The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, August 22, 1889, Image 5

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AMos K Jon, ,s. . . kditoi:.
The Orrijon Scout hat as large a circu
lation (m any two paper hi this nee
Hon of the State, combined, and in cor
respomUmjhj. valuable atan adrerlitimj
Thursday, Aug:. 22. 1880.
j l'cr 11 f"ul! description of Union
Cititity son ItisUle puKi'K.
(Snthcrotl iij) by The Reimt tintl iti-ought
to Headquarters.
Sheet music at Mrs. Algiers'.
Hnlctt, tlic pilgrim printer, k doing l"n
ion again.
The west bound mail train was deluyeu
about twelve hours Tuesday,
Buy your bread at the Hon Ton rcstnu
rant. No Chinese cooks employed.
Another fire has visited Spokane Falls
and destroyed considerable property.
A lady engaged in the fortunctelllng and
corn doctoring business visited Union this
Levy, our merchant, is givinguway goods
now. Head his uniiouuceiucnt in another
(iood wages paid agents. Address, with
stamps, Thc.Kinpire Agency. Wnlln Walla,
Washington Ty. 7-25-liu
The Presbyterian school project is still
on tliu tapis and It is very probablo the
college will be located in Union.
Hot Lake is now a flag station. Trams
will let passengers otF there and stop for
passengers when signaled to do so.
A good teacher wanted at Telocasot, Or.,
for a four month' term of school, begin
ning Sept. -2, lSSf) . W. A. Cates. clerk.
At tho public sale of property belonging
to the Culver estate, last Saturday, Fred
Nodino bid in tho SO acre tract of land for
The Union Pharmacy will bo opened by
". Savior it Son to-day. A full and com
plete line of drugs will be kept constantly
on i. and.
Tho Malheur (inzette says: The 0. 1'.
It. 1!. has about -10 miles graded in the
Malheur canyon. It will not be many
month-- before tho'Snort'' of tho iron horse
will be heard In Vale.
The Walla Walla Journal thinks that
wheat wilt be wheat before the leave begin
to fall, and the man who sells it for less
than CO cents a budiel now, will be sorry
for it on or before Christina.
Tlie Canyon City stage was "held up" by
a highwayman last Sunday near Brittuins,
who went through the mail and express
matter in the most approved stylo. We
have a reminder of the good old days oc
casionally. .1 mice Craig, of the Depot Hotel, is cer
tainly tho po-se-.snr of an excellent garden
if the watermelon sent to this oiliec yester
day is to bo taken as a sample of its pro
ductions. It was eaten with a lelish by
Tim: Scout force and the Judge has our
thanks for the same.
Itismorothon probablo that I, a (Jrando
was acting on her own motion when she
oll'ored the M. fc M. Co $17,500 to move to
La Grande. We got our information from
one who ought to know all about it. The
M. & M. Co. know very little about the mat
ter. Wallowa Signal.
Wo learn from the Kast Oregoniau that
an old fellow from North Powder, by the
name of Bontleton, who claimed to be
making propositions to build a toll road
from North Powder to Cracker, has been
doing Pendleton and lias succeeded in
victimising some of tho Citizens there and
has lit out for parts unknowu..
The Walla Walla Journal says; Our fruit
raisers already besriu to realize the blessing
conferred upon them by the building of
tho O. A W. T. railroad by tf. W Hunt.
Talk about public benef.ietors, but this
man comes nearer deserving the noble title
than any other man that ever walked the
.streets of Walla Walla. This is not gusli,
but a ciystaliztd fact.
A terrible tragedy occurred Friday on
Doako's ranch near Palouse City, W. T.
A threshing crew was at work, when Geo,
llumasou appeared, armed with a Win
chester ritle. and, without warning, shot
his brother, killing liini instantly. He Hod,
and at last accounts had not been captured.
He had threatened to kill Ids brother for
slandering their aunt.
