Orego VOL. VI. UNION, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL :J, !390. NO. 41. crasaxausa The 1 V The Oregon scout. An independent weekly Journal, issued ev ery Thursday inomini; bv JONES & CIIANCEY, Publishers and Proprietors. A. K. Jonks, 1 Editor. ) HATES OF i H. i Chancky, oreman. SUHSCIIII'TIOKJ One copy, one year " " Six months. . " " Three niontos 1.50 1.00 75 Invariably Cnsli Advance. If by chance subscriptions are not paid till end of year, two dollars will be charged. Kates of advertising made known on ap plication. flSy-Corrcspondencc from all parts of the country solicited. Adress all communications to theOncGON Ecout, Union Oregon. tuksbyti:hian CHUKCII. Services X every Sabbath at 11 a. in. and 8 p. m; Sabbath school at 10 a. m; prayer meeting Wednesdav. at 8 p, m. The Ladies' .Mis sionary Society meets on the fourth triday of every month at 2:30 p. m. All cordially invited. 11. II. PAKKUK. Pastor l'KOFKSSIONAl. w M. KOEN'IU. Architect and Builder, COVE, OREGON. Drafts, Plans and Designs for Dwellings, .and Bridges furnished on application. J N. CROMWELL, M. D. , Physician and Surgeon. Oflico, one door outli of J. U. Eaton's store, Union, Oregon. TOHN R. CRITES, Attorney at Law. Collecting and probato practice special tios. Ofllce, two doors south of post-ollice, iUnion, Oregon. J. "W. Shelto.v. J. M. Cakkoll. gHELTON & CARROLL. Attorneys at Law. Ofllce : Two doors south of posK.'lice, Un ion, Oregon. Special attention given all business en trusted to us. JR. Eakin, J. A. Eakin, Notary Public. E. EAKIN, Ss BROTHER, Attorneys at Law, Union, Oregon. JEtTPrompt Attention Paid to Collect.ons. L. DANFORTII, M. D., Physician and Surgeon North Powder, Oregon. DISKA8KS OF WOMEN A SPECIALTY". Calls attended to at all hours. Q II. DAY, 31. D IIOMEPATHIC Physician and Surgeon. ALL CALLS I'UOMl'TLY ATTENDED TO, Office adioinini: Jones IJro's store. Can be found nights at residence in South west Union. R. F. Wil-sox. Notary Public. J. Hackktt, Notary Public, w ILSON .fc IIACKETT, Attorneys at 3 Law. Collections and all other business entrus ted to us will receive prompt attention. A complete abstract of the land of Union county in our ofllce, Managers of the UNION REAL ESTATE ASSOCIATION. OFFICE: . .. UNION, OR. 3iain Street, Union. Oregon, BENSON BROS. - PROPRIETORS. Keep constantly on hand BEEF, PORK- VEAL, "MUTTON, SAUSAGE, HAMS, LARD. Etc. Ill CITY HOTEL (Opposite (ho Court House.) UNION, : : : OREGON. 3Iiw. O. P. (iOopai.l, Prop. Tables Furnished Avith the Best the Market Ailords i, and Prepared by "White CooIch. New Beds and Rooms Noatly FnrnUhed. TERMS REASONARLK. Public Patronage Solicited 10-31-tf Fine Line of Watch'es, Clocks, Jewelry, Written for Tun Scour. QUEEN EST35R. "What wilt thou Esther"? look abroad with me, To yon high hills where my wide domains "run ! 'Kvcn unto half',' I gladly give to thee. My queen, my queen, tnc fairest 'ncath the sun I See these broad acres teeming rich with grain, The hills of Etliiop In their verdure sweet, Fair Indiu's land made glad with gentle rain, 'Even unto half I lay it at thy feet t And here the splendor of my glittering court Where ixatdens smile ami jewels Hash and play : The crystal creeks where schools of gold- list sport 'Even unto half I give to thee, to-day ! The wide, wide fields, where brawny slave herds plow, And vineyards sleep, Ah, beauteous queen behold ! Say but thy choice, and at thy feet, e'en now, One half I lay of land, of slaves, of gold 1 I'll make thee mistress o'er the palace grand. And all the joy that wealth can give is thine. To thee shall bow each prince that guards our land, Even unto half thou'lt have of all that's mine! What is thy wish, and what thy choice, my queen? Thou scest the gold, and knowestthelands that be! The palace high, the garden's wealth serene 'Even unto half my queen, I give to thee! Then Esther answered : "Fair the spreading field, And sweet the land where Ethiop's sun is bright! Rich are the harvests India's valleys yield. Rare are her gems that sparkle In the light. And grand. Oh king, thy palaco wrought in gold, Grand as it glitters 'ncath the noonday sun ! The vineyard's wealth sweet dreams to me unfold. And rich the founts that by thy windows run ! "I love the praiso that