The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, March 13, 1890, Image 1

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JsL J. fi
iv VOL. VI.
NO. ;3S.
fi'HE Oregon Scout.
An Independent weekly Journal, iued ev
ery Thursday niornliu; by
Publishers ami Proprietors.
, K. .Joxns, i
Editor. 1
t 15. OHAXCr.Y,
One copy, one year l..'0
" Six months 1.00
" " 'I'lireu uiontos 7."
Invariably Cash In Advnin'c
If by chance tubtnijitinns are not paid till
end oj year,
two dollars will be ehanjtd.
Hates of advertising made known on ap
plication. lGTCorresromlencc from all parts of the.
country solicited.
Adress all communications to the Okego.v
Scout, Union Oregon.
Pit KS II YT K It r A X CI I U ItC 1 1 .Services
every Sabbath at 11 a.m. amis p. m;
Sabbath school at 10 a. in; prayer meeting
Wednesday, at p, in. The Ladies' li
.sionary Society meets on the fourth Friday
of every month at p. m. All cordially
Ulnvitcd. 11. II. I'AKKKlt. Pastor
Architect and Builder,
Drafts, Plans and Designs for Dwellings,
aud Hridges furnished on application.
Physician and Surgeon.
Oflice, one door outh of J. H. Eaton's
store, Union, Oregon.
Attorney at Law,
Union, Oregon.
Office, one door south of Centennial ho
tel. joiin it.
Attorney at Law.
Collecting and probate practice special
ties. 'Ollicc, two doors south of post-ollice,
Union, Oregon.
J. W. Shkltox.
J. M. Cakkoi.l.
Attorneys at Law.
Ollice : Two doors south of post-oUice, Un
ion, Oregon.
Special attention given all business en
trusted to us.
It. Eakix,
J. A. Eakin,
Notary Public.
Attorneys at Lav,
Union, Oregon.
IST-Proinpt Attention Paid to Collect.ons.
Physician and Surgeon
North Powder, Oregon.
Ibiseasks o f w o m n x a si-ucial t v.
Calls attended to at all hours.
r II. DAY, M. D.,
Physician nmi Surgeon.
S Office adjoining Jones Hro's store. Can
be feund nights at residence in South
west Union.
H. P. Wii-son.
Notary Public.
J. H.uki:tt,
Notary Public.
Attorneys at Law.
Collections and all other business entrus
ted to us will receive prompt attention.
A complete abstract of the land of Union
county in our office,
I Managers of the UNION UK A L ESTATE
Shingles For Sale!
An unlimited amount of No. 1 shingles
fconstantlv on hand and for sale cheap.
' Orders from all parts of the country so-
,iftlted" S. H. HUI1HOUOHS.
3-14 tf Cove, Oregon.
Main Street, Union. Oregon, J
V Keep constantly on hud
Fine Line of Watch
Written for Tun ScofT.i
! Well, wife, fll tell you what's a fact, this j
limit lie an off year.
Tor evcything we touched of late, is a
failure, mighty near.
I aint limeh given to coiuplaiiiin', but these
dark day have brought
A kind of a glooir on my pathway, a sort of
shade on my thought.
You know we've always been savin', and
eloo and honest too;
That we have made every corner meet, anil
never larked somcthin' to do.
Hut somehow or other, this winter, we've
fallen behind in the race.
And that's the reason you sec these tears
upon my wrinkled face.
I couldn't help cryin'.i little when I thought
of our bright days past.
The sweetest of recollections Hocked to me
tiiiclc ami fast.
I thought of our days of courtship, when
you was young and fair;
I could almost see the tlowers I plucked,
bloomin' agin in your hair.
Hut people- must have troubles, just like
old Time has snow,
Hut we were far from divsmin' of trouble
not long ago.
We have worked as epiiet and peaceful as
any two could be;
I workin' hard for you the while, and you
was workin' for me;
Htulit comes to this, dear wife, mortgagin'
the farm;
It 'pears to me like all is lost uothin' for
us but harm.
Yes, we mortgaged the farm, dear wife
mortgaged tlie farm to-day;
j Seems to be a fearful step, when heads like
I ours are gray;
Hut what is one to do, Sarah, what is a fel
ler to do,
With food to buySand debts to pa', when
they're old as me and you?
We ain't like we used to be, dear wife, when
Jirst we labored here
(1 feel my old eyes siuartin' with somethin'
like a tear,)
For then we were young and happy and
wasn't lame, you see,
And niakin a livin, in them days, wife, was
nothin, for you and inc.
