The Oregon VOL. VI, UNION. OH EG ON, THURSDAY, APRIL JO, 1890. NO. 42. vThe Oregon Scout. An Independent weekly journal. Iitcd ev ery Thursday morning bv JONES & CIIAXCEY, PublMiers and Proprietors. A. K. Jo.nus, I Kdltor. i 1 15. CHANCKY, 1 Foreman. kati:s or si'iiscnii'Tioxi One copy, one year " Six months. " " Three niontos ?I.f.O 1.00 7fi InvnrlnMy Cash In Advance. If by chance subset iptinns are not paid till end of year, two dollars will be charjel. Kates of advertising made known on ap plication. JSTCorrcspondence from all parts of tho country solicited. Adress all communication to theOmxiOS Scout, Union Oregon. PRESBYTERIAN CHUHCII. Services every Sabbath at 11 a.m. and s p. 111; Sabbath school at 10 a. 111 ; prayer meeting Wednesday, at Hp, m. The Ladies' Mis sionary Society meets on the fourth Friday of every month at 12 ::!0 p. 111. All cordially invited. It. 11. PARKER. Pastor it . ,. I'HOFKS.SIONAI,. yM. KOENIU. Architect and Builder, COVE, OREGON. Drafts, I'lans and Designs for Dwellings, and llridges furnished on application. J N. CROMWELL, M. D., Physician andSurgeon. Office, one door outh of J. 1$. Eaton's store, Union, Oregon. JOHN R. CHUTES, Attorney at Law. Collecting and probate practice special ties. Otlice, two doors south of post-olllce, Union, Oregon. J. W. SlIELTO.V. J. M. CAKUOIit. g HELTON & CARROLL. Attorneys at Law. Oflico : Two doors south of posK.dlee, Un ion, Oregon. Special attention given all business en trusted to us. K. Eakin, J. A. Eakin, Notary Public. J EAKIN, fc RROT11ER, Attorneys at Law, Union, Oregon. ISTPrompt Attention Paid to Collect.ons. A. L. DANFOUTII, M. 1)., Physician and Surgeon North Powder, Oregon. iDISEASKS OK WOMEN A Sl'El'l A I T V. Calls attended to at all hours. Q II. DAY, M. D., HOMEPATHIC Physician aixisurgeon. ALL CALLS 1'IiOMl'TLY ATTKNUEU TO. Oftlco adjoining Jones Dro's store. Can be found nights at residence in South west Union. B. P. WriBo.v. A. J. Hackktt, Notary Public. Notary Public. yiLSON .fc IIACKETT, Attorneys at j Law. Collections :nd nil other business entrus ted to us will receive prompt attention. A complete abstract of tho land of Union county in our ouiee, Managers of tiic UNION REAL ESTATE .ASSOCIATION. OFFICE: . UNION, Oil. City - Meat - t. Main Street, Union, Oregon, BENSON BROS. - PROPRIETORS. Keep constantly on hand BEEF, PORK- VEAL, MUTTON, SAUSAGE, HAMS, LARD. Etc. C. C. COFFINBERRY, Dealer in all kinds of Farm machinery, UNION, OREGON. For reasonable terms and low prices cJ?' )n 1110 and I w ill sntifcfy yon. -27-lf. Fine Line of Watch Me Written for Tun sjcotrr. SIT ..WIFE. AM stool !r the jrrave of my loved one, ' Mv thtiUnhN'wandered back to (he past. i When we pUt-htwl our vows to each other, 1 Nor thought of the parting at last. And I little did think of the mormw. That I was so surely to Bee ; When the parting in utiguMi an1 Mirrow, With the loved one o dear unt' me. We, n lover, were always together. And love our true puiditiji stai : Hand in 1 wo oft passed through the heather; No jealousies iausinga Jar. Three ehi'dren have parsed on before us, Together o'er them did wo weep; Our love to each other did assure us. As we hud them to rest in their sleep. Hut now I'm alone In Illy sorrow. With no one to wipe off my tears, And yet with tho coming to-morrow, Cnlm'thought to my mind there appears. It will not be Ions till I meet her. My loneliness then will be o'er, I know that ere long I shall greet her. And journey with her ever more. - II. V. Kmkby. Unio.v, March 17. 1WO. ELGIN ECHOES. News Notes From Indian Valley's Boom ing Young City. Rev. John Hindnian, father of Jesse llindman, nnivcd from Nebraska a few days ago. J. R. Johnson will build a largo ad dition to his hotel, soon. A. Meaehem of Suiiiniorville will move his law ollieo to Elgin shortly. Tho town is full of strangers now, and the hotels aie overcrowded. The Pleasant 1 1 ill school commenced March 15 with Prof. Swinehait as teach er. R. I). Ownboy and 0. Z. Harris are putting up a building 011 main street and will engage in the butcher busi ness. The Elgin school commenced last Monday with Prof. Dean as teacher. W. II. Galloway sold his hotel to A. W. Courtney, who will lemodel and enlarge it, and O. A Rinehart will be landlord. W. II. Galloway is putting a largo house