The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, December 05, 1889, Image 5

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amos k. jon ks. - kTmtoil
The Oregon Scout has as large a circu
lation as any tico papers in this see
tton of the State, combined, and it cor
respondingly valuable as an advertising
Thursday, Doc. otli, 1SS5).
Arrival and Departure of Trains at the Un
ion Depot.
No. 1 AVest-bouud Express
No. l! Kttst-llOUIld
'o. !! West-bound Fast Miiil
-1 :2ii o. m.
1 1 :A5 a. m.
4:55 p. in.
- 7:15 p. m.
No, 4 hust-botiml " " -
No. II West-bound
No. 12 Knt-houiid -
12:50 a. m.
- '.: p. in,
'o. 4:! Wet-bound Way-freight 3:10 p. m.
V.. 11 1... i , i. 1
u. n jii'si-ijuuuu - u:u a. in.
Kor u full description of Union
County wee Inside puces,
A Paragraphic Eacord of r.cont Happen
ings In and Around the City.
Sheet limbic at Mr. Alger's.
A $10,000,000 fire occurred In lio.-ton,
Muss., on Nov. 23th. .
See the ad. of now blacksmith shop just
opened by Mr. John Johnson.
Winter hats of all kinds for sale at coat nt
Meadanies Kinchnrt ifcGager's.
If you want to buy or sell property inter
view the Union Heal I'Mato Aoiiatlon.
A splendid lot of Christinas present- at
Mrs. Alger's post-olllce sioru. Don't fall
to look at them.
The Pendleton Oreironian verv resigned
ly remarks : "I.a Grande lias already set
claim to the fast trains.''
New York brokers say that the rumored
revolution in llrnzil will causo a panic
among coffee dealers. Prices will advance.
Mr. John Johnson has openod a black
smith shop at the old Nodino stand and is
now ready to do all work in the most ap
proved style.
The largest and inol attractive stock of
holiday goods ever seen in Union county
is now at Jones Bros.' It will coat you
nothing to look at them.
Head the new ad. o the Montreal saloon.
This is a quiet, orderly place and the genial
proprietor, Mr. Remlllard, is always
pleased to meet his friends.
There is at present between three and
four feet of suow at Cornucopia and indi
cations point strongly to the heaviest fall
this winter ever known In that locality.
hast Thursday in Lexington, Morrow
county, Ed Jones was shot and killed by a
man named Harper. Harper made his cs
oape, but was captured next day and i now
in jail.
Don't fail to read Hall llro's. holiday an
nouncement in this isMio. They have a
superb and varied assortment and their
prices have-been marked down lower than
ever before.
Steel wagons, violins, banjos, Christmas
cards and novelties to bo received at tho
Cove drug store next week. Do not fail to
call and inspect their stock before making
purchases of holiday presents.
The Hall Bro's are having the large
building on the Corner of Centennial block
refitted and will move their goods to that
place in a few days. They will have one of
tho neatest stores in the city when tlley get
Attention is called to tuo advertisement
of Mesdanies RinulmrUfc (iager which ap
pears in this issue. The extent and varie
ty of their goods cannot be realized by
reading their ad., so the ladies should not
fail to visit the store and see for them
selves. Jones Bros.' sell holiday goods 2.1 per cent
cheaper than any of their competitors and
for every dollar's worth you buy will glvo
yon a ticket entitling you to a chance in
their splendid gift distribution. Investi
gate the matter and see if the above is not
strictly true.
Our wide-awake livery man, Mr. John
Elliott, is having three large and substan
tial sleighs made to be ued on the Union
mid Cornucopia stage route. It is needless
to say that Mr. Elliott alwa.Vb gets thero on
ilmo and succeeds in anything ho attempts
to do.
A chop-house has been startod in the
buihlinjr adjoining Beard's barber shop,
and seems to fill a ,'ong felt want. It is
run in connection with the Bon Ton restau
rant. Anything you call for will be cooked
and served on the instant, and you only
pay for what you get. Try the chop-house
and see how you like it.
The Valo Atlas says it is more than liku
ly that Judge Ison will bo unable to servo
out his ollicial time on tho circuit bench,
jind a successor will have to be appointed.
Jn the nuturoof things that successor must
bo a democrat, and the most prominent
aspirant thus far is Judge Courtney of Ba
ilor, with Khelton of Union crowding.