John L. Sullivan has been sentenced to
one year's imprisonment. All but ono of
the grand jury recommended punishment
by lino of $1000 only, but the court said the
light was a gross ami systematically ar
ranged violation of the laws of Mississippi,
and tiio sentence was 'imprisonment for
twelve months." Thooase will be appealed
of course, but it Is not likely to be reversed.
Dr. W. A. Egbert, of AVulla Walla, an
established spmiulUt, will, at the solicita
tion of a number of peraona who are sutler
ingfroiu nasal catarrh, visit Union August
2Sth, 2ith and 30th. The doctor comes well
recommended. Perons afflicted should
call and see him a ho is not a traveling
doctor, but permanently located at Walla
Walla, and only makes this visit at tho re
quest of catarrh sufferers.
In order to make a good local paper, it
is necessary to give the news. The only
way we havo of obtaining news is from the
people, if anything of Importance occurs,
send in a rtlort of it as soon an possible.
Items of Interest are occurring every day
tjiat would be relished by tho readlug pub
lic if they oould obtain them. It U our do
tlto to haVit a local correspondent at every
jtoint of importance in tho county.
Uok out for Are. Look out for it baforo
f aiarta. Let evm man keep bU premiw.
olean and free from rubbish, wltb matches
In tin, Iron or earthenwam; let him have J
good chimneys, afo toven; let him use
good kerosene and flU bis lumps by dny
II, ht ; let h'm keep his children and watch
. apart, an 1 be reasonably careful. Then
i tier ulll 1. 1 few or no fire. and Insurance
. ., , ,mI; Ih- much lower than they are.
Tlio Seoul', AVerkly IiMpectlnn nml lie
port if rriptulK ir Duty,
) W. M. Stoker visited Union Tuesday.
i S. F. Carol ha returned to Vale, Malheur
; Hon .las. Hcndershott visited Union
j Tuesday.
, O. P. Jnyoox is now in the east. He will
j return soon.
j Win. (Joule, of the Cove, was in the citv
Jn. Gilkison, of North Powder, visited
i Union Monday.
Mnrion Davi-is sojourning in Cornuco
pia and vicinity.
Mrs. Mary A. Mitchell, of Teloca-et, is
ited Union a few days ago.
Alex Cochran, of the Cove, made this
office a pleasant visit recently.
Jasper (i. Stevens, of the Cove, was In the
city Minilay, on his way to Portland.
County Assessor J. I). Guild lias been
doing the city for several days past.
Dr. Saylor visited Xorth Powder Tuesday
to look after some of his patients there.
W. J. Shoemaker, of the Cove, made us a
pleasant and substantial visit yesterday.
lien. Longly, of F.agle valley, called on
us Monday and subscribed for The Scoct.
Jacob Collin and wife, of Summervilte,
wuv in the city tiie fore part of the week.
John Daily, of the Cove, was in the city
Tuesday. He is not enjoying the best of
L. Corpe, one of the solid and substantial
fanners of the Cove, was on our streets
James Lewis writes to havu the address
of his Scorr changed from Sterling to Ta
coma, W. 'J'.
Win. Plunnner, of Xorth Powder, accom
panied by his son, Jack, visited Union the
fore part of the week.
Miss Hettie Stevenson is up from Klgin,
engaged in copying the assessment roll for
J. I). Guild, the a-'sessor.
Oliver Shafcr, of Island City, made us a
pleasant visit Monday. He says that crops
along the s.uui ridge are very good.
Mrs. Xick Ficklin and children returned
Tuesday from Indian valley, where they
have been on a visit for several days.
Mrs. 0. F. Hell left at our oiliec this week
several samples of vegetables grown in her
garden in Xorth Union. They are very
Wm. Sims visited Union this week, and
while here he called and subscribed for
Tin: Scorr to be sent to his brother in
Sturgeon, Mo.
H. II. Jayeox, brother of O. P. Jacox of
this city, arrived hero from tho cast Tnes
day last. He wa in business here about
fourteen years ago.
Attorney .1. it. Critcs and Alex Jones re
turned from their visit to tho Sound a few
days ago. They report everything boom
ing in that section of country.
