The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, March 27, 1890, Image 1

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    The Orego
NO. 40.
iuirj uniMJun ouuui.
An independent weekly journal, issued ev
ery Thursday morulas; by
Publishers and Proprietors.
t Foreman.
Editor, f
One co
one year $1.;0
Six months 1.00
Three montos 7."
Invariably In Advance.
chance tubsci iptions arc not paid till
nd vj
year, two dollars mil be charged.
Kates of advertising made known on ap
plication. HSfCorrespondence from all parts of the
country solicited.
Adress all communications to the Okcgon
Scout, Union Oregon.
every Sabbath at 11 a.m. und S p. m;
Sabbath school at 10 a. m; praver meeting
Wednesday, at 8 j, m. The Ladies' Mis
sionary Society meets on the fourth Friday
of every month at 2:30 p. m. All cordially
invited. It. II. PAUKElt. Pastor
Architect and Builder,
Drafts, Plans and Designs for Dwellings,
and Bridges furnished on application.
Physician and Surgeon.
Office, one door outh
store, Union, Oregon,
of J. 15. Eaton's
Attorney at Law.
Collecting and probate practice special
ties. Ollico, two doors south of post-ollice,
"Union, Oregon.
J. W. She won.
J. M. Carroll.
Attorneys at Law.
Office : Two doors south of post-ollice, Un
ion, Oregon.
Special attention given all business en
trusted to us.
It. Eakik,
J. A. Eakin,
Notary Public.
Attorneys at Law,
Union, Oregon.
iHEETPronipt Attention Paid to Collect.ons.
Physician unci Surgeon
North Powder, Oregon.
Calls attended to at all hours.
t II. DAY, M. D
Physician ami Surgeon.
Ofllce adjoining Jones Ilro's store. Can
be found nights at residence in South
west Union.
B. F. Wilson.
Notary Public.
.1. IIackktt,
Notary Public.
Attorneys at-; Law.
Collections and all other business entrus
ted to us will receive prompt attention.
A complete abstract of tho land of Union
county in our office.
Managers of the UNION REAL ESTATE
Main Street, Union. Oregon,
Keep constantly on hand
(Opposite tho Court House.)
Mm. O. P. Goodall, Prop.
Tables Furnished with the
Best the Market Afford h
and Prepared by
White Cooks.
NewIIeds and Rooms Neatly Furnished.
Public Patronage Solicited
Cove, Ma rch 2d', 1800.
Rev. Mr. Jackson is holding n scries
of religious meetings at the Morrison
church The attendance is fair.
The camp of graders on the Hunt
extension is now located at the Holmes
bridge on Catherine creek.
The Fred. Mitchell farm has been
deeded to the Imbler Bros. They have
already commenced making necessary
improvements on the place.
The taking of testimony in the water
ditch cases before Referee Slater was
brought to a close Monday. Further
proceedings will probably be resumed
Drake the photographer waB in town
last week. While here ho made
flash light picture of the Cove brass
band, btrange to say tho instrument
came out whole.
Mr. Lyons is in town looking after
theinteiests of the La Grande "Gazotte"
An efl'ort will be made to induce him
to wield his facile Faber, bringing to
light our many attractions and nat
ural advantages.
The summer term of public school
will be opened in Cove April 7th
Miss II. E. Pierce an instructor of
experience lately from Wisconsin has
been engaged as teacher. Tho school
house fence will bo whitewashed, a
new gate built and other necessary
improvements made by the directors.
It is reported in Covo that there is
a klu-klux society in -La Grande which
lias a pleasant custom of decorating
the doors of political -opponents with
skull and cross bones and a notice to
vamose at once. A town including
such citizens within its limits should
certainly be a county seat.
Coveitcs are talking of securing a
franchise to extend a branch of the
Union electric light lino to this place.
This with tho motor line to the Hunt
railway, new water works, a part of
the pipe which has already been ordered
and a cable lino to the summit of
Mount Fanny for summer tourists,
will make us "some punkins" yet.
Mr. Jack Thomas who went last fall
to Iowa with a car load of horses has
returned. He reports tho horse mar
ket overstocked and consequently
sales at a profit are hard to make.
Like most residents of Oregon, since
his trip east he has fallen decidedly
in love with the land of red cheeked
apples and handsome girls. Chas.
Kelly who accompanied him is ex
pected home later.
Dan. Lucas is on the sick list.
The farmers in this neighborhood
are happy to see tho snow go off.
Mr. C. C. Hewitt caught a small
beaver a few days ago.
The wild, yellow spring flowers are
beginning to show themselves.
