The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, October 10, 1889, Image 5

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The On .iu.t iscout hag an large-a circu
lation as any two papers in this sec
tion of the Slate, combined, anil is cor
respondingly valuable as an advertising
- I
Thursday, Oct. XOdi. 1S8.
Kor n full description of Union
County rj insido pf tn
tintliercit up liy The Scout and i'mtiRlit
to llemtfiinrtci.
All kinds of lumber at Hall Bros.
Mesdames Bidwell it Benson have
just received a fine lot of jerseys.
The funeral services of Mr. Nelson's
little child took place at the Methodist
church Monday afternoon.
Ladies drop in at Bidwell it Hen
son's store and buy a bill of goods 12
foro returning home.
Jlnll lira's, cury a full line of all
kinds of school books. Noto thu
change in their ad this week.
Keinember the social dance to-morrow
night at Davis' hall. A most en
jovable time is assured. Tickets onlv
1.00. See ad clsewher -J
All persons indebted to us arc here
by notified that they must call and
settle without delay. Cowi.ks it Mo
danimi,, Cove, Oregon. (SM9-3t.
Ye who have property for sale call
on Wilson it llackett. They will
handle it to better advantage than you
can. Give them a call, the boom is
Wo notice Win. Both is in our mid&t
agasn. lie has had many hairbreadth
escapes, with grzzly bears and "cats"
in the mountains near his stock ranch
on .Snake river. Billy came near
, losing his bacon the last time.
11. J I. Brown has fitted up the old
Wright stoic building on Main street
and removed his stock of drugs and
notions into the same and now has as
neat and attractive a store as any in
Miss Usher, a first-class dressmaker,
has been engaged at the millinery
store of Mesdames Kinehart it Gager,
and all parties wanting work in that
lino will do well to call on them. All
work warranted.
La Grande has chartered a "bias tie
chick chick" of the 0. It. & N. and in
tends visiting tho exposition in body.
AVo understand they havo sent to
Chicago for special policemen to
guard the town till their return.
This ollice is indebted to Mrs. .las.
Hutchinson, of North Powder, for a
sample of peaches raised at that place.
They were fully matured and of tine
llavur, showing that peaches can be
raised in this section of country.
A new furniture- store is about to bo
started, to be known as tho "Daisy
Upholster it Furniture Store." A cer
tain "old bach" was presented with a
sample chair and recommends their
workmanship as being exquisitely
Mesdames Bidwoll it Benson keep
constantly on band a complete assort
ment of ladies' furnishing goods, such
as fascinators, gloves, mittens, bonnets
and hoods, all of the latest style, and
other novelties too numerous to men
tion. Drop in and see for yourself.
A beautiful gold medal inscribed
with your age and date of birth, na
tionality and (if unmarried) with a
correct "likeness of your future husband
or wife, presented free to every one
who settles their account at the Cove
drug store within five days.
The parties who disposed of thoir
sheep to .Swart. & Miller and received
checks on the Union bank, conditioned
in payment on the payment of drafts
on Chicago, then in the hands of the
bank, have it last received their pay.
Be a little more careful in future, ye
stock men.
Ed Cates vs A. Meachen came up
for bearing last Tuesday evening in
front of Wilson's saloon. Meachen
enforced his arguments in such a man
ner as to cause a verdict to bo ren
dered in bis favor. Mr. M skipped for
homo at early twilight and Kd has
gone into mourning for twenty days.
Sonutor Chandler, of Baker county,
while in Salem, was said to havo been
frightened out of his pantaloons by
burglars.(?) It is rumored about town
that lid. Cates and "Gum" Warren
acted the part of the good Samaritan
in blanketing the senator till tho arri
val of another pair.
Win. Michaels, the boy who, on tho
2.1d of last June, killed little Francis
Phillips near Telocasot, received his
sentenco and fine last Saturday, which
was seven ami one-half years in the
penitentiary anil tfaOO. It is to be
hoped that" by tho time he lias served
his sentence ho will be taught to have
some regard for human life. Tins, we
think, is too light . sentence.
