The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, October 10, 1889, Image 3

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It Slmnld Bo Cleaned nt Least Once H Year,
.-t-iiniiy m me l nil.
Undoubtedly tho well on tho farm ii
a source from which como manv dU
eases. Some wells nro nnvnr rinnnmi
When dug, they aro carefully boarded
over, tho pumps made tluht
with tho ground sloping away on all
Bides so as to allow the surface water
to now from the opening. There is
no well water that is pure. Some-
ining depends on tho charaetor.
sandy, and tho water will disappear
umuKiy irom uie surface after a rain,
tho well will drain the soil for a long
instance around it. and tho conse-
quenco will be that a largo portion of
uie nun of tho soli will find its way
into the well, although tho water may
appear sparkling and bright. It is
contended that tho soil removes all
the impurities from tho water; but
tins depends upon whether the soil.
by long continued absorption, be not
already so thoroughly saturated with
impm-mus as 10 reiuse to take up
more, in at tho soil does not remove
all the impurities even from now
ground whero a well has been recently
dug. has been demonstrated, by satu
rating tho surface earth at a distance
from the well with kerosene oil,
'which gradually found its way to
tho well (having been washed
down by tho rains). and
imparted its odor to tho water. If tho
soil be of heavy clay the danger will
be lessened: but on all porous soil tho
liability of pollution of the water is
great. No manuro heaps, privies,
sinks or other receptacle for filth or
rofuso of any kind should be within
one hundred and fifty feot of the well;
the further olT tho better. No matter
how tight tho well may be. tho toad
will sometimes contrivo to get in.
Many wells contain toads that die and
are swallowed up in tho drinking
water unknowingly, under the suppo
sition that tho well is tight and "toad
proof." Wells should bo cleansed at
least once a year, and especially in
tho fall. For a distance of ten feet,
around tho well tho surface should be
cemented, and the pump itself should
be cleaned occasionally. Toads. Hies,
bugs, worms and ovou gnats will get
in the water, while oven a few drops
of a solution from a filthy drain or
sink, finding its way into the well
carry bacteria enough rapidly to mul
tiply and contaminate all of the water.
Rouis of trees and vines also servo as
drains into tho wells, as they loosen
tho soil, and for that reason they
never should be planted near tho
nourco of drinking water. Christian
at Work.
m m
They Aro round in Urups Intended For
Kurly Autumn Wear.
Cloth capes for light summer wraps
are given a now effect by French mod
istes making tho uppor capo almost a
ruflle in Us fulness, and sewing it on
l3low tho collar, beginning on a point
low on tho bust, carrying it up over
tho tips of the shouldors and across
the back. It is about eight inches
deop in tho back, and very full there
and on the shoulder tips, giving nn ef
fect of greater breadth to tho wearer;
it then becomes inoro scant, and slopes
almost 10 a point whore it meets on
the chest. Tho lower edges of this
frill and of the capo proper aro pinked.
Hright red cloth capes aro made in
this way for sea-side, mountain and
country use generally, while boigo and
tan-colored cloths aro for inoro dressy
enpos for driving, visiting, and later
in tho season for city streets. White
cloth and oven white volvot capes,
with gold or silver braiding, are made
for evening wraps. French models
havo side pieces inserted in those
capes to make thorn very high on tho
shoulders, pulling them up like mutton-leg
sleovos, then adding a rolled
wired collar that is very becoming.
A bright red cloth shoulder capo has
its high wired collar covered with
black laco sot on Hat. and bolow tho
collar tho liu'o takes a yoke shape; the
sides of this capo aro hold In placo by
straps inside that pass under tho arms.
IMack volvot braided with gold is used
for tho high rolling collar of other red
Worth has improved the Irish peas
ant cloaks used as driving cloaks by
making them le-s voluminous, dis
pensing with tho mass of shirring on
tho shoulders, putting there instead a
yoke of silk covered with lace, and
adding a doublo capo or singe frill of
pinked cloth like that just described.
Thus a very dressy cloak Is made of
boigo or Suede-colored ladlos' cloth,
with pinked capo, and a rolling collar
and pointed yoko of ropped silk en
tirely covered with Irish guipuro laco.
