The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, December 26, 1889, Image 8

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Editor Scout:
Eighteen hundred and cighty-nino
years ago, this morning, if legend
comes down to us aright, was bom in
Bethlehem of Judca, an immense spir
it of information, which was to change
the course and tide of affairs, and to
point a phantom finger down across
the stretch of ages to tho destiny of
man, and tho ways of tho universe.
At that time tho empire of Homo was
nt its grandest its banners streamed
from tho out posts of civilization. Its
armies marched to tho extremes of tho
known land, from upper Germany to
tho torrid chimes of dark browed Afri
ca. Nations dropped their tribute at
her throne. Conquest was its pas
time. War its delight. No land teemed
with tho fertility of culture, no sea was
decked with tho whito sailed argosies
of commerce, no city stretched its
bcautious armies along tho rufilcd bay,
but the jjreat insigna of lloma. was
master and monarch ! It reached for
tho throne of tho world, but alas! it
found a conqueror! It began to de
cline whilo standing on the purpling
height of tho topmast round of Fame.
Its people had grown to bo demons,
and its rulers devils. This spirit had
its followers, and by its gain Homo
lost. Constantino was brought to the
new religion while marching at mid
day at the head of the Itoman le
gions. The barbarity that had marked
its glorious career began to looso its
horror, and a mild and temperate at
mosphere spread its wings over tho
falterng domains of Ancient Homo!
But, then this was one of the inevita
ble stopping places of ambition. It
was so far advanced that grandeur was
reduced to ferocity, that Fame was a
dragon that fed on tho blood of man
kind. Tho monster bogan to recoil at
its own cruelty, and its adamantiuo
form shook at tho iierco conquests its
own terrible hand had wrought!
Weakness followed power. It strug
gled and grasped for the secjter it so
long held. But its strugglo was feeble
its strength gone. And at last, whon
tho Turk crept up to the ramparts of
jts last f-troug hold, and planted his
gohl,'1)? t'l'-.'scnnt on r.eiJoubU of Con
Htai)iii,.,i;b, thu but pulso of iho Old
J"!ji.u;; H'ilr('j slo'c wih u fcoblo ilut
turfmrti tliu ilying lioarl of the East, :
and tho Imperial Crown of Ciesar was
.nvn -:;l S'mjc wro wont to .
ilttliiKiLu this downfall !o the growth
of chris'.iatiity, Tlwy find in the doc
trine iulWMCOil by Christ, tho unginos
that wrought tho destruction of this
world-wulo conqueror. It may be. It
may bo that tho workings of tho super
natural powers of tho universe wcro
tho cords tint checked tho advance of
these vast campaigns but what pow
er wrought tho downfall of Napoleon?
Ho was marching with regal pomp
through blood and enrnago to tho
thronn of Huropo, but alas! ho landed
on tho Imrrou spot of .St. Helena, and
them amid its desolate dill's and hol
low moaning waves, thoCorsiean giant
writhed and died, whilo tho elements
were warring without! "Waterloo was
not a battle, but a transformation of
tho Universe," as Hugo says. Whon
conquest goes so far, it must stop, and
this has been tho oaso from Cyrus to
Napoleon thu Croat, Whether tho
child of Bathlohoin was tho moans and
power which stopped tho machinery
that was grinding tho peoplo of tho
world, from Africa to Ireland, into sub
mission to Roman rule, or whether it
happomvl to come into tho world at
this ml.uimitioii of power, does not
matter to us. Wo m:u tho long results
of time. Wo hue back down tho past
ages all tho changes that havo passed
over th" land. Wo can speculate on
thu causes and feel glad that wo arc
not compelled to answer correctly.
That is an impossibility. Thoro aro
secret iqwiugs of action in tho lifo of a
nation, as in tho lifo of a man, which
tho hi-' oi-iun never dreams of, nor re
cords. Thuro aro inward workings
that destroy and dissolve governments
that it i- not the horitago of posterity
to know. In tho lifo of t great man,
there aro faults that lead to his ruin,
which tho biographer fails to know,
nnd consequently tho public finds vast
ileitis uf speculation in tho public deeds
of hint, iho true caiuo of wlio.o down
fall th y know not! Thu same with
Rome, its downfall was likely wiought
by its i wu hand. As to (hu doctrine of
this Hpiiit of jofortimtion having a di
rect iutlui'iico on tho death of thu Um
pire, do not know. It was thu end
that baii-arily brings on itself. Then
followtd .meraof gentler government, :
until il'i Mimu spirit that is claimed to '
huvo . nliiown thu monarch of tho
world, vim its bloody ciinquest, tho
inquint un and was finally over I
thrown nui'lf. And thu finite ambition
cxhau-Ml Its own bloody cretd.
