THE OREGON SCOUT. AMOS K. JONES KDITOH, City and County Official Paper. Thursday, Oct. J2Ath, 1S80. TIIK HUNT JtOAH. As noted in our ishiio of last week, Manngcr Hunt explains the reason of his delay in attending to the matter of the Grande Hondo extension and expresses his desire to build it, pro vided the time is extended in which lie can reasonably do so. The explanation of Mr. Hunt ap pears to us satisfactory and his propo sition fair, as it would bo unreasonable to expect him to complete the road by the time first specified. By his propo sition the completion of the road will be delayed one season, but so will the payment of the subsidies. To recom pense us for the loss of time he agrees to commence work at this end of the road, which is certainly a very great concession. Should his proposition be ncceptqd, all next summer hundreds of his men will bo at work along the line in this valley, drawing their supplies from our farmers and spending their money in our midst. Wo trust that tho meetings appoint ed by Mr. Hunt will bo attended by every farmer in tho valley and his proposition cheerfully accepted. This we believe will be done, as wo have yet to hear of a singlo subscriber to the subsidy who objects to tho plan. A I'MUIWl'S itun.ncTioN. A farmer camo to this city yesterday, .Fays an Albany paper and inquired of ' V wheat dealer the pricoof wheat. Ho was informed that fill cents is now paid for that product of tho farmer's frpring and summer toil, lie asked a merchant tho prico of granulated su gar and was informed that that product of a highly protected industry was sell ing at ten pounds to tho dollar. Tho farmer scratched among tho gray hairs about his temple, his face assum niing an air of reflection, as ho said to tho merchant: "Ono bushel of wheat will buy'O.J pounds of sugar, Now I see what a doMiablo homo market tho blessed high tarin'furnislies, and 1 now, by oxporionco, comprehend the cheap sugar which 1 was to have by stimula ting its production through tho means of that samo blessed tarill'. Tho homo market 1 was to have is not to bo found. I ship my wheat to England at heavy tonago rates and sell it in competition with wheat raised by tho cheapest la bor in tho world. Tho English farmer sells his wheat at 1.0(1. per bushel and buys his sugar at '1 cents per pound, thus getting 25 k pounds of sugar for n bushel of wheat, while I receive ('4 pounds for a bushel of wheal, And all this in tho namo of our protective sys tem." Thus mused tho fanner and his awakenfng is just such as will toon fall to tho lot of thousands more of thorn. If republican farmers could for a mouth, got their politics and pmljudicos out of their head and investigate in a candid way, not ono in twenty could bo found who would hereafter maintain our high protective system. Let democratic farmers call upon republican farmers and meet them and reason with them, and tho good seed thus town will como back before many months as bread cast upon tho waters. TASKS ON OI.OTIIIMI. Tho New York World says: "There is a meeting in progress in Boston of woolen manufacturers to agree upon a lino of notion with reforonco to revision of tho tariff on wool and woolens." These men need and want a free choice of tho world's growth of wool in order to compote successfully in tho homo market and in tho markets of tho world with rivals in England, Franco and Oornuiiiy, whoso raw ma terials aro untaxed. TJioy have made tins want known, in past years, in a memorial to tho Secretary of tho Treas ury. Two Hopubliean Presidents and two ltopublionu Secretaries of the Treasury have recommended tho 10 moval of this hindering handicap. Thoy pointed out the demonstrated fact that under a high tariff on wool, wool-growing has been less profitable to American farmer, wool weaving has been less profitable to AintTieuii maun facturers and wool-wearing more costly to tho American people. Ami yet bo- cause the farmers have been deluded j wiui mo specious cry oi "Protection" and their votes are needed to sustain the i swindling system, of which the wool ! duty is tho keystone, this ridiculous and hurtful tax has been maintained. Tlioro will bo another and a vastly bigger meeting to consider the tax on clothing. It