The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, January 02, 1890, Image 1

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U 1.
NO. 2s:
The Oregon Scout. ;
An itulppcj'dpnt wpfkly Journal, i'icrt ev
i.v l'hursiia.v "morning bv t
Publisher uml Proprietor. '
A. K. Josns.
' Foreman,
KATiss op sttiiscjmnx:
One copy, one vcnr $1.50
" - six months 1.00
" Three lnontos '.78
in variably in Alvlin.
If y chnrre unbuei iptiani airnot paid till
tint oj ytur, two ihllart will be charged.
Kates i f advertising made known on ap
plication. 3T"l'orrtMnndence roln a11 l,ftrts ot ,nc
country solicited.
Adrcss all communications to the Obkoox
Scout. Union Oregon.
KSliYTE HI A N C II UliClI. services
. every t-ubbath at 11 a.m. und ft p. m;
Sabbath school at 10 a. m; prayer meeting
Wednesday, at S p, m. The Ladies' Mis
sionary Society meets on the fourth Frid.iy
of everv mouth at H:'M p. m. All cordially
invited. U. 11. I'AKKKK. l'astor
K. Kakis,
J. A. Eakin,
Notary Public.
Attorneys at Lav,
Union, Oregon.
JSTl'rompt Attention Paid to Collect.ous.
Attorney at Law.
Coik-eting and probate practice special
tie.-. Orlice, two doors south of pobt-olliue,
Union, Oregon.
J. V. Siikltox. J. M. Cakuou,.
Attorneys at Law.
Office : Two doors south of post-office, Un
ion, Oregon.
Special attention given all business en
trusted to us.
rji 11. CltAWFOKD,
Attorney at Law,
Union, Oregon.
Ollice, one door south of Centennial ho
tel. 15. V. Wu-sox.
Notary Public.
A. .1. Hackutt.
Notary Public.
Attorneys at Lav.
Collections and all other business entrus
ted to us will receive prompt attention.
A complete abstract of the land of Union
county in our oll'tce,
Managers of the UNION ItKAL ESTATE
Physician ami Surgeon.
Office, one door outh of J. 1$. Eaton's
store, Union, Oregon.
Q II. DAY, 31. D
Physician aid Surgeon.
Office adjoining Jones Uro's store. Can
be loiiiul mgi.ts at residence in South
west I nion.
I j. DANFOllTII, M. 1).,
Physician and Surgeon
North Powder, Oregon.
IM H E A H K H 0 1' W 0 M K X A g 1' C C I A Ii T Y.
Calls attended to at all hours.
yyM. KOENKi.
Architect and Builder,
Draft", Plans and De.-dgns for Dwelling,
and Bridges furnished on application.
Shingles For Sale!
An unlimited amount of No. I shinglos
constantly on hand and for sale cheap.
Orders from all parts of tho country so
lici,tH, S. !. Bimuouoiis.
3-U tf Cove, Oregon.
Main Streot. Union, Oregon,
Koop constantly on hud
N Fine Line of Watch
WrPtoti for The Shut.
Q006 mOfiT, OLD
Softly trend softly the chamber of Time;
listenher hurt-b '.its are measured mid
Blow ;
MessMtRers bright from Eternity's cHiuii
She! on her forehead mi angelic glow.
Slowly :hc pulo boat nnd foft swells iter
bmth ;
Down are the en ruin-, mid dim tho lamp's
silent and sombre the jiiinrtlmttcn of death
Whispers "shs's joing" Old year, jrood
night !
Pence fo her Memory we've slept 'neuth
her wing j
Gone are hor counsels her rammer so
bright !
Voices that praised tlteo and worshiped
now staff
Thy last sad requiem Old year, good
Day, with its hustle, is closing at last j
Down with the shadows tho stars gather
Closed is the boon, soft whisper the past
Dying tho embers Old year, good night I '
Hands that were busy are folded in peace;
Sombre the slmdowi that follow the light:
Eves that were weary in sleep tlntl release;
Hushed nretho songsters Old year, good
Children that babbled are roaming in
Soft slides tho moon o'er the hill's sombre
istbeiuurmur of gurgling streams;
Finished our labor Old year, good night !
The pen and the pages are laid down to rest ;
Tho letter is sealed and the pillow
smoothed right ;
Forgotten the laughter forgotten the jest ;
Silence is master Old year, good night!