The house was new them days you know,
the fields were gay and green,
And the Yard with flowers you planted was
theiplctwaiitest ever seen;
Hut since them days great changes have
wroimht with a quiet hand;
Wc have seen a score of changes as they
sped across the .land.
We have trudged along together through
many a rainy day;
Hut this is tlie darKestday! it seems
so, any way;
For to-day the farm we've lived by for two
score years and more,
Is mortgaged for money to live on, and wc
arc mighty poor.
I didn't dream of this, dear wife, when I
asked you to be mine ;
When I saw the fervent love for me, deep
down in your blue eyes shine;
I didn't know the creeping years would
steal your charms away;
I didn't know we'd mortgage the farm as
we have done to-day.
Hut I've been just as faithful as any man
could be;
I've tried to makeyou happy, as you have
done with me;
Hut some how or other, Sarah can't tell
how it come,
Since we've got old, a lot of care has hov
cred 'round our home.
Last season, you know, the old horso died
that wo have drove for year
(You know that day on mv old face you
saw the lirst mark of tears.)
And John has left; well, he is right; he's
thirty-six, you know;
He's been a good son to us both poor boy
we'll let him go.
We won't bo here much longer, hut then
I'd like to see
'Ilns homestead go to the children from
'cumbranscs all free.
Don't cry, old mate, I know it's tough for
you and me to bear;
I never thought our happy lot'could nour
ish seeds of care;
Hut then we hadn't orter grieve, for just
look back and sec;
Forty long years we've jogged along, jolly
as we could be;
We could think of no dark sorrows in nil
that lino of years,
And now we're gcttin' old and gray, we
have to shed some tears.
It amt been long, old helpmate, since them
dhi'cyes of blue
Was glowln, full as lovely as when I first
taw you ;
Audit haint been very long, you know
about two years or three.
That not a slnglo chup around would think
of wrtstlin' me. '
Your butter was just us yellow as any that
went to town,
And when wo asked him thirty cents, the
clerk would never frown ;
So we're forgetful of all our past, it 'pears
in this dark day.
Hut somehow or other, saruh, can't laugh
It all away.
Union, Or , March 0, IKK).
Quick I
Or you loeo it. If you want a cheap
lot in Union, call quick or you loeo it.
Call on Wilson .t I laokott, managers
Union Ileal Estate Association.
ies, Clocks, Jewelry,
CnVK.Mnreh 12. ism.
Jennie West of East Portland
i is visiting relatives m Cove.
! Covoitosjaro getting anxious to com
I menee work in their strawberry beds.
Horn, to the wife of Mr. Geo, lless,
March -Itli, a blushing daughter. Geo.
is still bedfast but his physician hopes
for the best.
Letters remaining uncalled for m
the Cove post orliee: L. E. Eckersly,
Lea Smith F. A. Wilbert. .Iam-kk G.
STr.VKNs: P. M.
Mr.. Edward Stearns, is on a visit
e 11 . 1 ttt 111?
,lu,MO "" 1'"1' ""J"!
naturally ot an allectionate disposition
I and brought a pet with him
Tho shnrp shooters among the
Union Rod and Gun club have not
yet showed up. The Cove sports ate
mviniic tn fiwf. (lii nilil nf line time
Mr. Wm. Minor who recently drove
his sheep to the Cove from Snake river, i
sold the remainder of his flock, some
700 head, to Win. Hoothe. The price j
paid was JjW.OO.
Messcrs. Anderson and Hess have j
rented the Payne dairy farm for the
ensuing year. Airs. Anderson lias
purchased an incubator and will try
her hand raising poultry by artificial
Several loads of baled hay wcro ta
ken from the Cove to Medical Springs
this week. Tho Springs people must
bo decidedly short of fodder to haul
it so far over such rough roads as this
country now allbrds.
Mr. A. S. Swain met with a severe
and painful accident last Sunday,
lie was riding horse back near town
when his horso fell throwing him and
breaking his collar bone. I)r llardridgo
attended to the sullbrcr's wants and
ho is now doing as well as could be
The much talked of ditch cases will
bo tried before referee .1. D. Slater in
Cove commencing Marcli I7th The
Jtecs Connor case will be heard first.
When concluded the French Hlooin
case will be called. These contests
will probably be largely attended as it
is believed interesting evidence will
be procured.