Such cloaks aro long enough to cover
tho wearer from head to foot, and aro
a porfcet protection from dust, A
friar's gown like tho monks' cloaks al
ready noted, to bo worn as a traveling
cloak, is of dark bluo sorgo with ecru
silk lining, and monks' heads carved
in obony posed in front instead of but
tons. ilarper's Hazar.
How to Clean Black Silks.
Tho most ratlsfactory way to cleanse
an old black silk, or arty dark silk, is
to tako a dark glovo that is worn out,
but not too much boiled, and boil It
down in water from a quart to a pint,
or till tho glovo la shrunken to a small
ploco and becomes a mere pulp. Add
a toaBpotfiful of ammonia and spongo
tho Bilk on tho wrong sldo with this
liquid and rinso it oil with clear
water. Tako out groaso spots boforo
beginning with gasoline. Wipe tho
silk as dry as possible, thon hang It up
to contlnuo drying, then press It as
dry 11s possible with a thin cloth luld
over It N. Y. TraUBv
Dyes Which Cutiao skin I)lene Ilnnrrr-
oils 4 cllo w Shore
Tho Berlin Medical Society at a re
cent meeting discussed at length the
effects upon tho skin of dyes used to
color wearing npparol. Dr. Woyl, n
general practitioner of high repute.
told about his examination of a dress
waist which had caused an obstinnto
and painful skin disease to tho woman
wearing it. Ho found tho red cotton
goods with which tho collar and cuffs
were lined saturated with a poisonous
rod dye, which came off whenever
brought In contact with perspiring
Another woman of Dr. Weyl's ac
quaintance poisoned her skin by wear
ing bluo stockings which bho herself
knit. Tho first dny she woro tho
stockings hor feet began to swell, tho
second day tho inllanimatlon extended
to tho calf, nnd the third day to tho
knee. When Dr. Woyl was called tho
woman was in bed with largo swell
ings and eruptions on both legs. Sho
recovered aftor being treated for two
Dr. Weyl said that much of tho vol
vot which, for instance, is often worn
around the not-k by young women,
causes irritation of tho skin and
roughness of tho wholo face. Ono
piece, which ho procured directly
from a dyer and manufacturer, pro
duced eruptions after it had been
worn but a few hours. Every bit of
cotton or woolen undorclothlng, ac
cording to Dr. Weyl. should be thor
oughly boiled, soaped and rubbed be
fore it is put on for tho first time.
Colored silk underwear is not so dan
gerous as other colored undorwear,
bocauso tho fiber of silk holds the dye
much more firmly than the fibers of
other goods.
Dr. Weyl also describes tho case of
a young man in Munich who had been
poisoned by tho yellow dyoing matter
used in coloring russet shoos. After
wearing thoso shoes for ono week tho
young man's feot woro covered with
small yellow blisters, which, in the
middlo of tho second week, began to
spread to his ankles. His doctor had
him give up tho shoes, and cured tho
eruptions in ten days. Tho yellow
leather was subsequently examined
at the Munich Hygienic Institute, and
was found to be saturated with a dan
gerous yellow dye. Dr. Weyl's advice
to his colleagues was: "Don't wear
russet shoes." N. Y Sun.
lirent Strides .tludo Miico That Time In
Domestic Comforts.
In fifty years f:io household has
como out of darkness into light.
Thore woro no machlne-mado pins
with firm heads a half-century ago.
There woro no envolopes, no postago
stamps, no blotting paper and no steel
J-ens fit to use. Tho housekeeper hnd
no canned fruits, meats and vege
tables. Sho could get no condensed
milk, no cocoa and but littlo choco
late. Firo was kindled with the tinder
box, and candles and pipes were usu
ally lighted with live coals from tho
fire-place. Tomatoes were not eaten.
and neither ice nor refrigerator were
known in domestic lifo.
No photograph of any kind had over
been taken; gardon hoso and wntor
proof garments woro unknown, and
ovorshoos wero but just thought of
fifty years ago. Cooling soda water
and ice cream woro not at hand, sow
ing was dono by hand and household
linen wns spun and woven at homo.
There was no gas nor olectt-io light nor
korosene. Whalo oil and tallow
candles woro tho solo reliance for
light. Coal wns hardly known and
wood wns ovory body's fuol.
