The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, April 03, 1890, Image 3

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    - H Vf iAJ 1
Foot. Gear Worn by Mnry, Qupcn of
Scots, Ktlinboth mill IIenryVI 1 1.
Mary Qucon of Scotland's last shoes,
taken from her feet after execution, are
dainty little affairs of stamped leather,
and made from a very peculiar pattern.
The heel Is very low. A narrow piece
of leather reaches high up on the in
step, covered with strange devices.
The shoo is very small and beautifully
made. When Histori first essayed the
part of Jlary, she had a pair of shoes
made exactly like these, but she found
it so dillicult to keep them on her feet,
on account of the low heel, that she had
the pattern changed slightly, thereby
creating the style that is worn at pres
ent by actresses in that part.
Henry VIII. wore- in battlo a shoe of
heavy crimson velvet, fastened with a
hugo silver buckle. The solo is entire
ly of iron, and it has hinges at the
joints, so that tho saying concerning
this King, that ho trampled his subjects
under an iron heel, is not altogether
figurative. It was one of tho late come
dian liishop's ambitions to at some timo
havo produced tho play of Henry VI II.,
and ho had gono so far as to procure a
part of a costume. Among other things,
ho had some shoes made which were
exactly liko thoso in tho Kegont street
collection of London last summer.
Queen Elizabeth loftsomo very dainty
slippers, made of whito satin, with birds
and flowers embroidered upon them in
silk and gold. Tho heel is covered with
satin, and tho shoo is lined with red.
Joseph P. Itiaham, of If ow York, has in
his possession a shoo and a sandal
which were worn by Queon Elizabeth
moro than three hundred years ago.
Tho shoo is in a wonderful state of
preservation. It is a No. 1 in length,
but rather too broad to bo considered
shapely at tho present time. It is mado
of yellow brocaded satin, lined with
fine, stout linen canvas. Tho solo is of
oak-tanned leather. Tho heel is exact
ly liko the high Pronch heel of modern
times. It is placed well under tho foot
and is at least two inches high. Tho
too runs to a sharp point. Across tho
instop are two satin straps which evi
dently were once fastened with jeweled
clasps. There is no stiffening in any
part of tho shoe. Tho edges are bound
with yellow silk braid. Shoe and
Leather Review.
tt In Without Om-xllou tho Safest
lliiilillns; Muterluls.
In spite of all that has been said of
other building material brick is still
nnd is likoly to remain tho favorito
building material. Tlioro is nothing
except a Wedgewood crucible that will
withstand llro nearly as well, and tho
smoothness and sharpness with which
good bricks for fronts can bo produced
with cheapness and dispatch, puts this
material further in tho load of its com
petitors in their respective processes.
Iron is confessedly unfit for building
purposes where it may exposed to tho
woather or fire, and is rapidly going out
of uso. Stone will always havo its uses
in combination with brick and terra
cotta, but stone will not woather any
hotter in this climate than well-burned
brick, nor docs it begin to withstand
lire as well; bosides, oven with every
improvement in tho manipulation of
stone, it is so much dearer as to leavo it
out of competition with brick for tho
heavy portion of tho walls. Tho uso of
various materials is wiso ani the eilect
upon tho architecture of tho city is
handsome, hut when enthusiasts , in ono
of tho other materials assort a supre
macy of their favorito over brick, thoy
reckon without their host. Egypt, tho
land of all others whero stono was most
available, dealt yet moro heavily in
brick. Along with her ruins of stono
aro yet to bo seen imposing piles of
brick, and sun-baked brick at that, not
moro time-worn than tho massivo stones
around them. While tho sun-baked
brick of tho cities of Assyria under tho
damp, hot climates becomes, in course
of ages, shapeless mounds, tho kiln
baked face bricks aro as sharp and clean
as over, and testify to tho indestructi
bility of a well-mado brick. Parts of
the walls of Rome built by Aurelian,
of brick, still remain practically perfect
in tho ruins of those walls not utilized
in tho building of modern Rome. Hut
it is hardly necessary to clto instances
of tho durability of brick. Its friends
can not add to its durability, nor its
enemies say more against it than that a
brick wall or building is not artistic.