Maud Tinkham, Clara Yowcll, and
Etta Ilun'nian.of Pyle Canyon attended
tho teachers' institute in Union last
Groves it Kalkner, tho loggers of
North Powner wero down recently to
try getting home teams on tho Hunt
Warren Ilirdsel was elected director,
and W. 11. Hud'inan clerk, of Pyle
canyon district No. !H, at tho recent
school election.
The voting place designated in Telo
caset by the county court, is Cates'
barn. That honorable body must talce
tho Antelope voters for horses.
Every little creek is swollen to man
ly proportions of late, They aro liko
the boys who went to North Powder
on New Year's night, "quito full."
Tho canyons near here aro loaded
with drifts that will linger through
long weeks of sun. July will find
plenty of snow in sight of Telocaset.
Chas. F. Hinckley will take his de
parture for Northern Montana in a
fow weeks, where ho lias some rich
quartz miucs on tho string. Success
to Charlie.
From tho result of tho school meet
ing at Union, it would seem that en-
tiro strangors stand a better show in
that place than peoplo who wero raihed
in tho town, and well known.
John Brooke, our former neighbor,
who recently visited England, is on
his way to this good land of good
living and gold. Ho will engage in
the brick making business at Mt. Tabor.
Minnick "savics" tho Mormon. His
last letter is as good as lots of chapters
in history pertaining to that peoplo. 1
Utah owes its present stato of advance j
ment and wealth to the efforts of tho 1
hurdv pointer Mormons. I
What is tho matter with tho Pino j
valloy agitator? Has tho sudden do-j
parture of his opjmnent shocked him
into quietude? And still "tho oven ;
flow of life moves calmly on," without i
Middleton or Knowles.
Silverware, Guns
Prkst. Ymi see this piece of pork.
It has three parts fat, loan and skin.
That is a representative of the trinity.
Three are one, ami one is three. Fa
ther, son, and holy ghost all make up
the one liody. Fat, lean ami okin
make one piece of jiork. See?
Tahnage preached hi lat sermon
on Henry W. Grady. If he could trims
fer his allegiance from the Jew to Grady,
and engage in the education and no-
t i!f(;.
Ulllll VI UlU -I'ltill Mint 4tO VTIIilll- It
jmn(f ,,, .V0llll- 1m, morc in kot.j)ing
. with UksQ mU(T lhlva
! . ,. . . , .
i I here is a tiger at large m Antelope
j n(luil. Thov trkvl (0 vote a ,cll0ol
tix, and now the populaca Iw blood
: ;, , ...... ,,,, , , . . ,
the district, and it is about tf) distract
tho divider. Such is life in the wide
iin,i windv world around Telocaset.
Those who have not road "Cleopatra"
tne story running in ihf wchji't now,
j have missed half their lives. Kider
J Haggard's endeavors come to a climax,
I most assuredly, in this magnificent
production. "I am dying Egypt, dying"
Such beautiful pon portraits haro never
before been turned to the fond gaze of
the reading world.
Four faces glowed 'round the walnut stand,
Four faces the lamplight kised;
We dealt the cards with a guarded liniul,
And seemed to study tho problems grand
In a quiet game of whM.
Yes, quiet perhaps, if such could be
With two girls in the crowd;
And two wild boys as gay mid free
As the winds that rove from sea to sea,
And voices half as loud;
Twas a pleasant sight to watch each face
(llow bright as the big curds fell ;
Then to watch eight bunds with a skillful
Placing the suits in their rightful place
Then four mouths whisper "well."
Then to see eight eyes with a roguish look
Across tho table glance,
As they stud v each partner's fuee like a boolj
And try to divide by hook or crook
If lie holds higtittmps, perchance.
And when the moment comes to proceed,
It is funny then you know,
To see 111c make a brilliant lead.
Looking as if I would rue the deed,
And ready to say "just so.''
Hut wc took the trick. .My ace was koimI;
And I followed it with the king;
Two tricks we have; they said 'twas rudo,
Hut I tried the queen in hor womanhood
And found it just tho thing.
Well this is all. The tfamo we won ;
(It could not he otherwise.)
We led our trumps out one by one.
And they said at lust when the game was
We gave them quite a surprise.
One thing 1 wish (perhaps its bold)
Hut luaving aside all strife,
1 wish that nartucrand T could hold
The trumps that catch ull the hours of gohl.
In the grand old game of life. .
Editor Scout: It seems a long
time since North Powder wa repre
sented in your valuable paper. Wo
aro having very bad weather hero.
The snow fell throo and one-half inches
last night. Feed for fatoek is scarce.