on main street' Elgin is taking after Chicago in spreading itself. It has now about 200 acres laid oil' in town lots and there is more avuilablc on the outside. lTEMIZKI!. Important Decision In Water Case. Tho celebrated case of Mrs. A. J. Curtis versus the La Grande Hydraulic Company, was decided in the Supremo Court last week. Tho ease involvod tho right of defendant to take the water from Mill creek in the town of La Grande to supply the city with water. The ease was leferred to At torney J. R. ("rites as referee to take testimony and report a decree. Tho referee decided in favor of the plaintiff. J I is deeissioti was appealed to tho ciicuit Judge who reversed thedecission of the referee. The 'ease was then appealed to the Supreme Court which now reverses the deci.-sion made by the Circuit Judgo and affirms the decission made by the referee. The ease involved tho intricate questions of water rights in this state which are little understood. It was contested on both sides by somo of the ablest lawyers in the state and certainly establishes tho ability of tho referee as an equity lawyer, knocks the water works in La Grande completely out and firmly establishes tho light of the riparian owner to the water of the creek. A Bright Dog. The following is from the Lexington Budget, and it tells about adogdosorv- a pension: "One morning last week when B. E. Hathaway, of this place, opened his door ho found a shepherd dog waiting to bo minuted. Tied to his collar was a note from Mi. and Mrs. Russell, parents of Mrs. Hathaway who live about four miles west of Lexing ton, stating that they needed attendance, and a physician. Tho intelligent animal had been started olfu 2 o'clock in tho morning and faithfully porlormou ins errand. Air. and Airs Russell aro recovering." Plant Trees. Why is not this a favorable icnson for tree planting? Many of our town residents ought to plant trees this spring in their yards and gardens. The shade alone that a healthful grove of trees furnishes during the heated season will amply repay all the trouble and exitonsf of growing them. 1 hoy aro great ab.oi beiB of poisonous matter, and tho ornamentation they furnish to a village homo makes it doubly valuable. By all means plant tret's. Eooml Boomll Esomlll Bo quick if you want a first olnsa bargain in city or country projKTty (We'll loan you money to buy with.) Now is the time. Get there "Eh. You'll double your money the llrt month. Cull 011 WiUou & llm-kvll, manager Union Real Estate Associa tion. es, Clocks, Jewelry, 1 THE COUNTY 3BAT QUESTION. A Oat!c Ittsr From Postmaster Catcs of Tel t. Ti 1 "i rr April S, ISiVi. EDITOR OltKOON Scot T : In the last issue of Tub Scot'T there appears a communication from J. W. Kuowlos attempting to give its readers some reasons why the county seat should hi changed to ha Grande. Any reasons for a change, to be logical, should be based uion the general interests of the entire county, keeping in view always "the greatest good to the greatest number" interested in the change, and there can be no ,mo more interested in the change than the tax payer, who will have to foot the bills. The only reason for Mich change which Mr. Ivnowles seems able to present is that tho county officials have caused a road to be built from Union to Cornucopia, and therefore, have compelled the "ranchers" of that sec tion to trade at Union. It would ap pear from this line of reasoning that the opening of a county road through the Wallowa canyon was for the pur pose of compelllny the people of Wallowa to trade at La Grande, instead of going out to Lowiston, and likewise the construction of the Pyle canyon road was to prevent tho people of Antelope from going to 2Torth I'owder to trade. Now if Mr. Ivnowles will examine tho Union Cornucopia road business a little farther he will find that the no torious Oregon Legislature is respon sible for the construction of said road, at least an appropriation was nuulo by that august body to the amount of "thousands of dollars" for its construc tion. I presume when ho finds out that tho legislature is responsible for that which he charges to the county court of Union county he will advocate tho removal of the state capitol from Salem, the headquarters of said legis littuie, to some remote point along the coast. If