The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, October 24, 1889, Image 6

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Inanrmountnblo Ilimculllcn In the Ytnj nt
Tracing Their Oriel".
In studying zoological distribution
tho rongo of the domestic nnlmnls i
not to bo taken into consideration, for
man has been bo long engnged in scat
tering tlicm over tho world that it is
now impossible to trace their originn
nomcs. jnuceu, any attempt to as
sign thcin to wild progenitors must to
n large extent bo simply guesswork.
The tnmecattlo of our farm-yards and
iiolds may perhaps bo sprung from tho
urns and other wild oxen which at ono
timo roamed through tho vast forests
of Kuropc; and tho sty-living pig from
fiorco wilds which still hold their ow n
in many parts of tho Continent nnd in
tho thickets of Northern Africa. In
like manner tho cat is supposed to be
descended from n I'crsinn ancestor; nnd
tho various dogs of tho dillorcnt bar
bnrous tribes can with somo confidonco
he considered morely tho tamed wolves,
foxes, or jackals of tho regions which
tlioy InhubiL. Tho ass is evidently n
cirilizcd form of tho wild ass of Abys
einln, Jsintts Iwnioptis, but it Is doubt
lul whether wo havo yot mado any pro-
Cross In tho search after tho progeni
tors of tho horso and tho camel
No doubt, a so-called wild horso has
tocon found in Contral Asia, and wild
camels arc not nnfrcquonl in tho samo
rogion. Hut whether theso animals aro
not tamo species which havo escaped
from domestication long years ago and
ro-cstablished thoir freedom, is a qucs
tion to which a favorable answer might
quite as readily bo given as to tho con
trary thesis. Tho turkoy, it is certain,
enmo from Amorica; tho peacock is an
Indian bird; nnd tho guinea-fowl was
originally from Africa. Tho domestic
goofco Is regarded as descended from
tho greylag, or common wild goose,
though all tho species aro capable of
domestication; whilo tho duck in our
ponds Is in its wild state known as tho
mallard. Hut tho domestic fowl hns
been so long a sorvnnt of man that It is
now mcro speculation to attonipt to as-
fcign to its progenitor any exact homo,
Jho linnklvii fowl of Java and other
Wands of Malaysia having no hotter
claim to this distinction than tho junglo
Jowl of India, which for a time was
proclaimed as tho barbarous ancestors
of tho farmyard hen. Much tho samo
remarks may bo mado regarding tho
honoy Deo, tho silk and tho Mexican
cochineal. For though thoy havo all
boon traced to wild forms, thoy havo
been kopt so long under tho control of
man that their exact origin is either
lofct or at host doubtful.--Our Karth
nnd its Story.
Acting ni n ltoiillucn Hit Miiiingr to
Ills (lutoti of S7.COO.
Tho clovornoss of an English rascal
hius excited tho envy of all tho rascals
in Purls, who, with typical Paris ego
tism, havo long claimed to bo tho
cleverest rascals in tho world. Tho
English rascal in quostion was n pro
fessional London plekpookot. Shortly
boforo tho French exposition opened ho
toughta small hotel in Paris on tho in-
ftullmeiit plan. Tho purchaso pricoof
tho hotel was (iO.OOO francs, nnd tho
first and only installment which tho
English man paid was 2,000 francs.
The Englishman bought n few p locos
of cheap English furnltuio for Ills now
house, equipped an English bar and
then ndvortlsod far and wldo for English
board ors during tho exposition. Ills
prices wero so ow that ho soon filled
his house. Every ono of his lodgers
was warned by u playcnrd over hla bed
that tho landlord would not bo to-
iponslblo for tho loss of any valuables
which had not boon deposited In tho
hotel safe. Of course tho biifo deposits
Increased with tho popularity of tho
hotel, nnd both reached high-water
murk two days before the bucond in
tullniont of 2,000 francs on the pur
chased pricu of tho hotel foil duo.
