The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, December 26, 1889, Image 6

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CHANCEY, Pukllshers
Y WllcJernein of Tangled llentitjr and In
itrccrllmkln tlrandeur.
Uowhcro within ono hundred miles
of Now York City can such a complete
wilderness bo found a wilderness of
tangled loveliness and grandeur as is
found in the vast forests of Gardiner's
Island. The famo of tho forests on
this famous old island has gone abroad,
and thousands of pcoplo havo visited
them this year.
Tho Gardiner's Island forests occupy
a largo portion of tho interior of the
island. They are composod chiofly of
gray oaks and pum trees, standing at
such distances apart as to havo per
altted them to grow to great bIzo,
whilo tho ground is coverod with fino
sweet grasses. Many of tho trees arc
heavy with Florida moss and festoons
of poison ivy nnd wild grapo vines,
lending to tho landscapo an especially
tropical effect At ono point in the
center of tho forests tho paths como
together beforo a stllo of rails. Hero,
In a dark, leafy glado is a directory of
this year's visitors to tho forest
Hundreds upon hundreds of cards aro
stuck into tho chestnut fence rails and
steps overywhoro. In somo places tho
loaf of a note book bears tho namo of a
whole party. In tho collection aro
names from all corners of tho United
Tho woods aro literally full of gamo
birds and animals, but hunting thorn is
not permitted. Passing over a narrow
table land from tho shore to ontor tho
forest a roporUr scared up an immense
flock of quail, which whirred a few
rods away and dropped in tho grass
only to dlslodgo anothor flock of similar
proportions, and a great flock of cooing
wild pigeons broko out of tho odgo of
tho forest as ho entered. Midway in
tho forest aro tho blackberry swnmps,
tho resort of reed birds, bobolinks, and
blacksnakos. Tho latter aro as thick
as hall thoro, but tho island colonists
ay they will not hurt any ono, al
though last year a largo blacksnako
gavo'ono of tho farm hands n sovoro
flogging. Further on tho trco limbs
aro pilod high in places with dead
ticks and leaves, nnd groat gray birds
aro circling high in tho air overhead,
rying wildly. They aro flshhawks.
Tho stick piles aro their nests in tho
trees. Gardiner's Island is ono of tho
breeding spots for tho osproy on tho
North Atlantic coast bocauBo tho Gar
diners would nevor allow thoir nosts
to bo pillaged. Tho original Gardiner
directed that all gamo bo protected
from ruthless Invaders, nnd it has been
Fat woodcock and lazy rabbits baroly
rolled out of tho roportor's way. A
raccoon was sighted, thon a wild cat,
tind finally a dcor.
Nearly all of tho olovon proprietors
of thiB magnificent entailed ostato have
boon burled on tho hill overlooking tho
manor. Tho flfst ono, Lord Lion
fiardinor, was Interred ntEasthampton
on Long Island. John Lyon Gardiner,
tho presont proprietor of tho island
and manor, who is said by his depend
ents to possess all tho vlrtuos of his
ten predecessors, has mado an inter
esting addition to tho Knsthampton
comotory, in tho recumbent flguro of
his romoto nncostor. Tho Knight in
comploto armor, lies on a sarcophagus
la a Gothlo marbl chapel surrounded
Uy a low iron fonco. It was dosigned
by James Ron wick, tho architect of
Graco Church and of St Patrick's Ca
thedral. On tho sarcophagus is in
scribed in Old English:
"Lion Gardiner, an officer of yo KnaUih Army
and an engineer and Mnslerof Work and Fortl
catloni In ye Leaguer of yo Prince of Orange
In 70 Low Countries. In 1633 he oamo to New
England In yo service of a Company of Lorda
and Gentlemen. He bulldcd ami commanded ye
Saybrook Fort. After completing bis term ot
aerrico there, he moved in 1639 to his Island, ot
which he was sole owner nnd ruler. Horn In
lt9, he died la this town In 1003, venerated and
A rod cedar bar on two posts of tho
samo material marked Lion Gardiner's
gravo for over two hundred years, un
til tho present monument was created.
