The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, October 10, 1889, Image 8

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Lint of Cnsns Ilnposcil of at tlio Sep
tember Term, 1881).
THlfIttI)AV, OCT. .'5.
y S Byers & Co va Noel Hopper;
notion dismissed.
Jumcs Mttrchison vs W II Andross;
motion for continuunco denied.
Fred Nodinc vs J B Fnton et al ;
.State vs Clius Brockins ; sentenced
to four years in tho ponitontiary.
Stato vs Wright and Allen ; verdict
of Kuilty.
Stato va Predmoro j jury discharged
FISIllAY, OCT. -1.
Hoard of Commissioners for the sale
of School and University Lands vs J)
A McAlistcr, Admr et al; default.
Soimner & Blum vs A J I'atten;
verdict for J'lfl".
Farrcll vs rinntcr; verdict for Deft.
Stato vs Michael ; convicted of man
slaughter; sentenced to seven and one
half years and lino of $()().
Whito vs Chandler ct al; decree.
Fiinnio C Beebo vs S L McKon.ic;
, judgment for I'lil'.
Union County vs Wyott; verdict for
PHI". $718.
Chas Herring vs Johnson and Glas
cow; verdict for PHI' sjW.fiOO.
Slate va Wright and Allen; senten
ced lo II years each.
Slate vs Predmoro; withdrew plea
of not guilty and plead guilty of us
. Haul L ; lined .lr2fiO and costs.
!Mu!.cliam vs Stewart; judgment.
Honnnur ifc Blum vs I'atten; judg
ment on verdict.
Fnrrell vs Hunter; same.
Codley vs Lawrence; judgment on
verdict; each party to pay his own
(1 V and M P Ames vs Union coun
ty; motion to dismiss sustained for
reason appeal was not taken within
Stato vs .1 R Fowlo and C T West;
arraigned upon chargo of larceny of a
Stale vs .las Bloom; arraigned on
two indictments for selling malt and
spirituous liquors in less quantities
than one gallon.
Stato vs Wm Kiiloy; for contempt
'in not appearing when summoned as
a juror; lined 10 and costs.
State vs J C ('layhtirn ; cliarged with
ahsaultwith dangerous weapon; ver
dict of not guilty.
Stato vs Kowlo and West; continued
Hill vs Will ; continued ; decrcuto be
entered in vacation.
Hutchinson vs Hutchinson; decree
of di voice.
Bates vs Bates; continued ; decree to
bo entered in vacation.
Oil Finn vs 11 F Burleigh ; re-entered
on docket.
I Iobson I lobson ; decree of divorce
French vs Bloom ; .1 D Slater ap
pointed referee.
Farrcll vs Hunter it Fox; dismissed
on stipulation.
Wright vs Predmoro; T H Crawford
appointed referee to report in vacation.
Win Noyes vs 0 W P IOllsworth ot
al ; dismissed.
Ficsh vs Fresii ; continued for term;
decree to I Jo entered in vacation.
Slate vs .lames Hloom ; verdict of
guilty; lined .flJOO and costs.
VA Cushion vs H 10 Haker; con
tinued for term.
Bidwoll and Slowart vs A N Ham
ilton ; continued.
F V linker vs Mary llaker; contin
ued ; dun co to be entered in vacation.
A E Eaton vs O U N Co; continued
for torm.
Statu vs .Ins I!loom,Ko 2; dismissed.
Ames vs Union County ; motion to
dismiss appeal sustained.
VKlKi:.HAY, OCT. 1).
Muicliisou vs Andross; vordict for
' .1 L Itoo vs Union County ; taken
under advUomont.
Honing vs Ulascow ot al; verdict of
jury reduced to$2,r00,
lioaid of Commissioners vs MoAlis
tcr ot al; default.
Sonuner vs Chandler! referee ap
pointed. Frank Bios va Davis; continued for
Amurieau Mtg Co vs Hutuhinton
Bros; verdict set aside.
American V L Mtg Co vs T.I Chan
dler et al ; referred.
lLiblot vs Haslet; docrou.
A Sound Legal Opinion.
IS. Riiinhridgo Miiuduy Esq., County Atty
Clay Co., To.w, says: "Have used Uleotrlo
Hi tors with most happy results, My broth
er also was very low with Mulurial Kuver
and Jaundice, but wax ruri'il by thaulv use
of this uiwliolnc. Am satlsiled Ulcotrio
Hitters irnved bis life."