Thero was then iKi.OOO francs' worth of
Wrltihh jowelery and bank notos In tho
tafo. Tho pickpocket landlord stole
every sou of it Ho concealed his
fdundor in uiiothor part of Park, dyod
lis hair, shuvod his board, put on a
French suit of clothes, and began pick
ing pockets at tho exposition. Ho was
cauglit by tho polico with his hand in
Iho pocket of an English member of
parliament and was locked up. A polico
investigation led ton revolution of his
history nnd tho recovery of tho jewelry
cud moiioy which had boon given him
for safo keoplng. -London Tolegraph
l"' Encounter With a Cat.
Charles Stttes, of Nownrk, N. .1., hud
mi encounter with a cat recently that
ho will not soon forgoL Ho wus walk
ing between two piles of lumber in tho
Itrcet whan his attention was attracted
by an ugly growl. Hu scarcely had
timo to turn to sec whence it came bo
fore u cat sprang benoath tho boards
end planted Its tooth In tho calf of his
teg. I lit lloih was further torn by his
tfTorts to hhulto tho animal off, and Hit
Idly, ut tho risk of having his hands
bitten, ho bolzod it around tho nock and
bud to choko It into insensibility before
tho vicious hruto gave up tho light.
Even then ho had to removo its fangs
(ram his log by mala force, St. Louis
aiio i'oughkoopslo (N. Y. ) llorso
liullroad Company uot long Muco din
jtosod of a ho io that has traveled A 1,000
miles on tho road in that olty, having
boon In tho borvlco of tho company ten
yoars. During all that timo it hat boon
iekbut four day. Thoanlinul waa b till
k food condition.
Horrible Railroad Accident Laying the
Corner 8tone Ktlled With a Beer
Olaes Skipped to Canada
Arrested for Bigamy.
Whoopup i6 the name of a Dakota town,
Washington, D. C, wants a big hotel.
Wymore, Neb., fakirs pay $30 tax daily
Minneapolis has an Industrial Ex
Alabama reports an
crop in sight.
'immense" corn
The next Scotch-Irish Congress will
meotat Pittsburg.
A I'ennyslvania colony wants to settle
near Moulton, Ala.
The wheat yield in the Northwest is
beyond expectations.
A free bridge over the Savanah at An
gusta, Ga., is talked of.
A Denver paper has been fined J300
for cn'icizmg the court.
There were 218 deaths in Boston in the
week ending AugUBt 10,
Ex-Congresman William Milnce, of
Virginia, died on the loth.
New York's Mayor has resumed his
war on tho over-head wires.
Tho Foresters will hold their next an
nual convention at Brooklyn
New York Republicans will hold their
State Convention September 2oth.
George Slater, n newspaper man. well
known at New York, died on the 16th
The Indian Commissioners will soon
begin negotiations witli tho Chickasaws.
Cleveland is to have tho best cable-
rond. It will make eleven miles per
A woman of Trenton. Kan., seized and
held four of her neighbor's children for
William Walter Phelps was the guest
of Secretary Blame at Bar Harbor last
Elias Loomie. L.L.D.. professor of na
tural philosophy and astronomy at l ale,
is dead.
The winnings of Hoggin's stable to
date at JNcw lork aro reported to be
LouiB Demurest and Sumner Miller
wero hanged at Lake Charles,, La., on
the 10th.
The guu-loat Petrel has made satisfac
tory trials nnd the line will probably be
A gun. capable of discharging 1000
bails per minute have been invented by
an Indiana man.
William Hefiling, tho leader of a des
perate bund of counterfeiters in Arkansas,
lias been captured.
Thero is a proposition to make chiefs
of divisions subject to the operations of
tne uivn berviee law.
In a distance of seven n.ilcs from
rueblo. Col., seven bridges were carried
away by tioods recently.
Professor Barrett, City Electrician of
Chicago, sayB that city will soon he tho
best lighted in tho world.
