THE BEGOSS SCOUT AMOS K. J.'Nlls. T'MTon. The Oregon Seoul luts as large a circu lation as anf two papers in this sec tion of the State, combined, and is cor respondingly valuable as an advertising medium. Thursday, Aug:. S, 18Si. for cx fvill inscription of Union County see tnstclt punes. I.OCAJ. INFORMATION. Gatlieieil tii by Tim Scout and Ill-ought t Headquarter. Sec ad. of Mt. Angel school. It you want to buy or sell property cull nt the Union Ileal Estate office. A disastrous lire recurred nt Dallas, Polk county, last week. Loss $12,000. Wonder how the people around Island City like the celling out process? AVork is progrcj'lng rapidly on the Day ton extension of the Hunt railroad. Tho Walla Walla creamery has closed on account of the business not paying ex penses. Fire in the mountains has caused the valley to he enveloped in smoke for several days past. Fresh broad delivered dailv to any part of tho city from the Hon' Tun restaurant. Send in your orders. Wanted. A girl to do general house work no cooking, Knquirc at this office or of Mis. J. Q.. Shirley. Good wages paid agents. Address, with stamps, The Empire Agency. Walla AVallu, Washington Ty. 7-25-lm The most povere cnithqttakc shock since the memorable one of October, 18(8), oc curred in San Francisco, on Wednesday of last week. Tho IJluc Mountain House at La Grande is the leading hotel of tho town. Travelers will alwavs llnd the best of accommoda tions there. The land contest case before tho commis sioner of the General Land Office between AVm. AVarner and Thos. Hill was decided last week in favor of tlia former. A first-class baker has been unpaged at the lton Ton restaurant, and hereafter pic, cakes and bread will be constantly on hand for sale. Dread delivered to families when ordered. You certainly have been granted all the time a reasonable man could ask, so call at tho Cove drug store nnd settle your ac count at once, This is printed for your especial benefit. At linker City last week G. Adams and John Maloney were bound over in the sum of $1000 to appear before the grand jury for scattering counterfeit coin of the denom ination of halves and dollars. C. 0. Collinbery, the blacksmith, of this city, is agent for tho D. M. Osborne t (Vs. mowers, rakes, reapers and other machin ery. Fanners will find it to their interest to interview him before purchasing else where. b-27-t I Anyone wi-lung to huy farm lanils or town lots should call on the Union Heal Estate Association. If you have property for sale you cannot do better than list it with them for their facilities for attracting purehasurs are unsurpassed. The Pendleton Academy, for both sexes, including preparatory academic and busi ness course, will open in the old court house, in Pendleton, Oregon, Sept. 1, ISsU. For further information enquire of F. M. ISoyd, Pendleton, Oregon, 8-8-ml. Last Sunday the Thompson-Hanihart brick building in Hcndloton was deuroyed by lire, which originated in the explosion of a coal oil lamp. Tho building was used by professional men for ofiices. Tonnery it Wheeler's photograph gallery was also located in it. We havo not received information as to when Mr. Hunt will arrive in this city, as we oxpected to, in time for announcement in this issue. Ho will, no doubt, be hero some time this week and tho various com mittees should hold themselves in readi ness to meet him. AVm, Soward and Josoph Switaer who wore taken to Portland last week to be in terviewed by Ins honor, Judge Deady, upon a charge of having resisted ,on ollleer in Grant county, wore each fined $200. Mr. Soward paid his lino whilo Mr. Swlteer is boarding his out with Uncle Sam. The East Oregonlan says: Tho town of La Grande, being on tho line of tho 0. 1, & X. road and enjoying railroad facilities of its own. lias refused to extend any aid to tho Hunt road, recognizing in its advent a deathblow to its pretensions of becoming tho county seat, for which honor it is now making a great effort. Tho law passed by the last legislature to rogulate the practice of medicine and sur gery, will go imo effect the aid of this month, una on and after that date the pen alties provided by this law can be enlorced, and it is probable that step.