Born, to the wifo of Al. Graham, of
Clover creek, March 20th, a son.
Mrs. Blade Ashby, of Pylo canyon,
is on Jimmio creek visiting her son.
Plowing has commenced on Clover
creek and it will soon commence here.
Gen'l .1. II. Stevens of Clover creek,
expects to visit La Grande in a few
Mr. Jos. Younces, formerly of Eagle
valley, has moved his family back to
this neighborhood.
Ben. and Cam. Edwards have re
turned from Washington where they
havo been staying for some time.
Mr. John Graham arrived at Clover
creek on tho 20th, from Snake river,
whero ho has been staying all winter.
Mr. John Shaw has been having a
new house built in Clover Creek valley,
which will mako tho valley lookimoro
Mr. W. C. Cusick has been making
preparations to plant cabbage seed
He has got-the soil and knows how to
raise the plants.
Dr. Riggers, of Baker City, was sum
moned the other day to attend Mre.X.
E. Allen of Clover creek. She had the
influenza, but is able to bo about
The Graham Boys, of Clover creel
expect to start for Snake river in .a
few days witii their stock, whero they
expect to resido and engage in the
stock raising business.
From a private letter written by ray
brother, Frank Bradford, of Nebraska,
wo learn that corn is 1-1 cents per bush
el, and times aro hard. Ho makes in
quiries about Oregon. Ho can learn
something about Oregon by reading
Thk Scout.
The O. N. G. of North Powder, havo
taken in several members lately and
aro now drilling regularly. Some of
tho members who live on Jimmio
creek don't find it as pleasant now as
they thought they would at first, and
on account of tho mud, do not attend
every meeting.
I received a letter from one of The
Scout's correspondents, March 19th,
in regard to that place in tho bible
that I spoke of some time ago, con
cerning the crucifixion of Christ.
What I want to know is, who, did the
work and under whoso influence, if
any, they were?
Nkwton Bkadfoiid.
An Interesting Letter from Our Regular
Correspondent at the Capital.
Wasington,(D. C.) March 14, 1S90.
Editor Okkoon Scout:
Tho Blair educational bill, which
has grown to be a long drawn tale will
come to a vote March 20. Senator
Blair was opposed to this action but
was overwhelmed by the will of the
majority. He seems willing to havo
I the bill before the Senate and to speak
on it himself for the rest of his natural
life. In his speech advocating an
early vote, Senator Frye stated bluntly
that there appeared to bo no desire on
the part of Senators to listen to more
speeches on the educational bill. He
had frequently counted as few as seven
Senators present during the debate.
Finally it was agreed that the bill i
should be before the Senate Tuesday
of next week for discussion. Mr.
Blair will be allowed the floor for a
final hour and more, and the vote
will bo on the amendments and bills.
And thus the agony in tho Senate
will bo over for a time.
Senator Dolph's investigating com
mittee has about terminated its labors,
Mr. Dolph is now busily engaged upon
what it is supposed is his report on tho
case, but its tenor is not revealed. Mr.
Dolph's adherents in tho Senate arc
growing beautifully fewer, and it now
appears that he will not havo a major
ity to back him when the resolution to
punish the newspaper correspondents
for contempt conies to a final vote.
The outcome of the matter will probably
bo tho discussion with open doors of
the proposition to discontinue the
practice of considering nominations in
secret session. The feeling is growing
that tho secret session privilege has
been abused, the only things of suffi
cient importance to necessitate secret
sessions 'being important treaties and
there has been no important treaty in
twenty years.
If the decision of tho House is con
curred in by the Senate the Territory
of Oklahoma will be a thirfty land, at
least until the legislature of the new
territory acts on the subject. The dis
cussion in the House was lively and
good humored. Tho result of the vote
was a triumjsh for prohibition, but as
it only holds good until tho meeting
of the legislature it is of doubtful
utility. The strong prohibition move
ment to forbid the introduction of
intoxicating liquors into tho territory
for any purpose, the only thing that
could absolutely prohibit a liquor
traffic, failed.
Ex-Reprosontativc William Preston
Taulbee, who was shot in one of tho
corridors of the House by Charles E.
Kincaid, coraespondent of the Louis
ville Times, died Tuesday morning.
Kincaid lies in jail utterly prostrated,
and in his delicato condition of health
seems likely io go into a decline, in
which death will outstrip the law.
