The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, November 21, 1889, Image 2

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Tho vallovs are of nn uverago elevation of about 2,000 feet above pea level, the highest mountain
peaks being nliotit (1,000 feet and continually covered with snow, which furnishes a water supply for
numerous streams the year round. '
Is dry and healthful, there being it sullicient rainfall to preserve the moisture of tho soil and mature
crops. Snow seldom falls to tho depth of one foot, in tho valleys, and never remains longer then from
two to three weeks at a time.
Tho mean temperature for tho winter months is about 20 degrees above freezing point, and for
tho summer months about 70 above zero, tho heat of tho day being offset by cool nights that ensure
refreshing and invigorating sleep and rest for the fatigued
The winter season tiBunily begins about the first of December and lasts till tho middle of February
or llrst of March, when tho husbandman is given an opportunity to prepare for his springs seeding.
From March 1st to July 1st, tho monotony of warm and dry weather is broken by frequent showers
of rain furnishing sulicient moisturo to the ground and tempering tho atmosphere so as to assure tho
farmer an abundant vield.
During tho months of July, August and September, which aro tho harvesting months m this
county, tho weather is usualy dry and adapted to the successful gathering of crops. Generally
enough rain falls in tin autumn months to moisten tho ground sufficiently to permit the farmer to
prepare the same for his fall grain.
There is no country in tho United States more blessed by a healthful climate than Union County,
as the vigor and enterprise of is citizens will prove.
Tho various contagions prevalent in inanv localities are almost wholly unknown here, and aro
usually very mild in their attacks w lien tliev do appear. There has only boon one case of Smallpox in
Union County since its settlement, and chifls and fever are totally unknown. We have no tornadoes
or hurricanes to lay waste tho country, destroy property and the lives of people, nor blizzards to
freezo tho life out of humanity. Nor do wo have the fogy and damp atmosphere which is found West
of the Cascade Mountains.
Thcro is 1 ,41)7,500 Acres of Surveyed Land in the County; tho rest is unsurveyed, the unsur
voyed portion being valuablo for Timber, Pasture and abounding in Mineral Deposits. The valleys
of tho County aro Grando Hondo, Indian, North Powder, Big Creek, Eagle. Pine and Starkoy. The
soil in these valleys is well adapted to tho raising of Wheat, Oats, Barley, llye, Timothy, Clover and
Alfalfa, Vegetables and Fruits, such as Apples, Plums, Pears, Peaches, Cherries, strawberries, and
in fact all of the smaller varieties grow to perlcction.
Tho yield of Wheat is from 25 to 50 .bushols to tho acre, Barley from 40 to 70, Outs about the same
as Hurley, with exceptions in some localities, whon as high as 100 bushels of oats has been raised to
the acre. Tho Mountains are covered with a Lino Growth of Timber, consisting of Pine, Turn rack,
Spruce, etc. Tho most valuablo is tho Pino, which is used in tho lumbering industry, also some of
tho larger species of Tamrac, hut this class of timber is used chiefly to furnish wood ties, etc., which
is amply sullicient to supply the surrounding country for ages. , .
The mineral resources of the County are only purtiiily developed, but sufficient prospecting and
mining has been done to prove that great ledges of ore interline tho mountain Bides, which, when
sullicient capital is employed in their development, will bo a great factor in the general summary of
t'"0 wealth of the County. A more detailed account of the Mines and Mineral Itesources of tho
County will bo found further on.
The assessment roll of tho county lor thti year 1888, shows that there were 21.7-10 head ofliorseH,
28 Mend of Cuttle, ffli.HnS Head of Sheep, und 5,57i Head of Swine, showing of itself that the County
is o great Stock liaising Itcgton. Thousands of head of stock ure yearly shipped, brlnc;ing to the owners
thereof a neat prollt on their Investment.
