The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, October 24, 1889, Image 1

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    8 HPT
KJ? J. jlL T v-Al
. VOL. VI..
NO. 18.
w I
The Oregon Scout,
An Independent weekly Journal, lnoil ev
ery Thursday morning bv
Publishers nml Proprietor".
, K. .Tom:s, i
Editor. )
n.vTKs or sunscnii'Tin;,':
One copy, one year
" six months
" " 'Ihree montos
. 1.00
Invariably Cash In Advance.
If ly chance svhsri ipliim.i are not paid till
end of v t,v0 dollars trill be charged.
Rate of advertising made known on ap
plication. flST"( orrcspondence from all parts of tho
country solicited.
k A (Ires' all communications to the Ohegon
'Scout, Union Oregon.
R. Eakin,
J. A. Eakik.
Notary Public.
Attorneys at Law,
Union, Oregon.
JSfl'roinpt Attention Paid to Collcct.ons.
joiin u. oniTES,
Attorney at Law.
Collecting and probate practice special
tics. Ollice, two doors south of post-olttue.
Union, Oregon.
J. W. Sukltox. J. M. Carroll.
Attorneys at Law.
Ollice : Two doors south of post-omcc, Un
ion, Oregon.
Special attention given all business en
trusted to us.
Attorney at Law,
Union, Oregon.
Otllce, one door south of Centennial ho
Attorney at Law,
Cornucopia, Oregon.
Land Business Promptly Atten
ded to Before the U. S. Offices.
JigJ-Mlning claim bought and sold on
commission. Minos examined and repor
ted upon.
15. F. Wilson. A.
Notary Public.
J. irACKisrr,
Notary Public.
Collections and all other busines'S.sntrus
tcd to us will receive prompt attention.
A (complete abstract of tho hind of Union
countv in our ollice,
Managers of tlieUNION REAL ESTATE
A!s'tiO( lATlON.
N. CROMWELL., Jtf. D. ,
Physician and Surgeon
Ollice. ono door outh of J. 15. Eaton'
store, Union, Oregon.
Q 11, DAY, M. D
Physician andSurgeon
Oillco adiouiing Jones I5ro's itoro. Caw
t dc. tounu inuius ai iubhicucc in cuuiu
A 1 ... I., !..
Vwest I nion.
h, SAYLOR, M. I)., I'h. .
Physician & Surgeon,
Union, Oregon.
Graduate Ru-h Medical Collide, Chicago
Oiiico at Union Pharmacy. Cull prompt
ly answered.
Y l- AM'ORTH, M. I).,
Physician ami Surgeon
North Powder, Oregon.
Calls attended to at all hours.
yyM KOEN'Ki.
Architect and Builder.
Pl.ii. and l'e-1 .'lis !'.r Dwelling
- fiirni-hcd mi application.
mm II
i I
y mi Street. Union, Oregon,
K' i' (nitantly on band
l'tillK- VEAL, MUTTON,
111 14 l
Fine line of Wai'ches, Clocks, Je
:Si Cm Drug
mro drug's,
Jatonl; Alcrticines,
a hits and Oils.
Prescriptions carefully prepared
Const-tins of
Mm, Sliot Gvns, Pis
ioIsaDflCartriLps. Imported and Domestic Ci
g'avs, etc.
A r Tin
Keeps constantly on hand a com
plete stock of fresh
Sheet; Music,
Wire Goods,
Household Utensils.
A share ot the public patronage so
licited. 8-15-tf.
Mi Angel College!
Elementary and preparatoxy classes
boys from (i to V2 car.-.
Complete Commercial, Scientific j
and Classical Courses
For larger boys and young men. This insti
tution, only two years old, is already ono of
the largest, most popular and best patron
izud of the coast. The highest authoritief
of tlm state recommend it on account of its
healthv location, seientitie advantages and
strict discipline. For catotogueh witli pros
peciur, icriiis, etc., write ro
Director Mt. Anerel ( olleae.
