The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, January 30, 1890, Image 2

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City and County Official Paper.
Thursday, Jan'ry 30, 1800.
Tin: recent elections demonstrate
that the campaign of education pro
gresses and educates. Tliey nre splen
did vindications of the wisdom of
Grovcr Cleveland.
It is impossible for a man of energy
and ability to get through the world
without running up against someone,
and this makes enemies. The good,
easy man who never stirs up the bile
of anybody is a nonentity and will
pass through life without leaving n
track of his existence, wliilo the rush
ing active man will lcavo an impres
sion wherever ho goes.
JIhv. W. H., a Methodist
preacher in Pittsburg, in a recent ser
mon, said; "I challenge tho world
"with unprejudiced mind, to show by
scholarship and investigation any
word between tho two lids of tho liiblo
that, by any force, plain or on tho sur
face, or m the usoof tho term, teaches
any such doctrine as endless punish
ment in a place of torment." Only
recently a Chicago orthodox preacher
declared that thoro is no tenant to oc
cupy hell, wo mipposo it may as well
go too. Hut lots of folks will bo lone
some. TiiKiti: is something essentially rot
ten in tho statutes of Oiegon when a
stato's witness like Lowis Scrcipcr,
who had his nose bitten on" at Ash
land last week, is thrown into jail to
await tho trial of his assailant, whilo
tho miscreant who perpetrated tho
outrage is fluttered to go at largo after
filing a nominal bail bond. The stat
utes may warrant tho retaining of a
prosecuting witness on other than his
own recognizanco; but it is a most bar
Imrno custom if it docs, and tho sooner
repealed tho better. It is certainly ad
ding insult to injury to incarccrato a
limn who has beon the victim of tho
crime of mayhem in order to bring
tho criminal to justice. Jacksonville
Wi: lmvo not heard anything about
tho La Grande water works for some
time. No specifications as to tho way
tho work is to bodonoand nondvortiso
ment for bids has yet beon published.
There seems to be a hitch in the
business somehow. Tho money they
have borrowed is still deposited in tho
bank drawing interest. Tho people
are existing on alkali water and still
no movo is mado to hurry things along.
Probably tho question that is now agi
tating their minds is whether they can
exist on water without tho county scat
or the county seat without water. Wo
would adviso them to blow their boo
dle in for beer and then movo tho key
(bung) hole down to Sunnnorvillo and
Somk republican papers aro now
tiying to crawtiish on tho tarilV ques
tion. Ono of them Kays: "That
staunch republican, Daniel Baldwin,
of Logansport, is in favor of turill re
vision. So aro Senator Allison, Sena
tor Sherman, and about every other
senator and representative in tho re
publican party. Every platform of
tho party since the close of tho rebell
ion has been in favor of such red no
tion. Tho democratic party itsolf is
no more in favor of tariff reduction
than is the republican." Hounds teal
nice, don't it? Hut hero's what tho
Chicago platform of 1888 said: "Wo
favor tho entire repeal of internal
taxes, rather than tho surrender of any
part of our protective system."
Ir is quito evident that suit will
huvo to ho brought against several par
ties along tho lino of Hunt's road be
tween this city and Elgin boforo the
right-of-way is secured, and tho soouor
thoy aro instituted the bettor it will be.
Circuit court will convene on tho 10th,
and it is a matter of groat importance
that those oases should be disposed of
during tho term. As all oases havo to
bo filed ton days boforo they can come
up for hearing, it will bo soon that
thoro is no time to lose. Mr. Hunt
must commenco work by tho first of
March, in compliance with tho terms
of tho contract, and wo cannot expect
him to do so unless wo havo complied
with our part of it. Just what the
right-of-way committee is doing or in
tends to do in tho matter wu do not
know, but it is very apparont that
there is much to do and it should bo
done quickly.
Subscribe for Tun Ouihhi.n Smut.
Preparing 'Jot theBoom-A Snow Slide
Coversup a Baud of Cattle.
Jan 20, 1890.
Hoads passable again.
Tho thermometer stands at zero.
Nathan Hakcr is on tho sick list.
County Surveyor Juinoren is m
town laying out lots in tho Elgin ad
ditions. Hay is very tcarcc and if this weath
er holds out there will be heavy losses
to slock men.
The 0. K. & N. right-of-way agent
was in town Saturday trying to settllo
with Mr. Tray and Mr. Sommers.
I. Graham Eold seven acres of land
adjoining town to Mr. M. A. Steven
son last week, consideration $1,150.