Galbrailho Bro's, of .lonesville, Wis.,
arrived in Portland lately witli a lino
collection of Clydesdale, English Shire,
Hackney and Cleveland Bay utallioiis
whioh they oiler for alo at moderate
price and on tonus to suit the pur
chaser. Parties desiring to purchase
will do well to eall tion or aUUiess
them at tho Live Stock Exchange, cor
ner Fourth and Ash bUoota, Portland,
Know all mon by these presents,
that we, Tho Union Ileal Kstato Asso
ciation, itity of tho lirst part, for and
in consideration of the best iuterests
and welfare of the home-seekers, here
by Rgree to graut, bargain, ell and
inrnvey town lota, blocks, fruH-farma,
itoek-rauches, etc., at as reasonable
U;sand ia.-y terms a possible. In
witucs whereof we invite you to call
and investiijatfOir pJUrave. luion
Real Estate A.-ocbuiou, Wilsoa
llaola tt, Mtnagei.
Tho Scout's AVrrMy Impr: nml 1U
liort i.f I'lK-ntu o.V Dntj,
Mr. A. J. Harris, of Covcv called on
us this week.
Mrs. .las. Payne vifiu-d Union tl
fore part of the week.
Judge Kelly, from I,a Grande, was
on our streets this week.
Mr. Thos. Benson, of Cornucopia,
was in the city during the week.
M. B. Rocs and wife, of Covo, made
us a pleasant call a few days ago.
Mr. Henry Sterling, of Island City,
has been attending court this week.
Mr. J. F. Huff, of North Powder,
paid us a substantial visit during tho
Mr. Willard Moody, of Pino valley,
sent in this week and subscribed for
Tiik Scoit.
Miss Lizzie Lowe has lceu quite
sick for several days past, but is able
to be around again.
Dr. A. L. Savior has concluded to
return to Haines station where he has
a more lucrative practice.
Mr. Judd Geer and wife gave Union
a call last Friday. They pronounced
the entertainment tip top.
Mr. Chas. and Samuel Miller left for
Portland, Monday, to attend the North
Pacilic Industrial Exposition.
lion. Binger Hermann paid Union
a visit a few days since, lie is on a
tour of inspection throughout tho
Mr. C. 1). McCurry, of North Pow
der, was in the city this week. While
here he called and subscriled for Tin:
Mr. II. J. Edwards, of North Pow
der, was in the city the fore part of
tho week. He will read Tin-: SootT
Mr. Dan F. Moore camo down from
Cornucopia Monday and look his de
parture for Baker City, Tuesday, to
attend the fair at that place.
Mr. and Mrs. Mell Campbell of
Cove, have lecently returned from a
short trip to Pocky Bar, I. T. They
report times as being quite lively in
that mining district.
Mr. J. G. Stevens ami wife were in
town last week, visiting their sister,
Miss Nellie. Jap says he has to toe
the mark now. Wo also noticed a few
stray hairs on his cranium.
Mr. T. B. H. Green was seen smiling
on our streets again last Saturday,
after a business trip of nearly three
months in Montana and as far North
as Winnipeg, Canada. He succeeded
in disposing of his large band of
horses by hard work. Mr. Green says
Union suits him well enough.
Surprlsi! l'urly.
The surprise party given to Mr. and
Mrs. James Eakin last Monday even
ing was as pleasant a gathering as has
been our good fortune to attend for
some tune. During the evening they
were presented with a handsome mani
cure set, as a tokon of the esteem in
which they were held by members of
the. church. Long will be felt the va
cancy caused by the departure of the
estimable young couple from our
midst. A feeling of sadness comes
over us all as we feel their presence
will no longer bo with us, and their
hopes, interests and ambitions united
with ours. As they leave us they can
do so feeling that they are leaving true
and tried friends, who will ever be de
lighted to learn that continued pros
perity and happiness crowns their
every endeavor. Mr. Eakin will en
ter the Harvard Law College, and Mrs.
Eakin the Consovatory of Music. We
all unite in saying, when you are
through come home again.
TIiu Kiilm-tnln intuit.
The entertainment givon at tho
Presbyterian church last Friday even
ing seemed to be heartily enjoyed by
all. Tho principal feature of tho en
tertainment was tho recitations by
Miss Maud Durbin, of La Grande.
Her power of expression as shown in
the recital of "The Gypsie," was ex
cellent. Miss Durban expects to or
ganize an elocution class in Union,
and we bono tho people hero will ap
preciate talent when they have the
chance, and not fail to take advan
tage of this rare opportunity. Patents,
give your children a chance. Wo hope
this will not be the last entertainment
of this kind. Young people must bo
entertained in some manner, and for
the benefit of tho moral atmosphere of
our town, wo would say, give us anoth
er of the same kind.