If tho winter holds out two weeks
longer stock men will suller a great
The M. E. church held a protracted
meeting here for throo weeks with
flattering results. There wero some 10
odd additions to tho church most of
whom are residents of this place. Tho
meeting closed last night.
Tho saloon at this place was closed a
few days ago 011 account of tho pro
prietor's liquor liccneo running out.
Charles Schiedhauer is to open up in
tho saloon business again in this
K Company, 3rd regiment of the
Oregon National Guard, at this place,
have boon recruiting. Wo have now
over fifty members in our company,
tho most of whom are taking great
interest in inillitary tactics, and we
expect to compete with any othor
company in tin's regiment in the near
Is Consumption Inourabls7
Head tho following: Mr. C. II. Morris,
Newark, Ark., ay: "Was down with Ali
ce's of Liiiign, and friends and physician
pronounced uic an Incurable consumptive,
began taking Dr. King'. New Discovery for
Consumption, am now 011 my third bottle,
and able to ovuruft) the work 011 my fsrin.
It is the flutst nitullviiii' ever made."
Jtt6 Mlddlewtitor, Dei utur, hio, iiys :
"Hud It not ben tm Dr. KIuk'h New DU-
rovury for CoiiKUliiplion I would huve died
" J ruu"'r 1 . , Z
torn. Am now in bent 1 t . .1 lb." Trv It.
.. I f rn . .r 1 1 .a
u.,i il,iii,u, t,.m u, ,, . hn,v .i',.r.
land Amunition Just-
M ireh 9, 1M1.
The 'n;ilnde Literary t 'lub
Now meet, at I enter alley,
With William Uaiulall, presiilent,
AikI ('(nley kccpiiiji.tnlly.
And tirit and foremost In debate
I Miller's towerin; form;
While Cowles sits by the lire aud tries
To keep his Ideas warm.
We. Duncan's lofty genious
Ills iKghts of oratory
Hringa forth applaue that seems as If
'Twould lift the upper story.
There's singing songs and playing harps.
And reading pieces funny,
So sail right in and join tho crowd,
If you h.ivo got the monev.
I School begins tomorrow in district
1 No , is.a,l,.n uw.ur
Isaac Chrisman bns inni..l !.! fnli-
' er's old ranch on the sandtidgo for the
1 comiuff vear
coming year.
! At the recent school meeting in dis
trict No. 10, George Miller was elected
clerk and Kd Conley director.
Mrs M. K. Carter who has been vis
iting relatives and friends in this val
ley tho past month, has returned to
her home near Taeonia.
Mr. U. G. Couch and Miss Mamie
McCull, of Island City, will bo married
to-day at Muss Clinpel, at ' o'clock p.
ni. 1ong may they live and prosper.
The sandridge lyceuin at Center val
ley, will discontinue its meeting after
the 22nd of this month. Preparations
are being made to have a urand old
"smash up" on that evening.
Mrs. G. E. Allen, of Clover creek, is
ail'ected with the rheumatism.
Thore will not be much hay left when
spring opens up. Some has been sold
for .f'.l.OO per ton.
The youngest daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Y. II. Station!, of Hog valley, is
siek, but not seriously.
Mr. E. E. Newman, of Ladd Canyon,
who lias been dangerously ill, is re
ported as some bettor.
From a private letter received from
Mr. E. Siiinis, wo learn that lie is well
pleased with Eagle valley.
A little child of Mr. and Mrs.
Durkey, of Clover creek, lias been
dangerously ill for a fow days past.
Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Stallord, of
Hog valley, have an attack of the
California fover, and talk of moving
to that Rtate.
Tho voters of this school district
moot to-dny and elected W. ILStaflbrd
as a director to servo for three years;
W. C. Cusick as clerk, to sorvo for one
Sunday school toucher. "Do you
remember what I talked to you about
last Sunday?" Scholar. "Yes sir;
you talked to us about Christ and tho
twelve opossums."
Tho thorniomoters hero do not seem
to bo on very friendly tonus witli cacli
other. Our coldest morning, Fobruray
27th, 0110 registered I.'!, while another
registered 17 degrees below zero.
They wero about 11 quarter of n mile
I would liko an explanation of tho
fallowing parts of thobiblo. From tho
17th to tho 20th verses of tho 20th
chapter of Mathiow; :52nd to .'15th
versos of tho 10th chapter of Mark;
.'list to .'Mtli verses of tho 18th chapter
of Luke, all of which is concerning
the crticifiction of Christ.