Tho organ is closed ; its mu-lc is peace;
The echoes that linger have taken their
Toiler and prince their labors all cease
Bury thy sorrow Old year, good night!
Hmrr. V. Huffman.
Union, Or. Jan. 1. 1S!)0.
Progress of the Hlnes Society and Social
Happenings Personal Mention.
Mr. Dan Hayes, tho foreman, 1ms
gone to linker City for a few days rec
reation. Mr. Hayes will return to
Sanger after the holidays.
The snow in Sanger is three feet,
deep. Everything is covered up, but
work goes on just tho bimie. The
mine is working quite iv force of men,
while tho mill is standing still for
some repairs.
The outlook for tho camp of Sanger
for the coining year is very good. The
shaft is still worked with eight hour
shift?, sinking as fast as posssible.
Levels are being run out from tho
shaft to tap tho ledge, which will give
plenty of ore to keep the mill running
ut its fullest capacity. Tho hoisting
works aro completed and doing fine
.Mr. Wilson was seen on our streets,
Thursday, with his team and wagon.
It is vary poor wagoning now. Too
much snow.
Mr. Townley lias oponed a nice and
complolo little itoro in Sanger, at tho
mill. Sho keeps quite an assortment
of toady made clothing as well as
other goods.
A social dnnco was givon in Sanger
on Christinas night. Thero was a
good attendance- and was enjoyed by
all present. There are several families
in Sanger, and quite a number of
young ladies, so wo can have a social
dance without going abroad.
Tho Sanger Christmas tree was ar
ranged by Mrs. Townley. Several
nico presents wero on tlio tree.
Horn. December 22, 1S89, to the
wife of John H. Diirnnin, a nine
pound boy. Hurrah for Johnny.
Mr. Scott Long hns gone to Bukor to
spend tho holidays and havo a little
refct. Our friend Scott is one of the
steadiest miners in camp.
H. W. Leo arrived in camp a fow
days ago, fiom Powder river, and has
gone to work again in tho initios. Mr.
Loo iv ono of our old miners and wo
are glad to see him back in our lively
The Wallowa Chieftain comes to
our table this week much imptoved
and with much more spaco than for
merly, neat and attractive in its vari
oiw departments, with an excellent
eorp of correspondents, and giving all
tho news of tho county in spicy and
pungent paragraphs. It aho contains
several original poems and articles of
a liltrry naturo, which gives it a tone
considerably above tho average coun
try newnpaper, and poaks well for tho
intelligence of the peoplo in that sec
tion of the country. Taken all in all
it now approaches very clotely to
what we consider a model family paper.
es, Clocks, Jewelry,'
Our Correspondent's lvpii
ll'ulv to Nebraska.
Tht Blaclt :im Kailroadt and Bridge
Th Ottiei of the future.
CoU'Miirx. Neb., Doc. 20, ISM).
FniToit Scout:
After a ride of 1,7")0 miles wo find a
sister here where gladly wo stop for
a rest and send a letter to Tin: Scorr,
a thing seldom fogotten, and by way
of variety we will start from Union
where our journey or troubles began.
After waiting two days for a ticket to
conrj from Portland, wo despaired of
getting it, and through the kindness
of Mr. A. E. Ellis, tho gentlemanly
agent at Union, wo did the next best
thing and started out on tho overland
flyer, hit or miss. The 0. 1L it N. Co.
aro in their accommodations of fur
nishing tickets as they aro in tilling
orders for empty cars, and in the mat
ter of running their trains they have
tho Lord on their side, as they run
merely by guess in tho ditch and out
of the ditch their road being a verti
cal stretch of rotten wood and rust.
Engine No. 7.'?0 yanked us out of
Grande Hondo in line shape. It is
one of the Utah Northern, having one
of those steam-boat whistles that all
the passenger engines have on the
main line of tho Union Pacific. En
gine No. 810 whirled us from Hunt
ington 170 miles through storm and
darkness to Glenn's Ferry, engineer
Isaac Herron gaining time at every
jump. Our train left Poeatello in the
face of a blinding snow storm, engine
No. 7fl plowing the snow for the next
1.10 miles. At soda springs the snow
was three feet deep on a level. All
along the Port Neuf, Pear and Green
rivers wo saw thousands of head of
stock wading around belly deep in tho
snow, searching for food, and not a
hay stack in sight anywhere. At
Green Hiver City tho snow had about
all disappeared. From there wo rode
on the overland flyer, a night run to
Laramie ci'y, making time at tho rato
of forty miles per hour, leaving a
streak of lire and dust behind. Over
tho Black Hills from Laramie wo had
twelve coaches, all told, and three Mo
gul engines attached, their combined
weight being 2"0 tout!. They labored
hard to gain the summit at Sherman,
which has an elevation of 8,2-12 feet.
