Scout -1 ir it VOL. VI. UNION, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER !2, 1889. NO. 24. 1 ' i 1) a THE OREGON SCOUT. Wf An independent weck'y Jmininl. tul ev jk ,' rry Thursday niornins; iv JONES & CHANCEY, PttblMicrs and Proprietors. A. K. Jo.nks, I Editor, f 1 11. ClIASCr.Y, Foreman. KATHS OF SUUSaUIl'TION! One copy, one year $1.60 " Six months 1.00 " ' Three niontos 76 Invariably Cash In Advance. by chance subsci ipt ion n are not paul till end oj year, two dollars will be charyed. Kates of advertifin? made known on ap plication. JSJ-Corresnondence from all parts of the country solicited. Ailrcss all communications totbe Okkgon Scout, Union Oregon. PRESBYTERIAN CHUROir.-Scrvices every Sabbath at 11 a.m. inula p. m; Sabbath school nt 10 u. m: prayer meeting Wednesday, at 8 p, in. The Ladles' Mis sionary boelety meets on the fourth 1'Hday of every month at 2:.".0 i. m. All cordially invited. It. 11. PARKER. Pastor J'KOriiSSlONAU II. Eakix, J. A. Kakin, Notary Public. J EAKLN, & BROTHER, Attorneys at Law, Union, Oregon. tQTPrompt Attention Paid to Collcct.ons. JOHN It. OK PTES , Attorney at Law. rVilWHmr and nrobato nractico special W ties. Oilice, two doors south of post-oUlco. Union, Oregon. J. W. Shelton. J. M. Caiiuoij,. gHELT 'HELTON & CARROLL, Attorneys at Law. Ofilcc : Two doors south of post-uUlue, Un ion, Oregon. Special attention given all business en trusted to us. tj H. CHAWFOItD, Attorney at Law, Union, Oregon. Oilice, one door south of Centennial ho tel. 11. F. Wilson. Notary Public. A. J. Hackktt, Notary Public. "y-ILSON & IIACKETT, Attorneys at Lav. Collections and all othor business entrus ted to us will receive prompt attention. A complete abstract of the land of Union county in our oilice. Managers of the UNION REAL ESTATE ASSOCIATION, OFFICE: UNION, 01. J N. CROMWELL, M. D. , Physician ami Surgeon. Ofllce. ono door outh of J. 15. Eaton's store, Union, Oregon. Q H. DAY, M. D., IIOMEPATIIIC Physician aixisurgeon. ALL CALLS I'llOMl'TLY ATTKNDKI) TO. Oilice adjoining Jones IJro's store. Can be found nights at residence in South west Union. L- SAYLOR, M. I)., Ph. G. Physician & Surgeon, Union, Oregon. Graduate Rush Medical College, Chicago. OHice at Union Pharmacy. Calls prompt ly answered. L. DANFOP.TII, M. I)., Physician and Surgeon North I'owder, Orogon. I I 8 E A B K S OF W O M l: X A 8 V E C I A L T Y. Calls attended to at all hours -yM. K0EN1U. 1 Architect and Builder, COVE, OREGON. Drafts, Plans and Designs for Dwellings, and llridges furnished on application. City-Meat -Met Mntn .Street. Union. Oregon, ! BENSON IJROS. PROPRIETORS. JCcep constantly on hand BEEF? PORK- VEAL, MUTTON, SAUSAGE, HAMS, LARD. Btc. j Fine Line of AatchJes, Clocks, Jewelry, BUFFALO BILL'S" O vn Rook Wrtfi by H'm-vlf. Entiii. i "STORY OF THE WILD WEST" Ynd Camp-Fire Chnti. I The great sttfiiHtai tttootw of Pioneer i Life. A romphAd rftnOM of xiUnv-t j in the Wcdoni borders, and for tho flrt time an authentic nccmint of tht Cutor Mussnrre, General Crook's C.imnniirn and a thousand of other oseitinat Incidents, in I chiding a description of Ttutlulo Bill' ca reer aim stu'oess in t'Mii'imnsr m iw West .show" anion theOown II-nrts of nil Europe, The hit of n lifetime. Kveryltody wants it. Over three hundred soirhotl eu gravinjis and nearly eight hundred large pages. Agents Wanted -0i in ' every "town to sell riii " mmt "emarknble book. "Affents already in the Held are sim ply coining money. Act oniric or the op portunity will i3 lot. You can easily make from 85 to $1 per diy. To avo time and to secure an axonry at once. Venn $1 for n complete canvassing outtit. illus trated circulars and extra liberal terms free on application, Neither extvrienee nor rnpital Is re quired to en-raee in this enterprise, as the ImioI; will wll itself, and wo rrtve our agents .'50 dny' time in which to deliver and col lect before payinir ns. A new and beautiful line of Holiday books just received, Including "Tbo Beautiful Story," by J. AV. lirnu If yon want to niiike .some money, address THE HISTORY Co., 723 Market Street, San Francisco, Cal. Bon Ton Restanran Now open to the public on Main Street, Union, Oregon. Board and Lodging. lOSlS All Hours 30 CIS, No Chinese cooks employed, and every thing neat and 'clean. The Public Patronage Solicited. 