For Catalogues apply also to Thk Kcoi'T
ollice, Union. S-S m'2
C aution !
Pay no money in advance to itinerant
Directory Canvassers. We are led to men
tion this from the fact that certain parties
have been fraudulently using our jmblioa
tions as specimens, and by that means col
lectlng moneys in advance. Beforeigning
an order, see that ithas the name of 1L L.
POLK Sr CO. printed thereon. We ask no
layinont until the Work is delivered, and
our solicitor have atriot orders not to take
IMtyinent for either adrertiseraents or aub-
Tonsonal Parlors
Shaving, Hair-cutting and Sham
pooing, in the Latest style
of the Art,
Shop two doors aoutb of Centennial hotel,
0 2H-tf.
at the High Valley
C! A "T A T AT T T T j
OA V V JL VJL 1 Jj J . !
All kind- of IiiiiiIkt constantly on hand
or furtiMid n thort notice. Price cheap
H the cheapest.
TJltVf niilO'O - 5snl icni orl
tlLlUJlcl,C OUIlCJLCll.
Written for Tin: Simx. '
Meandering down tin- ."dream of Unto
How vmied arc the scenes that street u,
i We laugh with joy wit li crief repine,
j And dream of hope that never incut u.
Pondering here. 1 sit and think
: Upon tin pain 'twill he to sever
Tho golden chain - to break the link
Thnt Wmls my heart to yon, forever.
My barque ha weathered many a storm
On Hf;'" trnipotuoiw, restless ocean,
Reueath it wave lie cherished fonns,
Remembered still, with fond emotion.
For 1 have wept the los of friend,
Have mourii'-d for loving hearts hut
Have felt before n pang like this
Drift in away from you forever.
The tide of time still hears me on.
Away from tonlor ties that hound mc.
And one by ono, I stand alone.
And count n thousand wrecks around mo.
Again I'm looking fondly back,
While tears f can't suppress will gather
To think that you, like all the rest,
Will drift away from inu forever.
K. O. 15.
vgTufM r. jury cm wtMrrH
October 23, 1SS9.
Tho Conklin Bios, sold this week
20 acres of tho .los. Martin place lo
M. .1. Duffoy, of Conuieoiiiii; consider
tition $-1 ,("A), Tho Me.-srs Conkling
reserved -10 acres lying in the south
west corner of tho place, upon which
they will erect this full u commodious
dwelling for their own accomodation.
Air. Dulley with his family will occupy
his now homo this week, and will
place his two sons in the public school
Mr. Dulley is a gentleman of consid
erable means, having recently sold a
share of the Red .Jacket mine in Cor
nucopia fyr 27,000.
Al. Conkling and W. 11. Wright will
start for Iowa, Thursday, with two car
loads of heavy draft horses. They ex
pect to dispose of their stock and re
turn in about four weeks. A part of
the horses were purchased on Powder
Dion Piatt exhibited his wonderful
emporium of art in Cove, Tuesday
evening. A largo audience of titled
natives gazed with awe-stricken faces
on his collection of scenes which had a
remarkable and successful run of forty
nights in New York city just piior to
opening in Cove.
Ceo. Edgar has opened a barber
shop in tho JIoDaniel block west of
Robinson Avenue. (Jeorgo has a
smile and a keen razor for all custom
ers. Dave Luyno has discontinued driv
ing the Cove sfcige, having accepted a
position on tho Union and Cornucopia
route. Dayo is a very accommodating
driver and is always missed when ho
leaves, although his place is being ac
ceptably iillcd by Frank Tolley.
Marsh. Phy is tho chief among tho
sportsman, this week having shot a
beautiful swan on Catherine creek.
The fowl was full grown and a load for
an ordinary man.
The public school is full to over
sowing, about one hundred pupils be
ing in attendance. Many scholars aro
coming in from other districts and the
directors have decided that it will bo
necessary cither to employ another
teacher or refuse admittance of further
applicants from abroad.
