Hunt, h Large Invoice of LADIKS' and
Assortment of
m yiii
m i kl II
if Prices!
ncAi.i n. ix
; Qo Urn