Ins. Yowcll.of Pyles' canyon, accompa
nied by his hiotlier-in-law, John Duncan,
of Missouri, called on us Monday. Mr.
Duncan is very much pleased witli this
Mrs. (ico. Simmons, of High valley, left
at our oltice this week a squash raised last
year which is about as sound and good as
it ever was. Verily Grande Hondo is a
great country.
Mrs. H. C. Murray, wife of Sheriff Mur
ray, of Malheur county, is on a visit to her
sister, Mrs, liinehart, of this city. She is
accompanied by Miss Dora Johnson, an
accomplished young lady of Vale.
L. J. Davis is located in the granite
block, corner of loth and Larimer streets,
Denver, and his prospect for a lucrative
business is good. An interesting letter
from Lou will lie found elsewhere in this
J. I). Letcher, professor of mathematics
and engineering in tho State Agricultural
College at Corvallis, lectured in this city
last Friday evening in tho interests of that
college. His object was to get acquainted
with the people and fully inform them of
the superior advantages otl'cred by the col
lege in the training of the youth in a me
chanical and agricultural education. He
succeeded in interesting many and no
doubt Union county will be well represen
ted in the school. Wo acknowledge a pleas
ant visit from Prof. Letcher while here.
Tho advertisement of Prof. J. F. Smith,
the veterinary surgeon, appears elsewhere
in this paper. Mr. Smith is from Gencsco,
111,, and has permanently located in Union
where he can bo consulted personally or
by letter. He has iiad years of experience
ami thoroughly understands ids business
as many will testify who have seen his
work. A few days ago wo noticed a horse
that had run against a barbed wire fence
tearing tho skin away from the forehead.
The skin had dried up and fallen off
leaving tho skull exposed. Prof. Smith
had taken charge of tho horse and by skill
ful manipulation had caused the skin to
again grow over the skull, making the
horse about as valuable as ho was before.
The attention of farmers ami grain deal
ers is called to the superior facilities and
advantages offered by Frank Bro's. Imple
ment Co. for the purchase and hauling of
all kinds of grain at their large warehouse
and elevator at La Grande. They will fur
nish farmers sacks for tho hauling of grain
free, and having unlimited facilities for
storing and making advances on wheat,
can offer superior inducements to those
who may desire to hold their wheat for
better price, or they will pay tlno highest
market price in cash. 8-1-tf
I.llii-rnl Lecture.
Pouters are out announcing tho coming
of Mr. Samuel I. Putnam, tho l'rcetliought '
- -. . i ti . r
orator, lit' appointments are as lonows:
La Orande, Thursday evening August 'J9th ;
I'nion, Friday ovenlng August 30th and
Baker f'lty. .mday evening Sept. 1st. Mr.
Piitnu9i U president of the California Lib
eral I'nion. and editor of tho Han Francisco
Vrtetkimykt A 11 " orator n ha but few
mmt I H1ITB III r"-1' i Maia .-,
These presses nro now lulling throe-fourths of all the hay nntl 8 trow haled in tho Unitod States and C'uiuula. Wo cm. inuko volt better prices anil holier
terms thnn any other linn, and will hack our assertion with actual figure..
Yon do yourself an injustice if you do not see our goods before purchasing.
:s d
S3 m
. g
A 0
ovcrv Sabbath at 11 a.m. and 8 i. m;
Sabbath" school at 10 a. in; prayer meeting
Wcdnesdav. at 8 p, m. The Ladies', Ml
sionarv' Soeietv meets on the fourth Kriday
of every month at 2:30 p. m. All cordially
invited. It. H. l'AKKUIl. Pastor.
Kxiiprldon, tho lUilRnrlmi .-louk.