The dirty scamp who stole our thor
oughbred setter pup had bettor return
, tho same to our editorial sanctum or
elao return in lieu thereef a good bull
j pup otto capable of protecting us
I against savage encroachments of irate
! patrons. This notice will uppoar for
i two weeks only, when proceedings will
will be commenced against tlio union
City Meat Market.
1'iiy Vi.
While Thk Scout is under iU pres
ent management it U very much de
sired that the patrons come forward
(one at a tune) and square up for tho
past and subscribe for at least two
years in advance us it is a desired to
suit that its iMJckets, which are at
preseut rather baggy, be filled out to
a rtpectablo size. Please du not wait
longer than next week.
iCor sain.
A few thoroughbred Cotawold luok.
For prices and terms call on or ail
dress I B. Holmes, Cove, Owgou.
Hall Bro'a havo now a large wpply
i Limber at Uir yurtl. JO-UHin, .
These presses are now baling three-fourths of all the hay and straw baled in the United States and Canada. We cat. make you better prieus and butter"
terms than any other linn, and will back our assertion with actual figures.
You do yourself an injustice if
I i-vcry Snhliath at U a. in. ami 8 i. in;
SulilKith school at 10 a. in: pravcr meeting
WoiliiOMliiv. at 8 l, in. The Ladies' Mt-Monar-
SoVk-tv meet on the fourth Friday
of every month at 2 :.'!0 . in. All cordially
invited. It. H. PAUKHK, Pastor.
Kopoit of Crnntl .Jury.
To the Hon. James A. Fee, Judge of
tlie above entitled Court:
We, your grand jury duly empan
eled and sworn on the 2.'fd day of Sep
tember, A. 1). 1SS!), in and for the
said county and state, respectfully sub
mit the following report:
We havo been in session, in all,
eleven days and have found and re
turned into open court, in all, fifteen
truo bills of indictment and eight not
true bills.
Wchave examined into tho offices
of the shcriir, clerk and treasurer and
we find that llicy aro in a satisfactory
We havo examined into the condi
tion of the county jail and find it se
cure and comfortablo for its inmates.
Wo have examined into the condi
tion of tho county poor house and find
it clean and well kept, with two in
mates, and the farm connected there
with well taken care of and productive.
Wo would recommend the county
court to provide two wool mattresses
and two wool pillows for tho poor
house so that incase of sickness its
inmates can be made comfortable.
Wo havo examined into the books
of tho assessor and find them in a sat
isfactory condition.
Wo find that the sheriff, clerk and
treasurer have made and filed their
semi-annual statements for the half
year ending the Mth day of Septem
ber, 18S0, in all things correct and ac
cording to law.
From the treasurer wo have received
the following statement:
To amount on hand $!) 708 87
Jhiker county orders 'J00 00
Wallowa county orders. ... l 897 07
School drafts on deposit at
1st N. U., Union 2 050 7-1
Contingont warrants 11)1 00
Count'- ordors 1 I8'i -Mi
Coin on hand 1 480 00
.$1) 708 87
Wo find that all moneys belonging
to Union county havo been paid over
by the county officials as is required
by law.
. From tho shurifl wo havo received
tho following statement:
To amt. delinquent tax on
April 27, 1880 -flo 000 02
To amt. sheriff assessments M0 1)5
Total $15 110 07
liv amt. collected by sheriff
"and paid over to Troas.. . if 8 800 (K)
liy atfcOMiiuontd double and
orroneou '108 -10
Total U 108 -10
Looving now as per delin
quent tax roll .fO,0;M,57
of which amt. thoro is
now ttucolleotablo....;. $1 250 00
By doublo iiHOflginont8 now
on tux roll 375 00
By suit, poll tuxoti uttcob
Icctoble 117 00
$2 U2 (X)
invinj taxoe to b collect
5 CD j
) (and ; '
' H Xl t
. 1 u co 1
!v m gap '
.JC 0 ! :
;Cfl it fft'j
(Acrt? j
P, K. Dedenck Hair Presses.
For sale by
La Grande, Oreeon.
you do not sec our goods before purchasing.
Wc Guarantee the Lowest Kates.
No Commissions. No Delays, where
Title and Security is Satisfactory.
Merchant Tailor,
LaGrande, Oregon.
Suits made to order, and perfect lit guaranteed. Cleaning and repairing done.
