The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, January 30, 1890, Image 4

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    L'niitinurd from fift pope
bow nmn binisilf hail been serving
diircrciit masters, passions nnd cramped
teachings, since liis inauguration into
tho scliools of being. Ho paw how all
the upward llights nf man had been
checked by koiuo passion or ambition,
tied like a rope, as it were, to what
whf low and unrefined. And ho saw
finally that juft as he had rUcn, in tho
nobler walkc, wmnaii had risen, itcp
by slop., liltlu by little, with him, and
how, at lufet, when tho last chord of
tyrany was snapped from tho feet of
manhood, and man bounded out fear
lows and Iren, woman had been long
pullering nnd patient, bounded us
far out and deep into frecdoiH ns ho
did. Hho begun to too in the newer
day, tho dawn of n newer day, also, of
womankind. Her faculties began to
expand under tho toft sunMiino of
liberty. Thero were fields she had
never trod, but wheio Iior t oul longed
to wander, and now, that sho was fieo
nnd light-hearted, sho soared aloft and
tried tho pinions, that bigotry had
compelled to bo tied down. In litera
tim) tho revelled; in art shu flourished.
Homes were made happier and moie
joyous in the Bunlight of her new
knowledge and new freedom. No
mor.' was she afraid to speak or thin!:.
Th re were nrim waiting lo embrace
in hearty uppioval her thoughts and
words'. Public sentiment listened as
the tuned tho lyro to nobler and ten
derer trains. And so tho powers long
kept down, at last havo bloomed and
blossomed. The being that id said to
have canted man's first great fall and
Ids" uu',1 disobedience, has. rewarded
him with grander UiohhI.'.V'. !in1 I""01"
tier sentiments, with purer examples
and holi'T attainments than a thous
and pnr.nlines would equal. Eden has
been i chained in the establishment of
woman's domain, public and private
in teaiing from her limbs tho chords
that ancient man tied there. Tho pri
rncval fathers would blush to-day at
their IjljiOlry narrowness, if thoy
wore h-M'o lo read "Hettlah" or "Undo
Tom's Cabin " They would shudder
in awo at tho narrow limit in which
thoy confined their wives and daugh
ters, if they could fieo our American
wonn ti teaching and lecturing mak
ing hunies happy with their unsullied
refinement and unbound minds.
Abraham would liido hisr head for
clump' at tho thoughts of tho treatment
llagar received at his hands if he
could walk into some of our homes to
day and behold tho love, tho peace tho
fortitude and faith that icigns in oven
our humblest habitations. Ho could
cry Willi the pool of to-day
"On linear, imw you're lidd to sloop,
I wish" I know a pinyor,
I'd wander to your rosiinp place,
And sorrowing breathe It tliuro,"
An Intoreottns Littor ftom Our Kcgulav
Ccrreeposdent r.t if. Capital.
W'asiiinoton, (I). C.) Jan. 17, 1SD0.
Editou Oukoon Scour:
Tho death of 'Walker JUaino is tho
first death of nny prominent person in
Washington' from "la grippe." On
Thursday, liss than a week bofoio his
death, Mr. Ill iino attended tho recep
tion lo Mrs. lieu (Iran', where lie
ciin'.r.ukil the cubl which prostrated
him. Kioni tho lirst tho symptoms
Were chills and pains throughout tho
hoily. Death was very unexpected.
Wr.lker Ml'aino was thirty-fivo years
of ae and unman ied. Pew young
ni,'U hnvo hail so many opportunities
in public lif. lie was literally
brought up in luxurious publii posi
tions, tin was third Scout ryof Stato
when bis father was in President (lur
fuhlV cabinet. Whilo thus employed
ho was suit lo I'liili ami Peru lo in
quire into tho disputed rights of Amer
ican citizens there. Ho was recalled
by ProMdont Arthur. In 188!$ ho was
appointed junior counsel for tho Uni
ted States bufvro tho Alabama claims
court. Prom lhSO to ISM) Walker
Maine was out of olllce, nnd was em
ployed us railroad attorney, with little
to do anil plenty of assistants to do it
for vhin. Within two weeks after
President's Harrison's inauguration
lSlr. Hl di'o was nominated examiner
of claims in tho Stale department,
which made him tho confidential icpru
Kuntativo of tho Sverotary. .Walker
Ultdiio was n young man of decided
ubiliii. a and viut experience. He had
uko .real push and energy, combined
with coiupleto confidence in himself.
