1 I I II I I'll III W.UJLProMUJ.UJ.lttAlUlUtJ Y?5E OHL-GOM 3GCOT. AMO.- K. JONl. i:itor. 77ir Oregon Scout has a-a large a circu lation an any tiro papers in this sec tion of the Stair, combined, and in cor respondingly valuable as an advertising medtnm. Tlmrsriiiy, July 3 8, 18Sf. TO CAT. 1 N ItliSJlATlCN CSatlicroil ii Iy Tho Sumit utiil ilrmtglit , to tlumliunrt(ir. A scissors grinder look in the town this week. How about tbnt telephone, line (rom Fn ion to Cornucopia? Hunt Wants our answer by next Satur day, What shall it bo? If you want to sell, lift your property with the Union Real listnto Association. Social hop to-morrow night at Davis' hall. A grand time assured. All :tro in. vital. "When you want any coopering done, eall on S. 15. Ayle, at the Regie uoopcr shop. He is a lirst-ehii's workman. Thos, McGowan and Jus. Riley, two rounders of l.a Grande, are now scrying a lift ecu day's term In the county Jail, for petty larceny. The Rluc Mountain House in l.a Grande still keeps up its reputation as a llrst-ola-s hostelry. Stop there when you visit La Grande. If you want anything done in the paint ing, graining or sign writing line, call on .1. A. Hell. Attention is called to his ad. in this issue. This is printed for your especial benefit, gentle reader, and insists on your calling at once at tho Cove drug store and settling your old account. The attention of our readers is culled to tho advertisement of Lombard Bros, & Make, of linker City, which appears ci-o-wlierc in this paper. Read Stavcr it Walker's new ad. in this issue. Farmers desiring anything in the implement line should not fail to inspect the stock carried by this linn. The Ontario Atlas says: "The Union Scout recently began its sixth year under bright auspices. All things considered, it is tho best local paper in Kastern Oregon.'' Elijah Smith and Henry Villard both agree In one statement, viz: that a road with its terminus in I'ortland cannot com pete with a road Having its terminus on the Sound. The llakcr City Reveille says: "Tho Union Scout is six years old. Flies always shun such a paper, no matter how inviting a position it may hold in the sunshine of prosperity.'' At Wallula last Sunday night a young lady named Hamblin started a fire with coal oil. As usual, the can ignited and ex ploded, causing tho death of the girl and the complete destruction of the dwelling. A railroad meeting is called to take place at tho Park this evening, A committee from Union will be in attendance. This is the last eall and every man in tho l'ark should not fail to be there and do what lie can. We acknowledge receipt of nil invitation to attend the grand picnic to bo given by tlte people of Ragle valley on the first ot August. We would like very much to be with them at that time, and it is just pos sible we may be. But recently La Grande hankered after the whole earth, but their aspirations have now dwindled down to the size of a hotel. Judging from the tone of the papers there they want a hotel "awful bad." Well, wo hope somebody will build them a hotel. School Supt. Carter will hold the county instituto at La Grande, commencing at about August 15th, and continuing one Week. An elaborate programme will be prepared and tome ol tho leading instruc tors in the state aro oxpectod to be present. Jfr. II. J. Geer, of the Cove, lias our thanks for a box of Yellow Spanish cher ries. They were tho llnest llavored and most delicious cherries wo ever tasted, and why inferior kinds should bo raised when Yellow Spanish will grow hero is beyond our comprehension. Tho surveying outfit of the 0. & W. T. were camped in the lower part of tho city for a few days. Yesterday they received orders to strike camp and proceed to tho Warm Springs. Thero they will run lines to ascertain if a route up the Umatilla river and across tho mountains at that point impracticable. Weston Leader. Dr. A. L. Saylor, of North Powder, vis ited Union tho fore part of tho week and being so well pleased witli the outlook of our town concluded to move his family here and cast' his lot with us. In addition to the practice of his profession ho will open up a first class drug store, and has rented the building adjoining the Scovr ollleo for that purpose. A complete stock of drugs 'and everything necessary lias been ordered and will arrive in a fow days. The various railroad committees through out the country will oomploto thoir work by next Saturday and report to the central committee at Union. Tho work is being pushed as rapidly as possible by all. and If wo cstiniato correctly thero is now lack ing only about live or six thousand dollar Mr. Hunt wants our answer by Saturday. There has been talk t having a hums meet ing on Saturday afternoon, but whether one will ho called or not we are not In formed ot this