Mr. I). I. Wileoxson, Horso Cave, Ky.,
adds a lilco testimony, saying: llu positive
ly believe hu would Imvu died, bail It not
bcuu fur Electric Hitters.
TbN Mroat remedy will ward oil', in well
ds euro nil Malarial Discuses, and lur all
Kidney, Liver and Sloinnch Disorders,
stands tiiieqiinlcd. Price 50c. iiudfl, at
llrown's drug store, t'libai, Or.
Unioii Real listatc Association
J .'avo IMcd a largo amount of
E 1 1
.Which are for miiu on
Semi-Annual Stciteiraent .and. Reports
of Cou.iity Officers.
Of the amount of money and warrants received for taxes, and money paid to the county
treasurer liv the sheriff of Union county, Oregon, for the six mouths ending on the
30th duv of Septembca, A. 1). 18-:0.
- r;ifif
In Coin and Currency
In County Warrants .
Total Received
0.VI.O0 1
f i,vtw.w i
7 "April I
To County Treasurer. .
. $ roii.nn
. . 050.00
Total Paid Ticrsurcr loo.oy ;t.iw.i,0 im,VJ ::,100.fKJ j .VW.oo 1 1,"Jj0.03
County of Union. J
I, A. N. Hamilton, sheriff of snid county, do
hcroliv cortlfv tbnt tho foregoing statement is correct and true.
Wilnesi my liand tbh Mnh day of .Septumbor, A. f). 18SU. A. N. HAMILTON,
Slicrill'of Union county.
Of tho county treasurer of Union county. Oregon, for the six montJis ending on the
ilOthdny of .Snpteiiilicr. A. I). 1HM). of money received and paid out, from whom re
ceived and from what source, and on wlint account paid out:
Amounts lieci'iveil.
Toauioiiut on hand from lat re
port. 7.r (ii
To amountK received from nil
V.) G-B L'O
.7i' ::.s;j ht
County of Union,
I. K. C.
ing is a true mid correct statement of the amounts received, paid out ami remaining on
band, In tho county treasury ot said county for tho six mouths ending on tho 30th dav
of Sjeptembor, A.l. 18S0.
Witness my band this 1st day of October, A. I). 18S0. U. C. URAIXABI),
County Treasurer.
Of the coiihly clerk of Union county, state of Oregon, showing tbo amount of claims
allowed by tbo county court of said count)', for what allowed, amount of warrants
drawn, and amount of warrants outstanding - and unpaid, from the 1st day of April.
1H3!) to the .UHli day of September. 1S8!J. both inclusive:
On what account
Heads and bridges $3 205 f0
O. T. (iou.lall 150 00
Pauper account MS 88
A. T. N'cil! .1 218 ll
Couutv coiumksioners lilt 80
A. N Hamilton 2 7.11 L'O
Circuit Court 1 :S1 M)
Justice Pen co court 517 8f
U ('. Itralnard 2l!l !!)
Expenses 71(1 5!)
Statloncrv and printing, . ... 5(H 2!)
District attorney . ' 115 70
County court (MK)
Insane account 22 00
Imtit ute and teachers examination DO 00
Stock Inspector .152 25
Attorney fees 100 (JO
I'leotiolis . .'! 25
Public property .VS 12
.1. I.. Carter... . ... 150 M
Total amount claims allowed anil
drawn $20 !107
County of Union. J s
, , , I, A. T. Xelll county clerk of thocoiinty of Union,
state of Oregon, do hereby certify that tho foregoing is a true and correct statement of
tint nniounnif claims allowed by tbo county court of said county, for the six months
ending on the ,10th day of .September. 188!), on what account the same were allowed, and
tho amount of warrants drawn, and tlio amount of warrants outstanding and unpaid as
the same appear upon the records of my otlico and in my otlicial custody.
Witness my hand and the seal of thn county court of said couiuv bi Mdav of
October, A. I). 18!). A. T. XULbL
.",. County Clerk.
Of tbo financial condition of tho couutv of
day of .September. A. D. PASS).
Sept. .10.
To warrants drawn on the couutv
treasurer, and outstanding and
$55 (101 0(1
To estimated amount of Interest
accrued thereon .. 7 !!!I7 2
To contingent warrants outit'd'g. 812 51
To amount duo .state of Oregon . . 5 115 -12
To amount duo .school fund . 2 05171
Total liabilities $71 182 0.1
Oct, 1, IS80. To JJdiluco. . .yS 501 .10
Land Olllco at La (Irande, Oregon.)
