The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, December 05, 1889, Image 8

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    jaUflLllVJLJU JJU.J
A Caustic
Ansvror to B. W.
Rscbnt letter.
Editor Reotrr:
In your issue of Nov. 21, nn article
tinder the caption, "A. Plea for Schools,"
from tho pen of 11. W. Hud'man, at
tracted my attention. Its import was
that 'Sectarian schools," if not n posi
tive detriment to tho advanced educa
tional features of tho age and to
tho communities where they are
located, were, at least, inferior in tho
spheie of higher education and in the
amount of beneit conferred on those
communities to non-sectarian institu
tions. To this I feel moved to reply,
not that f have any interest in Un
ion's obtaining one .academy moro
than another, nor because I tun a
.member of the denomination a part of
'wh(iK) creed ho attempts to quotehut
as a school teacher, a school lover, and
ii'tinn advocate of higher education,
nole-s in religious institutions than
in schools of other kinds, I feel that
the false logic and premises of thu
writer should not go by unanswered.
Tim opening statement agijjnst fcc
tarian schools concedes the privilege
on the part of a town that desires a
school of that character and can raise
funds to iiRsist it, to have it. Evident
ly. JJ tit, let iino ask, to whom wotdd
they go for such an institution of
learning if not to a religious body?
Tho states do not undcrtako tho croc-
lion anu maiiucnanco ot sciioois in
every town that desires one. The
Liberals, the Free Tbinkors and other
similar bodies do not oven pretend to
erect any kind of nn institution any
whore. Then, I repeat, to whom else
can they go' Religious societies have
founded and supported the first and
best schools in all the land, and they
still form tho advance guard as well as
the main body of tho army of higher
education. Does thu gentleman forget
that a dying minister's library and
name were given to the oldest Ameri
can college? Does ho forgot that ton
clergymen with tho little th-y could
donate laid tho foundation of Yale?
His school history will remind him of
it. Ho alto so words Ins article that
the impression may obtain that rcli
io;v ';v!UVk do uo cot)trjiip:o to the
govv5h.i.inL that education wlitah
forms its "stays and props," but, on
the contrary, are guilty of concocting
tho fchomcs mid furthering" tho in
trigues "that so often dissolve and de
stroy" it. Now 1 doubt if tho proof
could be obtained to substantiate such
a bfond statement. Moreover, bo says
that sellouts are the molds in which
aro fashioned "tho motors that urge
upward tho march of political purity,"
and ho cannot but admit that those
religious schools which do what they
claim to do, do at least as much to
ward tho purification of politics as
does nn institution of any other char
acter. 1 no idea in tlio writer s mind seems
to bo an attack upon religion as well
as upon its being a motor in education.
He thinks that it should be found at
tho fireside, practiced in the home,
and find its limit within tho family.
If a man's religion is good for anything
at all, it is as good for tho counter or
otllco as tho eontor-tabloi if it is worth
aught, it is as valuable in society as in
the homo, at tho polls as at thu bedsid.
Ho ridicules a faith that trusts in
Mother's words. Clod ho praised that
there aro mothers in our laud who?u
lives ate so consistent with their words
that we can say without doing violence
to our conscience, "1 believe it, for my
mother told mo so."
Hut the article is lame, decidedly
lame, in its grandest (?) argument.
And fur put this reason ; Religion is
not taught in thu socturiun schools
unless endowed for that particular
purpose. Schools of this character do
try to tluow about their students moral
and religious inlluonces that they may
bo eNuniplos of purity fn a spiritual
and a social as well as a political
world. They do teach the bible in tlio
school room, but not for religion's
sake so much as in a classic sense.
Tho "tune is drawing," not when boys
and girls can go to school "without
finding themselves in thu midst of
hymns and testaments," but when a
man will not I o considered fully edu
cated unless ho is as conversant with
tho bihlo as with other classical pro
ductions. Thu trouble is that most
people and our friend, I apprehend, is
one of them do not know tho bihlo.