Public feeling ds much divided as to
merits of tho cao, tho murderer have-
ing zealous friends and being criticised
on the other hand for shooting his mail
in the back. Tho. defence will be con
ducted by Representative McCrcary,,
who represents the districts adjoining
that formerly represented by Taulbee,
and by Representative Ctruth, formerly
tho brilliant and dashing and fircy
prosecuting attorney at Louisville,
Tho defenco first undertook to enlist
the services of Senator Blackburn but
tho wily Joo was not eager to tako
hold of a case over whiok feeling may
run high and bitter iu Kentucky.
Taulbee, despite the scandal which he
blindly entered a year or m ago, and
out of which grew his death, retains
aaany friends in Kentucky. Tho press
generally will support Kincaid, believ
ing that he had boen hounded until
life was made a burden by Taulbee for
simply doing his duty as a newspaper
man. Inasmuch as hangings are rare
in Washington aim murders many,
the defendant has tho advantago of
precedents in his favor. Ho could
not, however, survive three or four
years imprisonment unless his health
should show marked improvement.
The board of pension appeals in tho
Interior department proper is in arrears
about two years with its work. Thcro
aro now on hand 3C00 appeals and
they are coming oil at tho rate of threo
hundred per month. The forco on
hand is disposing of thorn at the rate
aboutjj one hundred per month. Of
course a great majority of these appeals
have been filed by ignorant and in
competent "pension attorneys." A
knowledge of law is not required in
order to practice before tho Pension
Bureau. These men blindly appeal
any case that may strike their fancy.
What eases thoro aro of merit aro thus
held back. Still, as there is no power
to prevent these bunglers from making
foolish appeals, and as every appeal
must receive consideration and an
exhaustive reply, Congress should see
that the claims of merit are not held
back by sufficiently increasing the
board as to enable it to keep up with
its work.
.1. 11. C
i Somo Excellent News Items and Pointers
by Our Correspondent, "Homo."
Mnich 24th 1S90.
Mrs. Emnm Gagnou is visiting her
mother at Pendleton.
fieorgo Baugher will tako his family
to Montana for a protracted visit with
a son-in-law.
We see our friend Bert Hutl'mim can
wield the ox gad as well us the vicious
Faber. Success to his ingenuity.
Wilkinson it son have a line lot of
dry lumber for sale at the saw mill.
They will soon begin this season's
R. V. Davis 1ms returned from
Portland whore he sought relief through
a noted Oculist in a sevore case of
granulated soro eyes.
Mr. M. E. Wilkinson is raising an
elegant crop of whiskers and tho most
bewitching smiles of the young ladies
all point in his direction.
Our school board have hired Mr.
Nathaniel Conklin to teach our school
tho second term. Ho comes on his
own merits and recommendations
already proven by experience.
High valley wants a music teacher
and would prefer a sedate old maid,
very astute in all things, with a gentle
touch as of tho angels above, a voice
of Patti cnduiing to the end and ever
lasting. What is termed the floating popula
tion at elections is usually a class of
men whom it would improvo if they
would quit floating and dive a few
times. The ilouting population of La
Grande would bo very much improved
by a bath.
School district No .'15 in High valley
havo ordered a special meeting of tho
taxpayers and patrons of the school to
raise means for a new school building, subscription or tax. Nothing
is eo much desiied as a new house by
the majority.
Yes, Martin and his mate started to
tho party but lo! the cayuso was a
chip out of tho old block and lay down,
to take a drink, throwing the fair rider
"coiflumax" in tho water, chilling every
desire to tip tho light fantastic and
causing tho immediate return to
mother for ropairs. Tho course of
true love never did run smotho. j
Now that the weather is somewhat
changeable our health man dropped in
and gave us tho following hints which
it would lie well for us all to follow :
Don't shako a hornet's nest to sco if
any of the family aro at homo. Don't
try to tako tho right-of-way from an
express train. Don't blow in tho gun
your grandfather carried in tho war of
1812; it is more dangerous now than it
was then. Don't hold a wasp by tho
other end while you thaw it out in
front of tli) stove to sec if it is alive ;
it is generally alive. Don't try to por
suade a bulldog to give up a yard of
which ho is in possession ; possession
is ton points of law, Don't go to bed
with your boots on ; this is ono of tho
most unhealthy practices that a man,
especially a married man, can bo
addicted to, L)on'tgosleighridingm tho
cnud; you aro likely to get mad and say
something you otherwise would not.