princes would bestow And gladly look where slave-herds toil for theel Thy home is peace, and sweet voiced bree zes blow. That make the realm a Paradise for me! Rut half thy land and half thy gold, to-day, I cannot'aak, though dear, aye dear to , mo! Rut grant one boon I Low on my knees I pray, 'Tis this. Oh King! Just skt my it-oi'le M!i:k!" B. W. Huffman. COVE CULLINOS. Cove, April 2, 1890. Mr. Win. Sterling lately returned from a trip through tho cast, paid Covo mends a call tins week. Mr. Henry Jaycox who has been clerking in Jaycox's store during the winter left lor the Sound last week Tho Cove Cemetery Association has about decided to build a fence much needed on the north side of the grounds. Mr. E. E. Westman and family have occupied a wing of the Corpe residence Llmer is a little doubtful about city life agreeing with him. Mr. Louie Kocnig started for San Francisco Tuesday. He will work with his Brother Carl at tho carpen tor trauo in that city. boveral uovo cluckcn roosts woro raided lately. Somo say that that tern porary sojourn ot tnoueciples of Black stone may have something to do with it. Taking the depositions in the water ditch case proves to bo very tedious Court convened last Monday and ad journcd Tuesday to resume next Mon day. Tho favoiito passtimo with the Cove sports now is shooting squirrels with a 22 calibre rifle. They are becoming very proficient and squirrels are be coming scarce. Easter services will bo held at the Episcopal church next Sunday morn ing at II o'clock. The interior will bo decorated for the occasion' und new music is being rehearsed. All are in vited to attend. Mr. Edward Stearns has gono back to Rocky Bar Idaho. He thinks that a much better place than this to ac cumulate somo of tho root of all evil and while hero ho persuaded ono of our citizens to try his fortune nt tho bar. Mr. Judd Geer and wife have left tho haven of Cove and have sallied forth in tho cold wido world. Mrs. Geer goes to New York to visit relatives and at tend a sister's wedding. Judd went to Fairhavon whero ho may conclude to locate, on his wifes return from the cast. The summer term of the public school will commence next Monday. Tho rate to scholars residing out of tho district- has been fixed at $1,50 per mouth, Tho lady engaged as teacher comes highly rccomended and everything is very propitioiiH for a highly successful session, Mr. Wydo of Nebraska was in tho Covo last week buying sheep. Ho will drivo to that state in Juno. Con tracts woro made at tho rato of !j2,00 to $2.2f u head. Outside range is getting to scarce and pasturing so j expensive that tho chances are mat the-io will bo very few sheep in this vicinity in a fow years. FOU SALE. I 'A ACHES OF TIMRKR LAND near J OU Huminervllle. Hoth residence and business property in the cities of Union and l.a Uranile, cheaper than tho cheapest. MO-tf. J. R. CRITES. REMINISENCES. Talk About The Early Days of Union. SOME30F THE OLD TIMERS. How Mall Was Received The Stock Bus inessThe Mines. Editoii OitKooK Scout: Union with the electric light. Union to have awoolen mill I To old timers who remember Union in its infancy it seems almost incredible. Time works wonders. Mr. Peter Cofl'iu and my father in tho full of 18G2 located on Catherine creek !120 acres of land on what is known as the Coffin farm. Then this was a wild Indian country, no settlement near, Powder River diggings, (old Auburn) and Walla Walla being tho nearest. There was only four settlers on Catherine creek at that time Mr. Conrad Miller, who settled on the Miller farm whero the flouring mill now stands, Mr. E. II. Lewis, who still holds tho fort on his original location, and is a hale and hearty old gentleman yet, Mr. M. C. Israel, who settled on tho farm now owned by Mr. Geo. Ames, aud Mr. Fred Nodine who located on tho farm now known as the Swackhamer place in North Union. Mr. Nodino that summer cut and stacked tho first hay ever put up on the creek, two or three stacks. Ho cut the hay up and down the creek where it grew the best. He had to haul it on brush, having no wagon. The Indians came down and run off his mules. He tracked them out in tho mountains east of Union for somo distance, but could not overtake them, so he lost his mules, also tho Indians. He then