1 ablo forks woro mado of steol, and
had but two prongs. Kvory body put
food into his mouth with his knifo.
and tho bandanna was tho predecessor
of tho napkin. No ono hnd thought
of an individual butter plate, and
stoves wero a rarity. Tho news of
the day was a long timo in boing dis
seminated among tho pooplo, for tho
newspapers woro scarco and unenter
prising, and published hardly any but
political nows, and this had to come
by slow stago coach, for the telegraph
and the railroad had hardly como into
"Tho good old times" sounds a
Kreat deal bettor in sentiment than in
reality. They wore novor so good
that any ono would now want to ox
chango tho present for them; and an
good as tho present Is, thoro is a fu
ture upon which wo :u-o rushing that
offers to tho imagination all tho splen
dors of tho fancy. Good Housekeep
India Rubber Stone.
What Is described as a geological
curiosity is in tho olllco of tho Acting
Chief Clerk of the United States War
Department, Washington. It is a
pieco of stono weighing about olio
pound, thirteen inches in longth, two
and a half Inches in width and one-
third inch thick. There la no doubt
about its being a genuine stone, but it
nevertheless possesses tho flexibility
of a pieco of India rubber. When
taken in tho hand and shaken in tho
direction of tho flat fArfaco it will
bond backward and forward with a
dull sound. This is what is known as
ltacolumnlto or elastio sandstone. It
is stated that a wholo mountain of it
oxists in Southern Novad.t, a short
dlstanco cast of Death Valloy. It is
found in California, Georgia and other
localities in tho United Statce, Chi
cago Tribune. o
0 r .
In twolvo cases out of twentr-two
of importance in tho last throo years
experts in chirography havo gono
wrong in their deductions. There are
a hundred men in every Stato who
write precisely tUoeruno tiund.
At a New York wedding tho other
dny the brldo received $1,000,000
worth of presents.
A titled lady In London has formed
a guild of clenr-starchers and ironers
of lino linens and laces.
Tho head roller in a Pittsburgh
iron mill mnkes fifty dollars a day
His family ride behind a spanking
llliam O. Fitzgerald, a deaf
mute, has been a clerk In tho Nov
York Custom House for twentv-oight
Annie Perkins, of Cleveland,
wears boys' clothes, subsists on oat
meal and sells papers for a living. Sho
is thirty years of ago and a poetess.
M. LilTel. whoso nnmo has been
exalted by his great tower, is fifty-t-oven
years old. His real nnmo is
said to bo Honickhauscn. and' his rea
sons for changing it aro unknown.
Tho trophy which Mary Anderson
Is said to most value in her collection
is a dagger given her by Lady Martin
(Helen r illicit), which tho latter al
ways used when sho played Juliet.
Oscar II., King of Sweden, is said
to bo a manly-looking monarch. Ho
stands six feet two inches in his stock
ings, is well proportioned, and has
gray hnir and short, full board. Hois
a gifted orator and Is a poet and musi
cian as well.
Mrs. Harrissn ha3 been asked by
mall if she approves of dancing,
whether sho wears a bustle, what she
thinks of Mrs. ltives-Chnnler's novels,
what Is her opinion of "Hobort Els
mere." how much time sho devotes to
her tollot and other questions equally
Mr. isewrich (to his lately ac
quired typewriter) "I want you to
writo me a letter on that machine
you've got there." Typewriter
"Well. sir. How shall it begin?" Mr.
Newrich (dicta' ing) "I tuko my pen
In hand to write you a few words."
Boston Herald.
Mr. Shawmut "I understand.
Miss Kakrus. that there was some
thing in the nature of a personal alter
cation between your escort and young
Mr. Outfit at the Hed Fork ball last
ovening." Miss Kaktus "Nothing
more than a passing scrap, Mr. Shaw
mut. Neither gentleman had his
gun." I'uek.
Tho world litis 110 svimiathv u-ltli nnv lint htm.
itive Krli'fi; it will pity jou for what '" 'ose,
never lor what you lack.
White Elephant of Slam. Lion of Eng
land. Diatom of China. Cross of Switzer.
land, Banner of Ferula, Crescent of Egypt
Double EukIo of Russia, Star of Chili, The
Circle of Japan, Harp of Erin.