Proceedings liavo been instituted against
the Pendleton baseball club to compel that
festive organization to pay several debts
contracted by its inoinber, amounting to
Xourorilvo hundred dollars. As the club
was not incorporated it can not bo pro
ceeded against as a corporation howover,
so the suit is ontorod againut the otlleors
and leading nienibors of tho organisation.
K. Cain, a track walker on the Southern
Paeille railroad at Roaeburg, w mur
dered last Thursday night. He was shot
from behind with a Winchester riile, while
jiifct outsldo the door of hit (piartflrs; was
then dragged into the houo, the door of
which woro closed, and the trunk ran
sacked, and a small u nount of money ob
tained. There Who clue to the uiurder.-r.
0oinuisn4eil i" pu:li- .t: :' vu! the Cll(of
nm liquid fruit remedy. Hvrtip of FlM. It
U pleiuluy to the eye. und to the UuW l4
y geutiy ting on tin' kidneyt, liver nd
buweU. it el hum i)u tyiiem freetu'
tfcircb, proiii'.ui.i.' UtaiiMitb nd lit'i-r;
1' all '.'. I. u i 1U
Brief Pcnonal Xeatlon-Ep:tom of Ut
' Weei's Amuseawnu.
I Mr. and Mr?. Townley, of Sanger, were
' in the city this week.
' Mr. O. KcktTsly and wife, erf the Cotc,
. visited Union, Monday.
Mrs. Allie Penney will return to her
' home in Pine vultey, Monday.
Mr. Harry Coojter returned from trip to
Wallowa routtty lact Monday.
Mr. h. Mc Ginnls writes to hart his SrotT
changed frvm I Grande to Salem.
Ml-a Viola Imrsel has been quite sick for
some time past, but is now improving.
Mr. If. It. Jaycox, of the Cove, sent in
thi week and inscribed for Thb Scout.
Mr. George Brown, of Pino valley, sent
in this week and subscribed for The ScoVT.
Mr. C. Moore, of Cainsville, Missouri,
sent in this week and subscribed for The
The Ladies Aid Society of the Presbyte
rian church will meet at Mrs. GilfUlen'3
to -morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Mr. John Cntcs. of Telocaset, 1ms been
suffer ing for some time with inllaminatury
rheumatism, but Is some better now.
Mr. h. B. Hunter, who has been gone
from Union for some time, returned a few
days ugo. lie looks as If things hud agreed
with him.
Hon. Henry Rinehnrt, register of the U.
8. land office nt La Grande, visited Union
on Thmiksglvlng Day. We acknowledge a
pleasant call.
We understand that Mr. and Mr. 14. 15.
Xeer, formerly of Wallowa county, have
located at !?ummerville with the Intention
of going into the hotel business there.
Mr. A. Burden, ot North Powder, made
us a pleasant viit this. week. Ho sub
scribed for nn extra copy of The Scon to
be sent to Win. Curry, Fairiield, Iowa.
Mr. Wm. Uruzier, of Antelope, recently
killed three hogs which, when diessod.
weighed 12tM pounds. Mr. Fraxier wants
somebody to beat that weight with thrco
Mr. Thos. X. Johnson, of North Powder,
will take his departure in a few days for
California. Ho is an old soldier and will
probably cuter tho soldiers' homo at Los
Mr. A. MeAlcxandor called at this olllce
during the week and subscribed for two
more copies of The Scoct, to be sent to A.
V, MeAlcxandor, Wallowa, and M. PefVorlo.
Rev. Parker, who has been holding ser
vices at ha Grahdc, will return this week.
Regular services will be held at the Presby
terian church next Sunday, morning and
Will the Baptist brethren and sisters of
Union, and all interested in tho Baptist
church, please meet at the residence of
Mrs. J ay cox, Friday. Dec. fith, at " p. m.,
for rcoiganization. Bnv INS. Hixzk.
Mr. Wm. Blizc and family came down
from their homo in Baker county a few
days ago and will probably remain in Un
ion several weeks. Mr. Bllzo is in very
poor health and thinks the change and our
physicians will benefit him.
hast Saturday as Mrs. A. C. Smith, of
Wallowa county, was going from Enter
prise to Joseph the sleigh in which she
was riding run into a rut, tipping to one
side so that she was thrown violently to the
ground, breaking hor leg at the ankle.