Uoforo this work was dono, as thoro
was somo doubt as to whether tho first
proprietor of tho island was burled
thoro, tho grave was oponod. Seven
loot below the surface tho workmon
found a layer of stone, beneath which
was n skeleton nearly porfect in pres
ervation. A physician examined it and
found it to bo a man's framo. Tho
skull was white nnd hard, tho jaws
square, tho tooth good, locks of brown
hair wore found, togethor with ilvo of
tho coffin nulls nnd a bit of cedar wood.
Theso relies established tho fact that
tho grave was that ot the first lord of
tho manor. They woro put baok,
covered with cement and stones, and
tho monument was ralsod to his mom-cry.-N.
Y. Tribune
a novel soiioiu'u in railroading is
about to bo tried by an English syndlo
to on tho Austrian railway system.
Lending llbrnrlos will bo established .
at all tho railroad stations of any slzo,
at which books will bo loaned at a low
rate. They can bo returned at any of
tho libraries of tho comp&tiy. Travel
ira aro, as a rule, groody for books,
and tho venturo is expected to moot
with success, notwithstanding tho op
position of train nows agents, whoso
huslnoss will bo sadly hnmucrod.
-!No man 'is to bad that if tho way
wore known a good place could not bo
found in him. Conconlod bonoath
much Yllonoss and all tho external ug
liuoss that gives him his reputation,
there aro spots of purity anil beauty
waiting for soinu explorer who shall
"bring thorn to light Alas, that so oft
en they are uovar reached! United
Murat Ealstead To Be Offered the Rus.
elan Mission Charges Against
Oarsman Teemer Now
York's Registration.
Jay Gould is trying to secure an inde
pendent outlet to Boston.
North Dakota's Legislature will as
semble on November 19th.
Kansas expects to make two million
pounds of sugar this year.
Tho whole villiago of Fowelton, Center
county, Penn., is advertised for sale.
Philadelphia is to havo a new million-
dollar hotel, called tho "Metropoie."
Vr.Mjvnr Keth Low. of Brooklyn, has
nted tho Presidency of Columbia
The contest for tho speakership of tho
next House is now centralized in wasn
It is reported in Washington that the
Bussian Mission is to bo offered to Murat
Tho long session of the Brotherhood of
Locomotive engineers
come to an end.
John Barry, son of a policeman in New
York, has been driven insane uy iuo .
ccssive use of cigarettes.
It is reported that largo amounts pf
counterfeit money aro in circuiauuu m
tho State of Puebla, Mexico.
The customB authorities aro endeavor
ing to stop tho opium smuggling on tho
Canadian western irouuur.
The official announcement has been
made that at last the White House has
been entirely cleared of rats.
It is understood that Secretary Tracy
will recommend that the Boston Navy
Yard bo fitted up to build modern ships.
The names of 2,007 colored voters were
stricken from tho lists in Lynchburg, Va.
Otherwise they could have voted at tho
recent election.
Frank M. Smith, agent of an aid soci
ety and building association at ium
ueapolis, has skipped and rewards are
offered for him.
Tho Nebraska State Board of Trans
portation has iBBued an order requiring
tho railroads to put in force tho coal
tariff, recently prescribed by tho Board,
within thirty days.
Complications havo arisen in the
Maryland oyster business. A fight lor
Western trado has begun between tno
Baltimore Exchange and the Peninsular
Packing Asscciation.
nc to tho Pittsburg
niannii Hint with natural iras and other
advantages, steel rails can bo turned out
near that city for a less cost than they
can bo mado in England.
Five men were killed and three injured
by tho breaking out of molten iron in
Coleman Furnace No. 1, at Lebanon,
Penn. The men were overwhelmed by
tho rush of molten iron.
In a bulletin iBsuxl by tho Ohio Stato
Board of Health, diphtheria 1b shown to
Ik prevalent to an alarming extent, in
Cincinnati, Toledo, Springfield, Dayton,
Columbus and outer piacoo,
Tho Now York Post roturnB tho
World's Fair subscription liooks with tho
notification that It will not only not ro
ceivo subscriptions, but will oppose tho
Fair if Central rarK is cnosen.