The coaches wero crowded with
Christmas visitors from everywhere.
We counted forty-two locomotives at
Laramie and passcdjnino more between
thero and Cheyenne.
Not far from tho railroad track, to
the right, at Sherman, is tho monu
ment erected to the memory of Hon.
Oakes Ames and his brother Oliver,
through whose energy and indomitable
perseverance the Union Pacific rail
road was completed in an incredibly
short length of time, and where the
little memorandum book of tho for
mer paralyzed somo great names.
Hero is the Dale creek bridge two
miles west of Sherman. Tho huge
structure is 0T)0 feet long from bltifl to
blufT, and 12G feet high, over Dale
creek. From the top of tho bridge
tho littlo stream looks liko a tangled
silver thread as it glistens in the sun's
brilliant light which is sifted through
the canyon crags and iron netting of
tho bridge.
Wo leave ono locomotive and our
train is now on the down grade, no
steam being required. Thero aro
places where tho rocks rise higher,
whore tho chasms aro deeper, where
tho surrounding peaks may bo loftier
and the torrents mightier in thoir
power, but in no placo will tho travel
er feel so utterly alone, so completely
isolated from mankind and left entire
ly with Naturo as at Sherman, on the
Black Hills of Wyoming. At Dun
nington we lost one hour in time, at
Julcsburgh another hour, and here at
Columbus when it is 12 o'clock it is 10
at Union.
Chcyonno looks about as it did
twelve years ago, only with tho addi
tion of electric lights. Wo too them
at all tho principal stations. At Julos
btirgh tho Platte rivor is nearly dry.
Silverware, Guns
We get supper nt Nvrth Platto, the
home of the notorious Buflalo Hill.
; P.ngine No. 825 made quick time to
, Grand Island and fairly uplit the wind
; on a forty milr straight track to North
! Platte. Hero we counted twenty-six
! locomotives, nine landing on one
j track teady for any emergency.
Columbus is ninety-one miles west
of Omaha, is the county seat of Platte
county, and has a population of 3,000.
In 1SGM it wits tho frontier town of
Nebraska. There Were but fow settlers
bevond. Bv virtue of it.s location in
one of tho finest agticultural sections!
of the Platte valley, it will at no dis
tant day make a city of many thous
and inhabitants. Some time in the
sixties Mr. George Francis Train
called Columbus the geographical
center of the United States and strong
ly urged the removal of the national
capitol to this place, but v fear the
removal will not. come in our time, o
we shall not try to buy any corner lots
on the strength of the possibility.
To-morrow morning at 4:20 w
board tho liver again for Dos Moines,
Iowa. " J. W. MINNICK.
the cova.
The Indian CreeJc Sawmill New Year'n
BrII Uoujh cs the rowls.
Covk. Or. Jan. 1, 1800.
Mr. L. B. Stearns is tne ling with
gratifying success in disposing of the
Uegulator wind mill. Jus. McCall, of
Island City, and Win. Boothe, of Cove,
made purehiifes this week.
Mr. Zigler has purchased a half in
terest in tho Indian creek saw mill,
the firm now being composed of this
gentleman and Win. Bloom. They
will saw what logsitro on the yard - of
the present si to of the mill and will
then move to a fine tract of Umber
lying within six miles o Clgin. At
this point an engine will lo used to
furnish power.
Tho New Year's ball last evoning,
given by Mrs. M. II. Eaton, was one of
tho finest attairs of tho season and
everyone proiont voted it a coinploto
success. The music furnished by Wm,
Jaines'and wife and Mrs. Lou Payne
was as good as ever heard here, the
lloor managers courteous and atten
tive, and tho supper a delight to tho
inner man. The parties of Mrs. l2aton
will always bo sure of liberal patron
age. The purloining of chickens and
ducks is getting to be an almost night
ly occurrence. A largo Hock of dunk.
was illegally confiscated on tho hill
side the other night. The coop was
left behind by the careless appropria
tors. Mr. P. F. Chrisumn iH lying very
low and slight hopes aro entertained
of his ultimate- recovery.