Mr. Knowles is a man capablo of sound, logical reasoning, wc would be pleased to have him tell the readers of Tin: Scoct which, in his opinion, would bo the cheapest for the taxpayers of this county, to remove these obnox ious and "outrageous" county ollicials from office next June, or move the county scat away from Ihevi'l Mr. Knowles' proposition to tho "ranchers" of Pino and Eaglo is to help La Grande get the county seat and La Grande will, in turn, help them to be cut oil' into Baker county, (it is presumed that La Grande and Baker oily are in accord with this proposi tion.) Now please tell us Mr. Knowles, as a reasoning man, if you sincerely think it would bo light, or honorable, if tho people of Pino and Eagle expert to leave Union county to vote a tax on the pooplo of this county which they do not expeel to help pay'l "But" you answer, "they will carry their proportion of tho indebtedness with them into Baker county," but bear in mind, that if tho county sent should bo removed by reason of tho assistance you propose for La Grande, you will expect La Grande to perform her part of the contract when tho next legislature meets, and, if successful, you would be out of Union county be fore any levy could bo mado by the county court to meet tho expense of removal ; and oven if you should carry with you your proportion of indebted ness for new buildings, do you think it prudent for the voters, or taxpayers rather, to vote an unnecessary burden of debt upon themselves when they could as well get out without it? Would it not seem much inoro consi derate and fair-minded on tho part of all voters in that section if they actually want to go into Baker county, to say to the taxpayers of Union county : "As wo expect to leave you wo will not bo instrumental in voting a tax upon you, nut will oxert our 111 liueiice, in every way possible, lor our own good, as well as yours, to keop the indebtedness of this county as low as possible until wo leave." Evidently if that section expects to withdraw from this county it is not prudent for them to assist in voting unnecessary burden of debt upon us, for if they do, wo will most certainly insist on their remaining with us to help pay it. This is a matter that all taxpayers should consider well be fore they act, as they must foot tho bills; and those voters who aro not taxpayers should bo most considerate toward those who aro. Respectfully, W. A. Catkh. IN THE SOUTH. Description of a Pine Forest In the State of North Carolina. Ill IHtAU Hoi TIIKII.V NKtVK, ) IU1.H1011. N. 0., ISiutuu Onivio.s ScotT : Tho Pine tree grows in all pads of tho globe; but in the largest forests, and to the largest size in northern Huropeaud North America. The pines of Km ope are often called fir. Tho pines of North America may bo divided into two great families; viz, the white or Milt limes ot .Maine, Canada, it 1 1 iir- . 1 1 ..j T.i... 1.. ... u.... .... 'im...u.. I Silverware, Guns may be generally divided into long and short leaf pine?. Both good for lumber, but the long leaf pine, the more valuable for lumber and naval stores. It is a long leaf pine foret of Carolina and Georgia which wt North wih to show to our leaders in this letter. Many if not all of you know what a1 pine forest is. You have seen the pines with short trunks and long J lateral branches near the ground. ( You have seen the ground beneath them well covered with dead twigs or branches, ami without anything green ! growing upon it. You know it would be impossible to drive a team through , such a forest, except where roads are cut. You know that the thick lops of the trees nearly if not quite exclude the sunshine for the whole day. A , long leaf pine forest is very ditl'erent in ) till of its possibilities and appearances. 