1 HR JL JL a . a GON U VOL. VI. UNK)is OREGON, THURSDAY, DECKMBE KG. 24. ft The Oregon Scout. An independent wci'kly j"uma'. rv- cry tniir'i.a.t liMir.ii:' in JOXES & CilANCEY. rtilili-hiT.i and lYoprictors. A. K. .lo.sr.s, i Editor. )' I I). CttASCBV, I Vorutnan. HATHs'o v st; nsom i'tiox: One copy, one vear 4 Six months . " Three moiilos .?i.:o ."." liivnrlubly Cash in Aitvsilce. If fcv clmnct vleiiptfanarenotpniH!!l aid J yt'tr, two dollars will lie charged. Kates of advertising made known on ap plication. jrg-i -or".poiuU'iicc from all parts of the country solicit Adrc.-f, all communications to the Oregon ScoI't. I'nioii Cm-iron. DJUiSUYTKUIAN CHURCH. Services X even-Sabbath at 11 a.m. and 8 p. m; Sabbath' school at Id a. m; prayer ineetinK WcdiK-.lav. at -S p, in. The Ladies Miti-sioiiar.- Society meets on the fourth I'f idaV of every month at J:30 p. m. All cordially invited U. 11. I'AKKKtl. Pastor I'UtU'USSlONAl.. V.. Eaki.n, J. A. Eakix, Notarv l'nblic. J EAKIX, & BROTHER, Attorneys at Law, Union, Oregon, jari'rompt Attention Paid to Collect.ons JOHN u. OR1TES, Attorney at Law. Collcctins; and probate practice special ties. Ollioe, two door south of post-omce, Union, Oregon. J. AV. SllKI.TO-W J- M. t'ARROIX. gHKLTON & CARROLL. Attorneys at Law. Oflice : Two doors south of po-t-Jhce, Un ion, Oregon. Special attention given all business en trusted to us. rji II. CRAWFORD, Attorney at Law, Union, Oregon. Ollice, one door south of Centennial ho tel. 15. l- Wii.so.n-. Notarv Public. A. J. llACKl'-TT. Notary Public. yyiLSOX & IIAC'KKTT, Attorneys at Law. Collections and all other business entrus ted to us will ieceie prompt attention. A complete ab-:raet ol the land of Union countv in our ollice, Alanapersof thcUMOX RKAL ESTATE ASSOt IATION. OFFICIO: UNION, OH. J N. CROMWELL, M. D. , Physician and Surgeon. Ollice. one door outh of J. 15. Eaton's store, Union, Oregon. C. II. DAY. .M. P., IIOMEPATIIIC Physician and Surgeon. ALL CALLS l'ltOMPTI.Y ATTKNDEll TO. Oilice mljoininj; .Jones liro's store. Can be found nights at residence in South west I'nion. Ij, SAYI.OH, M. 0., Ph. O. I Physician & Surgeon, Union, Oregon. Oraduato Hush Medical College, Chlcaso. Ollice at Union Pharmacy. Calls prompt ly answered. Y L. DANKOP.TII, M. I)., Physician and Surgeon North Powder, Oregon. Ii I S E 6 K 8 or WOMCX A SPECIALTY. Calls nttondod to at all hourf. M. K0I5NIO. Architect and Builder, COVE, OIIEUOX. Draft Plans and Delnns for Dwellings, Nind l!ndcs furnislied on applicittinii. f'itw-..nnt . Mnnlrnt UllJ ' liluClL " "IflQlKul, i i Mam Street. Union. 'n ;'on, i BENSON BHDS. PROPRIETORS. '. r Keep constantly on band BEEP, l'OKK- VEAL, AlUTTOJf, SATS A OH, HAMS. LAB. ETC. Fine Line of Watch'es, Clocks, Jewelry, 7i bit; 0n Book -.Vrlt" n by IPm'-elf, Entitl l 'STORY OF THE WILD WEST And ! '.mi"-i'ire t Ii.it-. The yrrcat .-.tmdard tlistory ot Pioneer Life. A c iniplete word o; i xfltlntf events on thr Wc-t'Tii horili-rv and for the tlrt time .mi aiithen'ic ae.'oiun m the (u-ter Massacre, General Crook' (inipaiim and a thi'U'..ind of other excitiiur incident, in cluding a de-crlpnon of Ru'Vulo Hill's ca reer and sticce's in xhii'itimr his '"Wild Vet Show" among: tiie Crown Ilearts of all Europe, The bit of a lifetime. Everybody wnntsir. Over tiiiio h'inu: d spirited en--ravnu'-. ninl nearly ei-ht luiudred large liftlfts. Agents Wanted in evtrv town to --uil tnA mos't r.uner ex. vounsrorold inuverv town to -uil tin most reinarKanio book. Acnt already in the field nre sim ply rolniiiK mou.s-. Act uuicii or the op !o'rtunitv will be lost. You can easily make from $6 to $18 per day. fo save time and to eeure an agency at once, senu S 1 for u complete canv.jsiui? outlil. Illus trnted circulars and extra liberal terms free on application, Neither experience nnr capital is re quired