will boa meeting of Amur- ican citizens at the polls in 181)2. And if the "campaign of education" shall 1 continue as it lias began, the return will ho ii decided modification of tlioao stupid mid oppressive impositions. UIHTOKIAb KO.LS. Tub annual Industrial Exposition nt Portland is a grand affair and credita ble to the state in every respect, and u a great factor in making the womleunl resources of our stale known to tli' outside world, but, taking into con sideration the vast amount of money drawn from the interior towns to sup port it wo doubt very much whether it is a real benefit to tho etnte or any' part of it, outside of tho city of Port land. Tin: city council of La Grando has decided to bond tho city in the sum of $20,000 for tho purpose of putting in water works. This is flying pretty high for a pasteboard town, which, outside of tho railroad building, is hardly worth that amount of money. The next thing will be to find suckers enough to take tho bond, then tho work of getting the alkali and dust out of the system of the inhabitants will begin. Many of tho farmers of our county do not realize how well off they arc. Could they haves accompanied us on our recent visit to other portions of Eastern Oregon they would return perfectly satisfied with their condition and thankful that their lines have been cast where thoy arc. Union county has all the essentials that go to consti tute a prosperous country, is tho equal of any county in tho state and far superior to any in Eastern Oregon. - 1 Tim managers of the O. 11. fc N. Co. have brought. 'iiiit against the Northern Pacific Co. to restrain it from discrimi nating against them in the Puget sound trallic, and the two companies arc now at open warfare. Tho O. P. it N. Co. evidently thinks that to rob the people and discriminate against various sections of tho country is all right when carried on by themselves, but when thoy got a doso of their own medicine it is quito a different thing. Sinck tho unexpected delay in tho building of the Hunt railroad through this valley we hear nothing moro of tho 0. II. it. N. Co's branch to Wal lowa. What is tho cause of this? Are thoy gathering their wind to blow some more, toon? "Wo are of tho opinion that laying tho wind-work is as near as they will ever como to building tho branch. Wo aro m hopes, however, that we are wrong- in tiiis and that the branch will bo built to Wallowa. Whilo it would paralyze tho trade of La Grande it would accomodate a largo area of farming country and bo an advantage to our piiucipal producers, the farmers, particularly Jix-tJiu Wal lowa valley. Jui)Hi5 Sawyku has made a ruling in tho caso of tho United States against The Dalles .Military ltoad Co., decidedly adverse to tho plaintiff. The matter came up in the shape of exceptions to portions of hill for imper tinence The Judge in a lengthy do cik'ion sustains llio exceptions and vir tually decides tho ease, lie says that tho company was bound to construct the road, but that having constructed it there was nothing in tho bill com pelling them to maintain it. The matter will probably bo dragged along for a year or two in the courts, but tho result is plainly indicated in the above ruling. As tho road which .lodge Sawyer alludes to as "constructed" was purely an imaginary one it will bo seen that justice as administered in our superior courts is in substance of a very nioonsbiny character. Ax essay, entitled "Life: What is it?,' by Mr. II. 0. Emery, of this city, commences in this issuoof This Spout. His an ably written paper and the attention of our renders is called par ticularly to it. Only by the inter change of ideas and the attrition of human thought can tho truth be arrived at. Jlan has only his 1 Unison to guide him through this mystery, called life, and only Hope to tint with rosy light the vistas of the future. Tho inoro ho relies on ono and culti vates tho other the better it will be for him. Wind, unreasoning faith in the unknown has not accomplished any thing and never will. In fuel it has retarded tho progio of tho world for thousands of years. In defiance of it (ialiloo mad the tai might; Colum bus sailed around llio globe, and llru no yielded up his life in Dames. In