4-2r-tf MUS. WAL11ATII. Prop. AT THK- Keeps constantly on hand a com plete stock of fresh Gaudies, Stationery, Slieei; Music, Wire Goods, Brackets, -AXI) UERFUIr- Household Utensils. A share ot the public patronage so licited. 8-lfHf. 0 UNION Tonsosriai Pariors C1EORGU BAIRD, l'ropr. Shaving, Hair-cutting and Sham pooing, in the Latest style of the Art, Shop two doors south of Centennial hotel, OIYBMK v 0 s-'.f. ! C., , 7, , ' g r C i T. J Oto. , h- I f- I CO i i i i ,,, n1 Written for The S-o. t. THS OUTCAST. T.rjh whl Sml hi(- So silent. o pale and still. No more will she know of world-weary strife No more will hr grieve o'er hu rained Jlfc j Nor regret her fad heart All. Resting in dreamless sleei), While the stars .shed their pnl light per tlie newl made jrmfnj , , That the dew of evening lave, Where the outcast sleeps to-nighi. No sha.'t of marble white Nor gilding of lotured name Is there to greet the stranger's eye Is there to toll Uie passer-by From wheTo, from whence she cniuc. No more will her sighs, entreaties ortoats Greet her betrayer; no more will shu plead In accents of anguish for roititution from him. Who lured heron to the path of sin, Then left her, despairing, in her direst need. Kind honds have laid her to rest Have shrouded her form in white, And sho peacefully sleeps m sweet tranquil rust, With hands folded mutely o'er sin-ladoned breast, With past errors hidden from sight. Mi'.s. Nei.i.ii: IJi.oo.m, West Qaklaxd. Cal. THE COVE. Cove, Or. Dec. 11, ISM). The Sundny School of tho Monison clniirh will give a Christmas tree on Ohristmaseve. Much interest is being taken and it is sure to be a very pleas ant time for everybody. The teachers and pupils of the pub lic school will give an entertainment Saturday evening the 21st inst. They are practicing dilligently, and as the schools contain considerable talent tho exorcises will bo iirst-class. Found, botween Cove and La Grande, a subscription book for "Bible Read ings for tho Home Circle." Owner can have tho same by calling at tho Covo post-ollico and donating fifty cents for the poor printers. E. V. McDaniol, salesman of tho Cove Dairy Co., made a Hying trip to Pendleton and Walla Walla this week. Mr. and Mrs. II. 11. French gave a dinner to a small party of friends last Friday, it being tho occasion of the I seventh anniversary of their marriage. The evening was spent at cards. A very pleasant progressive euchre party was given by Mrs. Lou Payne at her residence Tuesday evening, in honor of her nephew, Mr. Guy Bridges. Dr. Hardingo and family have moved into.a suito of rooms in James HuseeU's residence. Just as tho Covo flouring mill was ready lo commence grinding last week, the lower part of tho wheol globo dropied out. A new ono was immedi ately telegraphed for and tho delay will probably not bo a long one. ANTELOPE. December 0, 1SS0. Mr. Wm. Ashby moved his family to Pino valley, last wcok, whero ho ex pects to reside horoaftor. Mr. John Cates has boon sick with the rheumatism for about two weeks, but is bolter now. Mr. Thos. Andorson, of Union, is at work in Antelope, ropairing a house for Mrs. Maggio Cromwell. Sovoral froight teams passed through recently, on their way to tho mines. A social party was hold at Mr. 15. Ashby.s on tho Gth inst. A pleasant time was had. We hud (j iii to a storm hero yestor day. It consisted of snow, rain and wind. A petition has been in circulation on Jimniie crook to change tho lano between J. Vowoll's and Wm. Ilufl ninn's from (10 foot to -10 feet wide, pioviding Messrs. Yowoll and Huffman will build a wire fenco on each side of the road. What is tho matter with having a polling ncliool at Toloeagot? All that we lack in omo ono to start tho ball to rolling. Wo ought to bo sociable. Mr. Cyrus Pmcott, Jr., who has been working in Grande Hondo valley for omo time, returned to Telouasot todfty. The stock of Antolopo huvo been ( turned out on the rnngo again, but I do not think they will stay long. NEWTON llltADFOKD. Silverware, Guns WAsanror o:r. , Att Xxurtstlas Littir fro i our Regular j: aarrtifdMeest u &) Uvmi. . . 