In fact tho stock business has been and still is the most paying of any in the country and it
bids fair to continue to be such for many yars to come The hunch grass growing upon the IiIIIh and
mountains Is verv nutritious, stock fattening in a very short time, ready for market. Usually stock hs
to be fed liar for "from one to two months during the winter, hut in inanv places horses will winter upon
the bunch grass and do well, l'lie climate Is such that sto k raised is of a hardy and healthful churnc
tor, ulvIng to work horses a stronn conxtllutlnn and powerful muscle.
M'li.. ...ii ir nnw lmr m rain nurfectlou. Slieifi) are very healthy and produce heavy fleeces. I ho
, .., . . . . i i .i ...i.i i...
dairying business In tho last lew years nss oovwiopeu ini h iarK una inuiiuunu uuu, mo roumij
specially minute-.! to tho business by reason of the milk producing qualities of the grasses and the ex
cellent range, the large quantity of hay and giuin raised per acre, the healthfulness of animals, tho
luriro w ater supply and the quick market of Ihilter and Chewse. '1 he Jersey, llolstlne und Durham are
rapidly inking tho plscoof the common breed of cattle, and dairymen aro giving considerable attention
ran Id v laliliu; tho nit
to tho hreedl g of their cows.
It Is said more prollt can b realized pur yor from a milk cow In this country than any other in the
United Stit'es, ono Instancu being given of a Blnglo cow for onoycar, yielding a net prollt to the owner
of $175 beslies tho culf , , ., , . ,, , , ,.,,,. j ,
Two. r. ntneiles are In oporatlon at the Cove, in this county, whlrh make 120,(00 pounds of cheese,
worth I I cents per pouiul, and 7C.0I0 pounds bulter, worth 25 cents per pi uiul.
T IiIh year a creamery Is in operation at I.a Grnde, with what sui-cess remains to be seen, although
no doubt can bo entertained hut that it will prove to lie a prolltuldo concern.
ti. mi.. t..f niurlrf nf lln'on Count v aro Cornucoiila. Sparta and Saucer. Cornucopia District is
In tho H stern portion of the County, ami emnrncos a section aooui ion tunes square, vuunn wnicn mere
aro about (HKIqiiBrU locations. Tho formation 1b granite and slate; the ledges running in a Southeartorly
and Northwesterly direction. Tho llrst. locations wow made hew in 1884. The quartz contains Gold and
Silver, tho gold predominating, some ot tno muos arc iree iiiiiiiuk, i icy k""J tunuwn iio
metal an in consequence wl'l have to bo treated in reduction w rks. Ansa) s have been made of ore from
tho dlllV rent annum, showing an atersgo yield of from 25 to $1 (I per ton. When tho proper incthrds
nro employed to work these ledge to the host advantage, Cornucopia will bo considered the New
'Eldorado of tho West." , , i
The Or gon Gold Mining Company, of Louisville, Ky . is tho only company represented in the dis
tilct. It lias opened up'ovorul of In ledges, which woio obtained at from SlU.COO to ?2(l,000 each.
Tho lied Jacket, belonging to this company, is a vroll defined ledge, aventginn about four feet in
thickness and when struck on the lowest tunnel, was found to bo a iiihhb of ttie golden metal. This
company has a 40-SHamp Mill running night and day upon the ore taken from this ledge. Seven thou
sand live hundred pounds of sulphurets were secured tho llrst month of this springs operations, besides
Immense quantltloi of free cold caught upon the amalgam pans. ... ...
