The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, October 31, 1889, Image 5

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The Oregon Scout has as large a circu
lation as any txco papers in this sec
tion of the State, combined, and is cor
respondingly valuable as an advertising
Thursday, Oct. 81st. ISSi).
Kor ix fulldoac?rlptton of Union j
County seo Innldo piiRt's.
Gathered uji liy The Scout Hi-ought
to Ilculqiiiuter-..
Xow sheet music nt Mrs. Alger's.
All kinds of lumber at Hall Hro's.
The weather during the pn&t week
hns been quite stormy.
Copying paper and stamping lluid
for sale at Mrs. Alger's.
For Bargains in millinery call on
Mesdnmes llidwell it Uenson.
JIall Uro's have now a large supply
of lumber at their vard. 10-10-lin
A full line of perfumery and ladies
toilet articles just received at Jones
List your property with tho Union
Heal Estate Association if you want to
sell it.
J)o not fail to attend the railroad
meeting this afternoon at the court
It is rumored that a general decapi
tation of tho heads of Hit) O. K. it N.
railroad conductors will -soon tako
Watch for this space next week. It
will contain your name if you owe an
overdue account at tho Cove drug,
. If; you have friends visiting you,
send their names to ,Thh Scour ollicu
41 that is, unless you are ashamed of
your visitors.
The mot novel featuro of the lato
fair in southern Oregon was a race be
tween a red and roan bull, each saddled
and backed with a rider.
Tho many friends of Mrs. X. How
land, in this city, were grieved to hear
of her death, which occured at her res
idence in Pendleton, last week.
A special school meeting is called
for Nov. Uth, for the purpose of voting
a tax for school purposes. All those
interested in educational matters
should be present.
Medical Lake Totem of Health Reme
dies and tho celebrated Totem of tho
Toilet Soap for sale by Mrs. Alger at
the T. O. Union. A beautiful album
jree. Call and investigate.
For sale on easy terms, one i0 inch
full nickel bicycle, also one '18 inch
standard finish. Both wheels are near
ly new and arc in good repair. For
particulars call at this office.
The stage line between tins city and
Cornucopia is now under tho manage
ment of Mr. John Elliott, which in
sures a good mail service and that
everything will move like clock work.
New scenery and accessories received
at Jones Bros, photograph gallery.
All work completed at home on short
notice, and guaranteed to bo as good
as can be had in the state, or no charges.
Komoinber the dates of tho Hunt
railroad meetings. At Union this af
ternoon ; at Summcrvillc, Friday, Nov.
1st, and at Elgin, Saturday, Nov. 2.
Every man in the county is, or should
be, interested in these meetings.
There is a man in Milton, recently
arrived from the cast, who is a walking
phenomena. When engaged at any
kind of labor he sweats on only ono
side of his body, the other side, from
his nos-g to his toes, being perfectly
dry. Tho came is not known Eagle.
Mrs. Walrath, of the Bon Ton, has
opened a branch restaurant in La
Grande, having rented the Star restau
rant of that place. It will be conduct
ed on the European plan. Any of our
readers who visit La Grande will lie
sure of n good meal by visiting this
Mr. Frank Bidwell while going down
to tho mill a few evenings since ran
into a barbed wiro fence which he
could not seo in tho darkness, and had
his face very much lacerated, but tho
wounds will" heal in a few days. Frank's
countenance now resembles a map of
n South . Sea island with Canibal
camps looming up in the foreground
.and a series of cactus plains and va re
lated wooded hills rising in tho dis
Uuicc. The appropriation of $100 by tho
citizens of Union and !?200 by the
county court for the construction of a
wagon road from Hog valley to this
city is being judiciously expended and
the result will bo a passably good thor
oughfare. Mr. Nelson Schoonover
with a forco of men has been working
on tho road and it will be completed
before many days. This will put the
settlements of Wolf, Clover, Jinimie
and Anthony creeks in direct commu
nication with tho county seat and
make this their trading point. It is a
road that has long been needed.
Low Johnson's Colored Minstrels
played a ono night's engagement at
tho opora house last evening, to stand
ing room only. Thoso who witnessed
tho entertainment will romombor it as
one of tho grandest features in tho
minstrel art. Tho end man win tho
coutor of attraction and succeeded in
keeping tho house in a conatunt hila
rious uproar. Tho ainghig londered
by tho black baby boy quartette made
.an. excellent impression, (pcciall ihe
11 1- 1 1 1.... li.i klr..i.
nmciv vany mugum " '-
' which took tho house by storm. 'J h
' sketches wt-re very anviii,g and . 'in.- '
excellent apcbli wik v i !..