to enpaee In thi enterprise, a the book will sell itself, and we chc our agents .to days' rime in which to deliver and col lect before paying us, A new and beautiful line of Holiday book Jut received, Including "The Beautiful Story," by .1. V. Briu.. If you want to make some nioncv, address THTR3 11IST0HY Co., 723 Market Street, San Francisco. Cal. ii Ton Restaurant! Now open to the public on Main Mreet, Union, Oregon. Board and Lodoina. h All Hours UUUlb. No Chinese cooks employed, and every thing neat and clean. The Public Patronage Solicited. l-2Ti-tf MRS. WAI.llATII, Prop. tt.i AT Tilt:- mm mm Kci'ps; cfm.stiintly mi hand a cnm pk'to otuok i'i l'rcsii Candies, Stationery, Sheet Music, Wire Goods, Brackets, -AND USEFl'L- Household Utensils. A share c4 the public patronage so licited. S-ln-tf. ?S3 UNION Tonsorial Parlors GEOIUJE HA I I'D, Propr. Shaving, Hair-cutting and Sham pooing, in the Latest style of the Art, 8bop (wo doom south of Centennial hotel, GIYKKB A CALL. a-tf. r ,'" 1 t fH o I '." .'- . ii m x eg E P 1 ' ' 21 O i rj-j ' L 4? THE COVE. Koinr.i'kablo Scnvt 3Fado by a Parly of Hunters. THE "WET OR DRY" CONTEST. Wctiss tt tha Winds-TU Ball Given', en Thunftsflvlnj Bay. Covk, Or., Pec. i, 1S0. Items are like truths mighty scarce. Hiss Annie Roger, of Buffalo, X. Y., is at Air. H. IT. French's ami will prob ably make Cove her home. Attorney Wm. Smith's family will remove to Raker City, in a few days, where Mr.' S. is practicing law. The artists who enlarge photographs for a livelihood are umong us and ap pear to bo doing a land office business. With their accustomed sociability, a number of Cove families gave good, old-fashioned Thanksgiving dinners to their fiicmhs and relatives. Rev. Air. llinzc, of the Willamette valley, held services at the Aloirisou church lust Sunday and will probably conclude to locate in the Cove. Tlio Brass Hand has received three sets of new music books from the east and are practicing weekly. They are open to all kinds of engagements. Air. (!. W. Barnes, who suffered a dislocation of the hip a few weeks ago, is improving and will be able to be up in a short time. His wife has arrived from Paradise valley. Mr. O. P. Jaycox is looking after his Cove branch store this week, lie is jubilant over the railroad prospects and advances it as his opinion that an era of great prosperity is about to dawn upon the valley. The wind blew a regular gale in the valley last week. A gentleman driv ing over from La Orando in a top buggy was completely overturned, but fortunately help was near and no se rious damage was done. Fifty tickets were told at the Thanksgiving ball. Island City was in particular well represented. It was voted by all the very best time of the .season, even though cases of neuralgia, colds and iulluenzia were common the succeeding day. The county court did not grant a liquor license to Thomas Barton to open a saloon in Cove. Almost every voter in the precinct took sides in the matter and signed petitions either for or against. Not a few could not re strain their enthusiasm and subscribed their names to both. A good flight of geeso have arrived in the valley and are affording sport for the nimrods. One day this week a hack load of hunters were out after tho fostive high llyer and mado the following scoro : Air. Cobbler, 2 geeuo ; I). Harrison Layne, -If) empty cart ridges, one goose badly hurt but es caped in tho gloaming; J. Dell ass, 2 geese hard hit, but escaped in the brush; Edgar Jones, 1 musk rat; Tho Nasby, S geeso; AI. Phy, 2 geeso. HIGH VALLEY. Dccembor 2, 1889. Our roads arc in fine condition. . Wilkinson's saw mill is in full blast again. .Mrs. Al. Minnickisdangoroiislysiok again. Robert Davis is laid up with tho sore oyes. Quite a number of our noighbors hav butchered their hogs. Everybody divided on Iho wonthor prophecy of the coming win tor. The fall grain, sown early, is up and promises fair to make a splendid crop. Win. Lyall has sold his housoholu goods and will move to Phoenix, Ari zona. Ed. Tinkhaiu' is the boss cut and coyote slayer. Ho has lmggcd ton of each. Stock gathering and private rodoro are quite frequent, with the rod hot branding irons doing duty. Charley Inman has proved himself a good mechanic and a trustworthy hand. By experience wo tostify. Silverware, Guns Some who have b 1 1 Lack on thr railroad subsidy h-,w come forward and subscribed. Th.