They have a smattering of passages to
liiotu fur or against religion, but as to
knowing thu book they have not the
rudimi'iilf. And, though these schools
exert mi influence for religion while
tltoy t Ht-h n classic, yet thuy show no
more ,udor in doing this than than the
infidel i' atheist docs in tearing down
the beliefs Prayer and a belief in
God are not compulsory like thu drill
thinks I
IIV l PI""",' ""-" ' - - - w . ......
of belkving in christian doctrine bo-1
cause lio nttcntls a church, however
regularly; nor does tho student bo
cituso he studies Xcnophon or calculus
in n "sectarian" school. The Rontlc-
ninii's premises aro falM?.
1 hardly know whether to reply to
anything so absurdly foolish an the
following: "Schools governed by a
tot of revisionists arc like ships manned
by factory girls." It gmuckn Eotne-
what of vituperation, it docs feeni
ttrangc, however, that the gentleman
should use the oppression when ho
cannot put his finger upon a sur-ecss-ful
college or Muniniiry, religious or
Btatc, that does not enroll among its
faculty one or inoro clergymen.
Strange the Htate will select these ,
puerile "religionists" to govern its '
schools. Nay, I believe that the time I
will come coon when not only shall :
the faculties of the state schools con
tain clergymen but upon their oiirri
eulums will bo found, as a elastic, the
word of (Jod.
l the close tho writer of this "pW
for schools" pleads eloquently for
"something practical" but cries for the
death of religious institutions of learn
ing. Poor Harvard! ITow we pity
theel How our sympathies go out to
thy companions in sorrow, Columbia,
Princeton, Itochestcr, IJrown, and
those other "sectarian" schools of our
land at this time of tho trouble when
tho cry comes ringing from the pre
cincts of Anthony creek, '-Down with
them!" 0, Yale, thou canst' no long
er stand, for Air. Huffman wantn
"practical" institutions. Practical!
Yes. wo too, beliovo in practical insti
tutions, but. wo arc "liberal" enough
in our definition of what is practical
to allow all schools, religious and state,
a fair chanCo.
Hand Kidou. Nov. 2."), 1880.
A sr.vo Investment.
Is one which Is guaranteed to bring you
satisfactory results, or in case of failure a
return of purchase price. On this safe plan
you can lmy from our advertised druggists
a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for :
Consumption. It is guaranteed to bring 1
rellcl1 in every ease, wio:i used for my af- I
faction of Throat, filings or Chtsf, such as
Consumption, In am it ion of. u,r;s, Itron- j
chltls, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Croup, I
etc. It Is pleasant ami ng.xeablc to ta.ic, J
pprfc"!v a", Mild ran always he d -ponded i
tirn buttles free at P.. U. Hr,vtiN J
drugstore, Union, Oregon, ;
In nulla r,f iidtiltprnteil hnlt.itinim wlilch mi's tlio
llici.ty, nml prnclUiil iDMiUa of tli Orlciml. iuiillnif
tlio RriiMwut iiilxri'iiri'M-iiliilloini liy i'Mvmihh wnnlil liu
rniniintltim, mid liiKiitinit "liimHitttpiiit tn ruli"lilm
uf His fruit (if 111 liili(ir,(ll of which ili'iinmstralii thu
uiiilnulilpil Hiiiinrliinty nnd impuluray (if Ilia tuaclilne,
I'rof. Iilelt,i'rt of Nuver ViireuttuiK ta ropoRiilseu
to-itny In Imth Jh'Mililu'ri' ok iii.ii1.Iiik nn ICihioIi in
Ittmtitirv (iiltnrn. llli I'mmicrlllM fhdllt IMt lreolulves
iiiliuiinnif icuilfl In all mrts (if tlio kIiiIiu ivhn lino not
HiMy HuiHct lilshjutom liy I'lirrcspomlcncc, nhimini;
tlu.t hln Hyutvm la cc( '( vliile bciiiff ft mint!, not
(ilrnrttnU; tlmtdiii bunk run M Itamtit fnminalf
TtailiiW, iimiii-ii'itici'roii'cio, t'e. I'uriTOEp'ctus,
'T.triMM mill T.ikI iitiiinljilH AililrnMH
i'ruf. A. LUiSliTTK, 1!U7 Fifth Avenue, N.Y
For Sale.