-i will be taken immodiutolv after the 23d to begin suit against all persous practicing medicine il legally. Two boys by tho lmmo of Uotcheil mid one by tJio nume of Leuvitt were arrested at I.a Grande lat Thursday, at tho in stance of Mr. I'redmore, churged with lar oeny from a dwt-lliug. They were brought before Ju'stico Wilson of this city, and after oxaiuhmttou were di.-cliargod. Neither of the buys un mure than twelve years of age, and while they are thought lea oud wild, are not criminals. Following U tho right of married woiueu In regard U holding and dlwlnit of prop erty in Oregon: A married woiueu may hold real or pergonal property in tier own Mane ami fret from the control of, or Ua 141 1 ty for. Ihc aVbU of her husband, bat a nhetiule.of personal property mut be Hied with the count ck-rk. Htr lunmmd must Join In all conveyances of her separate tate. Hho may -iw and 1. Mu-d in regard tU her seMMT.U' .qi"i1 Mie rrnn mttkt u wfM anlnfln -lie I by b -r h : i .t; i DltM PAKAUE. Tlio Scent's AVccUly IiMprclInn nntl lie port of Frirml oir Duty, lion. J.i. llcndcrshott was in the citv last Saturday. I Attorney .1. n. blielton was unite sick reveral days this wick. j Attorney 11. F. Burleigh has returned i from AVallowa countv. K. .1. Cottpcr and A. T. Ncill returned from Fine valley. Tuesday. Andrew Itiggs and wife, of North tow dor, viMted Union this week. Chas. Schicdliaucr, of North Powder, made us a pleasant visit, Saturday. Attorney . I. it. (.'rites Is now taking in the situation of allairs on the Sound. E. A. Holme", of the Cove, sent in and subscribed for Tn k Scoi t this week. .lot. Nodinc, of Tacoma, came up a few days ago on a visit to relatives and friends. Mr, Make, of the lirm of Lombard Bros, & lllakc, linker City, called on us Tuesday. .1. II. Tavlor, of Haines, accompanied by his wife and niece, vNited Union Saturday. It. 11. Smith writes to have his Scout changed from Camas Station to Lemhi Junction, Idaho. It. HuHiuan was in the city a few days ago, He ha-severed his connection with the La Grande Journal. A. 1!. Conley, of the Sand Ridge, called on u, Friday, and had the address of his Scoit changed from Cove to Island City. J.T. Outhouse, ot La Grande, visited Union the fore part of the week. He is still severely alilicted with the rheumatism. AVilson it Hackctt, of the Union Heal Estate Association, have fitted up a neat otlicc on Mnln street near Catherine creek. Harvey Morcland will take his departure to-morrow for Seattle. It will probably be live or six weeks before he is in Union again. Frank Johnson, of Lost Prairie, AVallowa county, came in last Monday to meet his brother who arrived hero from California a few days ago. They returned to Wallowa. Mr. J. L. Cavincss and Miss Dec Dun nlngton, of Island City, were recently married. They vNited Idaho to have the ceremony performed, but returned as hap py as two clams. J. A. Kusscll writes us a private letter from Hunt's railroad camp on the Dayton extension. He says that four hundred men arc at work and the road will be com pleted within six weeks. AV. P.irdsell. of llamo Flat, left at this olllce. a few days ago, some samples of seven head club wheat which was raised on his place. The stalks are not of great height but titc heads are enormous. Latent reports from Mcachani, based on a careful estimate, say that fully 150 people are now sojourning at that place, and the camp still growing. Many people from across tnc mountains Maker, Union and La Grande arc among tho campers. E. O. John Welling, one of the prosperous farmers of High valley, left at our office this week a sample of Norway life wheat which was raised on his place. The wheat is as lino as any wo ever saw. The dry weather which has shortened the crops somewhat in certain localities seems not to have all'eeted High valley in the least. The young people of this city anticipate having an enjoyable time at