If his life teaches one lesion more
,; Lilian another, it is ilmt thero nro many
t gmi:r inisforlunes-than living born
the e- of tho foromost Anuuicau poll
tJcli.n. B,r.tor PnrweH's ire is dill up
against thu mhiluietmtiou. That ho
U o.dy proveulol from making u
bUtor nttaok upon President llnrriam
' vl7yMho oonMaut persuavlon of his
rJoiul U no suciet. Ho is full of
light, and lout-lug for n vmwrtuiilty.
One thing ho has announced that ho
will do anyhow. Ho will fight the
appointment of Clark nominated us
collector of customs for the port of
Chicago without a consultation with
cither of the scnatois from Illinois.
It is understood that Clark and Sena
tor Panvoll have been hitherto good
friends and that tho senator's opposi
tion loin's nomination is based upon a
desiro to vindicate his own honor.
.Mr. l'arwell has been hard at work
among his colleagues Ibis week nnd is
said lo have rccuved assurances of
enough votes to defeat the nomination.
This, however, is extremely doubtful.
The corridors in the ccneus office
and the superintendent's and chief
cleik's rooms arc n bedlam theso days.
One could pick up a respectable quo
rum of the House of Jteprcscntiitives
almost any day hanging about to sec
.Superintendent Porter about putting
tome constituents on tho lolls. Hun
dreds of applicants arc present for
themselves, willing to take any posi
tion no matter how small, but deter
mined to get something. There arc
nil sorts of people. Uright-cycd oung
girls, knowing young men, awkward
country boys, blear-eyed old men nnd
frowsy old women. Some look- imper
tinent, others desperate, others sullen.
The clerk who worked on tho last ccn
bits is a common figure. The men of
this class aro mostly C'f Uio blear-eyed
order. They nro tho mysterious lower
class majors who hanu about liniul
lobbies, from census lo census it would
seem, nnd upon whom time laaves no
impression save to make clothes nl
icndy shabby n trifle shabbier. They
nil "know Porter" and speak in nffec
tiounto confidence of what ho has as
sured illCtu Hliall be dono for them.
Thoy all claim to C nxports nnd feel
that tho success of the noxi census
depends largely upon whether or no
they aro employed.
Tho Senate Committeo on Naval
Affairs hold n special session this week
to hear tho views of tho naval board of
policy appointed last summer by Sec
retary Tracy to formulate and rcpoit a
scheme for the improvement of tho
navy to the standard of that of a first
class power. Commodore MeCar.n,
president of tho board, Captain Simp
ton and Naval Constructor (latcwood
did incHt of tho talking. They ap
proved in general terms the bill intio
duced by Senator Hale, which nitthoi
izcil tho president to havo constructed
eight battle ships of from 7,000 to 10,
000 tons ouch, two mined coast vcsuels,
three gun-boats of from 800 lo 1,200
tons each nnd live first-class improved
torpedo, boats. Tho bill further ap
piopriatcs .fo.OOO.OOO for construction
and $2,000,000 for armament, which
latter sum it is expected would pro
vide a most ehiborato and powerful
gunnery. Tho policy board, in repott
ing to Secretary Tracy, will recom
mend tho construction of 102 vetsels
of different type and size, to bo built
within fourteen years and to cost, all
told, over two hundred and fifty mil
lions. .1. H. O.
la tho Justice Court of Union prcclnot, Un
ion county. Oregon.
(1. b. lliiwiiiuu, PJnintill
ll.C. tihwow and Samantba .lohn
sun. Defendants.