Mr. G. H Swinchart's school closed
the 17th. Ho taught a five months
term and gave satisfaction to tho pat
rons. All travel goes over tho "Punkin
Itidgo" road to Summcrvillo. The
road around C. Holgarth's place is
There is over throo feel of snow
here, and the ground Is hot frozen. Un
less all signs fail there will bo good
ciops this year.'1 Parker has bought Jt. Mud
lock's homo and five acre lot. Sam.
will soon move to Slabtown, and Jfubo
to Pleasant Hill.
During tho past four days thoro has
been born to the wife of E. E. Johns
a four pound son; to the wife of A. J.
Sholton a three pound son ; to the wife
of H. Hershers a son.
Tho owners of the saw mill, near
Elgin, aio getting a fino lot of logs on
hand which they will havo sawed into
lumber ready for tho spring trade.
Quite a snow slide occured a few
days ago, on Chas. Shelton's placo, ono
milo northeast of Elgin. It covered
up 21 head of cattle that had gathered
at the foot of the hill for shelter from
tho wind.
Theodore MoGinnis and parly havo
come out from the Looking Glass
where (hey have been trapping. On
their way out thoy came across two
men who were camped in a cabin. It
seems they were out for the purposo
of trapping when one of them was ta
ken sick and the other was compelled
to administer to his wants as best ho
could for two weeks before aid arrived.
Tho sick man was taken to Elgin for
medical treatmont. 1 havo not boon
able to learn his name, but ho is from
Wallowa county.
January 27, 1MI0.
Chas. Tomblcson visited La Grande
this week.
Why is Union like an Indian's relig
ious belief? Jtecauso tho only heaven
it has in view is that aUbrded by tho
Mrs. H, Ashby was called to Hakor
City last Saturday on receiving news
of tho serious illness of her daughter,
Mrs. Emily Gorihatt.
A family of six young children, tho
father and mother and a lured girl
passed though this week, a la Hob sled
en route to Pocahontas. Thoy had a
eold ride in wind and drifts.
Miss Maud Tinkham, teacher in Pylo
Canyon district has suspended siohool
for a few days till a moderation of the
elements takes place. Wading and
wallowing in three feet of snow is try
ing on ones nerves.
Prank G. Carpenter, of Courier
Journal fame, is ono of America's best
correspondents. Tho pages of a jour
nal aro mado brightor and fresher by
tho full How of his spirited contribu
tions. Ho is young and full of life's
highest hopes.
Chas. V. Hinekloy has beon sinking
a shaft on his mine near tho tunuol,
Tho prospects aro ilattoring indeed.
Tho general lay of this section and the
croppings lead ono to think Ihoro aro
splendid ledges undeveloped yet in tho
hills of Antelope.
And who woko McComas up? Woo
to tho man who runs up against a
wire fence unless ho has got on a buck
skin shirt. Images of a dozen grave
yards and ghouls will haunt the hap
less follow who digs up real estate
business to uso as weapons for tho
"caiiho." "Alas, poor Yorick."
Two of Pylo canyon's prodigals quit
ted pro-emptorily tho fireside of their
fathers last week and bid adieu to the
pleasures of homo and feather beds.
They hied away (o the romantic scones
that attend a snow shoveling gang, to
find fame and subsistence. If hay
holds out wo will kill a toleruhlo fat
calf in tho spring when thoy get wonry
of wandering and short of funds.
Hoys aro boys who can inako them
anything cho?
Tho booming angel of real estate in j
Portland sits by his altar and twangs
his lyre in soft beguiling strains as tho
flood of easterners rushes to this "land
of the melting sun." Prom prospects
now, next spring is going to be ono of
. .1 r
our best for larming, inns uuuwi.B
great inducements to the grlind march
of homo hunters.
(Minister.) "Now my young friends,
when you go forth to battle with sin,
bcitiong! Take with you the power
that the angel had who wrestled with
Jacob. And what power did that an
gel have?" (Sunday school scholar,
who had read a stray sheet of the Po
lice Gazette.) "John L. Sullivan or
IIoly.Ghost, I forgot which."
Victor Hugo said : "The nineteenth
century is great, hut tho twentieth'
century will be happy." Can we be
gin lo feel the glow of the twentieth
century happiness stealing down our
land? Prejudice is dying; education
is triumphing; invention is penetra
ting tho subtlest depths of the un
known; charity is placing its hand in
benediction on every new thought;
men are growing to be more tolerant
and sensible; all that can lend peace a
lustre or give homo a charm, is growing
to bo the aim of our people, and the
American heart is brimful of hope.
