The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, April 24, 1890, Image 3

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Rome Adrice Btzardlng tho Urit Way to
Treat Tour Wives.
Ono of tho most despicable practices
that a married man can be piiilty of is
a kind of coarse jesting at the bondage
of tho married state, and a laugh at
tho shackles which tho wife imposes.
On tho contrary, bo it your pride to
exhibit to the world that sight on
which tho wise man passes such an
encomium: "Beautiful before God and
men aro a man and wife that perfectly
agree." Mako it an established rule to
consult your wifo on all occasions
your interest is hers and undcrtako
no plan contrary to her advico and op
position. Independent of better mo
tives, what a responsibility does itfrco
you from I For if tho nii'iiir turns out
ill, you are spared reproaches both
from her and your own feelings.
But the fact is, she who ought to
have most inlluence on her husband's
mind is often the person who has the
least, as a man will frequently take tho
advico of a stranger, who cares not for
him nor his interest, in preference to
tho cordial and sensible opinion of
lis wife. A duo consideration of tho
lomestic evils such a lino of conduct is
calculated to produce might, one
would think, of itself bo sutlieicnt to
prevent adoption; but, independent of
these, policy should inlluence you, for
there is a woman of intuitive quick
ness, a sagacity, a penetration and a
foresight into tho probable consequen
ces of an event that mako her pecul
iarly calculated to give her opinion and
advice. "If I were making up a plan
of consequences," said the great Lord
Bolingbroke, "1 should like first to
consult with a iiensiblo woman."
Have you any male acquaintance
whom, on reasonable grounds, your
wife wishes you to resign? Why
should you hesitate? Of what consequence-
can be tho civilities or even
tho friendship of any one compared
with the wishes of her with whom you
have to spend your life, whoso com
fort in your marriago vows you have
promised to attend to, and who has a
right to demand not onlv such a
. it i v .
iriiimg compliance, out great sacri
fices if necessary? Never witness a
tear from your wifo with apathy or in
diHerenco. Bo assured, when you see
a tear on her cheek, that her heart is
touched, and do not behold it with
coldness and insensibility. It is un
necessary to say that contradiction is
jo bo avoided at all times; but when
in tho presence of others bo particu
larly watchful. A look or a word that
may, perhaps, in reality convey no
angry meaniug may at once lead peo
ple to think that their presence alone
restrains the eruption of a discord
which probably has no existence what
soever. .Knio men who arc married
to women of inferior fortuno or con
nection will frequently have tho
meanness to upbraid them with the dis
parity. My good sir, allow me to ask
you what was your motive in marry
ing? Was it to oblige or pleaso your
wife? No; truly, it was to oblige and
please yourself, your own dear self.
Had she refused to marry you you
would have been (in lover's phrase) a
very miserablo man. Mrs. Grace
Wilcox in Montreal Star.
Ills IJcst Girl's Xamo in Gold.
A new industry has made its tp
pearanco in the hotel corridors which,
from tho satisfied expression of tho
proprietor's face, seems to pay hand
some profits. Tho man does not con
lino himself to any ono locality, but is
now found in ono familiar corridor,
now in another. His businesss has a
certain amount of sentiment in it, for
out of thin sheet gold he manufactures
pretty laco pins, the design of which
is tho signature of any fair ono to
whom his customer desires to present
his offering. Tho signature, which,
singularly enough, is'almost without
exception thonrnt name of the maiden,
is clipped from the end of a letter and
handed to the artist. After looking at
it closely through a magnifying glass
he gets a thorough idea of the propor
tion of its shading and all of its char
acteristics. Then with the thin sheet
of gold in his lingers and a delicate
pair of llnely tempered scissors and a
hair lilo ho reproduces tho signature
in tho precious metal in an incredibly
short tune. Tho work of soldering a
pin to the signature and packing it in
a box filled with tinted and perlutned
cotton is a matter of a fow moments.
It is said that bridegrooms are this
man's chief patrons. New York
Jllnors anil Jury Duty.