This company's expenses In building, machinery, wads, developments, etc., has amounted to over
SIlOOOiK) They hnvo the Whitman, which has a shaft sunk orer 1,500 feel, and shows better as tho work
progresses- tho Alta No. 2, which Is developed sulllclently to indicate a well dellned ledge of high grade
ore. The present superintendent. Professor Smith, is hlwhly pleased with tho prospect for his company
and predicts a second Leadvilloof Cornucopia. Many other ledges of tho camp with 100 feet or more
of development work aw showing up well, anions which aro the Simmons group, comprising the Key.
stone Chookiua'o, Kinplw and Huckeve, all situated on the Simmons Muuntaln and uid to be the best
group of mines In the camp, xlso tho rtluo Bell, little Casino and Monto Chrl to, situated on tho Mime
mountain and extensions ot tho Simmons Iodises, showing suniogrado and character of ore. Tho W ay
Un northeast of Cornucopia, shows some oi win ricne-i oro oi any in tamp aim i in iiunm uu c.muimiuii
r .i... m.... ii. .ii .....i m. a i.rmi.i Tin. iiuimi. Lomoaiiloii. Last Chan c. Hohert r.minot. corest
Queen, lied Boy, May Flower, Cox and Allen, lied Cross, Stoen groupe, Stella, Tiger Boy. Climax
and Queen of the "Wont are all sulllclently developed to show them to bp good lodges and contain paying
rr-A In iv fit nt flit it Itt 1 1 tttd Tlllt Cnrnurnnia or Pino ("reck district is a rich one witli an unlimited amount
of oro and only lacks capital to prove Its wonderful richness. It Is destined to bo ono of tho richest
camps In existence.
Tho Sangor mines nro operated bv a San Francisco Company, which began Its operations two years
buying the ledges for 17,010 anil now cleaning up on an averaue of $70,000 per month. These
,'os are on the road between Union and Cornucopia, about:!) miles east of Union, having a tri-woekly
I from Union on to Cornucopia, thus Doing piaceu in uirrci communication wivu union, meir iron-
The Spurta mines are about, eight miles southoast of Sanger and have been worked for the past
nty years still yielding large returns. The Sparta mlnea are mostly placer, but quite a number of
set have latelv been found which, as far as dovelopeu. indicate good paying ore. A mill is being
Ir1 iTitti
built hew and good returns are expected from Its work.
Now to return to the Agricultural Interests of the County, the I.arzest, most Fertile and attractive
Valley of Union County, is the Famous Grande Hondo, whose be.uitv is I ecoming kno;n far and wide,
surrounded bv lofty mountains upon which seems to rest the blue vsult above. Wherever the eye
gazes it cannot help being enchanted liy our beautiful scenery. This valley embraces bX0,0l 0 acres of
as fine Agricultural Land us can b- found on the Pacific Const.
Tho Grande Hondo IMver enters its boundary on the West, and llows Easterly through the center
of the va'ley and thence Northerly and out at i h Northern limits; 110x25 miles is its length and breath
and with Catherine Creek, the largest tributary of the Grnnde Honde entering the valley at the South,
Mill Creek entering at the Kat and Willow Creek entering at the North, with numerous other small
tributaiies, make the Grande Honde Val'ey one of the best watered vulleys in Oregon, all of the ubove
named streams ailb'dlng abundance of water the euson round.
The soil of this valley Is principally a black, rich lom wiih clay subsoil, there being a'-out three
Townships of land having n sandy soil, known as the Sand Hidge, all of which produces excellent grain.
Tho vield of Wheat, Oats, Barley. Hye, Timothv, Alfalfa and Clover is large, the cereals yielding
from 23 to ft) bus hel per acre of Wheat 40 to 100 for Oats and Barley, and Hay from to 8 tons per acre;
frequently three erops of Alfalfa being cut in one season.
Th producing anH export of grain and hay from this valley is large and growing in quantity each
year. Besides the production of grain and hay for export, a ' immense quantity of fruits, including Ap
ples, Plums, Prunes, I'ears and sinalle fruits, ol-ogaHen vegetables are raised in great quantities and
marketed in the neighboring sections. Butter and Cheese is also one of our staple products. Stock
raising is engngeu in largely and profitably; as flue stock may be seen upon the farms of Grande Honde
Valley as anywhere, stocKtuen and farmers always seeming the best bred animals for breeding pur
poses. Taxes are no higher on line than poor stock. The lauds of this valley have all been taken, bat
choice places can he bought at from 815 to $30 per acre, wh ch is comparatively cheap. Many large
bodies of land owned by single individuals and of the best quality can be had at very reasonable. rates,
which could be divided into several good farms.