Xotlcii i f I-'oifelttue.
Cornucopia, I'nlon County, Or..)
.lunnuiiry 23, lt!K. i
To A. T. Nr.n.i. ami Or,i:.s Matiif.w:
You and ouch of votl nrn hereby notilied
that John Sullivan ami C W. Woods have
expended live huudieil dollars in labor and
improvements upon the following claims.
The Jolt" and the ' fiold llox" situated
in the Iviirlo Mining District on the west
nide of tho KuM Kiple creek, and "The
l!o.n,'' ' The St. .loiin" and The Oregon"
situated in the Kaglo Mining District, on
the east side of the Kast Kagle creek, Union
county, Oregon, as will appear by alliduvit
liicd in tlie olllce of James It. baton. .Jus
tice of the Pence of Cornucopia. Oregon, on
January (1, INK), in ord-r to hold said prem
ises uiiiler the provisions of section 2.124,
rcvined statutes oi the United Stales, being
the amount required to hold the same for
the vear ending December 31. 1SS!. and if
within nineiv days from the service of this
notice you fail or refuse to contribute your
proportion of such expenditure as such co
owner, votir interest in said claim will be
come th'e proportv of tho subscribers, un
der said section 2321.
Taken up bv the undersigned at lus farm
on tho sand-ride, six miles northeast of
Island City, in Union county, Oregon, on
December 10, li!, one torrel mare, about
G years old. about lltj hands high, witii
strip in fnoe and right hind loot white,
branded T on left shoulder and right hip.
m. Mcdonald.
Statu ok Okik.on, J
County of Union.
T hcrebv certify that I appraised the
above described mare on the 2Uth day of
January, 1800, at W j,. joxhs.
-:jo J. I for Island Precinct.
-LN 1'. Owenby, living about two and one
half miles north of Klgin, Union county,
OrcKon, lias thU 2nd day of December, lSsl),
taken up the following described animal:
One white steer with red head, speckled
neck and each fool partly red, branded
with half circle on left shoulder.
The above described animal was duly
posted according to law on December, lit,
IS!), and appraised at $20.
1-0 Justice of the Peace.
Notice is liorehy given that I have taken
up, on Doc. 1. ISM), at my plucu live miles
north of Union, tho following described ani
mals, which the owners will please call for
and pay charge-:
One small sorrel saddle mare, white strip
in face, tall bobbed off, branded on right
shoulder T with O underneath.
Also one roan yearling steer, swallow
fork In left ear; no brand visible.
i. 1 have taken up, on about the Kith of
November. 1SS!) at mv placo four miles east
of Islundt lty, the following described ani
mal :
OnoMuull roan gelding, weight about 1)00
nouiuli, wuldlo marks, no brands visible.
The owner of the above described animal
will please cull for tho same, pay charges
mill take him away.
TA K UN 111".
Notice is hereby given that I have taken
up on Januiny :1,1M!, at my phiee two and
one-half nillei from 1'inoville, in I'lne vnl
lev, Union county, Oregon :
"Ono Ilwht buckskin llllev, about U years
olil.UW hands high, white strip in fore
head, white mane and tall, no brands visible.
Owner will please (novo property, pay
eharaes and take the same away.
1-211 JOKl. flKWHT.
For Sale.
1 000 owes and lambs and
400 wethers, jearlinjrs and
t wo year olds. Will sell at
a bargain. Enquire of T. G.
WILSON, at Cove, or . F.
WILSON, Union, Oregon.
' ctennary ourgeiy.
Jtidglinu horMis ucfOAfully trimtoil.
Iteiler and ,iw spayed by the Intent lui
proved ini'tlioiU. 1 will trlvo Itmtructit, i
in my vtein of trumtineut, and gunrumeo
Mitwfnetion In evorv inuiie, or no eliarniiB
will lie made. I urn peruuiieiulv located at
I'lilou, Onvmi Will promptly attend to
nil i tillr, l Mi.iil i.r ntlii r , ic S-.Vtf
i i 1 1 ii in p.uuwj.-- 1 - "
ELGIN! fig ifflteiial Hotel,
The Great Trade Cen
ter of Grande
And the distributing point for Union
and Wallowa counties.
The Junction of Two Groat Railroad
Systems, the Union Pacific Oregon
RiiHwiiv and Navigation, and tho Nor
thern Pacific Oregon and Washing-1
ton Territory or "mint .system.