Three men were fatally
and two ser-
iously injured by falling
walla at Fort
Wayne, luu., on tne r.itli.
The republicaiiB speak
confidently of
electing the successor to Gay,
Congressman from Louisiana,
A forty round prize fight between two
cadets, took placo at Weal Point, N. Y
on the 22d, and ended in a draw.
It is understood that tho friends of the
Atchison are ready to advance the money
to see it through its present difficulty.
Post QuartcrmaBter-Scrgeant Thomas
Gnllin, now at Beincia Arsenal, Califor
nia, has been placed on the retired list.
Kato Bauin, ll years old, who myster
iously disappeared from lebanon, 111.,
has been found in a hospital in St. Louis.
The West Virginia election investiga
tion lias shown a singularly fair contest.
JNogenuino irauus nave won discovered.
At Indianapolis on tho 22d, President
Harrison received a largo number of call
ers in tho parlors of the DeniBon Hotel.
Mahone. it is believed, will accent the
nomination lortiovernorot Virginia, and
tne administration will give mm its sup-
Tho Constitutional Convention at Bis
marck, in. i)., lias indorsed tno proposi
tion 111 hn'il it wnrhrM lint- m lKO-' in llii.
..v.. v ..w... .. W ..... ... .!.' ...
Tho Hraadliun envoys to the Congress
of American States, to meet in Washing
ton next October, have arrived in Now
Howo and James Pullon, under arrest
at Liberty, Mo., charged with the Wabash
train robbery, have practically established
an alibi.
The Kansas City Council has paused a
law raising huckster's liconsu to $50.
'1 he grocers worked this through to kill
the business.
J. Frank Collom, the alleged forger of
$227,000 worth of notos, was released
from the Minneapolis jail on the Itith,
on $100,000 bail.
Henry Terlan, a prominent voung man
at Covington, Ky,, was killed by a blow
t 1 ' -V . ... .. .1 . 1 . , . r
irom a over glass in me nanus oi a
woman at a dunce-house.
Tho Nowiwt cottagers, in thoir tight
against tho street railway there, set up
the claim in their bill of equity that they
own to tho middle of the btreo't.
It is gravely announced in the dis
patches from tho English licet that it has
captured tho White Star steamer Ger
manic and tho Aineriiun liner lmusii
Pr'nccbs and made their passengers pris
oners of war. This is part of tho nuniio
warfare Indulged in by tho English 11 eA
which went to ne;i after tho roviow of
Emperor William.
Juntos Spencer, of Parka county, hid..
had his face accidentally bruised by tho
lioad of a horso uflllctcd with glanders,
Tho disease was thus communicated to
Knencer and ho died in three weeks.
Buffering incanwhilo greatly from intla
inutlon cud sores.
Will Send a Representative Passengers
Made Prisoners of War Will
Marry a Prince.
Artist Belieman died at London.
London contains 90,000 panperB.
The Archbiehop of Bordeaux is dead.
The American man-of-war Swatara ib
at Zanzibar.
Max Strokoseh has again been stricken
with paralysis.
At the Paris Exposition a casting
weighs ten tons.
The cost of Princess Louise's trous
seau was 4000.
The English totato crop is in danger of
being a ioor one.
All Russian students are to be ex
pelled from Berlin.
Four son of the King of Siam are being
educated in Lngland.
Dr. Carver's Wild West in Berln is
said to be doing very well.
Ireland has a prospect of the most
abundant harvests in years.
Greece has her current crop, just as
New Jersey has her peach crop.
Iigeon-nying is growing to be an ab
sorbing amusement in England.
A Paris exhibition staee beautv is co-
ing to enter the harem of a Turk.
After many vears' neglect the English
now begin to appreciate tomatoes.
It iB announced that the Paris Exposi
tion has more than paid expanses.
Mrs. Mavbricka sentence has been
commuted to penal servitude for life.
A few SundavB ago the young Earl of
Dudley lost $50,000 at cards in Paris.