Mr. Hwaiii and family havo removed
from tho Sand Ridgo to Cove and will
occupy tho Slovens property where
they will reside this winter.
James Payne and daughtor, iMiss
Pearl, are expected home this week.
.1. II. Fisher and Geo. McDannell
will visit Douglass county in a fow
days for a short stay among relatives.
A young daughter of Wm. Kturgill,
of Haker City, is lying very ill at the
residence of Win. Roothe.
Walter l?ecs rode a horse against tho
Ridwoll racer at Union, Monday, and,
winning tho contest, got about $l.ri for
his equestrian exercise.
A Literary society will mi organized
at tho Ascension school Friday evening
noxt. A cordial invitation extended.
All talented people should attend, as
this will bo a pleasant and profitable
way of spending tho long winter eve
nings .Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Roes aro visitine;
tho exposition. Mrs. Reos' mother is
yiug very ill in .Salem. They are ex
pected homo this week.
Mra. Jus. Hendershott, Mrs. Jus.
Jlloom and ilert Ilenton wont to Port
tand last Tuesday, tho exposition being
tho object of their visit.
0. Eokcsley, Esq., is homo again from
Portland, and is probably tho best pos
ted man on the exposition in Eastern
Oregon, and can tell yo all thopartio
ulr from Alfa toOmego, or any other
attractions of tho groat show.
Ilallrnail .Mm.. .Meeting.
Man meetings will bo hold at Union,
Thureday, Octobor illbt, at 1 ::i0 p. m.,
Klimmorvillft. Friilnv. Vnvnniluii- tat
hiiinmorville, Fndnv, Novombor 1st,
and Elgin. Saturday, November 2nd.
Eveiyboily it roqueted to attend those
meetiuca and lend their assistance, as
important biuinoes matters aro to bo
t,,,,.,.,, lin)1 lht, preseIl 1)rop0l,it0n
to be explained by .Mr. Iftint, who will
bo present ut each meeting.
weiry, and Diam
"Hamlin" (lle liU Optuliin of It Mines
unit Put lire rro.pectx.
EDITOR Orkox Scott:
While passing through Sparta on my
way to the "Horn of Plenty," I could
not help compute the appearance of
that town where the heathen Chinee
has always been tolerated, with Cornu
copia, where he has never had a rest
ing place. 1 apeak not of the merit of
the town or the mines, but there is
a something indescribable in the inllu
enco1 secret, atmospheric, baib.irie
and antagonistic to Caucasian life, in
the very piesouce of the sons of the
celestial kingdom. The tramp, tramp,
tramp of wooden shoes, the scent of j Mr. Samuel IJullcgo has moved back
the sleepy drug, the cordal appendage-! to the Park again, lie can't stand the
lengthened out like a hull-whacker's Powder river country,
whip lash with oiled silk, ullj suggest I our school is progressing nicely,
a period back of white civilisation j Miss Sadie Atkins is a splendid teach
when the almond-eyed beauties to ob- vr.
tain roast pork, used to burn their
neighbor's! premises with their porcine
occupants, seething and crisping in the
flames. No Chinaman ban ever been
permitted to stop over at Cornucopia.
A herd of them once reached Allen
town, but being prossingry invited,
turned and lied down the gulch, and
none of them havo ever returned.
Sparta has nevertheless a future
which only awaits to be crystalled by
the. development of the two Pittburg9.
Capital has been directed thither, and
with it havo gone men of active, push
pushing temperaments. From that
point to Sanger and East Eaglo it is
but fourteen miles' in a northwesterly
direction towards which tho Sparta
' piosjiectors havo turned their foot-
tops. Lately two of them, Judd Cook
and .John Younger, near the Sullivan
property, discovered a ledgo which
they named the Gold Mint. This is
ono of tho richest mines in frco gold
that has been discovered in that vicini
iy. One hundred and thirty-five dol
lars in free gold was the reported as
ayancc. Its location is about six
miles west of 'Cornucopia. Roth Cook
and Younger are now camped on the
ledge, and very properly feel satisfied
that they have found a homo stake.