To 11. C. (lliue.iw nnd to Suiiiautlm Jobs
son, tho above nanio I defendants :
in Tin: xamh ok tiik static ok
L Oregon, viu mid each of you lire hcrebv
required to appear and answer tho eoni
pialnt tiled against you in the iihnvn enti
tled eau on or before tho Pb day of Febru
ary, IKK), and that if you fail to appear or
answer, in default thereof the plafntiir will
take judgment agaiiiht you for tho sum of
O.'.ti and for the costs anil dUbursmcnts
of this action.
You will further take notice that this
Mimnioiisis served upon vou by publication
,v order of It. F. Wilson, .lustico of the
Peace tor I'nlon precinct, I'nion eountv,
Oregon. (1. b. UOWMAX.
12 It) Plaintiff.
KSTU.VV notici:.
S. M Harrell. livlni: live nilles north
of Klgln, Union county, Orogon, hns this
JJud day of December, ISSIt, taken up tho
following described niiiiunU:
One sorrel pony homo, wlilto stripo in
forehead, branded Con left shoulder mid
S on right hip, supposed to bo four years
old lit spring.
One hon gr.iy pony hor,a branded saino
ns above, supposed to bo same age.
The above described animals wore duly
.otod neenrdliitr to'luw on.lanuury. 2, 1S00,
and nppralud nt IU. each. )0UNS0N(
1 ft Justice ef tho Fence.
tho Co-iiartnerHhip horttoforo existing
l'. It. Wilson nnd A. A. Miller un-
dor tho firm mono of WIImiu .t .Miller, 1ms
t ... . ....II I I 1 ,....!...........
HUM Ullv OCOU lllailltl l' lllllllllll I'ttlisuili .
A. A, Sillier retiring, and the business will
lmvaftor bo conducted by !'. H. Wibun and
S '. Mlihr.
The old llriu will cof eel all bill mid pay
all iiidebteduoss nf said llrni up to tills date,
mid ilio now It rm will In nowio bo resnou
sllno tor any debts ountructcd bv thu old
firm. 1. 11. WILSON.
A. A. Mll.l.lilt.
Fniiui, Oregon. Nov. tl. I8si.
us rn.v vi:i --3.oa ur.WAtt n.
8tr.i)ed from our plnoo at Tebn-asot. and
last seen on Hb crek, one sorrel niarot
four veari old. biaiulod TO un (.oft shoul
der, i'Iio T nbovii thu B
Anyoiiu ulvlng Information Itudlua to the
rooovery of tho animal will bo puld
' TOMnbWON unoa.
1-Hluil Tvlocusct.
In the Circuit Court of the Slntcof Oregon
for Union County.
James II. Hutchinson nnd W. It.
Hutchinson, composing the linn of
Hutchinson Brothers.
Jnnics Welch, Sarnh Welch, K. C.
Hughes, M. M. Marshall, O. X.
llinnsoy. Thoin.ii K. Hall. David
Kin-leu. H. II. Silencer unit W. A.
Coughutiour. J
To the defendants Jiuncs Welch, Sarah
Welch, M. M. Marshall. O. X. ltamsov,
Thomas V. Hall, David Ecclos and II. II.
In the nam cor tiik Statu or Oheoon:
You and each of you arc hereby required
to appear nnd answer the complaint tiled
against you in the above entitled suit on or
brforc the first day of the next regular ses
sion of the above entitled court ufter tho
publication of this summons ami encn weeK j
lor six weeks, to-wlt: on the 10th day of,
February, 18!M). or that In default thereof
plaintiirwill take a decree and judgment
against each of you for the relief demanded
In the complaint in this cause, to-wit: for i
the sum of$3l.r0 00 with interest thereon
from the first dav of January, 18f), at the
rate often per cent, per annum and for the
further sum of ten per cent, on the whole
union nt found duens a reasonable attorney '
fee in this suit, and a decree foreclosing
17 ..,! VVVlf SIU'I sVe. Ifi nil III Townsh n
0 South, of Kange.'iS Kast of the Willam
ette Meridian and for costs nnd disburse
ments. This summons fs published in TucOni:
c.o.v SVoi'T by order of the Honorable Jan.
A. Pee, judge of the sixth Judicial district
of the .State of Oregon, made and dated at
Chambers the 20th day of December. 1880.
l!-2i Attprncvs for Plaintiffs.
