The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, November 28, 1889, Image 1

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V3 -1 M
YOl,. VI.
NO. 23.
jAn independent weekly Journal, NmiciI ev
ery Tiiurstiay morning uv
PublMicrs and Proprietors.
A. K. Jokkh, i
I It. ClIANCr.Y,
isuitor. i
One copy, one year
Six niontlis.
" ' Three nioiitos .
In variably Cnsli In Advance.
by chance subset iptiims arc not jtaid till
end of year, two dollars will be charged.
Kates of udvertiMng made known on ap
plication. tSTOorro-poiulcncc from all parts of the
country solicited.
& . ,
Scout, Union Oregon.
every Sabbath at 11 a.m. and 8 p. in;
Sabbath school at 10 a. in ; prayer meeting
Wcdnesduv. at 8 p, m. The Ladies' Mis
sionary So'eietv meets on the fourth 1 nday
of every month at 2:.'i0 p. m. All cordially
Invited. It. H. 1'AKKKH. Pastor
B. Eakin,
J. A. Kakin,
Notary Public.
Attorneys at Law,
Union, Oregon.
B3T"Prompt Attention Paid to Collect.ons.
Attorney at Law.
Collecting and probate practice special
ties. Ollice, two doors south of post-otlice,
Union, Oregon.
J. W. SlIELTO.V. J. M. C.UtliOLL.
Attorneys at Law.
Oflice : Two doors south of posK.tlice, Un
ion, Oregon.
Special attention given all business en
trusted to us.
Attorney at Law,
Union, Oregon.
Ollice,'One door south of Centennial ho
ktel. B. F. Wilson.
Notary Public.
Notary Public.
Attorneys at Law.
Collections and all other business entrus
ted to us will receive prompt attention.
A complete abstract of the land of Union
Vountv in our ollice,
Managers of the UNION HEAL ESTATE
Physician and Surgeon
Ofllcc. ono door outh of J. H. Eaton's
store, Union, Oregon.
H. DAY, M. D.,
Physician and Surgeon.
Ollice adjoining Jones uro-s siore. van
' bo found nights at residence in South
west Union.
L. SAYLOK, M. D., Ph. G.
Physician & Surgeon,
Union, Oregon.
Graduate Hush Medical College, Chicago.
Ofllco at Union Pharmacy. Calls prompt
ly answered.
'Physician and Surgeon
' North Powder, Oregon.
''- - -
Culls attended to at ail hours.
Architect and Builder,
Drafts, Plans and Designs for Dwellings,
and Bridges furnished on application.
Main Street, Union, Oregon,
-Mvecp constantly on hand
ine Line of Watch '
Own Hook Written by H.niself,
- Entitled -
And Camp-Fire Chats'.
The great standard IliMory of Pioneer
Life. A complete record of exciting events
on the Western borders, and for the tirst
time an authentic account of the Custer
Masmcre, tieneral Crook's Campaign and
a thousand of other exciting incidents in
cluding a description of Bullalo Dill's ca
reer and success in exhibiting his "Wild
West Show" among the Crown Heads of all
Kurope, The hit of n lifetime. Everybody
wants it. Over three hundred snlrlted en
gravings and nearly eight hundred large
Agents Wanted fjSfd
in every town to .-ell tins most remarkable
book. Agents already in the field are sim
ply coininu' money, .ct quick or the op
portunity "will bo lost. You can easily
make from SB to S16 per day. To save
time and to secure an agency at once, setm
$1 for a complete canvassing outfit. Illus
trated circulars and extra liberal terms
free on application,
Neither experience nor capital is re
quired to engaire In this enterprise, as the
book will sell itself, and we give our agents
.'() days' time in which to deliver and col
lect before paying us.
A new and beautiful line of Holiday books
just received, including "The Beautiful
Story," by J. W. Bcki.. If you want to
make some monev, address
2.' Market Street, San Francisco, Cal.
Bon Ton Restaurant!
Now open to the public on Main Street,
Union, Oregon.
Board and Lodging.
All Hours
35 CtS.
No Chinese cooks employed, and every
thing neat and clean.