Give mo a trial. Charges reasonable, and satisfaction guaranteed.
ed W SIM) 57
Wo earnestly recommend to the
consideration of tho county court the
That it is far better for Union coun
ty to have all double and erroneous
assessments and all assessments where
the description of the property is de
fective, and all uucollectablo poll and
property taxes on the delinquent tax
roll, stricken from such tax roll, be
cause it is a useless and unnecessary
expense to carry over and enter from
book to book all assessments where
there is no possible hope for their col
lection. Wo havo examined into the condi
tion of our county roads and lind Unit
there is a great deal of complaint in
regard to the county road leading from
the Cove, to 1'hy's point, and we lind
that at that point a large amount of
water is backed up against tho road
which renders tho road almost impass
able at tiinos and is of great injury to
tho road. Wo recommend that the
county court instruct the road super
visor to remedy this evil, and if he
fails to do so then that they appoint a
competent man in his place who will
do so.
Wo also find that tho county road
leading from Union to North Powder
between Clover creek and North I'ow
dor has been by different parties on
closed and changed without any right
or authority of law. Wo would rec
ommend that tho county court enforce
tho right of tho people to have said
road remain where it was Cftablished
and not oblige tho people of our
county who desire to travel that road
to pass over every inaccessible point in
that section.
Wo havo investigated all matters
brought to our attention to tho best of
our ability and in accordance with tho
oaths wo havo taken.
Wo desiro at this time to return our
sincere thanks to Hon. .las. A. Fee,
our circuit judge, for thu many cour
tesies he has extended to us, to J. L.
Rand, our district attorney, for the aa
sistanco ho has rendered us, and to
Charles Baker, our bailiff, for tho
promptness he has extended to us in
meeting our demands.
And now having completed our bus
iness we ask to bo discharged.
Dated at Union, in tho County of
Union and State of Oregon, this 1th
dav of October, A. I). 18S0.
Diiii'I lKifiriiu!ii.
You cannol nll'onl to wuhIu time hi x
ItcrlinciitliiK when your lungs are In ilniit,'r.
C'oiiHUiiiptlun always seems, at flrxt, only a
cold. Ho not permit any dealer to Impose
upon you with somo cheap imitation of Dr.
King's Xuw JMiicovory for CoiiniiiuiiUou,
Coughs and Colds, but ho sure you got tlio
gunuiiie. lleeatno ho oan iiiako
lit ho may tell you he liasHOiiiuthinij Jiut as
Kood, or jiut tho muiio. Oon't ho deceived,
but insist upon tfcttiiux KhitfV New
Dlwovory, which is KiianmUed U tflve n
lluf In all Throat, Uiny and VAxmt
tlonn. Trial bootlw fruo at Hrown' drug
atoro. Large ho tlio II.
i'i.hiccim: tiii: tassknckiis.
Himv Ti-uvntdrMjl'iir Kant for! I:ind mill
I'uilliiiiil a ii ltnlilinil.
The East Portland Vindicator says:
Every passenger train that pulls into
either Hast Portland or Portland is
hoarded a short dislitnco out of tho city
by a baggage man with a lot of rings
with cheeks on them. This chock
man "hits" every passenger on the
train to cheek baggage. The "song
and dance" that the fellow gives them
is well calculated to make a novice in
traveling yield up his or her check, if
they have one or consent to havo their
baggage checked. The check once in
the hands of that baggage fellow, then
the fun begins. The baggage man
will check anyone's haggngaanywhere,
so he will say, with perfect safety. lie
takes the passenger's check, finds tlio
baggage to correspond with tho check
in his poi-scssion and then hauls the
baggage to his company's baggage
rooiws and there it stays. Tho passen
ger gets uneasy about his or her bag
gage and starts out to hunt it up. Af
ter traveling all over the city the bag
gage is at last "treed" at the baggage
room, where from spl to $2.50 is collec
ted before the passenger can got tho
baggage. Then there is tho paying
for having it hauled to the depot both
ways, additional. Of course, it is a
small matter, and hut few, if any, would
ever feel like making a "kick," especi
ally on so short a time, wIk.mi thoy
were in a hurry and wanted to bo go
ing, so they pay the cash and get their
A man from abroad with a broad
brimmed hat and flowing locks of the
"Wihl Bill" type walked into the post
office tho other day and inquired for
mail. On being answered in tlio neg
ative, ho cast his eaglo optics along
the boxes and as it happened to be
just as Mrs. A'lgors had liinished put
tid: in slips notifying holders to pay
for next month, our rural tough mis
took the situation and was seen shak
ing his head as he walked out mutter
ing to himself: "JUightv poor town
Lrdicri, save money by buying goods
of .Mesdames Kinehart it Gager. One
dollar in lino jewelry will ho given to
every one purchasing ten dollar's
worth of goods and paying cash there
for. They carry tho finest lino of mil
linery, fancy goods and ladies' furnish
ings in tho city, and will not he under
sold. A line lino of novelties in ladies'
ami gouts' silk handkerchiefs, nh.o in
fancy neck wear for ladies. Now goods
constantly arriving from the cast and
Tho favorable impression produced on
tho first appvaranco of thu agreeable liquid
fruit remedy Syrup of 1'Ijjh a fow yoaris uj(0
hu been mere than continued by thu pluiue
Hiitoxuuriojicu gf ull who have uiod it, and
the nucco of tlis proprietors mid iiiiuiu
fuotururs the (Jul. Fljf hyr.ip Compiiny.