writing. Mr. J. McKeun, of the Payette nursery, Idaho, Is in the city and will do the entire vfllloy In the interest of the above nursory. Fruit, shade and ornamental trees three years old, warranted in good shape ad i true to mime, shipped In the f.dl or spring. Also all kinds of shrubbery, h u-c plant, rosee, ct., all raised in I dub" Tb mii-t bo better adapted to Kutern orvguii luO , those from foreign nurseries. Brother Jle. wears a white hut, is a white man and drives u beaut ul white Um. Look out ; I r him und A r 'ii M order. I ii L.I...J. ., .B.j oitEis f vi:.M)u Tho Srout'o Weekly Infection nnil ISi port of Friends oir Duty, Jap. Stevens was up from the Cow y. torday. L. It. Holmes, of the Covo, was in town yesterday. Prof. Win. Smith, of the Core, called on us yoiterday. ( Chns. M. Cartwrlght, of Portland, Is sojourning in the city. J. M. lisrsin sent In this week and sub scribed for Tint ScotJT. Dr. Strange, of U Grande, visited Union the fore part of the week. Mrs. Alice Steele, of Lower Powder river, visited Union this week. Ch.n. Miller, of Teloennet, moved to this city last Friday and will nmko his home hero for awhile. Wait Wnue writes from Conoonully, W. T. and subscribes for Tim Scout to be sent to him there. Miss Maggie Smith, In company with Sheriff Hamilton and wife, paid Summer ville a vMt last week. Sam'l. P. Putnam, the noted Frcethought lecturer, is advertised for La Grande Aug. lth and Union Aug. :wth. Martin 15. Stone, of Oakland. Cal. and Miss Eva M. Sbinn, formerly of this city, were married on the'Jnd inst. Miss Mollic Foster returned home on Saturday from the Cove, where she has .been visiting fi lends and relative. Mrs. A. Harlow, of Taeoma, who has been visiting the family of E. H. Lewis, of this city, returned home on Saturday last. Attorneys Itobt. Kakin and T. II. Craw ford returned from Pendleton, yesterday, where they have been attending court. F. M. McCully.of Joseph, wax appointed superintendent of schools of Wallowa coun ty, at a recent session of the county court. -Mrs. Allie Donnoy, of Pine valley, is in the city. She came down to visit her moth er, Mi3. McComas, who has not been well for some time past. Miss Susie Morelnnd, of Portland, who has been visiting her brother Harvey and the family of W.T. Wright, returned' home Wednesday morning. A most enjoyable time is reported from the Fourth of July celebration in lower Pine valley. W. W. Kirby was the orator of the day. and excellent music, was fur nished by the Eagle valley brass band. A party of fishermen returned home last week from the Minam, where they landed over eight hundred beautiful trout. They claim to have brought in about seven hun dred, but our sporting editor says lie did not sec the color of them. Creighton C. Colllnberry, of Chicago, is visiting his brothers who reside in this city. Mr. Colllnberry is printer for the railway service and is a busy man at home. Ho is out for recreation and health, and expresses himself well pleased with ins trip. A party of friends consisting of Mrs. A. S. Harlow and Mrs. Ja. Lewis, of Taconia. Dr. Lon Cleaver, of linker City, Miss Mol lic Lewis, Miss Ida Johnson, E. It. Hill and H. L. Moreland, ot Union, went over to Island City on Thursday evening, and after a sumptuous repast which had been prepared in advance, and a pleasant stroll around the beautiful city, returned homo by moonlight. At the request of a number of the young people of this city and vicinity Messrs. ralrd .t James have consented to giyo one of their pleasunt social parties to-morrow night. (Friday, July ID.) The niusic, to be furnished by Wm. Jimes, will be of the same excellent character as on former oc casions and (ieorge Raird will manage the adair in his usual painstaking manner. George's reputation for allableness and civ ility tends, in a gieat degree, to materially augment the number of young folks who attend these parties, and'tho more mention of the fact that he will act in tho capacity of manager of this social gathering will in sure a large attendance. Didn't Sl.o them up niKlit. Lat week a young couple from tho coun try were meandering around tho streets in a spoony-don't-enro-a-cent- we're - looking-for thc-Jiistice-of-tho-l'eaeo-fashion, and soon attracted thu attention of tho reporters who were looking for an item, tho county clerk who was looking for a fee, and the justices and ministers who were looking for a couple wanting to be married. Tho couple finally stoppod in front of Justice Wilson's ofllec and enquired if thut gentle man was in. The crowd that had collec ted by this time assured them that he was. Mr. Wilson eamo out expecting nothing less than a .?." fro, and invited them in. They declined ami the young man said: "If your name's Wilson, your dad down In the Covo said for you to send down two sacks of