Wo t'ongratulatc Mr. Johnnm, thu
.gentlemanly manner, who de-enc
special praiM' for wh' t my hi Ink ' it' d '
Oorpn ff .!. 1 1 aiti-t it'k 1" t
Intclh.'t nic, St pi. 2Mb. JJcm red i
v-ats on sale at light '
Uciunt if tlio t nlon Schools JVir Mouth
UliillllB October So, 1S8I.
j Olt.VMMAR (iHAlK,
Number pupils enrolled 4ft
! Average daily attendance 40.27
1 1'ercentMfje of , " DS.SJ5
: Number cases tnidiness 0
! rt;rlr-s nhitiihk ahsk:;t .vor tahi.v,
Mabel Carter
Lillie Peering
Mary Fieklin
Mav Foster
Edwin Fickle
Jessie Gillillan
Minnie Hamilton
.John Haynes
Jennie McGillis
Wm Miller
Guy Ostrander
Hannah lieeves
Mnml Summers
KTatc Snnliorn
Mollie Shaw
Ina Wright
Edith Wright
Eddie Wright
Guorgio Wright
Kate Wright
Bhoda Biggs
Miles Carter
Elisha Corbin
Maggio Vancil
Tyra Warren
Harry Walrath
John Beeves
Flora Springer
Emma Seamans
Ida J. Joiixso.v, 1'rincipftl.
Number pupils enrolled !M
Average daily attendanco IIl.S
Percentage of "
Number cases tardiness (5
Eddio Miller
Eddio Carter
Fred Nodinc
Dora Springer
Pearl Carter
Polan Hamilton
Nora Giimian
Mattie 1'liillps
M. A
Hattie Fieklin
Harry Cooper
Lulu Galispy
Albert Haynes
Walter Can oil
Anna Welch
Lena Mason
Elma Thomson
. Bihhop, Teacher.
Number pupils enrolled -Id
Average daily attendance dd.lf)
rercentage of " ' OS.o
Number cases tardiness (i
rrrir.s xi:rnn:u Ansi:.T nor tardy.
Willie Davis Edna Bemillard
Lillie Potsou Uobcrt Shaw
Anna Green Maggie Shaw
Archie Gillillan Orvill Saunders
Maggio Hall Cora West
Lulu Haynes Hugh West
Fran!: Hamilton Unfits Wright
James-Hutchinson Lonna West
Lou ua Mitchell Carlie Wilson
Hert Odalu Melville CummiiiH
Howard Odalo Freddie Spain
Paul Haynes Lvm Uoodall
Willio Phillips
Miss Sarah Ciirismax, Teacher
Number pupils enrolled 58
Average daily attendance
Percentage of " J!).77
Number cases tardiness 10
1'ui'ii.s xi:itiii:r aiisi:.t son tardy.
Maggie Fieklin Homer Dickson
Bosa Fieklin Elmer Wright
Zoa Rcmillard Eddio Boothe
lr.zel Jaycox Hosco Thomson
Gertie Mitchell Boy Phillips
Lilly Mitchell Willie Kennedy
Osie Gillillan George Odalo
Eva Haynes Charlie Dickson
Mabel Eaton Boy James
Edith Heritage Fannie Odalo
Francis Cummins Archie Wilson
llattie Galoway Jinimie Baker
Frankio Heritage Wilbur Cummins
Edith Hutchinson Jinimie Clark
Willie Dobbins Albert Green
Lonnie Dotson Perry Goodall
Floyd Tuttlo Mary Cummins
Joe J laslot
Miss Nki.i.ii: Sti:vi:ns, Teacher.
AiiolliBr Gootl 31au (iono Wrong;.
Soinelhing over a month past, says
the Baker City Beveille, tho pulpit of
the M. E. church in this city has not
been occupied by its rogular appointed
pastor, known to the lambs ot his Hock
as Bev. J. M. Baughn. By many it
was supposed that tho reverend gentle
man's absence was duo to conference
proceedings requiring his attendance
while his statement, previous to his
own departure, that his wife had
been called to tho bedside of a dying
brother in tho east explained the ab
sence of his good lady. It now trans
pires that this expounder of truths
divino one evening met a gontlo
man, a resident of this city, who
had known him back east in other
days and who cordially greeted him by
a name that Bev. Haughn had forgot
ton to bring out west with the rest of
his baggage. This unexpected meet
ing so perplexed our worthy pastor
that ho left his supper cooking on tho
stove at the partonago, locked up tho
doors anil as ho iiad no timo left
to hunt up a custodian for tho keys
left them in tho parsonage door, and as
he has not been hoard of siuco it may
reasonably bo inferred that ho has an
swered "a call" from somewhere clso.