Tho grumbler who is all for self and
naught for his neighbor, who tears
dswn others that lie may survive ojkI
climb upwards, who rides as a dead
weight on tho car of progress and refus
es to roll a wheel, him does tho now
city pity and despise. It wants broad
minded men in council, men who lovo
their town and who will make sacrifices
for its welfare. Tho council is whero
the fittest survive, whore the hustlers
aro in tho swim. All may bo invited,
none are barred. Tho qualifications
for membership are money, brains and
grit, whoever lots not possess a
reasonable sharo of thcho would bo of
little use. Tho city of Union to-day has
no room for tho croaker and heaven
can never ho tlie Home oi the man
whoso voice is always raised against a
good movo. Wo havo men in our
midst precious few to tho city's joy
who are absolutely without an excuse
for living. "Kick" is their watchword
and they oboy so well that their very
presence is a nuisance. Somo ono has
said, and said well, that the guinea lien
and a couple of crws can drown all
the bird music in tho field and wood.
So can two or threo groatiers and
croakers in a community put a dumper
on lifo and buisuess.
Its stockInierestj folntars on tho Po
luteal Situation.
i'ri-KK Wallow . Mnivh 22, NO. j
KntTOit OiMifiox Scout: J
Tho weather has moderated some i
since niv last, but tho hills and high j
valleys are still undersnow. Stock are !
still dying in some localities, being too
weak to climb tho steep sides of the
canyons to grass.
The destructive winter, coupled with
tho almost lawless extravagance of
some of our republican eountv ollicials
will rest heavily upon tho shoulders of
tho taxpayers of the county, My
neighbor says the 1(5 months of repub
lican rule in tlds county is only a pre
lude to what is to follow. If this be
true the exodus from this county will
bo very marked, in the near future.
Throe men have announced their
fitness and their willingness to act as
high sheriff of Wallowa county pro
vided tho republicans will honor and
trust them. They aro D.uirnncc, Er
win and Funk. 1 am told 1). B. Hon
vis is also a candidate for sheriff, but
I do not know to which party he looks
for tho nomination. L. J. House, the
present incumbent, announces him
self as a candidato for re-election as
county clerk. 1 am told .1. A. Humble
aspires to same honors as Mr. House.
Mr. Rouse holds the key to tho post
tion. Ho is of Enterprise, Mr. Hum -
bio is of Joseph. Tho republicans of
Joseph are dependent upon the repub
licans of Enterprise for political
crumbs. Tho lines aro as taut as they
were when tho key to tho eountv seat
was located at Enterprise. Tho Chief
tain of tho tilth inst. sounds a note of
w irniug on this subjoct. At our last
election for county officers Josopli got
the assessor and treasurer, whilo En
terprise got all t lie rest. Tho editor of
tho Chieftain slaps tho republicans of
Enterprise full in tho face when ho
says "When we say a good ticket,
wo mean ono composed of men that
will fill tho respective offices with
ability and fidelity to tho county's in
terest. The peoplo will demand such
men at the coming election." Now,
when it is known that O. A. Hinohart,
tho ex-incflicient sheiilf and the bung
ling and expensive county court aro
all Enterprise men, ono will see tho
full forco and intent of Editor Mc
Cully's remarks. It seems to mo it
would be well for the coming republi
can county convention for this county
to subject its self-offered fitness for fa
vors to a short catechism. It should
not bo too long or there might bo
trouble iu completing tho jury.
Cakomni: C
Thol'irst of a Berlin ofLettora toheRo
coivefl from the South.
I!i:hi:au Soiithhu.n" Nkws, I
liAi.Hnm, X. C?
Editoic Oki-mon Scout:
Tho great desire of tho general public
is to know what is transpiring through
out tho civilized and uncivilized world.
Many northorn peoplo think tho South
is a part of the uncivilized ; that it is
inhabited by mosquitoes, negroes, and
cut throat and aristocratic whites ; that
it is largely covorod with swamps, and
that there is little iu tho section to
commend it to tho best class of peoplo.
Tho majority of the writers and corres
pondents of tho Southern News Bureau
are of northern birth, uud tho General
Manager takes this opportunity to say
that ho has selected them equally from
the two great political parties, Repub
lican and Democratic; and that a
truthful, fair and candid statement of
facts as they exist and transpire in this
part of tho Union, shall bo given.
Your rcudorsaro doubtless interested
iu the mannerof living of tho sourthorn
peoplo ; what tho land is capable of
producing how the farmers plant and
harvest; how cotton, rice, peanuts,
sugarcane and oranges aro cultivated,
AW these subjects will be taken up and
interesting pen piottiros of "down iu
Dixie" will bo given, Tho news of tho
day will bo reported, Tho readers of
theso letters will bo kept fully posted
as to what the Southerners aro doing
iu the industrial world. For instance,
it is reported this weak that the
greatest smoking tobacco factory in
tho world, "Tho Durham Bull," of
Durham, N. 0., has boon purchased by
an English syndicate for threo and a
half million dollars. This business
was owned equally by a southern and
a notthern linn, and was started not
I many years ago
with less than ten
I thousand dollars.