Ill tho Circuit court of the state of Oregon,
for tho county of Union.
. 1'. Howlby, l'ltl-. 1
vs " 5
S. M. llowlbv, Deft. )
To H. M. Iiowlbv:
X Oregon, you are hereby required to ap
pear mid answer the complaint tiled against
von in the above entitled suit within ten
flays from the date of the service of this
summons upon you, If served in said coun
ty; or if served in nny oilier county in the
state of Oregon, then within twenty days
from tho date of such scrioc upon you;
and if served by publication, then on the
10th day of February, 1890', that being tho
Hist lobular day of the next term of this
court after the expiration of the time of tho
piibiw'ition of this summons. Defendant
will take notice that if bIic fail to nppear
and answer or plead within said time, the
plaintiff, for want thereof, will apply to the
court for tho relief prayed for in the com
plaint, to-wit; for n decree ritasolvlng and
annulling the bonds of matrimony existing
between plaintiff and the defendant, and
for such other relief ns to tho eourt may
seem meet and equitable.
TlMlNKK, VlNKYAlll) it,
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Thii summons is published by order of
the Hon. Jus. A. Fee, judge of the Sixth
Judicial District of the stato of Oregon and
of tho above entitled court, made at cham
bers this 21st dav of December, 188!).
Tl, VlNKYAlll) it Tl'RXKK,
!'.;.; Pill's Attorneys.
In the Circuit court of the state of Oregon,
for Union county.
Hmma.l Kdson, I'llHl
Mink Kdson. Deft. )
To Mark Kdson, tho above named defui-
I. Orogon, von uro hereby required to ap
pear in tho abovo entitled court and make
answer to the complaint tiled against you
inllionbovo entitled cause, on or before
tho lirst duv of tho noxt regular term there
of after the publication of this summons
for six weeks to-wlt: on tho lOtn day of
February, 18U0, and if you fail to appear
and answer as iifoicsald on or beforo said
dav plaintill'will t iko decree anil judgment
agiiiust von for the relief prayed lor in her
said complaint, to-wlt: for it decree dissol
ving tho bonds of matrimony heretofore
and now existing between plaintill" nnd de
fendant, and for tho caro and custody of
tho minor child of plalntiir and defendant.
This summons is published in Tin: Oiu:
litix Scout, by order of the Hon. .lunics A.
Fee. judgo of said court, niailo and dated
tho iMtli day of December. 180.
p.'.".", Attorneys for l'ltr.
Notlcu Tor rithlloutlou.
bAKD Omen at Ia (ikakhk, Oiukio.v.i
Jauuarv -1, 18:xi. f
1 the following-named settlor has tiled
notice of his Intention to make Until proof
in support of his claim, and that said proof
will bo made before the register and receiv
er at La (Irando, Oregon, on February 21,
IHl.K), yiz.
John MeCluru,
D. S. Xo. 8182, for tho KJ-, .NV and rj
NKK Sic. 23, Tp. (5 S, It. 4t L
Ho mimes tho following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon and
cultivation of. said land, viz:
Seiglo Ooffiuan. Justus Wright. I red
Corpo nnd Duuhain Wright, idiot Medical
Spnnss, Oronoii.
Anv person who desires to protest against
the allowance of stub proof, or who knows
of anv substantial reason, under tho law and
the regulations of tho Interior Department,
why such proof should not bo allowed, will
be given an opportunity at tho above men
tioned tliuo and place to cross-examine tho
witnesses of said claimant, and to otter
evidence In rebuttal of that submitted by
claimant. llr.Nnv Kinkii ut.
NlU-vtU Itegister.
r.xiscu'ioits' notici:.
In the matter of the etato of K. T. Neville,
' whom it lunv concern, that the under
i digued have this day been appointed exec
I utors of tho last will and testament of K. T,
i Neville, deceased, by tho county court of
Union county, Oregon, and all persons hav-
ing clalnis against said estate aro hereby
' notltled and required to present tho same,
I with tho proper voueliers, within six
tltt ilntn If, th
executors t Suiniuervlllo, in said county
and state.