Of all the nourishing towns and cities
in Union county ELGIN is tho only
one that enjoys tho distinguishing fea
ture of occupying a beautiful site in
the center of a valley, making it mon
arch, absolute, of the situation.
Is suriounded on the east south and
wpsf. liv Mm frofiAnst wheat crow-
.. ..j .
ing country on tho Pacific coast ana
will ln nnnncctod. direct, with ocean
transportation on Puget sound.
Is surrounded by lootiuus ot tno imie
mountains that are covered from base j
to summit wiin a uoiise yiuwiu ui jiuu,
, . .- .1 .1.... .-...!.
tamarao timber that can only
nr anil lannirao iiniuer in.ii; win uuy j
bo equalled on Puget sound..
Has Water Power of sufficient capacity
to supply unlimited manufacturing,
and arrangements aro now being made
for the erection of extensive grist and
saw mills and other manufacturing in
dustries. ELGI
Ls surrounded by low foothills that
have proven to be the best fruit-growing
land in Eastern Oregon. Ueing
entirely free from tho sweeping winds
Hint nrnvnil in other sections, tho snow
lies on the ground all winter, a sure i
c .. .i ...i..,i ,i f-.,; !
guarantee in uuu nuuiit nu n
Can bo supplied at nominal cost
with pure, sparkling, cold water from
Phillipps creek, for domestic use, irri
gation and protection against lire.
lnsnfs nvnrv nlnmont and facility
required to make it the leading me-
trrmnlis nf twn rieh counties, and that !
itn irrnwlli will hn nhi-nnmonal ns soon
IngthomiiioadVnroin rapid progress
of construction, is uie opinion oi an.
Ail Opportunity for
Persons of Limit
ed Means!
The Union Ileal Estate and Mining
Exchango is ollering lots in their ad
ditions lit nominal prices ranging from
$10 to $r0. Terms, 2n per cent, cash
and per month payments. The
price of lots will bo raised 10 por cent,
on tho 15th of each month during the
It is tho belief of all who havo invosti-
' gated that tho value of lots in Elgin
will increase from two hundred to one
thousand fold within the present year.
Tho right time to get hold of a few
lots in the right place, on tho "ground
lloor" prices, is right now.
Communications by loiter or other
wise, will receive prompt attention,
and selections will bo mado for parties
in this manner with special carO.
The Union Real Es
tate and Mining
Is a corporation capitalized at $20,
000, with $12,(500 paid up capital, lion.
D. W, Lichtenthalor, proiidont; Hon.
L. II. llinohart, vico-prosidoutj S. A.
Pureol, troasuror; K. 8. .MeConias sec
owwux two doo north of cou-;
tonnial hotel.
Partius doairiug lo buy or soil nwl
ustato plotuo oall on or addraM
K. S. frCOMAS, Union, Or.
Heo'v. V. H. E. Je V. Kx.
A. J.
; Iteogulzed
Leading Hotel ot
On Improved Farms, at Reasonable Rates.
When Title is Good and Security
j P M ik
! LltestSl"es- SHOES,
Just Received. Direct from the
-Also a Fine
My Prices will suit the limes. Drop in ami sec me.
C. VINCENT, Main Street, Union, Or.
We Guarantee the Lowest Eates.
'No Commissions. jNo Delays, where
Title and Security is Satisfactory.
! N-v'iM-Tnm-'STTMmr',n-i n AT T f' I riT7"I
Wilson & Hackett, Union, Or.
h r
To Ccisli
Wilson &
M.n.ufuUuri r.s of
i. ii .1
n mm
ii. jjuvjj.u nun
u 11
- -Keeps Constantly on hand a Largo Supply of
Bedding, Desks, Office Furniture, etp.
All kinds of Furniture Mado,
" "
J. S. ELLIOTT, - Proprietor.
r-biiv K1rt " .. r. -.a, V if RMMtiMblo.
Htis t,. .hi : 1 1.. m tlu- Ik-r M.ikiuo; Conmvtion with allTpai
, - Proprietor.
by all as the
bastern uregoni g of Con.merCa, Tr-eler.
Satisfactory. Call on or address
Union, or Baker City, Oregon.
All Kinds,
East, a Larco Invoice of LADIES' and
Rest Ever brought to
brought to this Market.
Assortment of-
& '" KJXKjL JL HjU.
Buyers at
and Dealers in
a t i 1 i
! par nr ann mn.
i miui ii ii ii nun
U "T
I ft 111
MllSV illicit
a nnnm vntn v
(1 I iiiiiii .ini A M
and Upholstering dono to order.
Main St., Union, Or