heard of a man over at Walla Walla who had a few head of cows for sale. He went over and purchased them and that was his first start in cattle in Grande Rondo valley, an industry that made him ono of the most successful stock raisers of Eastern Oregon. Late in the fall of 1802 John An drew Jackson Chapman and Mr. Hen ry located 320 acres of land this side of Catherine creek, where the business part of Union is now located. Sonic time after Mr. Nodine bought Mr. Chapman's land and the Into Mr. Sam'l Hannah bought Mr. Henry's land. In 1870 I was working for Mr. Hannah in his store and ho offered mo the land, with the exception of a few lots sold, for $500. I did not know enough to buy. Seven or eight years after that he sold it for if 1700 to Mr, Abo Eaton, who mado a sinallj fortune by ins purchase. Mr. Chapman built the first business house in Union, tho old Wright store where the drug storo now is. Ho built the middle building first and after the town was surveyed added on tho front store out to the line. In 1803 thero was somo emigration to Union. Tho war was whooping things up lively back east and many came tho plains across to cscapo tho terrors of civil war. Union and vicini ty caught some of tho emigrants, many of them stopped and made somo of our best citizens. The late Mr. W. T. Ficklin arrived at Union, "busted," with a largo fami ly, his wagon drawn by two cows. Ho bought tho old Ficklin farm of Mr, John Dobbins, and it proved to bo a fino farm. Mr. Ficklin was a fine man for the place, kind, good hearted and a gentleman. Peace to his ashes Letters came to Union m early days directed to ''Catherine creek, Grande Rondo valley, Oregon, care of C. Ja cobs & Co., Walla Walla, W. T." Tho mail was brought over on horseback tho carrier charging seventy-fivo conts for his trouble. It was three months before you could send a letter and re ceive an answer from tho cast, iuuil went to Portland and then by steamer by tho way of the Isthmus of Panama. I ho fall of 02 Boiso Basin was struck and in tho spring of 'G3 excitement ran high. Tho roads through Grande Ronde woro lined with pack trains. Tho Coffin ranch, Union and tho Proc tor place in Pylo canyon did u rushing business feeding man and beast. From that time on Union commenced to grow. Tho growtli of tho town has been slow but sure. Sometime in the futuro it will bo a largo town. It may not bo in our lime, but it will surely bo to in tho sweet by and by. C. F. HlNCKI.KY. THE COUHTY SEAT. A Resident of Indian Valley Talks Sensibly on the County Seat Question. Ei-niN, Oregon, March 21. 1890. Emtoii Okkbon bcout: As tho time approaches for tho peo ple and taxpayers of tho county to decide as to whether or not the county seat shall bo moved to La Grande or remain where it is, persons who feel an interest in the matter begin to question themselves as to what course is best to pursue in tho matter. Self interest and of the county gen erally will prompt a very largo major ity to vote to luivo the county seat re Silverware, Guns main whoie it is. Why? Simply bo cause our county buildings are amply sufficient for tho prevent. Union is near the geographie.il center of the county andjthero npirenrs nt tho pre sent time no necessity for any change. Our county is already largely in debt aggregating something like $70,000 and a change in the county seat would increase our indebtedness from $0,0l)0 to 7",000 making a total debt of about $150,000. Besides this if the county rent is moved to La Grande it is there at the extreme western side of the county is neither central nor conven ient for a majority of tho taxpayers and persons who necessarily attend the seat of government for business purposes. It renders it very inconven ient to our brethren in the southeast ern portion of tho county who are al ready far enough away from the county seat. At the present tinio any dis ruption or any measures which are likely to produce disruption in our county within its business or bounda ries should not be toler.Ued. Wo are now on the era of what must be doomed a new era for us. Railroad building interlocking our country is just com mencing and th-' changes that will be wrought in business aud business centers in the next few years wo can hardly conjecture and it certainly