Ono day this week I made tho as
tounding discovery that in order to bo
eligible to jury duty it is not necessary
that tho party summoned on a panel
should be 21 years of ago. The nanio
of my son, who is not HO yeai-s of age,
was given in a list of young men, in
tho house whero ho is employed, sup
posed to bo eligiblo for jury duty.
When I went to see Judge Withrow
on tho boy's behalf, 1 stated tho fact
of his minority, but tho judge said
that mado no "dillerenco; that if ho
was but 0 years of ago and possessed of
tho requisite intelligence ho would bo
obliged to serve, and that failure to
appear would lay him liable to attach
iiieutand fine. This was news to me.
It seems under tho law that a man
tnny bo too old for jury service, but
not too young. Interview in St. Louis
Tho Am mill the AVI Id Ilorno.
An Ass who waa at Pasturo ono day
was approached by a Wild Horse,
whoso graceful movements and perfect
freedom from the restraints of Man so
filled tho Ass with Envy and Delight
that ho begged tho Privilege of mak
ing an Excursion in his company.
Tho Ilorso consented and tho two set
out together, but thoy had not traveled
aboro three or four miles when a puck
of wolves mado a rush and cut tho
Ass oil' from his companion. Ho cried
out in Terror for Assistance, but tho
Horse said, as ho galloped away:
"I had forgotten to mention tho
Fact (hat this sort of lifo ha-s it draw
backs as well as any other, and this is
ono of them."
Moral: Nuture puts ns all whero wo
Iioiig. Detroit i'lvu l'i.
IT l.'lVKH l'l.KAKt'lti:
To testify iu behalf of any honest proposl
tlon, ami that Is why all that ouce try the
OltKAT i-ll'KHA Ki1)M;Y AND LlVKIt Cl'ltK
join in praising Its exce'lent qualities and
Rending in their testimonial! for the bene
fit of those nlllicted, as they were befon
using this wonderful medicine. He sure
and tret one bottle, which will convince
yourself. For sale by all druggist. Take
no other.
Sierra Chemical Co., 242j Mission street,
San Francisco, Cat.:
Giixti.k.mkx: It gives me extreme plens
ure to testify hi behalf of your wonderful
remedy. The Giikat Sikhua Kidnky axd
Liviat Cum:. I have given It a thorough
trial, and it has not only cured me, Uut
some of my best friends can testifr to its
meritorious qualities. Please -late that I
can truthfully recommend to all this best
of all medicines. Very truly yours
Hanky Mnvints, llui) Mjrket street,
Tlio Wood of Clijar Itoxcs.
Tho Havana cip-ars boxes aro usually
mado of the wood of a species of tho
juniper tree, which is generally
known to commercials as "Barbadoes
cedar.' It is well to remember, how
ever, that juniper is quite a dilFcrcnt
kind of wood from true cedar. This
cijmr box wood is largely emnloved in
this country for making the inner por
tions of drawers and wardrobes. In tho
West Indies it is often fashioned into
canoes, being well adapted to this pur
poso from its lightness, softness and
durability. Pencil wood is another
variety of juniper. Tho faint ajn-ee-
ublc smell evolved from tho wood of
pencil and cigar boxes is duo to tho
gradual escape from its interstices of
a peculiar kind of balsamic oil, which
is nowadays largely used by per
fumery manufacturers. It has been
found that 100 pounds of tho wood of
cigar box juniper contains about lif
teen ounces of tins essential odorifer
ous oil. If chips of tho wood be al
lowed to remain in a closed glass jar
for a year, tho interior of the vessel at
the end of that period will bo found to
bo coated with a heavy dew of per
fume. Exchange.
KnclUU Opinion of Tupper.