Tho National Maritino Exposition wns
lmlil nt. Boston. On all sides were
modola of yachts, steamers, life-boats,
bortlis and samples of everything per-
Utiuing to ships and shipping
Tho total registration in Now York city
is 218,801), tho lightest know in tho city
since 1885. Last year, which was the
Presidential year, tho registration reached
280,670. in lb7 it was :a,i,wu.
Burglars near Humo, Bates county,
Mo., tortured Mr. and Mrs. Jamoa, an
elderly couplo, to forco them to toll
whnrn thplr tnonov was hidden. Mrs.
James died from licr Injuries.
J nrrv rviflov Hhot and mortally
woundod hiB wife at Lendville. Tho
murdered woman's mnlden namo was
Mary Gallagher, and she was brought
up at Virginia City and Fierce, Nev.
TVm Pr.ntv!urv in snecial session at
New York has adopted tho proiwsition
to revlBO tho confeBBlon of faitli by u
voto of 62 to 28. Tlio extent, ot iuo re
vision of tho confession is undetermined.
After MIsb Kato Droxel, tho Philadel
phia banker's daughtor, bikes tno vou,
she will go West to establish schools ior
IndlanB, and South to place means of
education within tho reach of tho colored
Tito Pittsburg, Penn.. Window Glass
Manufacturers' Association lias decided
to advance tho price of glass 5 per cent,
,,,L-!,u. in uir vent advance this fall.
Other districts aro expected to tako simi
lar action.
A typewritten will haB been declared
valid by the courts ol liorKB county,
Penn. TIiIb establishes tho claim of
type-writer woik to bo called "writing,"
while tho patent office lias officially
classed it as Sprinting."
t i?.. XflMi fsilmlnv
Hotnni Westbrook fractured ids wilo's
Bkull with ft hamuutr while she slept
and IiIb threo daughters whilo asleep
wero assaulted in tho Bame manner.
All wero fatally Injured.
Tho Duko of Northumberland recently
presented to tho Astor Library four vol
umes of tho annals of his ancestors, ono
of whom, Iml Percy, Borved m tno at
tack on Bunker Hill ami tho storming
of Washington Heights.
Tho epidemic of typhoid fover at uuo-
Ihmi wub caused by a milkman washing
ids caiis in water Irom n 10111 wen.
vi..n.un nut of twontv-nino Minnies
whom ho supplied wero Btricicen, among
which wero eleven deaths.
r..,.,.,,'nr Vraticis H levin son has
had charges mado against him for p hie
ing Guy Andrews, a young apprentice,
ill tlio noui oi uiu ivvi "'""i"''"!v
,...u.i liiui hhh declared filthy. An
drews was taken alck and died.
in.o. in lo a settled belief in
tho Eastern Suites that tho wholo Bender
family was exterminated shortly alter
their crimes woro uuearthed. lho dls
.. nt .numbers of tho family now
and then creates no excitement.
How to Kilt Horns on Calves The Time
to Apply Llm About the
Care of Swine.
As the grass decreases give hay to the
cows, thus gradually making the change
from green to drv food. If tho change is
made suddenly the cows will fall off in
milk. Ae an assistance to tho green
food (which will soon become scarce)
give sliced turnips, beets or carrots.
Peach trees will sometimes partially
renew themselves if tiie dead limbs and
twigs are cut away. In this manner
a tree may le induced to bear a vear or
two longer, but when the tree is old, and
the new wood grows Blowly, it may bo of
little advantage to attempt to prolong its
Tno longer the corn lodder remains
stacked in tho field, the darker it will be
come in color irom exposure, and the
greater tho dcterioriation in tlio quality
of tho blades Bright fodder is more
highly relished by the stock, as it is ten
dtr, whilo exposed fodder gradually be
comes to'ign.
A Nebraska fruit-grower thus states
tho results obtained on a small plot of
ground : " 1 sold 15.28 quarts of raspber
nes, which netted mo $150.28, and 700
quarts of blackberries, which netted $70.