UJOO owes ami Iambs ami
'1.00 wcMiors, yoarliujiVs and
two yuiiv oltls. WTiII sol! at
a bargain. Enquire ol'T.O.
WILSON, at Cove, or 15. F.
WILSON, Union, Oregon.
Shingles For Sale!
An unlimited amount of No. 1 shingles
constantly on band and for sulo cheap.
Orders from all parts of the country so-
S. 15. lUJlMtOlTOHS,
:t-ll tf Cove, OruKon.
nUholutlDii Ndtlci'.
the co-partnership heretofore existing
between. I. T. Holies and S. K. tcnor, in
tile mercantile business, under the linn
name of Holies it Keuor. is this day dis
solved by mutual consent, S. K.Kcnor with
drawing from gthu linn and .1. T. Hollos
continuing the business. Mr. Holies will
collet all bills due tlio late tlrm and settle
all accounts against said tlrm.
Cornucopia, Nov. t,
.I.T. HOl.I.KS,
S. K. SUNOlt.
TdUclicrK' Kxnm Inn (ton.
L for the ptirnoso of makingan e.xaiuina-
tion ol all persons who may oiler them- i
selves as candidates ior teiieners 01 tne
schools of this county, the county school
superintendent thereof will hold a public
examination at Union. Oregon, beginning
at noon on Wednesday tne 27th day of No
veinber. ISMi.
Dated this 12th day of Nov., 1.S!.
.1. I,. C.VUTKU,
County School Superintendent Union
County, Oregon,
Obtained, and all Patent Husincss attended
to Promptly and for Moderate Fees.
Ourolllce Is opposite the V. 8. Patent
Olllce, and wo can obtain Patents In less
time than thosu remote from Wasoingtou,
Send MODKhor DRAWING. Wo advise
as to pantentablllly free of charge; and we
Wo refer, here, to tho Postmastor. tho
b'upt. of Monev Order Div., and to otllclals
of the V. S. Patent Olllce. Foi circular,
advice, tornm and rcllttrences to actual cli
ents In your own Statu or County, write to
0. A. SNOW & Co..
... - - - -
Opposite Patunt OMeo, Washington, I). U.
I m IHMiH FOE SfflS !
li M Trains arnve ,, - - L
! 1U' 111 IWU'livw-
We have now on hand the most
Comprising Everything Inuiginnblo in
advertisement to even give an
invited to call and
According to our usual custom, to
j Tatronago wo have received from the people of this vicinity, we have completed
' arrangements for u
o Gil AND -:- GIFT -:- DISTItlHTTION. o
I For every dollar's worth of goods
! year our patrons will receive a ticket
one or all of tho following beautiful presenter
First Prize, Two superb pastel pictures.
9. An '17.1
do Large plioto album.
do Complete water set.
do Silver plated cake stand.
do Pair vases.
do One vol. Sliakespeare.
do Plush stationery box.
do Ladies' work box.
do Set ice cream dishes.
do Majolica fruit dish.
do Scrap album. .
do Set glassware (4 pieces.)
do Music roll.
do Oil painting-, 24x86.
Drawing to take place
GIFTS for the
For ovory twonty-iivo eonts' worth of goods bought of ua during tho re
mainder of tho year, by the little folkit, wo will give ta ticket entitling tbem to n
elianeo to draw ono or all of tlio following prises :
j First Prise, Largo doll.
1 a Sm-iin llliiim
!J " Kox btationery.
I " l'ajuM weight.
" Pair vhsoh.
Drawing to take place Dec. 31, at .2 P. M.
Tiekots to this drawing will ho given to won- but the little children.
SJc'A full lino of Groceries, Glassvarc,
Cutlery, . Stationery and Soliool Books con
stantly on hand.
f b 11 it Be Mm?M in inytBi.
HWOrdovA from nil varts of
livorything First Claw. TwMt Very UtMktonbl.
Buss to and l;iom the Depot (ak:iiff Cuiinectton with all Trains
m m &; fSEs a WM mmMm :
Superb and H.aid.-ome assortment of
that Line As it is Impossible in an
m mi u i'j w u li :iv
Idea of Our Immense Vnrictv, all are
see for tliem-elvfs.
show our appreciation of the Liberal
bought of us during the romaindor of the 1
whioh yill give thorn a chanco to secure !