The capital stock of the English brew
ery syndicate ia said to be $100,000,000.
The English government
will not in
Parliament. troduce a new Tithes bill in
A white kanirnroo. the first ever known.
is on exhibition at the London Aquarium.
The first draft of Poe's "The Bells,"
wai lately sold in London for nearly $80.
Admiral Kimberly will reach San Fran
cisco on the Bteamer Honolulu next
Monsignor Fava, Bishop of Grenoble,
has accepted the Patriarchial See of Jer
usalem. Tho prize for short-hand writing at the
Vienna competition was taken by a
A Belfast firm haB just made a vessel
.r82 feet long, 100 feet less than the Great
Crop reports from Austria-Hungary,
indicate about three-fourths of the aver
age yield.
It is predicted the Conservatives will
carry tne next elections in the uanadian
A Swedish butter extractor delivers
butter from fresh milk at the rate of a
pound a minute.
King Humbert has appointed Inventor
Edieon a Grand Officer of the Order of
the Crown of Italy.
Kate Rorke, one of London's most
prominent actresses, married E. W.
Gardner on August 8th.
A Miss Dahl has passed the pharma
ceutical examinations and will Imj first
pliarmaeistin Norway.
A Congress at Posen, Germany, repre
senting 20,000 barbers, has declared
againBt Sunday shaving.
While a steamer waa making a trial
trip at Shanghai, last week, her boiler ex
ploded, killing thirty men.
Italy will probably uot be represented
officially at the Monetary Oongrese,
which is to assemble at Paris.
At Lvona and other French cities the
cars aro run by compressed air. i ney
cover eight to ten miles per hour.
Bismarck is endeavoring to persuade
Snain to enter the ouadrouple alliance in
order to render to Franco power less.
London has a child barber, a girl 4
years old, who shaves five men in thirty
minutes. She is a wonderful little
It is estimated that the Paris exposi
tion this year has caused nearly $150,
000,000 of American money to bo dropped
in Europe.
Russia's finance appear to be in com-
Detent hands. For Hie first time in years
the reports bIiow a I .dance in favor of the
During a public concert at Rome, last
woek, a bomb was exploded near the
Austrian Embassy, ami eight persons
wero injured.
Fiftv-two now war-ships are being built
in Gret Britain additional preparations
for tho maintenance of international
peace, of course,
A dynamite cartridge exploded lust
week in a coal mlno at Gonon, Hungary.
Five iHTSons wero killed aud a nunilor
of others injured.
A wooden doll with jointed arms and
legs was found in a sarcophagus, con
taining tho skeleton of a young girl, lately
unearthed in Rome.
The betrothal is announced at Berlin
of tho Duke of Nassau to Princess Mar
garet, the youngest sister of Emperor
William of uennany.
The Pope has decided to send a repre
sentative of tho Holy isoo to Washington
in November to attend the dedication of
the Catholic University.
Tho Earl of Fife declines to permit his
wife, Princess Louise of Wales, to ac
cept any share of the Parliamentary
grant to tho royal family.
Queen Victoria has 8ont Colonel Gour
nnd to Paris to present to Edison one of
hla phonographs, into which sho hail
spoken, warmly congratulating tho Amer
ican inventor.
Tho recent Hood in Kansas waa general
throughout tho western part of tho Stato.
Suit crook nt Lincoln wont over Its banks
and over 000 cottagcB wero submerged,
Elder William Spry, alias Franklin
Huymour, who has been working up tho
Mormon converts in tho Chattanooga,
Tonn., district, Iiub boon arrested on tho
charge of bigamy.
The Prese Association Another Stage
Held Up Awarded Damages A
Railroad From Portland to
Port Towneend.
Ogtlen is stampeding the gamblers.
A large whale baa been killed in Mon
terey Bay.
The salmon run in AlasKa has been
very successful.
Building associations are becoming
popular in Oregon.
A $30,000 hotel is to be built at Han-
ford, Tulare county.