As a poet Mr. Tupper enjoyed more
favor with the general public than
with tho critics. His peculiar verso
has been a frequent theme for the sa
tirists, and yet tho attacks upon him
only seemed to confirm his hold ovor
tho masses. Ho lacked genius and in
spiration, but there was a kind of orac
ular air about his utterances which
greatly impressed thoso who did not
examine beneath tho surface. As a
moral essayist ho deserved praise, and
occasionally ho reached a poetic strain
when animated by tho fervor of pa
triotism. That ho enjoyed a strange
and unique position in literature is be
yond question. This is a tribute to tho
British heart rather than to its intel
lect. Personally, Mr. Tupper was a
genial, warm hearted man, a close
friend, and a good hater of cant and
superstition, as well as of tho enemies
of Britain. London Times.
Sun Spot Meteorology.
Tho government meteorologist of
India linds that in that country at
least ;tho largest and most abnormal
variations of meteorological condi
tions and actions seem to be as-
sociatcu wiin tne period oi minimum
sun spots. Exceptionally heavy snow
fell in the northwest Himalayas in
18CC and again in 187C and 1877. Tho
most disastrous of recent famines in
India were in 18(50, 1871 and 1870-77.
Tho greatest cyclones have occurred
just oeforo tho minimum of tho
"eleven year" sun spot cycle, tho Cab
cutta storm wavo in 1S61 destroying
00,000 lives, and tho Backergany cy
clone in 1S70 drowning no less than
100,000 persons. Now ork Telegram.
I'oor lliiiiiniill.v !
1'hc common lot is ono of horroiv say at least
llio peghiimstH, they who look nt tlio worst hid".
Certainly tthnt would nthcrulHi be a hriuht
existence Is often shadowed hy hciiiiu ailment
tlmt overliaiiKs it like n nail, obsciulni; por
pi'lmilly tlie radiance t lint cNo would Unlit tlio
path. Such an ailment, and a very common
one, is msrvoimncf-H, or in other words, weak
ness of tho nervous bj stem, a condition only
Irremediable where- inulllcicnt or improper
melius uro taken to relievo it. Tlio coiiotirrunt
experience of nervous people who have pur
tdslently used Uostetter's Stomach Kilters is.
that It conquers entirely biiperteindtlt eness of
tho nerve-", us well as dirtciiHeH)-no called which
aio invllcd mid HiiMalucd by the chronic weak
ness, As tho nerves niii stamina from tho
Kieat tonic tho trouble disappears. Use the
Hitters for umlarix, ilieiimntism, billoiiinohs
and kidney troubles.
Oddity in furniture continues the craze. Tho
fashionable ilriitvitm-rooiu of to-day Is a remark
able sight to behold.
Hark ! to the nmml of humanity's walls '
.Milllnns of people with nehes and with ails,
Headaches and humors, a merciless Hood,
Weakness ol limits and disorders of Mood,
Vet there's n helper thnt certainly saves.
Tlioinimds of people froin premature Knives.
The remndy is Dr. I'nree's (iolden Meii"id
DUeovery. It cures couishs, relieves asthma.
cheeks bronchitis, purities the Mood, heals 1
sores, eruptions mid iiliMKhtly pimples and In
without a rival for all the ills that sprhiK ft tun
a disordered liter. Ail lruKlt.
Don't hawk, ami blow, and spit, but use Dr.
Suite's Catarrh Remedy. Of dniKKlats.
Small Hinds make the mountain, moments the
year, and ritles the life.
.Studenta, teachers (malo o.- female), cler
gymen, and others in need of change of
employment, should not fail to writo to 15.
V. Johnson & ft., 100!) .Main street. Rich
mond, Va. Their great success shows
that they have got tho true ideas about
making money. They can show you haw
to employ odd hours profitably.
Men are like wines ue
betters the good.
sour the bad and
Any article that has outlived 21 years of
competition anil imitation, mid sells inoie
and mors each year, iuf liave merit,
Dobbins' Klectric Soap, llrt made iu 1WW,
I just that article. Ask your grocer for It.
He has it, or Mill get it.
To tie content with
stride, toward Kieatuuta.
littleness li already a
Hiriti: oi'iti: kou imi.i:n.
