The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, October 03, 1889, Image 5

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The Oregon Scout has as large a circu
lation as any two papers in this sec
tton of the State, combined, and is cor
respondingly valuable us an advertising
mcdin m.
Thursday, October 3, 1SSJ).
lror a full description of Union
County sua Insido puces.
Iicrcil up liy Tho So.tnt nnd Itrotisltt
liny your boots and shoes of Vin
The latest sheet music for sale at
the post-office.
Subscriptions taken for any paper
in the United States by Mrs. Alger at
the post-office.
Nicely furnished rooms to let by the
week or month. Enquire of Mrs. C.
Bomillard, corner Second and C streets.
Ex-Governor Geo. L. Woods is af
flicted with an incurable disease and is
not expected to live hut a very short
Carpenters arc now at work on the
Willow creek bridge near 'Puttie's farm.
t is being built in a substantial man
All persons indebted to us are here
by notified that they must call and
settle without delay. Cowu:s & Mc
daniki,, Cove, Oregon. D-HMJt.
The county court of Douglas county
offers !?.'100 reward for the arrest of L.
Puckett, who committed the Canyon
villo tragedy a few weeks ago.
b The photograph gallery will be
closed for the next ten days. People
wanting anything in that line will
govern themselves accordingly.
Low, our big merchant, keeps ev
erything wanted by the farmer, stock
raiser or miner. Call on him and in
vestigate the bargains he has to offer.
Send Tun Spout to your friends in
the east. They will derive more infor
mation concerning the country from
it than they would from letters you
The First National Hank received
this week ifnOOO in double eagles from
the mint, which were coined August
lGth. They were beauties and no
Mr. Drown, the druggist, is fitting
up the building opposite Wright's
store in a superb manner and will use
it as a drug store, lie will move into
it in a few days.
Cyrus Crawford, of Elgin, who had
his foot crushed in a threshing ma
chine a few weeks ago, died on Sept.
2-lth, from the effects of the amputa
tion of his limb.
The J'rinoville Stock Association
offers a reward of two hundred dollars
for the arrest and conviction of any
person found stealing stock from the
members of said association.
Mrs. Hiram Mell, of Malad, Tdaho,
has given birth to sextonulets, throe
boys and three girls. They weigh
'"eighteen pounds altogether. All are
quite hearty and pron.ite to live.
Mrs. Win. Kitchen, who resides near
Walla Walla, while burning brush a
few days ago got her clothes on fire
and was burned so that she died. Sev
eral little children were with her at the
Brooking, the pious young man who
I was charged with larceny and brought
Niack from the east, was found guilty
and will have time lor a few year's
meditation in the penitentiary.
I'ote Sullivan, who was convicted of
murder in the first degree, at the re
cent session of circuit court held at
Canyon City, has been sentenced to
hang on November 1T, at 2 o'clock
p. m.
Summervillo is boing bothered with
tramps. One of them "held up" J)r.
Dittebrandt the other night but did
not succeed in his designs on account
of the Dr. boing too quick with his
Have the lire wardens examined tho I
flues and stovepipes throughout the
city? If not they should do so at once.
This is a very dangerous time, as stoves
are being set up for tho winter, and too
much care cannot be exercised.
y Pendleton has a citizen, says tho
East Oregonian, who deserves tho
champion belt for economy, lie owns
several houses, all of wlieh ho rents,
while ho lives with his two children in
a chicken house on his property.
The Hoard of Equalisation will meet
on tho 7th inst. and continue in ses
sion during tho week. Those having
business before it will do well to attend
to tho matter promptly as no correct
ions will bo made on assessments after
tho board adjourns.
A silly story was put in circulation
last week about some ono receiving a
letter from a man by the name of Gor
don that thoy thought lookod liko
Willis Skiff's hand writing. Gorden is
well known here and the whole affair
is too nonsensical to talk about.
Mr. Baker informs us, says tho Woi
Vfccr Lender, that he forded Snake river
at a point just above Morohoad's island
tho first of tho week with a wagon and
that the deoiwst point only run over
tho bolstor of tho hind axle. Thii w
gotting at a pretty low Btago for old
Snake river.
Since our lat iue the following
named gentlemen have boon yanked
up bufore his honor, lleeorder Tuttle,
on u ohurgo of boing intoxicated and
unduly hiUrioiip, and were ufweased in
amount n t j p Ho their name
together will tin- vitM occasioned by
the friction of tUv U-.A machinery
while in motion : .1. H. La vin, f 1 ; J,
Farrell, "; F. !'. Tinektwm, 5,
"Hoy Will be boy."