To get these buy a box of the genuine
Dn. C. MoLane's Cki.khuatkd Livkr
Pills, nrlco iio cents and mail uh the out
side wrapper with your address, plainly
written, and 4 cents in stamps, wo will
then mall you the above list with an ele
gant package of olographic and chro
matic cards.
Fleming Bros., Pittsburg, Pa.
If you have Imllt castled In the air your work
need not be lost; that In where they should be.
Now put foundations under them.
Sick Headache
Is n very illstresslni atl'eetion, cenerally arising
from stomach trouble, biliousness and dyspep
sia, and wu frequently tiud persons of both
sexes subject to periodic headaches for which
they can ascribe 110 direct cause. Hut the head
ache Is a sure indication Unit there Is something
wrong somewhere, and whatever the cause
Hood's Sjirsaparllla is a reliable, remedy for
headache, ami for all troubles which seem to re
itiIro 11 corrective and regulator. It cures dys
pepsia, biliousness, malaria, tones the stomach,
creates all appetite, and gives strength to the
"I havo been troubled a great deal with head
ache, had no appetite, 110 strength, and felt as
mean as any one. could, nnd be about my work.
Since taking Hood's Sarsanarllla I have not bad
headache, my food has relished, and seemed to
do uie good, and I have been growing stronger
every day." M. A. Stkinman, Urand Itaplds,
N. II. He sure to get
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Hold by all druggists- (I; six for f ft. I'repared
only by f. I. 1IOOI) it CO., Lowell, Mass,
100 Dosos Ono Dollar.
fiomn vonrs airo I was thrown from a horse In
McLennan county, anil received a frightful wound
on one of my legs, I' or more than 11 ytar I was un
able to walk. Tlin wound ulcerated und refused
to heal, and every one thought I would liuvo
tosutiinlt manipulation. H.H.H. was recommended,
and I used It freely, and I shall never get through
thanking K. H. H. fcjr suvlug my leg, and restoring
mo to perfect health. (litr.ANii W'iim.v,
Palestine, Texas, July, 1, '83.
Bond for treatise on lllood and Hkln Disease ;
mailed free. HWl IT H I'KC'I Kl O CO.,
Drawer 3, Atlanta, (In.
The Celebrated French Sure,
w;r,;.7' "aphroditine" xzzi
la fioi.n ok i
to euro nay
disease, or any
disoider of tho
geuerutlvu 01
gmu of either
BItORE itlug from the
ex(iive uie of titlimiltiut!, Tobacco or Opium, ..111 ..I. ...... . . . . .
w ...iw..Sn juiiuMui iiiuiscrciiou, over inning,
eucc, Ac, uch hi Um 01 Ilralti Tower, Wakeful
iie, Hearing ilova I'Iu lu the Hack, Kemltim
Yi eiiknoM, if) uteris. Nervous I'mstrutloii Nocturn
al Kinllon. l-cucnrrhica, Dizziness, Weak Mem
ory,Usof I'ovr nd linpotency. which If ne
glected often lead to prcmaturooltlnKemid iniaii.
lty I'rlrell 00 n box. 0 boxes for 14.00 Hvut by
mail on receipt ol price.
A WIUTTKN ii UAHANTKK fnrcvery5 00
order, to refund tho money If a !'riiiiwiiit
cure Ii not effected Tliotitalidi ol tettiimmlaU
from old and )ouug, ol both mjxm. permanently
eutnU bjr ArilHniilTINie Circular frea A'ldreu
Bold by Btrelblg A Laue, DruKKi'U, cor. Boo
ond Wa4UiUKtou HU., I'ortlaud, Or.
who lure umnI I'Wf
Cure for Connumptlon
Bold vteraberv. Xc
Few men are are so clcvr as to know all the
mischief they do.
A lllc In the ItltiN.
If on the right side and lower part of the
dlaphracm, though pla fully meant ami de
livered, Ii calculated to evoke pmfunltv from a
chappy whose liver Is out of order. Wlien that
region Is sore and congested, iokes seem fietid
ln. UHik at a man's countenance ere vou prod
hiin uiiiler the rib. If his skin and "ovebalU
have n nllow tinge, you may Infer iiImi tlmt hl
tongue Is furreil. his breath apt to bo sour, that
lie has pains not only lnuieath his ribs, but alo
under the right -boulder-blade. AUo, that his
bowels aro Irregular and hlsdleoMlon Impaired.