Tho hills and mountains are covered with timber of the best quality for lumbering purposes and
easily reached. But little of the timber Jaiid has been entered or taken up.
The O. H. & N. H. H. entering the vallev at the outhern portion and following the foothills on the
Southwest, passes out of the valley on the Went, traversing the Southwestern boundary of the valley
for a distance of 14 miles.
The Hunt Hull road system will be extended during tho next jear from Wal'a Walla, W. T., through
the Blue Mountans to Summervillu, in the northern portion of the valley and will then traverse the en
tire length of tho valley through its center to Union. Upon the building of this road the valley will
have the best railroad facilities.
Puget Sound, "W. T., is the terminal point of tills line, putting Portand, Or., and the cities of the
So' nd in competition i r the trade of the Vallty, tho importance of which is eviaenced by the building
of tills second linn of wad. In concluding this description of Grande Honde Vslley, it can" be said with
out fear of contradiction, that no better oppo'tnnfu is offered anywnere in the Northwest for the home
seeker r capitalists thun in Grande Honde Valley und its vicinity. The resources of ihe valley and its
tributary sections will sustain manufacturing imiust ies of nearly every kind, of which we now have
but very few. It will sustain ten times the population it now has in tho f.irmiug aud dairying I usiness.
offering in this line advantages not to be found but in very few places. Tho ruising of l borough bred
stock is a profitable business and there is lumllv an individual here solely in that business at present.
To visit Grande lloude Valley snd see it and to investigate its advantages, is to locate here. In no
lr stance have people, who have visited this valley givi.n it other than the bestcf reputation in regard to
climate, soil and everything that goes lo constitute a gDod country.
The Grande Koude Valley has several considerable towns and villages: Union in the southern end
of the valley, La Grande at the base of the mountains on the northwest. Summerville In tho northern
end of the valley, Cove about midway on the east side, aud Elgin in the extreme northern part of the
The Comity Seut of Union County, is sltimtcd in the southern portion of the Fertile Ornnile Hondo Valley, and hs
the best Natural Location for a City of any town in Eastern OrcRon. Situated, jtist at the Imse of rolling hills on both
sides of Catherine Creek, a beautiful, sparkllnK stream, whose waters aro pure us nature ever distilled and held
suspended In her mountain reservoirs, furnishiiiK immense wutcrpower Just waiting to be utilized by the hand of
man for all kinds of mauufacturiiiB industries. In fact the water power Is amply sullicient to muke Union the ixiwell
of Oregon if the attention of her enterprising citizens were turned in that direction, which will be the ease when new
blood and Eastern capitalists come in. This is one of the best places in oregou for the erection of manufacturles.
A woolen mill is greatly needed now, and some energetic capitalist who is engaged in such business would find
here the chosen spot for snch an enterprise, right In the heart of a great wool-growing section of the conutry. No
high freights to pay, water-power in abundance, and iu fact everything that such a business would consume is pro
duced here in the valley.
The present population of Union is about 1.200, but when the O. & . T. railroad reaches here she will double her
population Inside of six mouths. Eager eyes aro watching to take advantage of the present low prices in property and
procure for themselves a home where they may live In peace and plenty. Wuter works can be put In at very little ex
pense by running a part of Catherine creek into a large reservoir on the hill back of town. This will give all the full
wewant-froni i 160 feet up; no expense of keeping a steam pump aud the necessary repairs. This mountain stream
can be, made to run directly into the reservoir and all the waste can bo utilized iu furnishing power for nial'hinerv
found ,mCU " W UrU c'0,u',It'UHl lbL're wi" bu 110 ueed rr wull8 M'rlngs, etc., for no purer drlnklug water can be
Our school facilities are unsurpassed. Wo havo in our public school, a High School Grade. The school Is sunnlled
with every possible convenience. Everything is furnished by our liberal handed citizens, wlio believe in giv iii their
children a llrst-elass edueatlou and that they can be educated in no better way than bvhaWug a No. 1 school it home
ii i 1 ... ...r ""i'iiiueuis, mi luurimgiiiy grancii. suiuenis on completing tho nre.