The fcection boss at tunnel No. h
is horohy notified to appear and moot
the Jiminio creekors atthoplaco where
tho railroad crosses Clover creek, which
has been filled up so tho fish cannot
puts above this point. Sinco the
railroad was built there lias been scarce
ly a fish fcoonubovo tho crossing. If you
fail to appear, wo exp .ct to tako tho
afi'air in hand ourselves, aud don't
you forget it.
Let mo tell those La Graudo follows,
Hoasting of thoir "Key-hole" neat,
If they want to keep their smellers
Leave to us the county heat.
Mr. Goorge Johnston returned from
Portland impioved in health.
Onoe mora our voice oliimus in tho
chorus of the country correspondent.
Mr. Al. Minnicl: nays the recent
cold auup has killed the fruit on his
orange trues.
Received at A. N.
pygyji'fT'Kf inn
Great is the game of "Perhaps"
among our twelve-year-olds hiding
down the hills.
Farmers should remember that this
is census year, and they should keep
carefully prepared statistics of the
products of their fauns.
The general health of the commu
nity is good and but very few cases of
the la giippe has been in our valley.
No births or marriages during our
A very sudden change of weather,
and it is to bo hoped it will bo pornia
nantand dissolve the huge snowdrifts,
to tho great relief of both man and
Our school meeting in district No.
!l was very quiet. Mr Andy Wil
kinson was elected director for three
years. Mr. Poniard Logsdon director
for two years, to servo unexpired term
of 1. V. Davis, resigned. J. W. Min
nick, clerk for ensuing year.
Thero is an old saying that if tho
palm of tho bund itches, you will re
cieve money or if your left hand itches
you will pay your debts. Thero is 011
our books tho names of sonio who aro
as good as old wheat, the palms of
whoso left hands we wish would itch.
The fate of this unfortunate young
man Smith who was blessed with
ability that he might have made hon
orable to himself and useful to tho
community, but which ho allowed to
bo turned into channels at variance
with good sense, and tho public wel
fare, ought to be a lesson to persons
similarly afi'ected. If ho had never
touched crooked whiskey ; if ho hail
devoted himself to business for which
ho had both taste ami capacity, ho
would not to-day bo degraded by wear
ing a eonviot uniform.
It will soon bo time for the public
nuisance, agents and peddlers. Far
mers and all others, as 11 rule, should
shut down on all their wily schemes
and give them tho cold shake. Their
interests aro of no concern to you.
They tako money out and bring 110110
in. They have no business reputa
tion to sustain and are more likely to
skin you than not. Thero is absolute
ly not 0110 single advantage in buying
from a peddler or agent, therefore give
tho itinerants tho shake.
During our visit to Iowa wo saw
plainly that no feature of their school
system finds more favor among tho
people than its freo text books. Be
yond question tho relative cost of
books is greatly reduced. Tho books
aro better kept and last longer than
whon owned by tho pupils. Books
aro always ready when wanted, rich
and poor aro equally well equipped
and there is no waiting for pay diy
or for papa to got homo. Our repub
lican deluded legislature of Oregon can
oflly get these by breaking tho back
bone of a huge book monopoly.
A Summorvlllo Idyl.
When it comes to slinging tho pro
saic words of tho English language
into soulful verse, "Cutmouth John"
of Summervillo, is no slouch. Tho
following was received too late for
publication last wcok. From it we
judge that all is not smootho with the
Bomeos and Juliets of that thriving
One evening, swiiit'Ing on tho gate
I tried my bost'to learn my fate
flays I: ".My love, it's growing Into,
I want your lovu and nut your hate,"
Bays she: "Young man, and Annotator,
I heard you wan a woman hater;
If all be true that I can learn,
our lovu is but a small concern,"
Hays I P"ray, do now let up,
This is an awful bitter cup.
.Man or .Miss who told you that
Is u dirty, lying filthy chap."
"Hut," says she, "you aro too silly towed,
You're not so smart as hour brother Ed.
In you I shall tako but little stock
I'm somewhat stuck on Jim Morelock."
About this time 1 took a fright,
For in the house I saw a light,
I picked my chance, began to run,
For there stood Nell with a gun.
Ho young men rememder my fate
And never stay out latu;
Ills very poor business
To be cauuht swinging 011 a cute
A Pointer Vor You,
If you want to make every dollar do
full duty, catch on to some of tho cheap
bargains in farm or city property now
offered by Wilson & ilaukolt, mana
gers Union Heal Estate Association,
Gardner & Cos.