A paper-mill is to be started at Toledo,
Lcwib county, W. T.
The Postoffiee at Rufus, Wasco countv,
Or., has been burned.
The National Grange will meet at Sac
ramento November IS.
The Salvation Army has invaded the
sacred presincts of Olympia.
Santa Ana, Cal., is thoroughly aroused
over the beet sugar question.
Auburn, Placer county, Sb becoming
prominent as a snipping point.
O. E. Hunt, of Point Arena. Cal.. has
been appointed a military cadet.
Forest tires destroyed 300 stands of
beea for Mrs. Riche, near Colton.
San Luis Obispo county gives 4 cents
for each scalp of a ground squirrel,
Petroleum in large quantities has been
discovered in the State of Chiapas,
Helena, M. T., arrested and locked up
the Salvation Army, twenty strong, last
A brush fire near the railroad depot at
Olympia, on the 22d, created quite a
Imanuel Poor of Madera, is believed to
have perished on the alkali flats while
The Revenue Cutter Rush selznl thj
American schooner James G. Swan on
Juiv 30th.
The Nevada State Board of Education
has ordered Greek and Latin studies to
be abandoned.
An English company contemplates
building extensive iron "works near El
lensburg, W. T.
Latah county, Idaho, boasts of a gen
uine ice mine, with veins from one to
four inches thick.
Karl Jerner, aged 43 years, a tinner
from California, committed suicide at
Seattle last week.
Judge Pierce, who whs shot at San
Diego by a dissatisfied litigant, is pro
nounced out of danger.
The third annual meeting of the Wash
ington lcrritor l'resa Association was
held in Tacoma recently.
There is some talk of giving Josepl
Koda, a cruel wite-bear at urass alley
a dooe of tar and feathers.
An infuriated cow pierced with her
horns and tore the thigh of Mr. agoner
living near Fresno, last week.
Abner Lee, near Woodland, had botl
of his legs cut off by the cylinder of n
threshing machine last week.
Promising silver formations have been
found within four miles of Ogden, and
inuch excitement has followed.
An investigation of the proper authori
ties shows that Santa Rosa is entitled to
a carrier postal delivery system.
John Roland was shot by Timothy
Hanagrtn at Uahente, (Jal., on the L'Oth
Roland will die from his wounds.
A bridge is to be const ructed across the
Columbia river near Vancouver, bv
company with a capital of $2,000,000.
Joshua Brown, a pioneer of Oregon,
died near Independence, Or., last week.
lie leaves an estate valued at $100,000.
Tho stage between Canon City, Or.
and Baker City was held up last week
and the entire mail captured and rifled
Tho Constitutional Convention whicl:
has been in session at Olympia for forty
two days, adjourned sine dio on the 22ti
A sailor was awarded $1,500 damages
airuinst Cantain Moore of tho bark Citv
of Carlisle by Judge Sabin, at Portland",
on tho 20th.
.Mining operations of Americans in
lxwer California are checked because of
the heavy duties exacted by the Mexican
Lieutenant Governor H. C. Davis, of
Nevada, fell dead in his garden on tho
22d of heart disease. His family is visit
ing in the East.
The company building the railroad
from Rellinghani Bay to the Columbia
river has largely increased its capital. It
is now $0,000,000.
In a collision on the Short Line be
tween two freights near Meucham station,
on the 23d, Fireman Frank McConnel!
waa instantly killed.
Manfred Paine, tho noted desperado of
DouglaB county, W. T., who murdered
Constable Jack Hubbard three years ago,
was captured on the 23d.
Addison Darr hanged himself at Me
MiniiTille, Or., on tho 18th. Ho was an
old resident and afraid that he would In
come a burden to his friends.
Alice, the lS-year-old daughter of Ed
ward Quimby, was attacked by boos on
her father's ranch, near Cucamonga, on
the 22d and wus nearly killed.
Tho Senate Committee on Arid Lands
reached Winncmucca on tho 22d, and
wore warmly welcomed. Senators Stew
art and Reagan delivered addressee.