Servers at the Er.K.pal church
next Sim In aftirnmn at . o'cluck.
AL. of Odd Fellows i to be or
ganized .4 Entc rinse, Wallowa cunt v.
"rr,, " this .v. Tuesday, Oct. 1st,
lbbU, to the wife .of Charles linker, n
jwi Kinus ot school books at the
Cove drug store. Call there for vour
school supplies,
The Ladies' Aid Society of tho Pres
byterian church will meet at Mrs. Eva
Henson's nt 2 o'clock p. m. to-morrow.
For sale on easy terms, one 50 inch
full nickel bicycle, also one -IS inch
standard finish. Both wheels are near
ly HeW and aro in er,od rnnnir Fm-
further particulars call nt this office.
A number of razors and two hair
clippers were stolen from George
Baird's barber shop last Monday even
ing by some sneak thief. At this writ
ing tho thief has not been discovered.
An exchange says that if you want a
place to have the appearance of a de
serted hamlet, on whoso rafters the
owls perch, and in the night hoot in
the vicinity of its desolation, talk to
every one you meet of hard times.
The Milton Eagle says it is stated
by parties who are in a position to
know whereof they speak that just as
soon as the Dayton branch of the O.
& W. T. is completed the 00 laborers
will cotnmenco work on the construct
ion of the Grande Hondo branch via
Milton. We hail tho road with joy.
Mr. A. E. Eaton had a man arrested
last Saturday who rode into town on a
horse belonging to Mr. Eaton which
he supposed was grazing on the hills
of Malheur county. The man asserts
that he came by the horse honestlv,
having bought him. Wo havo not
learned the result of the investigation.
The social dance to be civen in this
city on the evening of Friday, October
11, ISS'J, promises to be an unusually
pleasant social gathering. It is in
tended that the best of order shall be
preserved and the floor manneer will
direct his entire attention to tho wants
of the participants, so that all present
may rest assured of a livelv as well as
a pleasant time. Tickets $1 00.
A Kansas farmer, it is said, has
made one thousand barrels of vinegar
from twenty acres of watermelons and
sold it at ten dollars per barrel, thus
opening a way for a now industry as
well as realizing a much better price
for his crop than if he had shipped it
to market. If this remarkable scheme
is practical thore is a new Held open
for the growers of melons to dispose of
their surplus stocks.
Next Tuesday, says the Hakcr City
Democrat, the first exhibition of tho
First Eastern Oregon Agricultural
Association will commence, continuing
five days. Everything points to a most
interesting and successful meeting.
The exhibits will be very fine and the
various speed contests will be the best
ever witnessed in Eastern Oregon.
Let everybody come and add to tho
success of the fair.
It is our intention to take in the
Industrial Exposition at Portland next
week and during our absence the edi
torial and local departments of tho pa
per will be in ehaige of Messrs. Wil
son it llackett. Wo would suggest to
anyone who has a grievance at Tun
Scout and wants to take satisfaction
"outen the hide of the editor" that- any
time during the next ten days will be
a suitable occasion to do it.
Smouldering fires, which were set by
passing trains, being fanned by the
strong winds of the past few days have
spicad over a vast area of ground west
of town and have done considerable
damage. Tho fire has already covered
about two thousand acres and is still
spreading. A large amount of hay
and fencing has been destroyed. Tho
O. It. it N. Co. has already paid
enough damages, occasioned by fire,
to have built their road bv way of Un
ion and through the valley whoro no
fires of this kind would have occurred.
The jury in the trial of young Win.
Michael, charged with the murder of
Francis Phillips, brought in a verdict
of manslaughter. Sentence has not
been pronounced at this writing.
Taken altogether the verdict of the
jury is ahout the rignt one. l lie boy
was, evidently, born with an unbal
anced intellect and a stunted moral
nature, and has but little idea of right
or wrong. iTe, of course, is ' not al
together to blame for his condition,
and his ease is one that calls for tho
particular attention of our law makers
and philanthropists. Jfo needs re
straint and proper teaching so that
tho destructive and murderous in
stincts, which are natural with him,
may bo subdued if possible. If this
cannot be done, other victims will fall
by his hand and the little sense that
he is possessed of will not save him
from tho gallows.
Kloutriu ISIttcu.