the social hop to be given to-morrow night. Thoevcnings are not so tropical now as heretofore and consequently a large attendance maybe ex pected. A good time is assured and every body is extended a special invitation to be present and participate in the pleasures of titc evening, IScv. .1. F. ISroitillard, of Island City, nnd Ucv. Marimbas Held, of Mt. Angel college, Marion Co., passed through this city yester day en route to Cornucopia. We acknowl edge a pleasant visit from the levcrcnd gentlemen. They arc traveling in the in forests of tho Poitland college, an adver tisement of which they placed in this paper They informed us that it was the intention to establish a branch or annox to the col lege somewhere in Eastern Oregon, and appoaredto be favorably impressed with Union as a suitable location for it. We do not think they could lind a better place, "Homo Couldn't" Jinnies. Head what your neighbors have to say about them and be convinced. Homo tes timony is always reliable. Wo could pub lish thousands of such testimonials from people all over tho country, but these aro sufficient: Si'MMKitViu.i:, Oit. Aug,."), 1SS!). AVrought Iron Mange Co. Gknti.kmi:x : The Home Comfort range 'K'' purchased of your salesman, gives en tire satisfaction. I havo used several kinds of cast stoves, and unhesitatingly pro nounce your range far superior to any of them in every respect. 1 would not part with my range at any price could I not get another like it. Mespi ctfull v, MliS. It. D. Itl'CKMAN. I cheerfully endorse the above. MltS.GlIOlKIK HlCKMAN. Island City, Oh., Aug. fi, 1889. My range, after being thoroughly tested, gives entire satisfaction. It bakes' perfect ly, heats up quickly and takes less'wood by one-half than any stove I ever used, I take pleasure in recommending it to my ftleiKlsaud acquaintances. Itespectfiilly, Mns.C. W. Knait. Island Citv, On., Aug, :i, 188!, Wrought Iron Mange Co., My ru n go cooks to perfection, and you may iimj my name in recommending it. Mopeotfully, It. I). Davis. St MAina.vii.LL-, On., Aug. ., 18f). Tho "C range purchased of your sales man is all he claims fork. Itcspcctftilly, It. M. Oliver, Mo sure when you purchase a range to get the ''Home Comfort," as it Is the only cooking apparatus in the world manufac tured of wrought steel and annealed iron. They are Mil exclusively by our own sales men, directly to the people, and in no oth er way. Wlt-'UGIIT IMON MANGE CO. Syrup of I'Irm, Proilaeed from the laxative and nutrlti tkitu Juioe of California tig, combined with the medirinal virtues of plant known to bo moat bmeiiiciul t tlte human nystoiu. acts gently, on the kidnoye, liver and bowels, effeeti: i !taiiing the nynUm, difipelhng eoli end brdnch-, nnd curing habitual c.mtUpotfuu. P. These presses nrc now hilling three-fourths of nil the hay uiul straw haled in tho United States and Canada. Wo ear. ninkc you bettor prices ami hotter terms than nny other linn, and will back our assertion with actual (iirtitvs. KOSS FEED CUTTERS. KEYSTONE CIDEH MILLS, AMERICAN FRUIT EVAPORATORS, STUDEBAKER WAGONS, HACKS, CARRIAGES tnid 13UGG3ES. You do yourself un injustice if you do not sec our goods before purchasing. 7-18-tf C 7, o Having leaded Tjik Scon job printing of fice I am now prepared to execute neatly and artistically all manner of Job work. Portland prices. Address Uox l.'W. Good music and a pood time Is Insured to those attending the social dance to be piven at the Davis hall to-morrow nipht. Dan commences at !) o'clock p. m. sharp. llccordcr Tut tic is now busily engaged in assessing the city. As propoity lias ad vanced considerably In price during the past six months a better showing than usual will be made, and it is hoped that a sufficient levy will be made to wipe out the indebtedness of the city. After whipping his 11 year old son for some youthful offense, John Itoding, of Oakland, Cal., dropped dead from heart disease. Kvery boy should cut out this item from Tiik Scout and paste it on the seat of his pants where it will bo sure to be seen by an infuriated