The Public Patronage Solicited.
l-2.Vtf MRS. WALKATH. Prop.
Keeps constantly on hand a com
plete stock of fresh
Sheet Music,
Wire Goods,
Household Utensils:
A share of the public patronage so
licked. 8-15-tf.
Tonsorial Parlors
Shaving, Hair-cutting and Sham
pooing, in the Latest style
of the Art,
Shop two doors south of Centennial hotel.
0 2Mf.
es, Clocks, Jewelry,
mm store.
! i I
0 12
. 1. fig q
8 r
L o M
v I . i
m," ii Wmm
Written for Tin: Si oi t.I
As on the steps they sat in bh's",
One Milliliter evening fair,
lie claimed from her a lover's kNs
Eor every falling star.
The fair one llrst demurred to this,
As became a modest maid.
Hut what damsel e'er refused to kis
When a darling lover prayed ?
Her warm heart even prompted her
To call her sweet-heart's eyes
To every falling meteor
That llashed along the skies.
And when a lire fly chanced to flare
Atliwart that Milliliter sity
"There goes another falling star,"
Tlie artless maid would cry.
At length her bright eyes saw a star,
On the horizon beaming,
Dancing and Hitting front afar,
Xow lost then brightly gloaming.
She got him down to steady gains
By that illusive ray
'Twas hut a lantern switching train
About two miles away.
-H. 0. H.
PlKK V.U.I.KY, Nov. L';t, 1S89.
First snow storm of any consequence
to day. A couple of inches fell, but is
melting rapidly.
Bert Curry, who recently had his
breast bone seriously injured by the
fall of a horse, is around again.
Mr. John Irwin, who sold his farm
of SO acres, a short time since, to a
Mr. Ora, of Cornucopia, for $1000, has
departed with his family for his old
homo in Nebraska.
We are informed by Mrs. Lama Ir
win, who returned not long since from
the funeral of her daughter, Miss Em
ana Laura Coggan, of Tacoma, that
although her daughter died Tuesday
morning and she did not arrive in
Tacoma until Friday morning, that
she was still in time to attend the
funeral which took place that after
noon. All arrangements for tho fu
neral were made before tho mother ar
rived and were in harmony with tho
mother's wishes as well as with tho
circumstances of the youthful heiress
thus cut down in the bloom and beauty
of early womanhood. All that kind
ness and sympathy could do was done
to comfort the mother, who finds a
melancholy pleasure in the thought
that all that money and sympathizing
friends could do was done to minister
to her only daughter's last hours on
earth. When Miss Coggan visited her
home in Pino this summer she looked
unusually well. One can scarcely
realize that she sleeps now in tho
silent tomb; truly has tho ioet said
of Doath :
"We know when moons shall wane,
When .Summer birds from far shall cross
the sea,
When Autumn's hue shall tinge the golden
But wlx) shall teach us wJien to look for
Mr. Wallaco Stalker, brother of A.
R. StaJker of Halfway, recently arrived
here from tho Willamette valley. Wo
learn Unit Mr. Stalker has purchased
forty acres adjoining tho little town of
Halfwaj', of Mrs. Lloyd, for tho sum of
$800, and will make that his future
Married. At tho residenco of the
bride's mother, Nov. 10, by Rev. Ira
Wakefield, Presiding Elder of the M.
E. church, Miss Susio Lloyd, of Pine,
to Mr. A. W. Parker, of Eaglo valley.
Miss Lloyd was ono of our handsomest
and moat estimable young ladies. Mr.
Parker is a successful teacher and
prosperous farmer of Eagle valley, but
for nil that tho beaux are growling
around, saying, "What business hud
ho to como over here and tako ono of
'our girls'?". However, all unite in
wishing them smooth sailing on the
nea of Matrimony.
Mr. John McFndden, while working
on a building a short timo ago, met
with a serious accident which resulted
in the loss of an eye. Ho was driving
a nnil when ho probably gave it an ac
cidental slanting stroke causing it to
fly, and striking him in tho eyo burst
tho eyeball. Could tho silicon) sympa
thy of friends avail to restore his eye
sight, it would bo restored.