Rev. Father Brouillard, of -Island City,
took his depaitiire for St. Michael Yamos
ka. Canada, this week. IIo states in a
pleasant note to us that he will be gone
about months and as he wants the
news from Union county desires the ad
dress of his fck'oi'T changed to that place.
The Pondlcton Tribune says: Union is
now distinguished for bettor things than
train wrecks and having a good newspaper
in tho Union Scout. There was a reunion
of the Wright family at Lower Powder lust
week at which thirty doscendents assem
bled and enjoyed a genuine Mizzoory din
ner. Most of the family are natives.;
A Word of Explanation.
I see in hist week's issue of tho Kastorn
Oregon Republican a littlo comment on
the construction of tho Wallowa bridge, in
which comment they seem to want to lay
particular blame on me for the failure of
the builders to place corbies on the abut
ments under the bridge. Now if there is
any fault anywhere aside from the buildors
It Is in the imperfection of the specifications
in the contract. I contended with tho fore
man of tho bridge carpenters that thero
should bo good corbies placo.l on these
abutments, and ho wrote to Hoffman A:
Bates ami their instructions to him was to
do the work aocordlug to the contract and
no more. I was sunt there to superintend
tho work and see that the contract was
complied with, and I could not enforce
that which was not in the contract. Thero
were men there, both from this county and
Wallowa, during the construction of tho
nhntiiiPiits. und thev all agiood with mo
that it wjs as good work as they ever saw,
except it was of cut stone which is a differ
ent class of masourv entirely. 1 don't look
at it as being carelessness on my part nor
any fault of mine whatever J. J. Oiau:.
Tho transition from long, l;ngering and
painful ilekness to robust health marks an
opouh in the life of the Individual. Kueh a
rtmiarkable event is treasured in the memo
ry and tnr ;ig -ncy whereby the good health
has been attained is gratefully blessed.
Hence It W o much is heard in praise
of Electric lii'ter-. Ni many feci tin y owe
their reior.iuun to h alth. t' iln- ii-- ..f the
Great Alterative and Tonio. If you are
troubled with any lle ise of Kidncvs, hiv
w.n i h in lui r -hor' ".milling,
Ti i will - ii n 'v i "'I i'''l
UittW. fiwi'1 " '" 1 rl
Brown's drug v-i .. ' -
! . . i t r i
.it iti
ftn4 Tor a!e.
1 will mH at v 1
-frt, Vf 1"' . ' '
. .i .' i P "
I, , . W M ! .
1 iiie'ioti, on Main
M ,u I.. D' ', "in
J, ,, . . .i.iil -iM i'I
, 1 .
The O. & W. T. Bond Will be !
Built to Union. j
Tab Pftrmuteai 0rry to be KaA by
the 16th iasunt.
It gives Thk Scot'T unbounded pleasure j
to announce to its readers that the subsidy .
of $ltrj,000 to secure tho building of the
A W. T. railroad to this city has been i
raised, or so nearly so that it cannot fail
now. hes than f 1500 yet remains 10 oe se
cured and that being guaranteed a telegram
was this week sent to Mr. Hunt, tvho ts
now in New York, informing him of tho
fact. His rei4v was received yesterday
and stated thatevervthini; was all light. J
and that lie bad telegraphed hi general ,
manager nt Walla Wali i t have woric o:
the permanent survey oimuiiiuetd nt once. :
Hon. h. B. Kinebart left yesterday kr i
Walla Wullu and when he returns tbe whole j
plan of ojicrations will be known. The peo
ple of Union county ha e cause to rejoice.
The Establishment f aPOBbylerisn Oil
lege in Tfalou is Aosured.
We are pleased to mite that the project
of establishing a college at this place he tho
Prosbyterinns is assuming u moro definite
shape and may now bo considered n M-ttlcd
thing. There is no bvttor place in the state
for an educational c-nter than Uniou, and
the founding of this school is a grand step
in that direction, It will enhance tho val
ue of real estate throughout the entire city,
and should receive the support of every
citizen whether ho believes in tho doctrine
of that church or not. It should be looked
at from a business point of view, und looked
it In tli'il u-fiv no one will ilenv that what
Is contributed toward it is a good iuwst- J
ment. Whatever aid to the enterprise Tin;
ScorT can .give will be cheerfully accorded.