Sure cure for blmd. bleeding and I tolling;
lilies. One boi has cured the worst case ol ten
j earn' standing. No ono need suiter ten mln.
lite after uslni; Kirk's German I'lio Ointment.
It absorbs tumors, allays the Itchlinr, aols as
a jxiultice, Klvea relief. Dr. Kirk's German I'ilo
Ointment is prepared only for 1'llos and lulling
of the prltutc. purls, snd nothing else. Kvury
box is warranted
Sold by DruifUtsaiid sent by null on receipt
nf price. Sl.tO per (six. J. J. .Muck & Co..
Wholetule Agents, Hun r'rancuco.
By Electricity The Prevalence of Qa
tarrh and Deafness and Its Efiect3
on the System The Poor Treated
Tree of 0harg-3.
In Portland and the whole Northwest
the catarrhal and bronchial ndections arc
alarming y prevalent, and too frequently
they are neglected uutil the most serious
"C'jnsrqueiices ensue. Nothing seems more
common mini a, cold or sore tnroat, ami
yet they each frequently lead to years of
!utFerit, reuniting In coiiMituption and
death, if not properly attended to iu time.
Deafness is another dt-ticssing atlllction
often induced by catarrh. '1 hat Dr. Dar
rin have ellecteu extraordinary cures after
all eflbrts elsewhere have failed is a fact
supported by tho strongestevldence. Their
cures, moreover, are rapid and ermauent,
as tlio following very remarkable eases
wll show. Tho Kev. M. M. Hnshor is a
man we'l known iu Oregon, and his word
can be relied on:
Cui-tl From Itev. .11. .11. Iluxlior. j
l)rs. Ihtrrin- Di:au Siks: I'riortocon I
suiting you two months ago 1 had been j
sorelv atilicted with nasal and throat ca
tarrh, which interfered with my public ,
speaking. Your home treatment lor ca
lami lias cureo me, anil i am inantviui 10 I
you. I had tried many advertised reme
dies before, out none of them tined me.1
Kefer to me at Hrooks, Or, .M. M. llAsnott. I
ItlieninutiMiii mill t'nturi'li t'ured. J
Editor Orctiunian: For a long time I I
have been troubled with a loalhsome ca
tarrh and an attack of rheumatism.
through I Jr. Damn's electric ami medical
treatment I am cured. Can be leferred to
on (iibbs street, Alblua.
A (senium
' u r-i Ml'
a IHsicliuriritiir
Caud. This is to certify that I am H0
years old and for live years past have had
a most disgusting tlisclmrgo of t Me ear.
e:uised by catnrrh. It. was so olfen ive !
that I could not uo in the presence of anv i
one at times. Dr. Darrin has cured mu by j
electricity and medicine. I
Anton Kkxixuiui.
Portland, February 1.
Drs. Darrin can tie consulted daily nt the
Washington building, corner of Fourth
and Washington streets, Portland, and
Hotel Gondolof, Taconia. Hours, 10 to 5;
evenings, 7 to 8 Sundays, 10 to Hi. All
chronic diseases, blood taints, loss of vital
power and early indiscretions permanently
cured, though no references aro ever made
iu the press concerning such cases, owing
to the delicacy of the patient. Kxamina
lions free to till, and circulars will be sent,
to any address. Charges for treatment ac-
cjrding to patient's ability to pay. The
poor treattd free of charge from li) to 11
ti illy. All private diseases conlldentiiilly
treated, and cures guaranteed. Patients'
at a distance can be cured by home treat
ment. Medicines and letters sent without '
the doctors' name appearing.
Any one desirous to visit Dr. Darrin in i
future will do well to retain this article
for f n ure reference, as the doctor's olllces
are so thronced with patienlsthatitis use-
ess for nun to advertise turtlier.
A man may be knowing, but not wise.
rciieli TaiiM)' Wafers! lire tlie llcsit.
Dr. Livingston's Tansy Wafers for the '
restoration of suppre sed menses XEVini
FAIL when the directions upon the box uro
strietlv observed.