1 , Wamiisotok, (T. C.) Nov. 3S, 1.HS9. j Uditor Oukook Sforr: ' liuinnra that the president or 8ecre ! t:irv liltiinn favors ibo ciiiuliibirv nf this, that or other candidate for the 'Speakership ot tlte Houw haVo'.been denied by Inith gentleman, nnd a great feeling of uncertainty is in the ir. The later eundifates in the field arc making war in common ng.iinst Mr. Koed. They y he has alwuys been against Western interests; that he is opposed to-extended silver coi'ingo, ott They add Unit his i lai. n of title to the speakership bv:ni: h was t ho I banner be.ircr When the honor was only an canity one, a'u id. They ; claim thm the lnmor w,i. only Riven him before at hi-i earnest M.'.ieitation, as he bellevetl it woul I help him to be cloctexl tQ eongrt'ss. This talk, comes tnostlv from the friends of candidates ' other than Mr. MeKinly, whose plie.y it is t b" on good terma with lr. I Ketd.a) that in the event of the elect j ion of either, the other will have the . best committee of tho House. Trud ; ing for committeeship will be brisk , for tho next two wcokj. While nil tho j candidates talk confidently of their ' chancos only three or four have any I ical faith' in themselves. ; Congressional visitors to tho execu I tivo mansion complain bitterly of the ! dillieulty of seeing the president, j They miv that ho has no time to give anyone hut his cabinet ollieers. As j these gentlemen have tho cntreo at all i times, it would seem uujust that they I monopolist the two hours given to I other visitors. Almost every morning i tho carriages of two or three cabinet officers can be eeeu around tho White from 10 to 12 o'clock. A con gressman who calls with a constituent and is turned away day after day nat urally feels mortified. Jt humbles him and injures his strength at home. Tho new senator will begin their legislative careers by unking such senators as huvo seen the shortest ser vice to combine with them for a re-organization of the force of senate em ployees. The civil service system has so restrict d tho number of offices available for rewarding folkwers that a new deal is demanded, , Old senators, like Edmunds, Allison, Sherman and Hoar, ha gobbled up all the offices in sight and thir followers have hold them for a score of years. Senatorial courtesy in this matter, as in others, is bound to lecive a rude shock. The present oftievrs of.tlie senate mo great ly exercised ovur tho rumor. Tho fight forjthe exposition oi 182 has beun definitely opened by tho ar rival of Colonel .lonea and Governor Francis, of Missouri, tho missionaries who aro to givo; their reasons for their faith in the merit of Ht .Louis. Their headquarters are at WillnrdV. The Chicago representatives huvo been horo for some time. Tho interests of tho windy city before congress will bo looked after bv ISx-Finit Assistant Postmaster-General Allen E. Steven son. The executive committee of the Washington promoters met last night but no dotinito action was tuken. It is intended to give a dinner to tho del egates to the Pun-American Congress e uly in December, probably about the 10th, as on that date tho governors of the states interoslod in the Philadel phia contonary will ull be in Washing ton. Tho finance committue of the Na tional Hoard of Promotion of the thrco Americas exposition has issued a cir cular, urging all the citizens of tho District of Columbia to bign a memo rial to congress, asking that Wash ington bo selected as the site of the World's Fair in 1892. The inemorjftl proposes tho issuance of $ 15,000,000 of District of Columbia bonds an h guarantee fund for the expenses of the oxpoiition in case congress .Oiould think it nccossary. Tho attompt of Delegate Hall, of England, and his associates to ruu the Maritime Couferonue to suit them selves was defeated by the combination of tho United States and rt.tuth Ameri can dologntos. The "Hoard at White hall," as it is called, opposed the con gress from the iintt and only