4 i 1 i (I VOL. VI. THE OREGON SCOUT, . An Independent weekly Journal, imued ev- cry ri.ursday lnoridnir ov Publishers and Proprietor. A. K. JOKKS, lidltor. f uatus or 1". Chascky, Foreman. scnscitii'Tio! flnn pnnv nnn vnar 1 M - Six months.' uw " ' Tlirco montos 76 Invariably Cash In Advnnco. If by chance mbici iptions tire not paid till i ena of year, two dollar wui ue cnartea. Kates of advertising made known on ap plicutiun. IESyCorrepondciice front "all parts of the country solicited. Adros all coniinunications to the Okeqos Scout, Union Orccon. PKKSBYTKUIAN CHUltCII. fcurviees every feabbath at 11 a.m. and a p. tn; Sabbath school at 10 a. m; jirayor meeting Wednesday, at i p, m. The l.udius' illh sionary Society meets on the fourth Friday of every month at l:'M p. m. All cordially invited. It. II. i'AKKKK. Pastor I'liOPKbSIOXAl. It. Kakin, J. A. Kakix, Notary 1'ublic. EAICIK, Ss BROTHER, Attorneys at Law, Union, Oregon. JJSfPrompt Attention Paid to Collect. ons. TOHN R. CRITES, Attorney at Law. Collecting and probate practice special ties. Ollico, two doors south of post-oliice, Union, Oregon. J. W. Siiulto.v. J. M. C.m:hoi.l. gHELTON & CAUItOLL. Attorneys at Law. Ofllcc: Two doors south of post-v :.oe, Un ion, Oregon. Special attention given all business en trusted to us. rj H. CRAWFORD, Attorney at Law, . Union, Oregon. OHice, one door south of Centennial ho tel. 15. P. Wilcox, Notary Public. A. J. H.U'KUTT, Notary Public. 'ILSON & IIACKKTT, Attorneys at Law. , Collections and all other business entrus ted to us will receive prompt attention. A complete abstract of the land of Union county in our olllce. Managers of the UNION REAL ESTATE ASSOCIATION. OFFICE: UNION, OK. J N. CROMWELL, M. D. , Physician ami Surgeon. Ollico, one door outh of J. ii. Eaton's store, Union, Oregon. Q II. DAY, M. D,, IIOMEPATHIC Physician and Surgeon. ALL CALLS l'HOMl'TLY ATTENDED TO. OfHco adjoining Jones Bro's storo. Can be found nights at residence in South west Union. L. SAYLOlt, M. D.j Ph. G. Physician & Surgeon, Union, Oregon. Graduato Itush Medical College, Chicago. Oilice at Union Pharmacy. Calls prompt ly answered. L. DA NFOllTII, M. D., Physician and Surgeon Nortli Powder, Oregon. 1 I S E A 8 V. S OF WOVtN A Sfrc'lALTY. Calls attended to at all hours. "YyM. KOEN'IG. Architect and Builder, COVE, OHUGON. Drafts, Pl.ins mid Diii;ns lor Dwelling, and llridgis furnished n upplicuiioii. City - Meat;- laitei. Main Street. Union. Oregon. BENSON UKOS. I'ltOWtHSTOIlB. ICeep constantly on Jiand BEEF, 1'OKK- VEAL, MU'lTON, HAUSAGE, HAMS, LAJtD. Etc. Fine Line of Watch Written for Tnr. s,-o;-r."( MY WATCSVC -.3. ' '.jt:- ' Let Freedom ii"v our w.it 1 be I n mr jt- -it nou-. fiaca v.-.n laiit i.M',v triv .u p -v :. Rele;:-ed fruli. Iiniiilx u-'u ii ...r.I ;o; ' To ull we II .y, ie f.-tc. Yearn not t. court the ! cues of w.io O f ancient mvterv. j Kline; to tho winds the i-.sy-i: i That oft' repeated sound". H eaven forbid that it may M-o.irge, . Or more our feeline Wound. L nited stand with iridium' s.nold, J Oird on the tron;th of riaht, Hold fast toprore. nvr jield T o time's old aire of blight. I ropixh old song' now .strive to drown N ow tuues ere they become A source of st.Yu'th to frown than down, Condemn and send them home To stay in ages past and gm In wars of strife and woe, O f ancient feud long dead and done Nor light pr progress show. Stretch forth thy arms Oh Freedom! now, For justice and for right, Reach forward and with wisdom's plow Each erru.r cover deep and low E en out of thought and sUht. 11. ('. EMEDY. Union, Or.. Nov. 27, IStfl. SHTEBPRISB. Au Interesting Letter From tho Metropolis of "Wallowa. County. ENTReKl.su, Dec. 10. 18S9. Tho weather for the time oi year is warm and pleasant. The mow is near ly all off the ground, and slock men are glad The health of tho community is, generally, good, only a few cases of sickness in town, and they are of dis eases of long standing. Mrs. Zurcher has been very ill for some weeks, with 'inifamatory rheu matism, but is now convalescing. Her daughters, Susie and Nellie, who have, been attending the Joseph academy this winter, aro at home. Commerce, both foreign and domes tic, is nourishing, The M. & M. Co. have just received a largo stock of goods, and engaged a lady clerk, viz : Miss Kay Ratclitf. Enterprise can boast of two as good schools us