The above mentioned individual struck
Union lust Friday and preached in the
open air on Main street that evening and
Saturday evening.lle is a veritable curi
osity, a combination of crank, religious
fanatic and tramp. He travels on foot,
dressed In ragged clothing, sleeps on the
ground, and in his wanderings is accom
panied by a dog. His announcement read
as follows: "Free lecture to-night, at 8
p. in., in the open air on Main street, by a
Bulgarian monk of the Christian church of
Jerusalem, Palestine. Subject: To con
vert all American preachers and pne.-ts to
be ClirKtiaus." lie harangued to a largo
crowd cadi evening, and. from a Christian
standpoint, Iiis.discourse contained much
that was intercf-ting and true. He scored
the preachers unmercifully, assertiim that
in their lust for tho good things of this life
they had forgotten tho life-giving prinei
plet. of their faith and degenerated into
bubbling hypocrites, and that if the lowly
Kazarcne should vi.-it this country, as he
once did Palestine, he- would be kicked out
of two-thirds of the churches. He deplored
the. credulity with which women in general
accepted the demands of modern priest
craft, and gave their time, Ice cream, cake
and hot coffee to support preachers in idle
ness. His word pictures of scenes in the
Holy Land were very interesting, and ids
description of tho approach of death was
as vivid and realistic as anything we ever
heard. The general opinion was that he
preached more real Christianity In his two
.sermons than had been heard in this town
for several years. After his discourse on
tiie last evening he passed out into the
night and was gone, no one knows where.
Taken altogether he is a harmless old
crank, .sincere in his religious convictions,
and in his efforts to reform tho world the
good predominates.
Jew Jllleil.
Jew Lee. our esteemed fellow townsman
and proprietor of the wash houe, visited
La Orande this week. We paid no atten
tion to the mutter at the time, thinking he
had only gone to dun some of Ids delin
quent subscribers who were owing hhn for
editing tlielr shirts several years ago. Since
his return, however, we smell a pretty good
sired "laf and infer from his rather unin
telligible remarks that there is a move on
foot to subsidize him and get him to move
the Wash house to La Grande, but that the
amount offered is not atisfuctory. "Too
iniichce dam foolco no good," said the
irate Mongolian, "Hjiosee he llkce pay mo
two liiuidcld dolla. allce lite, ino move
Nig Lande, he talkee seventeen dolla hop
and tlee lent, blcinby Mayol (ilandy he give
contluct fol altcsian well, heap waler sec
ond wuld, heap workeo, heap money,
hclluf good time. No foolee me. Spote
he talkee two bundled dolla and altosiuu
well Inn good, allce lite, mo go."
l'lrn at North I'ouilnr.
Last Tuesday about noon tho sparks from
a passing engine set lire to Spencer, Hull
,t Hamsey's barn at North Powder and It
was iutircly destroyed. The lire was com
municated to the lumber yard adjoining,
und alKiut "0,000 feet of lumlxir was burned.
The !om is probably about f l,T0Q.
2. V
urn m
W ' k-1 aU V
For sale bv
L3 Grande, Oregon.
uumvixun.'A maipawftif cwrnjxcs-i w3ixtv exjik i srwniiiignuotiKucLiMu tiiun
Iff II Iff
i Wo Giuu'anteo tho Lowest Hates.
No ConiDiissions.
Title and Security is Satisfactory.
Me reliant "Tailor,
LaGranois, OK'KCiON.
Suits inmlo to order, and perfect lit guaranteed. Cleaning and repaiiing done.
Give ino a trial. Charges reasonahle, and satisfaction guaranteed.
Tho O. ii AV. T. Surveyor.
The Weston Leader say-.: ''The survey
ing outfit of the O. it W. T. road, under
Mr. Shaw, surveyor, were encamped below
town Thursday and Friday. They have
been engaged in running lines over the
Blue mountain from Athena to the Uma
tilla, and thence to the summit, since they
were last here. In conversation, the re
porter learned that they had found about
the samogrado on these lines as they se
cured via Looking (ilas, but we are assured
that the line would be much more expen
sive both in construction and in operating
the same, besides a less prolitabb route on
account of almost the entire dls(ancafrom
the Umatilla reservation to the vallev is
unproductive, while on the other baud the
entire line across thn mountain by the
Looking (Mass route is .susceptible of culti
vation, and almost to the summit is now
under cultivation and producing immense
crops of grain, hay and fruits. The sur
veyors are now engage 1 in running lines
from Weston to Walla Walla on a lower
grade, and running parallel with the O. K.
ifcX. (.Vs. track to Spoll'ord station. Their
last line crossed Pino creek near the old
mill site and theueo down the creek east of
the Methodist church.