Instead of making a )ocoe demonstration 011
his ribs, rcct.i.imcud him to lake ami steadllv
persist lu taking, llostetter's Stomach Hitter;,
tho finest anti-bilious mul alteratlxe medicine
extant, luiomparable is It, alo. for dvspopla.
rheumatism, nervousness, kidney trouble, ami
lever and ague.
He that loes anything and gets wisdom bv It
Is a gainer by the loss.
The most prominent iilivfleiatm in the
city "tnoke nnd recommend "Tniibill's
If you wi-h to do the cosiest and quickest
week n washing you rirr did. trv Dobbins'
Klcetric Soap next washday. Follow the
directions. ysk Your grocer for it. Heen
on the market 21 years. Take no other.
Tho very esonco of truth is painless and
brightness; the darkness and crookedness Is our
CougliM. 4'oIiIn. nmt More 'Mi rout
quickly relieved by "7Jrou'n'ilrcmcaiol Troches."
-5 cts. a box.
The ecds of ropontauee aro sown In outh bv
paiiiS"r0' but the harvest Is reaped in ago by
Hark, the sound ot manv voices
Jubilant lu gladest song,
And full many a heart rejoices
As the chorus floats along:
"Hall the Kavorite Prescription."
How tho happv voices blend.
"Wonderful beyond description
Woman's liest and truest friend."
Well may it bo called woman's tet friend,
since It does for her what no other renuslv has
ben able to do. It cures all those delicate de
rangements and weaknesses H-cullar to females.
Oir them, understand. Other ptviwrutlous
may afford temporary relief, but I)r Pierce's
Favorite l'icscrlptiou effects a itfrnuiHcnt cure
It Is iiimrtuitrcd to do this, or tiie inonev paid
for It will Ik- promptly refunded. It 1 the great
remedy of the age.
The worst Nasal Cetarrb, no matter of how
long standing, is permanentlv cured bv Dr.
tfage's Ca'arrh Itcmcdv.
A friend's frown Is far In-iter tbau
Mrs. Kmellne C. Hanna. mlsslouarv for First
Baptist Church, Troy, N. V., sas: "I ui onlv
too glad to adil my 'estlmonv to the great value
of I)r. David Kennedy's Favorite ICemedv, made
at Hondout, N. Y. It lias permanentlv cured
mo of Kidney troubles, Catarrh of the lliailder,
also constipation. I would stato that I used Dr.
Kennedy's Favorite Itemedy with the full con
sent of my physician."
Dr. DllVid Kcllllfdv's Vnv.rlt.i lu
sovereign remedy for Nervousness, lthuuiHtism,
iwimcj aim i.iver i ompiaint, unit all tho Ills
peculiar to women. It drives the poison from
the blood and restores tho untlrnt in H... 1,1, .,.,.
of youth
Dit. Kkn.nkdv's FAVoum: He.mkdy, made at
Kondout, N. V. (1! 0 for f,r.
Send for boi k how to cim. kl,l nut' f nl
lllood disorder!,
V, tumuiiin until inu
oourbi of the Mtu.
T-'Vl'lltH TniirL- tlnwt iimni irnil.r..n.. .1 .
Before the Operation.
After the Operation.
.HIhh Lena Hamilton's! Open Letter.
Dayton, V. T., Sept. L, 1880.
Dra. Dttrrin, Fifth Street: My
Dear Sirs: I arrived homo Sunday. My
eye Is all right. It in a surprise to nil my
friends how any man can straighten as
crooked eyes as mine were In so short a
time. I Hhall never forget your kindness
and benefit to me, Please accept my
gratitude ogaln. I.i:na Hamilton.
$.'5.HH !0 S250 woVuiX'nVr
preened who run furnish a bursa and give tbe'r
ffholHtlmntothu1 iMiicns. rpuro in"ineutH may h
prolltalily employed also. A lew vaeam Un liilowiii
.iiiileitli-i ji. r. juii:.iij;n, a i u iwj aiuiu rti.,
iii'lnionil V11
PI a,- I tCUJC 01UIC uyc UHU UKnca cJ'Crrrr
Hevtr mhul about tending ttump (or reply. li.F,
Nkw skctiu.nal Mai'h or
ltevlseil to October, lhttl.
