THE OREGON SCOUT. . . ,., jm.. - AMOS K. JONHS - - EDITOR, i1- J--r. n J . - City and County Official Paper, , - - Thursday, Nov. 7th, 1881). h.j-llu. otm orrouTCNiTY. ami a person who lo?Cssc- lnt n a As noted elsewhere, Mr. O. W. Hundred thousand dollar- was c-on.-id-llunt was in,, our city last week and : ored Very wealthy, made final arrangements in regard to j The rapid increase of inillionairn is the Grande Kondc extension of the 0. ! not a healthy feign. On thu contrary & W. railroad. We, as a community, cannot place too much impoitanee to this enterprise. All who have- tlior- oughly studied the situation of nfl'aijs can at a glance eco that this extension means Hush times and continued prosperity to our county. Ono can scarcely realize tlic difference this will make to tbo wheat growers of Union county until ho niakesa careful com parison of the present prices of wheat along tbolinc of the O. it W. T.and O. H. it X. across tho mountains where the people arc now receiving the bene fit of this through lino to tide water where farmers arc paid in cash four cents per busliel more than can posi bly bo paid by this other route. Will it not bo of much importance to our community and tbo county generally to have this amount of money distrib uted directly among tho producers than havo it go to till the coffers of some railroad corpoiation whoso motto is "God pity tho poor; we'll take caro of ourselves?" We should all take homo to ourselves these facts, that the vst amount of taxable property that necessarily follows tho building of any lino of railroad, the building of cities and towns along the lino, tho competi tion wo will havo and the direct lino to tho world's great markets, all havo a tendency to help roll onward tho great tidal wave of prosperity tlmt is now sweeping over the Pacific coast. Lot us see that it does not stop until Grande Hondo valley feels her pulses thrill to tho progressive music of the times. Tho subsidy that wo aro called upon to subscribe to this enter prise will be many times saved in our first year's freights and tho diU'eien't prices that will bo paid for all kinds of produce. Begining tho construction at this end of tho lino will at onco throw thousands of dollars into circu lation and furnish it market for tho surplus of our people. All that is now asked is for the people to extend tbo timo on tho subsidies heretofore exe cuted, in consideration that the work bo started on this end of tho line. Af ter dilligont inquiries we ate unable to learn of hut one subscriber, who is on for a small amount, who will not cheerfully extend tho time. Wo urgo every subscriber ami all who aro in terested in tbo welfare of our beautiful valley to aid this enterprise as much as it is in his power to do. THIS TWO l'OI.lTIOAI. l'AKTlKS. Tho following paragraphs aro from tho speech delivered by Mr. Matthews, chairman, at tho recent Massachusetts domooratio state convention. They aro about tho best definitions of tho principles of tho two parlies that wo have seen : "Tho republican party has outlived its usefulness and is incompetent to settlo tho problems of tho time. It is owned by corporations, wealth and lobbies. It stole tho presidency onco and bought it twelve years later. It has nothing to oiler tbo people but subsidies, Ulair bills, high tarill's and more restraints on commerce; its poli cy, if continued, w ill hand this coun try over to monopolies tirst, to hocial ism next. "Tho aim of democracy, on tho oth er hand, is to soouro for labor greater rewards and to increase tho opportu nities for industry and trade. Having held our own with foreign nations on tho Held of battle, wo need not fear tho