Thu wo buhold (ho past, A battU-
field, wJiui'u grupplo in mgrtnl i
combnt for a doctrine a dogma a
"Isitworth while that wc Jostle a brother,
Hearing his loud on the rough road oflife?
Is It worth while thnt we quarrel with each
. other?
In blackness of heart? That we wnr to
I the knife?''
Is it worth the blot-sings wo may gain
by victory to bo in a continual strife
over some question that will not add a
day's length to our existence? llight
will conquor in tho end. Hut who is
to judge the right? All men claim
their side to be right, and each says
the other is wrong ! When shall wo
behold tho ;nrmy of tho Right come
marching in? Never! As long as
men live, and have mind and hand
with which to combat, so long will tho
struggle continue. Wo may enjoy a
reign of civil quietude, and norfcoimr
peace, but on all sides is tho strug
gle brewing. Wo can never say to tho
world "We have found the world
wido symphonies of llight." These
come with tho assertion, a destroying
force, with ready proof of something
better and nearer right!
Then why not look ahead and hope?
Why not build us monuments and
royal arches in the present? Each
man lias within himself the power of
limitless expanse. No man can set tho
boundaries of mind! Tho explorers in
the mystic realms of thought find uni
verso on universe whero the subtle col
onist has never planted tho banner of
civilization. They find sens infinite,
upon whoso shoes men have sot their
fickle landmarks, but upon whoso wa
ters tho thinker has never ventured !
With each returning year comes tid
ings from unknown seas of fact. The
lithe warrior of civilization bring3 tro
phies from fields, rich and rare.
There are paths in our midst yet un
explored. In this book are pictures
upon which our fond eyes have never
gazed delight our souls have never
felt! Then baok to tho present ra
diant with hope ilivo with action. It
may bo that all tho grand plan of re
demption and salvation is right, that
thoro is a life whero night is light
whero griof is joyl Each boing car
ries fiom tho delicate outlines of tho
future his own ideal! lie paints tho
phantom picture that most delights
his own heart. Uut pointing down
through t'uu ages like tho jomusis of
iftlni lnu finger of tho reformer. Old
acts' arc 'I"!1'? ?.u,w ol& are in
stituted, Euch Century is brighter tliaii tll'J
'preceding. Tho march of nliriil, with
its cohorts of knights and princes
reaches fnrthor and farther in tho wil
derness of thought. Whon tho curtain
drops over ono gcono in tho play, tho
actors don a gayer costume, and c
mergo with moro joyous countenances.
Young hands and young minds crowd
close behind tho votorans. Tho play
of civilization is lifted higher and ex
tended farther at every charge in the
immense legions of Progress! Every
roturning Christmas brings its trophies.
Now faces greet, it old ono? are ab
sent. Then lot us hope. This is our privi
lege of which wo can never bo deprived
to hope!
Taint for yourself tho ideal and
follow it! Hero aro tho brushes, there
tho colors, yonder spead out in vast si
lence tho canvas! 'You are tho ar
tist. Your &ki!l is your life. Is it poor
or oxcollont? You aro tho judge. Aro
you prudent, or frivolous? Lay down
tho principles that you aro forming,
and paint your living ideal!