A searching party haa leen organized
to unearth Confederate guna Bait! to have
been buried in Now Moxico during tho
rotroat of General Sibley's army of Tex-
Ed Smith, a stahlo employ o ut Port
land, was throwu from tho third Btory of
a building to the ground by u rival in
lovo affairs. Both arms and ono leg
were fractured.
Tho hop crop of Oregon and Washing
ton will bo only about two-thirds, but
good quality. Most of tho picking will
Ik) douo by whites and Indians; but few
Chinese will be employed.
Canning Sweet Corn To Trap Hawks
Preserved Peaches The Beet
Fertilizer Water Cress.
It never troubles the wolf how many
the sheep be.
A bad cook should serve as atonement
for any amount of wickedness,
Many a cake and batch of bread are
ruined by slamming the oven door
A good mulch is a layer of fine soil,
such as frequent, ehallow cultivation pro-
If you want the neditrree of the scrub
animal, set it down as icnorance. pre
judice and parsimony inbred for genera
one bushel ot muck about a vounc
vine or tree, in clayey soil, will iriv'e but
ter results man would be obtained H a
man hoed or watered continually.
Waccns and carts that urn iinod il.iilv
should have the axles well creased at
least three times a week. It lessens tho
work of the horses.
More and finer iruit can be secured
by heavy mulching than by cultivation.
Deep cultivation near the roots of small
iruits is worse than neglect.
Grass growing around peach trees will
do the trees more injury than fcy other
source of damage, the peach orcnard
requires thorough cultivation.
White Bean Soup. Steep the white
beans over night in cold water, drain,
and put into cold water and boil until
you can rub them as a paate through a
Bieve, add a little milk and hot water,
some shreds of onion, return to soup pot.
Season to taste and flavor with parsley
or dried thyme.
Canning Sweet Corn. One quart of
water to three quartB of corn. Let the
corn come to a boil. Add one teaspoon
ful of tartaric acid to each quart of corn.
Boil fifteen minutes. When wanted for
use, add one teaspoonful of soda to each
quart of corn j let it stand one hour be
fore cooking.
Cucumber Catsup. Grate large cucum
bers before, they begin to turn yellow ;
drain out tho juice and put the pulp
through a siev to remove the large
seeds ; fill a bottle half full of the pulp,
discarding the juice, and add the same
quantity of ten per cent vinegar ; cork
tightly. When used add pepper and salt ;
salt kills the vinegar if put in when made.
During seasons when rains are frequent
tho effect of tile drainage is made very
manifest by comparison with nndra'.n'd
fields. It requires but a fihott lime for
a tile drained field to rid itself of the sur
plus water and become warm. Tile
drainage has in all cases proved of incal
culable benefit to lands that are liable to
continued dampness from an excess of
A Quick Manure. If your strawberry
beds or yeur flower teds seem to be
languishing, and especially if the leafage
in small and pale, a little saltpetro, sav a
pound to a square rod, if applied just be
fore rain, will astonish you by its effect
in stimulating the growth and enriching
the color. It should be scattered as
evenly as possible on the soil, not on the
plants. If rain is not expected at once, a
liberal watering will develop its action.
The Best Fertilizer. A Southern pa
per avers that wood ashes contain all the
mineral elemeuta of wood in an available
form. Ground raw bone supplements
this with nitrogenous matter and a need
ed excess of phosphoric acid. For trees
ten inches or more in diameter, u barrel
of ashes and fifty pounds of bono spread
evenly around tho tree over a circle of
thirty feet in diameter and dug in well
astonish most people by the effect it will
Preserved Peaches. Twelve pounds
rijie jeaches, six pounds sugar, one pint
vinegar. .Make a svrup of tho sugar
vinegar and a little water. When this
comes to a boil, drop in a few at a time
and cook until they are so soft that a
broom splinter will easily pierce to the
stone. Do not think tlB ia a recipe for
pickled peaches ; the vinegar will not be
noticed except in the increased richness
of the preserves.