joined in its doltborutipji tiy order ot tlia gov ernment. The Board i th- antiquat ed barnacle that hu for gi ncrations 'and Amunition Just1 fixed marine regulations in Great Britain. When tho conference was iirst proposed .tlris organization felt, shocked and grieved that any body of men on the face of the earth should have to supersede its authority. They did finally consent to enter the con ference for the discussion of one sub ject only, via: the "rules of the road." These settled they would refuse fur ther participation in the deliberations. By tho circumlocution oilice this state of affairs reached the ear of Ixml Sal isbury, who immediately ordered that the English delegates should partici pate in the entire conference. This order was imperative, but in revenge Messrs Uallet al have engaged passage for homo for December 11, and en deavor by every possible means to rush through the business that must be completed before they le.ive. Bus iness was rushed through lust week in indecent haste, without consideration or discussion. A $2jO,000 suit for slander would not add relish to most men's turkey, but certainly tho fact that Samuel Strong hud filed such suit against him on Wednesday did not all'eet. tho cheerful spirit of Ben Butler. Tho Butlor-Stiong legal wrangle is a fam ous one. Gen. Butler brought suit against Mr. Strong several months ago for a considerable sum of money, which he asserted was duo him as con tingent fees out of tho award made to Mr. Strong. The suit had sonic high ly spicy features, among which was tho production of a document, pur porting to bo signed by Gen. Butler, in which ho agreed to accept a much smaller sum than that claimed in the suit. Gen. Butler denounced this doc uinenfas a forgery, and Mr. Strong now sues. ,1. H. O. KAOI.E VALLEY. Tho stookmon bavo rounded up hundreds of cattle,- horses anil sheep and have them in thcirpastuies. There will bo about 7000 head of cattle, 2)00 head of hordes, and 20,000 liead of sheep fed in our valloy this winter. Tho valloy is small, but it can furnish more alfalfa and timothy hay than any other spot on earth, and is just as good for fruit and vegetables. Thoro has been -1000 tons of hay sold here this fall, and lota left for sale at low prices. Our beo men aro making prepara tions for a big crop of honoy next year. Col. George Noweomb, of Cornuco pia, was in tho valloy recently on legal business. Mr. Newcomb is full of jokes and familiar with all. Geo. will probably become a resident of Eagle valloy. Wo will welcomo him. Mr. Samis, of Hog valley, has bought Mr. Chas. Howell's farm hero and moved on it. 'Ho is well satisfied. Good luck to Mr. Samis. Our iron bridge is under good head way and will bo finished in a short time. The people are very proud of it. Mr. Win. (lover haw dono somo good work on tho Summit creek road. Mr. John Fowoll is building tho finest dwollinghouM) in tho valloy. Mr. Sanders returned from Baker valley, a fow days ago, with 85 calves which ho had purchased to put in his pasturo and fatten on alfalfa. Mr. Wash Moody is now making cheese and is having good success in his new undertaking. W. N. Nash ban his now barn com pleted and it is a daisy. Wo want 6O1110 man to como and put up a hotel at Now Bridge. It is needed badly and would pay. Wo want a boot and shoo maker. There is a good shop at Chandler's store ready for him to go into. Tho wife of Mr. W. D. Nash re turned, a fow day ago, from California whuro she has been on u visit to her parents. Sho was accompanied by her brother, Mr. James Surnmors, Tlioy say that taxe aro very high and wo don't want them any highor. Wo know how to keep them down and that is to nil voto to keep tho county eat at Union. It is to tho interests of ovory man in tho eastern part of tho county to voto for the county scat to lemain at Union. Don't be hum biijjgcd by La-Graudurs or Baker City newspapers. Let' tho county seat stay at Union and givo uh the Hunt rail road. OLD K. Received at A. N. the TARirr on WOOL. An Answerto "W'a" Rjcent Article oa This Wooly Question. Cove. Or.. Dee. II, 1SS0, EniTou Okkuo.v Scout: In