The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, November 14, 1889, Image 5

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A Mom K .hi.- i
Ki'l H !.
77u? Oregon Scout fait at large a circu
lation (is any two jmpert in this tec
tton of the State, combined, and it cor
rcspondingly valuable at an advertising
Thursday, Nov. 11, 1839.
For n full description of Union
County see Inside puses.
A Paragraphic Record of Recent Happen
ings In and Around the OKy.
Visit Jones Bro's store. Xpw goods.
The school election last Saturday resulted
in a tax of tive mills being levied.
Head the description of Union and Un
ion county on the inside pago3 of this
Uemember that the 15on Ton restaurant
has been moved to the old Sentinel building
on It street.
The new saloon adjoining Thk Scovt of
fice was opened this week by Mostly .
Johnson fc Corey.
.Snow to the depth of about one inch fell
in this part of the county last Tuesday, but
disappeared the next day.
A niBKnilipcnt assortment of holiday
good just received at Jones llros. Look
out for their ad. next week.
The' 0. fc W. T. railroad will be com
pleted to Waitsburg to-morrow and the
event will be celebrated in that city.
The president has issued the old storo
typed thanksgiving proclamation, and
Governor Pennovcr lias followed suit.
Wo are informed that the residence of
Mr. John lleidcnreieh. o La Grande, was
ontiroly consumed by fire last Sunday night.
The Kast Oregonian say- it is reported
that the daily mail service between linker
City and Cornucopia will be discontinued
The lllue Mountain House at La Grande,
keeps up its reputation as the best hotel in
tbu city. Travelers should always bear this
in mind.
lion. L. !$ Ison is very sick and reported
to bu in such a critical condition that his
most intimate friends are not permitted to
see him.
If you have property for sale lift it with
tiie Union iteal Kstato Association. They
lmve better facilities und can do bettor with
it than you can.
Candidates for office at tho coming city
election should annoiiiiee themselves in
Tim jscoit o that people .may know who
are in tno Held.
Wo acknowledge receipt of a complimen
tary ticket to the reception given on the oc
casion of tho opening .of the new l'ioneer
Pros-building, Nov. Oth, at St. Paul, Minn.
The M. it M. Co,, of Island City, holds
the O. it. .t X. company to its agreement
with them to build a branch road from La
Grande to Island, and, we are informed,
work will lie commenced on it this week.
Score one for Island.
All but ten wisely regarded tho notice of
the Cove drug store last week, to pay their
over due accounts and thus avoid seeing
their names in print. The above mentioned
ten will bo given one more week's grace.
Come early and avoid the rush.
Neither an editor nor a correspondent
can possibly gather every item of interest
in a community unless assisted. Wo wofdd
thank peoplo from all over the county for
bringing to this oitice when they come to
town such news items as might boot gener
al interest.
From parties up from Klgin we loam that
tho subsidies to the Hunt road have all
been extended in Indian valley. In the
Sumnierville precinct the work has been
somewhat slower, but no doubt is enter
tained but that all the subscribers will ex
tend tho time.
G. W. Smith's saw mill in Ladd canyon
was totally destroyed by tiro Sundav night.
Smith's losses have been mite heavy re
cently. Only a few weeks ago he lost a
large amount of grain and his threshing
machinery from sparks from the traction
engine. Gazotto.
It was recently held by a Wisconsin
court that a charivari was tho same as a
riot, and eight young men who participa
ted in a 'sbiveroe" given a newly married
couple were found guilty and sentonced as
the law provides. That law should prevail
in tills country.
Subscribers to the railroad subsidy must
bo awuro that it is a vast amount of work
for tho committee to hunt each one tin and
have tho extension contract signed. Why
not hunt up the committee and sign tho
paper without asking. Everyone is cer
tainly us much interested in this business
as the committee.