I. Men for Cullniiry Purposes.
In a lecture to a girls' assemblage,
not long ago, Prof. Ames, of Columbia
College, said that in some parts of India
tho lily is actually used as an article of
diet. It has been found by tho bota
nists to bo a highly nutritious article of
food, being peculiarly rich in nitrogono
ous compounds. Tho poor Indian, who
evidently "considers tho lilies" from a
gastronomical point of viow, either eat
them as a vegotablo or kneads them
with dough and makes them into cakes.
n either form they aro declared to af
ford a most substantial and nourishing
repast, and tho msthotes of ten years
ago, when accused of ,lllving on lilies."
would certainly havo beon enabled to
return tho laugh against thoir torment
ors if they had known tho culinary at
tributes of their cherished flower.
Mark tho result of tho professor's in
formation: At a stylish luncheon re
cently given by an ontorprislng belle
Btowed lilies wore ono of tho novel
dishes. They tasted like an amalgam
of spinach and cabbago and were not
very dainty, but thoy aro bound to havo
voguo for awhile, anyhow. Chicago
How Silicate or Soda Is Obtained.
This salt is obtained by fusing one
part of silica and two of dry carbonate
of soda, mixed in powder, in an earthen
ware crucible, and pouring tho fused
mass on a stono slab to cool. ThlslH
then pulverized and treated with toll
ing water to dissolvo tho soluhlo part.
Tho solution is filtered and concentrated
by boiling, so as to form crystals on
cooling. These aro again purified by
dissolving them in tepid water, filtering
tho solution and boiling, that it may re
crystallze. This form of soda is some
times used in Uno laundry work.
Christian at Work.
The Great Sierra Kidney nnd Liver Cure
Is positively the most ierfect medicine of
the nge. Don't use the mineral kidney
I remedies on tho market, but try us; we
are purely vegetable. A 1 druggists sell
these valuable gods.
Sierra Chemical Co., 2424 Mission tl reel
Gk.vti.emgn: On your bottle label you
ask for testimonials In regard to the effect
of your remedy. I take pleasure in giving
to you my hearty thanks as well as my tes.
litnonlnl, which you can publish. Ihiixe
suffered a gnat ileal with kidney and liver
troubles, and have tried many medicine
as well as differ nt doctor to get relief.
LIVER CURE was re onitueiide! to me.
and I have given It a trial. Mm h to my
satisf.i( tion, I find it ha cured me of all
Inv L-Mn.u- n.wl lli'nr A I tilfniltltw u lun li
I cheerfully recommend jour tru y val
uable remedy to nil in the same condition.
Vcrv kindly yours, O. Waiii.iiki.m,
Oil! Twentieth st., San Praclsco, tal,
The llrlcklnyers' union of llostou has Invited
the employers' society to debate the eight-hour
day at a public meeting.
How Sho Started Out to Hunt n Husband,
nnd Succeeded.
Some years ago, after I had worked up
a case in a town in Ohio, a woman callod
at tho hotel one day and asked to seo
me. I found her to be a spinster, about
fifty years old, wearing tho traditional
ringlets and oyo-glassos, and as stiff as
a crowbar in her demeanor. Sho, too,
had an original way of arriving at tho
point. After introducing hersolf sho
'"I am rich. Some folks call mo eccen
tric, but I am simply sensible. 1 wish
to travel, and 1 wish to biro you as my
escort. You will be my employe, and I
shall exact tho most formal respect of
you. 1 may need you for a year, or may
not, but 1 will hire you for that length
of time."