conticiiucuco of the reason-guided la bor of such men as theso "tho world doos move" in moro ways thsn one. Like Tennyson, wo "doubt not through tho ages one inereasiug purposo rutin, and the thoughts of mm are widened with the process of tin- mihh," and that iii the acquisition of knowledge will mankind attain to gutter happiness. The columns of Tin: Scot r are alwayw oiveu to those who have uu earnest i thought to x press. ' Combinss the julcs of th Blue Figs of California, co laxative and nutritious, with the medicinal virtue", of plants known to be most beneficial lo the human system, forcing the ONLY PER FECT REMEDY to act gently yet promptly on the KIDNEYS, LITER AND BOWELS AMD lO Cleanse ft System Effectually. SO THAT PORE BLOOD, REFRESHING SLEEP, HEALTH r.nd STRENGTH Naturr.liy follow. Every one is using it and all are delighted vith it. Ask your drusg:--t for SYRUP OF FIGS. Manu farturcd only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO., Sa:j 1'aAHcisco, Cal. lomsriLLi. Kv. Hew York, N. Y. NOTICE FOR PUUD1 CATION. Land Office at La (irtindo, Oregon. ") Sept. S!4. IRhf). J police in hereby given that thi) following iinine t .settler lins iilcd notice of his inten tion to make final roof in support of his claim, and that said proof will bo ninde he fore the register and receiver at. La Urande, Oregon, on Nov. !,!), viz: JOBIAII B. WlIKKbOCK, lid. No. 4037. for tho XW'K. SW'K XE p and MV nr. SU nr. .See. '2. Tp. 7 S, It. if! K. lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: .1. P. Denny. Win. Spencer, Luther Lloyd mid Charles Oliver, all of 1'lnc valley, Ore gon. Any person who desires to protest against tho allowance of .inch proof, or who knows of any Mib-tantial reason, under the law and the regulations of the Interior Depart ment, why such proof should not he al lowed, will ho given an opportunity at the above mentioned time and place to cross examine the witnesses of said ''laltnant, and to offer evidence in rebuttal of that sub mitted by claimant. I Funky KrxiiHArtT, Itegistcr. 0-20-wO NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Olllco nt La Grande, Oregon. Sept. Ill, 18S1). f Notice is hereby frlventhnt the following named settler has tiled notice of his inten tion to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore tho regi-der and receiver at La Grande, Oregon, on Nov. , ItiSO, vi,: WlM.IAM Lyaij.S, lid. No. H7l, for the SK qr. and S4 SW nr. .See. 10, Tp. t S. Jl. -10 K. Tie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation ol, said land, viz: Thomas Wilkinson, Andrew Wilkinson, Herimrd Logsdnn and William Wilkinson, oil of Union, Oregon. Anv per-tou who demres to protest against the allowance of such proof, or who knows of anv substantial reason, under the law and the regulations of the Interior Department, why such proof should not bo allowed, will be given an opportunity at the above men tioned time and place to cross-examine the witnesses of said claimant- and to odor evidence in rebuttal of that submitted by claimant. llKNHY IvIKHllAItT, 9-2(1 wO licgistcr. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lxi Onion at h GiiANnrs, Okoon,I Sent. 11, 15SI). , Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his inten tion to make it mil proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will ho made be fore the register and receiver at La Grande, Oregon, on Nov. I'.', ISWi, viz: I ha ac Oriutv, D. S. No. HilS. for the VJ.; SK qr. and S)C NW'qr. .Sec. Tp. 7 f, it, lo K. lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, vi. George lic.vroth, James Uobbens, James Curry and Thomas Prophet, all of Pino valley. Oregon, Anv person who desires toprotest against the allowance of mieh proof, or who knows of any substantial reason, under the law and the regulations of the interior department, why such proof should not be allowed, will be given an opportunity at the above men tioned time and nluoe lo cross-examine ti.o witnesses of m.uiI claimant, ami to offer evidence in rebut tul of that submitted by claimant, Hxxitv Ki.i:u MiT, D-ifMvfl liegUtcr. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Ome at La Uruxnn, Oiusuon.) Aug. . la, l Notice is hereby given UuH the following named settler ban tiled notice of his In tentions to make final proof in support of Ids claims, nmt that said proof will be made before the register and receiver at Li GiHiide, Oregon, on Oct. 12 lJiSO, vix : JofUU'il V. IIi kk. lid. No. a,U2, for the SW'W See. L"J, Tp. ft S, It. 811 K. V. M. He nanus the following witnesses to prove Ids continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Jasper II, Stevens, Howard P. Camnbcll, John Khavv and George Allen, all of North Powder. Oregon. Any person whodoxirvii to pruiest against I tie allowance of such proof, or who knows f nay -uh-.tautiai reason, under the law and the regulation of the Interior Department, why such proof should not he allowed, will be given an opKi tuniy at t lie above men tioned time and idaoe to cross-examine the wlttiMMKM of slf cltimauts, and to oiler evidence in rebuttal of Uiat uhmiitcd tv einlumnt. IICKBV KlNKIlVHT, h wfi Uegister. Not. ( i'. I.i WUum It 3liy Concern. Not h eby given that I will not I -.1 tut ! I''- 'Jii true ted by my husband. Thoiu.i- t liijjut. Mid parties trusting h" i u-..-i do so ut thiii owu risk. North Powder, Kept. 1.'. ISSB. MPS. AI.H'K O IIHYANT. i .vr i it i it Trains ame m.l ib i.irt from L nion ; liui J . I EKT I. it Ml. Vf;1 in V.VP. I Passeng'T. No. 4. L'vc I'.im mrer, No. 3, L've ! ato:J"i n. in. at 1 ::!' p. m. j Freight. No. s, L've Freight No. 7, L're at !!:it. in. n't 11 :20 p. m. TI CV V'W o and iroin principal pointa 10 in the United States. Canada and iMirone. Elegant Ncav DLmngr. Pullman Palace Sleepers, AN'U Free Family Sleeping Cars on nil Ex press Trainb to COUftCBL BLUFFS and fmSAS QETY, Free of Charge and Without Change. Close connections at Portland for .San Fran cisco and Puget Sound point''. OCEAN DIVISION. The Oregon Hallway A; Navigation Co., and Pacific Coast Steamship Co. will dis patch .Steamers between .San Fran cisco and Portland, as follows: MOM l'om.ANI). Leaving tit l'J Midu'i, as follows: FROM S XX MAXCISCO. L'v'ng Spear st. wh' at 10a. in. as follows : Oregon Oct 'J, 11, 1''!' .State Oct 1, 13. " State " (i, Ik, :), Columbia " 5,17.11) Columbia" 111. L'L Oregon ' 11,21 The company reserves the right to change steamers or sailing days. KATES OF PASSAGE: Cabin. - - $10.00 Steerage - - ?8.00 liound Trip Tickets, Unlimited - $30.00 Children, under 12 years - - Half Fare ,, 5 years ... Free iHchtdinij JTeatt and JJfrth. C. J. SMITH, I A. L. JLVXWKLL, Oen'l Manager. CS. P. .t T. A , .1. W. SNKKD, Agent. Union. PATENTS Obtained, and all Patent Business attended to Promptly and for Moderate Fees. Ourollice is opposite the U. S. Patent Ollice, and we can obtain Patenis in less time than those remote from Wasoington. Send MODKLorDlt-VWIMl. We i.dviso as to pantentabililv free of charge; and we mako NO C1IAKC.K UNLESS PATENT IS SECUKEI). We refer, here, to the Postmaster, the Supt. of Monev Order Div., and ti ollicials of the II. S. l'atetit Ollice. Fci circular, advice, terms and refl'eroncps to actual cli ents In your own State or County, write to C. A. SNOW & Co.. Opposite Patent Office. Washington, D. C NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Land Ollice at La Grande, Oregon,) Sent. 11, IHsi). " Notice is hereby given that the following nanied settler has Med notice of Ids inten tion to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will bo made be fore the register and receiver at La Grande, Oregon, on Nov, 12, 18iC), viz: Gi:oa(iu Kbxkdtii, I). S. No. 77011, for the Lot No. 1 audSEqr. SW qr. Sec. 7, Tp. 8 S, K. I(i E. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, vi;:: Isaac Curry, .lames Kobben-, James Cur ry and Thomas Prophet, all of Pino valley. Oregon. Any porson who desires to protect against the allowance of such proof, or ho knows of any sub-tantial reason, under the law and the regulations of the Interior Department, why such proof should not be all iwod, will bo given an opportunity at the above men tioned time and place to cross-examine the witnesses of said claimant, and to offer ovidonce in rebuttal of that submitted by claimant. HliNltV KlNKHAP.T. 0-19-wO liogistcr. Notice of l'nial Setlluiiienl. In the County Court within and for Union County, Oregon. In the matter of the Es-) tate of John 