Tho woman who po;od as his wife
while hero was a widow, whose hus
band died of consumption, eleven years
ago, at tho house of ono Bov. Bowers
in tho state of Kansas. Shortly uftor
her husband's death alio and Bowers,
whoso wife and two children still reside
in Kansas, eloped together and during
all these years have boon unhwird of
in their former homo until thoy lurnod
up its laborers in that part of tho
Lord's vinuvard known as "Baker City.
Rev. Baughn ''us Bower, has doubt
1. -i by tin- linn liiw.d hii guilty
paitni r .ill 1 tl. ' if i li.Uit ii ind a- ho
tin' lupi iwu 'Ci a Miii f shat
can be Iward a down blc H wiil not ,
f long until he will again make it'
In aid i ailing xiniK-f t" ifpi-nUiuv.
guo-fMM' tor In., on s oi r.
m ,a v j 3t &
These presses an- now luling three-fourths of all !h b: y and -tr.iw baled in tin United States and Canada. We oar. make you better prices and better
terms than any other iimi.and will back our assertion with actual ligtiies.
You do vourself an injustice if you do not see our goods before purchasing.
7-lS-tf , Lu Ciramlo. Oregon.
, i-rf
1. ovcry Salilmtli at 11 a.m. and f i. in;
..i.i..itlt n.luwil Mt 111 m in- univcr iiiciliiiL'
immrTbo.ietv meet-Ion the fourth l'riliav
iL-iwa 1,101 K II. pIuIkkk. Pastor,
Tut) Snout's Wcnlsly IiihpiTtlon itnd lti;
jiort of KrimiilH oil" Duty,
Senator No n :il visited Union a few days
Mr. I). C. Flur, of tlio Cove, was in the
city. Friday.
Mr. John Miiuiiek has otu thanks for fa
vors shown us this week.
Mr.' Fred Mayotte, of lliph valley, made
us a substantial visit a few days ago.
Mr. lieu UoKurs and wife, ofl.a (iraiule,
were visiting- friends in Union this week.
Prof. YV. F. AVcls. of Kls'ui, made us a
plea.-ant visit last Tuesday and subscribed
for Tin: Scout.
The. Ladies Aid Society of the Presbyte
rian church will meet Friday at p. In. at
the residence of Mrs. Kobt. Kakin.
Mr. W. is. Uoun and Miss Violet Kndi
eott were married at the residence of the
bride's parents, near Klgin, last week.
Mr. F. M. Stewart, 12. heep, Thos. Davis
and everal other residents of Pine valley
visited Union recently, on laud busines.
Mrs. Ed. Kidillo took her departaro hint
week for a visit to relatives in tho east.
Tim Scot.'T and many friends wish her a
pleasant trip.
Mr. Andy Wilkinson and wife, of High
valley, were in this city, Friday. Andy
always tickles tho newspaper man when
he has a chance.
Mr. Fritz Koopnmn, Mr. Jacob Drake
and Mr. Henry Oliver, of Pino valley, were
down this week and mudo linal proof on
thoirlaud claims.
Mr. .!. H. Critus, who has been visiting
friundj and relatives hi tho east, returned
homo last Tuomlay. She reports having a
most enjoyable time.
Mr. S. h. Iloopiiigarnur, of Pino valley,
milled on us a fovv days ago mid subucrilied
for another copy of Tint Seorr, to bo hunt
to .1. I'. Iloopiiigarnur, Mulberry drove,
Kansas. .
Itov. KhichK of East Portland, made a
visit to Union and Wallowa counties last
week. Wo acknowledge a pleasant call
fruin hiin. Ho is looking quite well and is
gleaned with his work in the Willamette.
Tho ontcrtainniunt given by tho Union
schools lust Saturday evening waw largely
attended and thoroughly enjoyed by all.
Valuable assistance was given by Miss
Maud Durbhi, of La (jrando, tho Juvenile
band of tho C'ovo. and othorf, and their
ofl'orU wore highly appreciated. Wo re
gret that our limited spate forbhU an ex
tended notice of tho en tiro progruiumo.
Something over ono hundred dollars was
LeW 'filni on' inhntreh will give one of
their ever pleasing ontertniimuuits ul
Wriglil's hail on Tuesday evening. Nov.