-y will never re gret it. Air. George Johnson, with the aid of six others, butcheted a beef the (th hist. Like the oat it had von lives to loe. We have betfottr'tast dMtnr ou the final ?eqnel and resuli .: the next wedding in High Valley. Who takes the riants'? " Some of the worthl. '. u's of our valley caught a yonng i ilt belonging to George Ames, and kilh-d and ate it. The dog-killer had belt, .- ; turned out for a public bene lit. Wc wound up the wo'xlv wing bus iness in the Cove and t ik a bi.ts cut across the Valley to the ranch d Mr. ,1. Q. Shirley, where we h.ive been bus ily engage! chopping grain and hay. Ho is feeding two hundred and fifty head ot choice three-year-okl steer, a car load of which will be shipped to Portland on the 15th. They are fancy stock, having been fed separate from tho others for a Christmas treat to Portland, A hundred bead of hogs are being fed with care and attention. A car load of corn i. now on the way from Omaha, to he mixed and fed with other feed as an experiment. Only for tho extortionate transportation rates the Nebraska fanners could chip hun dreds of tons ot their surplus corn to this, coast and reali.o a fair profit. Mrs. Shirley is not behind in her hos pitality, as all admited on Thanksgiv ing Day when we sat down to dinner. Twenty-two were at thi table ami all did ample justice to the turkey and numerous other good things. Wo rtte a piece from a platu over one hundred yea is old. Mrs. Shirley was ably as sisted by Mrs. Viola Duncan and Pad dy Smith. Many are the improve ments going on at every hand, prepar ing for tho thirleon-hundred-aerc crop to bo put in the coining spring. Mr. Shirley is one of our rustlers of the early days. HOMO. JIMM1B CREEK. Nov. 30, 1889. Horn, to the wife of C. Oleson, of Clover creek, Nov. 14, a daughter. Mr. W. Ashby returned from his trapping expedition the other day. Ho caught some beaver, 1 believe. Mr. .1. Bradford returned from Eaglo valley Nov. 2.'!. Ho reported no snow there when he left. The snow here has been from ') to 12 inches in depth, and the sleds have been used'soino, but not much. Mis Laura Huff, who was on tho sick list about a month ago, has about recovered. Mr. .1. F. Huff and family expect to start east soon. Mr. A. Thomas, of Clover creek, has rented tho Wm. Shaw ranch for tho next season and expects to move thereon. Mr. Win. Shaw is having a new houso built on his ranch. lie expects to attend school at La (iraudu this winter. Mr. Al. Graham has postponed his trip to Sunko river, on account of sick ness. NEWTON BRADFORD. NORTH POWDER. . The snow is fast disappearing. Vince Reeves, of Union, was hero on official huiiutg last week. J. A. White has opened a skating rink in this place. Mr. Pearson & Hons have purchased several lots and are building on them. Davo Beveridge, Rings, Eppinger and Buckley returned from a wild goose chase in (Jrnndo Rondo valley. Prom the amount of wnsards they have sold since their return, one would naturally suppose they had good luck. The Thanksgiving bull at J. A. White's hall was a success. Every thing was done by Mr. White to make a pleasant time for tho guests, and the dancers expressed themselves as being highly pleased. North Powder can produce more heavy weight pugiliats than any town of its aiwi hi UasUirn Oregon. Don't be surprised if John L. is challenged in tho noar future. 