All tho boys havo shaved off that
they may start tho New Year with a
clean face. Not a few have sworu oil',
which will last at leant until thoir
mustaches show again.
A good many are sick with colds.
Perhaps it is a forerunner of the dread
ful iiilliiun.a which is making such
huvoo in tho old world.
Sleighing is good. Mail and puMon
gors between Cove and Union are now
being carried on a bran new sleigh im
ported by Messrs. Bobiimon fc Layne.
Bkoauhk Bobt. Ingersoll said in a
recent letter that it was possible mini
passed, at death, into another state of
oxistonce, some of tho orthodox are
protending to wonder if Bob isn't about
to "get religion." Bob already has a
religion, a grand and noble religion,
founded on common ensc, humanity
and moroy, and doesn't pretend to bo
conversant with sometliinjf he knows
nothing about. Tho hope of immor
tality is implanted in every human
breast and it would he strnngo if this
bit' tender-hearted champion of the
weak and poor did not have his full
share of it. Hoping and knowing are
words having enliiuly diil'crent mean-,
ings. jngoreon amicus oiiiy wnm no
knows to lie falno and irmii,'. Being
convinced that tho orthodox hell is
not it necessary adjunct to human
progress and civilization, lie lias been
engaged for several years past in
knocking the bottom ouU.f it. As ho
has been protty nifcewful in the work,
all right minded people will give him
due credit for the same and will not
begrudge him any consolation Uwt
can lie unin from the heart of this
world or tho peace pnq.ird for mor
tals in the next ii ilnie i-, ..m r
edition to come.
and Amunition Just
The Amusements of Thai
iVIodel Settlement.
Kftt er no Meat Two Oroat aad Qood
Men Prodi and Pointer.
The health of Park iwoplo generally
good. Home havo slight colds.
The falling snow brings a smile to
tho faces of young and old. The
young thinking of what fun they will
hare sleighriding, and tho old farmer
thinking of tho prospect for a good
crop next season.
Tho young folks have lots of fun at
tho numerous parties given, and aro
n very fociable set.
All of thi,' young folks wont down
to Dolby's hall to attend tho Christ
mas tree. The festivities wound up
with a nice little dance.
On Christmas night tho good peo
plo of the Park partook of an oyster
suppor at Enoch South's and all on
joyed themselves immensoly till after
12 o'clock.
Nearly all tho stock belonging in
tho Park has been gathered in. J. S.
Vandevantor has a few horses out yet.
Wallace and the Vanordor boys havo
driven their horses to Grando Kondo
valley, to winter there.
The snow lays eight or ten inches
deep and still it snows. Sleighing is
good now and tho cayuso has to trav
el. The school children had a vacation
last week, but school commenced
again this morning.
Mrs. Smith, of La Grando, is in tho
Park visiting her old Iowa friends.
1 lor daughter, F.llio, is with her and
makes things lively for tho young
folks. They will return homo the last
of tho week.
Mr. Jas. Wisdom is busy making
and repairing sleighs. Ilo is at work
on an iron sleigh now. Ho under
stands tho business thoroughly.
A paper is coining to tho Park ad
dressed to "Thos. Mitchell, Union
Park." Whoever it belongs to had
better have it changed. Tho paper is
Tho New York Witness.
The literary society meets every
Fiiday evening. Last Friday tho
question, "I'esolved, that eating flesh
is injuiious to the human system."
It U a question that should bodobnted
everywhere. The people, or biblo he
liovers, particularly, don't socm to
know that the bible goes right back on
eating swine's flesh, and that Paul
goes against eating llesh of any kind.
Still they cat pounds of it. Isn't
thero something wrong in Donmark?
A preacher took tinio to discourse to
tho Parkltes recently, so wo are saved
a little longer, for which wo aro duly
Thero is to ho a candy pulling at
Dolby's on New Year's ovo. Wo un
derstand tho affair is to end up with
a social dance.
Wo aro pleased to lead tho contro
versy between Kov. Mooro and Mr.
.Huffman. Such controversies aro sure
to mnko someone think about tho sub
ject and so learn something. Mr.
Mooto is mistaken in his remarks con
cerning Lincoln and Washington.