Itemizing is like you say, Mr. Edi
tor: "No editor or correspondent can
get all tho items going, unaided."
Sometimes wo think thero isn't much
to write, and in a retired place lilo
this, and not "rustling for itoniH," wo
don't always hear what there is until
Silverware, Guns
it is old. Poople know we corr.poad
for Sconr. if they care towo nutrii
ngos, births, death, etc, anionu the
items to SrotT, it might not he n'ni-
to let us know, unless tliry prefer t
send them direct to the editor.
And now Rumor My the king is
not only "in the parlor et)tttitt out
his money" to see if ho has enough to
set up in housekeeping, but thit ho
has already, on the sly, taken unto
himself a queen of his heart and homo.
Don't know how true it is, but just
think it awful mean if he has. No
chance for the fellows to charivari
("Miiveree") or the reporter to r port
him until late in the day. No cards,
no cake, no invite, no "psutikelaiV
Over hero we arc used to the Mr.i'r,
cake, etc., passing tho reporter by,
and don't like 'em any way but i!.t
like tho particulars cos we need em
in our business.
Mlnnlclc Creates an Excitement Sals of
Farm Lands Notes.
Covk. Or., Nov. 27, TShO.
Services will bo held at Ascension
, church Thanksgiving Day by Rev,
Mr. Powell.
i Everyone is going to tho thanks
1 giving ball at the Cove hull. Mrs. A.
j J. Foster will furnish tho supyrr unit
; that speaks volumes.
j Tho butcher shop has undergone a
! change of proprietors, Messrs, Keen &
Haggcrty now being tho knights of
tho cleaver.
Tho teachcis and pupils of tho pul
lie school are preparing for an enter
tainment to be given at tho hull dur
ing tho holidays.
The young turkeys in Cove hao
formed a trust and not one could be
induced to partcko of a grain of corn
for over a week. The result is thoy
are not fit to kill and are granted u
longer lease of life.
Tho swine crop is ripe and is being
gathered and cured. John Wagner
sold a choice lot of hogs for 4 centH.
Other transactions have taken place
at 3 1-2 to 'I .'!;" cents per pound on
Mr. Win Sterling paid Covo friends
a brief visit this week, lie is on his
way east to see his father who is ueri
ously ill. Win says he can't throw off
on Oregon, so invested in a round trip
There is some talk of arranging for
a public Christinas treo in Cove. Wo
havo musical talent, plenty of children
and a good ball, so why not enjoy fes
tivities appropriate to tho holiday sea
son. Who will make a atari and start
tho ball rolling?
Win. Makin, of Wallowa county,
has sold his farm near tho red bridge
on tho Sand Ridgo to .Mr. A. II. Con
ley at the rate of $lf per acre, amount
ing to $l,Slf). Mr. Conloy has also
bought of M. 15. Roes 200 acres lying
adjacent at .$20 per aero.
Mr. Eugene Holmes has renigned
his position us manager of O. P. Jay
cox's mercantile estubluhment and
will accept a clerkship in the AL & M.
Co's. storo at Island City. Henry
Jaycox and Guy Ilridges aro now
measuring calico at Jayeox's.
The timb has como when tho old
cow with one horn and a mild eyo
standcth by the side of tho store and
keeps careful watch for tho farmer to
drivo in that she may climb into his
vehiclo and modestly aaiist herself to
whatever surplus food in the way of
wild grass, hay, or an occasional cab
bage or turnip ho may havo brought
with him.
Probably tho first' traction engine
over seen in Covo steamed up main
street Friday. It was Minnfpk'a wood ,
sawing outfit, and as it came puffing !
through town many thought it was I
Hunt's train and that a day of deliver-;
anco had at last como. Ono cntliuid-1
astic individual was aeon to offer tlto 1
amount ho hud suhtcribad lu thu sub
sidy to tho engineer, but everyone
knows Mr. Minniek in too honoit a
man to tako advantage of wen a Cove
ito. A hound M'Ktil Opinion.