They are down thirty-live feet on tho
ledgo with no signs of decrease in val
ue of richness of ore. Mr. Aldorslv
has examined tho Mint, and as ho as a
'freo gold" man, is well nlcasid with
the showing.
Tho Sullivan properties near by,
owned by Dr. W oods and others, aro
also frco gold veins, which havo boon
worked for some time.
The placer initios of Urown and Dill,
located on .hast. J'-aglo, give promise
ol hemg extensive. In Mr. Dills cabinet
in linker City can bu seen somo of the
dust more like nuggets than dust.
i ins region ot country, Having a
circle of lifty miles in circumfeience,
with Cornucopia as its center, embra
cing Sparta, Sanger and the Eagle
(hstiiets, must sooner or later come to
the front of mining districts. The ex
perts who havo glanced at this and
surrounding localities all pronounce it
remarkablo for quantity of gold that
has found a resting place, both in the
gravel beds and in rock in place, and
wonder is wiiv it lias not been sooner
and more systematically developed.
North Pownuit, Oct. 22, 18S5).
High up in the mountains back of
orth Powder lies the North Powder
lake, sorono and beautiful. The iish
are plentiful, the scenery grand. Tho
popularity of these lakes grows oach
year. City people havo made them a
lesort during tho past season.
Mrs. Win. Ecclcs was suddenly
I11.TTjI 1 ift.l
caueu to uuiu last Miuuny, upon re
ceiving a telegram informing her of
the death of her sister.
On tho bank of Anthony creok.
where tho valley and mountains meet,
is a lono Indian grave. Tho young
pines aro growing over it. Tho mound
of carlh 18 only visible abovo tho
ground. Tho head-board is rotting
down, and tho simple inscription,
"Luko, killed July 17, 1878," is fuding
from tho face of it.
Tho now states aro now in full sis
terhood with us. Thoy havo been tho
causo of many
great political
havo held their
recent oloctions.
anticipation in the
field. Doth parties
breath till after tho
Thoy are rich in all
tho blessings of a civilized land. Min
eral, farming and grazing land is al nn
limit. ' "HIWAHII."
A WiMiniti'it llmvei'y.
"Another wonderful diseorory luu been
made and that too by a lady In this county
DUeasc fastened It cltitchcN iipnu her uild
for seven years she withstood It wvon ut
tests, hut her vital urMiis were uiuUM-iiuned
ami death seiimed Imminent, Fur three
months she ooiikImmI incoNvantly and could
not Mloep, She boiiiflu of u a bottle of Dr.
King's New Rliteovery for Coumiiiipiiuii
and was no muuli rejicvui' on tekiinc Unit
doo that hu -ilcpt all iihtfit and with one ,
bottle ha been miru. eiirwl. Iter,
naino U Mr LutJiur Lutz-" Tim write '
W. ('. Ham-lck Co,, ..f siu lby, N. C-
Out a free trial Wile u llrown'. dm.'
tore. Union, Oregon. j
... j
BijbHerlbe for Thk Okkoos Hcoit. I
onds just receive
j Weather very pleasant, with now
f nnd then a little rain.
News items very scarco and hard to
Everylvody is done sowing rve, and
j some of i( is coming up nicely.
a loses an and . South havo been
out to their ranches, sowing rye.
W. South took his aged father and
mother out to see his farm, a short
time ago.
The health of the Park is very good
now since the rain bus come to lay tho
Mr. E. South and family arc happy
now. They have a briirht. four-vear-
. old bov to r:ist
Miss ihiby Hallcr is boarding at
LI. M. South's, attending school,
i Martha South has returned home
and is now attending school.
Grandma Martin is visiting her son,
William. She is not very well.
There was a magic lantorn show at
tho school house on tho loth. It
pleased tho little ones.
Mrs. Dunham Wright has returned
home. Dunham is happy and can get
a smile on his face now.
The mill company is still plnnoing.