Christian Danibaeh left Pennsylvania in
1SS3 and purch is'd a farm in Lynn county,
Orogon; sold his f.irm on the 17th of April,
18S3, and was afterwards soen at Hakor
City, Ortvon, whero ho talked of going
some placo and ong iging in the stock busi
ness. He is about 17 years of age, black
hair ami sandy whlskors. His wife is
hunting for him now, and wishes to know
of his whereabouts. Four of his children
and a number of his friends havo dlod
since ho loft them. Anyone knowing of
tho said Christian Dambaeh's wlieronbouts
will bo liberally rewarded by addressing
Mrs. -Mary Danibaeh, UoUe City, Idaho.
Idaho and Uatm Oregon papers please
It Consumption Incurable?
ltend Uio following: Mr. C, II. Morris.
Newark. Ark., uyi. "Was down with Ab
out of bungs, and friend, and physicians
pronounced me un Incurable Consumptive.
Jlog,o, taking Dr. King's New ptwovory
for Consumption, am now on my third hot.
U, and able to ovtrsev the work on my
Ifcriu. It is the fluent medli iue ever made.''
Jesse Middlewater, Decatur, Ohio, says:
"Had it wot been for lr. Kiug's New DIs.
oovery for Consumption I would have died
of I.uuf Troubles. Was given "? lv !.
Uus. Am wow In best of hen lib '' Trv h.
Xauiple bottles free at Sw.ii - iru" -tui.
An - C:" x t i.. man
Las' . r 1 ' a i.i'h v v i i- i t'l
towubj tin a..uoii!.i I'liieiu tn .t .ib. the
liesro murdiier, hud oem .lplured on 15ig
creek and was then in the custody of Huey
Lynch. Lou McMaugh. Jas. Turner and
Krve Frczior at the court house. The an
noutucment was correct so far as the above
mentioned rentieiuen having a copper-colored
brother in tow was concerned, but tho
latter, upon examination by the sheriff,
proved to be the wrong man. although
somewhat answering to the description of
Gibbx. It seems that the unfortunate Af
rican had been seen in Antelope vidlev
wandering around in a rather aimless way
and tho suspicions of Lynch aud McMaugh
being aroused tbey, in company with Turn
er and Franier, the next day, surrounded
him and ordered him to throw up his
hands, which he did in a manner which in
dicated that he was used to such proceed
ings. When told that he was thought to
ho Qibbs and was under arret he ex
claimed: ' Iiwd 'a mussv. gemlem, yo's
mistaken sho. Dat man Gibbs aint me.
My name's Hen I'olk. Ise been cotch three
times now, and ebery time they prove dat
man Gihhs aint me. De las' time (ley
cotch me was ober by Pendleton and 1 rid
eighty miles wlf urn. Yo's mistaken sho."
ilia protestations wore of no avail, how
ever, and ho was brought into town where
the fact wa again established that "that
man Gibbs wasn't linn.'' Notwithstanding
the chagrin of his captors at not having
the rnrht man and the reward offered for
him. they gave the nigger tive dollars and
he went on his way rejoicing. The sheriff
ought to chalk his name on him aud fur
nish him with a pass. Otherwise he will
be "notched"' a half dozen times more be
fore lie gets out of this' country.
KseortS of the Business Transacted at the
November Term.
County court was in session during last
week, the business tran-acted pertaining
more principally to the opening of roads
and the allowance of numerous clains
against the county. Following will be
found a synopsis of the
Koad petitioned for by B P Willcy et al;
remonstrance sustained and petition dis
missed. clerk ordered to make a formal demand
on the 0 It cc, X Co for the sum of rji.'li, tho
amount of nmd tax due road district No.
21, from the company, for the year 1888.
Koad petitioned lor by .1 HGilkison et al;
set for hearing on December 2.
Iload petitioned for by L L Holcomb et
al ; same as above.
Koad petitioned for by A. Keii'er et al;
ordered opened; John Graham Jr, W W
Gonl.intuid .1 D Guild appointed to ap
praise damagos claimed by F S Ladd.
liill of M S Warren, ex-supervisor of dis
trict iiuuihor5, for !7S, allowed nnd lie wps
ordered to turn over to his successor, C L
Blakcslec, all books, papers and other prop
erty belonging to said district.
iload petitioned for by Jesse Imblor ot al;
ordered opened.
ltcsignatlon of T F Gooch, supervisor of
district 'Jo. accepted and his bill of fS'J or
dered paid. L S Kelsay was appointed to
fill the vacancy.