"u " "in) " 11 eeruneaie 10 imu eneci. ah aunniou to tile pieseut school build ng is iu contemiila
tlou, also several hundred dollars worth of apartments is soon to be added. (.onaiupia
-Morally and socially. Union is unexcelled and her hospitality is widely known throughout the surrounding coun
try. We have four churches, all iu a nourishing condition. There aro six secret societies, doing much cood tc Thu.
manlt v. We have a number of stores of dlllvrcnt kinds, nil doing a profitable business, as tl ey a pply n grlTagrleu"
urn district and the numerous mining e.nips In the near vicinity. We are also supplied with 'several saloons bar
bershops, blacksmithshops, etc., one principal hotel and several restaurants, so that the most fastidious faS of tho
eplcnrfan can bo fully satisfied. We nro also supplied with two llrst-elass livery aud fee I stables so that straneera
coming to this own will have no trouble in procuring a llrst-elass team aud taking u drive out into the exhillerathiff
atmosphere and feasting his oes upon the ur of our mountain scenery, and breathing in ho Ii&
that can be found nowhere so pure as n Union County. To tho Eniteiier. who Is not used to mm sceuerv wh.M
flrst beholdlngour boantlUl location, his first und Involuntary exclamat on Is, "Paradise Found at I ast tUcry' W"LU
Our county Court House is well finished in eiery particular, having a largo and comino'liouslmll iiintilv
o accommodate any and a 1 audiences. It also has In connection a jail l.ullt by tho l'a ley Iros wl 1 i t M ludr lateit
improvood ce Is, thus making things secure against the escape of any prisoners that may be ce 1 1 Hud bur el . n ,5
Opera House Is ono of tho largest this side of Portland, with handsomely decora ed curtains lu ft ii I shed In ,'i.m.rh
style. One largo and commodious i Flouring Mill, full roller process, with all modern improvcmt" i s 1 situated ,uim
W!'urLS,ml 6"W 1U"la 1U "'U m'Br VlC"",- " interest l ttXulxf&
Taken all in all. Union is one of tho best towns iu Eastern Oregon.
(Iri'L'iin. ii i-ri'iit il,.nl of .. ...,Hl, I-l,..,., ..1......1.. . ii ...... i " - " ...u luu-iics:
. ir..T:.: """.'.. ,B uuw "eeueii is ior pcome to como ami iml- ...!.,.
I - I ... . ---- - " HU UILU
T T .
of poor railroad facilities, but when I l.T lim. s v.V;. , ..V . 1.."... "I" u.i HS ',e?n.Kcpt Recount
deeloped and It will take Its nlaee amoinV Vl n 'd V vh V mVi.w . " ii V ' us ae"1 resources will bo
Ul IIIH Klt'lll 11111 Ill'l'IIlflllN Nflllll III Iktl IlirillL'll 111 Tint fi
Mure the much talked
' Hlltlt Hullrnnil l.nn nHa.rjt I.a, ... t i. . i .
the preseut time city lots aud blocks may be had I at verrreiVouabirrates. uvsuulu 10 advance in prices, though at
Now has in its possession tracts of land suitable for small farms, or they could be laid off into blocks Thic
ciation has started in on a firm basis, having within its power the means of handling property to a better aHvL
than any firm in Union County- They already have numerous tracts adjoining the city: farms blocks lotc ?e
be sold on very reasonable terms or for cash. ' ,ols eic- to
Parties desiring information of Union County can do no better than interview or address the manarCffu
association, , s rs OT in,s
Who will cheerfully furnish thorn wltii all tho Information desired.