This remedy is beooiniug be well known
ami o ttopular as to need no eciul men
tion. All who have- used Klcotrle Hitters
Ming tho Name Hong of praise. A purer
medicine does not exist anil it is guaran
teed to do all that i claimed. Kleetrlo
Bitter will euro all diseasim of the Uver
and Kidney, will remove Pimple, Boils,
Salt Uheum anil other alfocthms uunxud by
Impure blood. Will drive Malaria from
the system and prevent ax well cure all
31 all rial fevers. Fur euro of JIoHdauho,
constipation and Indigestion try Hleotriu
Blltera-Kntlre natixfaetlou guaranteed or
or money refunded. Prle 80 cts. and $1.00
ber bottle at Hrown'a drug aluro. Union.
The favorable imprewiou in-'.din -l n
the lrt appearance of the on ''- ii'iuld
frultiwnedy Syrup of Vlg 1 1 '
Ua been uiore tlian cuii"i I ila-vit
ant experieut-e ot all wuo haw u -i 1 it,
tbe kiim ut tie proprietor .n.'i in.iini
itMuren the -l. Fl 8vrap tVn.nv
Thoso presses are now baling
terms than any other firm, and will
You do yourself an injustice if
1 lJ L
.L every Sabbath at 11 a.
in. ami a p. m;
Sabbath .-chool at 10 a. in: prayer ineetiiiK
Wednesday, at S p, in. The Ladies' Mis
sionary Society meets on the fourth Friday
of every month at '2:'M p. m. All cordially
invited. It. 11. PAUKKll. Pastor.
Tlio Sf'outN Weekly IiiNpncMiin nnd Itc
port of FriemU oil' Duty,
Dr. Saylor visited North Powder last
Hon. J. L. Roe mado us a pleasant
visit las Friday.
Mr. II. II. French was up from the
Cove, Monday.
Mr. II. J. (leer, of the Cove, was in
the city, Tuesday.
Miss Ida Davis is visiting relatives
and friends in lleppner.
Mr. 0. If. Fay and wife, of tho Sand
liidge, visited Union this week.
Mr. .las. Kills and Mr. John Eaton
were up from the Cove, Monday.
Hcv. J. D. Flennor delivered a series
of sermons in Hakcr City last week.
Mr. L. J. House, county clerk of
Wallowa county, arrived in tho city,
Mr. I. X. Young and wife, of Eagle
valley, were among tho visitors to Un
ion this week.
Mr. A. K. Jones and wifo took their
departure, yesterday, for a brief visit
to the state metropolis.
Mr. Farquar Shaw, of North Powder,
will spend the coming winter in Mc
Minville, Yamhill county.
Miss Annie McDonald, of Suminer
ville, is attending school at Forest
Grove, Washington county.
Mr. J. 1. Wooden, ono ot tlio pros
perous farmers living near Summer
villo, called on us Wednesday.
Mr. J. M. Johnson called on us this
week and subscribed for The Scout to
bo sent to Luther Jolnibon, Zincite,
Mr. flco. Bird, who has been lying
nuito sick at tho residence of Peter
Coffin, below town, is reported to bo
Mr. Win. E. Wentworth and wife
arrived in this city fiom Manner, I. T
hutt Thunsday on a visit to relatives
and friends.
Mr. 0. F. Holl has been chosen as a
delegate to tho Grand Lodge K. of P.,
and will take his departure for Astoria
next Sunday.
Quito a number of Union county
people are in attendance at tho Indus
trial Exposition at Portland, and more
will bo before it is over.
Mr. Hiram Nutt, of Malheur county,
called on us a few days ago. Ho or
dered tho address of his Scour changed
fiom IJetilah to Malheur city.
Mr. Hufnnan has tevered his con
nection with tho Summervillo Annota
tor. We understand ho will accept a
position in the llordor Signal office.
A jjrand musical and literary enter
tainment will bo given at the Presby
terian church to-morrow evening at
7 :80 o'clock. All are cordially invited.
Mr. John Sullivan, of Cornucopia,
was in the city this week. While hero
ht) i nude thinolliee a pleasant visit and
BuUcrilied for Tun tfc'tiLT. Air. Kulli
in owiii r in valuable mines
on the Kant Eale creek.
P. K. Dederick Hey Presses.
For sale
La Grande, Oregon.
three - fourths of all tho hay and straw baled
back our assertion with actual figures.
you do not sec our goods before purchasing.
Wc Guarantee the Lowest Rates.
No Commissions. No Delays, where
Title and Security is Satisfactory.
Merchant : "Tailor,
LaGrande, Oregon.
Suits made to order, and perfect fit guaranteed. Cleaning and repairing done.
Give mo a trial. Charges reasonable, and satisfaction guaranteed.