They want to finish so they will not
bo bothered in tho spring with small
orders when thoy are sawing.
Tho late showers havo started tho
grass, and the hills look quite greon.
The preachers still leave tho Park
out in tho cold. Thoy can't blame us
if we think there is no room in the
mind of man for providence or chance.
The facts and force governing thought
aro as absolute as those governing the
motions of tho planets. A poem is
produced bv the forco of nature and is
as necessarily and naturally produced
as mountains and seas. You will seek
in vain for a thought in man's brain
without ils ellicient cause. Every
mental operation i.s the necessary re
sult of certain facts and conditions.
Mental phenomena are considered
more complicated than those of mat
ter, and consequently more mysterious.
Reing m6ro mysterious they aro con
sidered better evidence of theexistonco
of a God. Is'o ono infers a God from
the simple, from the known, from
what is understood, but from the com
plex, from the unknown and incom
prehensible. Our ignoranco is God ;
what wo know is science.
A few quostions to tho young men :
What are" you hero for? Are you sat
isfied with yourself? Do you pay your
way Are you in demand? Aro you
in debt? hero aro you going? Aro
you a fool? What do vou think of
Ill-cent Uveiit-i I'iuiii mill Field Notim.
Iiiipriiveiiieiits In thn Valluy.
October 19, 1880.
Everything quiet, and health of tho
community much better.
Mr, Win. Wise wont to California
about four weeks ago and bus returned
with a beautiful young lad v. Tho
boys gave him a terrible shaking up
tho night of his arrival. Ho presented
them with ten dollars and all wero
happy in a short time,
Some of our stockmen aro rounding
up their stock for tho winter and nut
ting them on tho alfalfa pastures. Tho
cattle aro vory fat.
E. and W. Chandler havo ono hun
dred head of very fine steers for sale
Frazier and Longloy also havo a nice
lot of cattlo and shcop m their pasturo
whore tho alfalfa is as high as their
Kirby it Jennings havo somo good
Harness in tlieir hands lor sale cheap.
Address New Rriilgo, Oregon.
Somo of our ranchers aro cutting
hay yet. One ranch horo is worth
two anywhoro olso in Oregon. Englo
valley is without doubt tho garden
spot of tho weat. In my noxt letter
to Thk Sfotrr I will give a full descrip
tion of Eaglo and Pino valleys.
There is ono hundred tons of hay
hero yet forj sale at low prices. Tlioro
has bcou three hundred tons of alfalfa
hay sold this season. Also fruit and
vegetables by tho ton.
-Some of tho Eagle valloyitos atten
ded the fair at Raker City recently,
MivFranl: '. Leo's thoroughbred cat
tlo took all the bust premiums over
everything there. Wo do not wonder
at this us he has somo of tho best cat
tlo in Oregon.
We are having fcoine nice showers
which will lay the dust in the valley.
Mr. John Yowoll is proparing to
build a tine residence which will add
greatly to the appearance of his place,
Mr. Win. Hummers is also going to
Minm a good rosiduuco on Ins ranch
just north of Chandler's store.
Tho widow Simonis camo vorv near
Kt,uing lior hotiso bunted tho other
uvmiig. Her little son while lighting
a fiuidlw set tho window curtain on
tru HIlj frm tlllt ti10 tf0 H,,ruu,( i)Ul
wu pl)t out J0f0e mud! damago was
d at A. N. Gardn
Itccetit (Iruwtli Clrrult Court Itn
priivriiicnt. iif (In- C.tiij on Huail.
Editor Okcuon Scout:
Your correspondent left Union on
the 10th inst,, bound for Enterprise,
where wo arrived on the 17th inst., af
ter a very pleasant trip. Tho roads
are in very good condition and ono
can travel in a private conveyance in
and out of Wallowa county now with
out experiencing tho excruciating sore
ness which inevitably followed a trip
into this section a year or so ago. Wo
found tho notorious Wallowa hill in a
much better condition than it has ever
been before, and tho careful and pains
taking manner which the work has
been done is creditable to tho superin
iendeut, N. Schoonover.