Dec. 31, at 7 R M.
Sixth Prize, Combination bank.
7 " Cup and saucer.
S " I'asket perfumery.
0 " B0 eonU worth candy.
10 " Stemn engine.
tl"-' country w)lieiled.)c7
ni m
1 wmEII
KST I."VN!'. I ::Tl:'i!M'.
1'aMpnjrcr. No. 4, f'v'Pn''-",n!.'f,r. Xn.3. 1.
ill ti;.f H. IO. j Hi 1 11. III. i
atL'::Wa. m. I at II :;o i: m.
TirinJTQ to and from principal points
uuJviiiojntic ;k,( Stutcs. Canada!
and Kurope.
Elegant S'ew Dining:,
Pullman Palano Sleepers,
Free I'amily Slcfpiug Cars on all Kx
prt'ss Trains to
Free of Clinrgo and Without ('hniiRe.
Close connectinniiitPortlond for San Fran
cisco and Paget Sound imints.
! The Orogon Itailway itXavigation and
I Pacific Const Stcnmsliip Co. will dis
I patch Steamers between San Fran
i ciseo and Portland, a follows:
rnojt s.x l'KAXt isco.
L'v'ng Spear st. wh'
at 10a. in. n follows :
i Leaving at 1 0 P. sr.
as follows:
j Col'liin, ov, !i. IX 27Orejron,Nov. 2, If. '.fi
uregon, 7. lU'htulu " ii, us, so
State, " 11, :'.'!Co!uml)ia " lo. 22
The company roserves theright to change
steamers or sailing rtnys.
Cabin. - - ?l.00 SteeraRo - - 5S.01
JJoiind Trip Tickets, Unlimited - $30.00
Children, under 12 years - - Half Faro
,, o years ... i?Tlie
Including Men's and liertlm.
ficii'l Manager. O. P. it T. A,
J. W. SXKKD, AKent. Cnion.
sli! BimoB &zm MM
IIa3 no eoual lor Style, Fit nml Wear. Positively
ihe bost ahoo in America tor tlio munov. Do not la
uoceived. Ssm; stamp on bottom of each Blioo. Take
uo ocner.u isvery pair warrauien. styiua anu
u nhr.O fivcrv ualr warm
dual to am- !i.t xlioe l.-i '.Uo luurnct. J "irsule 03
Jos. Wrig'Iil' Union, Or.
?'ltlf! I'"(ll-
Land Oi-i k i
at tiiiAND.-:. Our.doxj
Dcccinbt r 2. ly-i'i, i
JJq tho 'follo.viiig-naino.l settler bus tiled
notice of
hcrJntoiition to make llnal proof!
rt of her claim, and that nUl proof
t...,-...n l,.t.. !
in supper
will bo made
DIIIV lllllllV UIU ii-i 171 HUH IHl'M'
..m ... I j;,...... I.. si.. ........
urn, i.ii . 1 1 iiuui', -ri i-tiuii, ui .iiiiiiilii v iw,
1SU0 vi..
on January 10,
Mary IK iigei-.
II. S. No. SefCi. for the K'. SK Pec. ,",(. and !
VV v. V'.; !SCC. 38. TP. 2 (s, 11. 4 K.
Jjlie niinies the following witnesses to
prove her C'intlniious residence upon and
cultivation of. xaiiiriaud, viz:
Davis ISov.vell. tieorge lles, John Jones
and Archibald Hoylcs, all' of Cove. Oregon.
Any person who desires to protest against
tliealiowancoof uch jiroof, oi-wit i !;ihis
of liny snl'stantial reason, under tlicl aw and
the regulations of t lie Interior D.-p n-tiiient ,
why such should urn be alluwed,. 111
be given iiu opportunity at the i,lovc nun
tioiied tinio and plan to cro-s-cxainiae the
witnesses of said claimant, and to otH-r
evidence in rebut:cl of that siilmiitt 'il by
claimant. Hkniiy l'.i.v : it r.
12-5-wi! lti-.'is'er.