Dated Dec. ID, ISM),
T. U. I'ltAwroun.
Attv, for Kxecutors.
TAKKN 111.
tvtotum: is iikhkhy oivkn that
I 1 I havo taken up the following described
; Mock which may be found at my place ono
inltosoulli on Jove, union county, wregoui
Ono brown lllly. 1 year oM, brnuded II
with bur over It on loft stllle.
Ono sorrel mare, 'i years old, branded
II 11 on left shoulder, small letters, also
ono bav tllly branded same.
Ono bav mare, about 10 years old, bran
ded F on If ft shoulder.
Ono bay colt 1 year old, no brand to bo
found. ... , ,
I'nrtles claiming tun above described anl
iiuiU will plcimo call, pay charges and take
plalntnrs nortpiye upon tno louowing ue
scribrd land situate in I'nioti county, Ore
gon, to-wit: The XWtf and XM SVfX
Pec. 1!2. and NWu Sec. 1(5 and SKK of SUK
a.... u .! v m1 KVA nf SEW Ki!fi.
Union Real Estate Association
Have llMed a large amount of
Which are for sale on
38 ncres
ndoinlngthc city of Union,
as a whole or in parcels. Good
Will be sold as a who
opportunity to secure a cheap home. Price
of whole tract $3.2.50.
320 acres ten miles north of Union; all
tillable land; unimproved: price $15. per
1320 acres of improved land, fourteen
miles north of Union; 200 acres farming
lund; 200 acres in meadow and balance sui
table for meadow or pasture; good fences,
buildings, orchard and plenty of water. A
good home for n desirable husbandry.
Price $15. per acre; ono fourtli down and
balance on three and live year's time.
10 acres adjoining tho city of Union,
known as tho Moore trarden; large orchard;
shrubbery of nil kinds; hot and dry house.
A fine bargain for nny one desiring to en
gaite in the fruit and garden business.
Price ?3,500.
100 acres ono mile west of Union; lino
grain or meadow land. Price if GO. per acre.
320 acres two and one-half miles north
west of Union; all grain and meadow land;
well improved, price $25 per acre.
320 acres 25 miles south of Union; nil
fenced with good wire fence; improvements
fair; plenty of water nnd out-raupe; 8,000.
rails on the place; 150 acres farming land;
balance pasture laud ; good orchard; three
miir2 from timber; litno kiln oil place.
0 iLir neri.
210 aciM fliiC mile sitiili of Telooasel nn.1
nine miles strtUb of Union; 1C0 acres deed
ed and 80 acres I'fnber culture; (JO aoi'03
good grain land: 30 acres fenced and under
cultivation; o.OOO rails on place; dwelling,
barn, cellar nnd out-buildiiigi; good well,
Price $1,000.
100 acres iust north of Teiocabet nnd 7
miles from Union; 40 acres under cultiva
tion; fair improvements. Price $11.00 per
1 10
100 acres two nnd one-half miles north of
North Powder; 140 acres tillablo land; 45
acres under cultivation; good bouse, ham,
cellar and out-buildings. Mortgage $750.
Price $11. per acre.
1010 acres twelve miles north of Union,
in Cove: (J00 acres grain and meadow land;
balance pasture; well improved; good
fences, buildings, orchard, etc., nnd plenty
of water; timber joining same on cast. An
excellent farm for diversified husbandry.
Price $15,000.
320 ncres eleven miles north of Union, in
Oovc; 200 iicros In Cultivation ; good fences,
buildings, etc. A lino farm. Prico 5VJ.500.
ltntichof 101 acres, known ns the Half
Way Station on the road between Union
and Cornucopia, and 4 miles from Sanger;
has a largo story-and-a-half house, bam
and stables on each side, wood shed, two
wells iiIko a stream of running water on the
place; 100 acres nf natural meadow land
and a tine range all round. This would be
a flno location for a milk or stock ranch.
One hundred tons of lirst class hay can be
cut each year. Prico $850.
Who wants a saw mill? Hero is your
chance. Only t) miles from North Powder.