Kept - 21. I
Notice is hmvliy given that the following
named settler has llled notice of bis Inten
tion to make thud proof in support of Ids
claim, and that Mild proof will bo maibi be
fore the register i,nd receiver at La (Irande,
Oregon, on Nov. 0, 1SS0, viz:
.Iokiaii H. riir:i:i,ocK,
Hd. N'o. 10.17. for the KM N'W'!4. SWt-,'
N'U qr. and N'W or. SU ip-. Sec. 2il, Tp. 7 S.
It. Ill U.
Ho liiuncs tho following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon and
cultivation of, said laud, viz:
.1. P. Denny. Win. Spencer, Luther Lloyd
and Charles Oliver, all of Pino valley, Ore
gon, Auv person who desires to protest inralust
the nllowaneeof such proof, or who knows
of auv substantial reason, under the law
ami the regulations of the Interior Depart,
nient. why such proof should not bo al
lowed, will bo given an opportunity at tho
above mentioned timu and place to cross
examine the witnesses of said claimant, and
to idler evidence In rebuttal of that sub
mitted by claimant.
0-2(1. wll
Land Olllee at La (Irande, Oregon. )
Sept. Ill, 1880. f
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named settler has tiled notice of bis inten
tion to maku tinal proof In support of bis
claim, and that said proof will bo made be
fore the register and receiver at La (Irande,
Ores on Nov. 8, IssO, U:
lid. No. .1071, for the ' SU nr. and SUj
y W ip Sec, 10, Tp. t S. It. 40 K.
Ho names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon and
cultivation of. said laud, viz :
Thomas Wilkinson, Andrew Wilkinson,
llernanl Lngsdou and William Wilkinson,
all of Union, Oregon.
Anv perou who desires to protest against
the allowance of Mich proof, or who knows
of anv substantial reason, under tlio law and
tbo regulations of the Interior Department,
why such proof should not bi allowed, will
be given an opportunity at the above men
tioned time and place to cross-examine the
witnesses of said claimant, and to otl'tir
evidence In rebuttal of that submitted by
lki).wa Register.
Kit-Knot New IIIiiiiik V.txr
will run dully, commencing Aug. 2J, over
the Oregon Railway A Navigation (., Orw
goubbort l.luu and Union l'rlno Ry . be
twuun Portland and Mlauiurl Rive: . I1..
cuUiuo mid nervlrt are uneacellod.
During tbo months of
May T .Inno .1 uT Aiv. I ft'ept.
.yUHO.OO I $000.00 I .2.100.00 I tTW.W I $1,000.00
XAtMH) f mm) j 2ioo.6o fioo.oo j umbo
Dining the mouths of
May" 7uiio" July fAugTH Sept.
Amounts paid out.
I!y amount imid out on county
warrants . . $."!S 01.1 50
fly ailiouut paid out on school
supcciiitendents' warrants 1IC.1I SO
Hy balance general fund on hand 7 lt)i K!
Hy balance school fund on hand '2 0.Vi 74
'JJy amount paid state of Oregon i) f00 0")
.SV2 87
Hnilnard. do herebv certify that tbo forego
Ami, ot Outstanding
Warrants unpaid,
Outstanding unpaid county war
rants on the .10th day of Septem
ber, 18M) $55 001 00
Estimated inter't accrued thereon 7 o!l7 28
Outstanding unpaid contingent
warrants 812 5.1
Total amount of unpaid county
warrants sio 87
Union, In tho stato of Orccon on
the .10th
upt. .10.
jly funds ;in hands of the eotniv
treasurer applicable to the pay
ment, of county warrants and
selicol fund . $ 0 70S 87
lty estimated unpaid current tax
es applicable to tlio payment of
county warrants . .
Hy Halancts
I 870 77
50 501 :)
Total resources
$71 18.1 03
Land olllco at La (irande, Oregon,)
Sept. Is, 18S0.
Notice is hereby given that tbo following
named settler has llled notice of bis inten
tion to m.i!o Dual proof in support of bis
claim, ami that said proof will bo made be
fore the register and receiver at La (irande,
Oregon, on October 2(1, lsso, viz:
I). S. No. 0252. for the SU or. Sec. 35, Tp. .1
N. U..10 U. W. M.
lie names the following witnesses to
prove bis continuous rcMileneo upon ami
cultivation of, said land, vizi
Charles D. (loodnough. Newton Ileecb,
Jesse D. Vance and J. Swikert, nil of Ulgin,
Any person who desires to protest against
the allowance of such proof, or who knows
of any substantial reason, under the law and
the regulations of the Interior Department,
why such proof should not be allowed, will
bo given an opportunity at the above men
tioned time and place to cross-examine the
witnesses of said claimant, and to offer
evidence in rebuttal of that submitted, bv
0 10-wtl. Register.
lli'Kci't Limit, l'lnul Proof:.. Notion for
U. S. Land Olllco, La (irande, Oregon, )
Sept. 11. 188!).