tlour, and bo in a mighty big hurry about it.'' And thou they moved on, leav ing a very blank looking sot of reporters, clerks and dispensers of the law. Animals liijiiruil by I'allroads. All Hastcrn journal unites that it has beon customary whenever an animal wan fatally maimed to leave the creature where it fell until it should be killed by section hands, under tho impression that if any pemon , but a railroad employe killed tho animal I itivoiild remove the liability of the road. It is not an uniuual sight to oe a poor cow J slowly gasping out its life becniiao the own-1 er labors under this Impression. Tho idea I is a mistaken one, however, for tho owner i can at once remove the animal und kill it j without lessening the chances of getting j pny for his property. Kx. 1 1. . i i i Jlcntliiff c.f the V. II. A; I.. Co. At the regular meeting of the C II.it I.. Co last Monday evening there was a fair attendance. Minutes of the two previous nueting were read und approved. Tho following bill, were allowed and ordered paid' Hull lro., tlajf , et ., ri ; Jones A. ( bailee) , printing, (Hi; A. I.i y. g tfo. IJ."7 . K. W. J.i vi-. rope and sciU. 7' c; dec orut lou committee, fo.uu. A committee wa appointed to cumin" the property of the coinjiaiiy und n that it is kept in pro! r condition. For sale bv W -A- 2 35 8c, La Grande, Oregon. Those presses aro now bnliiiK tlirce-fotirlhs of all the- liny and straw haled in the United States and Canada. Wo ear. make vott better prices and better terms than any other linn, anil will buck our assertion with actual (inures. ItOSS FI2ED CUTTEIiS, KEYSTONE CIDER MILLS, AMERICAN FJRU IT EVAPORATORS, STL'DEUAKA R WAGONS, HACKS, CARRI AG ES and IUTGGIES. Yon do yourself an injustice if you do not sec our goods before purchasiii;. 7-lS-tf c c i i H JO CD 9 0 3 -s Farm For Sale. J ( A ACItKS, JCKAR NORTH POWDICR. 1 l)U Union County, Oregon, all under fence, a good V story house, wood cellar, well, barn and outbuildings. Terms easy. For further particulars call at ibis ollleo. CniniiiK to Oregon. The exodus of people northward into Oregon and Washington territory still con tinues. Each train leaving California is crowded to its utmost capacity, and the railroad company is seriously considering the question of putting another train on the route. These people aro not only resi dents of California who have disposed of their property there and arc moving to the north, where as good and cheaper lands can bo secured, but also people from tho Kabt who have be"ii induced to go to Cali fornia only to find how badly, in some re spects, the country had been misrepresent ed. Without doubt, California is one of the most fertile states in tho I'nion, but the people there have foolshly advanced the price of lands to a figure that is unrea sonable, and which the finality of the land will not justify. Consequently people of moderate means cannot all'ord to purchase, and this fact prevents wealthy people from buying for the purpose of speculation. The price that is asked for land in Oregon is reasonable, ami in some instances astonish inglyso Itis this that attracts emigration, and will continue to do so, unless tho prop erty owners of this state refuse to profit by the experience of Californians, and demand outrageously high prices for their lands. This wo do not believe will be the case in this state, although land will continue to increase In value, for In many cases it is actually worth double and treble the price asked. Oregon oilers Inducements that aro within the reach of every industrious per.-on. lloines can be provided for tlioits iindb more. l.a Cruiulit's Hospitality. The Arlington Times says: Tho ball game between Arlington and La Grande was played on tho Fottrtli and won by our boys by a score of 1 to (i after a hard strug gle with two umpires who had determined to win tho game which thoir players could not win. Rut these fellows finally became ashamed of themselves and quit. It is safe Jo Jsuy thut had the young man who umpired the last inning, and who belonged to the La (Irando second nine, been put in as umpire at limt, the Arlingtoiis would have won the game easily in nine innings, and as it was our nine was in the lead from tho start. Regarding the "scrapping match" which took place, it is enough to say that our boys, who are all known to bo peaceable, only did what they were coin polled to do to defend a fellow pluycr who was assaulted bv a drunken "hobo." for merly of thii place, whoso reputation for being a tough is woll known. The special police of La (irando behaved like a lot of rulllanv blackguarding and swearing at our boys as cowards only do when they have a large mob to back them. , To DUprl OoldH, Headaches and Fevers, to cleanse tho yitam ollectually , yet gently, when costive or bilious, or when the