75 Cent Knell. Tone tlior. HI 2.1.
Mailed anywhere, Address,
J. K. Gll.h A CO., 1'ubllshern,
rortland, Oregon,
Electrotyiifl anQ Stereoliroe
N. P. N, U. No. 5101 -B V. N. U. No. 81
MllllK C V It K r Olt 1'll.KM.
Sure cure for blind, bH- dl ig and itching Piles.
One box. has cured the winut caes of ten Years'
standlug. No one need stilIVr ten minutes alter
using Kirk's Oerman rile Ointment, It absorbs
tumors, allays tho itching, acts a a poultice,
gives relief. Dr. Kirk's (icrman l'ile Ointment
Is prepared only for Piles and Itching of the
private parts, and nothing else. Every box is
Sold by Druggists and sent by mall on receipt
of price, 11.00 per box. J. J. Mack A Co., Whole
sale Agents, yau Francisco.
A Joke never gains an euentj, but oltttt loses
a friend.
T. II. FIK. Clii-iuoHt mill A-.Hiiyi'.
6's Washington st., Portland, O. Packages by
mall or express promptly attended to.
IU npmtor excolleuov tuf u lu millions ol bomM tot
more ttiu quarter of i century. It Is usoil by tbe
Unlttsl HUUsi tloTprntneut. Kuilorstsl by the heftds of
the Great UnlTers'ttes as IbeStroon'st, Purest and mott
Healthful. Dr. Prloe'i Cream ltakirrg Powder does not
oontalu Ammonia, Lime t Alum. Hold onlr In cni.
. i u sr. r 1 isc is 1 v is i
Manhattan U. M. C. and Colt Urocuh-Loadlng
Shot Units.
Also a lull assortment of Varllu.i. oil and Win
chester Kltlos. The I'. M. C. Maihinu bhot linns
for tM, are tbe best Machine dun lu the market.
Send for circular. 11.1'. II I'
33 First Street. Portland, Of.
If atllioted with Sore Kyes, use Dr. Isaac,
Thompson's Kye Water. Druggists sell It. 'JSC.
T'lt OUttt Meiticn.f in tilt 11 .r,is probiM!
Tills article 11 11 canlully prepare ! imyslel.ui s pro
scrliillon, an 1 I ai I eon lu constant ir.o for nearly 1
eo:it-rv Hicro nro few ill.-eiujos to which LinnUm1
ro lUUJect uoro I'ptresslng than soro eyes, ami
none, p maps forwlilcli moro reineillfs havo Ih'O!
trl d ultlioutrueeiss. Fornllcxtcrmt! l'ltlauiniatler
of tho eves It M nn Infalllblo remedy. If the illreo
lions are followed It will never f II. Wnp-irilojlarlj
Invito thoattent on of p'lyidel.-ns ' ft merits. K01
alnbynllitnntglsti. JOtlV . TIIOWO.V, SOXI
CO.. tmoy. M. y. r.tiiitiiio-i , '
Ono pair No. 1 gi'iinine Uuck Gauntlets
J 1.50. poHtnsjo paid, for .f'-'TiO goods.
Order anything and everything you want to
eat, to use or to wear, nnd you will get the low
est price and best service at all times. Order a
sample copy of the last Hume Circle containing
price of over 3,000 articles, besides other valuable
Information, bent free. It will pay you to have
It. Address,
Largest General Dealers west of tho
Mississippi Klver,
San FriinelHeo - Cnliriirnln
10CH Third St , I'ortlaud, Oregon.
nnrWimi'DINl1. MilUmtUc, Vcnmamhtn, Bank
buUKKhlM IPtU. ,,,0 Uutineu awl Legal
M!nilTIIANn (ViirMjioniftJice, Spelling ami all
w nn um iTIVf- tht KnglM llranchei. Send fol
TYPE-WR 1 mb, Catalogue ami College Journal
.rrWrlte n
ii lit wuru
you ulili l
do tvltli 11 well
famous for mcrceillnir whoro
Otlivrd liuve falleii.
Drill drop (10 lu UO tint
ii minute
1 -Ufj
"Excelsior" Eagines and Steel Boilers
r 1 1 1 1 lit I sa
uompicio witn uii auncmnonts ronuy to run.