Notleo Is hereby given that Fritz Koop
mini, of Pine Valley, Union county, Ore
gon, has tiled notice of Intention to make
proof on bis desert laud claim No. Hit, for
tbeSUU XW!i Sec. ll.Tp.8S, R. K! U. W.
M., before register and receiver at La
(Irande. Oregon, on Monday, the2Sth dav
of October. 18s.
lie names the following witnesses to
prove the complete irrigation and reclama
tion of said laud :
I. mils Mulhnrn, Uugene Sullivan, Jacob
M. Drake and Henry K. Oliver, allot Pine
valley, Oregon.
0 HJ-wO Register,
Notice, tu Whom It May Concern.
Notice is hereby given that I will not
pay any debts contracted by my husband,
Thomas O'Hrynnt. and parties trusting
him must do so at their own risk.
North Powder, Sept. 12. ISSO.
Stra.votl.--S5.00 Howard,
The following described animal strayed
front my place hint March. A sorrel iiiaru
11 years old, branded T H on left shoulder,
tbw T above tbo II. A reward of $5 will be
)Mld far Information leading to tho recov
ery of th uunti.
U20-t.1 Tvlocokut, Oregon.
Land Omen at L.v Graxor, Oreoox,)
Aug. 8. 18S0. I
Notice Is hereby given that tho following
named settler has llled notice of bis In
tentions to make final proof in support of
his claims, and that snid proof will be
made before the register and receiver at La
Grande, Oregon, on Oct. 12 1889, viz:
JosKcit F. Hcff,
Hd. No. 2012. for tho SAVJ4 Sec. 22, Tp. 5
S. It.. 'SU. W. M.
He names the following witnesses to
prove hi continuous residence upon and
cultivation of said hind, viz:
Jasper H. SteviH. Howard P. Caiins!ie!.
John Shaw and George Allen, all of North
Powder. Oregon
Anv person whodeir." to protest against
tho allowance of such proof, nr who knows
of any substantial reason, under the law and
the regulations of the Interior 1 'cpnrtmcnt.
why such proof should not br allowed, will
be given an opportunity at the above men
tioned time and iilnce to cross-examine the
witnesses of said claimants, and to oiler
evidence in rebuttal of that submitted by
8-20-wO Register.
Land Olllco at La Grande, Oregon,)
Sept. 11, ISsO. f
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has tiled notice of his inten
tion to make final proof In support of bis
claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore the register and receiver at La Grande,
Oregon, on Nov. 12, 1880, viz:
Gkohoi: l'E.viiOTii,
D. S. No. 7700, for tho Lot No. 1 andSU ip.
SW ijr. Sec. 7, Tp. 8 S. It. -10 K.
Ho names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon and
cultivation of, said land, viz:
Isaac Curry, .James Robbens, James Cur
ry and Thomas Prophet, all of Pino valley.
Anv person who desires to protest against
the allowance of such proof, or who knows
of any substantial reason, under the law ami
the regulations of the Interior Department,
why such proof should not be allowed, will
be given an opportunity nt the above men
tioned time and place to cross-examine tbo
witnesses of 'said claimant, and to oiler
evidence in rebuttal of that submitted by
Hr.xitY RixnitAitT,
9-10-wO Kegister.
Land Okfick at La Gkaxpi:. Our.oox,)
Aug. 21. 1889. 1"
Notice in hereby given that the following
named settler has tiled notice of his inten
tion to make linal proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore the register and receiver at La Grande,
Oregon, on Oct. 18, ISM), viz:
Unwix Mills,
I). S. No. 8227. for the SJ SWK Sec. .1, Tp.
8S. R. 10 U, W. M.
He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon and
cultivation of. said land, viz:
John Higu'on. T. A. Denncy, Reuben
Reed and John Reed, all of Pine valley. Or.
Anv person who desires to protest against
the allowance of such proof, or who knows
of any substantial reason, under the law
and the regulations of the interior depart
ment, why such proof .should not be al
lowed, will be given an opportunity at the
above mentioned time and place to cross
examine tho witnesses of said claimant,
and to oiler evidence In rebuttal of that
submitted by claimant.