peaceful rivalry of friendly com merce. Free raw materials j freo coal and wool and iron and lumber; wider markets for tho products of American labor and American ships to carry them in; and freer commercial rela tions with all tho nations of tho earth thofo tilings will bonellt tho wholo people of this country, Thoy aro es sential to the continued prosperity of tho New England states; and thoy will not bo had until tin democratic party is restored to power." l'MITOOUAOY. A writer in tho September Forum, who ceems to bo well posted on tho particular subject which ho discussed, says that tho wealth of tho United Rtatcs is about tixty billions of dollars. Ho also states that more than quo half this vast amount is in tho possos fcion of less thun 2,000 pornons. In othor words thuro aro 2,1500 mtoplo in tho United Btatua worth on an average ?12,000,000 cacli, while the bahnce tf 1 the sixty million own but aM) r.l Wo do not know that any r. lmMi j information exists as to the diftrilnuioii j of wealth in isgo, but we do know ' that tho total wealth of tho country is j not nearly so largo,ns it is now, b-it r- , much more evenly distributed 1 h.i ' ' year? ago a milliqilftftQ wan v !..' ?i..:l.t ! wo regard it as mote dangerous to the I . . i' i.'.kik' .... peace anu prosperity m yurii ,vuu"iri niqn than anarchistriitself., ISiatniay be regarded by sonio as stfOfig state ment, but a little,, geriCus thought on tho hubject will Con Vincoftny reason able person that it is truo. Anarchist arc few and" with but little influence. Thoy may in timo of great excite ment or distress niako trouble in our largo cities. Hut they aro quickly suppressed and their power for evil in ono of short duration. Not eo with men who control billions of money. They are gentlemen of experience and ozonation. Thoy control .officials and legislatures. Thoy own city coun cils and tbeir satollilcs. When thoy move on tho people they uso no tor ches or dynamite, Their plans are sir secret as thoso of the anarchist but J they are governed and guided by wis dom. They organize a trust and squeezo fifty million out of the dear people. They take the millions deftly, so decently that tho victims hardly realize tho injury. Tliey spread their (ax to generally and so generously, and indirectly that many are ignorant of the robbery and stand ready to de fend the plutocrats when exposed or denounced. Thus their power for evil is a hundred fold greater than those who attack directly and oponly as do the anarchists. WHY OO 31 UN ADA'UKTJRi; The man who conducts his business on the llieory that it dosn't pay, and ho can't afford to advertise, sots up his judgemont in opposition to that of all tho best business men in tho world. Says an experienced advertising auth ority: "With a few years' experience in conducting a small business on a few thousand dollars of capital, ho as sumes to know more than thousands of men whoso hourly transaction aggre gate more than his do in a year, and who have made their millions by pur suing a course that ho says doson't pay. If advertising dosen't pay, why is it that the most successful merchant of every town, largo or small, are the heaviest advertisers' Jf advertising dosen't pay, who doos tho most busi ness? If it doson't pay to advertise, why do the heaviest businoss firms in tho world spend millions in that way? Is it because thoy want to donate thoto millions of dollars to tho newspaper nn d magazine publishers, or becaiuo they don't know as much about busi ness as the six-for-a-dollor merchant who says money spent in advertising is thrown away, or donated to tho man to whom it is paid? Such talk is simply ridiculous, and it requires more than the avcrago patience to discuss tho proposition of wothor advertising pays or not with that kind of a man. His complacent self-conceit in assum ing that ho knows more than, tho wholo world is laughable, and reminds us of tho man who proved that Iho woild doson't revolve by placing n pumpkin on a stump and watching it all night. 