would now be wise for the people to get in now an 1 mako costly changes that they may be sorry for in two or three years. For the convenience of every section we fool that tho county seat should bo on the Hunt line of railroad as there is but little doubt but it will be extended from Union down through the Lower Powder river country and tap not only tho rich agricultural and mining districts of the southeastern portion of our coun try but alto opening a fino mining country on the other side of Snake river. This will put tho people of the northern portion of our country in direct railroad communication with those in tho southeastern portion and not only furnish convenient traveling facilities for the people but afford a splendid market at their verv doors for their surplus products. With the county seat remaining when it now is, the building and ixK'iidiug of Hunt's lino of railroad through tho entire length of our mineral and agricultural resources, resulting from the sumo will add very greatly to our unity, wealth and importance and attract to us business enterprises that will bo worth thousands of dollars to us. Agitation and changes in business, county seat tights and local wrangles liro very detrimental to tho interostd of a county or slate. It detracts capital from being investod and deters immi gration. The present county neat agi tation has been thousands of dollars injury to us in many respects and the only redeeming feature of it is that it no doubt has hastened tho incoin ing'of tho Hunt road, our greatest boon. It is certainly not to tho best interests of taxpayers and the people generally to move tho county scat at the present time and whilo wo of the northern end of tho county believe it to be to our best interests to have the county seat remain whero it is for tho present, it seems to u:i that it is also better for tho.county generally. There is hard ly any reason to doubt but that with in -1 or .) years our southeastern brolh orn will desire to be divided oil' into a county to themselves aud when that occurs we shall neither want tho county seat at La Grande nor Union and wo would then ptobably agitato again for a roinoval. LutH keep tho county scat where it is till wo see whero wo want it in the futuro. CoNHKItVATlVi:. Two Through Trains Baeh Way. Tho above trains afford the quickest tinio between thu Northwest Pacific Const and Eastern und Southern points. Dotailed timo of lining, rates, through tickes, Baggage Checks etc., can bo procured upon application to any iVgent of tho Union l'acifio System. "Tho Limited Fast Mail" trains are equipped with Pullman Palaco and Colonist Sleepers, Dining Cars Chair Cars and Coaches, ami run solid be tween Portland and Chicago, daily, without change. The "Overland Hyer" trains aro equipped with Pullman Palaco Sleepers and coaches, between Portland and Council Bluff, and with Pullman Colonist Sleeper between Portland and Kansas City, daily without ehnngo. Commencing with Sunday, March 2nd, both first aud fee -"ond-claw) tickets will be honored on "The Limited Fast Mail," trains 3 and J, a well also on tho "Overland Flyer Nog. 1 and 2. Connection are made at Pocatello with through train to und from Salt Lake, aud at Cheyenne with through trains to and from Denver, Kaunas City and St. Louis. t. w. mi--, Utm'l Pam. Agt. Tho "Eli" mky or Gang I'lowi, tho Havanna Pro Drill a, id the Zig-Zag j all steoln harrow with the improve ments mado for J?V'), make tho best aud most satiNfai toiy outfit of spring farming 4.:ijleni uu now offorod in this nuilvt For sale by Frank Bros. Impkm nt " . at La Grande, or Ul.uul City, and Corwiu C. Coffinberry Union. 