After Fortv rcar3f
experience in the
preparation oi moro
tliftn Ono Hundreil
TIjouKand application fiv patents in
trie, tho pnnlifhfra of the boionttflo
h t J A'IiLi.u;i t'jminuv tun" i rmicuun
fi iitJisU jvu.t', k'nTcM. tratie-marts. copy
i.NkCTn nrlua, r tho I'nited State, and
i vnrenia ti t. fn.ida, j.ntfunu, rrance,
I i-j.vj, liiici &U oiuuT c. intrtf. Tbetrrxpert
r.e. !i Kno;uAkd acdtlitir facilities aro unur-j.-
!fwhri r.nd ppelCet'' "-na propared and fl&
'ni,'1! vMii Ofiikt i f-. iti. miici. Terms vtrjr
.ii .. !o ch tv -n inanimation of modaU
A'Ytcv In irntl free.
T - t,i m Ht'i-o ipi MnnnACo.aranotioea
i'i-.M MMTIPW AMUniCAX.wbiohUa
- ; -. i er.:mation and the inoi muuentjal
-i. r of it kind publUhed in the world.
..TitaCtf of vaeh a uotioe every patentee
" ' and anUmSMlr Uluetratrd newipsner
. . .'d WKKKIiV at 83.M a yrr. and u
t t , tii lMt paper devntcd io noienoe.
. '.MT'tiona, enatneennu worn, and
nf industrial iT'iru-s, pub
t.ntr. It cont .in t v tmen of
. r.ti '.'tW of erry ,nvr-ri n iainletl
. 'i u f.t';r i-ii).:t.. t r irj dollar.
-iIdu'i r.
i-i .-n'l.'n 'it write
, t- iV. - i f S. itiv America
Thomson & Pursel avu tiuouts for
the eelebratctl Cyelono 'WindMill, nuil
us the in-iee on thorn hiivolieeu great
ly retlueed they aro now within tho
roach of all. Sainplo mill to bo soon
ut their planer in Xorth Union. Call
tiutl examine it.
" ' .w
o wrons way 10 r.n it It w
th-- anin ruui..ii's r.irwaor i
a w fssi j
cw.i. rxigi. or ! i Kite Julnt.
u li"i.' t thr(A.l iu luuvUlue
Or tl ii ! le.
So b(hI m any other sua-
(111 lie II (l -i lu.i (mmmuwi.
For Salo by
B H. BROWK, Ojuob, orn
. m f-O r7l ft
Union Real Estate Association
Have lifted a large amount of
ITT A TIT Tl T tlTin
Which are for sale on
i 88 acres
ad oining the
city of
Will be sold as n whole or in parcels. 0
opportunity to seoiirc a cheap home. P
I of
whole. tract $3,250.
.'!20 nrri'i ten milcM nortli of Union; all
tillable land; unimproved: price $15. per
1320 ncres of improved land, fourteen
miles north of Union: 2n0 acres farming
luiid; '.'00 aeros in meadow and balance sui
table for meadow or pasture; pood fences,
bullilinps. orchard and plenty of water. A
Rood home for a dadrablo husbandry.
I'rice $15. per acre; one fourth down and
balance on three and live year's timcj.
10 acres adjoining the city of Union,
known as the Moore garden; large orchard;
.shrubbery of all kinds; hot anl (lr house.
A fine bargain for any One desiring to en
gage in the fruit and garden business.
I'rice $3,500.
100 aorcs one mile west of Union; lino
grain or meadow land, i'rieo ?G0. per acre.
!?20 acres two and one-half miles north
west ol Union; all grain and meadow land;
well improved, price $&" per acre.
320 ncres 2." miles south of Union; all
fenced with good wire fence; improvements
fair; plenty of water and out-range; 8,0U).
rails on the place; 150 acres farming land ;
balance pasture laud; good orchard; three
miles from timber; limo kiln on place.
Price ii). per acre.
210 acres ono mile south of Tclocaset and
nine miles south of Union: MX) acres deed
ed and so acres timber culture; CO acres
good grain land: "0 acres fenced and under
cultivation ; 5,000 rails on place; dwcllinc,
barn, cellar anil out-buildings: good well,
Trice 1,000.