can be found in the county. Tho public school taught by Mr. Bean, of Elgin, and Miss Cora Vaughn, of Imnaha, is in good running order, with an ttendance of perhaps from 75 to SO pupils. The select school taught by Prof. Pearson, needs no commendation from my poor pen, as Mr. Pearson's efficiency as an instruc tor is so well known. Ho has a very bright and interesting class of pupils, numbering about thirty. Rev. Orchard, an Advent minister from Pendleton, gavo a very en tertaining series of lectures at the Baptist church last week, on the 'Sec ond Coming oj Christ," They wore well attended, anil we think some good was dono. Bev. Zellers, the new Methodist minister, 1ms established his headquar ters at Enterprise, and is doing a grand work in the church. He is noted by all as the "right man in the right place." Mr. Allin, formerly of West Va., but more recently from California, arrived on last Monday's stage. He will prob ably locate in tho valley. We extend a hearty welcome to all such ineu. Dennis Berdine, of Alder and i M. Burleigh, of Enterprise, will start to Seattle in a few days, to hunt a loca Hou wbeie they can raise peaches, bees andj "sieh.', We think they had better stay at homu and raise potatoes and rutabagas. William Reavis, the saloonatic, is building a new saloon, and other sub stantial improvements of like nature being done, such as tho wind work of cross-walks, eide-walks, 6to. MlrtH TAIOS. Holiday Excursion vV. f. AftUwaj. Fur the Christnisa and New Year's Holi day hmoq of JS.KMJ0, the Union Pacific Itailway will ell cJumrdou tickets from all rail nation on Us line wet of Huntington t tuny otlierrall tutlon on iu line, whhin a ra I us of joDindt-i, at the low rote of one and onc-tiftli fare for the round trip. Tick cts will be Mold December ?4tbi 2BUj, 81t, 18i, and January 1st, good going on ilat. of and good returning until Janu ary 31. prOo Inclusive. Thl will afford ev ery one an opportunity to vUit their friends and njoy the occasion. For tickets, rates, time "f truini, ate., apply to any agdnt CnUm Pecitic lUilway. T. W. LBK, v i: i:i l.i- n" Pm-. K i. es, Clocks, Jewelry,' UNION, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER SPARTA. The Little Pitlfllmrgr JSxicn siion Located. A GRAND DISCOVERY MADE. Work on tho Various Miami tna Po-jrdtr River Placers General activity in mining circles. Prospecting continues and rich strikes occurring daily. Another four inch fall of snow has somewhat impeded the work of pros pecting, but several parties are still in the. field. The most important strike repotted since my last is 'tho ricli free gold strike by our old friend Doctor Fake, and is without doubt the east exten sion of tho Little Pittsburg. Tho ore is simply immense mid Doc and tho faithful Growler (his dog) are both overjoyed at this unexpected smilo of Dame Fortune. The Winter mine, owned and oper ated by Dr. Morotto and brother, is certainly a very valuable gold pioper- To-day they have in tho face of their 280 foot tunnel live feet of the best free gold ore (for tho quantity) your correspondent ever examined. The Dr. will undoubtedly receive the rich reward his energy and porsever .ence deserves. The tunnel runs under the west side of Baldy Mountain and hundreds of tons can now be mined by sloping and at HinaU'expunse. This moans another largo gold producer for Eastern Oregon. In the incline wing in tunnel No. 1, one hundred feet below tho surface, on the Gold Ridge mine, very licli free gold oro was stiuck, Friday, and the owners aro jubilant and repot t says several more inon will bo added to tho force now to work on this property. It is the intention of the company to have several hundred tons of ore in tho bins ready for their mill which will bo built in the early spring. Tho Gold Ridge group shows considerable free gold ore on all the levels, yet a com plete concentrating plant will be add ed and later on toasting and smelting furnaces will be constructed, convert- j ing into bullion the gold and silver value in the sulphurets. Powder river is again attracting the attention of our miners and, as re ported last week. Prof. Jay Guy Lewis will leave for the east to perfect the organization of the Powdor River Flume and Mining Co. on tho threo miles of river owned and controlled by tho Jay Guy Lewis Co. Owing to tho vory, and unusually, low stago