The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, April 03, 1890, Image 5

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Thursday, April 3rd, 1800.
The Oregon Scout has as large a circu
lation as any two papers in this sec
tion of the State, combined, and is cor
respondingly valuable as an advertising
mcdin ,.
Por u full description of Union
County aoo Insldo puftufl,
Tor Kocimlcr.
I hereby announce iny?elf as a cnndidnte
for the olllce of County" Hecorder, subject
, to the decision of the "Iiepubliunn Countv
Convention. C. 1). McDOWELL, '
Suinnierville, Oregon.
For Treasurer.
I hereby announce myself as a candidate
for the oliice of County Treasurer, subject
to the action of the Democratic Conven
Union, Oregon.
A Paragraphic Record of Recent Happen
lngB in and Around the City.
Fresh fancy crackers at Hall Bros.
Nice lemons at the Cove drug store.
Fifty cents per dozen.
Go to Hall Uros. and get some of
that pure maple sugar. 4-!M2
The work of grading'tlic Hunt
from this city is progressing rapidly.
A young man by the name of Ollie
Morrison was adjudged insane, at
Baker City last Saturday and sent to
the asylum.
Several transfers of property took
place in Union this week. The prices
paid show that real estate here is con
sidered valuable.
New and elegant designs in wall pa
per and decorations for the spring trade
just received at Urown's drug store.
Call and see them.
We arc informed that tho Telocaset
postoflicc will probably he discontinued
on account of no one being willing to
serve as postmaster.
Several interesting commucations
were crowded out of this issue. One
or two of them had no signatures
attached and would not have been
published, anyway.
Both, the Baker City Hevcillo and
Democrat have been enlarged and
much improved. Nothing could speak
more forcibly of the prosperity of the
city in which they are published.
"Tip" Parrent, an old pioneer of Kas
tcrn Oregon, died at his homo on
Meacham creek last Sunday after a
three days illness. Tho remains were
deposited in tho Weston cemetery.
The La Grande Gazette's silly
attempts to make it appear that the
work on tho Hunt load in this valley
is a "county seat move" a "bluff at the
U. Y. system" etc, etc, must be getting
nauseating to its readers.
Mrs. B. J. Mc Williams, of Elgin,
died suddenly last Saturday night of
epilepsy. When she retired at night
she was as well as usual but in the
morning was found dead. The re
mains were deposited in the Siunmer
ville cemetery, yesterday.
For the purpose of imroving tho seed
wheat of the Willamette valley, a car
load of Australian white wheat has
been imported by grain dealers of Al
bany, which will bo sold to farmers
and wheat dealers. They say Oregon
farmers need a change of seed wheat.
In mentioning tho purchase last
week of "English" the celebrated
horse by Mr. Childers, of Summcrville,
Ave stated that it was H. T. Childers
when wo should have said J. A. Child
ers. J. A. is tho lucky man who owns
the horseflesh and don't let it escape
your memory.
Layno it Summers will soon have
their hardware store and tin shop open
to the public. Their goods are being
received and opened and in a very few
days Union can boast of having a com
plete and iirst-class establishment of
tliis kind. Something that has been
needed for a long time.
Tho post holes for tho electric light
plant arc being dim and several loads
of the poles have been brought into
town. Tho electric light contractors
intend to do tho work as quickly as
possible and make a record for them
selves. It is safo to say that in about
one month Union will bo lighted by
A peculiar state of affairs has come
to light in regard to real estate in Iii
Grande. It seems that while tho town
site was in possession of tho 0. It. ifcN.
Co. they mortgaged all their property
for iffi.OOO.OOO, which' of course, in
cluded their property in La Grande.
Tho company have since got thu
property off "their hands, and were
glad enough to do it, but tho mortgage
remains just tho same.
Tho most tcrrillic cyclone or wind
storm ever known, passed over tho
state of Kentucky last Thursday, de
molishing many small townn hut doing
its greatest damage in the city of Louis
ville. Tho district in that city laid
waste comprises an aiea of threo miles
long and half a mile wide. Hundreds
wore crushed to death beneath tho
falling hoiues, and the scono was ap
palling in the extreme.
Tho editor of the Goldendalo Sonli
nol gavo notice recently that a certain
man in thu town could And suflleienl
muscular cxm-uc by calling at that
QfTtco, instead of whipping his wife.
About twenty have taken it as a sr
honal challenge, utid the editor is very
likely to have more than he cm prop
erty manage. There are Mnie men
who mo ttUvnjr hit at every remark a
pwapar' "l"1;c, ! it come within
inllo of them.