Tlio-e interested iu tho mineral re
sources will be ported as to the latest
news in this line. We have this week
tho great gold tind in Montgomery
j Cou ty, X. C, where in less than a
j week, in ono s ot, there was taken out
j of surface or placer mines by cradle
I working, one hundred and fifty thous
and dollars worth of the precious metal.
Those who think the South is ono
vast stretch of sand ami swamp aro
very much mistaken. There aro lofty
mountains of more than six thousand
feet elevation ; fertile valleys through
which How streams that afford many
opportunities for (ho utilization of
power by tho capitalist and manufact
urer; immense fotests of oak; hickory,
walnut and other woods; beautiful
hills covered with native grass and
underlaid with almost every known
mineral and precious stone. It was a
northern man's good fortuno to find in
tho South a mine from which is taken
a stone more rare than tho diamond,
and equalling it in value. This mino
was discovered by Prof. Hidden, and
in honor of him tho stones aro termed
Hiddenites. Among tho mountains
the trout fisherman finds tho finest
sport, while tho woods and fields
abound witii quail. Tho largest sport-
1 bur club in America owns the riirht nf
hunting ovor a wide territory in tho
Piedmont section and has an annual
trial of bird dogs.
It is about this wonderful unknown
Southland that we propose to furnish
information from week to week. Ono
of tho principal features will bo our
descriptive letters. "How to mako
money at farming in the South." Wo
will start out next week with, "Tho
physical geography of tho South," and
follow with "How cotton is planted
and cultivated." With this letter wo
send to the editor a packago of cotton
seed so that those interested in tho
subject may seo the seed of plant from
which the larger part of our clothing
is mado. Tho seed will germinate and
grow if planted in hothouses about tho
first of May; so tho lady friends of tho
editor can speak in advanco for a
cotton seed to plant.
We will treat of tho humorous side
of lifo down South. How Uncle Sambo
and Aunt Dinah spend thoir happy,
contented lives with song and jolly,
health-giving fun. Tho letters will bo
made amusing, interesting and instruct
ive. J. T. PATRICK, Malinger
Bureau of Southern News
" --e
Two Through Trains Each Way.
Tho abovo trains afford tho quickest :
tinio between thu Northwest Pacific .
Coast and Eastern and Southorn
Detailed time of trains, rates, through
tiokes, Baggage Checks etc., can bo
procured upon application to any
Agent of tho Union Pacific System.
"Tho Limited Fast Mail" trains aro
equipped with Pullman Palaco ancfi
Colonist Sleepers, Dining Cars Chair
Cars and Coaches, and run solid be
tween Portland and Chicatro. dailv.
without change.
Tho "Overland Flyer" trains are
equipped with Pullman Palaco Sloopers
and coaches, betweou Portland and
Council Bluffs, and with Pullman
Colonist Sleopers between Portland and
Kansas City, daily without change.
Commencing with Sunday, March
2nd, both first and second-class tickets
will bo honored on "Tho Limited Fast
Mail," trains I) and 4, as well also on
the "Overland Flyers," No. 1 and 2.
Connections aro mado at Pocatello
with through trains to and from Salt
Lake, and at Choyonno with through
trains to and from Denver, Kansas.
City and St. Louis.
T. W. LEE,
Gon'l Pass,Agt.
A Safe Investment,
Is ono which Is guaranteed to bring you
satisfactory results, or in caw of failure a
return of purihaso price. On this'snfo plan
you can buy from our advertised druggists
a bottle of Dr. Kinir's Now Dlscovorv for
Consumption. It is guaranteed to bring
relief In (ivory case, when used Mr 'tny af
fection of Throut, Lungt or Chest, such as
Consumption, Iu iiinution of uns-i, llrou
chltlx, Asthma, Whoopliig'.CoiiKh, Croup,
etc. It Is pleimant and ngrceahlo to taite,
perfectly safe, and can always ho deponded
upon. Trial bottles free t It. U. IhowuN
drtifj store, Union, Oregon,
Or you loso it. If you want n cheap
lot in Union, call quick or you lose it.
Call on Wilson it Haekctt, managers
Union Real Estate Association.
es, Clocks, Jewelry,
Silverware, Guns
and Amunition Just
Received at A. N. Gardner & Cos.
Fine Line of Watch