of water in Powder river last summer only the rocker could bo used, yet j At'ooirnitn tfntL'iiw 'rtnttnl rvrri1 inorfnj I ,11111 ill JD JlllMll 11111b ..'1. -I'Uill, I ' I doing assessment work for tho Jay Guy Lewis Co., realized over ono thousand dollars in three months. With capital, necessary to construct dams and ditches, Powder river will be found the best paying placer diggings in the United States. Cook ife Younger, the "Sparta Rust lers," have uncovered some vory rich free gold and sulphuiot oro on their Bismark and Opulent mines belonging to the consolidated Now Golden Era group adjoining tho Gold Ridge group on tho west. Tho Ohio Woodman, be longing to this group, nhows three feet of high grade ore and the incline shaft will be sunk fifty feet this winter and levels run at that depth. The oro from the Ollie Woodman shows eighteen dollars in gold by free amal gamation, and twenty-ono dollars gold in the sulphurets, to tho ton. They have suspended work on their rieli free gold property on Ensl Euglo crook and will actively develop tho consoli dated Now Golden Era group which is now conceded to be ono of tho most promising group of mines in tho Spar la district. The large porphyritic quartz depos its, that aro justly attracting ko much attention, commt-uoo at tho wost end of the P il ly .Mountain on the Arkan saw ii 11'' ami extend in a north wostoi ly lit ."ii for several miles and show an uverago width on the outcrop of one hundred and fifty feel, witii an ar:i'i ill .duo of twelve dollars to j Silverware, Guns tlio ton, hit?, until quite recently, luvn entirely ovci looked. Mr. Hncklanil concluded the matt-rial was worthy of nu u?5ny and ly this mentis wn made, what it is conceded to K the most important mineral discovery in East ern Oregon. For a distance of six miles the belt has been located, though it is admitted by tho discoverers and I i exjwrts who have examined thcMt im Outloeh 9f mi'Mse blow cuts that the gold value I is not continuous, hut at least tight ditlbrent places show tho gold value above sUtod. One million tons are actually in sight and can be quarried forn few cent a ton, with goml roads, and plenty of wood and water, which make tliis a veritable hun.tn.a. Mr. Huckland is anxious to intcrt capital sullicient to work this woudeifnl prop erty, and to such parlies liberal in ducements will be made. Address Sparta, Union county, Oregon- O. 8. B. Budget of ftsadable and Interesting taoal Hews Itams. PoWDKd UlVKH, Dec. 1L 1SS!). Quite a number aro plowing and preparing for the coining season. Mr. Charles Doney, of Cove nursery, passed through our settlement with a j nice load of fruit tries. Powder river is now looming up with a bran new oi chard at every ranch. Mr. Henry Bowman is working fev eral men clearing his ranch and pre paring to raiso a bi crop nxt 60ason. Powder river has a prospering school. Tho citizens of Poverty Flat havo just finished their new school house and it is extra largo and well finished. Mr. Tom Keating has neatly retired from the stock business. He sold his cattle to Mrs. Bowman of Big Creek. Mr. H. W. Loo and Mr. Soigle CofT man are going to drive their cattle to Euglo Valley to eat alfalfa hay this winter. Mr. Matt Dean still runs the butch er shop at Sanger. Ho comes out ev ery fow days for more fat beoves. Rev. Johnson, of the Covo, a Meth odist preacher, is holding a protracted meeting on Big Creek. Tho people of this part of tho country are all going and the house is crowded every night. Mr. Jihnsou speaks well and is well liked by all. Mr. H. W. Leo and family spent Thanksgiving at Sanger. A turkey dinner was served ,at Mr. and Mrs. Dearmin's. Business in camp was quiet. Mills aro constantly running day and night. Tho contract work on tho shaft is finished and it is now fifty feet below( tho lower level. Work on tho crosscut to tap tho ledgo is pushed witli energy with eight hour shifts. A subscription paper is being circu lated throughout the neighborhood of Powder river to defray the expenses of "fi-'Hoher Johnson in preaching once a i month for the coming year of 1 81)0. Wo feel that Powder river 1ms ad vanced and is improving rapidly in a social way. Mrs. Martha Criminous, of Cracker Creole, iias been visiting her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Sams, of Big Creek. She lias relumed home and reports