K. Baiiihridge Muiidny K.. County At'v
Clay Co., Tex., wivn: IIve iinH J'.lu-irl'-lllter
with nioxt happy ri'-iilio Mv i.mili
or altto wan yrv low with Mulm-ml I"vt
iiimI .Jatiimiix', but hu ' iir'l lv 'n. ch u .
of till liwdiciue. A lu t-ati linl hi.."
Bitter xttvod liU life.''
:and Amunition Just;
Dtdioatten of no Catholic University of
Amtrlca--Interesting Notes.
Washington. (D. C.) Nov. 15, lf).
EirtToR Onr.csox Scorn
With the rain fulling in a steady and
relentless Hood nnd the wind sobbing
j through the naked branches of the
a it. -p . ..e it... ,
j tmivertity of America was dedicated
on Wednesday. The ambitious pro -
gram of outdoor exercises had to be
I abandoned, but the interior cerenio
' nies lasted all day. The crush was
At 10:30 o'clock Cardinals Gibbons ;
and Tascherenn nnd a large retinue of
priivta arrived by special train and
shortly afterward began the exercises.
1 Cardinal Gibbons, in his robe's of scar
j let, heading a long procession of dis
tinguished prelates, first blessed the
! building, sprinkling holy water on tho
I walls and followed by a great choir
! chanting the "Miserere." Tho eernio
( nies seemed interminable.
' At the conclusion of the dedicatory
', services, the dignitaries of tho church
! and invited guests to tho number of
I three hundred, repaired to the athletic
, hall beneath tho chapel. Tho two
Cardinals mt side by side. To their
; right sat Rev. .Mgr. Satelli, swarthy,
j alow, dignified, tho Papal envoy. To
' their loft smiled the familiar face of
j Secretary I'laine, Secretaries 'Windom,
! Noble, Tracy, Rusk and Proctor and
I Attorney-General Miller. Postmaster
i General Wanainaker's absence seemed
i conspicuous. Tho fust toast was "Ilia
(Holiness Popo Leo Nil I." Mgr. Sa
J telli responded in Latin, which of
course only the clergy understood well
enough to appreciate.
A wild burst of applause greeted
Mr. Blaine when ho arose to respond
to the toast of "Our Country and tho
President." Tho speech was very
carefully prepared and tho speaker
took care to avoid any strong eulogy
of tho Roman Catholic church. It
was an ondotsement in a goneral way
of morality and education and religious
liberty. Very clever, Mr. Iilaine.
While Cardinal Tascherean wis
speaking in French of "Sister Univer
sities," President Harrison entered the
hall and was greeted with iinnienso
cheers. He was followed by Vice
President Morton and Mrs. Morton.
The president boro the expression that
is generally attributed to a feline in a
strango garret. Tho audience insisted
upon a speech and in a few short hal
ting sentences Mr. Harrison thanked
them for their warm reception. It was
a characteristic speech, spoken only in
a sense of deep duty, and fell on the
enthusiasm of tho crowd like a wet
sponge. A child might have known
that tumpost-tossed seas of old preju
dice stirgod between tho speaker and
hi hearers.
After an iniinonso deal of painting
and plastering and remodeling and
furnishing, the old Seward mansion is
again occupied and onco more by a
secretary of state. Mr. Rlaiuo and his
family moved in lust week. Tho de
cidedly old fushionen exterior has only
been changed by enlarging tho win
dows. Inside changes necessary for
extensive entertaining have been effec
ted. The furniture is magnificent.
Tho hougu is full of ghosts. From its
windows, when it was a club houso,
Barton S. lvey often signalled Mrs
Gen. Sickles, and almost in front of it
Sickles waited for Key to emergo
and shot him to death. In tho very
iooiii now occupied by tho Secretary
of Stuto came tho assassin Payno to
kill Seward, who lay ill in bed and who
ciinie so near meeting his death that
fateful April night nearly thrco decades
Tho International Amercan Associa
tion oxournion parly steamed into the
Pennsylvania Station Wednesday even
ing after an ubsonco of forty-two-days.