1M.AYINO ON AVOKUS. Tho Jlakor Oity JUado in trying to make tho people of tho southern part of thin county boliovo that it would be bettor for them to belong to linker county says: "Tho assessment of Union county with taxable property valued at j!2,S'!" 700, is twonty-ono and nineteen-thirty-11 ft lis mills this year, while linker county's taxable property, valued at $l,7W),r70, is only taxod eighteen mills, tho Stato tax to bo added in each instance." A nice play on words Indgod. but it won't work. Tho facts are, Union county's tax levy for county purpo.-co is 'A mills and adding the levy for school, contingent, University and military purposes it makes a little ovor 21 mill, linker county's tux levy for county purposes is IS mills. Add to this tho levy for sehool, University and military purpose, s above, with exception) of tho contingent fund, as thoy havo none, and the levy for linker county will be found to lw in- . 2(1 mills fi mills more than Union county, the State tnx t be added in each hrstnuce. Youean't make your statement dov tail with the fact, brother ltl.i.h-. What have yti to say in that uitii!. in (lie liereillu last week in which t 'i ' T E ik. r county takes the f . t . i 1 1 1 k f it publishing the ;g i. i tlu indebtedness of IJ.ik' i i mnty is only $97,022,05, when n.dly it is much more than that amount, enormous as it is. Tho tax p - ' - in hi article: -:.! ilu- mount tlia stite treas-iii.-; c! ii "nn;; for delinquent taxes i-u- in :n tlii- county to the state to th-- (tun of aiMiut tn thousand dollars. thi- added to the $97,022,05 gives the ftrund to.tal of $107,022, 05. This no doubt, is less than tho actual indebted ness, and if wo could get a correct re port, the amount would reach $115, 000,00 or $120,000,00." Union county's indebtedness is, pro bably, not more than one third of that amount and ulthotigh much improve ment has been made throughout the county, it is not increasing. A dispatch from Boston, of a late datCj says, in speaking of the wool movement, that direct shipments are being tpado from Oregon, and "the time is probably coming when it will seem as absurd to ship Oregon wools to Boston via Han Francisco as via Yokohnma. Fomc very choice Oregon valley is in this market, and the quo tations fchow a wide range. AT THE- Keeps constantly on hand a com plete clock' of fresh Citntlios, ' Stationery, Slicot Music, Wive Goods, Brackets, AND L'SKFLTI, Household Utensils. A sharo ol the public patronage so licited. S-lfi-tf. Shingles For Sale! An unlimited amount of Xo. 1 shingles constantly on liuml nml for sale cheap. Orders iroui all parts of tho country so-Hi-iuM. S. 15. BUKKOUfillS, S-ll tf Cove, Oregon. Ange Col ege! MARION COUNTY, OUKGO.V. Klomentary and preparatory classes for hoys from 0 to 12 years. Complete Commercial; Scientific ami Classical Courses For lamer boys and voung man. This insti tution, only two yours old, is already ono of tbo largest", most popular and lot patron ized of the coast. The lilghust authorities of the state recommend it on aococitof its lu-utthy location, scientific advantajies and striot disuipline. I'Nr catologuos with pros pect im, terms, etc., write to ItAltXAllAS HE LI), J)Jructor Mt. AugetOollogo. For Catalogue! apply also to The Scoot ofllco, Union. S-8 m'J For Toilet Use- Ayor's Ilnlr Vigor keep tho hair soft and pliant, imparts to it tho lustro and froshneas of youth, causes it to grow luxuriantly, eradicates Dandruff, cures nil HCfllp diseases, Olid is tho most clean ly of all hair preparations. AVF-'fi'Q IInIr Vigor has glvon mo 3 perfect satisfaction. I was nearly Iwild fornix years, during which timo l used many hair preparations, but wttltcul. nu.vcs.