the last issue of Tin: Scout I Miw a communication .signed "W."in which he says the protection on wool is a fa1--lacy. " ' The democrats during tho campaign of 1SSS objected to being called free traders, but since the last election their talk and articles are all for free trade; they proclaim it from east to west, no matter whether it is called tarilf for revenue or tariff reform, it signifies no protection to American industry. Thoro is a sample of this kind of tarilf on tin plate, and England is furnish ing all we use. If wo had a tarilf that did protect, we would make tin plate here, and pay a large por cent of the 30,000,000 that now goes to English workmen to Americans, giving about 40,000 men employment and keeping them from competing for our places, giving them money to purchase goods, and other men the work of making them. Who wants free trade? Tho labor ing man? No; they are Hocking from free trado countries to got tho benefits of the tariff. Do business men want it? No; they understand that labor pauperized will not benefit thom. Do tho farmers want it? No; they need their products protected more, Who then docs want it? England, tho im porters, the bond holders, tho misgui ded South and democratic politicians. They want anything that will be mon ey in their pockets. They want it re gardless of pauperizing tho working man, and taking children from school and putting them in work shops, and huvo this liko England, a government of classes. England does not care, and why should it if wc don't know enough to make our ballots protect us wh'on the tarilf makes us tho best paid laborers in the world? Tho freight from this state to Now York on goods and produco is greater than it is from Liverpool to Now York. Consequently a tariff for rnvenuo only means less pay for us than they got in Liverpool, or no work. Comparo tho statistics of paupers officially given in 1880. England had ono to ovory thirty-three inhabitants; America, one' to every five hundred and sixty-five, and Europo sont us a largo por cent of thom. And yet wo learn that tho tar iff is robbing us. Tho democratic administration un dertook to show us that with wool on tho freo list, wo would lose money on tho wool that wo sell and get rich on tho clothes which wo .buy. It would seem to bo a now discovery, an overturning of all ideas of commerce to lose money on that which wo have to sell, but got rich on that wo buy. That is not customary nowadays. My idea is that "W" or anyone else would never becomo a bloated bond holdor in that way, yet, as I understand it, that is Grover Cleveland's plan. Brazil seeks in European markots for tho wares sho desires becauso Eu ropean prices aro lower than ours, and they aro lower for no other reason than that tho wages paid European laborers aro lower than tho wages paid Ameri can laborors, and of course wo aro go ing to got the world's commerce, and hold it, the first thing to do is to forco down the wages of tho American work man ; to force them not only down to tho European lovel, but below them, because wo must undersell these ri vals of ours if wo must soizo and hold tho markets of which wo aro now su premo. Thoreforo if congress is to legislate at all concerning tho matter, it must begin by legislating to roduco ' tho wages of American workingmen until thoy aro lower than European wages, and if European wages should bo forced furthor down, then measures must bo adopted to push ours still downward toward tho labor prices of China. And the chances that an American congress will ongago in such ruinous Tom-foolery aro so small that "W's" grand children will bo gray headed beforo any intelligent human being in congress over thinks of 6uoh a Bchomo as worthy a moment's atten tion. J, G. Buclrton's Arnica Salvo. Tub Best Sai.vh in tho world for Cuts, UruUos, Bores, Ulcers, Halt Itlieijm, Fuvcr Sores, Totter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Kruntluns, ami post nlvcly euros Piles, or no pay required, It Is guaranteed to givo perfect Hntlnfiiction, or monoy refunded. Prlco U5 cents per box. For sole at Brown's drug itorc. Gardner & Cos.