Neither of them wore in tho habit of
praying. Both wcio liberals and free
thinkers, and proven so by mon who
had an intimate personal acquaintance
with them,
Tho next time that I go to an oyster
suppor I will have a sled that I can't
fall out of. S. V. That fellow ato
supper with my girl and 1 will fix him.
J. T hoy havo shut tho doors and
are going to dance; I'm going homo.
S. A. If you want anything with mo
just wait till next summer. M. If I
say 1 wont, I wont, so there 1 K. Wo
wont to bod at two. G. I havo
brought my girl up to tho literary.
31. Big Cruekors, don't bring your
cats up to tho Park to turn looso. S.
Pis Vah.iv. Uoc. 18S0.
A merry Chtutmas and a happy
flow Year to the St out force.
I Received at A. N.
Snow about a font deep, sleighing
good, theinioineter ten 1k1ow "freno."
We learn that Luther Lloyd i the
father of a young son the first boy
among his little ones.
Boin. l'ecently, to the wife of Ellis
Loop, Jr., a son. It was thought for
some days that the mother wotikl havo
to puss away, but we aro glad to be
able to state that at present grent
hopes arc ontottuincd of her recovery.
Married. At the residence of tho
bride's patents, Deo. 1. by M. A. Scott,
J. P., Miss F.dith Dawson and Mr.
Frank ICing, both of Pino YRlley, Or.
Mr. King is to bo congratulated on
having secured such an estimable nnd
popular young lady for a life partner,
and while some of our young men
ptobubly wished' .Mr ICing "further,"
they can't hold spite against Frank
and will all unite in wishing them joy
in their new life.
Wo understand that a ball will bo
given at. A. K. Stalker's hall on tho
night of Jan. 1st. We believe it is tho
intention of tho peoplo of Cornucopia
to come to the valley for tho holidays.
Latter from aUnlou County Student Com
parison of Climates Good Advico. v
Ki fiKNK. Dec. 'J7, 1HW).
The weather for the past two weeks
has been decidedly cold, but to-day a
change has taken place it is mining
and everybody is happy.
Tho now gymnasium building will
soon bo furnished with three hundred
dollars' worth of athletic apparatus.
In a meeting hold Thursday of
somo of Hugono's prominent citizens,
for tho purpose of raising money to
secure a streot railway, livo thousand
dollars was subscribed.
The students of tho University aro
now enjoying a two weeks' vacation.
Nearly all those who do not resido
here have gono homo, and it makes
those who cannot go feel rathor lone
some. Wo notico, during tho last fow days,
several Bishop Scott and Corvallis
students on the streets. Thoy present
quite a soldierly appearance in thoir
bluo and gray uniforms.
Hurrah for tho Hunt rond! Wo
congratulate tho peoplo of Grando
Hondo, and especially those of Union,
upon their good fortune in securing a
competing lino of railroad, and sin
cerely believe that Union will soon bo
ono of the leading towns of Eastern
Oregon. She has tho natural advan
tages, and now that confidence has
been inspired hor success is assured.
Wo would say to any citizen of Un
ion who has the loatt idea of coming
to tho Willamette valloy to enjoy her
so called "mild and gentle" climate
and escape tho rigors of a Grando
Hondo winter stay whero you aro..
You will find snow and howling winds
preferable to mud and rain ; clear cold
weather better than fog and mist; and
after all you will suffer as much from
tho cold hero as you will there. Ycs
wo repeat it, stay at home.
Yours truly,
Dec. 1!S, 13ID.
Sleighing good.
About four inchos of snow fell on
the 27th.
Tho ball givon on Christmas ovo at
Elgin was well attended, fifty-eight
tickets being sold.
Mr. A. J. Hackott, of Union, was in
our burg a fow days since.
Miss Julia MoWilliams is homo on a
visit to hor paronts.
Great preparations aro being mado
at tho saw mill near town, for tho
coming trado. Six now logging sleds
will bo ready for use by January 1st.
A petition will ho circulated, before
long, asking that n county road ho es
tablished lrom tho mouth of Looking
Glass creek to Elgin, a distance of ten
miles. It is much ueedod, as thero is
not a foot of county road north of
Tho Christmas trco was nicoly deco
rated with acceptable presents, rang
ing all tho way from a stick of candy
to a suit of clothes. Tho exercises
were enjoyed by all.
Kov. Wm. Owonhy, of Enterprise, is
here on a vitt to his -huh, K D. Owen
by. PEEIv-A-BOO.
Gardner & Co's.