everything lively in Cracker. They are running the boarding house and havo over fifty boarders. Mrs. Jameson, of New Westminster, B. C, linn returned home after a two months visit with her daughter, Mrs, George Wright, and family. Miss Jane Alexander, from Indian Creek is viciting friends and relatives on Powder river. Mr. Ralph Jameson, who now resides in New Westminister, is having his ninoho fenced with posts and barb wiio. Ho is building two miles of fenoe. Blastrle Utters. This remedy is becoming so'well known and so popular it to need no t pti'lul men tion. All who Imvo uted Electric V.Uut sing the name nong of pra!e. A purer medicine does not exist end it is Kiuruii teed to do all ih it in claim d Electric 111 tu is will t-urt- nil dlseafoou the J lver and Kilni'. r h,ht P iiijili-s, noils, Halt Ithf uiu ;.n I ! r .1- - ii i-. iu-fd by impure Wood.- I M.ihina from thesyetein sad prt-ven- tvt-l u rure all Malarial fever. Hi r rure of iicaduohe, couittpatiou and Iiidiestion tr Klct-trie JilttersEniire Hiitisf.H'iinn -i-n mti n or or money reui'i'li I- I'm " ji.ixj U-r bottl ut Hr..n n .i , , I ,ian. :and Amunition Just VX 1889. lwgJTijiuiji - jii - Jt - ji'itt'iT'j.it;Lju: - NORTH POWDER. i Vivid Description of Sonic ! Icautiful Lakes. ! AN INDIAN WARRIOR'S GRAVE. Our Timber rorost3--An Impending Dan gerTho Vlllaco Blacksmith. Enrrou Okuuo.v Fcoirr: North Powder lakes, which lie sc serene and beautiful about fifteen miles from Iho burg of North Powder, away up towards tho misty tops and the craggy mountains, havo been quite a resort tho last season. Tho city belle ha boon there. Tho dude was along, and all his wardrobe canes, lish-nots, goggles and father htthbard collars. The fishing has been splen did, the weitthcr beautiful and every thing was vory favorable for a pleas ant camping out season. Around tho lake is a delightful place to camp. The level, grass-grown Hat that lies between tho water's edge and the hill is a "daisy place." Taking the scen ery all in all it is inspiring. Look where you will, beauty is there. Up ward, lifts tho craggy tops of tho mountains, with rocky jots standing out against the clear blue of tho sun ny sky. Below, the stretch of rolling timber land rolling for miles away to meet, tho lovolor and richer farms. Hero and there in the bottom of somo hollow rises tho blue smoke from a saw mill, and if you listen in tho evening you can hear tho whistle break tho stillness and reverberate down tho ridges, like tomo far oil' song from tho clouds. No wonder tho rich and poor, the sccno loving and tho game hunt ing man all go there. Tho fresh breezes that stir the willows on the bank boar the elixir of life on their wings. Itgis'cs a man's nattito a tingo of the sublime to sleep beneath tho rugged summits and hear tho "swish, swash" of tho waves at his feet. It is curious to note how high a faint prospect of finding gold will string a man's nerves. His ambitions become higher and more exalted than Napoleon's beforo Waterloo. Tho old miner can appear tho most important of any man that walks tho face of tho green globe. If you ask him his opin ion of a place, as to whether it could contain gold or not, ho begins a series of analysis of tho earth's formation that would puzzle, a Hugh Miller or a Darwin to t-ou into. His languago gets so "high falutiu" that an Oxford Professor would feel small standing besido this child of Nature. Tho find of 1889 lias not been made yet. Tho number "nine" has been tho lucky year sinco M9. On Anthony creek abovo North Powder is a lono Indian grave. Tho victim was a Nez Perco scout, acciden tally shot during tho Bannock war in '78. A rough slab marks tho head of tho gravo. It is a dreary placo, and standing by it in the twilight ono is brought faco to face with solemn meditations. How could wo over havo dono injury to tho handful of clay that lies monldoring beforo us? Go to tho grave and feel tliero tho solemn con sciousness thai you aro Hearing its brink. Go to tlio lonely gravo ovon of an Indian," who in lifo might havo pierced you to tlio heart with an ar row, and sco if you can feel hostilo at his crumbling bones. No! There, where your bitterest enemy lies still and cold beforo you, all tho hato you onco boro him flees and leaves you alono with tho dead and your conscionco to settle tho accounts of life. Each sea sou tome