Hk.nhy Rink-hart,
8-29wO Register.
Land Okkh'k at La Graniu:. Oiftoor;,)
Sept. 11. IGsO.
Notice is hereby given that tbo following
iiiuned settler has tiled notice of his inten
tion to make tinal proof in support of bis
claim, and that said proof will bo made be
fore the register and receiver at La Grande,
Oregon, on Nov. 12, IhMI, viz:
Isac Cushy,
D. S. No. 8218. for the W,U NU qr. and SJ4
NWiir. Sec. 35, Tp. 7 S, R, 15 U.
He names tho following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon and
cultivation of, said land, viz
George Rexroth, James Robbens, James
Curry and Thomas Prophet, all of Pine
valley. Oregon.
Anv person who desires toprotestagamst
tho allowance of such proof, or who knows
of anvsitbstaiitial reason, under tlio law and
the regulations of the interior department,
wh v. such proof should not be allowed, Will
bo given an opportunity at the above men
tioned time and place to cross-examine toe
witnesses of said claimant, and to offer
evidence in rebuttal of that submitted by
Unxnv RixciiAitT,
IMO-wO Registor.
Land Olllco at La Grande. Oregon,!
Sept. 11, 1880. f
Notice is hereby givon that the following
niiined settler has llled notice of bis inten
tion to make limd proof In support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore the register and receiver at La Grande,
Oregon, on October 28, 1880. via :
Fair. Kooi'MAN,
Hd. No. .1102. for tbo NM; SW or. nm
NW iu Sec. 11, Tp. 8 S, R. 40 U, W. M.
Ho naiiies the following witnesses to
prove his continuous n sideiico upon and
cultivation of, said land, viz:
Louis Mclhorn, Uugene Sullivan, Jacob
M. Drake and Henry K. Oliver, all of Pino
valley, Oregon.
Anv person who desires to protest against
tho aflowanco of such proof, or who knows
of any substantial reason, under tbo law and
the regulations of the Interior Departm en,
why such proof should not bo allowed, wil
be given an opportunity at the above men
tioned time anil place to cros-exainino tho
witnesses of said claimant, ami to oiler
evidence in rebuttal of that submitted by
Hknuy Rixkiiakt,
0-10-wO Register.
L.vxn On tcr. at La GitAsm:. Orwion )
Sold. U, ISs'.i. i
Notice is hereby given that tbo following
named hcttler has Tiled notice of bis inten
tion to make tinal proof in support of bis
claim, and that said proof will Imj made be
fore the register anil receiver at La Grande.
Oregon, on OctoK-r 28, lsso. vi:
Husky K. Oi.ivbk.
Hd. No. 3277. for the N'W NU or. Soc. lOand
SW SU r. See. .1. Tp. s S, R. Pi K.
lie names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon mid
cultivation of, said bind. vU:
Louis Mclhorn, Fitx Koopman, Jacob M
Drake and Unvote Sullivan, nil of I'lnu
volley. Oregon.
Anv person who vleslros to protest lumimit
the allowance of such proof, or who known
..r ...... u, a I i tfii.l I .,! r.Mikiili mitlnr t It.l III W mill
III MUJ f... .'. ...a,... . ...v..... ...... .
the rcgulatlonsof the Interior department.
:..i ?.... i.i ..... i... ..n..,. ...i '
Wll) PHI 11 iijwi milium nut u hhu" v.i, ..... .
be given an opiortunlty at Uit above men
tinned time and phuw to cr"-i'x'iiiui tbe
witnesses of said claimant, and tu offer
evidence in robutUt! of .n ui untied b
Hi Ni l V. M II ' i.. '
l)-10-0 ReKUirt.
Lnnd ORb e at La.Grnndi;. Oregon,)
Sept. 11, i8f. j
Notice is hereby jriven that the followinK
naincd wttlor has tiled notice of hi Inten
tion to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be innile be
fore tho register and receiver nt La Grande,
Oregon, on October, 25, 188:), vu:
Robert Morris,
!. S. No. 7fs2. for the SB qr. S 'P". Sec. j
:;!. Tii. .1 S, nnd N1-; NW or. ""c. 1 nml NU .
or NU nr. Se 4, Tp. 4 , I!. P , , i
He. mimes Cthe follmving Milti", to
prove his c.iiitinuon.s reddenee uponjuml
enltirntion of. id land, via.