After a little talk wo arrived at figures
satisfactory to both. Sho lived In n town
twenty miles away, and sho gavo her
self a week to got ready in. At tho end
of that timo I reported for duty, and
found her ready to start. Sho had
two fair-sized trunks for baggage, and
she directed mo to buy tickets to Now j
York. Sho didn't say how much money
i-io had, how long sho was going to stay,
or give mo any other particulars. I
obeyed directions, and in duo timo wo
arrived in Gotham and put up at a first
class hotel. 1 acted as her guido and
escort, but such was our demeanor to
ward each other that no ono could havo
made out tho relationship. She soomed
to argue that if sho dropped formality
for a moment I might propose marriago,
and it was "sir" on every possiblo occa
sion. Sho settled tho hotel bill hersolf, but
gavo mo money to buy tickets to Boston
after a stay of twenty days. Wo woro
in Boston a fortnight and then wont to
Hartford, and there I got tho first inkling
of her idea in making the trip. Sho
sent for me to como to tho ladies' par
lor, and when 1 arrived she began.
"Mr. .lewett, you havo noticed tho
portly man seated on my right at tho
"Blue eyes and bald-h.jaded, and looks
very fatherly'.'"
"I wish you to ascertain whether ho is
married or a widower."
That evening I reported to her that
the bald-beaded man was a widower
and in the real estate business in an in
terior town.
Very well, sir," sho stiffly replied,
"you may now rotiro and 1 will send for
you when I want you."
After that I watched her at meal timo,
and I soon caught on to the fact that sho
had "set her cap" for tho widower. It
was laughable to seo her try to apo the
girl of twenty, and in three days every
body in the dining-room had caught on
and was giving her the guy. The old
gal knew her gait, however, and in about
ii week 1 got an order to show up again
in the parlor.
"Mr. .lewett," sho said, as 1 stood be
fore her. "I I think that Mr. Sampson
rath rather likes mo."
"You may say to him that I am worth
$80,000 in cash and bonds, never have
been married, and that his appearance
pleases me."
I managed after a day or two to get in
with Mr. Sampson and convey this In
formation, and I saw that it hit him
right between the eyes. Two hours
later he called on her, and threo days
after his call sho sent for mo to say:
"Mr. .lewett, you will accompany mo
homo, whore 1 will pay you your salary
for the year. Mr. Sampson and I aro
And threo months later they were
married, and it turned out to bo a happy
match. X. Y. Sun.
A letlmrttlc, dormant condition of tho liver U I
hardly to be overcome with drastic cathartics
and naufceous clioiagoKtieii. a Bcniier, picas-
anier anu lar inure eueciic iiit-nua rAinia ui
arousliiK' tho orKim when Komnoleul. 'I'll Is Is
Ilostetter's Ktomaeh Mitterk, vouched for by the
medical fraternity, touted by tho jmbllc for
many yearn. A resumption by tho biliary organ
of Hi kecretlve function, with tho activity at
tendant upon health, a return to regularity of
tho bowel and a renewal of dlccrtlnu nre
the no less happy ami certain reaulU of uaitiit
1110 itinera eyhtemaiicuiiy.
aticaiiy. its taxauve ciieci ia
dreuchlUK, Its U-ndeucy beliiK j
tc rccnlarlty than to produce
never patuiui auuai
rather fn iicrnHuate
a copious action. Jlaiarla, iiervousiictk, debll-,
The white members of the Charleston 'I)iig
shoremen's unlou will form a separate ttulou.
" Tho world grows wcarv praising men,
Ai.d wearied grows of being praised"
Hut never wearied grows the pen
Which writes the truths that nave amazed
the thousands who have bceu given up by their
physicians aud who hare been restored to com
plete health by using that safest of all remedies
lor functional Irregularities and weaknesses,
which are the bane of womankind. Wo refer,
of course, to Dr. Tierce's Favorite l'rekcrlptlon,
the only guaranteed cure for all those chronic
ailments iecullar to women, Uead the guaran
tee ou the bottle wrapper.
To regulate the stomach, liver and bowels Dr.
I'letce's 1'ellets excel. Ono a dose.
gome shoe cutters at Haverhill, Mass,, struck
for au advance from $15 to 117 a week.
Ask your dealer for "Tanslll's Punch."
The Omaha kUtlouaryeuglueeis flue members'
who get drunk, aud Mpel habitual drunkards.
Tuu I'roinliii-iit I
rlnlm l'o-iltltu
Voiile l'libllrly lro-lU-llef
nnd Cure by
To Whom It M ay Conckhn: Through
the testimonials which appear in almnst
every paper of the Slate praising l)rs. l)nr
rln for their skill in curing and relieving
the nlllleted who eill on them I am happy
to s ty I have at last f ittuil aroad toheahh.