Would Fix Him.
Peter the Poet is now editing one of the
spicyest papers in the state which is known
as the Klamath County Star. That must
be a "wild and wooly" country, whore jus
tice is meeted out on short order, judging
from Peter's account of the late jury there:
"Are you the foreman of the Jury?" in
quired Forbes of a gentleman, Monday.
"No, sir: I'm the hindmau of the jury,''
said the juryman. "Well, sir, what would
be your verdict against u man guilty of
arson?" 'Well," replied the juryman,
after kicking nt n rejected cigar stub about
throe minutes, "I'd fine hint (To and make
him marry the gal afore sundown.'' t
BucUleii's Aruica Salve.
Tin; Bust; in tho world for Cuts,
Bruises, Soros, Ulcers, Salt Blieuin, Fever
Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains,
Corns, and all Skill Eruptions, and posi
alvoly cures Piles, or no pay required. It
is guaranteed to givo perfect satisfaction,
or money refunded. Price IT) cents per
box. For sa'f at Brown's drug store.
At tho funeral of Mrs. Jenc'lu Carr
McComas, which took t laco from tho resi
dence of S. A. Purse! on th" 2'Hh till., Prof.
J. L. C irler read tho fnl'owiu composition
which had been written by E. S. McComas
some three years ago, at the request of his
sisters who at that timo thought tho death
of their mother was close at hand:
Sisters, liftithrr and Fi-lfiiln:iU a sad
task that loving sisters have requested mo
to perform to pen some thoughts suitable
for this mournful occasion. But as the
mildew of linns slowly but surely settles
upon us we arc daily reminded of tho fact
that as we near the ond of life's brief jour
ney the tear stations become nearer to
gether. To-day wo meet, to guzo for tho
last time on the loved form and tho cold
inanimate features of her whoso womanly
years were so nobly devoted to our inter
ots in ovory way thut could ho devised by
a loving, pure-hearted, ulenr-brnlued, noble
niinded, and always devoted Mother.
It is always a solemn and Impressive oc
oukiou when v.e assemble to consign to its
last resting place, mortal remains, but
when as now, thoio who aro gathered are
so noarlv related to the form before us by
the strongest ties of consanguinity or well
formed personal esteem the occasion seems
ono peculiarly adapted to the most pro
found fooling ot torrow. An I yot my
sorrowing tistors, I at nur n ti mi to-day bo
guided by iho lump of icasoa. To oxtol
tho nn rits of our dopirlo I, W but to awak
en tho memory i f those wh know hor all
tho w y through life. Lot th.i pb-iwuit
inomorlei that will ovi r Lii-jur with us mid
woavo Ritrlands of tl.o nio.tli-ve'y llowera
around her sainted nuiiio, servo t eoiiiolo
us in the tad and Io:iooiue hours when
our minds will revert lo tho many acts of
inothorly lovound kindness thut arostrown
aloni' the p.ilhwny of her noble life. And
now let mo ask you, one and all, to do on
this mournful occasion just what Shu
would prefer to seo you do. providing hor
spirit ami that of Father, Stitor. Brother
and other dear and departed frloudi are
mingling; invisibly with you to-day. het
reason sit cm Its throne, and rule. Let us
rem, in l-er that all through the decades of
the past, animated life has bloomed into
exntU'iici!. has lingerel and loved, hu
withered and fuded away. I t u.s '('.,
upuii ib.itli, not with iipprclieintcni mil
Jri e'i but a It redly I, a n, in unci
inevitable ehaiiTO In nature, a change that
Iris run thro'igh a'l the i-vcles of ih" past
li.-fori" which tin ex ilti 'i nn 1 liu:;i:li' of ll
' . ni. 1.1 ii! b W. I' I- tin' '' '. .i.i'r
j t li.t
'" . 1 ' ' I ' '
.' i i ii I. . in i .' i ' 1 i i
I IICl.lV, llllt IW It iriUllll i lie l-nrlllljr u-m.-
l ii s .i In. :'oie u ill. I gixid ..'id ii'ibl"' M-i.i'-i"
r i. r tb r. ;'i i I . u i ir . . '.I
llj- WVll H.l.linl '..i ,illf, . alfllll, iln-l
!'"p. .i t it in- I ml ' oily . .n !.
liivin,-' haiidi t...U it toiled so long and
'.'athitilly to rt"iieve from the e'ares of life,
and let us And remsolation in the fart that
we were permitted enjoy her presence so
long among us.