These were from ono and one-sixteenth
acres of land (measured), and do not in
include tho quantity eaten, canned and
given away.
Tho timo to apply lime is in the fall,
so as to allow it time to act on tho boh
Tho beneficial effects of lime may not bo
apparent until the second season, much
depending upon the condition of the soil
and its composition. It should be ap
plied on the surface to bo carried down
by the rains, and not plowed in.
About one and n half pounds of corn
will suffico as a grain ration for one sheep
It .1. . I .; it 1 1 - 1 .
ii wie umiuui is given an uiu nay or grass
it desires. Tho breeding ewes, however.
should lio allowed oats in preference to
corn. To fatten a wether give a mess of
cooked turnips and eornmcal with tho
other food, nnd it will gain rapidly.
Qaince trees are benefitted by heavy
manuring more than any other lruit trees,
and if the ground aiound the trees is well
covered with manure this fall the bene-
licial ellects ol the manure will bo very
marked next spring. Too much manure
around peach trees, however, sometimes
does harm, but a light covering of com
post will be beneficial.
Tlio horses on somo of the stage routes
in Nevada aro trained to wear showshoes
After an animal becomes used to them
he can travel four or five miles an hour
whero it would be impossible to get that
distance in a week without them. The
shoes aro mado of thin steel plate, and
measure about nine bv eleven inches.
The horses aro shod with long heel calks,
winch go through thosnowshoes and pre
vent their slipping going up and down
Professor B. D. Hals ted finds that the
common asparagtiB is Iicliotropic, 1. o
follows the sun in its daily course. In
early morning tlio shoots are nearly up
right, but when the sun is two hours
alove tho horizon tlio samo ntems lean
unmistakably to tho eastward. At noon
tho stems aro leaning somewhat to the
southward and at evening they point
westward. Tho curving is most promin
ent with average-sized stems which havo
escaped tho trardencr's knifo, and aro be
tween one and two leot in height.
Rye straw is preferred for bedding, as
it is long and easily vpread over tlio
stalls : but in preparing the bed some
consideration must be given tho handling
of tho manure nnd absorbents, for which
reason tho material will give better ro
sults, so far as labor is concerned, if cut
up for bedding. Wheat straw is equally
as good. Tlio finer and shorter tho beti
ding material tho better it will absorb tho
liquids. As soon as the leaves begin to
drop they phould le raked up and hauled
to tlio stables for bedding.
W. Brazelton tells in Hoard's Dairy
man how he kills tho hornson his calves.
He Bays get a stick of caustic potash,
then when tlio calf is say, ten days old,
tako it by both earn, suuul stnuldlo of it,
then let au assistant have a little water,
wot tlio placo where tho horn would
como, then after wrapping a rac around
one end ot the caustic, rub the other end
of tlio horn spot. It being wet, wilLdis
solvo enough of tho caustic to cause a dry
scab to form. If thoroughly rubbed for
say a minute, ono operation is nil-sufficient.
Mr. Brazelton's calves six montl.B
old thus treated have notaBign of a horn.
It requires but n mall plot of raspber
ries to give an iilxindant supply for a
family. They should not bo set out un
til late in tho full or early spring, and if
a protoeted location bo selected for thorn
they will lnr n little earlier than if ex
posed. The raspberry dlii:ht8 in a rich
soil and tlio canes should lo well man
ured every season. Tho red variety is
tho best, and poikIh up new plants irom
tho roots, which gives a thick mass of
canes in tlio row. Tho black caps aro
propagated by rooting lho tips of tlio
canes, whicn aro bent to tno ground ami
Four lots of lambs, of ordinary grades,
wero fed by ProfeBsor ltoborts, to deter
mine tlio cost and ratio of increase, from
different foods, not only of tlio ca.cass,
but of wool albO. From November to
April fivo months tho luiiiba wero
given quite a variety. Tlio four lota con
tained threo lambs each. Ono lot was
fed on a carbonaceous diet, having all
tho wholo corn and timothy hay they
could eat, with half a pound of roots each,
tho estimated cost of tho food being $2.70.