Iload petitioned for by O I) Thomlinson
etal; repairs ordered.
All supervisors, at the oxpiration of their
terms of office, ordered to turn over to their
succos-ors, all tools and implements be
longing to their respective districts.
ltnad petitioned for by A It Stalker et al;
Koad petitioned for by C W Hamilton et
al; It T Childers, J N lSineliart and It M
Oliver appointed to apprai-e the damages
claimed by John (iuincey Adams Klehard
son. Koad petitioned for by J C Brooks et al;
continued to the December term,
Iload petitioned for by John Stoddard ot
al; supervisor ordered to put same in re
pair for travel.
Ordered that Iji.lOO of the general fund be
converted to the cotingent fund to moot
the demands.
Iload petitioned for by Win Molvlnnell
etal; dismissed,
Itmd petitioned for by II L Anley ot al;
set aside; Walter Love, A .1 Itrowu and S
Vauorder appointed appraisers.
Koad petitioned for by Kudolf Hug at nl;
T S Clark, Terry Tuttle and .1 W Xorval
appointed viewers and J W Kimbrell sur
veyor. Koad petitioned for by G ll Holder et al;
continued to December 'J.
Contract awarded to John Predmore to
change county road up Grande Koude river
so as to avoid four dangerous railroad cross
ings, for the sum of $500 to be paid by the
county and other sums to be subscribed by
the citizens of the neighborhood.
Koad petitioned for by II Kobbs ot al ;
ordered opened.
School Superintendent Carter ordered to
procure a suitable book aud plat the school
Court house ro-liisured for $6000, and the
buildings on the poor farm for $750.
Appropriation of a00 made on the Hog
Valley road ordered to bo expanded under
the supervision of Nelson Schoonovor
Attention, Farmers.
The attention of fanners and grain deal
ors is called to the sujwrior facilities and
advantages otl'erod by Frank Ilro's. Imple
ment Co. for tho purchase and hauling of
all kinds of grain at their largo warehouse
and elevator at La Grande. They will fur
nish fanners sauks for tho hauling of grain
free, and having unlimited facilities for
storing and ruakiug advances on wheat,
can offer superior Inducement to those
who may desire to hold their wheat for
better prices, or they will pay the highest
markrt price In eash. -Mf
, -,-. .
feraars' toatltwte.
A farmers' Institute will he held at Kra
mer's opera house in Pendleton on tho 14th
and 15th lust's. A very Intcnstiag pro.
gramme has been prepared forth occa
sion and no doubt a most enjoyable and
pt o liable line will be the result. Kwrjr
f.,i Hi i ihtiw'0rnHAitijr 1,0 ri",l
i. "i at' Miauie.
Brie." Persona1. Mention Epltomo of the
Week's Amusements.
I Mrs. Wolrath was over from La Grande,
j Saturday.
I Mr. G. W. Huliek, of Keating, called on
! us a few days ago.
J Mr. Jas. ltloom and wife wuro up from
I the Cove, Saturday.
Mr. Win. Huihnan, of Pyle canyon, vis
ited Union, Monday.
Mr. J. H. WhecIock, of Pine valley, vis
ited Union recently.
Mr. Frank Carpenter made us a substan
tial visit, Saturday.
Mr. Quincv Mitchell, of Idaho Ty., called
on us a few days since.
Mr. Wm. Haley and Kd Cates vl-ltcd
Baker City last Snturdav.
Mr. P. II. Saunders, of Wallowa county,
ha moved to Summervlllo.
Mr. J. C. Chirlstianson, of Khttn, made
us a pleasant visit, Saturday.
, Mr. 1. 1.. Holler and family were down
from Telocasct a few days ago.
Mr. H. Log'dnn. of High Valley, made us
a pleasant and substantial visit. Monday.
Dr. G. W. Higgers is now in Haker City
ond will open an office them for the prac
tice of medicine.