Lawton B. ritenrn-. .J. C. Donev, Mwlti
H. Millard and George C. Hess, all of Cove,
Oregon. , . ,
Any person whodesirc toprotet,ngaint
the nllnwance of fueli proof, orjwho knows
of anv substantial rea-nn under the law nnd
the reitulatiiiiis of the Interior Department,
whv such jiroof should not be allowed, wnl
bo given an opportunity at the-above men
tioned time and place to cross-pxnnunc 'hi
witnesses of said chilmnnt.; land to oner
evidence in rebuttal of that submitted by
claimant. Rint.uart,
9-10-wO Register.
Land Omen at La Graxhe, Orkoox,!
Sept. ft, 1880. f
Notice is herebv given that the following
named settler has llled notice of his inten
tion to make final proof in support of Ids
claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore the register and receiver at La Grande.
Oregon, on Nov. 5, 1880. viz:
AVAititESjH. Toms,
Hd. No. .150.9. for the SW-f SW'4 Sec. 28,
SWK N'W.' and N'WK Sec.H.'Tp.SS,
11. -15 U, W. M.
He names the following witnesses to
prove Ids continuous residence upon and
cultivation of, said land, viz:
Merit Reeves, Charles Logan. Preston
Hover and Madison H. Morris, alljof New
Hrfdue, Oregon.
Anv person who desires to protest against
the allowance of such proof, or who knows
of anv substantial reason, under the law
and regulations of tho interior department,
why such proof should not lie allowed, will
bo given an opportunity at the above men
tioned time and place to cross-examine the
witnesses of said claimant, and to oiler
evidence in rebuttal of that submitted by
IIexiiy Rl.NT.llART,
0-10-wO Register.
Land Olllcc at La Grande. Oregon, )
Sept. 11, 1S8I).
Notice is hereby given.tbat the following
named settler lias tiled notice of his inten
tion to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore the register and rcceiverat La (irande,
Oregon, on October 28, 18V.). vi.:
Jacoh M. Drakk
Hd. No. 213!. fortbeSUip'. NW nr., SW or.
NU or. and WH SB qr.,.Sie. 20, Tp. 7 S, it.
-10 B.
He names the following witnesses to
prove Ins continuous residence upon and
cultivation of, said land, viz:
Louis Mclhorn. Fritz Koopman, Uugene
Sullivan and Henry IC. Oliwr, till of Pine
vallev, Oregon-.
Anv porson who desires to protest ngainst
the nllowaneeof such proof, or who knows
of anv substantial reason under the law and
the regulations of the Interior Department,
why such proof should not be allowed, will
ho given an opportunjty at tho above men
tioned time and place to cross-examine tbo
witnesses of said clnimant, and to oiler
evidence In rebuttal of that tubmitted by
0-10-wO Register.
Laxp Okkice at La Grande, oukoon,)
Sept. 0. ISsO. f
Notice is lieroby given that the following
nanied settler has tiled notice of bis inten
tion to make final proof in support of bis
claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore the register mid receiver at La Grande,
Oregon, on Nov. 5, 1SS0, viz :
Pki:stox Hover,
Hd. No. 292-s. for the SU qr. SW qr., WVj
SU qr. Sec. 10 and NW qr. NU qr. Sec. 30.
Tp. OS, I!,4(iU, W. M.
He nanus the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon and
cultivation of, said land, viz:
Warren H. Tobin, Merit Reeves, Madison
It. Mori is and Charles Logan, allot" New
Hridge, Oregon.
Anv person who desires to protest against
the allowance of such proof, or who knows,
of anv substantial reason, under the law and
the regulations of the Interior Department,
why such proof should not be allowed, will
be given an opportunity at the ubove men
tioned time and place to erosf-examiuo the
wltnesiscs of said claimant, and to offer
evidence in rebuttal of that submitted by
Hekry Rinuii art,
0-10-wO Register.
Land Office at La Grande, Obkook,!
Sept. 0. 1880. f
Notice Is lieroby given that the following
named settler has llled notice of his Inten
tion to make Ileal proof in support of bis
claim, and that said proof will be made bo
fore the register and receiver at La Grande,
Oregon, on Nov. 5, 1880. viz:
Madimis H. Morris,
Hd. No. 2531, for tbo Lot 1 Sec. IS and Lots
1, 2 mid 3, Sec. 10, Tp. 0 S. R. 1(1 K, W. M.
Ho names the following witnesses to
provo his continuous residence upon and
cultivation of, said land, viz:
Preston Hoyer. Merit Reeves, Warren II.