."Measured fur a Chuo I'll.
Alluding tothoieport thai Ituv. T. 1).
Talmage was to lecture at Boise City, tho
Statesman of that city says: "We cannot
believe that we have in Boise any ono so
feeble minded as to make an effort to have
this mountebank stop here. He is the buf
foon of the day the clown of the pulpit,
lie is an ignoramus who brays at learning,
scouts science and tramples common sense
beneath his hoofs, ami from his monstrous
mouth pours an endless llood of Idiotic
gush, and all in the name of preaching
tiio gospel. If they want this disgusting
charlatan in Washington Territory, lot hint
have an open and wide road through Ida
ho; but in the name of all that is sacred
and sweet ami agreeable with fair intelli
gence, which this man so ollends, let there
bo no effort made to slop him bv the way."
ICtfclnit Milters.
This remedy is becoming so well known
and so popular us to need no special men
tion. All who havo used Klcetrlc Bitters
sing tho same song of praise. A purer
medicine docs not exist- and it is guaran
teed to do all that is claimed, hloctriu
Bitters will euro all of the Liver
and Kidneys, will remove Pimples, Boils,
Salt Kheiim and other all'ectloiis eauicd by
Impure blood. Will drive Malaria from
the system and prevent a well a cure ull
Malarial fovors. For cure of Henduuho,
constipation and ludlgostlon try Kleuti'lo
Bitters Kntlro satisfaction gunintwd or
or money refunded. Price Wi nu. ami $1.00
ber buttle at Brown's drug storo, Union.
Ituuklun'H Arnluu Halvti.
Tin; Biwt Saiaii In the world for t'uu,
Bruises. .Soros. Uicem. Halt Ithcum. Fever
Soros, Tetter, C'lmpp'd Hands, Chilblains,
Corns, and all Bkln J .nipt urns, ana pto.
alvuly euro Piles, or no puy required. It
Is guaranteed to give perfect utifiu lion,
or minify refunded. Price rent per
Ihjx. For sale at Drown'., drug store.
n. iiimiiui.n,iiiMii.miiiii
m k-,
No Delays, wliere
Ni;! tho Contrast.
The water supply at La (iranile seems to
be very limited, and what there is of a very
unhealthy ipiality. The council has taken
the matter in hand and will do what it can
to procure water from some source if pos
sible. The in :i lie says:
In relation to the subject of a water sup
ply, a considerable interest has lately been
taken in the question of artesian wells. The
success in this line in Baker City, in Idaho
is well as in some parts of Fastcrn Wash
ington, would seem to indicate that an ar
tesian well might novo successful here.
Baker City is in about the saiuo condition
and is prospecting for artesian water. The
! Dfnuiiiiil says;
The condition of Powder river at the
present time is horilble to contemplate and
if the citv Is not isited by an epidemic this
fall it will be a surprise.
Our lemUrs will note the contrast be
tween the above named places and Union.
Here we have an inexhaustible supply of
as pure cold water as ever was poured out
of the bosom of the mountains. Wells may
bosunk anywhere and the best of water
obtained, Water in abundance courses
down each side of our streets, nourishing
shade trees and making a most delightful
coolness. It seems strange that towns
situated so near us should bo in a condi
tion no better than if they were situated on
tho biizzard-swept plains of Dakota, hav
ing to place their reliance for healthful
water on the douiitful experiment of sink
ing artesian wells.
In Ciiiixiitnptloii 1 lie n in tie'.'
Bead the following: Mr. ('. 11 Morris,
Newark, Ark., says. "Was down with Ah
cess ot Lung., and friends and physicians
pronounced mo an Incurable Consumptive.