The Tansy Wafers cannot be bouuht at
drug stores so don't allow yourself to be
imposed upon by spurious mid weak i t i i
totions of Dr. Livingston's French Tansy
Wafers, anil remember that the genuine I
can only bo obtained from us, so if you do
not want to be disappointed send $;2 in n i
registered letter or poslolliro older to Die
Living-ton Chemical Company, Portland,
Oregon, and a box will be sent by return
mail, securely sealed from the eyes of in
quisitive people, to your address.
Tim Chief iteason for tho great success tr
Hood's Sarsaparllla is found in tho fact that
Merit IVlns. It Is tho best blood purifier and
actually accomplices u'l that Is claimed for It.
Veparcd ouly by C. I. Hood i Co., Lowell. Mm
- 1
C yc surety c ure'A by
Perry Odvis7
reddth.e directions
IT WA .II'HT IX Tl.1t K.
O. C. Hartholomew, Kalkaska, Mich., jays' "I
located In this place five years nco, havhiR for
merly resided In Troy, N. Y. 1 lisve been a great
sufferer from what the physicians of Troy called
HrlRht's dieae. 1 used Dr. David K'enuidy's
Favorite Itemed)-, of Itondout. S Y. All the
terrible symptoms of the disease are cone. I
have no tmces of any disorder of toe kidneys,
liver or bladder. Who would bcKrudpe the cost
of this medicine (one dollar a liottle) for such a
blcsslUK or refuse this simple thoiich sincere
token of gratitude tor bolus perfectly cured? 1
owe evert thing to Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Itemed)-,
and hoje this tt 111 Induce others to use the
medicine who suflVr from any kidney, liver or
blood disorder."
Da. Kknnkhy's Favoritk Kkmkdy, mado at
Kondout. X. Y. 11 ; 6 for $5.
Send for iniok, how to cure Kidney, Liver and
Hlood disorders.
What Is known as the "Heidelberg lint" seems
to have found favor among chappies.
lout .U1n n (iooit Thine.
You want an elegant collection of nrtis
tic novelties, which can lie procured by
anyone. You will be astonished at the
variety, lieauty and oddity.
To get these buv a lux of the genuine
Dr. V. Jlcl.ane's Celebrated Liver Pills,
price cents, and mail us the outside
wrapper with touraddress plainly written I
and 4 cents in stamps. We will then
mail you the above list with an elegant
package of oleegraphlc and ch.'oinatic !
Address Fleming Ilros., Pittsburg.Pa.
Delicately ierftnned wax lights have leen in
troduee at fashionable dinner parties.
Hotv to iiin t'lexh unit St roiijit h.
t'se after each menl Hrnlt'si HiiiiiImIoii
with Ilypophosphltes. It Is a palatable as
milk, mid enIly digested. The ra billy with
which delicate js-ople improve wllh its live is
wonderful, t'se it and try Mi'ir weight Asa
remedy for Consumption, Throat nlVectlons and
Hronchltls It is iineiiinled. Please read- "I
used Scott's Kmulslon in a child eight months
old with good lesults. He giined four pounds
In a very short tltiio."-Tno. Pium, M. 1).,
In Parisian h"aduenr for young women ttie
felt "scoop" and poll pon N the fashion.
I'll.KN! PIliKNI! I'IM-.N!!!
Dr. William's Indian IT.e Ointment is tho only
sure cure for Hllud, Weeding or Itching Piles
ever discovered. It never fulls to cure old
chronic cases of long standing.
Judge Colllnhury, Cleveland, O., Pays:
"I havo found l-y experience that Dr. Wil
liam's Indian Pile Ointment gives immediate
Do not Buffer an instant longer. Pold by Wil
liamson's Manufacturing Co., Props., Cleveland,
OMR. &0c and tl.
Bold by L. lilumauer & Co., Wholesale, Drug
lets, Portland, Or.
Whilst you seek new friendships, cultivate the
A pocket pin-e
"Tausill s Punch
'slnoii free to smokers
"ft- rigar.