1 Many of the trees grow to a height of fifty feet without a branch. Then a ' bush like tot) is formed, with no twigs j or small branches. The limbs grow in j all directions and in all shapes; and' do not make a handsome top or a thick ; shade, and yet the long leaf pine is I a beautiful tree. With trunk as ' straight and perfect as a Corinthian ! column, and top gracefully nodding I in the breeze, this tree always presents . a work of Nature pleasing and attract-1 ivc to the eye. A forest ol these trees which has not been touched by the axe is a sight, once seen, never to be forgotten. For fifty feet from the ground, the vision is almost clear in all directions; obstructed only by the trunks of trees, beautiful columns in Nature's great temple. The ground green with tufts of the emerald lined grass, the white sand gleaming between these tufts of grass in the shafts of golden sunshine, falling between the swaying tops of tho trees. Instead of being compelled to cut a road through such a forest, no roads are needed. No stones or stumps or fallen trees encumber the ground, no dead branches endanger the eyes of the incautious traveler; but where in any or all directions, it is not only possible but ploasent to diivo the largest team, (he finest pleasure carri age, or to ride horseback, 011 the hottest day, without let or hindrance. There are few highways, and no fences in the.-o forests. The whole ground is as good ti highway as could be made ; and fences are not needed. The travel er has only to be sure of his direction and go as he will. To an observant person riding or walking in a long leaf pine forest, the trees themselves present a very interesting and ever changing study. Occasionally a tree with knobs on tho trunk is seen ; these trees aro likely to make the celebrated cat faced or curled pine lumber. Again we may sco a long slender tree bout over until a largo part of its trunk is parallel with the ground. Such trees never recover their lost straight and upright position, but livo and grow as they are bent. Sometimes we see a very large, tall, straight tree inclined like tho tower of Pisa. It has stood so for centuries perhaps, and will continue to stand in that position for centuries, unless tho axo of tho cutter drops it to the ground. 'The long leaf pine forest furnishes almost as much for man as tho Orien tal bamboo and palm. It furnishes hard and handsome lumber; strong and durablo timber; tho best possible luel; rosin and spirits of turpentine, and a life and health giving homo to overworked and prostrated bodies, and to people alllicted with any diseases of throat or lungs. And they grow 111 tho most dnsirablo and healthful climate within the continent of America. J. T. Patiuck To The Ploneors Of Union County. After returning from an extended ramble throughout tho eastern states and through Canadas to the homo of my choice in Grand Rondo valley, nothing has more impressed mo than tho fact that many of my old pioneer friends aro quietly sleeping in tho silent city of the dead, anil that those who yet reninin are rapidly yielding to tho ravages of timo. Thero is a fraternal tio that binds together those who bravely met tho arduous vicissi tudes of pioneer life in this valley and other sections of Eastern Oregon which I earnestly desire to see strengthened and fostered. Kor this purposo I be lievo it to bo our duty to organize a Union County Pioneer Assocation. Will as many as ondorso this viow write mo on tho subject and let iih all meefat tho court house in Union on tho 21thdayof May at 10 o'clock sharp, to form a permanent organization. Bring the pioneer mothers and all their children. E. K. McOomah. Epooh. The munition from long, lingering and painful Mel; noun to robuat houllh murks an epoch in the lifo of tho Individual. Hitch a remarkable event is trcHNiirod In tho tiioino ry and tno agency whereby tho good health hint been nttnluod in gratefully LIohuoiI. Hence It U that much is heard in nralso of Ktttctrio Hitter, fa many fuel they owo their restoration to health, to tho tino of tho (Ireat Altoratlvo ami Tonic. If you aro troubled with any dlneniu of Kidneys, Liv er or hioinucii, ol ioiik or kiiori sinuiiin .....I u'ill kii... 11 ll.wl if l.t. imii 1.1 lrl....f vi.. Hitters, bold nt MX- awl, por bottle at llrown's drnif store. Union, Oregon. and Amunition Just THE covs. Death of Ja-.nes 1'iyne Recent Happenings. Local Covk. April !, Our quiet community was gieatly shocked last Thursday by the sad in telligence that Jas. Payne had taken his life in his own hands and conitni led suicide. Mr. Payne had been in poor health for some time past and it is thought his business affairs so preyed on his mind d spondouey which he was unable to throw otr overlook him and the result was jc!i destruction in a moment of temporary aberration. Mo arose early and kissing his wife went to the barn near tho houo and by means of a rope thrown over a beam managed so suspend himself, though his feet almost touched the lloor, till choked. He seemed to have died without a struggle. His features were composed and his neck scarcely discolored. Mrs. Payne soon after five o'clock noticed that her husband had left behind on going out his coat and vest, something very unusual for him, and suspieiouiug that all was not right, huriiedly dto.