'and Amuniiion Just- IN THE EAST. Description of a Visit to the Ilawkeye State. RECALLING SOME EARLY SCENES. Sojourning Among tho Farmers or Kansas- -Notes by tho Way. ICsboN, Knuni, March 2IJ, 189 J. UniTou Onuoox Scoirr: My last letter to the Scorr was written from my native Hawk-eyo state. My mission there was to onco more see relatives and friends of my voutli.aiul view again those familiar ! scones which by intuitive love wo in ! olino to lemoinber. While changes ! innumerable confronted me in tho I line of progressive, changeable and perishable humanity, yet in nature's J work-shop there are few changes. I Tho old landmarks aro as unchanged , in appearance as 1 left thorn nearly twenty yearn ago, and as, prehnps, a ! hundred' vears hence will find them; tho same soil yields tho samo product to tho farmer for his toil, and tho same sun lends its life-invigorating inllucnco to feeble vegetation in its infancy, while each and all, respectively, play their part in tho groat drama of na ture, for as tho melancholy, yet immortal Knox so beautifully sang: " avo tho same our fathors have been Wesee the same sights our fathers have seen Wo drink the same stream and view the SHtlll! sun And run the same raco our fathers have run.1' I spent several weeks in paying my respects to friends of other days, and would suggest to my Oregon friends if any there bo who have been many years away from the scones of their childhood) that even a fow weoks spent in a like manner is, I think, in many instances worth more than hundreds of dollars invested in apotlioearv m'Gpo and "hieh like" 1 saw the old school houso whore by degrees I had pumped and thumped into my space-box tho significance of tho first letter of tho nlphabot. Had 1 then been able to realize the intiin sic value of a "full caso of nonpariol" for a "long take on piece work" 1 might, possihiy have tookoii jnoio zealously to my p's and q' and filled up that space box, besides providing mysolf with a more liberal distribu tion of "sorts." If you don't under stand that "typo-ieal" illustration ask Brownlow, or your worthy state print er, liven my old friend of tho hal cion days of yore, Jap Stevens, might yet remember enough of tho avoca tion of his boyhood to get tho idea. But to return to that old school-house "whore 1 played upon the greon somo twenty yeais ago." Yes, it is "altered now and tho benches aro roplaced." It has even been moved to the village near by and occupies the very promi nent position of a public institution. It was on tho occasion of tho weokly coining togethor of a powerful organ ization known as tho Slumptown literary and debating club that I sat as an honorary member of tho aforo-1 said Kocioly and listened to bewilder ing flights of eloquence such as would almost thrill tho verybonos of a Web ster, Clay or Patrick Henry to tako hi' opiration, hook-up their joints, as it were, and stride forth in tho land in the dead hour of night to light anew tho battles of tho past and "dio" yes I know they would havo wanted to dio "like dogs." But if thoy had como out thorn would havo been bloodshed you-botchor-lifo, for we woro ready for 'em. Tho ghoulish forbodings of ovil seemed to lurk in tho very frame-work of the faithful old building whoso walls have been so often tried by similar outbursts of oratory, but tho tondor inomories of the past wero so rifo with in my breast that I would roadily havo staked my life-blood on getting away if tho opportunity could havo boon presented. Tho ouoslion was, "re solved that intemperance has caused more suffering than all other evils combined" ami thero was not enough of either side of tho question loft to excite a remark unless tho remark was naturally a little excitable. But tho ghosts of theso great men evident ly know that the Stump Junction do bating club was in dead earnest with blood in itn oyo and boing wise men thoy took advico from each other. But I will leave the old school-house to niinglo with other scenes and travorso the old path through tho lonely wood whero, tin a barefooted boy I havo wended my way to ischool. How and why tho lanes and by-waya wero so seemingly diminutive in length may, prohiijis, bo iiccouutod for by n vnrya tiug vissiou that expands and diminish es according to tho weather. Soon I stood at the threshold of tho houso wlioro I was born, and all nature seomod hushed and silent as I knocked at tho old broken door and cast a weird glanoo at my old asli-hoppor play ground whilst waiting a strangers welcome. It came in tho person of a black-oycd little houso-wifo with three little ohargufl to keop who stared at mo in blank burpriso as I oxplaiuod to their mother why 1 wished to too Received at A. N. the old home again. Hut a few mo ments idle chut, whilst my thoughts and eyes wore vaguely employed, wero sufficient to garner all thu fruits that my estimate of this