If nlllicted with Here Hyes, use Dr. Isaac
Th jinpson's Kye Water. Druggists sell It. 'Ale.
TitY Okhmka for bnakfast.
'BufTerero aro not Generally aworo that
fiinrn iiiRoaBnHarocontaciouD.ortiiat luevu
aro duo to tho prceonco of HvInB para-l
Bitos In tho llnini' niombrnno of tho uosol
ami ouetnehmn tubes. Mlcropcoplo ro-1
search, liowoTor, baa tirovod tills to bo a 1
fact, and tho roault of this discovery in
I that a aiuinlorcniodv lias boon dtscoverou
which nonnanontly euros thomost aBgrn-
Ivatod casoa of thoso distressing dlsooaos by
a fow simple applications mado(f wo weeks
antimov llio noma. Aiinuniu-
I Inf. iiTiilainlnc this now triiatmnt-.t 1b bo
I free by A. II. Dixon & Bon, 337 ana O
I west lunsutrccc, Toronto, uanaaa.
sny I'iso's Cure for Con
suuiplioii Is Til II 11KHT
for keeping llio voice
clear, 'it cents.
The Celebrated
U. M. C.Breech-LoadiiKj Shot Gun
Has all modern Improvement. 820. OO.
Gods. - AmmDDitiOQ - aod - Sporting - Goods,
03 First Stroot, Portland, Or.
Send for Circular.
Uncle JtriuuM on Tobacco,
Ton can't fool dla chile wld your traahto
I b&cky, 1 BisokeHliU nd don't )0U forget It
Home amokera think that anything that
Biakea emoke. la good enough to ko Into a pipe.
They will find by a little eiperienc thut there
U a vanl dllfcrcncfl la riinoklnif Tobacco. Juat
, try'HiUL or Nourn CAMOUNA.''aiid you will
1 Me the difference between it aud Uie liultatlons,
I N. V. N. L No. 3J H, F. N. U. No. av
Ono Romody for Ono Dlscnso.
(From Mntital Journal).
"The four greatest medical centres of tho worlJ
are London, 1'aris, llcrlln and Vienna. These cities
hat e Immense hosptttls teeming with suffering hu
manity. Crowds of ctutlci'ta thronj the ti ards study.
Isg wider tho Professors In charge. The most re
nowned physicians of UievorlJ teach aid practice
hero, and tho Institutions aro storehouses of medical
knonledgo and cxjrlciico. With a tlow of making
this experienco available to tho public tho Hospital
Hemedy Co. at great exv-nse secured tho prrscrl
Hons of tiio hospitals, prcired tho scciflcs, and al
though It would cost frort $25 to $1TO to securo tho
attcutiouof their distinguished orLHnators, tet in
tills way thoso talualilo medicines arc sold at tho
nrlco of tho quack latent medicines that flood tho
market and absurdly claim to euro oterv ill from a
slnglo Nittle. Tlio want nlwats felt for a reliable
class of domestic remedies Is now tilled with perfect
satisfaction. Tho hospital Itemetliea mako no un
rc&soiiahio claims. Tho Fpedllc for Catarrh cures
that and nothing else; sovith tho specillc for ltroii.
chills, Consumption and Lung Troubles; ithcuma.
tisniNcurcdhy No.3, whllo trouh'cs of lllgestUn,
Stomach. Liver and Kidneys hato their own euro.
To these Is added a Sei lllc for Kutcr and Ague, ono
for femalo weakness- a general tonic nti-l Wood
maker that makes hlood andgltcs form and fullness,
and an Incomparable remeily for Xenon Debility "
Theso remedies aro nil sold on an absolute guaraiituo
to do what Is claimed tor them.
A circular describing tills new method if treating
dUeaso Is sent free on application by HosriTAi, Hkji
kdy COMrAxv, Toronto, Canada, Solo Proprietors,
of the chronic stage
of rheumatism, Iu
tho lumbar region or
mue!cs of the back,
w hich Is readily
enroll bv rubbing
i -.-...i i.i:
uiv pin-.iiLvij nail
St. Jacobs Oil. It Is commonly known as:
Victoria, Tex., June 22, ls'vs.