Mr. A. W. Courtney has moved from
Wallowa county to Klgin and will remain
there permanently.
Mr. Alex Jones returned from the Sound
last Sunday. lie upon everything boom
ing in that section.
Mr. henry Koblnette and Mr. Win. Ly
nlls, of High valley, made linal proof on
their land claims het Friday,
Mr. .las. H. Morton, of Klgin, called on
us Thursday. He says everything is mov
ing about right in Indian valley.
Mo--rs. Geo. Kexroth. Isaac Curry and
Jas. Kobinsou of Pine yalloy. called on us
Monday. They were down on land busi
ness. Mr. Geo. W. Denney, while on his way
from Pine valley to llo'eburg. a few days
ago, called on us and subscribed for Tin:
Mr. D. W. Shehan, formerly of this city,
and F. S. Ivanhoe luAo formed a copart
nership for the practice of law, at Kntor
prise. Mr. K. II. Hrown, the druggist, has hail
hi- store building painted a dazzling white
and it now presents n very neat appear
ance. Mr. A. C. McClelland, of Island City, has
been appointed icceiver of the land olllce
at La Grande, vioo J.l'. Outhouse, de
ceased. Mr. S. V. MeFnrren, formerly of this
city, is now located at Gorvals. He renews
ids subscription to Tiik ScofT and says he
is doing well at Gervais.
Mr. J. L. Carter, county school superin
tendent, visited Haker City last week, lie
speaks well of the manner in which the
schools aie conducted tluirc.
Mrs. Minnie Henderson, who has been
visiting relatives and friends in this vicini
ty for several weeks, will return to her
homo in Kndicott, Washington, in a few
Mr. Louis Zoph and family, of Pino val
ley, were in the city several days last week,
laying in their winter supplies. Mr. Zoph
is one of tho wide-awake and successful
fanners of that section.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mitchell. Civilla
Shoemaker and Huey Lynch and family
returned recently from a visit to MoMin
vlllo whero Mrs. Mitchell's and Huey
Lynch's father and mother live. Children
were there from ditlercnt parts of the state
and from Washington. Tlicro were seven
sons, three daughters, two sons-in-law, five
daughters-in-law and ten grandchildren,
beside-a number of friends fund relatives.
Mr. mid Mrs. Lynch are the father and
mother of sixteen children nine boys and
seven girls. All lived to bo grown except
one boy who died when eight years old. It
was the lirst reunion for twelve years.
Hurrah for the Hunt Koad.
Under the above caption thoMilton Kaglo
says: "Intelligence was received at this
olllro on Wednesday morning that G. W.
Hunt had concluded his interview witli the
citizens of Grande Koude valley and time
for the completion of tho O. it W. T. rail
road into Union county via Milton would
bo extended one year. Under the new con
tract the llnal survey will bo made at once,
tho grading to commence by March 1, in
Grande Koude valley, and tho road to bo
fully completed on or before December 1,
1801. On tho receipt of this news in Walla
Walla quito a stir was noticeable, and on
tho following day three hack loads of citi
zens from that city arrived in Milton for
the purposo of viewing and purchasing
property in this vicinity. There is now no
doubt that we will soon know what direc
tion the route will take through Milton and
at what point tho del ot will be located.
Our board of trade should be stirring."
lUsh-Handed Outracos.
Ileporls probably exuberated, ate brought
in of outrutfos committed upon sheepmen
in the John Day section. It is said that
armed and mounted men rode Into one
camp ami slaughtered 1-0 muttons beforo
their time, and then visitid another camp
and laid all the shepherd dogs cold In death.
Koports aro common of outrages of this
character. Not long ago, near Spraguo,
Wash., dogs and sheep wero shot, hay was
burned, nnd tho life of the siicep men made
miserable. The law seems powerless to
bring the marauders to Justice. IJ. O.
DwolUnea to Lot.
One dwelling of six comfortable rooms,
good woodshed, cellar and weir. Also one
new dwelling of four comfortable rooms.