A tlrst class mill, witli a cutting capacity of
0,000 feet per dav, and has reached 10"000
feet. This mill lias a double circular saw,
built according to the latest Improvements,
witli first class machinery throughout.
Only one-fourth mile from main river, by
plenty of good milling timber; water power
mill, with water privileges, etc. Kasy pay
ments. This is a splendid chnnco for a
mill mail. Prico $1, Out).
An 80-acro tract of as line land as can
bo found in Powder ltivcr valley; on warm
spring branch; splendid grain or meadow
laud, and only 3 miles from North Powder.
This is a rare bargain. Prico $(J00.
Three blocks in ono tract In North Union,
known as the John Katon place; lias largo
and commodious house well and substan
tially constructed in every particular; en
tire place set in orchard of cherries, pears,
apples, etc., also small fruit grow to pci fac
tion; entire place nan be irrigated; nil ne
cessary out buildings. For a neat residence
in Union you can find no better place.
This is a chance in a lifetime. Price $1,750.
Ono and one-half lots in Cove, upon
which is an elegant two-story house witli
eight rooms, all well finished throughout,
witli stable, woodshed, etc., also good well.
This is one of the neatest residences in
('ove. (live us a call and wo will suit you.
Price $1,750,
(Jooil farm of 100 acres. V juiles from
North Powder on thu main road from Un
ion to linker City ; well finished story and
a half bouse: good ham, stable, granery,
etc; well for barn and one for house; young
orchard of 50 trees begining to boar, and
small fruits in great quantities. This is
ono of tho host farms around North Pow
der. 201
320 aores of improved laud. 1(1 miles from
Union and 5 miles from North Powder;
mostly Kood tillablo hind; some meadow
land; balance pasture; Hviiik water on the
iilaeu the year round; near timber and one
halt niilo'froui school house. Price $t, tX).
120 acres of uood farming laud two miles
northwest of Union; 40 ncres under culti
vation; small house and stable. Prico $15
per acre,
A half block in North Union with nice
i osldeuco, convenient to business portion of
Union, and n very desirable home; small
barn mid necessary outbuildings, Price
A block of laud in North Union; suitable
dwelling for a small family; small barn,
wood shed, cellar, etc. A very desirable
location on Main struct. Prico $1,200,
120 acres of improved laud In Cove: all
goud meadow land but about 20 acres, which
is suitable for pasture. Price $20 per acre.
Abo a largo number of town lots and
All Letters promptly an
swered and all information
desired will be cheerfully
Address nil cointnunscatiotis to
Secretaries Union. Heal Ktut Ans'u
name a
Keeps constantly on hand a mm
pleto stock uf :r- r a
Sheet Music,
Wire Goods,
AND t'PUKfl.
Household Utensils.
A share ol the public patronage so
licited. S-lu-tf.
Union and Cornucopia
Quickest and Cheapest
Route to the Pine Creek
rtATKS :
$1 50
3 00
(J 00
2U c
nion to Park
" " Sanircr
' " Cornucopia
Leaves Union daily at 2 p. m, arrives nt
Cove at 3:30 p. 111.
Leaves Cove at 8 a. 111., arrives at Union
at 9:30 11. 111.
Connections made with Elliott's coache.
running to the depot, carrying passengers
for cast nnd west bound trains.
Ki. Iti:tiu.Ar.t. Pitop'n.
If You Want a Refreshing; Drink
or a Good Cigar, Drop in
Illlll.ird anil Ioi,I Tiililes for tlio Ac
roinudatloii of CtiHtoimir.i,
John Johnson
(.Tuit opened at the old Xodine stand op
posite Green's stable.
All Work First-Class, and Satisfaction
Guaranteed in livery Instance,
E$T Fa Iron a ko' Solicited,
Give me a
Tonsoriai Parlors
Shaving, Hair-cutting and Sham
pooing, in the Latest style
of the Art,
Shop two doors .south of Centennial hotel,
0 2S-tf.
Cornucopia Saloon,
W.m. Wilson, Yhov.
The Finest of Wines, Liquors
and Cigars stock.
Drop in nnd bo sociable
at tho High Valley
Saw Mill.