Tobin and Charles Logan, all of New Hridge,
Anv person who deeires to protest against
the allowance of such proof, or who Knows
of anv substantial reason, umlerthelaw and
the regulations of the Interior Department,
why such proof should not be allowed, will
be given an opportunity at the above men
tioned time and place to cross-exuiiiine tho
witiienso.s) of mid claimant, and to offer
evidence in rebuttal of that Mibiuitted by
IIemiv Rinkiiaut,
0 10-w3 Register.
Ul.ND Ol'FIOK at L Ubaxie, Oiu;iio,i
Kept. f, lsB. '
Notice is hereby given that the following
named ettler bus tiled notice of his Inten
tion to make final proof in up port of hie
claim, and that tuld proof will In- made be
fore the rojjt-terand receiver at lu Grande,
Oregon, on Nov. 5. lfP, vU:
Mekit Kkkvfis,
I). J. No, 3253, for thoSWi: NIC" and WW
SB1, Wee. 33, hi. SS, It 15 K.
lie names the lollowing witnesses to
prove idfo continuous residence umu and
cultivation of. s ild bind, via:
Arthur Y Parker. Warrn H. Tobin
Charles Logan id ':irr A Hrrows, all
ot New Hrldgu, Ore('ou
Anv eron whoMi Mre. in r. tiitt again t
theallowanee of such ii. .i, r who known
of any sulistHiitial ren-mii, under the law ttud
the rtgulatioii of the Interior Depart incut,
why Mich pi oof should not l- allow e I. will
bejne'i an iipptirtiinttv a the :i)imi no n
lb e iel (i ie a Hi i ' i i lo i.i . , i.i 'ii ii,e ;af
w i u -i's ,it : , ' ,,,i, ,i ,, urTta
'' 1 'i i: -iUed by
I i
Land Ortlc- at L i r.m.le Oregon.
.s lit. !'. lSSi). I
Notlw hereby phyn dial i be followlng
namod settlors have iiled notice of their ln:
tention to make flnni proof in support ot
tboir claims, and that said prool will be
made before the register and receiver nt La
Grande. Oreaon. on Octolwr iW, 1880, viz;
John BrickoOH,
Hd. No. 2010. for the SW or. SEqr. Sec.
M'.or. NW qr. and Wi NK qr. See. 2:, Tp
,s if, 11. 40 li. ami
IId.Xo.3S9l. for the S' SK or.. NU qr
SEqr. and SU qr. XUqr.
HV. or. nnd SU nr. XI; nr. Sec. 11,
To ,s S,
. !E, W. M.
. vi r., w. ai. .. tl
f tl.n fnlliiu-imr witnesses lo
Aiicv iiiiiii.; .ii.- -
prove their continuous reiiiwnco upon and
cultivation of. said land, viaf .
R. V. IMndell. Charles h. Fee, O. S. Stew
art. Ole Didcrock-oii nnd John Lrickson,
all of Pine valley, Oregon. '
Anv person who desires to protest ngainst
the allowance of such proof, or who knows
of anv siib'tantiid reason, under the law and
the remtlutiotis of the Interior Department,
why such prooi should not be allowed, will
he jnvon an opportunity -it. the above men
tioned time and place to cro.s,-eamine the
witnesses of said claimants, and to ofler
evidence in rebuttal of that submitted by
0-10-wO Hegister.
Land Okfick at La Cranio:. Onr.nox.l
Sept. 24. 1880.
Notice is herebv given that the following
named settler bus tiled notice of her inten
tion to make final proof in support of her
claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore the register and receiver yt La Grande,
Oregon, on Nov. 11. 1880, viz:
Mai'.iiaI'et A. IIt i.nK.
lid. No. 2003. for the SWK Sec. 13 Tp, 8 S,
1!. 42 li, W. M.
She names the following witnesses to
prove her continuous residence upon and
cultivation of, said land, viz.:
Joseph Graham. Walter Love, William
Constable and W. II. Wellington, all of
Keating. Oregon.
Anv person who dcires to protest against
the allowntiCMif snub prool, or who knows
of any substantial reason, under the law and
the regulation of tho interior Department,
why such proof should not be allowed, will
bo given an opportunity at the above men
tioned time and place, to cross-examine the
witnesses of said claimant, and to offer
evidence in rebuttal of that submitted by
Hcxnv Rixi.iiACT.
10-3-wO Register.