Each In the southern part of Union. For
terms, etc, enquire of O. P. Coodail, Union,
Sta-fthalls M-d Messes.
For fattt-y worn or o;o in m. al -ii"iie
splb:U, eUJ.,aMo I lx 'nt by mail
for AO cents, postal Bote, Address K. T.
UJUnLKiiAJf. m UmU ymw, Han
UK;: fat
Unequal Assessment.
( The Grant C ountv News says ''Oregon
needs a new assessment law and 'needs it
bad,' H iker eountr i s.tpposed by many
to rank among tho wealthy counties of tho
state, but her assessment roll for this year
shows just the reverse. The assessment as
publi-hed in the Daily Democrat shows the
total taxable proportv of the county to be
only (1,17U,K, Grant county, without a
mile of railroad or a million-dollar mine,
this year show- up taxable property to tho
value of 51,M-','.X just I'R.Byft more than
Haker county. Haker county is not alone
in tliis matter f undervaluation of proper
ty; other counties am equally guilty. The
law should bo remedied so that assessors
throughout the state could place a uniform
valuation on all classes of property. Then
one county would not have to pay more
than her just projtortion of stale tax while
other counties paid into the state treasury
scarcely more than half tho amount they
should pay.''
Froctodlnss nt a F.eeeat nesting of the
Never Sweat Club of this City.
Ham, ok Tin: N". S. ('., Xov. .r, LS50.
Meeting called 'o order by O. Mason,
Koll of ofllcers called and absentees no
ted. Minutes of previous meeting read, cor
rected and approved.
On motion H. L. Deacon was fined for
non-attendance for three siiceesive meet
ings. On motion of Loon Levy, Mickey Henson
was appointed a committee of one, as
chicken poler" for the "li-uing term, and
that he file tho neces-arv bond with the fi
nance committee consisting of Fatty Har
ris, John Keevos and Frank Hidwell.
On motion of Dan lloidleinan. Frank
Hidwell was appointed "feather plucker,''
tilling the vacancy of C. Vincent, indisposed
Mr. Hidwell was unanimously endorsed by
the club, aud will perform the duties In
cumbent upon him with satisfaction.
The club was declared at ea"e by the pre
siding otlleer, and the lodge room was pre
pared for the vaccination of two new mem
bers, by Dr. Levy. The candidates being
in waiting they were brought in by the
"chief poler,'' Mickey Henson, in regalia.
The candidates, ,Jini Iiaymond and I'M
Kiddle, wero duly initiated into the mys
teries according to tho ritualistic ceremo
nies of the club, and the new brothers were
heartily congratulated by the members.
Tho lodge was closed in the degree of
vacillation and reopened in tho degree of
mastication. Applications fur membership
being in order, Fatty Harris nominated
dim Johnson. A vote was taken and the
applicant was unanimously blackballed.
Kd Kiddle then nominated Geo. Ileinlnger.
The committee on investigation, Dan Hei
dlemaii, Geo. Giu'nac and Jim Kuymoud,
reported Mr. Ileiningor a lit subject for
membership and he was duly elected.
Under tho head of new business, charges
were preferred against Kd Kiddle for keep
ing a Jersey cow. A committee consisting
of,Corie Fickle, Nick Ficklln and Jim
Kaymond wero appointed to investigate
the serious charge against the new brother,
and to reportat tho next meeting.
Jim Kaymond was appointed "spittoon
Xo further business appearing tho club
F. Hi.oi'ii, O. Makon.
Secretary. Chairman.
Buffalo in Eastern Oregon.
Seeing the note in regard to the buf
falo calf now on exhibition in Portland
calls to mind the fact that at no very
distant day the bison was a deni.en of
Eastern Oregon.
In a biography of Kit Carson, tho
fact is stated that Carson saw buH'alo
on the Deschutes plains when ho made
tho trip to California with Fremont in
1813. In 1S77 the late Frank K.
l'ringle, of 1'rineville, broke twelve
acres of sod for S. .J. Xowsonio, on
Nowsomo creek, Crook county, Oregon,
aud while doing so plowed up tho
skeleton of a buffalo which was Imroly
covered with soil and in nn excellent
otate of preservation. From observa
tions while riding the range it is judged
that this bttfl'aloshi) had probably suc
cumbed to tho iigors of winter in tho
eaily fifties.