visit oft fondly anti cipated, but now less fondly realized, could suggest, so I went my way, while my unpoetic mind mused again in the line of such thoughts as is not given mo tho power to compose in rvthinatic verso: ''The leaves of the oak and willow shall fade He scattered around aud teu'etlu'r he laid, Ami the young and thu old and thu low and the high Shall moulder to dust and together shall lie." While there was an occasional va cant chair to make the truthful signi ficance of thu above lines more real, there were many new facea that had joined in lifes giddy whirl, and thus tho world rolls onward, ever onward. After a few weeks sojourn in tho vi cinity of Iowa City I bearded the Rock Island via Omaha Lincoln and Be atrice, Neb., for tho jxiint from which I now write. Hero I havo a brother with a wife and four children who has heard the dismal wind of Kansas sing its doleful dirgo for about a dozen years. He was among the first set tlers of Jewell county and saw its pop ulation grow even in that time from nothing to twenty thousand and ita wild prairies transformed into a mod ern Egypt of corn. The farmers don't need to provide cribs for their corn here, but spill it down on tho ground of two or threo thousand bushels in a I pile. Thoy usually crib tho shelled corn, however, and feed it in that form, and tho cobs are used for fuel. Crops are not a dead certainty hero, as thero was almost a total failuro hero in 18S7, but farmers havo fared pretty well, nevertheless, when compared to othor localities, and woro it in tho order of things for tho farmers to bo allowed anything moro than a bare living after the shylocks havo got their numerous pounds of llesh, tho lands of tho much maligned Kansas would blossom as the roso, and merry groups of happy children would frolic and prosperity smile in localities whero now tho wind blowoth whero it listeth and no human voice nll';::)', wilh its moluneli;; song. I will probably take in sonid iiioro of the wooly west and then bring up" in Union. W. H. MCo.MA.s. ELQ1N ECHOES. Lato Improvornonts Railroad Work A Dwelling Houbo Burned, Snydor Bio's, barber shop is nearly completed. Mr. John Elliott says ho is going to take in tho World's fair. Hon. E. E. Taylor is tho ownor of two blooded hound pupa which ho got Eomowhero in Idaho. Carpenters aro busy horo now and will bo for a long time. This is no mushroom boom. Mr. A. C. Courtney has bought tho Galloway hotel and will soon build a largo addition thereto. Tho roads are very bad. Our stago diivcr and four passengers had to camp all night under a tree recently, within two miles of town. A dwolling houso bolonging to Sim. Boly, four miles northeast of town, was distroyed by (ire on tho 22nd inst. John Graham was living in tho houso at the time. Fortunately tho firo was discovered in tinio to savo most of his household goods. Mr. Neal McLeod, boss of tho grado work for tho U, P. railroad is doing good work. He has nearly finished ono half mile at this writing. Consid erable timbor has been cloarcd from tho right-of-way. Largo stumps can bo Boon quite adistauco from tho grade that wero blown thero by tho blasting powdor. JOSEPH JOTTINQS. Mr. J. A. Wright lost ono of his best cows rccontly. Mr. Ed. Locko and Miss Mary Mainard wero married last Sunday, Tho .dance at Enterprise Saturday night was a success and enjoyed by all in attendance. Mr. It. A. Maslersou has gono to tho hills to look after his sheop, His losses havo been light this winter. Somo of our farmers aro putting out poison for the squirrels. Thoy want to raise a good crop this year. I don't caro if I did got tho G. B. Monday night. It was awful muddy mid a long way to go S. J. Prof, Dunnigan's singing school is ended at Alder, Ho will finish tho Huricano creek school sometime in May. Mr. Chas. Grow lias a Summer's school at tho Threo Buck school house, and Mr. Peter Crow bus a flvo month school at Trout creek. Mr. Choator Martin who has beon bohind tho counter of Wurzwilors storo for tlio past three years has traded lot n place in tho hills. Chester wants to try country lifo. it. it. Qulckl Or you loso it. If you want a cheap lot in Union, call quick or you lo it. Call on Wilson & ilmktiH, nwiwgMi Union Real Estate Association. , 'Gardner & Co's. or