8CRI RULER. :and Amunition Just1 SPARTA. Viiluablc (S old Mines, Knsy of Access. ONLY THIRTY MILES FROM R. R. OotKt Timber Fine Climate Abundance of Pure Spring Water. j Weather warm, mild and pleasant. ; Eight inches of snow fell last week, j but is fast disappearing under the rays 1 of the sun. 1 Dr. Jay Guy Lewis has sovorcd his connection with tho Del .Monte mining ! company, by (he salo of his entire inter ! est to an eastern syndicate at a very I handsome figure, and tho Dr. will now j give his attention to the very rich pla j cor mines on Powder river. ' The sale mentioned in our last, re ferred to tho Dolly Vnrdun mines which are now under bond to eastern capital, through tho negotiations of W. R. Fisher, mining engineer of Den ver, who has lately became largely in terested in somo valuable mining properties in tho Sparta district. The Dolly Varden has been a steady pro ducer for the past fifteen years and when in the hands of enterprising cap ital can bo made the largest gold producer on tho Pacific coast. The stamps of the Little Pittsburg mill, are hung up for tho winter, us tho management find tho expense of running live stamps as much as ten, and consequently arrangements are be ing mndo to double tho capacity and put in concentrators in early spring. A force of miners will combine work all winter, and several hundred tons of choice ore will bo in tho bins ready for milling when stamps are ready to drop. Tho trial run was as we predicted, very rich, the resulting bullion showing a gold value of !?7r. 12 to the ton, besides a large quantity of rich sulphurets saved by the burlap process. Tho development of tho Atlantic and Pacific, which is now in bond to Har dy & Henderson, is proving one of the richest free gold propositions it has been tho pleasure of your correspond ent to examine. Tho ledge, which is true and well defined at an incline depth of twenty-live feet, is now seven feet thick and gold can bo seen almost tho entire distance with the naked eye. Tho ore, which is classed in three piles, is estimated to run as follows: Twenty-live per cent will give, in frco gold, one hundred dollars to tho ton ; twenty-live per cent will yield forty dollars gold to tho ton ; and fifty pur cent will yield at least ten dollars in free gold, which, with tho present encouraging outlook, makes this ono of tho best mines in the state. No camp in tho west can boast of more natural advantages than Sparta and, judging fiom tho rapid inllux of capital tho past few months, thuse conditions aro receiving tho attention they so justly deserve. Cold is tho principal value, but tho ores contain silver enough to show permanency. Timber of the best quality is found in great abundance, and thero aro but fow mines but what sufficient timber is found on the ground for mining purposes. Running streams fed by never failing springs run in almost ovory gulch and tho climato is equal to the best found on this coast. We aio only thirty miles to railroad, over one of tho best natural roads in tho country, and tho mail coach has only missed one trip in eight years. Our enmp is surrounded by rich valleys in a high state of cultivation where every article of produce used by man or boast grows in great profusion and is delivered at our doors at very reason ablo prices. Bunch grass grows to perfection and but few places equal Sparta and vicinity for grazing and stock raising. Tho amount of work now under contract shows conclusively that tho futuro success of our camp is assured and with the spring time will come a boom so sure, so permanent that no moro "doubting Thomases" can bo found and Sparta will tako her place among tho bust mining camps In the west. What other camp can show