-i. Indeed, what littlo hair I had waa growing thinner, until 1 tried Ay.-r's Hair Vigor. I used two botUos of 'tlio Vigor, and my head is now well covcre-d with n.v.- growth of hair. Judoo.i 15. Chapel, reabody, Mass. RJJR6KJ that has become weak, gray, nnHi and faded, may havo now lii'o mid color ru.-tturcd to it by tho uao of Ayor'a Hair Vigor. My hair wm thin, failed, and dry, and fell out in largo quantities. Ayor'a Hair Vigor stopped tlio falling, and restored my hair to iw original color. As a dressing for tho hair, tliLi preparation has no oquul. Mary N. Hammond, Stillwntor, Jlluu. yififJD youth, and beauty, ill tho T tUUai- apponra'ic" of tho hair, may )mj preserved tor nn Indefinite period by tho urc .f Ayi r's Hair Vigor. ' A dla. eaiv of the sca'p caused mylialr to be come har.di and dry, and to fall out freely. Nothing I tried seemed to do inn any pood until I commenced using Aor'H Hair Vigor. Throe bottles of th'i: preparation restored my hair to ft healthy condition, awl it U now soft mid pliant. 3ly scalp is cured, ami it in alto irao from dandruff. Mrs. K. It. Kom, Mlhvaukoo, Vis. Ay er's HaSr Vigor, Hold by SrawtaU aud lVrfiuiwr. I'XKracr Savktv, prompt Action, mid wouderful cnmtlvo projwrtles, easily plao AyeVs Pilln at tbo head of tho list of popular i emedioa for Sick and Korv ona How'aohea, CoMtfliatloa, awl all nil inwUotimatuinadiiortiuTOd Liver. I have been (Tfoat mfferer from Heaitm t.e, and Ayer'O Oatliurtio PilU ium U- ouly medidno that Imn vver iveu i"- nltof. Oim doaa of tliew Pills will i;".' move my bowels, and trow uiv Il.mI iu'u iiHlii.--WilHutn U Vmt, ItUhf v.l, Vx tf 1 . u. J c v r S ii .1. nrvll.llM,. ' mm ALGER- ! si: t'. Combines the juice of the Blue Fijs of California, so lexative end nutruious, with the medicinal virtues of plants known to be most beneficial to the human system, forming the ONLY P12P FECT REMEDY to act gently yet promptly on the KIDNEYS, LIVER AHD-BOWELS AND tO GlBensathB System Effectually, a THAT PURE BLOOD, nr?I?ESHlNC SLEEP, HEALTH and STRENGTH ICatuvJlj- follow. Every cry is itsinf il and cli arc delighted with it. Ai'c your drucgist for SYKU? OF FICS. Manu factured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO., Gam ruANCKco, Cal. Lor:r.viL.t. Kv. Krw Vor::. K. V. (jujiiiim G o Ill K 0 0 'V H Cautio n ! I'ay no money in advance to itinerant Directory Canvassers. ' We are led to men tion this from tho fact that certain parties have been fraudulently using our publica tions as specimens, and by that means col lecting moneys in advance. Before signing an order, see that italics the namoof POl.K CO. printed thereon. We ask no payment until tho work is delivered, and our solicitors havo strict orders not to take payment for either advertisements or sub scriptions. ' S-lS-wO It. I.. POLK & CO. Leaves Tiiion daily at 2 p. m, arrives at Cove at 3:30 p. m. Leaves Cove at 8 a. in., arrives at Union at 9:30 a. m. Connections made with Klliott's coochei running to tho depot, currying passengers for cast and west bound trams. IIATKS for I'ASSKNGHltS. I.tlfiCACE tint KIU:i5IIT, KKAjiONAmilC. KOBIKSOX & LAYXK, Proprietors. THE WORLD'S SEST KiiBnttoB $2.50 Shoe lias no equal for Style, 1 it una Wear. PosItlTelj tho Lost oboo In A!turlck i- .r tho monuy. Do not pt docolTOd. t.'o ftiiuui on UottL.iu of eucu sliou. 