Three miles west of tho Newtomo
placo on tho ranch now owned by K.
G. Coiiant, a few years boforo, the
Hwoll brothors had unearthed a buffa
lo skeleton while breaking sod, and
several miles from there, on Hoarcieolc,
tho first settlers found several of thorn.
How these remains of tho bison, or
buffalo, came to bo found in this lo
cality only is a mystery beyond ken.
; Tho bones wero not potrified and wore
' Inft'iirnfl tf mil' crrnnf. ovlfiiil iiriff
thoy wero at the surfacoof tho ground.
Thereforo Kit Carson undoubtedly
saw tho buffalo on the plains of De
schutes above tho mouth of Crooked
river, as ho Btatos to his biographer.
It is strange that while tho scientists
and naturalists havo boon ransacking
tho fosfcil beds of Camp crook, which
is just across Maury range from New
homo oreol: and whoso hoad watora aro
separated from Bear creek by a low
ridge, they hhould ovetlook tho ro
inains of more recent animal.
TuanlKTH I'xn ml imt inn.
IN for the purpose of making an nomina
tion ol all jierniUM who mar offer tlium
selvos as candidate for leathers of tho
si hoobi of this county, the county si houl
Mineriiitendent thereof will hold a imblle
i xaiiiinailQii at Union. Oregon, beKUiuinx
Ht ihioi: on W'odiwMUy the 21th day of No-
in be r. lfl'SU.
OaUxl this l!Kh day of Nov., im.
.1. b CAKTKlt.
County Hdiool HuiiO'iiilemluut Union
ount , ong m,
And Firo-sido Chat3 by the non. W. F.
Cody, (Buffalo Bill.)
Ihifliilo Bill is tho Nnpoleon of
America Scouts ntiil Indian Fighters.
Ho is ono of tlio greatest niul most ver
satile characters that this or any other
country has over produced. Ho has
won brillant success ami renown in all
his undertaking, lie is not only tho
greatest Amorican frontiorMiiiin, hut
he is also an educated man. lie is
familiar with the entire history of our
Country, anil has made a special study
of the lives anil grand achievement ( f
great pioneers, whose deeds of daring
have won the admiration anil applius'!
of the whole world. He is better qual
ified than any other man to write the
great standard history of Amotionn
l'ioneer Life, for he helped to make
that history, and his own adventures
constitution tho luillant ami thrilling
portions of it. His peculiar fitness for
tho work that he has so successful ac
complished has justly recognized the
Prince of Wales, Hon. Wm. K. (Hail
stone, Hon. John Bright, and other
distinguished Englishmen, when they
oiirnestly requested lim to write the
"Story of the Wild West." In the re
quest they were joined by nearly every
celebrated General in the American
A t iny, who, knowing Htill'ulo Hill inti
mately, knew he was tho man to write
this Cir.mtl History, It is a hook that
every American can feel proud of. He
not only tells of his own marvelous
J achievement, hut also those of his com-
ratios and other great frontiersmen, in
j eluding the thrilling story of the Ctts-
tor Massacre, General Cook's campaign
and a thousand of other exciting inei
I dents, and lastly, a description of his
wimderliil career and stti'ct'ss m ex
hibiting his "Wild West Show" among
the Crown Heads of all Ku rope. Huf
falo Bill's pen is art vigorous as his rifle
was unci ring, and his hook will re
main forever the great standard history
of pioneer life in Amoiica anil should
receive a glad welcome in tho homo
of every true anil patriotic American.
This great historical book contains
over seven hundred pages anil nearly
three hundred spirited engravings.
The well-known publishers, The 1 listory
Co., 72.1 Alarket St., San Francisco,
aro the intthorized General Agents.