Col. Dow camo down from Cornuco
pia last week and after a few days vis
it here wont up to Hakcr City. The
Col. is not excelled as a descriptive
A grand ball will be given at North
Powder October 2fth, following the
dedication exorcises of the new I. O.
0. F. temple now approaching com
pletion at that city.
Dr. C. II. Day left yesterday for
Astoria to attend the Grand Lodge
K. of P. which convenes there on tlio
7th inst. He will probably make a
tour of tho Sound before ho returns.
Mr. W. H. Tournior, of Island City,
is traveling throughout the county in
troducing a new book entitled "The
Story of Man." It is a very interest
ing work and no doubt he will tako
orders for a largo number of them.
Mr. James Eakin and wifo will take
their departure next week for tho Wil
lametto "alley and will go from there
east where Mr. Eakin will enter a law
school Thoy will be gone about two
years. The best wishes of many
friends go with them.
Mr. W. E. Carroll, a nephew of J. D.
Carroll of this city, accompanied by
his wifo and brother-in-law, Michael
Harshburger, arrived in this city from
Douglass county, 111., last week. Thoy
aro making a lour of the Pacific coast
and will return homo by way of tho
Southern Pacific H. H. They aro
highly pleased with the Grande Hondo
Senator Geo. Chandler, of Haker
City, lost his pantaloons in Salem in
tho same manner that Sam H. Stott
did burglars. Chandler was forced
to sit wrapped up in a quilt for two
hours waiting for his friends to bring
him another pair. Chandler, who is
quite a ladies man, endeavored to keep
tho story from leaking out, Portland
Mrs. Blakeslee, of North Union, has
our thanks for a flip) lot of potatoes
called the "Ohio Surprise."- They
were raised from eyes brought fiom
the cast and there are, probably, no
others liko them in the country. If
all tho ladies favored tho newspaper
man like Mrs. JSlakcslce, Ins life
would be an easy, happy one indeed.
Mr. Jos. Yowell was in tho city Tues
day, and made us a pleasant visit. He
had just returned from a visit to tho
Cracker creek mines and tho mines of
Grant county, where he went in com
pany with Mr. George Clark, an old
mining man and friend of his. Mr.
Yowell presented us with some splen
did specimens of ore fiom the Cable
mine for which he has our thanks.
Mr. John McLean and his sister,
Mrs. Jenkins, took their departure for
Strathpefl'cr, Boss Shire, Scotland, a
f'iw days ago. Thoy go to visit old
friends and relatives whom they havo
not seen for many years and will prob
ably not return for a considerable
length of time. A number of their
friends accompanied them as far as
Baker City. Tin: Bcoir will visit
them each week and remind them of
their lipmo in Oregon.
in the United States and Canada. We car. mako vou hotter nrices and butter
Ki'liort r tln 'I'liluu ScIiooIn for Month
KiiilliiR Scptcnihci- !7. I USD.
l'ltiMAuv i)i:i'AitT.Mi:.vr.
Number pupils enrolled
Average daily attendance
Percentage of " ....
Number cases tardiness
Gertio Mitchell Floyd Tuttlo
Osie Gillillau Khner Wright
Eva Hay lies Kosa Thomson
Mablo Shelton Hoy Phillips
Francis Cummins Georgo Odalo
I Initio Galoway Fannie Odalo
Millie Dobbins Wilbur Cummins
Miss Nki.i.ii-: Stkvk.vs, Teacher.
Number pupils enrolled !(
Average daily attendance -11.07
Percentage of " !)3.1f
Number cases tardiness .'1
Lillie Dotson Archie Gillillau
Maggio Hall Lona Mitchell
Frank Hamilton Willie Phillips
James Hutchinson Howard Odalo
Willie Hutchinson Cora West
Iva Hutchinson Hugh West
Oliver Galowav
Miss Saieaii, Teacher
Fins r i.vthk.m ati: dki-a iit.m knt.
Number pupil eniollcd
Average daily attendance 27,-lfi
Percentage of " !)7.8f)
Number cases tardiness
ruriLS Ni:rnii:ii aiihu.vt jjoii takdv.
Winnie Tuttlo
Dora Springer
Pearl Carter
Dolau Hamilton
Nora Gillillau
Lena Mason
Mattio Phillips
Hattio Ficklin
Maggie Dobbins
jr. a.
Lulu Gilespy
Ehna Thomson
Anna Welch
'hillip Alger
Eddie Carter
John Welch
Eddie Miller
Clias. Hutchinson
Bisiioi', Teacher.