As to whether It be a truth that "bright
things never die, even though they fade"
man can only give the result of calm ami
deliberate reason.
If It is in the economy of the universe
that we hare n continued existence, that
thU is not ail thnrc is of us. and we pass
from a comparatively crude state to one
more subtle and rctined, from ntdimentul
transitory, imperfect life, to one more ul
timate, permanent and beautiful, we as
suredly hare nothing to fear.
If we Rave a continued being and the
spirit of our sainted mother is now holding
communion with our noble father, sister
and brother, we should weep tears of joy
m the r than serrow. If on the other hum!
she has but fallen iuto a quiet, peaceful,
drcamlers sleep which knows no waking,
she Is at least free from all pain, anguWh,
care and anxiety ; her troubles of life arc
over. You inav each have your individual
opinion made up from individual cxperi
enc's, as I have mine, whiclu ver is correct,
it is all Tight with the dear one elepartod:
one more loved form has parsed nwny.
One more tired body gone to rest,
And hands that did life's duties well,
Arc folded on an honest breast.'
Thoughts come crowding upon tho enn-
of unlimited speculation before u, but
we have no desire to present them here. It
!H.v. ns more a; proprUte that we I'ceupy the
limit of tim:- consistent tei employ on ihls
oivnaL'H tu a review of the Hie history of
her We so reverently chf rWhcri.
Jennctta Curr was born in Adams coun
ty, Ohio, February it, 1U, and was mar
ried to John Mc 'onus Feb. 181, lSii, near
the place of her birth. She was the mother
of eight children, four bovs and four girls.
Her two oldest children, Harriet and
Evans, were born in Ohio; Esther, Mary,
Samilel nnriJJohn weio born i:i Indiana,
and Alice and William in Iowa. Sho had
three grandchildren born In Iowa, four In
Kamns ant? six In Oregon. Of this num
ber four havo passed mi before her. She
was the last of Pi-Jflit brothers ami sisters.
a id in every respect one of tho -pioneer
mothers whose lives have bueomo a part of
the essential history of our country. How
vividly my thoughts carry me back to the
little old log cabin on the bleak prairies of
Indiana, when our father delayed In his
long journey to the timber for the good
hickory wood, or in marketing tho corn,
caused her to bar tho door as the dismal
howl of tho wolves drow nearer and near
er. How Harriet and 1 watched hor face
to instinctively rend hor thoughts, and
how noble and brave she now appears to
me as I recall the calm heroism that always
seemed to oomo to her support in the lone
some) vigils that dire necessity imposed
upon her. After pioneer life in Illinois,
Indiana and Iowa, Industry and economy
brought their reward In a comfortable home
and surroundings. And then it was that
the noble haracte: of mother to us, "Aunt
Jenette" to others, was most conspicuous.
In oarly life she joined the Christian de
nomination of religionists as did her de
voted companion. But as sho reasoned and
as age came creeping upon her the theories
ot endless torment, and vicarious atone
ment, regeneration and resurrection of the
mortal body, were discardedius butj the
nightmare of gross superstition and scarce
ly pardonable cupidity, and she settled
down into u calm, conlident hope that
"There is no doath ! 'lis but a newer life,
The cutting of n cord by nature's knife,
Tho breaking of a chain that holds us down,
Tho opening o" a cage tho prisoner is
Twonty-ono years ago, tho i!7ih Inst., her
noblo companion was luid lo rest in Iowa,
and tho year uftciw.ird Samuel found a
gravo among strange ri i i the mountains of
Nevada, and since 1&78 H irrlot has reposed
peacefully by tho side of our father. In
lSTU.'Oiir mother's health being seriously
impaired by the trials and responsibilities
that surrounded her, nt our urgent solici
tation sho undertook the long and tiresome
stage ildo from Kelton to ha Grande and
ulthough an invalid she bore up like a Spar
tan mother uiulor the trying ordeal. This
change, I am co-illdent, !eiigthoiietl;hcr pres
ence with us a number of years, and now
that tho tiniu has coma when tho well
ripened fruit must lull to the earth, goutly
draw tho folds of hor drapery around her
and consign ho." to her narrow home that
nature has decreed should be ollored alike
to oarth's most exalted as mint humble.