Hero aro models. (5o to tho statue
room of history. Choose your model,
and follow its ovory detail. Whero it
it can bo improved you have the ad
vantage of living at a later age im
prove it! If you lack knowledge hero
is nature read her volumes and tasto
Iter napthsi. And thou
"When all life's logons have boon learned,
Ami mm ami stars forever more have hut,''
you can go down to tho gravo with
tho consciousness that you were true
to your cause whatovor it was and a
patriot and veteran tried and true, is
blessed among all men! Thou oven if
all you havo fought for is wrong, yon
woro a faithful and conscientious sol
dior, and shall inherit all tho glory and
blessings thnt mankind is heir to! If
thoro is an immortality bo it good or
bad tho pleasautost place belongs to
tho true soldier to his chosen cause. A
traitor's horitago is tho hato of tho
world a hypocrite, its disgust? If
there boa lifo after this whom night
turns radiance, and caro turns enjoy
ment, it must bo open to tho ones who I
do nearest in tlioir knowledge to right.
s long as uHuotlon is in thu world, mi
long will thu hopo of after lifo in.b nnd
swell in tho human heart o long as
puoplu mourn for the dead, mi long will
this inviibh cord strotoh through the
unseen laud beyond, drawing eW r !
and closer tho living to tho doad. It is .
not burn of the dootrinus of Cluistlant-
ty -It was not born with thu blblo it I
Iiiih oluiig with vigilant caro around I
tho heart, since first its mighty throb
awoko the slumber from chaos to lifo!
It is ono attribute of the soul that
neither increases nor diminishes. No
amount of tall: or persuasion can drive
it away. It is woven among tho
nerves of ijkixr, and till tho winds of
time 6weop tho last vestige of civiliza
tion from tho globe it will remain
whether Christianity or Infidelity
reigns it is the child of Eternity.
and does not die.
December 2"), 1889.
Arrival and Departure of Trains at tho Un
ion Dejot.
No. 1 West-bound
No. 2 East-bound . ' -No.
:t West-bound Fan .Mail
No. I Knit-bound '
rnnmitT thai.vk,
No. 11 West-bound
No. 12 Kast-bound -
4 :25 a. in.
11 :55 a. in.
1 :55 p. in.
7 :45 p. m.
2:.r,0 a. m.
!:f'() p. in.
No. 13 West-bound Wity-f might : :I0 p. in
No. 41 Kast-boiind " 0:u" a. in
TTfK'KT'sto and from principal points
llulY,J,10inthc United States. Canada
and Europe.
Elegant How Dining:,
Pullman Palace Sleepers,
Free Colonist Sleeping Cars on all Ex
press Trains to
o Without Change. o
Close connections at Portland for San Frnn
ciseo and Paget Sound points.
The Union Pncill" will dispatch Steamers
between San Francisco and Port
land, as follows:
Leaving at 1 0 J'. M. IVv'ng Spear St. vh'
as followai ; follows:
Oregon, Due. 1, l.'S. W Col'bia, Doc. o. Hi, 2S
State. " fj, 1". 2!) Oregon, " S, L'O
Columbia'- 1), 21 State. " 12. 24
Tho company reserves the right to change
steamers or sailing days.
Cabin, - - ?I(J.OO Steerage - - $8,00
Round Trip Tickets, Unlimited - .$30.00
Children, under 12 years - - Half Faro
, i ,, C years - - - Freo
iDcltitlinij Jfeuh and lkrths.
fieu'l Trallie Manager.
Cien'l. Ticket Agt,
A, K. ULLI-S Afjent, VTIU9i
Has no ocual for Stylir. Fit and Wenr.
Positively !
lin tout, Blio8 In America tor tuo money,
cocoived. ti"0 stump on bottom of cncxi
slinn. Take
r, Mh..Q tpvnrv Tnlr wirmntml. fttvltsh nnil '
outU So miy K-'v uo In .lio marltut. 'or salo t2 j
Jos. "Wright, Union, Or.
(Opposite the Court House.)
UNION, : : : OR Ft! ON.
Mux. O. P. (JoonAi.1.. Prop.
Tables Furnished vdfch the
IJost, tho Market ililbrtls
ami Prepared by
While Cooks.
New Ueds and Rooms Neatly Furnished.
Public Patronage- Solicited
Obtained, nnil all Patent lluslness attended
to Promptly and for Moderate Fees.
Oiirollh'e is opposite the IT. S. Patent
Otllco, and wo can obtain Patents In less
time than those remote from W'asoington.