15. Me-)- Cubbiu. Deceased. I -jVTOTICK IS HKKEDY GIVEN T1LT L C. W. Woniaek, the administrator of the estiite of John It, MeCubbln, decease 1. has rendered and presented for settlement and tiled in said court his final account of his administration of said estate, and that TUESDAY, the 5th day of NOV.. 1SS0. at the court house in the city of Union, I nion countv, Oregon, has been duly appointed bv said court fur the netth nieut oi said ac count, at w Inch time uud place any person interested in said estate may appear and file exceptions and objections thereto, and contest the same, This notice is made and published by or der of tho Countv Court aforesaid, made and dated the lith day of Sept.. A. D. 1H81I. C, W. WOMACK, Administrator of the ostttto of John I!. McCubhiii, decuasod. lO-.'l. Dcm i t I. ami, J'liuil Vroof. rcilillentlon. -Notice fur U.S. Land OIHot, La Grande, Oreiron, rande, Oreiron, ) Sept. 11, f Notice Is he-eby given that Frit. Ko.ip luun.of Pine Valley, i'nion county. Ore gon, has filed notice of intention to make proof on his desert land e'aini No. Kit, lor tho SUM NW'i Sec. ll.Tp.8S. 1. lit E. W. M., before register and receiver at La Grande. Oregon, on Monday, the 28th dav of October. 18 .). He names the following witnesses lo prove the complete irrigation and reclama tion of said land : Louis Melhnrn. Eugene Sullivan, Jacob M. Drakoand Henry K. Oliver, alio! Pine valley, Oregon. Hknky Bixi:mm:t, D-JU-Wd lbi-ter. ROYAL Ko wronu way tn run It . It It' isjki. ri.uiiiiiK forward or la uttiirj N i .s. cmb. or llMKM" Jl'l.lU. Xo It i. j i" tlina.l la macliluo ori"itili' No irxil iint tn nay otlwr uuv- (III Mr It ll'H' IlUt (HKUMMM. BUY THE ROYAL ST.MOHN, For Salo by .i I ' i ,i . i in , t nun ( ; I L an zrv E M M K I UP tl'ri.MFi WORTH To Cash Hi MAMMOTH O -DEALER IX- Latest Styles. Just Received, Direct from the East, n, Larc Invoice of LADIES' and MISSES' CALFSKIN SHOES, the Lest Ever brought to this Market. Also a Fine Assortment of GENTS -:- FURNISHING -:- GOODS. My Prices will suit the times. Drop in mid see me. C. VINCENT, Main Street, Union, Or. (OPrOSITE CENTENNIAL HOTEL.) S ELLSOTT, Proprietor- n Kverything I'irst Clabs. Term Very Kcasonable. Buss to and Viom. the Depot Making Connection with all Trains 1 Wilson & Manufacturers of ml floors and lliis, Keeps Constantly on hand a Large Stitlyof Bedding, Desks, Office Furniture, etc. All kind-; i.f Furniture Made, and rnhoKteriiu,' done to order. Wl LSON & MI LLEii, .lin Btii Unioni 0r BenToiiHesW! Kow open to the public on Main Street, Union, Oregon. Board and Lodging. I3lS All Hours 3B Gts. No Chinese cooks employed, and every thing and clean. The Public Patronage Solicited. 1-iVtf M 11.S. WALKATH. I'rop. 81 THE VGKLQ'S Kid Button S2 JO Slioe 11m no equal lor i'tj Ii , Fit ninl Wonr. Positively tho licst oboe In . t . i a tor ibe in, noy. Doi.oitH. .Si'i- :uu. -u KiUuu of each thoe. TaVe co o'li'TWDir j eir rarranttv Htrllsh nad ediul tu uuv sliuc '.u ibo ourii'i. fje ja!c tu Tos. Wright, Union, Or. Tliotii-i.ii iS: I'iii-m I are iicnt for tho celebrated Cyclone Wind Mill, and a." the ii it es on them have been great ly reduced they aro now within the ivucliofull. Sample mill tn bo seen at Ha ir idaiior in North 1'iiioii. L'll and I'.vaiiiinc it . OF GOODS Buyers a.t ARCA All Kinds. 1 I'll 1 mm Miller, and Dealers in Parlor m Befl- i Sets, Leaves ITnion daily at 2 p. in, arrives at Cove at ;1:;!() p. nt. Leaves Cove at S a. in., arrives at Union at 0:110 a. in. Connections made with Klliott's coache, running to tho depot, carrying passengers 'or east and west bound trains. ItATKS lor I'ASSU.VGKUS, T.Ufir.AOK nmt l'IMSKSHT, ItKASONAIJI.i;. ltOUINSON .fc LAYNK. - Proprietors. Union and Cornucoia r,i a I mi BbaBal Quickest and Cheapest Kimlo to the Pine Creek Mines. We Still Live at the UNION CITY HOTEL (Opposite the Cnirt House.) The Hot of Accommodations to Patrons. Meals, 25c; Beds, 25c. . u.iVM y ,Vew suMo !' Connection v.itlt the Hotel. V AT R OX A G E S O L I C J T 12 J ). L .1. HOOTIIU . . Proprietor. M)-tf Cornucopia Saloon, WM. WlLSOif, rKOP. The Finest of Wines, Liquors and Cig-ars always in stock. F1KST GluBS BILLIAIUJ TAHLK. l)rl in and be focinble IN S" km Slip line t Cotol J