"Life's battles fought,
Its viotorles won,
lis worn oiitwrought,
IU labors done.
'No toil, no pain,
Thou'lt then endure,
Then why complain?
Best cometh sure.''
Besides the rending of tho nbovo obituary
at tho limine, In the presence of a largo
number of friends of tho deceased and her
family, u well-trained choir of soma ton or
twelve ladles ami gentlemen rendered two
beautiful pieces, "Homo of the Soul" ami
"Gathering Homeward" and at the grave
the ''Sweet Byo and Bye.''
E. 8. McCoinus was uniiiionwl from
M oil lea I Luke, Wash., an I Mrs. .I.A Pen
ney from Pino valley, Or., and both arrived
the day before the funeral, milking, with
Mrs. K. A. Pursel and Mrs. .1. B. Thomson,
four children present besides two sons-in-law
mid two grandchildren. "Grandma
McComas,'' in sho ivas commonly called
hero, retained her mind clour and bright to
within u fow hours of her doath when, to
relievo her suflering from luthiuatin nt-tiK-ks,
she was placed under thu influence
I.' ii.i ate and fell quietly asleep to waken
o i en ih uo more, tihe talked hut little,
owing to weaUtK'ss and pain, but the night
before h-r ib'irh "puke to ono of hor weep
ing d Hig'itiTs. s.imj;- Don't grieve for
mi' I mii'i i- i..i, wm ini'fht to a'l he glnd
A !li ,. 1 .1 .1 .'r ili' p ni T nil tho llll-
,1 111 v I- 11 1; 111 ,m. vi- for mo.''
,' .. 1 . 1 ,' . 1 . i...- 1 i"Uier,
. in , ' - . 1 . 1 m on-
lire.iiii luitt re .ted on hur aed face ill
iltu'U, fe1: Ih it it -in! ln il'lv 'aid, "Do
in,l ' ' 1 .iir ml' I .I'll .' H-.'.'
In ' laoi' 1 . h 1 v" i c - .inp.iiliy of many
f l 11 ' III !..' I t'l'll- t' .U II'
j Tho Komlllard Driving Park Purchased
j uy a Syndlcato of Capitalists.
i Since the' coming of the Hunt road is a
settled fact and the permanent prosperity
of Union Is Hured, public enterprises of
various kind will be established in rapid
I sueee!ion. We are plcnseel to note the
j purehnse of the Kemlllard Driving Park by
J Mesrs. Nodlne ,fc Shirley. S. A. Pursel. E
S. Mcl'oma-, T. B. II. Green. M. P. and G.
W. Ames, is. O. Swiii-khiuuer, ami J. B.
Thomson, as it is a mutter of cnnsiih ruble
Importance to the citixens of Union county
as well as the citixens of Union.
The purchasers propose to at once place
the grounds In thorough repair and condi
tion for a driving park, and for the second
annual fair of the First Eastern Oregon
District -Agricultural Society, next fall.
Union county'eun boast of as line stuck as
can be shown in the state, and our stock
men sndlv feel the need of a driving park
and traiuiuK quarters. The proprietors
propose) to supply the "long felt want,''
and thev thi.ioughlv understand what is
wanted and have the ability and energy to
Mipply the demand,
The "Aagolus."
This great pnlntlmr, hv Francois Millet,
recently sold to the N. Y. Art Association
for one hundred and sixteen thousand dol
lars, is to bo reproduced by theS. F, Wasp
Publishing Co., and will be prsented free
to overy purchaser (and subscriber) of the
great Christinas Holiday Waap. now in
preparation. The picture will be Ul.s'JS in
size, illustrated In nine color., and printed
on 1'20-lb. paper. A III ough the picture
could not be put chivoil for less than ?."i at
the ait stores, it will lie presented free with
t he Christmas Wasp, which will be a gor
geous edition of fi'J pages, containing l'J full
page's of illustrations. Tho Christmas
Wasp, including the great picture, will
onlv cost 25 oonts. Leave your orders in
advance with the newspaper agency.
Tho PulpU anel tlo Btaije.