friendly Indians come to the grave, and here, far from his homo and children, while tho "wind-harp wails in tho willow tree" and tho si lence of tho evening breathes its calm, they hold their solemn rites and core monies over him. At tho rate tho timber of this conn- j try is now being sawed out it will not be many years beforo barren hills will stand whuro our heaviest bodies of tim ber to-day bask in tho sunlight. There is ono fastly rising element in tlio United State we must quell. Look forward and imagine tho Amcrb can boy poring over tho catechism. Imagine tho capitol at Washington be ing converted into a Vatican with Received at A. N. NO. 2f. .rA.oiiiiiiijii.iii . inn . .... 'i-iUT-min golden bordered throne for Pope and sacred pews for priests and cardinals; think of the colleges of our free soil turned into monasteries and nun neries, with shorn head monks and "virtuous" nuns, then you can see a faint fantasma of tho fair land we call j our own I The parties now lighting for supremacy will mako a feeble ell'ort combined against this rising "vice gerent." Amorican liberty, law, liler aturo and tho free institutions will puss with a feeble iluttcr from tho dying heart of tho greatest republic on earth. Beneath the slah shed, hour on hour. The Piinehtown blacksmith stands; A small "goatee" is on his chin And corns are on his hands. He smokes his dear old corn cob pipe, And hammers all the dav; Ife cares not how the wide world goes Nor what the preachers av. He has his ma.inis, ju.-t and bid. They are plain but ndghlv true. "A d mined tough hnr.-e. IMl'tell you bov, That Becker fails to shoe.'' BERT. W. HUFFMAN. THE COVE. Entertainments by the Public Sahools rrcparatlons for Chrlsttnac. Covi:. Or., Dee. IS, ISmi. The public schools' entertainment will take placo at the hall Friday night of this week and will consist of tho dramas, Bonnie Bell, Assessor, Family Strike and Widow Bcdott; also recita tions, comic songs, music by the col ored Band and tho beautiful operetta, Bed Riding Hood. Doors' open at I'n.'lO; curtain rises at 7. Admission wijl bo free. Mr. L. B. Stearns received this week tho agency for tho iron and steel regu lator wind mills. Ho will furnish a wheel for Henry Lynch and many others expect to bo supplied. Before many seasons nearly every farm will havo a wind power for pumping water. Mr. J. T. Jewell, road supervisor, has had made and propqrly painted a set of milo hoards to bo put up at Phy's point. They will fill a long felt want and prove a great benefit to tho travel ing public. Mr. J. deserves a vote of thanks and no doubt will rcceivo it from many a poor wandering stranger. A host of children will bo present at tho Morrison church Christina treo. Many gifts aro being purchased. Jfo matter how far from plenty may bo spare change with them, Covo parents one and all remember the little ones at Christmas times. Tho cold and stormy wcathor is making stock owners a littlo anxious for fear thoy may lack for provender beforo tho wintor is ovor. Hay is in demand, yet a lot of hay sold this weok at tho rate of $8 per ton in tho stack. A gentleman possessed of good pasture and plenty of feed is taking stock to winter at tho rato of $5 por head. Tlio merry jingling of sloigh bells is heard on overy sido. A littlo moro of tho beautiful and sleighing will bo splondid. Miss Sarah Chrismun, a popular teacher in tho Union public school, was called to tho Covo, Tuesday, to attend tho bedsido of hor father, P. F. Chrisnian, who is vory sick. Miss Nellie Welch hns completed school in Frosty district and returned to Union. A series of rovival meetings aro be ing held nightly at Morrison church and aro well attended. Twenty lino turkoys will bo in at tendance. Como and got a fat fowl for Christmas. SANGER GIFTINGS. Plenty of rain and snow. Mr. W. JC. Aldersly has gono to Cal ifornia, . Mr. Jfamm has completed his con tract and gono to Baker City. Mr. James Holcomb, of Eaglo valloy, was delivering supplies in camp a fow days ago, Bert Nunn who has been working at tho mill has gono ofron a vacation. Tho usual ohango took placo at tho mill on tho first. F. J. Titus now ma nipulates tho morning shift. Frank Ballard, tho stago driver, do livers tho mail on timo. Pat KoniB is now working in tho blacksmith shop. Samuel Goorgo now holds down ono shift on tho battery. Gardner & Cos.