I have sullered for years with kidney com
plaint, causing great pain 'n my back and
extending down to the sciatic nerv , at
times almost unbearable; also loss of viKor,
energy and courage. I had about given
up that there was any help for me when
1 met Dr. Darrlu perf jrming his lightning
cure. Now, af er a few weeks of his
electro-mngnetic treatment I feel nlmo-t
like a boy and perfectly free from pain. If
any one sult'ering from any curable dis-
III i?lvi the doctor a trial, in my
I II (1 LM11 (Ml t. OUW.Il l?C entirely ClirOU. I
cheerfully recommend them to the nf-
lllcted. Kcsnerl fully. J. W. KKK.VKY.
Long Creek, Giant county, Or.
A lteinurkHlile Cure.
Ktliior Daily Oregonian: Por many
year 1 have been a great sufferer from va
rious allltctions to which women nro sub
ject, to-wit: Womb, kidney, stomach and
head troubles, with such severity nt times
as to become nearly insane, and prayed
that death would come end relieve me of
my sull'erings, as 1 saw nil former physi
clnns and remedies prescribed ollbrded me
no relief and despaired of ever getting
well. In this condition I was Induced to
call on Drs. Darrlu. They gave me en.
courngement.and I put myself under their
treatment. Now, after a few months
treatment I feel like ono snatched from
the jaws of death; their treatment has
brought sunshine and brightness to my
mind, healthy action to my liver, strength
and vitality to my stomach, and perfectly
f ee from pain, nnd my other troubles are
gone. I gladly give my name to the pub
lic ns one rescued from Millering and death
by Dr. Darrin's ppcullnr treatment. Can
be referred to at Prlnevllle, Or.
Mns. Joski'ii Smith.
Drs. Darrlu can be consulted daily at the
Washington building, corner of Fourth
nnd Washington streets, Portland, nnd
Hotel Gondolof, Tacoma. Hours, 10 to 5
evenings, 7 to 8: Sundays, 10 to 12. All
chronic diseases, Irregularities of women
blood taints, lo-s of vital power ,
and early Indiscretions oermanenlly
cured, though no references are ever made
in the press concerning such cases, owing
to the deliency of tho patients. Examina
tions free to all, and circulars will be scut (
to any address. Charges fortreatment nc- j
cording to patient's ability to pay. The
JlaUt. A1( ,)rivnte diseases confidentially
poor treated free of charge trom iu to it
treated, and cures qruaranteed. PatlenlH
at a distance can bo cured by home treat
ment. Medicines and letters sent without 1
tho doctors' name appearing.
The Colon Ilrldgo Company of Ilull'nlo will
move to Altooua, I'a., and employ MX) hands. i
Ever since 1801 there have been women
(more each year) who claim that there is i
no soap half as good of as cconomlcnl as
Dobbins' Electric. There must be some ,
truth in their claim. Try it; see how much.
Your grocer has it. i
. i
Girls In Omaha shoe factories get from :t to S I
a week.
The best ever offered to tho trade, cast j
lfiM.iAiu.i: nnd Cascadk brands. I
which have no equal in this market. Don't
be deceived. Send for ItEi.iAiii.K.
Palmkh & llKY, Proprietors,
Portland, Or.
Georgia has women carpenters.
An Kleitnnt l'ackui;e of Fine Curds,
Including 15 rare novelties, shapes and nr
tistic imported olographic and hromatlc
cards. This large and beautiful collection
sent by mall to any one who will do this:
Buy a box of the genuine Dr. C. McLane s
Celebrated Liver Pills from any druggist,
price 2T) cents, and mnii us the outside
lth vour address, plainly writ
er. ,,,! J ci.ntH In Htfimtis. The genuine I
McLane's Pills are prepared onlv by
Fleming Bros., Pittsburg, Pa., and have
been In constant use for over sixty years.