Brlof Personal Mention -Epitome of tho
Week's Amusements.
Mrs. GaRer lias gone to La Grande.
Mr. John ltoyd was in tho city Monday.
Mr. Qiil. Henson is down from Wood
Mr. George May was up
from the Cove.
Mrs. P.C. Middleton. of Portland, is in
the city.
Mr. S. G. White was up from the Cove,
Mr. James lilooin, of the Cove, called on
us Monday.
Mr. II. A. Kebel, of La Grande, vMted
Union. Sunday.
Mr. J. Lour, of Indian valley, wa in the
city this week.
Mr. Fred Mayottc, of High valley, called
on us Saturday.
Dr. Jay Guy Lewis and wife, of Sparta,
are in the city.
Mrs. J. W. Lee, of Telocaset, visited Un
ion last Tuesday.
Mrs. Frank.Mitchcll, of tho Cove, visited
Union, Saturday.
Mr. Oliver l'erriu. of the Cove, called on
us a few days ago.
Mr. E. J. Couper left on a business trip
to Portland yesterday.
Mr. II. J. Occr, of the Covo, made us a
pleasant visit Monday.
Mr. Mark Stevens was up from tho Cove
the fore part of the week.
Attorney Carroll visited Cove tho fore
part of the week on business.
Mr. W. S. Ezell, of Indian valley, made
us a pleasant vMt Saturday.
Mr. .1. M. Parker, of the Cove, made us
a pleasant visit last Tuesday.
General Tannat, of Eannington, Wash.,
was in the city several days, recently.
Mr, Henry Striker and Mr. 11. A. Hughes
were up from the sandridge Monday.
Mr. W. S. Ford will soon remove his
family from La Grande to Pendleton.
Mrs. S. C. Zuber, of La Grande, was vis
iting friends in this city last Monday.
Mr. Wm, Constable and wife, of Lower
Powder, visited Union a few days ago.
Mr. J. M. licrry and Postmaster Dick,
of La Grande, were in Union last Friday.
County Surveyor Kimbrell called on us
Saturday. He is about tho buiycst man in
the county.
Our old friends James Turner and Jos.
Dolby, of l!ig creek, made us a pleasant
visit Saturday.
Mrs. L. 1$. IHuehart has moved her milli
nery store to the building adjoining John
son's barber shop.
Mr. E. 15. Hill came up from tho Sound,
Monday. He finds it absolutely necosary
to visit Union occasionally.
Tho Friday evening meetings of tho lit
erary society arc getting to be piito inter
esting and are well attended.
Mr. Egbert Colllnberry tool: his depar
ture for Pino valley last Wednesday. Ho
will cultivate his farm there this summer.
Mr. Wm. Woodell, of Summcrville, vis
ited thib citv lat Monday. While here he
enlivened our sanctum with his presence
for a little while.
Miss Ella Green, who has been quite sick,
is improving rapidly. She left yesterday
for a few month's visit with relatives and
friends in Wash.
Mr. Geoige Denney who has been in
Southern Oregon for some time past, ar
rived in this city Tuesday, en route for his
home in Pine valley.
Attorney Shelton and Mr. James Hutch
inson, who have been in Portland for a
week past on important business, are ex
pected home to-day.
Mr. T. F. Goodi, of North powder, made
us a pleasant visit last Tuesday. He
sold his farm of '.'00 acres to Mr. M.
S. Hughes, of Haines, this week. Consid
eration .Ti,0J.r.
Mrs. L. 1!. l.Ineliait took her doparturo
yesterday for Portland and Corvalhs. Sho
will bo gone a week or two. During her
absence her millinery store will be in charge
of Mrs. Archie Johnson,
The Wnmans' Piesbyterial Society of
the Eastern Oregon Presbytery will hold a
meeting for praise and thank offering, Fri
day evening, April 4th, at the First Presby
terian church, La Grande.
Mr. J. 10. Stearns, of Itocky Har, Idaho,
who has been visiting friendt in tho Cove,
passed through this city Tuosday on his
way home. He was accompanied this far
by Ids father, Mr. L. II. Stearns.
Itcv. J. F. ISroiiillard, who has been in
Yamaska, Cunada, for several month.', past,
writes to us that he will arrive at his homo
in Island City on tho 10th inst, and will
hold service at the church thcroon thol.'ith.