How to Trap Hawks According to
New England authority the lest way to
trap hawks that he ever heard of is to
set up a post ten feet high near the
iKHiltrv yard with a perch on it. On this
perch set a common steel trap baited
with a chicken's head or a dead chicken.
The hawks like to perch on some such
point of observation before taking their
final 6woop down among the chicks, nnd
are very apt to get caught in such an ar
Clover can be sown in the fall. The
seed is put in about tho middle of Ang
us or September. To prepare the land
plow it now and let the seeds of weeds
sprout. Just before seeding plow the
land again, nnd dress it with a mixture
of thirty bushels of lime and wood ashes
harrow'well, sow tho seed and brush the
land over, so as to lightly cover tho seed.
It will make a better "catch" than when
clovei is seeded on grain in the spring.
Fruit Dangors and Remedies. An
excessive amount of fruit, or, if eaten
either in tho unripe or over-ripe state.
produces various disturbances in the
system, chiefly so because of its tendency
to ferment and decomjose within the
digestive tact, and to produce stomach
and lowel disorders. If these distuhan-
ces aro not too great, or too prolonged,
thoy need occasion no special anxietv.
A doso of castor oil, to which a few drops
of laudanum havo boon added is usually
sufficient to clean out the irritating "de
bris," and in a day or two tho natural
equlibrium is restored. If there is much
griping and pain witli the movements,
and theso become too numerous to )hs
comfortable, tho doso of oil should lo fol
lowed by curtailing activity by quiet
and reiOBe ny a diet ot meut broths,
containing rice, barley, or sago; by
rice 1
aud milk, milk roast, etc.
Water Cross. The water cross is a
weed, pure and simple. It can never bo
anything else. Efforts to cultivate it nnd
iroduco a better and more delicate 8tecies
tavo been mado, and signally failed. Un
der artificial treatment it loses tho faint.
liquant, mustard flavor that is its espec
al charm, nnd ussums much of the not.
pungent, taste of tho horsoradiflh. It
flourishes for nearly nine months in tho
year, and, us it is constantly renowiug
itself, tho large, coaise leaves of tho old
plants may Ihs loft to wither; and only
tho young delicate steniB picked. It will
not bear cooking of any kind, but eaten
raw with n little salt, and fiOih bread aud
butter, it is well, try it.
The Coffee Market la Firm Wool and
.Hops Seem to be Lifeless Fresh
Meatsare Reported Very
Weak Flour Is Active. i
Except in a very few lines the local
merchandise markets continue more than
usually active for the time of year, and
an excellent feeling prevails. In no case
is complaint made of a lack of orders,
while in many directions firms are taxed
to their utmost to keep up with them.
The coffee market is firm at the advance
noted last week. There ia a good market
for both fresh fruits and vegetable at
quotations, vegetables being none too
plentiful. Nothing new to report in the
grain market, quotations being about the
same aB reported last week. For dairy
produce and poultry the market i fairly
firm at quotations. The demantl for flou
is active and quotations firm. The woo!
market is very dull with a downward
Sugars. Golden C G?nC. extra C G?ic.
dry granulated 80, cube, crushed and
powdered 8,l3c. Coffee: Guatamala 19
312, Java 3ii32c, Costa Rica 21
222c, Mocha 37c. Rio 2223,
roasted Java 3032c, Arbuckle'B roasted
24 Uc.
Oregon haml313'c, breakfast bacon
12a(al3c, sides 9-210:, Eastern ham 13"
(S14c, breakfast bacon 12.2c, sides Oc,
shoulders 9c. Lard 9c.
Peaches 75c (&$ l.f0, apples $1(31.25..
lemons $8. Sicily $7.50, pears $11.25.