-sed and went in search. She noon came to the awful sight of the limp body hanging just over the stairs leading into the upper story of the building, ller scieams soon brought help, but tboy could do nothing except take tho. unfortunate down and tenderly carry tho lifeless form into the house. The funeral was conducted .Saturday by the Masonic order, members from different parts of tho valley attending. Rev. Win. Powell preached the funeral sermon and read the obituary following. The procession to tho cemetery consisted of over thirty vehicles. The family of tho deceased are almost heart-broken over tho sorrowful occurence. They have tho sincere sympathy of their many friends in their great loss. The obituary was received too late, and being lengthy, wo aro unable to publish it this week. It will appear in our next issue. Kditok St'orr.l Arbor day will be observed by the Cove public school on Friday after noon of this week at 1 o'clock. The observance of the day will be under (he direction of Eugene Oonklin. A suitable programme has been pre pared and will consist of songs respon ses, short addresses, etc. Maple, box elder locusts, balm-of-gilead and other trees will bo planted near tho school building and appropriately named. I he board of din etors will lend their dignity to the occasion. Should tho weatnor oe untavoraole, tno exercises will bo held inside. Arbor day is now observed in almost every part of the United States. Tree planting around school houses is certainly praisewor thy and deserves special observance. It is to bo hoped Cove will turn out in a hotly una hy atlcntling llie exercises encourage the school in the gootl work to be commenced this week. All aro cordially invited to be present, a good time will be assured them. We noticed in tho postoffico this we.'k an enlarged portrait of E. B Conkhu taken from a photograph. On inquiry wo found that Air. Conk hn having been ollerod very low rates had accepted an agency for this slylo of work and will begin to canvass tho country at once. At tho republican primaries Satur day II. J. Geor, M. B. Rues, O. Eckers ly and Jasper G. Stevens were chos en delegates to attend tho county con volition. I ho water ditch cnos boforo refereo Slator are again in session this week. Tho testimony taken will 1111 a largo volume. Tho public school commenced with Miss Pierce as teacher, Monday, with an attendance of over oil. Unclaimed letters remaining in the Cove postpllico: Frank Clark, John Patterson, Prank Pinkley. Free Reclining Chair Cars Paclno Systom. via Union Tram No. !, "Tho Limited Fast Mad" leaving Portland on the Union Pacific System at 7 A. ji. daily, in ad dition to Pullman Palaco anil Colonist Sleepers and Dining Cars, is also equipped with elegant free Reclining Chair Cars, both first-class and Colon ist, which run through from Portland to Chicago without change. Both first-class ami Colonist Chair Cars ate furnished with Reclining Chairs of the latent improved pattern; aro fitted up with smoking rooms, lavatories for both ladies ami gentle men, and are lighted by All classes of passengers aro carried in those cars without additional charge. Passengers desiring the quickest timo anil best possible service from Portland and the northwest to all east ern points, should purchase thoir tick ets via the Union Pacific System. Their Agents will take pleasure in furnishing rates, tickets, through bag gage cheeks, detailed information, etc., upon application. A Pointer For You. If you want to mako evory dollar do full duly, catch on to some of tho cheap bargains in farm or city property now oll'oied by Wilson it llackott, mana gers Union Real Estate Association. Received at A. N. Meetlns Of committee. The Democratic County Central Committee convened in this city last Saturday, pursuant to a call made by A. C. Craig, chairman. The attendance was not as full as the committee wished. This was owing to the shortness of the time allowed for the call. The basis of representation to thrt County Convention is one delegate at large from each preeinut and one for each fifteen votes or a fraction of i ight or over cast in the various precincts for congressmen at the June election in KSSS. Under this apportionment the precincts will be entitled to the following representation in the County Convention : Union (iraude Island City Suminerville . , Indian Valley. Cove Ililgard Sinrkey. Camp Carson. tt North Powder 0 I I Antelope .. . . .'