Mr. Charles McClure, of La Grunde, vis
ited Union last Thesday. accompanied by
his sister-in-law, Mrs. Thomas McCluro of
Illinois, who, with her sons and daughter,
arrived in Grande Hondo last Thursday on
Mr. Georco lieidlcinan who has beon in
Moscow, Idaho, fo several months past,
returned home this week and will remain
here, as he thinks Union is good enough
for him. The many friends of George uro
glad to see him back.
Sheriff Cross, of Council Grove, Kansas,
passed through here last Wednesday night
en route for Salem, aftor a prisoner who
had ilono somo forgery and escaped to that
place, lie got his prisoner anil returned
by way of California. Mr. Ci csh is a oousin
of Mr. Arch. Johnson of thN city.
Mr. G. F. Carol, who has boon in St,
Johns, Mich., for some ilmo past, is on his
way back to this country, lie writes to
havo the address of his Scout changed to
Malhour City, and says that slnco ha loft
here ho has broken seventy head of Jiores
to drive. He will bring ons or two floe
horses back with him.
dome to the Center.
AW tmn knowing themiolves
indebted to us are requested to come
forward ami sUlo immediately. Tlioee
to whom we arc io-H-trd will pteaae
pxiH Hielr bills. J. M. PilY b Co.
A Lttt r F on Pne Val o
M.rcliil. 1 '
EllIToK Ol.l.'.oS S'Ol r:
Tub Scot i of the 20th inst. s iy ; "If
there is n man in the county wiio can
give one good reason why tho county
seat should be removed to La Grande
or moved at nil at this time we would
like to hear it." While wc know not
what may be the interest of the i
mniuder of the voters of the connty
that will induce them to vote for a
change in the county seU this coming
June, yet we cm jrive some reasons
why a goodly number of the voters of
Pino and Eagle valleys will support Li
Grando for the county seat. Only the
other day one of the most prominent
citizins of Pine valley said that while
Olio yiar ago no one thought then
of n change in the county scat, yet to
day he knew of fifty voters in Pine
valley who would march up to the
poles next Juno and vote for La
Grando for tho county seat.
change m the fcolinc of the voters
the valley he attributes totho misticat
ment of the people of Pine and Ktple
valleys by the county com mis. ionrrs
and county judge. And c Tt.'in'y the
manner in which tho ranch' rs and
taxpayers of Pine and Eagle valleys
hnvojjcen treated by theso officials is
simply outrageous. It is an appalling
fact that tho county court of this
county which should be the mot un
biased and untm iudiced olllco in tho
county is controlled and manipulated j
it seems by the set of avaricious mer
chants at Union. Ever,1, act of the I
county court has beon against the m
introst of the people of these two valleys.
Unquestionably it is to the best interest
of a rancher "to buy whoro ho can buy
cheapest and sell dearest." And no
doubt, if this be the ease the best place
for the people of Pine and Eagle valleys
to do their trading is llaker City. Not
only is Haker City the market place
for the people of these two valleys, but
there thov can find a largo assortment
of goods from which to make their
i selection, also they can find there a
read cash market for their surplus
produce. Hut such has been tho ma
lignant desire of the people of Union
and especially the county court to
compel the ranchers of theso valleys to
do their (ruling at Union that whenever
a petition from this portion of the
county praying for the opening out of
roads is presented to the county court
the fist question that agitates the
judicial mind of the county judge is,
"Will the toad assist the people of Pine
and Eagle valleys in reaching Baker
City?" If it does, tho present debt of
the county becomes enormous in the
mind of the learned judge and under
tho plea of not wanting to increase the
debt he rejects the petition, but upon
the other band if tho judge sees that
the road will by any possibility assist
the people of these valleys in reaching
Union, ho is "red hot" for tho road.
As evidence of the declaration that the
county judge disallows tho road if ho
sees it will bo advantageous to Tinker
City we point to the Eaglo valley and
Sparta road. Here was a road that
would havo been of incalculable benefit
to these valleys but an appropriation
was refused by (be county court. And
in substantiation of the assertion that if
the proposed road would be of bcnoflt
to Union tho county court did not
hesitato to allow the opening of the
road and grant an appropriation for
tho same wo can point to tho so-called
Union and Cornucopia stage road.
Here is a road that cost the taxpayers
of this county many thouands of dollars
and whose wild and weird stillness is
unbroken save by the tri-weekly rum
bling of the passongerless stago. This
road was constructed simply for the
purpose of carrying out the concocted
plan of the people of Union t compel
the people of Pino vallov to do their
trading at that place. If Union thinks
that the patient people of Pine will let
such outrages go unrosented sho is
badly mistaken, for tho people of this
valley do not propose to be bulldozed
by such browbeating tactics. The
people of Pine and Eaglo valleys well
know if they support La Grando for
tho county seat that La Grande in
return will assist thorn in withdrawing
from this county.