Send MODEL or DRAWING. We adviso
as to nantoiitabllllv freo of charge; and we
Wo refer, here, to tho Postmaster, the :
Sunt, of Money Order Dlv., and to ottleiiils
of tho U, 8, Patent Olllce. Fei circular, j
ntlvico, terms and retlVrenees to netual cli
ents hi your own State or County, writo to
C. A. SNOW & Co.. ,
Om)!ito Patent Otllco. Washington, D. C
atND ran oun prices
UMUH bill ilUIMjj
Z S, 111 am I
Wc havo now on hand tho most
Comprising Everything Imaginable in
advertisement to even give an Idea of Our Immense Variety, all are
invited to call and see for themselves.
According to our usual custom, to show our appreciation of hc Liberal
Patronage wo havo received from the people of this vieinity, wo have completed
arrangements for a
For every dollar's worth of goods bought of us during tho remainder of the
year our patrons will receive a ticket which will give them a chance to secmo
one or all of tho following beautiful presents:
First Prize, Two superb pastel pictures.
2 do
3 do
4 do
5 do
6 do
7 do
8 do
9 do
10 do
11 do
12 do
13 do
14 do
15 do
Drawing to take place Dec. 31, at 7 P.
For ovory twenty-five cents' worth of goods bought of us during the re
mainder of tho year, 'by the little folks, wo will givo :a tickot entitling thorn to a
chanco to draw ono or all of the following prizos :
First Prize, Largo doll.
2 " Scrap album.
II " Ro. stationery.
.1 " Pniior wnii'ht..
" Pair vases.
Drawing to take place Dec. 31, at 2 P. M.
Tickets to this drawing will bo givon to none but tho little chiidren.
SgdlA full line of Groceries, Glassware,
Cutler)', Stationery and School Books con
stantly on hand.
Ib 11 lot Be Untlersoltl in kwM
jTOrders from all parts of tho country solicited. j2
J.S.ELLIOTT, - Proprietor.
Kverythlnu Kind Class. Terms Very Hcasonable,
! Buss to and Fiom the Depot Making Connection with all Trains
Superb and Handsome assortment of
that Lino. As it is Impossible in an
Elegant parlor lamp.
Large photo album. .
Complete water set.
Silver plated cake stand.
Pair vases.
One vol. Sliakespeare.
PlusJi stationery box.
Ladies' work box.
Set ice cream dishes.
Majolica fruit dish.
Scrap album.
Set glassware (4 pieces.)
Music roll.
Oil painting, 24x36.
Sixth Prize, Combination bank.'
7 " Cup and saucer.
8 " Basket perfumery.
0 " fiO cents' worth candy,
10 " Steam ongino.
,iii in mill m 1 ii ' 1 1 111 irrj
jnrniTirTi im
MB im III!
Union Real Estate Association
Have listed u larrre amount of
Which arc for aie on
83 acres mlotalng the city of Union.
Will ho wld a wholo or in parcels. Ci !
opportunity to wctrro a cheap home. Price
ot whole tract !f3JS90.
.",211 'irr-' fen miles north of Union ; nil
til 1st t lo i.ii.ii ; unimproved: price $13. pei
ne re.
11520 acrps of Improved land, fonrtom
miles north of Union; 200 acres farmintr
land; 200 acres in meadow and balance ui
tnhlo for meadow or pasture; jrood fences
buildings, orchard and plenty of water. A
good home for a desirable husbandry.
Price $lf. per acre; one fourth down niid
balance on three and five year's time.
10 acres adjoining the city of T'niju,
known ns the Mooie garden; lnrgo orchard;
shrubbery of all kinds: hot and dry hou-e.
A fine harirnin for any one desiring to en
gage in the fruit and garden business,
l'rice $3,500.
lfiO noroi one mile weit of TTnion; fine
grain or meadow land. Price $0. per a re.
320 acres two and one-half miles north
west of Union; nil grain and meadow land;
well improved, price 25 per acre.
320 acres 25 miles south of Union; all
fenced with good wire fence ; itnprovcui'.'iit?
fair; plenty of water and out-range; nAO.
rails on the place; 160 acre farming land;
balance pasture land ; good orchard; three
miles from timber; lime kiln on phu-o.
l'rice $!. per acre.