Thewuno train and locomotive accom
plished tho entire jouruoy of over 0,
000 milfts ending tho most extensive
trip over accomplished by u solid train.
During lii visit hero this week con
gressman Mclvinley refused to bo inter
viewed us to hia glianees of obtaining
the ipeukorsbip, His friends claim
that he he is the second choice of over
one bundled and fifty members, ami
ilicse gentlemen in-ist that ho has tho
written unMiraiiccs of the support of a
Received at A. N.
.riH-s, ,u u.o presence oi one oi u.e yccrctarv windom has been through
mot assemblages of cede- (hc Trcn8llrv ,Jcl,ait,ncnt files select
mstical and civic dignitaries ever ing ,Q l)(J (leHtroml. Tho rc.
jrathercd in this country, the Catholic ! nnrt ,..., ..,,..., nnnf,r,l(i9 i,.
scop1 of riiion confidently countid
on by Mr. Heed for himself. It is
stated that the western members liuvu
combined to beat Mr. Reed with "Mo
Kinley or any one else".
In accordance with the law passed
by the last congress for the distruction
of useless papers in the government
, archivcSi commi5M0n atmointed bv
f .instruction boinns.
1 J H C
S.ui:n, Or., Nov. 10, 1SS9.
Somo rain and snow. Plenty of
soft roads.
Very nice winter weather at present.
Kd Turner, having completed his
lumber contract, will soon move to Rig
Tho whistle at the hoisting works
can be heard regularly. Also at the
W. K. Aldersly has returned from
Raker City.
The mills aro kept going night and
Mrs. Win. Ilolcomb has returned
from Eaglo vally where she has been
visiting friends.
Richard Column has returned to
camp after a short visit to Raker City.
Wo hear that Parker, tho coal burn
er, has completed his contract and
gone to Rig creek.
Mr. llanun, the wood contractor, is
delivering wood for the company.
Kverybody in camp is busy.
Dolivorod by J. Newman, of
North Powdor.
Wo publish by request the following
lecture recently delivered by Mr. J.
Newman. Ho said :
L.iiiiKfeANn Gknti.kmkn: 1 wish to.
tell you some things I heard and saw
at the convention of tho Oregon State
Secular Union held at Portland, Ore
gon lust month. The object of this
convention was to organizo what they
call a State Secular Union, which was
accomplished with great enthusiasm.
Thoy propose next to havo county or
ganizations and then town organiza
tions. They had some of tho ablest
speakers, both men and women, that
California, Washington and Oregon
could produce, and some from tho eas
tern states. California and Washing
ton, no doubt, will bo the noxt to or
ganizo. The object of this organization
is to oppose tho union of church and
state. Mon and wonion of every faith
and creed may join it.
As I said, tho main object of tho or
ganization is to maintain thu entire
separation of church and state, and
cultivate a lovo of liberty, of truth, jus
tice, equity and country. Perhaps in
the days of Saul tho son of Lish, tho
first king of Israel, is tho first instance
wo havo of tho connection of church
and state, and it worked badly with
Isreal from that timo on as long as
sho was a nation. In spito of all tho
prophets could Bay and do tho kings
would go to battle. They would say,
"Theso men of God prophesy evil,"
and two or thrco kings would get to
gother and hold a council and say,
"Wc can whip them anyway," and
nino times out of ton thoy would got
badly defeated.
I do not know of a nation to-day in
which church and state is not more
or less connected except tho United
States, and it appears there is somo
effort being made to accomplish that
in tin's country.
Ono speaker in tho convention said'
ho had beou put into prison in tho
eastern states for not believing, and
another man was put in tho same pris
on for believing. When men aro put
into prison for their religious opinions
or belief, it looks as though church and
state was getting very closo togethur.
Thoy say tho declaration of indo
poud'tneo is tho first declaration of
Free Thought over given to the world,
and must remain inviolate. They say
.ye aro not afraid of free thought, but
we are afraid of thought, bound,
They had a beautiful banner on tho
platform with tho inscription, "Uni
versal Mental Liberty." That, frionds,
Contiiiufd on lait pnyf.
Gardner & Co's.