They are superior to all others In purity
nnd pfn.rtlvnno.sH. A certain cure for in
digestion and sick headache. Address,
Fleming Bros., Pittsburg, Pa. j
The Opclika (Ala.) Knitting Company will '
rill re. cure for blind, bleedhiK and ItchliiK I
t'llea. Uno box haa cured tho worst case ol ten
j ears' gtaiiriiht;. No ono need suffer ten liiln-1
utt'B ufte.r uhIhk Kirk's Gorman l'ho Ointment '
It absorbs tumors, allays tho itchlnif, acta hs i
a poultice, kIvcs relief. l)r. Kirk's Uerinuti Pile
UintiiiKiit is prepared only for Piles iiiulltoliliiK
of the prlvuto paits, and nothing clso. Kvory
box Is warranted
Sold by Druggists and sent by mall on receipt
of price. SLOU per oox. J. J. Slack Si Co.,
Wholesale Ak'cnts, San Francisco,
- i
Ileware of Imitations of tho celebrated Seal of 1
North Carolina Plug Cut Tobacco
Tky Gkrmea for breakfast.
April May
Are the best months In which to purify your
blood. During the loug, cold winter the blood
I e 'omen thin and impure, the body becomes
weak and tired, the appetite may be lost, and
Just now the syMcm craves the aid of a reliable
medicine. Hood'a fiarsaparllla Is peculiarly
adapted to purify and eurlcli tho blood, to cteato
a K0' apK'tito and to overcome that tired
Jf. II, He auro to i?et
go d h. druBgUU, $1; six for 5.
,,,.. ,. , imnti t rn Ai.oihefi
lj "i U I. HOOD A to., Apolheci
arles, lxw-
ell, Mb
IOO Doses One Dollar
N. E. Portland.
NK, 1'ottlaud Is the place to buy a lot.
NK. Portland Is cleared and set In fruit.
NK. Portland lots are 60x102 feet each.
NK. Portland Is nearer than Mt. Tabor.
NK, Portland Is high, sightly and level,
NK. Portland Is within walking distance.
NK. Portland Is Portland's best suburb.
I.ots,lM)-t30lown; balance, 110 a month.
First aud Alder, Portland.
O I CI lln flit A MKAGH.Qa.bler.Ilo. 1
Blah Pianos; Burdett Organs, Band Instrument.
Laxircst stock of tiheet Sluslo and Hooks. Bands 1
supplied at Kaatorn Iora. MATTJIIAfl
QUAY CO. 1'ost Street, ba JTrauoUco.
p qo7q p v TJ.No 401
X, I. i, U. riO. a- a. r. x. u.'u. ivi
Ilnppy llerovery.
There Is nothltiR I now enjoy tliftt I do not
owe to hiivliiK used Dr. David Kennedy's Fa
vorite Remedy, of Kontidout. N. Y., at a trine
when I was suffering all that a human belli?
could endure. My troubles U-Rair In my kid
neys, from which I never expected to recover.
My physician said t had "right's Htase. Later
I had a bad attack of gravel. Six tear ago last
June how well 1 remember thai dar I saw
Dr. Kennedy's favorite Kemedv advertised In
our paper. After using three bottles I was well.
I have never had a return of the disease, and
though I am over sixty years of age I am vlg.
orous ami strong, as I was In mv prime. What
physician and the many remedies I httd taken
could not do, Dr. Kennedy. Favorite Kemedv
did; It slaved the d'easu and made me a wefl
woman.-Mrs KiulMue I. Mliner, llurg Hill, ()
Dr. Kksnkdy's Kavomtk Kkmkdv, made at
Roiidout. N. Y. UiUfortt. 1
...V1 .'!'r bo0'1' lunv to L'urtf Kidney, Liver and.
Wood disorders. 1
llostou has 1,701 (irgHiilt-d building laborers.
TO mvi: I.OMJ.
Ilonr to Prolong Life After .Mlddlo Arc.