Agents and parlies wh o desire to sell
this hook can secure an agency and
liberal terms by addressing tho History
Wo call attention to the advertise
ment in another column.
at Tin:-
Keeps constantly on hand a com
plete stock of fresh
Sheet Music,
Wire Goods,
A.Vl) VAKi'Vl.
Household Utensils.
A sharo ot tho public patronago so
licited. 8-15-tf.
Tonsorial Parlors
GKOUGK BAI11D, J'ropr.
Shaving, Hair-cutting and Sham
pooing, in the Latest style
of the Art,
Hliop twodaow south of Centennial hotel.
u iw-tf.
d gg q
s gL r
Own Book Writt e.i by Hiui-elf,
And Camp-I'iro Chats.
The groat sHndard History of Pioneer
Life. A complete record of cxoitlnK events
on the Western border., end for fir tirat
time nn authentic account of tin Cu-ter
Maacre, (iiMietnl Conk's Cuimuipi nnd
a tb'iuntml of i.ilier evitin? liicuh'til-. in
cludiiiK a il MTjititin of r.iill'nlo Hill's ca
reer and sie ci-s in ibiiiiiinj; Ids "Wild
Wot Show" ftnoti)' tin town Heads of nil
Kuro;e, Tin- lot of a Iti'.Miine. Kvpryhodv
wiuiN it. Overthree hundred spirited on-.l'iiviti-'s
nnd nearly eight hundred large
Agents Wanted hfa
in every town to 'ell inn iiniil ra.uu'i, iihi;
book. Agents already in tb. Held are mih
ly colniin: money. Act ouiek or tho op
portunity will be lost. Yon can oa-dlv
make from $3 to $15 per day. I'o save
time and to ceiirc an agency at once. ini
?l for a romiiletc ciuiviisiiig outfit. Illus
trated cireiiliirs nnd extra liberal terms
free on application,
Neither experience nor capital is re
iptired to ci)'-'m;e in Ibis enterprise, us the
book will m'II iti-elf. and wo uive our imcats
'Si) days' time in which to deliver and c 1
leet before paying us.
A new and beaofful line of Holiday book?.
Just received, inc'iidin "Tin Beautiful
Story," by J. W. Hi m.. If you t
make some monev, mhln ss
Till: HISTOliY Co.,
'J;! Market Street, San Francisco, L'al.
8on Toil Restaurant!
Now open to the public on Main Street,
Union, Oregon.
Board and Lodging.
SRI! VI' 1 1
35 CtS.
I -at-
- ....
(110 All Hours
No Chinese cooks employed, and every
thing neat and clean.
The Public Patronage Solicited.
t-'-Wtf MISS. WAL1SATII. I .-op.
(Opposite tho Court House.)
UNION, : : : O'.iEGON.
Mas. O. I. Goon..!.!,, Prop.
Tables Furnished with the
Best the Market A-fFords
and Prepared by
White Cooks.
New Hods and Rooms Neatly Furnished g
Public Patronage Solicited
Union and Cornucopia,
Quickest and Cheapest
Route to tho Pino Creek
S Jcc'allst in
Veterinary Surgery.
Uldgling horses Huccesfully treated.
Ilcilors and sows dtiayo 1 bv the latest Im
proved methods. 1 will ulvo imsttuctii i
in my system of treatment, and Ktiaraiheo
satisfaction in every hiMtnni'c, or no ehanjes
will bo made. I am permaneutlv located at
Union, Urojmn. Will promptly intend to
all calls, by mail or otherwise. 8-15-tf.
Cornucopia Saloon,
Wm. Wjlbon, Titoi'.
The Finest of Wines, Liquors
and Cigars always in stock.
Drop in and bo sociable
For Sale.
KJOO ewes and lambs and
400 wethers, yearlings and
two year olds. Will sell at
a bargain. Enquire of T.G.
WILSON, at Cove, or B. P.
WILSON, Union, Oregon.
Shingles For Sale I
An unlimited amount of No. 1 abilities
constantly on hand and for mile cheat).
Orders from all parts of tho country so
licited. h. u, liiTitnouoiis,
311 tf Cove, OrvKoii.
Inn i