The now bridge being built across
the Wallowa river by Union and Wal
lowa counties, is Hearing completion
and when finished will be tho finest
bridge, in either of said counties, as
well as the costliest.
Tho work done in the Wallowa can
yon has improved tho road greatly, but
it is certainly a great oversight in tho
superintendent of tho work in not
providing tho very necessary drains
and culverts, which, in a great many
places have been omitted, but no
doubt till tho work has been done that
tho money appropriated would pay
for and tho road now through the can
yon is comparatively in excellent con
dition. The Island City M. & M. Co's store
in Lower valley is well located and
seems to bo doing a largo business.
Lostine has improved but very littlo
in tho last live years, and lost its op
portunity in failing to secure tho
county seat, although it is surrounded
by a scope of very lino fanning coun
try and will always bo a fair trading
Enterprise, which is now only about
two years old, is in a healthy condi
tion, has niado rapid growth and is
still growing. Tho grist mill at this
point owned by tho Enterprise Milling
Co., is turning out a good article of
flour, receiving most of its wheat from
tho Indian valley and Cricket Hat
country. Tho mill pays 70 cents per
bushel for wheat and retails flour at
$1 per sack. Tho most imposing
structuro in Enterprise is tho two-story
biick built and owned by the M. cfc M.
Co,, of Island City, in which is tho
county court room and ollices of the
various county officials of Wallowa,
county. Tho court room is neat and
commodious and is furnished to tho
county at a nominal rent. Tho na
tional bank with W. R. Holmes as
cashier, is doing a large and safe busi
Court convenes hero on Monday tho
2 1st inst. with thirty-six civil and
criminal cases on tho docket, and if
Judge Fee pushes business hero as ho
did at Union recently, tho docket will
be cleared in ono week's time.
While a great many people horo in
Wallowa havo suH'ored to a greater or
less extent from this season's drouth,
still a great amount of hay and grain
has been raised, and tho people will
weather thiotigh and come out on top
if piovidenco will only occasionally
give them a good crop season. W.
llitpiniiilng of tlin Week nn Noted by
Our Itegulni- CorruNMiiiilniit.
Oct. 18, 1889. .
Tho Hewitt Hros. havo built a house
on their ranch on Jimmy crcok. Thoy
expect to go ontv hunting expedition
before long.
Mrs. W. F. Thompson, of Powder
river, visited her mother, Mrs. J. Brad
ford, last week.
Mr. Nelson .Schoonovor has com
menced work on the Hog valley coun
ty road.
Mr. Granvillo Hun" started for Ne
braska this morning. ! .
Mr. E. Samis has sold his rancho to
P. M. Coflin of Union.
Wo had a nico rain recently, which
has Blurted tho grass to growing a
Sevoral flocks of wild gecso havo
been seen flying southward. It is a
sign of coming winter.
Mr. L. nanus started for Eaglo val-
loy a fow days ago.
Edgar Colhn and Wm. Zimmerman,
of Grande Rondo, wcro on Jimmy
creek tho other day.
Mrs. Win. Stafford, Mrs. H. Thomas
and Miss Laura Huff, who havo been
on the sick list, are improving.
Tlio Verdict Unniilniou.
W. I). Hull, druggist, lllppus, Intl., testi
fies: "I can recommend Electric Hitters an
tho very best remedy. Every bottlo sold
has given relic In every case. One man
took six bottles and was cured of Rheuma
tism of 10 years' standing." "Tho best
selling medicine 1 have ever handled in my
1!0 years' experience, Is Electric Hitters."
Thousands of others have added their testi
mony, no that the verdict Is unanimous
that Eleetrld Hitters do euro all diseases of
tho I.Ivor, Kidney or lllood, Only a half
dollar a bottle at llrowu's drug store.
JCor Hale.
A fow thoroughbred Cotswold bucks,
For prices and terms call on or ad
dress L. R. Holmes, Cove, Oregon.
er Co's store.