VIcwb if mi ICiiilnrnt I.nmlnn l'hj Nlelim,
Whose Siprclnlty Is IlUrnHen of the
John Gardner, M. D., is a London Phy
sician who makes a specialty of the treat
ment of diseases of elderly persons. In n
recent book upon this subject, Dr. Gard
ner says :
"A healthy and vigorous state of every
part and every organ is essential to the
health and well being of the whole system
'To grow old gracefully,' is not the com
mon lot of all. Willi advancing years
come increased infirmities they nre by no
means inevitable, and their presence isdue
to the failure to keep up to their work tho
various organs of the body. The study of
the body by scientists furnishes unques
tionable evidence that the duration of
human life may be prolonged to a hundred
Why, then, do so few live to that ago;
and why after middle life and often be
fore is there so much millering from ner
vousness, rheumatism, feebleness, lack of
appetite, sleeplessness, and debility ? Be
cause long lile or overwork lias weakened
the nervous system. Kev. T. Williston.
the famous author of "Christ's Millcninl
Keign," when eighty four years old, suf
fered with indigestion and rheumatic af
fections. His attention was called fortun
ately to Paine's Celcrv Compound. A free
uso of that great medicine for the nerves
cured him, and made a great improvement
in his general health
This grand discovery is an uucmialcd
nicdicino for the aged." It produces life
and energy and is a marvelous preserver
of the fire and vigor of youth. There is
nothing like it forstrengthening the nerves,
and curing the diseases to which old folks
are specially subject. It is truly called in
valuable by those who have inatle a special
study of diseases of elderly peojile.
'JA& M
SulTered Years In I'll 1 11.
14 .Sumner St., Cleveland, Ohio,
Aug. 11, 1888.
In 18j1 I sprained my arm clubbing chest
nuts; suffered yearn In luiiu and could not lift
iny arm. It was finally cured by St. Jacobs
At DnrootsTs and Dkai.kiis.
THE CHARLES A. V0GELER CO., Biltlmort, Md.
After sj)ontlinB Ten Winters Sontb,
was Cured by Scott'H Emulsion.
148 Centra Ht.. New York, )
Juno 'i.'.tli. laHH. J
The Winter after tho groat flro
In Chicago I oontractod Bronchial
affections, and slnco thon havo '
boonobllgodtospond nearly ovory
Winter South. Last Novombor was
advised to try 8cott's 1 mulslon of
Cod Llvor Oil with Hypophosphltos
and to my surprise was rollovod at
once, and by continuing its uso
threo months was ontiroly cured,
golnod flosh and strongth and
was ablo to stand ovon tho Bliz
zard and attend to businoss ovory
fiold lu all Jtruuyhts.
"I lie fmiioin Ilovey Heed
Sioreot liorlon, anil llorry
Nurncilea of C'aiuliililge,
Mas,, liave liren Innvrd to
Knat ruMiii'iM. f'nllfuriitn,
wliern llie ImihIiicb will b
i-oiiilurteil na
Tli ltiiynmiMl rt"er '
ami Seed Ntoi-v,
C. II. IIiivet, Munaurr,
I'll.t lllKtlll'lll, f.'lll. j
Hruil fhrrrtiiplrtacUtoU.
The Printers of Portland
Palmer & Rey's
And say that It U superior to any
compoaltlou they ever ued.
. "I tell yon, my boy, I get hssp moro com
fort oat of package of 'But or Nokth Oiae
um Ptuo cut' Ueb Jtj OosUt 4om ott el all
bis xalllloBA.
hMLTt V ai
Iu cuperior eicellenoe proren In mtlllooi ot hoimefoi
more thu a quattvr of a century. 1 la utml hr tbf
United Hlntrt tlori'rnnient. Knit r. d if itio heailt ol
the Groat Unlrera'litw the Htrunmt, i'urrt t ruiut
Healthful. Dr. rrlon'i Orcam linking J'owder ilnet cot
omla'.n Ammonia, Lime nr Alum Sold only In oani.
Faber's Golden Female Pills..
For Femalo Irregular
ttles: liothlngllkothem
on tho market. Sever
fail. Successfully used
by prominent ladles
monthly. Uuaranteed
to relievo suppressed
Don't bo humbugged.
Save Time, Health,
and money ;take no oth
er. Pont to any address,
nnpiirii liv mntl mi rA-
cdl't or price, fiOO.