Another lot was iriven lood ol n nitro
genous character, consistiNgof 233 jiounds
bran, lOd pounds cottoii'seod meal, .113
pounds clover and 100 pounds roots, tho
cost being $4X0. The other lots wore
fed on mixed nitrogenous foods, for com
parison with the first two lot3. A re-
markiibio result was unit mo tamos iei
on nitrogenous food drank much more
water than tho others, nearly lour tunes
B much. Willie tlio cost of tho carbon
aceous food was $3.70, less than that of
tlio food ol tho other lot ($4.00), tlio gain
from tho carlKuiaceoiiB food In tho fivo
months was 43.70 pounds, tho gain from
tlio nitrogenous foods 71.31 pounds, tlio
cost of tho gain from tho carbonaceous
food $7.69 ; and the cost of tho guiu from
tho nitrogenous food $0.02. Tlio increase
in wool was also in favor of tlio nitrogen-
ous lood: tno nrsi lot Biieoring -i.M
Doundv and tlio second 7.31 tvounds. or
an incroaso of 72 ier cent. In favor of tho
nitrogeuous foods.
A88AYS $12,000 PER TON.
California Oranges, Grapes, Raisins
and Peanuts-Criminals Ordered to
Leavo Seattle Blackmail In
Tacoma has fifty lawyers and eighty
Seattle hoodlums break up Sunday
school meetings.
Willows will build a $20,000 school
house next year.
Santa Ana's peanut crop thiB year is
valued at $35,000.
Napa county owes $157,000 and San
Bernardino $10,000.
Idaho has cast its vote overwhelm
ingly for the constitution.
Twenty-one carloads of raisins left
FreBno recently for the East.
Summer-fallowed grain near Sacra
mento is from four to six inches high.
Sacramento county is getting up a
good exhibition for California on Wheels.
Santa Rosa proposes to pension the
widow of Julio Carrillo, the city's
The board of delegates at San Diego
have expressed confidence in Mayor
Gunn's integrity.
Frank Zeuisburg is under arrest at
Fresno on the charge of arson committed
at Bates' Station.
Tho loss to the raisin crop in Briges'
vineyard, near DaviBville, Yolo county,
is said to reach $40,000.
Three ho s and two girls of the Barron
family, at Nevada City, have died of
diphtheria since October 13th.
Police officials at Sacramento are
openly charged witli levying blackmail
on women outcasts and their friends.
Tho proposition for a Historical Fair at
Sacramento, was favorably discussed by
1 fit ii
several citizens oi iuo capitoi recently.
The Oregon and Transcontinental Rail
road Company has decided to dissolve
and divide tho assets among the stock
Commissioner Routier savs the fish
ladder in tho Klamath river, which had
been complained of, is all that could bo
disBausiaction was
shown at the
Merced coursing match
last week
over the decisions of Judge
Charles Roberts, a cattleman of Alhu
querque, picked a quarrel with Ralph
unuDeis, an employe, and cnbbeti
killed him.
The stage at the Fruit-growers' Con
vention at tresno was adorned with
Fresno county oranges. Tlio meeting
was an interesting one.
A new Volapuk paper has iust been
started in Portland. Or., by Arnold
Scherzinger, professor of Volapuk. enti
tled voiapuken lueiopik.
The heaviest snowstorm in ten vears
has visited iNorthern and Central New
Mexico. High winds prevailed and the
snow is nntting and ireezine.
several persons in San Diego aro ex-
liuruiic uuug wiui uie caspava piani to
see whether or not it will grow in this
state, it does well in I'londa.
Edward C. Guntlier was shot twice
through the body by Frank Clifford in a
quarrel about Gunther's wife, at Fresno,
last week, and is likely to die.
D. P. Felten, of Spadra, put in one and
one-half acres to peanuts last spring as
an experiment. He has sold his
"goobers" in Los Angeles for $210.
R. D. SteplienB. of Sacramento, has
received a telegram from New York stat
ing that tlio Tokay grapes sold for him
there brought at tho rate of $374 a ton
The board of trustees of Sacramento
county aro not permitted to run streets
through butter .tort or to destroy the
historic structuro by the deed ot John A.