Itev. K. M. Khrout, pastor United Broth-
ren Church, Blue Mound, Kan., says: "I
feel it my duty to tell what Wonders Dr.
King's New Discovery has done for mc.
My lungs were badly diseased, and my
parishoners thought I could live only a few
weeks. I took live bottles of Dr. king's
New Discovery and am sound and well,
gaining 'JO lbs in weight.''
Arthur hove, manager Love's Funny
Folks Combination, writes: "After a thoi-
ough trial ami convincing evidence, 1 am
conlident Dr. King's Now Discovery for
Consumption, beats 'em all and cures when
everything else fails. The greatest kind
ness I can do my many thousand friends is
to urge them to try it.'' Kreo trial bottles
at Brown's drug i.tore. Hcgular size fiuo.
mid 91. 00.
The City Election.
But very little interest was taken in the
city election last Monday, the only contest
being for recorder and marshal. Thu fol
lowing named gentlemen were elected:
.Mayor, . I. W. Kennedy; councilmeu, B. F.
Wilson and .1, II. Corhin: recorder, C. h.
Blakoslee; marshal. M. Heritage; treasur
er, E. C. Brniiiard; street commissioner,
. Chancey.
treal -: - Saloon !
En. Bhmim.aih). Pnoc'it. '
If You Want a Refreshing Drink
or a Good Cigar, Drop in
lllllliirit noil l'nut Tallies for the Ac
eoiiioilutldii ol' CtiHtmiiiilH,
(Just opened at the old Nodino stand op
posito Green's stable
All Work Wrst-Cliiss, and Satisfaction
(iiiarantrcil in livery Instance,
JII.I!lii:.S LOW AS tiiu i.owi:st,
3-Patronage Solicited. Givo mo u
Christmas live., Dec. 24, 1889,
The best of music
will be furnished.
Tickets, including
supper at the Contort
niai hotel, 82.50.
(Opposite tho Court House,)
Mim. O. P. GOlMi.w,!,, lVop.
Tablos tfurniHlied with tho
IJot tho Market'ordn
mid lroiarod by
Whito Cooks.
Kew Ild und Itooins Koatly Kiirnl.hwd
TMitMi ukasonamm;,
, J'ublio J'atroiuigo Solicitot
Huff BlLiiiiii lisjs
Combines the juice of the Blue Figs of
California, So laxative and nutritious,
with the medicinal virtues of plants
known to be most beneficial to the
human system, forming the ON" LY PER
FECT REMEDY to act gently yet
promptly on the
Cisanse the System Effectually,
Naturally follow. Every one is using it
and nil are delighted with it. Ask your
Jrungist for SYRUP OF FIGS. Manu
factured only by the
Sa." Frahcisco, Cal.
cri'.vit.Lit. Kv. N'ew York, N. Y.
Rlrt ft Pinion rriji 1 mim
us yove ma,
kiiro Drugs,
Intent Medicines,
Hints and Oils.
'rcscriptions carefully prepared
Consisting of
Rifles, Shot His, Pis-
Imported and Domestic Ci
gars, etc.
lim Line to hi
Leaves Union dully nt 12 p. in, arrives at
Cove at :i:!IO p. in.
Leaves t;ove at a a. m .arrives at union
nt !):;!() a. in.
Connections inndo with Elliott's eoaehc.
running to the depot, currying passengers
for east and west hound trains.
ami rnmuiiT, kkasonaml.!:.
ROMNSON .t LAYNH. Proprietors.
at thu High Yalley
Saw Mill.
All kinds of lumber constantly on hand
or furnished on short notice. Prices cheap
us the cheapest.
Patronage - Solicited.
Union and Cornucopia
Quickest and Cheapest
Itouto to tho Pino Creole
Veterinary Surgery,
Rldgllug horses aucccsfiilly treated.
Hcilors and sows siiayu 1 by tint latest Im,
proved methods. I will give liiiitructl'. i
in my system of treatment, mid gmumiieo
satisfaction in every lus nuee, or no i har,'es
will bj niadu. 1 iimiieruiuucntlv loeatod nt
Union, Orcgdii. Will piomptl tittind to
nil culU, by mull or otherwise. H 15-tf
Cornucopia Saloon,
Wm, Wilson, I'kop,
The Finest of Wines, Liquors
and Cigars always in stock.
Prop In and be sociable
tols aDtt GartriLffes