parent.' Several artesian wells recently driven in linker City have proved successful, which leads tlie Democrat to say: "It now seems certain that the city will he adequately supplied with water for all purposes through the artesian process and if It would bo our good fortune it will be the cause of great rejoicing.'' The Ladies' Aid Society of the Prcsbyto rian church will give a lawn social at. the home of Mr. James Kakin next Friday evening, August 0th. Vocal and instru mental music, ice cream, Itcbccca at the well drawing lcinonwuV tu the Presbyterian church. Many pleasant features during the evening. Come one and all, and add other pleasant features. M. Kubiak, titc tailor of La firande, visi ted Union this week. Mr. Kubiak is a lirst-class tailor and guarantees a perfect lit in every particular. He will visit Union occasionally and those desiring anything In his line cannot do better than give him an order. See his advertisement elsewhere in tills paper. .Jackson, local editor of the Hast Oregonl an. got an unmerciful beating at the hands of (Ins, Dyers last Sunday on account of something that appeared in tho paper. Jackson scorned to make no resistance. A newspaper man can get himself thrashed every day in the week If the bullies around town Imagine thov can do the Job witnout any danger of being ushered into the hereafter thcnii-clvcs. Tho attention of farmers and grain deal ers is called tn tho superior facilities and advantages offered by Frank Ilro's. Imple ment Co. for the purchase and hauling of all kinds of grain ut their large warehouse aud elevator ut La Grande. They will fur nish funncrs sacks for the hauling of grain free, and having unlimited facilities for storing and making advances on wheat, can oflcr superior inducements to those who may desire to hold their wheat for better prices, or they will pay the highest market price in cash. 8-1-tf Tho Walla AValla Statesman says: Tho O. (t W. T. company have succeeded In securing a f cent rale on all fruit and gar den stuir between this city and Tacoma. A number of extra fruit cars arc now at the depot, hut there is u lull in tho fruit busi ness at present, and shipments will bo light for tho next few days, after which time the second crop will come in and the shipments will be greater than ever. Tho 0. it V. T. company is to bo congratulated upon having so unhesitatingly como to the relief of a suffering community In their time of need. ill' I K. Dederi van-: ' - ALi2 For sale bv La Grande, Oregon. -ess? We Guarantee tho LoAvcst Kates. No Commissions. No Delays, vrliere Title and Security is Satisfactory. CORRESP()NDENCE. -:- SOLICITED. WILSON & HACKETT, Union, Or. Merchant Tai lor, LaGkande, Oregon. Suits made to order, nnd perfect fit guaranteed. Cleaning and rep.tiiing done. Give nio a trial. Charges reasonable, nnd satisfaction guaranteed. "SHE'S ALIVE." La Grande Offers a Railroad for 250 County Seat Votes. SUBSIDIZING THE M. & M. CO. Futile Efforts of the Key to Turn Itself in the Kcv-holc. "Whom the gods' would destroy they first make inad" i an old saying which is frequently exemplified in every day allairs. The blooming burg across the way, known as La (Irande, is now undergoing that fren zy which is the harbinger of tho fate that is surely awaiting it. Ami who will say then is not a strong undercurrent of justico in all this? Instead of pursuing the even tenor of its way, sharing the general pros perity of tho country, pleased at tho suc cess of its neighbors as well as of itself, it has hearkened to tho counsels of thowoist and most unscrupulous eloinents within its borders, and succeeded in making ene mies of tlioso who would havo been its friends, and by cunning and treachery has sought to agrandise itself at tho expense of every other section of the county. Hacked up by an arrogant railroad company which bus treated tho people as itshlave, tho town of La (irando became imbued with the same spirit, and while yet encased in swad dling clothes imagined Unit it was a full grown Sullivan, and with the arrogance of