Sutter, Jr.
Tlio AlturaB Now Era publishes the
names ol seven men whom it charges
with being "dead beats" and "slippery
customers." Their indebtedness ranges
from $4 60 to $2 60.
There is no Indian uprising in Ari
zona beyond the escapn ol tho eight
prisoners who killed their guard. The
reported light near Crittenden lias not
been corroborated.
.Tlio British man-of-war Amphion lias
been docked at Esquimaltand sho shows
lagged nolo in tho hull thirty leet
long, tho result of striking a hidden rock
in tlio fog last week.
A fabulously rich silvor vein was dis
covered recently in Sau Gabrial Canyon.
Assays ol ore specimens show $12,000
per ton. lho place is located about fivo
miles back of the Azusa.
Chief of Police Mitchell, at Seattle, lias
published a notice warning tho criminals
to leavo tlio city at once or go to work.
lie promises to put them in the chain
gang if they disobey tlio order.
There is said to bo $40,000 in coin in
trnnnsitlnn nnnl In nnmn nnnrtpr fnr t)o
lunula of tlio Seattle Relief Committee.
and inquiries as to tho disposition of the
money aro becoming frequent.
Fruit-drying and the raisin industry
were tho principal subjects expressed at
tlio State Horticulturists' meeting at
Fresno. It is conceded that tho southern
vino disease has not yet reached Fresco.
Tlio owner of the American sealing
schooner Mollio Adams has got in trou
ble by contracting his catch in advance
at $0 a akin and trying to sell them to
other parties at victoria, B. 0., now
for $3.
Judge Budd, of tho Sau Joaquin coun
ty superior court, has overruled tho do
murrer in tlio case of the insurance com
missioner against tlio Stockton Mutual
Indemnity Association, a firo insurance
corporation organized thoro soveral
mouths ago. Tlio decision holds that
tlio corporation cannot do business in the
state because it bus no capital, and :1s
thcrcforo unablo to comply witli tho pro
visions of tho code and obtain a cert ill
cato fiom tho insurance commissioner,
without which it is unlawful to do insur
ance business. The caso will bo appealed.
Bismarck, Through the Phonograph,
Speaks to His Son-A New Cable
Buffalo Bill's 'Present.
Russia is to pay off a 50,000,000 rouble
The jasper mines of Burmah are rising
into prominence.
In future every troop of British cavalry
will be equipped with a machine gun.
The port wine vintage is the latest on
record, owing to tho wet and cold spring.
Passport regulations on the Alsation
frontier have been considerably relaxed.
The French government is considering
a loan for consolidating the floating debt.
England's first-class railroad faro is 4
cents per mile, second-class 3 and third
class 2.
Eight clover leaves made of diamonds
deck the rim of Emperor William's ,new
Tlio annual production of chemicals in
Franco is said to have reached the value
of $300,000,000.
About 3,125,000 pounds of wool are ex
ported every year from south and south
western Persia.
The King of Norway and Sweden has
vetoed tho oleomargarine law passed by
the last Ritsdag.
The Empress Eugenie is at Abcrgeldie,
Scotland, and attracts much attention
when she drives out.
Now postage stampH put in circulation
in Spain contain a bust of Alfonso XIII,
the 3-year-old king.
Umbrellas are being imported into In
dia in great numbers. Last year 270,000
arrived in Calcutta alone.
It was noticeable in Paris tld summer
that many more Americans and English
men spoke Frencli than in any previous
Venice is going to have new boule
vards or new canals laid through her
after the manner of the new boulevards
of Paris.
Tlio Portuguese government intends to
raise the blockade established along the
coast of the East African Portuguese pos
sessions. Denmark now grows more oats than
any other cereal, as much barley as wheat
and rye together, and fivo times more rye
than "wheat.
It is reported that Queen Victoria will
spend the coming winter in Florence witli
her daughter, ex-Empress Frederick of
Tlio first electric tramwav in Italy is
Boon to be opened between Florence and
Fiesole. Its total length will be 7,300
A Berlin correspondent writes that
Bismarck looks with foreboding upon his
death as the probable signal for prepara
tion for war.