J. W. K.VOWl.HK.
And so tho abovo arc what Mr.
ICnowlos considers "good reasons" why
tho eounly seat should bo moved to
La Grande. We do not think so and
the only thing that prevented his
communication fiom going into (he
wastu basket instead of (he paper is
that wo thought his letter might do
somo good by tho utter absurdity of
the urgumenls be ni forth therein.
According to his .-(. i: in t one "prom
inent citizen" bays tha; in. my of the
people of that section will vote for La
Grande because of "mistio.itment" by
the county commissioners and judge.
Allowing that their complaint is just
(which it is not) what has tho town of
Union got to do with thu commission
ors and judge and why should it bo
held responsible for their notioiiH?
Tho homo of one of tho commission
ers is in Eaglo valley, tho homo of the
other is near Smiimervillo and the
home of tho judge is near La Grande.
Mr. Knowles Mtjs that ''every act of
the county court has been against
tho interest of the people of these two
valleys. " No statement could be more
falioand we do not think that any
sensible man hi Eaglo or Pino valleys
will believe it. The. records of this
county will show that the county
court 1ms expended more money In
the way of opening and improving
roads, building bridges, etc, iu tho
last four oars, in thu prcciuts of En
rl and I'me. accorilimr Lu the tux naid.
1 1 ...... nit... ..iuimi 4 u i . . flu i
win il in iiii.y winur wu jwvnu, mv
county. A blind unreasoning weiu- :
dice is not creditable to utiy man, but
it seems to le Mr. Kuowlo's only stock i
in trade. Il u atonement in regard to i
the condition of tlio Uuiou-Cornoonpia
road ami the amount ui travl over it
r I h kiK-ws
. . th I it fit oi
l:u i tv k mines.
(' r 1 1 H' i i.i
n; 1
the lnal-!ninI. d pn ;i( (ur of it well
1. .1. . . . .1. . ... . -1 i i
hiiunini; in. u il un.o minis could U.' i
i devvlopvd it would bcnelit tho wliolo j
' country.
i That E .glo and Pino valleys luvr
hern greatly benefited by tho demand
for their products at Cornucopia can-
i not be denied, ami to the extent that!
the road has benefited Cornucopia it
has benefited Kagle and Pine valleys.
I low silly and peurile the argument of
Mr. ICnowles is when ha ?ys "This
1 road was constuclcd simply for the
puosc of carrying out concocted
plans of the people of Union (o
compel the people of Pino valley to do
their trading nt that place." 1-n't
that an argument for you? If in ad
dition to building this toad the
people of Union had built a high wall
around Pino valley and placed guards
thereon to prevent the inhabitants from
i getting out except by way of the road
I II.. V.. -...,.......! . ..!.! I...
ivu. i iiuw iue emu iiivui' tiuum ui'
tinuiy, t ut (lie wall was not bum an. I
wo know of nothing to prevent the
pc. pl from (nullm; at Baker if thov
with to. Hut we are wooiy of this nn
fonsc. The only thing that Mr.
Knowhs says that is worthy of atten
tion is that "the people of Pino and
Hulge valleys well know that if they
support La Grande for the county seat
that L Grande in return will assist
them in withdawin from the county."
In that Mr. Kmnvke speaks advisedly
fur ho is an emissary font out by Li
j Grand i and has his work to doaccord
, ing to in.-1 ructions. All those, how
f ever, in that section who may want to
I withdraw from the canity, and who
i rwallow bail will find that after
La Grande gets tho eounly seat it will
have need of their assistance :n putting
up expensive county buildings and will
suddenly conciive Mich an affection
for them that it will be impossible to
let them go. Wo havo great faith in
I he good sonso of the people of ICaglo
an I Pine notwithstanding the nbovo
effusion by tho south end motttlipeico
of La Grande.
Editor Scout.
A Ooutonptible Ruse.
Information was received here Satur
day last of petitons and leconunonda
tions being presented to tho postal de
partment asking for a discontinuance
of the mail service between Union and
Cornucopia, an increase of service be
tween llalcer City and Cornucopia and
the establishing of service between
Keating and Medical Springs via
Sanger. Now we have no objections
to the increase of mail service on the
Haker route or any oilier mute nor to
the establishing of new routes but it is
certainly an outrage to attempt to de
prive us of a mail service as important
and necessary as the one Letweeu this
city and Cornucopia. During the past
winter tho Cornucopia mail was the
only mail that arrived here regularly
and on time and it is a necessary
service for tho convenience of a large
number of people. The persons
directly responsible for this outrageous
proceeding are certainly very ungener
ous and spiteful to say the least, if not
possessed of a mean, low down spirit.