Western llrauch, Uos'J7, X'OBXLANl), on
Mild I y Wis dom Hut o Co., Portland, Or.
Host Ootmli Hyrup. Tnstea good. Uso
nm iiy oriicKinift.
n 111 rm rttlf lin llV
f u.m.rbinni yv. l
' Who are tlielarsest Seedsmen In the world. 1
I Illustrated. Descriptive and Priced
m for 1890 will be mailed FREE toallap-
m nllcants. and to last season's customers. 1
mm tm m m m
for 1890 will be mailed FREE to all ap
plicants, and to hut eaoi' cuitomera. ,
. .... , . . . . V. .. l'u.n. Mrinn M
11 11 ucucr in.. '
Ctttai anouiuscnu iur luiimuw.
D. M. rtnHT & wUi
" 1 uswl often to rend tlio nowKpupcr nlouil
to my wifo," wild Bert Robinson, " mid onco
I was fuirly ' tnkeii In' by n patent inoillclno
ndvcrtlscincnt. Tho hcductlvo nuraKrnjili
ItCKun with a modest account of tho hca
M.rp)cnt, but cnddl y Mittiiit,' forth tho vir
tues of Dr. Plcrco's Qoldcn AIcxllciil Discov
ery, which, It wns nllefrivl, wus a Btiro euro
for nil Bronchial, Throni nnd LutiK troubled,
nntl would oven euro Consumption, if taken
In timo. Tho wny I wuu tuken In won this;
I luul lung dlaciuio, und I bought a lwttlu
of tho remedy; I was a stranger to It, nnd it
took mo In nnd cured mo." Robinson's
exncTienco Is identical with that of thou
Knndx of othcin. Bo truo l tlilrf, that after
witnewslnt', for niany yc.nn, tho mnrvclou
cures of Bronchial, Tliront nnd Lung direc
tions wrought by this wonderful remedy, Its
manufacturers foci warruntcd In selling it
ns thoy nro doing, through druggists, under
a pofdtlvu guiiritiitcc that, if taken In timo
und given 11 fair trial, it will relieve or euro
in every caso, or money paid for It will bo
refunded. No other remedy for such mala
Hllluua Ilenduclie, Dlxsluess, Ooliatlpatloii, Iudlg
tlon, Hllluusi Attacks, und ull dorangemenU of the utomaoh and
bowels, aro promptly relloved and permanently cured by tho use of
Thoy aro Purely Vegetable aitd Perfectly IlarmleM.
Aa a HLa-1. J M1XM. tstt.Ti, Uucuualed I
For a Stock of CANDY or Anything for a BAKERY
Alisky Candy Manufacturing Co.,
Jobbers In Show Cnwa, Bcak-a, Paper Uajts-ln fct, anything you nd la a Ossv
factiouer'a atore. Balearoom Corner of 1-rout and Oak tret.
Can be mndecay by
ral'luirChlckcnii. A
largo 32-pace Illustra
ted Cntnloguo de
criblnjr Incubators,
nrooders, Ilroodlnjr
Hou'cj, llow and
What to Keed, How
lone to keep them In
the Ilroodor, Drlnklu
Fountain. Diseases
and their Cure, in fact
more Information
than It Riven In many
iVcent books. Sent
to anv inldrexa on re
ceipt of 2c. stamp.
Wire Netting, Hone
Mlll, Jtono Meal and
all kinds of l'oultry
,Vdil ress,
Petaluma Incubator Co.. Petaluma, Gal.
or Kvutu ini'ii. Call or wrlto for particular! and
be convinced.
it. a. ui:ss .v co.,
Room 1, First Floor, AbliiKtou llulldlue.
flood! I something e have to do at time to
get rid of overstock We otler good dry granet
at ie lt , llgsi'ie In lots of 20 Ihs. und over. V
have higher priced, but these aio fal- quality.