During his visit to Greece, Emperor
William will spend considerable time
studying the battlo-fieldB of Marathon
and Therinopyln?.
By a proclamation in the Dublin Gaz
ette it is ordered that no arms or ammu
nition shall bo imported into Ireland ex
cept at certain places named.
It is announced that an experiment is
to bo made with tho view of adopting
Milford Haven as the English terminus
ot the Atlantic lines ot steamers.
M'lle Rosa Bonheur has given to Buf
falo Bill a fine pair of mustangs which
she has been unable to break. His cow
boys quickly brought them to time.
The grapes raised in tho famous Eper
nav district in France, from which cham
pagne is mado, aro each worth to the
grower this year one-fifth of a cent.
A Mohammedan mosque has been
built in Woking, England, and a Budd
hist temple has been opened in Paris.
There are about three hundred Buddhists
in Paris.
London correspondents agree that cigar
ette smoking is on the increase among
young women in that city not vulgar
young persons, but among those ol social
A rnmnnnv hnn Iwvpn farmml in lnv n
cable from Marseilles to Buenos Ayres.
It has a capital of 2,000,000 sterling,
with interest guaranteed by the Argen
tine government.
Eighteen years ago Nonconformists
wero not admitted to the English univers
ities, and now Mansfield Hall, a Noncon
fonnist theological school, lorms part of
tho UniVBraity ol uxiord.
Tho monuments of antiquity at Athens
wero cleansed from tlio dirt and rubbish
of ages for the royal wedding. In doing
this several entire streets oi the modern
town had to be pulled down.
Tlio leading wino merchants of Con
stantinople are organizing a society witli
a view to improving tlio culture of vino-
yards and the antiquated processes by
mtiiitli ii'inn la atill tit ml a !r 'KivlrAii
IllWl t to oiitt Uimin iu A UI IWUJ
Tho preparations for the Tudor collec
tion in London are proceedini: rapid v.
and among the portraits of the celebrities
ol tho family will oe lountl a large mini
oer oi iuo most important worKS oi floi
General Boulanger desires to reside
again in Brussels, but the decision of the
Belgian ministry cannot lie doubtful, as
tho residence of conspirators in Brussels
gives grave offense to tho Frencli govern
Durinir the closinn davs of the Paris
Inhibition, tho Scottish iliimlamlers in
their national costume havo proved the
.! At.- 1 1 .1 n . .
sensation ot iuo iiuur, ana me Spanish
toreadors have beeti invited to tako a
back sent.
Extensive forest fires hnvn rnvnilv
been raging in spam. Although the
country has fewer trees than any other
in Europe, tlio government does nothing
o restore burneu torests by plantlnir
oung trees.
An individual who was a clerk in tho
India houso of Charles' I-anib and John
Stuart Mill, has iust died at Veutor. Km.
land, aftei having enjoyed a liandBotuo
tHjnsion for forty-lour years. Ho had
been allowed to retire "in consequence
of broken health," in 1835.
Tlio nonulation of
inc. and it appears to bo feared that there
will bo an inauilicient minnlv nt mii.i.iQ
for statues. Attention is therefore heim?
given to historical balloons, and a monu
ment has just been put up on tho Bpot
whero Gambetta'B luillnnn
when ho escaped from Paris In 1870.
Interntlne Machine to lie Uae4 In the
Forthcoming Cenaaa.
We have on more than ono occasion
fiublished a note on tho complicated
electrical appliances which have been
manufactured to bo used in taking thef"
forthcoming census. Wo now give a
brief description of tho process:
Tho census collector will call with j
his printed blnnk, and answers toques-
tions will be written in tho usunl way.