Wo guaruitoo tho "Excelsior" rig to bo tho heat finished, manu
factured of tho host material, and to Vo tho most durahlo and economi
cal rig in tho murkot. It only costs 10 cents per day por horso powor
to run them.
Parties needing a first-class rig at first cost, cannot do hotter than
to address us. Parties unknown to us will ploaso furnish references.
v, -assess
PR nu.: .
f72 GuredibV imiwSjr
O t "s 11 1"3'- camples worth Kt.lS
3lJ KltKK. Linos not under horsca' feet.
Tr Wr,, "f'ttsffr Hnrety Kela
Holder :o llollv. .Yllrh.
RKWAnn-Ii you nave an Old Soro that needs
healing, and that other remedies have failed to
heal; or a breaking out or itching of the scalp
f bodyior a Hoil, Hum, Cut, or any ailment for
which a Halve Is suitable, buy a 2S-cent box of
aiexlnui Halve, which Is Warranted to
Cure when everything else falls. If not kept by
your druggist send a cent in stamps to J. O.
pKMK.NT. Agt., Astoria. Or., aud rccclvo a box
bv mall
S1FINWAY HiMsion. pkahk
OlultlTlHI. hack. Gt.bler. Hoonleh
rtanoa; Iltmlstt Orfain. band luitrtioiecta. LuiMt
ttoct of Bhtwt Music and Bookt IUdJi supplied at
r.nvro rnort. MATTIIIAH IRA V OO , tot Pott
Tor business pursuits at the I'ortlaud lluslnesa
College, Pot Hand. Oregon, oral the Capital Bus
iness College. Satcm Oregon. Iloth schools nre
under the niaiuiL'ciMciitof A 1' Annstrotur. have
s;itnc course of studies and same rates of tuition.'
llusui CSX,
less, Sliorl hand,
, Penmanship and lnglish I)enrt
' and eveniuc sessions. Studcutsnd-
ments. Day and evening sessions. Studcutsnd-
milled nt any time. For joint Catalogue, nddresS
rurllsml llu.liirss Ciillnrr, rtlj Itusiurss I'ollrgr.j
rortland, Oregon. "IV Salem, Oregon.
For tlioTrciitnienl of all N'ervou', Special and
Chioulu UiseuacA.
lN.'i KlrHt HI I cel. I'or t liliid.
I rilflH A trial liottlu sent Free to
anyone allllcteil, Dit. TA FT 1IHO., Hochestcr, N.Y.
nrn rnnsu n iMriMn nnaiun.
J 71 V.NL R '''"K't '"r M(tnoM(i yrniHti, id
uil.Aw?SL rt'il, im 'mi iMivit. nftttM a blue
LwrV'.jP;r.iili n ThLo imi nihor. All nllH
hi pimti'iHiitrl Ihup, t'lnk wrapitorf , are
t1uiirfniti t'Oiitilt'rli'ltn. Hrnl -Ii.
(-tmuna) lur i arilcuUn, tftlmouiali and
''!lfrror l.utllrn," in letter, by rvtunt
mull. .fim t i
. i prescribe and fully en.
dorsn Illg t; as the onlr
specific forthiicertttlncur
of this dlsense.
Amslerilum, N. Y.
We have old Ills O for
many years, and It liaa
MiH nirioum.
Ifiss Csimlui 0.
. given ine nest ot satis-
Chlcaro. 1IL
Hi ark
I SI. 00. Bold by Druggist.
Fishing Tackle,
foot Italia.
lloxlng Olovea,
Indian Clubs,
Masks, Foils.
Wt-Bleni Agents for
A. G. Spalding h Bros1, -sgg
Ilioyclui, Vulooipedes, Tricycloa.
103 A. 1U7 Hecoml Ht.. Portland. Or.
liHAvnii htoukm;
IllversM Ar iiWh.ip Kails. W T . !M BUt Ht.Haleni.
Thorough and Practical Instruction
Business and Academic Subjects
Send for Clrculur to
' '") J5EATTLE yf '
IIiimIiiii lllock. Kent tie, IViiHliliip ton.
Actual lltislness, Kliorlhaud, plain nnd Orna
mental Penmanship und practical English de
partments. aMFriifclinciiH of penmanship and illus
trated catalogue, tent free.
Htudentrf AilinitteU nt nnyTlmo.