I was iu tied two months with backache;
Buffered aliout three mouths. I wns cured by
Ft. Jacobs Oil permanently: no return In 11
months. U. W. JKl'FKUSON.
At Drtt'iioisTS ani Dealkhs.
THE CHARLES A. V0GELER CO.. Baltimore. Md.
For January.
THIS is the season of year w o look over stock
to see what can bo spared. Wo llnd Hoys'
Knee l'ants. Cottonade, but biltur In wear
than poor wool, t years, IS els.: !l and 111 years,
1 0 els.; veiy few of other sires. Hoys' Corduroy
Suits, fl to 7. short pants. SU.7.1; sizes 8 In 10, at
?:UK); and 11. 12 and lit for $:i.'.','i. They are ood
for the money. Mens' 1'nB.dnior l'ants for $;t,
that wo ought to get ?l right along, but souiu
sizes are kouo and wo want to close up tho lot.
Then wo have Cottoutido I'niits, for men us
low its 2.) els. a pair, they are not very good,
but at St to l.'Ai wo oiler a genuine an lulu for
ovcrydaj or common Sunday wear. Htrlpod or
Plaid Ohovolt Shlrta as low iw Xi ctx., nndm
10, At) and IU) cts., nceordlng to size and quality,
In Chlldions' Underwear, red, grey and white,
w have a gnat variety, and at. prices that
would surprise anyone. Ited or (!rey Wool half
Hose for men, all sizes, at 2.1 cents, or 42 IRI per
dozen; wo never had their equal before. In
something to eat wo olfor dry Nee Urines,
Italsius, I'ruues, Apples, I'liims, It rapes, I' igs,
as low us A els. a pound, nun some at ln-s; we
would llko you lo try them. In Canned (loods
we can beat tho world In price and quality. In
Hyrups by the bairel, L'UcIh. gallon is tho lowest
for a good in Hole. Ileniilno Mnplo Sugar, a big
total lf cts a pound: wo want .ton tony it.
Hut wiito for our January list; it contains
many new bargains, mid samples will bo
mailed lino. Addiess, SMITH'S CAM! STOltU
118 Kiout St., San c'ra nclsco, Cal.
l pr esc ribs and fully
(lnrsn HIr ( a til onlr
epeclflc forthacnitalncnra
of this dlsf aae.
U. LI. IWUItAll AM.M. D.,
Amiterdam, N. Y.
We hay sold Hlf Q for
many yean, and U haa
Kirn ina diii oi iiut-
Chicago, IlL
1.00. Bold by SniccUU.
CLv!MBarfteu4 asi U$M
HOI ttiNBtrlMu.
WfM XT 1 smlj 17
k OuioljisatlJIHflHI
"Oh 1 whoro Bhttll rest bo found?"
Tho worn-out mother sighs;
"Trousers to mend and htoekings to dam,
Dishes to wash and butter to churn,
AVhilo my kick fools to break, and head ami heart Irani,
And life is it constant friction."
Tlio Hummer camo and tvent,
The matron no longer sllia;
Elastic- her step und rounded her cheek,
tVork seems but play, llfo Is now sweet,
And tho tiuuuro was mado In ono short week
Ab nu inviuorftintr tonic, it im-
larts Htrongth to tlio wliolo system,
li'or overworked, "worn-out," do-
bilitated teaeliers, milliners, dress
iiiakorn, seaniHtrcssos, " shop-girls,"
housekeepers, nursing mothers, and
feeble women generally, Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Presoription js tho great
est earthly boon, being unequaled
as an apiotizing cordial and restor
ative tonic. Contains no alcohol to
inebriate; no sugar or syrup to de
range digestion; a legitimate medi
cine, not a bevcrayc.
As a soothing and Btronirtbeninir
nervine, " Favorito Prescription " is
Dr. Pierce's Pellets regulate and cleanse the liver,
stomach and bowels. Ono a dose. Sold by druggist.