Aih. The i oiiip.iny it eoiapU'tcd of ttveuty
;i'llilii ' .ir'.i i. i.f neonutul aliili
t . '1 Ii!-, v. ill g' a n i'iii. of iii:i-ii'i ilnit-
I il Ki
;m i ihu ' ri . i, i ; 1 1
1 1, v ii c .ie a of r.iii
i ,. w lh Ji 'lily
i h.-y will gi.- a grand
ll i , no ir' ror
v.' .t t.d--
cultivate I voice.
i. cit i arjiM in niii,..i:,i iiitiiof.i , ji. ..imi
. 1 Ii, !i-iin;iii Ii d i'miiii i. jor, JI.
until 'J'lt-y t-ui.ii; iiiiutttiiioii l endorsed
tie 1 ' - l' l pul'li'
ft & R H I HB
i h Its vGUulRbA 16(1 j ntjooudi
Kor sale bv
La Grande, Oregon.
We Guarantee the Lowest Rates.
No Commissions. No Delays, where
Title and Security is Satisfactory.
WILSON & I JACKET!, Union, Or.
Merchant Tailor,
ivA gran
Sllits ,",ult! to 0I(,ur 111,(1 Perfect fit guaranteed. Cleaning and repairing done.
j Givo 1,10 il trilU- .',ca reasonable, and satisfaction guaranteed.
1'liosti Seliool Ki-nilers.
Throughout the state generally attention
is being called by the county school super
intendents "to the fact that the exehango
of readers closes on tho evening of October
.'list." .Such is the announcement .sent
forth; hut according to the nj'reemeut by
A. S. Iiarncs it Oo., publishers of the read
ers, tlio exchange will not close until tho
superintendents of the various counties
are satisfied that all have availed thenl
solves of thu exchange terms who so desire.
Tho language of the Harm's Co. on (lie
with tho superintendents is as follows:
'"Introductory and exchange rates will be
continued in force long enough to permit
each and every school In tho state to bo
supplied to tho satisfaction of tho county
school superintendents.'' As there is noth
ing in this that says tlio exchange shall
close on the !Jlit Inst., and as the superin
tendents have not as vet decided that they
aroHiitisllod to have thu exchange close at
that time, it is likely the exchange will not
close as pei sell 'dule arranged by and at
tht convenience of the publisher.--. Pro
vided tho terms of the contract, as tiled
with tho superintendents, are complied
with, the terms of tho exchange will not bo
in the past tense until the count)'' school
superintendents of the state decide that,
on the part of tho patrons of the schools,
thoy are satinlled. Jacksonville Tillies.
Otmtli of .1. T. Oiitliouso.
The had news is received of tho death of
J. T. Outhoiifo, which occurred at his resi
dence in La (iraiule last Tuesday morning.
Mr. Outhouso was an old pioneer and well
known throughout the entire state. He
was (id years of ago. Moraine to Oregon
in 18.10 and has resided In Union county
since INTO. Dining his residence in this
statu ho has held many prominent otlleial
positions creditably ami with honor to him
self. At tho time of Ids death ho was ro
ceiver.of the U. H. Land Oillco for this dis
trict. Ho had many warm and steadfast
friends who will grieve to hear of his death.
The funeral will take place from tho resi
dence in La (irande, to-day at 10 o'clock,
and the remains will be interred hi the Un
ion cemetery hiitnodiatoly upon the arrival
of tho train. Services will ho conducted at
tho grave by I!ev. Powell, of (.'ovc. Friouds
of the family are invited to attend the fu
neral. Tlio 1 to it Ton Km tint rant,
Thu popular Hon Ton restaurant has
boon moved to tho old Buntinel building
which bus bean remodeled mid relit ted
throughout, and tho Hon Ton Is now tlio
ooIost mill most honiedike restaurant to
be found any wliero. A loading room has
boon titled up for the comfort and conven
ience of 'timtf. The bedrooms iiro neat
and coiiimodlousi, and, being in a quiet
locality, are very deslruble. llri, Wal
rath, the proprietress, has made a cr-aiijfe
tltlt will hit n;.ir-e;iit''d by her putnnn.
The It.ll -. V, III 1. 1' the same us lierttulnri
St! II- in lis Rll'l 11.1.'..,
Fur fancy worn or ornament , ubuioae
Hph: 1 1. ele , mi ii'sui I box nt by mail
lor .' i eiil, l' "t d noli', Ad lies i I'.. T.
HEIDI. K.MAN. 'tin Logan Avenue, Kan
liny.. I'd
ni3, Owlcgon.
Wlmfstluifllatter Willi You?
You are not "all right.'' You feel tired,
your hack aches, you feel shakey in the
knees, you are subject to dull headaches,
aro nervous, cross, nil II things don't
seem to go just right. In short, you arc
full of malaria, and you will continue to feel
worse until yon get something to kill and
expel the poison. Wo recommend Electrlt
Hitters, because it. will just lit your case.