blood Is impure or sluggish, to jterumiiently cure habitual constipation, to uwakeu tho kidneys and livr to it healthy activity, without Irrita ting or weakening them, iuo Byrupof Figs, J. 11. I'hy A Co. will puy good prices for votir v-'hrut ut tho t'nloii mill. t K, D'eilerick Hay Presses. I have just iteeived at Union, RLOOD. Two of Ibis family, Mary York for $1,100. I will sell them at No Commissions. No Delays. Lowest Eates ever offered Guaranteed. CORRESPONDENCE -:- SOLICITED. Office over First National Bank FOR THIS I.OVH OF OOI). it.. I). .IoIiiinoii CniivurtH Ills Homo Into a Human SIuiiKlitci' House. The I'alouse City W. T. News yesterday issued an extra edition containing the fol lowing particulars of an awful tragedy on Cedar Creek. On Sunday as the family of Henry Coch rane were going to attend services in the s.-hool house about three and a half miles north of the city, on the Farmington road, they noticed the cattle of R. I). Johnson in Hit corral. They thought it rather strange, and at 8 o'clock this (Monday) morning when Mr. Cochrane saw the cat tle still penned up. he determined to inves tigate. Approaching tlie door lie knocked twice but received no answer. lie pounded a third time and in response came tho voice of a child crying: "Oil, uuimuiu!" Running around to tho window lie called the name of .Mrs. Johnson, and receiving no reply but the piteous crying of tho child, forced open the door and rushed into the house. Ascending tho stairs, a horrible sight met his eyes. Lying at the head of tho stairs was the body of Mr. Johnson. The hair was malted with blood, which had oo.ed from a bullet wound in tho forehead. A revolver was lying partly un der the body. On a bed close by lay the body of the boy Willie, the face blackened with powder and covered with blood from two ghastly wounds In tho head, On a pallet at the foot of the bed, was the little girl, her face also dabbled with blood from a bullet wound. Overcome by the terrible spectacle Mr. Cochrane lushed down the stairs and out of the house to summon help. A messen ger was dispatched to this city to Miiumou tho proper authorities, anil tho neighbors soon reached the scene of the tragedy. On the frontdoor was pinned the follow ing note. CO.MK IN ! oit..v ! Wo are up stairs all dead ! The neighbors entered and ascended the Muirs in search of Mrs. Johnson. They found her dead body in the bed in a room adjoining the one in which the others were lying. It was found thai a bullet had entered the right side of the forehead of the little girl and passed out of tho left eye. When asked who hurt her she said her brother struck a stick into her eye. Kho also sta ted that her father gave them all lemonade, and that her mother screamed. The little one was tenderly cared for and Drs. Alagee and Williams did nil in their power to re lieve her sull'ering. .Scattered about the house were found the following notes, written In u cramped hand and abounding in poor spelling; Ckiiaii Ciii'.kk, July (I. Tills deid may seem strange to some that I do R, for (it) Is nothing more than this world is two wicked to live in. I don't want to live auv longer In II. I can't bar to leave my fami ly in it. C'hey will be with Jesus before you tee this. I hope that (lod will forgive me. 1 give my till to lilin. I want every body to prey for me. I want to go to heav en. Tills world is too full of kin. 1 want I'. A. MeCounell to settle up my buvliioa. -W- STAVKK -o()o- :ifi head of very line Jertoy Cows and Ann, of Kl. Lambert, and her heifer, a blight advance on the cost if sold (EH ROTHES & BLAKE, Baker City, Or. What is left, for him to divido between himself. Kllcu Roon it Wm. Mcconucll. Good by. Koi.AMi Johnson. Everybody forgive me. and if 1'. A. Mo council can't no more settle my business I want Kvan I'eddicord or Win. McClurc to to do It. l'J o'clock. I give striclinine. HThroad Willie and Onnle in such Ills that they wanted to bo shoot, I have a dose for my self but will shoot. I can't stand to see them have fits any longer. This is all dun through loyo for my family. I know they will go to heaven and not bee oil in sin as here. I can't live any longer and can't Icavo my family In so wicked a world. May Millions come to Ocsus through this. Later (J: It) This is not through envy for love, I can't leave my family in so wicked a world. They will all go to (ictus now. I hope to go with them. 1 hope that (lod will forgive inc. I have been a great sinner. I give my life, my all for It. 1 hope wo will all bo In glory son, Trouble and sorrow are no more, I want logo, R. J. From tho above notes It appears that Johnson had gone insane on religion and deliberately decided to kill his family. That on Saturday evening ho gave them strychnine, but when it threw the children into spasms shot them. His