Nectarine", fie to f-c; ltaltdn, tc to 8o; String
llcan, 1 doz. cans. Slurp Tobacco, Te to 8c for
eMia iiallty; Canary Seed. lOO-tk loti to lb.;
drv peaches about Se; for average apples 6c to
inc. The latter prieo for.Mden. Men's heavy
wool mittens, red, & boys' sn-i.einlers up to 8
or !1 ears, fie, and for inch and big boys. ISc to
1, I'rints (calico), .'ic up; Dress doz.,
great bamilu. I mbrcliHs, fiOe; good to use er
lend. Soft grey blankets, 1.25 a pair; lied blank
et from a pair up. Men's all wool 4 hose,
nd or giay, slies W j to 11, at 25c, or I2.C0 a doi.
This Is a good time to send us an order. A(k
for full list of 4.0C0 articles If cm havo none.
Addiom Smltli'M ('noli More, -II 8 Front
Street, .Sim rniitcl'.co, Cul.
ty rll'I n t II k O II Olltrr All JHH
o In pitbaarM hotf , thtk wranira are
ilniifrrrnua (oitntrlrll&. Send -In.
U (at Mutual fur li H loutt ra tatymAnlall In t
i UvvT fur I.uillrV' ktter, br return
Iti hi I. Jtiim iiprr.
( hkliMtrr I tte.n'1 MtlUon Hq., I'M!.,.'.
4r MMV M KC I I til'. 10. tto lUff St. 1 loitiitutl, 0.
1 prcienb and fully aa.
done Die aa tha oaly
apeclflc forth cartalacara
of this dlnfaae.
O.H.lNdllAirAU.M. D.,
Amaterdam, li. T.
Wa bar aold Btf O for
many yaara, and tt baa
?;iTan ma out 01 aaua
actlon. P.B,DTCnKCO..
Chleaco, ill.
11.69. BoldkyDraniata.
Thf OUitst MtdUtHt in the World it trotaHy
Tills urlielu Ih a eurvlully preimreil ptinlelaii pre
ncrlpttcm, nnd hat lieon Iu constant m-e for ueurfy a
century. There, nm few dlcasvK to which mankind
am mbject moro dltrc8lis than aore eye, and
none, pcrlinps, for which moro renictllea have iH-cn
tried ultlioutMiccciui. Korntl external lnttainmntloii
of It Is an Infallible remeily. If tho dlreC'
Hons lire followed It will never fall. 'ouirtleularly
Invito the attention of iihvalclaus to lot merlta. For
auto by all druggM-
,Y. KatahlUhod 1797.
dies is wild under such trying conditions; no
ordinary remedy could sitbtaln Itself under
such a plan of wile.
For nil chronic or lingering Coughs, "Weak
Lungs, Bpitting of Blood, Bronchitis, Short
ness of Breath, Asthma, aud kindred all
mcnts. it is a most jxitcut remedy. Whilo it
cures thoso discuses it also cleanses tho blood,
iu vlgorattH the liver, Improves digestion, and
builds up both flesh and strongth. Contains
no ulcohol to inebriate, no sugar or syrup to
sour or ferment in tho stomach and inter
fere with digestion. It is a concentrated,
fluid, vegetable extract. Dose small and
pleasant to tnsto. It stands alone in tho field
of medicliu.', und is us peculiar iu its won
derful curative effects tut in its composition.
Therefore, don't lw fooled Into taking some
thing recommended ns " just us good." Bear
In mind, it's tho only Liver, Blood and Lung
Remedy iOKScs.sod of such fnin.seoufeni
curative proortloH as to wurnttit its manu
facturers' in selling it under 11 printed cer
tlllcato of guarantee, whlcli -wratw every
bottle. WoitLU'B Dl81K.VHAHY MKDICAli
Abkoci ation'j l'roprietors, 003 Main Btreet,
Bulfalo, N. Y.
J " ShRi anvt alusj. rrllabla. t.aillc. A
IS V-Vd. ,,k 1"-JI " Srtnd, In yS
ly7JOirl, turiHlllo tioxrt, P-1M with blue V
XA4aaraald B.l Hi
Xll aaaHllrtatara.
El UriMlraylka
UUXrail Okaalatl Ot,
Dia. OtnotuatiJBH
n 1