'lake no otlio.-.t t.v.'rjr im'r '"T'.ntnl. f,tyllfh nnd Ciuul loeni' 5 !ob Ii. lio market. I jriiuluty Jos. AVriftiil, Tnion, Or. m voids " If. iLM all.n,. anil ..IIi-u nut MZII (1 m nF.Tr-m - Klims lUiut'-nr,.. I ii iVSsl s.fiK .' I;:::":.:' mxr: ' u.j 1.1. isl tin vrWt f.r ont alijumai iUtM tty Wtui It.ii My li-Ilt I lUUi m W i I i ii u I iia Mink.' it tu r uti u. tut. utuii a i II Inn u I t v I.. K t- It iti ! Irltirt riT i I .'I till - ntiitt Uf ii ltlfcmi'' iMJ, htart V(r in tlit bwsintv, hi ii 1 1 v .tilt ni ii( vi ui j itif ttfift it" iiwhi uym ( .H VI l-. I I I . I I I I I I I Si tlPUll i i u ..1 m i k. ... u... 1 r.40 li ii Htllili- jClltKI'Ul A llMIHI IW IMM t Uatiwl.tvl tlonmi' U lllaijrfi Nil'UiuftlullM vm h lrv ti-tt 1 nut ir fci ii Air ii V put. . i . ii.l. i ilka. i I't It- ft I rli,. Au U ttr.AH. -u , - ,i utu it . tl ! Vrtl Util j i)0kkivr - wmm (' f&U tT . i - ' ' ' . ' !t'i r.i 1 ' i'i Vt. -i ,r. t Slip liii to lovSi I Mm KM' I" Important to Ftti!n ia tw sge ef Ciesp Ulmtet cr h :rj aga lua rqna!W ik fi!ot?iaj To every person who (within 60 days from V" the date of this paper) will subscribe for The Oregon Scout, (Subscription price, $l.f0.) And pay in advance tho yearly sul scripli.011 price, and -V.&7 additional, wo shall eeiid for one yrar i copy (weekly) of our paper and also for one year a eft y (Weekly) of THE CELEBRATED ILLUSTRATED HUMOROUS PAPER tbxas siTinsrca-s: The ntbscription prico of SIFTIKGS is St a year. It is a lCpago paper, pro fusely illustmted by tho leading nrtista and caricaturists of tho day. Iu tho matter of original humor, it it acknowledged to stand at tho head of tho illustrated press of tho coimtry, and has been well named "Tho Witty Won.b-r of the World." It is published in Now York and has a National reputation. The merits of MtTIJNUS are bo w. 11 known that wo do not deem it necessary to rt-fer to them further. Iiotb. bovt subscribers and thoso who renew thuir subscriptions will havo tho privilege of this offer. .... KEMEMIiER that TEXAS SIFTIXGS is offered at this pneo only to thoso who Kubscribo within tho next CO days. No such offer as this has ever been made. 0 offer tho tvo papers for loss than tho prico of TEXAS SIFTINGS. No on u-it cur Bu'.iscribors can pet S1F1ISGS for less thau $1 a year. The i..;,!::.iv j of that paper is now, and will continuo to be, $t a year, but tho publisher;, b. iu dt-.irous of adding to their list of Kub&cribers iu this section, havomado a special ad extraordinary reduction to us for a limited period. Tho amount for both papers should be sent direct to us by P. O. Order; Postal Note, or otherwise, and wo shall order tho publishers to mail SITTINGS from New York to you for oao year. Call, or writo to this office, and you will get a sample copy of SIFTINGS. WORTH OF GOODS To Cash. AIHRSIOTH BARGAIN -DEALER IX- CEZ2::i Just Received, Direct from the East, 11 Largo, Invoice of LADIES' and' MISSES' CALFSKIX SHOES, the Best Ever brought to this Market. Also a Fine Assortment of GENT'S -:- FURNISHING -:- GOODS. My Prices will suit the thnts. Drop in nml see me. C. VIX0EXT, Main Street, Union, Or. 1 ll H IBI Wilson & -Jla.iiifacturers of SuSl Boors and ill Hiiik) j Ki'eps Constantly on Bedding, Desks, Office rurniture, etc. All klndnf rurniture Made, and Upholstering dune to order. "WILSON fi Mll.LKK, Main St., Union, Or Wc Guarantee the Lowest Hates. No Commissions. No Delays, where Title and Security is Satisfactory. C ) R R HS P( )NDENCE SOLICITE. Wilson & IlnHceU. Union, Or. Our Readers. IMfiS 1 Buyers at 1 1 III I m All Kinds. ST RE S, 0 1 ifiiii) ( Miller, and Dealer in- r uuu. bund a Largo Supjily of- 5 m Parlo Bod .Hill t