GIIA.MM Alt (iltAJMv
Number pupils enrolled. ..
Average daily attendance. .
Percentage of "
Number chech tardiness. . .
i'iTj'11,8 xurniKU
Mabel Carter
ujhk.vt .vou tahuv,
Guy Ostrandor
Lillie 1 Jeering
Mary Ficklin
May Fohtor
Edwin Fickle
Jessie Gillillau
Minnie Hamilton
John Hayucs
Hannah Bcoves
John Beeves
Carrie Skill
Flora Springer
Emma Scamans
Maud Summers
Kato Sanborn
Addle Hutchinson Molliu Shaw
M. Hutohiiifcon Ina Wriglit
Jennie MoOilliH Georgio Wright
Win. Miller Edwin Wright
Ida J. Johnson, Principal
Nt-ii Hiiro.
Jf you are hulubted to inc, tills Is a pur
hoiiiiI notlco to you Ui uoinu forward and
settle, f must have what i due, anil mi
It lottltfiiiiiDt i inad by tho flmtof No
vuiuliur. tho itcoonnU will bit uullectud by
pioct-'g (if law.
La Grande, Oiegon.
School Books
Free I
All readers to be exchanged must
contain all tho reading matter and to
bo in such condition that they could
be used in school if tho change had
not been made.
Tho full series of
Barnes Readers
now ready
hand in a
Other books
diort time.
will bo on
Agents for
Union and
For Sale.
1(500 ewes and lambs and
100 wethers, yearlings and
two year olds. Will sell at
a bargain. Enquire ol'T.G.
WILSON, at Cove, or 15. P.
WTLSON, Union, Oregon.
Hin M. K. Coiifoninct-.
Tho Methodist Episcopal conference
for this district opened its sixth annual
session at La Grande last week. Wo
have been unable to get a report of
tho proceedings. There seems to bo
some dissention among tho ministers
prevent, some of whom havo preferred
charges against 'each other. Brother
Irwin was tried on coveral serious
charges, but with what result wo havo
not learned. Tho Journal says :
"Among oilier interc.-ting subjects
to come up will bo charges anil coun
ter charges made among tho brethren
themselves, tho substance of which is
sufficient to lead tho wordly man to
believe that there is guile in tho ranks
of tho godly as well as tho ungodly.
Fortunately there are no racy newspa
per men to paint the pictures that
might be drawn at the examinations
and expose their crude work every
morning to an unsyni) public.
La Grande is yet a small town, there
fore most of tho deliberations of tho
body will bo lost in obscurity."
Tim O. K. .V X. I.cnhu.
A New York dispatch of the 2(!th
says: Notice was issued to-day to tho
stockholders of tho Oregon HaUvvay it
Navigation Company, calling a special
meeting at Portland, October 17lh, to
voto on tho pioptKcd modification of
tho lease to the Oregon Short Line.
A number of stockholders of the Un
ion Pacific have been threatening to
break the lento unless tho guaranteed
dividend on tho stock wan scaled down
to four per cent. Should their wishes
bo disregarded, they say they will in
stitute proceedings in tho Oregon
courts to have tho lease declared inval
id, and bring an injunction to restrain
tho Union Pacific fiom any furthi r
payment of dividends on Oregon
Hailway & Navigation slock.
Tlio Iiiilimlilul Kxj osltioa.
Tho agent of the 0. It. it N. Co.
authorizes us to say that tho tickets
limited to seven days have been raised
to ton days and tho live day tickets to
sovon days, not including the date of
sale. Tho ten days tickets cost M.irt
and aro sold any time up to Oct. 20th.,
i lie povoii days tickets cost .flO.iiO and
aro sold on Oct. M, lOtli and 17th
I.utU-i- I. Int.
List of letter remaining uncalled fur at
tlui Postollleii at Union, Oregon, for the-
month ending October 1. ISH'Ji
Barnes 0 W
Hotuliklns Lillian
Iliieliler M L
Hills J A
Lupin .Mrs Mary
Quilct Pendent
Steovni J T
llluvans John A (.'!)
Ford W 11
Firm W 11
(Joff II
(iarren I, J
Helling M V
Worloy John M
Perxons calling for any of the above Id
lers, will ploaifosuy "advertbed.''
Miih. K. A. Auikii, P. M,
UAVlNHa.v- FHKNCIl! At tlio Union
City hotel, wu.liK-Mlav. Oct. U, WW), bv
Hov. L. J., Mr..'ohu(.:avlnis and
Misi Nettlu Frumh.