All kinds of lumber cuimtuntly on hand
or furnished on short notice. Prices cheap
us tho cheapest.
Patronage - Solicited.
5-301 f
Obtained, mid all Patent Itusinoss uttoudod
to Promptly and for Moderate Peon.
Oiirolllco is opposite the U. S. Patent
Olllce, nnd wo can obtain PnteuU In le
tliuo tbun those romoto from Wasoington.
Send MODHLnr DRAWING. We dviw
as to pnntontablllly fro of cluri; and we
nuikoNO CHAltOUUNLi: . I'AfKNT It"
Wo refer, bore, to tho IiMma.ter. tin
Snpt. of Money Onler Piv , uii i t o.l, -of
the U.S. I'atwit OfHce. Kn ir. u'.(r
ndviiv, terms and roiroronces to actuul en
cuts In your own State or County, write t
U. A. SNOW & Co..
Opposite l'atenl Olllce, Waililuxtou, I, l
Wra titan i
Slap Line to Cow.
Co In mi
w. ......
Pltol'.K. 1
T? j. A-TZEj"W-A."5rT-
i rriral and D- parturo of Trains at tho ln-
No. t West-bound Kxprcss - 4:25 a.m.
No. 2 Kast-bound " - -llwn. m.
No. West bouiul Fast Mail - 4:o Ji. m.
No. 1 Knot-bound :4op.m.
rnnmiiT trains.
No. 41 West-bound - - -- "
I No. 12 Hast-bound - - - 0:CH p. in.
0. I.S " OSl-IIOUIIIl M ilj'-lltiij,!"- 1
No. 14 Kast-botind " " '
Tin' UTS to and lrom principal points
1 lL'IVn 1 O j,, tll(3 United States, Cnnoda
and 1'urope.
Elegant "New Dining,
Pullman Palace Sleepers,
Free Colonist Slecpins Cars on all Ex
press Trains to
o Without Change. o
Close connections at Portland forSnn Fran
cisco and Puget Sound points.
The Union Pacifn will dispatch Steamers
between San Francisco and Port
land, as follows:
KHilM l'OKTl.ANl).
beuvhiK nt 1 0 P. M.
us follows:
i noM san niANciseo.
lv'nK Spear st. wh' follows:
Col'bin, Jan.
S nsa, "
Col'bin, "
S. I'osa, "
13. L';S. Koiti, Jnn, I, 12, 1!7
7, 1? Col'bin, " 7, 'J2
13 2 Koja. " 12, 27
IS State, " 17
23IStnt(. Feb. 1
The company rnsevvos the right to change
' sii'itmers or sniliiiK days.
Cabin. - - ?10.00 Steorae
Kound Trip Ticket, Unlimited
Children, under 12 years - -,.
5 years
- $30.00
Half Faro
- Free
Including Meals and lietths.
fien'l Tratlle .Manapcr.
Ucn'l. Ticket Agt,
A. E. ELLIS, ARcnt.
jure Drugs,
latent Medicines,
aints and Oils.
Prescriptions carefully prepared
'onM-t::K "f
is, SM Buns,
Imported and Domestic Ci
gars, etc,
loiciiieiT Store
LiMMW Iloiuntrs, Prop'r.
Koeps Constantly on Hand n Nice
Stock of Choice
And otbor Articles too Numerous to
(JIV1! ME A ('ALL.
(Oi.jKnite the Court Ibilise.)
UNION. : : : OREdON.
Mrs. O. P. i'(mihai.i,. Prop.
Tali! oh Furnished with the
Boat tho Market Affords
and Trejiared bv
Wiiite Cooks.
New Beds and Kooin;, Noatly l'urnlshed.
terms ui:asonahlu,
Public Patronage Solicited
Mrr iwrf.i . i. "aMiIj
Jio wroe ttay to run It. Uwws
jbt- -u.e ruunuiff furtturU or
li rt .lid.
.No I.,. I., t., lUrtad lu umcljlno
or inilile.
Vo.sri if'" ,n nJr (,i"r "
rlilno It oor not powca.
For Salo by
n H JiROWN.tUnlon.Ogn.
Ik ki It Store.