210 acres one mile south of Teloeaset and
nine miles south of Union; 160 acres deed
ed nnd h0 acres timber culture; CO acres
good grain land: 30 acros fenced and under
cultivation; ii,000 rails on place; dwelling,
barn, cellar nnd out-building?: good well,
l'rice !?,(J00.
1C0 acres just north of Telocasotand 7
miles from Union; 40 acros under cultiva
tion; fair improvements. Price $11.00 per
1C0 acres two and one-half miles north of
North Powder; 140 acres tillablo land; 45
acros under cultivation; good house, barn,
cellar and out-buildings. Mortgage $750.
Price $11. per acre.
1010 acros twelve miles north of Union,
in Cove: 000 acres grain nnd meadow land;
balance pasture; well improved; good
foncos, buildings, orchard, etc., and plenty
of water; timber Joining same on oa. An
excellent farm for diversified husbandry.
Price $15,000.
320 ncres oloven miles north of Union, in
Cove; 200 ncrcs in cultivation; good fences,
buildings, etc. A lino farm. Price 0,500.
Kanchof 101 acros, known a the Half
Way Station on the road between Union
and Cornucopia, and 1 miles from Sanger;
lias n laree storv-and-n-balf bouse, barn
and stables on each side, wood shed, two
wells also a stream of running water on the
plnoe; 100 acres of natural moadow land
and a lino raiiKC all round. This would be
a lino location for a milk or stock ranch.
Ono hundred tons of tir.-it class liav can be
cut each year. Prico $850.
Who wants a saw mill? Hero Is vour
ohunce. Only 0 miles from North Powder.
A first class mill, with a cutting capacity of
0,000 foot per day, aud has roaehed lO'ouO
foet. This mill has a doublo circular aw,
built according to the latest improvement-,
with lirst cla'-s' parhincry throughout.
Only one-four h mile from 'main river, b
plenty of good milling timber; water power
mill, with water .privileges, etc. Easy piv
raents. This is a splendid ehanc; for "a
mill man. Price ?1,0(10.
An S0-acrc tract of as fine land a can
bo found in Powdor l.'iver valley; on warm
spring branch; splendid grain or meadinv
land, and only 3 mild from North 1'owtkr.
This is a rare bargain. Price $000.
Three block in onotrnot in North Union,
known ns the John Karon place; tins lar.'o
and commodious house well and substan
tially coustructod in every particular; en
tire place set iu orchard oi ohornu, pears,
apples, etc., also small fruit grow to perfec
tion; entire place can be irrigated; all ne
cessary out buildings. For a neat residence
In Union you enn And no better p!ae ,
This is u chance in n lifetime. Price $1,750.
One and one-half lots in Cove, upon
which is an elegant two-story limine Uii
ciifht rooms, all well finished throughout,
with stable, woodshed, otc also good well.
This is one of tho neatest residences m
Cove. Give us a call and we will uit you.
Price $1,750,
Good farm of 1H0 aoros, miles from
North Powder un the main road from I'n
Jon to IJater City; weli hnUhed storv and
a half house: good liarn. stable, gra'nerv.
oto; well for barn and ono for house; voutk'
orchard of 50 trees begining to bear, an I
small fruits in great quantities. This i
one of tho best farms around North Pow
der. 20
320 acros of improved land, 10 miles from
Union and ft miles' from North Powder;
liiqstly good tillable land; some meadow
land; balance jiasturo; living water on thu
place tho year 'round; near timber and one
half mile from school house. Pneo $1,0 jo.
120 acres of (rood fanning land two miles
northwest of Union; 10 ncres under culti
vation ; small housoand stablo. Price $15
per acre,
A half Llouk in North Union with nico
residence, convenient to business portion of
Union, and a very desirable home; small
barn and nooos'-nry outbuilding. Price
A block of land iu North Unio.i: suitable
dwelling for n small family; small bum.
wood shod, cellar, etc. A very desir.itiie
location on Muln street. Prlco $1,200.
l'O t cres of improved land in Cove; all
irood memlow land but about Ji.htcx, which
is suitable for pasture. Price $JO per uer-c.
AUo n large number of ttwu lot and
bloc It r.
All Letters romitly an
swered and all information
desired ivill be cheerfully
AdilrCM all oomTu, ., ,, . .,,
-i .! i , i:, , K-uttAw'n