We should like very much to behold
these poisons and see if they are not
possessed of very long oars, a braying
tongue and a treacherous mean disposi
tion. Iu Troubls.
Tho unhappy mayor of La Grande,
Mr. C. 1 1. Finn, was assaulted at the
Union depot last Thursday by ono of
his subjects known as Jim Dray. The
mill is said to have lasted pretty quick
and was pretty lively while it lasted.
Wo did not learn tho cause of the un
pleasantness. Mavur Finn seems to
havo about as much tiouble in gov
erning his municipality as Sancho
Pan.a had in governing the island
presented to him by Don Quixote. La
Grande is infested with a gang who
do their work on the ku klux plan and
delight iu decorating the door of his
honor, the mayor, with pictures of
skulls and ciossbones, coffins and
strange hieroglyphics full of personal
and unpleasant suggestions. 1 ho may
or should hung a few of them. This,
however, should not bo done till those
worthies have east their voto and ma
nipuiateu tliu ballot, hox in suen a
manner as to give La Grande a nuv
jority for tho county seat.
Malheur County rolltlcs.
Tho democratic eounly convention
for Malheur county mot at Vale last
Thtusday and uoniiuulod tho following
ticket :
Representative 1 1. C. Elms.
Sheriff .1. F. Fell.
Clerk E. II. Test.
Treasurer ,1. V. Kovoy.
Aseessor R. Worsluin.
Coronor A. Turner.
School Superintendent-V. Thomp
son. Surveyor J. R. Johnson.
Delegates to Stuto Convention U. II.
Murray, W. O'JJrieji and R.
FrultTrees, Etc.
I wih to cull attention to tho fact,
that 1 have a general assortment of
fruit trees, for sale, cheap for cash.
13H)cial attention is called to my
prune and plum tiees, either by tho
thousand or in icss quantities. 1 will
sell for CHsh at reduced rates. The
ago of all theubove trees is three years.
-H. J. Okbb, Cow, Ongou. 4-3 t2.
Take Notle.
In confcquotuv of the great miuc-
tioui mak on pn
' on uiy spring
will discontinue
holding my
la in 1 i hem in
diii. litem. -A.
and summer good 1
giving prist. I'ai ii
prise mmu will pi.
1 Hv what
Lt.t i
is w.". H tr i
1 il i 1 w . 1
j The I incsl L t Of
IMauh VftHBHa PflCBEi a;3f5 PU1
imm kmm mm ma urn
Spring and
Also th Guat'st and He.-t Atsoifnient of
In all the Lr.lcst Slylts and (ju.ilitiis,
1 1 n i o n ,
, lie.
'ognle 1
IxadiiiQ Hotel of
Improved Farms,
When Tillc is Gooil and Security Satisfactory. Call on or address
Enmiivc of f). II.
Latest Styles.
Just Received, Direct from the East, a Largo Invoice- of LADIES' nnd
MISSES' CALFSKIN SHOES, tho Rest Ever brought to this Market. .
Also a Fine Assortment of
My Trices will suit the times. .Drop in and see inc.
C. VINCENT, Main Street, Union, Or.
MFV TA"i lll! "
wit USUI!?
Wc Guarantee the Lowest Hates.
No Commissions. No Delays, where
Title and Security is Satisfactory.
Wilson & nucleoli, Union, Or.
S. C.
Sai Doors and
L'CpS (
Keeps ('onstuiitly on
Bedding, Desks, Office Furniture, etc.
All kind . of Furniture Mmlo, nnd t'liholstcriii; d nio to order.
gaMMmjlliMTnMiiiiiiiaiiMrrii.m II I I
If 1!
ELL80TT, - Proprietor.
Everything l'lrt Claw. Tanna Vary liouHoimljle.
Buss to ami Fiom the Depot MakingiCoiinection with all Trains
iW Mil
Summer Hats,
Orego n .
!y alia - tin1
Eastern Oregon!
KOO.llK Fur the Arnonnnl.'il Ion of ('oinnioi olrcl Ti n clrrx,
at Reasonable Rates.
Union, or Haker Citv, Oregon.
('KITES, Agent, Union,
All Kinds.
of and Dealers in.
S Parlor and Bed-
lunula haio H 1 1 I I "
Main St.. Union. Or
room Sots