wife appears to have died from the effects of the poison, though there arc some indications of stran gulation. The maniac must have done his work coolly for In the midst of it lie could notice tho time of the night and sit down and write a letter. Again, when his dla bollcal work was completed and, as he supposed, his wife and children had per ished at his hands, he again wrote that he was about to end Ids own life. Johnson has lived in this section for ten or twelve years and is ono of the wealthiest farmers in tho I'alouso country. HIn neighbors have always regarded him as being eccentric. It seems that of Into he has been greatly excited about religion. On Saturday lie was In town and bought a new mowing machine of J. Olscn. At that time he seemed perfectly rational. The prosccntlug attorney and sheriff, after viewing the remains and considering tho circumstance, decided that it was not necessary to bold an inquest. There is but little hope of tho girl's re covery, and even If she does she will bo blind. .Mrs, Johnson Is (ho sitter of Ferry Mo Council, and i-t spoken of in (he highest terms by all who knew her Tho boy Wllllo was a bright lad of 11 years of age, a great favorite among his playmates. The little girl, Annie, Is only 7 years old The tragedy Is ono of the most horrible on record, and has greatly shocked the en tire community. Twine ItliiiliT For Hulu. I have for sale one McCormlck Twlno Hinder, bus been run only two seasons, is In good repair. Will be sold cheap for cash. Rnqulro at this ollleo or of II. II. French, Cove, Oregon. Knglo Coir Hhop. S. R. Ayloa, proprietor. Manufacturer of butter barrels and kegs. A good supply always on hand. Shop south of tehool hoiuo, I'nion, Oregon. WAl.KKK, l.a Grande, Oregon. Heifers, of the noted ST. LAM HURT recently sold at public salu in Now soon. K, J, HILL Boil Ton Restaurant! Now open to the public on Main Street, Union, Oregon. Board and Lodging. SURVKl) -at All Hours 1 1 13. No Chinese cooks employed, and every thing neat and clean. The Public Patronage Solicited. Mits- JL WouiATii, Propr. 12-R-f Three Men SulVociteil. On Wednesday of last week the county jail at Jacksonville was discovered to be on lire, and before tho Ihiiucs could be ex tinguished tho inmates, three in number, were Mill'oeatcd. The names of the prison CIS were Newton Cook, a native of Ten nessee, aged forty-live years, committed for larceny of a coat. The name Cook is an alias, Ids true iiame being unknown. Harry Hover, committed for larceny from a blind elocutionist, was fioin Michigan last, and is reported to have a wife liv ing there. His ago was about llfly-llvo years. The third victim was Frank War ner, a youn; German horn in Hanover, aged nineteen years. lie was committed from Ashland for burgl ary. A Hounil I.ckuI Opinion. K. RainbridgeMunday Ksq., County Atty Clay Co., Tex., says: 'Have used Kleotrio Iliters with most happy results. My broth er also was very low with Malarial Fever and Ja dice, bnt was cured by timely use of this edieine. Am satlslled Klectrie Hitters saved Ids life." Mr. I). I. Wilcoxson, llor.to Cave, Ky,, adds a like testimony, saying: He positive ly believes he would have died, had it not been for Klectrlo Hitters, This great remedy will ward oil, as well ds cure all Malarial Diseases, and lor all Kidney, Liver and Stomach Disorders, stands uucqiialcd. Price 50c. aiul.fi, at Rrown's drug store, Union, Or. l'lows! Flows! Flows 1 1 Latest improve ments and lowest living prices. Simplest ami most convenient method of adjusting beam and Hue of draft, making plow run lighter and do better work. Has never been equaled and cannot he excelled. Tho lightest draft sulky plow hi tho world Is the Improved Wheel Land Side Sulky Flow, and thero is no plow niuile that will do bet ter work. These plows all manufactured by the Rock Island Flow Co., and are sold by Frank Ilto's. Implement. Co. oi their agents. i French young lady, i! years of age, a milliner, not wealthy, wishes to marry. She does not understand Knglish. Address Alice Dumoulcu, Detroit, Michigan. Anyone w Idling to buy farm lauds or (own lots should call on the Union Real Rstttto Association, li oti have property for tale you cannot do better than lUt It with them for their facilities for nttracling purchasers are unsurpassed. C. C. Cofllnbery, tho blacksmith, of tills city, Is agent for the D. M. Osborne & Co's. mowers, rakes, reaper and other machin ery. Farmers will Und it to their interest to interview linn before purchnsdng else where. --.'7-tl JiOitX. RATON. At Knterprlse, Wallowa countr. July S, 188'J, to thu wife of Lou Raton, u sou, HALL. In this city, Saturday, July 13, 18M), to the wife of .Slat. M. Hall, a daugh ter. dAYCOX.In this city. Saturday, July 13, IS'), to hu v.'ilo ufO. I', Jnyeox, a sou, Meals 25 Gt 0