So eonlldentaro wc, that wo guarantee it.
which means that your money will be re
funded if you aro not boncfued. No fairer
oiler can be made. You have a sure thing.
Try It. IViw .Wc, and .f 1 .00 at Hrown's
drug store, Union Oregon.
Thu Union City Hotel.
The attention of the public is called to
tho advertisement of the Union City Hotel
which appears elsewhere in tills paper.
Tho hotel has been leased by Mrs. O. P.
Cioodall who has refurnished it through
out. Patrons will tied everything neat
and homelike. Tho table will always he
supplied with thu best the market a Herds
and none but while cooks will bo employed.
Tho hotel is situated on Main street, just
opposlto thu court house. Tho traveling
public should remember this hotel when
visiting Union.
Ills ItUNliiesH ItooiuliiK.
Probably no ono thing has causud such a
general revival of tradu at Hrown.s drug
storo as his giving away to Ids cnsto
mors of so nuiny free trial bottles of Dr.
ICing's Now discovery for Consumption.
HJs trade Is simply enormous in this very
valuable article from tho fact that it always
cures and never disappoints. Coughs,
Colds, Asthma, Hroncbitls, Croup anil a'l
throat mid lung diseases ipdckly cured.
You can tost it before buying by getting a
trial bottle free, large sl.o $1. ICver.y bottle
Cut liul in Ckikuiiiiiics.
On November the ,'ld (here will he at la
laud City's Catholic church a church bell
to he blessed. The ceremony will bo con
ducted by Very Itev. A. O'Merniatt, prior
of Mt. Angel college, Marion county, Or.
Everyone is cordially invited to bo pres
ent without reference to their religious belief.-.!.
OrutlfyliiK to All,
Thu high position attained and thu uni
versal acceptance and upproval of tho pleas
ant liquid fruit remedy, Syrup of Figs, as
thu most excellent laxatlvu known, illus
trate tlio vuluu of thuipialitius on which Its
success Is based and aro abundantly grati
fying to tho Cal, Fig Syrup Company,
The attention of fanners and grain deal
er Is called to the superior facilities and
advantage ottered by Frank Hro's. Imple
ment Co. far tho purcluuu ami hauling of
nil kinds of grain ut their lurgu warehouse
mi 1 elevator ut La (Irande. Thoy will fur
i.i h fin mors umilu for thu hauling of grain
inc. mh having unlimited facilities for
jutorhig and tnukiua advuncoa on wheat,
1 can ''Her superior Inducements to thoso
who may desire to hold their wheat for
heller piices. or thoy will pay thu higlmst
market price In cash. 8-1-tf
School Books
Readers : Hxchanged : Free I
All readers to bo exchanged must
contain all tho reading matter and to
be in such condition that they could
bo us-ed in t-chool if tho change had
not been made.
Tho full scries of
a Barnes Readers
now ready. Also a full full assortment
of all kinds of hooks.
Agents for
Union and
For Sale.
1 (()() owes and lambs suult
'IOO wethers, yearlings and
two year olds. Will sell at
a bargain. Enquire of T. Cr.
WILSOX, nt Cove, or B. F.
WJLSOX, Union, Oregon.
One Night Only.
Ma; k Nov 5,
Lew Johnson's
Nothing like them. Tho greatest ever
here. Consolidation of black stars. Twen
ty renowned artists, Including tlio Hlack
Hahy 4loy Quartette. Introducing negro
melodies and genuine plantation specialties
Ncav Music!
New Soiikh!
New Jokes!
New Specialties!
Wait, watch; don, t fad to seo tlio
Grand Street Parade
lu brilliant uniform, hnidcd by tho
world's greatest drum ma
jor, A. Smith.
Popular : Prices.
Keservcd seats for sale at Wright's,
(Opposite tho Court Mouse.)
UJflON, : : : OliEtiON.
Mas. O. P. (lOoii.M,!., Prop.
Tables Furnished with the
Uest the Market Affords
and Prepared by
White Cooks.
New Hcds and Itoonis Neatly Furnished.
Public Patronage Solicited
Shingles For Sale!
An unlimited amount of No. 1 shingles
constantly on hand and for sale cheap,
Orders from all parts of tho country so
licited. S. 1$. HUUltOUQHS,
11-11 tf Cove, Oregon.
Cornucopia Saloon,
Wm. Wilson, Vnov.
The Finest of Wines, Liquors
and Cigars always in stock,
Drop lu and be MKdrtble