These sheets will then bo placefl be
fore a person who operates a machine
which may bo likened to a typewriter,
except that instead of tho usual ink
marks on paper, small round holes aro
punched in a card. Tho card3, one for
each person, aro about six and a half
inches in length by threo inches in
width, nnd the particular position of
holo in a card indicates nn answer to
somo of tho questions in tho printed
blank. ff
As mnny as 250 items of information
can bo punched out upon a card, al
though no ono card would ever havo
moro than ono-tenth part of tho wholo
number. For example, no ono person
can bo classed as both whito and black,
American and foreign born, and if
foreign born he can only como from
ono country. These enrds, when
punched, aro placed one at a time in a
sort of press, nnd a lever operated by j
ono hand is brought down, when &f
series of pins are brought against tho
card. Whenever u holo has been
punched in u card, tlio corresponding
pin passes through into a mercury cup
beneath, completing an electric circuit.
Theso circuits, ono for ovor-y holo, pass
out to u largo number of counters
which operato electrically, and whiobj
add upon thoir dials nil items of tho
samo kind upon tho same dials. For
instance, all white nion aro counted
upon n dial marked "white males;"
all business or professional people
upon dials which indicate thoir par
ticular business or profession. Tho
cards, ns they leavo the press, are all
sorted by means of an electrical sort
ing device, whereby they may bo
sorted into groups of States. Modern
Light and Heat.
The Latent Medlcxl Views Concerning
Tubercular Dlneanen.
Medical views of consumption have
greatly changed within tho lust few
years. It was once regnrded as in
curable; it is now regarded as curable,
if tho right treatment is begun early.
It was onco regarded ns .specially
transmissible; so much so that children -of
consumptive parents often looked oii
themselves as doomed a feeling which
of itself did much to induce tho
dreaded result. Now tho disease itself
is not believed to bo transmitted, but
only a condition of special suscepti
bility to tho disease, it suscoptibity
which may bo overcome or guarded
against by proper precautions.
Consumption was formerly looked
upon us incommunicable. It is now
bolioved to belong to tho great class of ,
infectious diseases caused by microbes. 3
The discovery of tho microbe tho
tubercle bacilus was made by Koch in
1882, and has been confirmed by nu
merous original investigations con
ducted by other experts.
Tests on animals prove that this mi
crobe communicates tubercular dineaso
whon introduced into their systems;
and that the result, fatal or otherwise,
depends mainly or wholly upon whether 4
the animals aro closely confined amid
bad surroundings, or aro allowed free
oxorciso in tho open air.
As to tho curability of tho disease,
post-mortem examinations at tho New
York hospitals constantly show' that
large numbers of psrsons who havo
onco been consumptive have fully re
covered, and hnvo died long afterward
of other diseases.
In consequence of those near views,
tho question of prevention hns become
extremely important. But to know how
to prevent consumption, wo must know
how it is propagated,
Typhoid fover. tho seat of which is
in tho walls of tho intestines, is propa
gated mainly by tlio microbes in tho dis
charges, which later find their way into
tho intestines again through infected
drinking water.
Consumption, on tho other hand, hav-
ing its special seat in tho lungs, is
mainly propagated by microbes con
tained in tho expectorations.
Tho microbes aro harmless so long
as they aro in a lluid state, but when
allowed to dry. thoy aro tukon up in
tho air ns dust and inhaled.
This infected duct may lodgo on tho
walls of tho room, and communicate
the disease to tenants of tho house. It
has beon scraped off with a sponge,
and animals inoculated with it have
bocomo tuborctilous; whilo animals i
inoculated with scrapings from unin- '
fected rooms showed no signs of tho
To provont consumption, therefore
1. Observe ail tho conditions of vig
orous health. Most kinds of microbes
nro powerless against high health.
2. Havo all sick rooms thoroughly
ventilated. It requires many microbes
to infect. Ventilation greatly reduced
tho danger.
3. Lot tho oxpoctorntions bo invari
ably received in spit-cups, and care
fully disinfected.
But consumption may bo communi
cated by tho milk of consumptive cows.
Thorofore, lot nil milk bo boiled. This
destroys tho various kinds of microbes,
and should bo mado a permanent habit
as a guard against all infcctiouswlis.
eases. Youth's Companion.
A very cood liniment tn nm.
bruises is mudo of one.hnlf i.,f r
sweet oil, ono ounco of luudanum, and
...... v j a
a piece oi camphor gum
tho size of a
walnut. Housekeeper.