such a record as here follows? Tho Union tunnel, to develop tho Cray Eagle and Union mines, owned Jjy Received at A. N. ('lough A Reed, .100 fret long, by A. T. Waldron, contractor; tunnel -UK) , feet long, to develop the Arkansaw i Hello lode, owned by W. H. Fisher it i Co., by Alec Oaraud, contractor; four hundred foot tunnel on south extcn- sion of the Old (ein mine, by A. J. Davis, owner; two hundred foot tun nel on Tho Rig Helcher mine, by Thompson Pro's., of Shanghai; in cline shaft on Del Monte, No. I, 200 feet deep, by C. R. Johnston, of Den ver, manager. Pacific Chiof, of the j Mary Aiiisworth group, will bo exten sively worked under the superintoud ency of E. E. Clough, owner. A large force of men will continue taking out ore on the Hold Ridge all winter. Cook it Younger are doing exten sive development work on their East Eagle mines. Tho Frank MeOce mines are being developed by Cali fornia capital. Tho Morotte Pro's, will continue sacking very rich oro from The Winter mine, and Beard it Huekland will continue work all win ter on their Hlack Hear mine. Others to bo reported in our next. 0. S. H. THE PARK. December::, 1SM. Cattle nearly all gathered in that belong in the Park. Fine weather overhead for a few days, but raining to-day. The horses can live yet on the hills. Feed is none too plenty here. Rain and snow is what is wanted to get tho ground soaked to the bottom. Mr. Sam Vanorder and wife made a business trip to Baker city last week. Undo John Vanorder got back to tho Park last Sunday looking hale and hearty. H. M. South had a valuable maro take tho distemper so badly that it had to bo killed. Snow not all gone out of tho Park, but still going. The toads very mud dy and heavy wheeling. Tho turkey shooting at Dolby's on Thanksgiving turned out to bo a raffle ing match, thero being only ono gun there. The meeting is progressing yet on Big creek. They aro trying to raiso tho excitement to tho highest pitch, if possible. .hired Shaw is left a bachelor. His wife was called to tho bedsido of her sick mother in Iowa. Sho expects to stay until spring. Moses Van comes to attend church on Big creek and to seo her whom ho loves so dearly. Ho wants to emi grate to that other stato. Tho Park is running a spelling school, debato, and litoray society, all well attc'ndcd, and great interest is taken in all. Who can beat that? What should I obey; another man's oracle? Shall I tako another man's word, not what ho thinks, but what ho says somo God has said to him? Rev. Johnson is on Rig creek preach ing again. IIo goes right through tho Park and says ho can't preach for btich a small eeltletuont, thero is no pay in it. All right Mr. Johnson. R. M. South and wife have gono to Powder river to their uncle's, C. Van. IIo has beon living alono for some time and has tho "rickets" or somo thing of tho kind. It is very disagree able for him. Mrs. R. M. South made a Thanks giving dinner for her relations. Thero woro Uf) or 3(5 at dinnor. All had a good tinio eating turkey. Mr. A. Van's littlo girls had six grandparents hero, four grandmothers and two grandfathers. It looks like there is somo partiality in tho preachers. They cam thoir money on Sundays, but want tho la boring class to rest. Tho cooks 1 do they get any rest? Not when tho preacher is around. Tho women aro an after consideration, and according to tho biblo thoy aro a littlo lowor than tho men, poor things. Why is it that tho pcoplo complain so much about paying tho soldiors of the last unpleasantness a littlo pension of two or four dollars a month when ull of tho old soldiors of tho Mexican war aro ponsioned? That was a most unholy war. Simply because the Jlrst, the robollion, was a republican war, and tho Mexican war wan a domocratio war. Tho color of tho horso makes gome difference. M0I1CE, Gardner & Co's.