Apples 45c, evaporated OtatiUo sliced
0c, pears 8c, peaches 810c, Oregon
plums .i4, petite prunes brnw. German
52 0c, prunep, Italian 7c, silver tt(a7c,
Cplifornia figs 7c, Smyrna figs 1415c,
ap.tcote 1314c, raisms $1.75fi2.25 per
Potatoes, new. $lai.l0. sweets 3 per
tt. onions $1. green peas Gc.
Butter. Oregon lancv 30c, dairy
22(3250, common 102,c. Eastern'
!c, California 1820c.
Eggs 2oc.
Chickens $34, broilers $2.503, old
$5.50, young geese $S10 young tur
keys isc per It).
Valley 1719c, Uinpque 1920c, East
em Oregon 10(81 4c.
Hops 1012jc.
Wheat, Vallev fl.22, Eastern Oregon
$1.10. Oats 3840c. new 3838c.
Standard $4.25, other brands $3.75
Hay $1314 per ton, bran $14.50
chop $1820, shorts $10.50, barley
Beef, live. 2?43c, dressed, GQ6)3
mutton, live, 2j3e, dressed 67c
hogs live6c, dressed, 77c ; veal ,68c
Such a Lovi.-lj' Visit.
While vt uiting for tin elevator in the Palmer
house n reporter was un involuntary witness
to it most affecting farewell scene. Two
charming, chattering young ladies wero talk
ing in tlio corridor know n as "flirtation hull."
It was learned ufterwnrd that one of the
ready talkers had paid I r friend a visit, thai J
they had seen tho Derby, and the timo for tike-',
biid adieu was at hand.
"Well, good-by, Lou."
"I don't like to sjiy good-by.M
"'Wish vou could coma"
"So do L"
"Oh, caramels!"
"What's tho matter?"
"I forgot that novel."
"I'll bend it by jnjst."
"Oh, don't trouble.,"
"Hope you'll have n good trip."
"I expect to."
"Well, good-by."
"Good-by." i
Thoy kissed. It sounded like tho fifteen
V'dl dropping in the comer pocket.
"Got everything hut the hook?"
"1 can't forget the nice time at tho races.
"Nor that tan colored dress in tho box."
"That was lovely."
"But too uwfiilly loud."
"Well, good luck."
"Oh, shoestrings! hut nlready I've forgot- V
ten tho names of tho victorious horses nt the-'
Derby. They will nil laugh at mo at homo if
I don't know them."
"Ouo was Mr. Proctor and"
"Oh, Iknowl Icaw it in the paper. It
was Clanny Gale."
"Well, good-by."
"Don't forget to write."
"Good-by." Chicago Times.
I.ont in a Grent City.
"My toor little boy." said tho kind tt
farmer, "you look tired. Havo you n.-xit4 I
far?" I
"Ever since inorniiur." rcnlled tlm HM m.
low, with quivering lip, as he climbed unon
a stump by the wayside to rest und brushed
Hie dust of tho ruin hizhwav from histrnvfil
(stained clothes "My mother is in Chientro
on a visit, and I'm just homesick to see her.
1 slipped away from tho house this nmrnlniF
and struck out across tho country. I'm got-
uu, mi, nj ureti or ttiefO big lleldsl Is it
much further to Chicago?"
i.illloono, wilil tho sviunathetieucrriciil.
turist, wiping a tear from his own oyo, "ut
tuoruto you wero wulklng when you struck
my furm 1 Miould judgo you've been In Chi
cago for tho hut two hours." Chicago Tri
bune i:iul to tho Occatlon.
'I say, dear boy, I must bo going-Pm lata
already. ou haven't got tlvo centAslwut
you for car fare, havo you?" asked o&o Bo-
iiL-iiimu oi auoiiier.
"o; nothing but
o dollar, I assure you,
dear boy."
"All the uune - 111 borrow that and tuUo a.
cab.p ilmiMiy'.
A New Item. .
Tho Bovernincut is building alight house4-
tw'Ti J 'U WU1 bone,vsto who think
thatJlght bouits must bo built toucb,-Ex.