La Grande, Oregon.
School Books
All readers to be exchanged must
contain all the reading matter and to
be in such condition that they could
be used in school if tho change had
not been made.
Tho full scries of
Barnes Readers
now ready. Other books will bo on
hand in a short time.
Exchange Agents for Union and
District. 7-2ftf
For Sale.
!(?()() owes nml lnmhsnm'i
'LOO wethers, yenrliiigs nml
two yenr olds. Will sell nt
n b;irj;nin. Enquire ol'T. G.
"WILSON, at Cove, or B. F.
WILSON, Union, Oregon.
Wo nri) Proptirrtl.
All persons having past grievances
against Tin: Scout may call on thu
lighting editors, (Wilson it llackett)
any time within tho next ten days,
during which linio our latch string
will be left out. Since Brother Jones
deemed it best for his declining health
to seek the more salubrious clime of
"old Webfoot," wo havo prepared our
selves to meet all parties who wish to
settle past grievances against this
sheet, and have fitted up our sanctum
sanctorum so as to receive in right
royal Htylo all parties having old scores
to settle. The hurricane deck of our
ollice is supplied with four guttling
gnus, one dynamite cruiser, armed
with Hotchkiss repeaters, rubber shoot
ers and gass. On tho ground floor wo
havo twenty-seven -Mi-inch cannons
primed and loaded with wind, two
bull pups and a one-eyed revolver, bu
sbies a small company of infantry
commanded by our world renowned
Captain Carrott, who has been slightly
indisposed for the last few weeks, but
under the scientific treatment of Dr.
C. 11. Day, and the careful nursing of
ex-Senator Uinehart, Frank Hall el al,
the captain is now convalescent ami
capable of manipulating our body
guard and receiving our convulsive,
spasmodic and impetuous friends in
any kind of style to suit the occasion,
Come on. AVe fear you not, for our
noble captain with one fell swoop will
make you think tho crack of doom
bus count. If tho proprietors are out
of the ollice, captain O. will be delight
ed to entertain you till their ariival.
The attention of fanners and grnht deal
ers is called to tho .superior facilities ami
advantages ollered by Prank llro'a. Imple
ment Co. for tlio pun-laiM) and hauling of
all kinds of grain at their largo wareliousu
and elevator at La ffrande. Tlioy will fur
nish farmers sacks for tho hauling of grain
free, and li.ivin;: tiiilhnlted facilities for
storing and making advances on wheat,
cuu offer superior iuduccmunU to those
who may desire to hold their wheat for
better prices, or thoy will pay the highest
nutria t pi leo In cash. 8-1-tf
Hj'iMxl of tlio Columbia.
Thu Synod of the Columbia, of tho
Presbyterian church will meet in Pen
dleton Thurcday, October 10th, acting
upon an invitation of Hov. T. 51.
Boyd at the last tessiou of tho Synod,
in Salem. There will bo an opening
sermon by Hov, C. It. Shiolds, of Uast
Portland, following which tlio officers
of the Synod for thu ensuing year will
he elected, and the business of thu four
days' session entered upon.
If you uru indebted to mo, this Is a per
sonal notlto to you to eomu forward and
huttlo. I must havu what b duo, and.uii
Ich jjtittloniunt is made by tho II rut of No
vember, thu aooniuits will bo collected by
pi oi'cua of law.