Began taking lr. King's New Discovery
for Consumption, am now on my third bot
tle, und able to oversee the work on my
farm. It is tho finest medicine ever made.''
Jimso Miihllewater, Decatur, Ohio, says:
"Hud it not been for Dr. King's New Dis
covery for Consumption I would haodied
of Lung Troubles. Was given up bv doc
tors. Am now In best of health." Try it.
Sample bottles frcu at Brown's drug store.
To Whom It .May Concern,
Notice is hereby given, to all whom it
may concern, that on or since the Pth day
of July, If-Mi, there has been no partnership
existing between the undersigned ami
Charles Conarty and Kdward Conarly In
volution to minus, mining business or hi
any other biibluosi whatsoever
tililjiinviil of Hordes,
Two enr loads of horses were shipped
from Huntington last Monday by Hon. L.
B. Itlueluirt, to Nashville, Tcun, Mr. (ico.
Dillon had ohargu of the horson and will
turn them over to J. T. Winn, of Murfros
buro, to be sold.
Clillilrmi Knjuy
The pleasant flavor, gentle action and
southing effects of Syrup of Figs, when In
need of a taxutivu and if the father or moth
er be ooklivtf or bilious the most gratifying
result follow Its use, so that it is the best
family remedy known and every family
should have a bottle.
JfcSL. :k
La (iranile, Oregon.
School Books
Readers : lixchanged : Free i
All readers to he exchanged must
contain all the leading matter and to
he in such condition that thoy could
he used in school if tho change had
not been made.
The full series of
Barnes Readers
now ready. Other hooks will ho on
hand in a short time.
Kxchauge Agents for Union and
District. 7-25(1"
For Sale.
1 (()( owes :uul lambs and
-100 woMievs, yoarlinj-s and
two year olds. Will soil at
a. bargain. Hntjnivo oi'T.G.
WILSON, at Covts or F. F.
WILSON, Union, Oregon.
Or. .1. it. fllltitiKtoii,
Surgeon-oeulist and medical specialist,
of Portland, will be at the Centennial hotel
Union, Oregon, from noon of Tuesday,
Sept. .'id, to noon of Wednesday, Sept. ii'n,
ISs!), All persons affected with eye, car,
lung or any chionie, nervous, uterine or
rectal diseases, will bo given an expert's
examination and opinion, free.
N. I!. Catarrh, rheumatic or other ail
ments conionly conshleicd incurable, are
especially invited. Itefers to W. T. Wright,
Wm. Dobbs, M. P. Ames, Archie Vanorder
and many other citizens of Union.
Itathfi- Ifnplf
We learn from parlies over from La
(irando that Jack Fundi and Henry Hun
ter had au altercation there a few days ago
over .ahorse trade, and Uarrell becoming
abusive and advancing upon Hunter, was
cut ami lacerated in a most artistic maimer.
Hunter used a small pocket knife and cut
Farrell in seventeen places. The shortness
ol the blade prevented fatal results.
88. ALGER.
AT Tlll
ICeeps constantly on hand a com
plete stock of fresh
Sheet, Musie,
Wire Goods,
and rsKi-'m,
Household Utensils.
A share ol the public patronage so
licited. a-15-tf.
L F.Smith,
Specialist in
Veterinary Surgery.
ltidgllu hore succcfully treated.
Hellers and smvs spayed bv tho latost Im-
innvi d method. I will l.lvn Im ,li iii'llmi
In my system of treatment, and guarantee
Hausiaciioii in every niNiauce, or no uarges
win oe maue. i am permanently located at
tllllntl. Iln.fill Wfll tirfitiit.tlf tiH,ii.l ti.
all calls, by mail or otherwise. H-I.Vtf.
Sheep for Sale.
Three Thousand head of stock sheep,
coiisistim.' of about three hundred lambs,
wn h ir'i f r.n in iijmw. Mtnwvuuumm t
and th remainder vci'lincs up to .Vyear-
oliln. Hold on easy terms provided gilt-
cdire Kceuritv Is tdveu. Km
f i run
at this