IU r npertor excelle ni rro' a 'n ti ll'lout ot Iiooim for a qu.ii tot o a neiiM-v. I U used tr tho
Ualtsl HUtcs ((oifnnn'iit. Kudirr d mn headi oC
the (Irtut Uultr'Mti as theStr t, i'iml ajdmcst
lliltlitiil. l)r. rdwi Oreaa l!ak.o 1'oirder doe not
oonUin Anwnoats I.I -e or Alum Sold onlr In cam.
rillOK 11AKINO I'OWnKl! no.
STEINWAY kkaxicii. prahi
rilsh rianosjnunlrttOnriinH. Hand Instrumonta.
Laiycst stock of Shoot Muslo and Hooks. IJandi
mipplied at Kaitern l'riccs. MATTHIAS
QltiVY CO. 206 Post Street. San Francisco.
nco cnoss diamond grand.
'iSrl mrtv'le alM with Hue j
rii'ii hi. iHkr 11 ra nirit'r. All I'll '
itiuitrormi (MtiintcrfVIt. Snt 4p
( tti.ii) for rtteuUm, trstlmonul ant
ItrllcCfor 1.Millr,'Mn letter, by ri turu
mill. S'im lipcr
IhlthMir tUcwl to.. SUttUon B. l'hll.,!'.
Anewllower of fnsclnatlnif licnntr, nilnnfeil to not
culture, mid will lll.oott tVITIII.N Tllllt TV 1IAVS
nftersowliurtlieKced, It Krowin Indies IiIkIi. and
tsftiiiTf.'ftiimssDf wlilin and Illao lilosn.iiiu.i'llntcii.
liiKllkeilmiii.iuils In tlin unrdvn It wlllfiiiin a solid
cniiet or liloiiiii. wbll ror small lmtHur niurernlii tlio
!ioum. elilier kiiiuiiiit or winter. Its lirnuty Uuiiaiii'.
lumsed. lor onlv IT. cciiIh o will null I a packet of
eed together with mir new Catnloiruo nml rmirrnlored.
" """'et of Ihe irienl t' (M.O.M: PLANT
II 1.1- t'Klidoiriu. will mil In-t-iil unli . n. ki-it fur.
iim you limy nlivaily pounds II It Is On-iliient ever
Ismieil -pioriiKi'ly llhiatrnlril wltli cuts nml colored,
plates, tteotrernll nuts of l'l.Ott IMt imI Vi::.
t.iii.i:ni:i:ii-. hi i.iw. pi.a.nts. n r.w i'iii ith.
J,t.V.,i:..NJ,l.,.'.,.,?'.'xv,', l"1'"" Ineliidliiir many
IJIIA.N IIMII ni.TII s iietvrliuforonllvii'il. l'rle lo
renin per copy. None sent flee, except lo tlinsu who
order t lie nlm e need. Sen l at once, u this olfer may
liotitppear m'nlii, tdilrers
bWHHV.HH. ,'l-VV.'VtOS I
Do ) on want In Hell or Ituy a Kami I Vrlto to
uh. Owners mid .Maniik'et'-i of I'roperty, At
tention I The I'dlt'lKAND liANI) CO. ad
vcrilpo in 81 nowspapers in the United States,
and are therefoi o tho people to hiuullo city and
addition properly. It will pay mi lo corres
pond with us. Loans nuidu on Kami and City
unequaled and is invaluable in al
laying and subduing nervous ox
citability, oxhaustion, prostration,
hysteria, spasms and other distress
ing, nervous symptoms, commonly
attendant upon functional and or
ganic disease It induces refresh
ing sloop and relieves mental anxioty
and despondency.
A Uook of 100 pages, on "Wo
man and Her Diseases," sent to any
address, in plain, sealed envelopo,
on receipt of ten cents, in stamps.
Address, "NVould's Diki'ensauy
Mki)icaI( Association, OGit Main
Street, Buffalo, N. Y.
f5) e, ylA