a bruiser has sought to rule the county or ruin it. Hut the spirit of its dream is changed at last. It has awakened to the fact that its high-handed insolence has been can led too far. It linds that tho peo ple havo broken the chains of tho monopo ly that it looked to fur support and that its prestige is gone. In tills dilemma Its madness is more manifest and I lie rascally methods of its leaders more apparent than ever. Realizing that the building of the Hunt road Into this valley which it has mi strenu ously opposed, is an assured thing, and knowing that it means tho utter desli uc tlon of their town. Hie leaders there have sot themselves to work to mitigate tho re sult as much us possib'o. To tills cud, wo arc reliably informed by parties up from Sunimcrville, a delegation from La firuiide visited that plate a few days ago, and call ing a secret meeting of some of tho biiMnoss men there, proposed that if fiio Hummer villa people would insure La Grande 'J'tO votes on the county scut question, Lit Grande would insure the building of a branch road of the O. It. .t K. line to Sum- mervllle. This delccfablo proposition to buy tho votes of the good people of that section with a mess of very thin soup, n it were, was received witli tho contempt it donervxl. The people of Summorvillo kuuw that they hold tho winning cards jiut now and onii piny out the game without the help of La Grande. They know that an suru an tho mouths roll 'round, tliulr town will grow into a city of larne proportion, mid that the business mill of La Grande will be compelled to move toil ort'k other locu STAYER ESP mm tions. Thoy know that the O. It. it X. Co. if it expects to get any of tho trado of the valley will have to build a branch to Sum mcrville, and that It will not ask a "subsi dy" of StO votes, but will l)o willing to nay for the privilege of coming Summervillo kiinv, s all this and rests Mitistlcd, Tho La Granders are as fully alive to the situation, but lu their idea that the Siiiumervillinns area lot of suckers to bo bamboo.led aud bought aud sold like a baud of sheep, they have evidently reached a very advanced stage of mental aberration. Another manifestation of (ho peculiar disease with which they aro alilicted Is their oiler of a subsidy of $17,00) to the M..tM. Co., of Island City, to induco tho company to move to La Grande. Wo understand the oiler has been accepted and that, tho work of moving tho elephant up to its new quarters will commence In a few days. Tho arrangement is very satisfactory to tho elephant, no doubt, hut when he gets com fortably settled and commences to absorb' the surrounding nutriment into his own "laxly politic," as it were, the small fry will realize that they have paid too much for tho animal and can only console them selves by sitting Idly on their empty goods boxes and watching tho elephant cal. In other words, tho M.ttM.Co. will bo nolo possessor of that neck of the woods inside of two years. Such is tho condition of tho "key to Grande Hondo valley," anil such are the desperate aud disreputable methods it takes in tin) vain effort to prolong its existence. That it contains many good and fair-mind-cd people no one will deny, but when thoy allowed themselves to If dictated to ami led by a gang of irresponsible, sclf-constl tilted leaders, they committed an error for which they must, sullbr. Tin: Hi out has no excuse to offer for its attitude toward La Grande. When that town, boasting of the "thousand men It could run in 011 tho rallroud to vote,'' attempted to injure us ami our neighbors, give away tho best por tion of our territory to Ilaker, and bank rupt ami plunge our comity in strife for its own sellisli ends, it must have expected the opposition of Tim: Scot "I'. This it has had and will continue to have until peace and settled prosperity comes tootir county. 1 1 In iiiiMMCHH lliiitiiifiit;. Probably no one thing has caused such a general of trado at Jirowu.s drug store as lilt- giving away to his custo mers of so many Iree trial bottles of Dr. Klng'dNew discovery for Consumption. Ills trade is simply enormous in tills very valuable article from the fact that it always cures aud never dhnppolul. Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Hrouchitls, ('roup and a'l throat aud lung diseases quicklv cured. You can tost it before buying by gutting a trial bottle free, large size $1, Kvery bottle warranted. A Hound Legal Opinion. K. Ilulnbridge Muiiday Ivsq., County Atty Clay Co., Tox., saym "Have used ICIeetrlc. Hi tern with mot happy rouIU. My broth, or 11U0 wiuj very low with Malarial Fever aiidJn dlcn, but was cured by timely uso ot thU 0UI0I110. Am snllnlled Kloutrlo Hitters vm1 Ids life." Hub'crlho fur Tiik Oukuoji HYoi't. ill & WALKER, (liiinde, Oregon. i DOOKS Readers : Exchanged : Free i All renders to bo exehiingcd must contain all tho leading mutter and to be in such condition that tlicy could be used in Mihool if tho change had not. been made. Tho full series of Barnes Readers now ready. Oilier books will bo on haipl in a bhort time. HALL BROTHERS, Exchange Agents for Union nnd District. 7-!2fitf For Sale. .1 (()() tjwes tiiul lainbH and 'IOO Avothors, yearlings and two year olds. Will sell at a bargain. Eiuinire ofT. G-. WILSON, at Cove, or 2i. F. W1LSOX, Union, Oregon. Council rroreisiUiiKK. Council met lu regular session last Sat urday evening, Mayor Kennedy presiding. Present. S. A. l'ursel. A. K. Jones and J. M. Carroll, eouucllinen; J. U. Tuttle, re corderand M. Heritage, mar.slial. Minutes of tho meeting of July (ilh read and approved. .1. M. Carroll was appointed as one of tho finance committee, pen km. The following bills were rend and referred to the finance committee, which reported on tho bills as correct: M. Heritage, maishal salary fi'.'J 0!) S. M. Haynes, special police (i GO V. I. KeevcM, ' " 1. (i CO A. Ilolbrook, " " (I 00 Kast Oregonlan. blanks 10 03 C. 10. Hobins, lumber LI) II C. 10. Hobins, balance on lumber. ... 1MH Jones it Chnneoy, nriuting 7 00 A. X. Gardner, polio budges 1 M On motion tho above bills went allowed and the iceorder instructed to draw war warrants for tho same. The street commissioner was instructed to take proper measure. for the cxtripatiou of Canada thistles within Hie corporate limits of Union, If any such be found, in accordance witli the provisions ot tho not of the recent legislature lelating thereto. What's tliiOliitter With You? You aro not "all right.'' You feel tired, your back aches, you feci shakey in the knees, you aro subject to dull headaches, arc nervous, cross, and all things don't seem to go Just rljiht. In short, you are full of malaria, and you will continue to feci worse until you got something to kill and expel the poison. Wo recommend Hlectrii. Hitters, because if. will just lit your case. So conlldcntare we, that wo guarantee it, which iiieans that your money will bo re funded If you are not benefited. No fairer offer can bo made. You have a suro thing. Try It. I'rico Wie, and .f 1.00 at Krown's drug store, Union Oregon. A Sniiiplo. The following from the Astoria Tran script gives a sample of men wo meet lu Union and nearly everywhere: About one of the suiallusl business firms in tho United .states is in Astoria. Thoy aro patronized by nearly everyone lu tho city, and when they want anything thoy send to Portland for it. They havo thoir bill heads printed in Portland. They buy their cigars at Portland; take only a Port land paper, and from procnt appearances they will havo to hire their help lrom Port laud. They w uld beiieilt t'ds community if they would move to Portland. imi:i. DOTSON.-lu this city, Tuesday, August (1,188!), Kltu, youngest daughter of Mr. aim iurs. u. ji. imison, aged 11 years, 7 mouths ami (l duys, Tho funeral took nluco Wediiesduv from the residence services being conducted by Iter. Jl. II. Parker. The bereaved parents havo the sincro sympathy of uiuuy friends in their lots. Hut a few brief pains 011 her mother's breast, And wo lav her down In her holy ret, Kro the world its snares around her throw Or lit hIiim anil IUc:uslie ever knew. o 1 IT cnooi J