Laxd Office at Lv Giukde. 0ri:oon,i
Aug. 30. 18-0. i"
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his inten
tion to make rlnal proof in support of his
claim, and that -aid proof will be m ide be
fore the register and rec -ivcr at La (ire tide,
Oregon, on October 21, lfS0, viz:
D. S. No. 7017, for the NWJ NW'f See. 27.
&A NUJ-i and SWW NUJ Sec. 2,S, Tp. 1 S,
R. 40 U. W. M.
lie names the following witnesses to
prove bis continuous residence upon and
cuPivntion'of, said land, viz:
Moses Lore, Thomas Anderson. Stephen
Conner and Arthur lluslok. all of Union,
Any person who desires to protest against
the allowance of such proof, or who knows
of any substantial reason, under the Jaw
and the regulations of the Interior Depart
ment, why such proof should not bo allowed
will be given an opportunity at the above
mentioned tune and place to cross-examine
the witnesses of said claimant, nnd to oiler
evidence in rebuttal of that submitted by
claimant. Hkmiy RixniiAnT,
0 5-v(. Register.
Laxd Ofkice at La Gbaxde, Ounoox..
Aug-. 21. I.s8!i. i
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has tiled notice of ids inten
tion to make tinal proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be in nle be
fore the register and receiver at La (l.aiub'.
Oregon, on October 15, 18.S9. viz: .J
William Plummek.
lid. No. 3S0O, for the SEK Sec. 33, Tp. 5 s,
R. 30 E, W. M.
He names the following witness, s to
prove his continuous residence upon avl
cultivation of, said land., viz:
John Shaw, William Sbaw. James Palton
and N. S. Rlank, all of North Powder. ()-.
Any person who desires to protest. ig.tint
the allowance of such proof, or whoknovis
of anv substantial reason, under the
and the regulations of the Interior Depart
ment, why such proof should not be all' 'ved,
will bo given an opportunity attbeabo.c
mentioned time and place to onws-exa' ino
tlio witnesses of said claimant, and to oiler
evidence in rebuttal of that submitted by
claimant. Henry Rinkii ui ,
8-20-wfi Rcibter
Laxd Office at La Gkaxdk, Oiikuo.n,!
Aug. 30, 1SMI. i
Notico is herebv given that the follow in
named settler has nlod notice of his intui
tion to make final proof in support oi his
claim, and that said proof will be m "lc be
fore the register and receiver at La (irande,
Otcgou, on October 22, 1880, viz :
William Smith,
Hd. No. 4050, for the S' NUk' and X1.;
SP.V, See. 13, Tp, 8 S, R. 40 U, W. M.
He names the following witnesses to
prove bis continuous residence upon and
cultivation of, said land, viz:
Luther Lloyd. J. P. Donnoy, J. H. Whec
lock and John Urickson, all of Pine valley,
Any person who desires to protest against
the allowance of such proof, or who knows
of any substantial reason, under the law and
the rcgulatlonsof the Interior Department,
why such proof should not be allowed, will
le given an opportunity at the above men
tioned lime ami place to cross-examim- the
wituisscs of said elaimant, and to nUcreW
deuce in rebuttal nf that submittal by
claimant. Henry Rixi:uaiit,
0-Ti-wU. Register.
Land Ofticr atLaGbasdk, Oki.-.ox, )
Aug. 21, lssii.
Notice Is hereby given that the following
naiued settler has filed notioo of his inten
tion to make tinal proof in support nf his
claim, aud that said prouf will be made be
fore the register and. receiver at La Grande,
Oregon, on Oct. 18, 1880, vi :
Reiben Ukad,
lid. Xo. 400U, for the Lot 1. SUj.f NU', ami
SFAi SK4 te. 5. T. S. R iii E.
IJb name the lollop ,ug witic .-, to
prove lit continuous ,'i.sidence up ,u .md
cultivation of, iubl l.m 1. vix:
John Ulggons, Km I Denuic Elwi" V'ls
and Jul Uuvi. all nt ptue vallev, (ii jl ii.
Any ron Win di sires to protest t
the P.iWH.s.. A. s,u.), pr ,f( nf wh k i(tfiH
' I any siiuti.iri u u mhi, uijH(.(' the I iw
aud tho tegiilutt n-c th iiiUTmr Dep.ut
went whyeiu-hpi ..f i... .1 -.t uul.. 1
wilt be given an opj tti(. . ,, ,
memloilml lime and Uu
the witness of aid clj.b. i i.. .. '. r
evkteueulu " '-u-.tal of tha. v. ,r,