100 acres just north of Tclocaset and 7
miles from Union; -10 acres under cultiva
tion; fair improvements. Trice $11.00 per
lfO acres two and one-half miles north of
North Powder; HO acres tillable land; 45
acres under cultivation; good house, bam,
cellar and out-buildings. Mortgage 750.
Price $11. per acre.
1010 acres twelve miles north of Union,
in uove: uuu acres grain and meadow land;
balance pasture'; well improved; good
fences, buildings, orchard, etc., and plenty
of water; timber joining same on east. An
excellent, farm for diveMlled husbandry.
Pries isl.VOIO.
.120 acres e'even miles north of Union, in
Cove; 200 acres in cultivation; good fences,
buildings, etc. A lino farm. Price $0,500.
ISaneh of 101 acres, known as the Half
Way Station on the road between Union
and Cornucopia, and -1 miles fromSanger;
has a large story-and-a-balf house, barn
and stables on each side, wood shed, two
wells al-oa stream of running water on the
place; 100 acres of natural meadow land
and a line range all round. This would be
a lino location for a milk or stock ranch.
One hundred tons of lirt class liav can be
cut each year. Price ?S50.
Who wants a saw mill? Here Is vour
chance. (July Similes from North Powder.
A lirst class mill, with a cutting capacity of
'i-00l) fL,,t.I,cr.!!"rv' antl ,Un1 reached 10 0!K
J00' 11,18 lm a doable circular aw
built aecordliiL' to the latest iiimmvoiiKMiN
10 uuo
. i . , . ,. ,
i .. ---n
Only one-fourth milo from main river, by
t .i ! lil(.""Kr-v f'
I"?ty good iniUing timber; water power
" ' " I'"viieu'-s. ere. r.asv pay
iiiems. xnis is a spienuut cnaiieo lor a
ndil man. Price $ l.Ouu.
An 80-acre tract of as line land as can
bo found in Powder Itivor vallov; on warm
spring branch; splendid grain or nieadinv
land, and only X miles from North Powder.
This is a rare bargain. I'rice .fCOO.
Three blocks in one tract in Xorth Union,,
known as the John Katou place; has largo
and commodious house well and suhstun
tially eonstruetod in every particular; en
tire place set in ureliard of cherries, pears,
apples, etc., also small fruit grow to perfec
tion ; entire plaeo ean !- irrigated; all ne
cessary out buildings. For a neat residence
in L'mon you ean llnd no better ulace.
This i u chance in a lifetime. Price- $1,70.
One and one-half lots in Cove, upon
wiiu-ii is an eiegant two-story house with
I ei.'ht roi iiH, all well finished throughout,
with stable, woodshed, ote., also good well.
I lliis is one of tiie neatest residences in
Cove. Give us a call and we will suit you.
i Price $1.7.")0,
I U'l
fiood farm of KiO acres, iyt miles from.
Xorth Powder on the main road from Un
ion to HakorCity; wull finished .story and
a half house; good barn, stable, grancrv,
etc; well for barn and one for houso; young
orchard of r0 trees begining to bear, and
small fruits in great quantities. This is
one of the best farms around Xorth Pow
der. 20
320 acres of improved land. l(i miles from
Union and 5 miles from Xorth Powder;
mostly good tillable land; somo meadow
land; balance pasture; living water on tho
place thcyoar 'round; near timber and one
half mile from school houso. Price ifl.tiO).
123 acres of good fanning land two miles
northwost of Union; -10 acres under culti
vation ; small home and stable. Price $15
per acre,
A half block in Xorth Union with nico
residence, eonveiiiont to biisinoj,, portion of
Union, and a vory desirable home; small
nun and necessary outbuildings. Price
A block of land in Xorth Union; suitable
dwelling for a small family : small barn,
wood shod, cellar, etc. A vorv desirable
location on Main street. Price- $1,500.
120 acres of improved land in Cove; all
!' id meadow land bntaboutaOucre, which
is siiituble for pasture. Price $20 per acre.
Also a large number of town lou and
All Lottors promptly an-
S'SVOVOtl 111 1 .Information
ui!.siruu win iiu ciiveiTttlly 7
Address all i onimuiiscittioiis to
tnri. - V
n Lent rM A'n