! (i Pig Creek. 3 .10 liedroek .'! . ! Unfile .'? . S Pine Valley. . . (! . I Cornucopia . . -t 1 Sanger 2 . - Sparta i! Tho committee by resolution recom mends that the precinct polls bo kept open at least four hours commencing at eleven a. in. and closing at three p. m. Primaries to bo hold April 12th. The County Convention to bo hold at the court room at. Union April 21st at 10 o'clock a. in., for the nomination of a full county ticket and tho election of delegates to tho State Convention. A. 0. Ckaio, Chairman of the Democratic County Central Committee. Tally Oho For Oregon. Special to Tin: Scoc r. Si-oicanh Falls, April f. L. Rem illard formerly of Oregon, but now an extensive horse dealer of Butto City, arrived at tho Spokane salo stable, last Monday morning, with four blooded stallions, from Union, Oregon, llosold them this afternoon to stock men residing in, ami near this city, for handsome prices. Ono Clydesdale horse which was offered for sale at Union for $1000 was sold readily hero for $1275 cash. The Cleveland Bay, which was offered for sale in Union for $500 went here for $325 cash. The gray three year old colt, which was stabled in the Green feed stablo at Union all winter was sold for $(510 cash, in hand. Tho stallion belonging to Jas. Boll, personally, purchased by him from John Elliott of Union, lastspring, was sold for the handsome price of $110 cash. This speaks for itself. Spokane Falls is one place where horse flesh is valued for its worth, and good stock ilomaudB good prices. Tally ono for Oregon and Romillard. Wako up Jonah, and look around you, tho sun of prosperity is rising high in tho sky above your head. Union county, take tho hint ami act. ELGIN ECHOES. The U. P. R. R. Co. havo sottlcd with J. L. Hindnian for tho right-of-way ami work will bo commenced on tho depot grounds, soon. Tho republicans hold their primary hero on the fith and mado a good choice of delegates, men who aro not afraid to ehanco themselves in tho so called unsafe courthouse. P. E. Watlo ami J. C. Christiansen exhibited their line stallions in Elgin on Saturday, the former having a black Norman and the latter a Clydes dale. Both wore lino specimens of their breed. Tho hills aro greon with now grass ami stock aro being turned out on the: hills. It Frequently Happons So. A man who knows whereof ho speaks puts this unvarnished truth in print r "A doctor will sit down ami write a pro scription; timo Jive minutes; paper and ink one-fourth of a cent, and n patient pays $1, $2, $fi, $10, as tho case may be. A lawyer writes ten or twelve lines of advico and gets from $10 to $50 from his client. An editor writes a half col umn pufl'fora man or mining company, pays a man fiO cents to $1 for putting it in type, prints it on ten dollar's worth of paper, sends it to sovoral thou sand people, and then surprises tho interested parties if ho makes any ch irgo. I M I ii A Real iviosauack. Tho man who wipes his iioho on his sleeve: picks his teeth with his fork: squirts tobacco juico on tho cook stovo hearth ; drives to market with hickory hark lines; deposits his money in his last winter's sock; rides to mill with corn in ono end of the sack and n stono in tho other; insists on paying Ins taxes with coon skins and wild honey ; fastens his ono gallons with a woodou peg ami wears "possum- belly" pants, is tho same oltl roostor who has no uso for tho homo paper, and his brother is the follow who tries to do business without a lino of adver tising. Ex. Qulckl Or you lose it. if you want a cheap lot in Union, call quick or you lose it. Call on Wilson it llackott, managers Union Real Estate Association. Gardner & Cos.