The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, June 27, 1889, Image 8

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Ckntjuma, Wash., Juno 17, 1SS9.
Editor Scout:
Tho wcatlicr is cool and pleasant.
Rain h badly needed but if appearan
ces indicate anything wo will get some
soon. Tho employees of tho Northern
"Pacific railroad had their annual pic
nic at Ccnlralia on the loth inst. About
six hundred people came from Tacoma
and along tho line of tho railroad. The
programme for tho day consisted of a
baseball game, a .$50 prize to tho win
ner; men's race, old niun'ri race, boys'
race, girls' race, young ladies' race,
potato race, bicycle race, running
jump and high jump, waltzing for a
prize, and numerous other things.
Most of the programme was carried
out and all seemed to enjoy themselves
splendidly, and spoke in the highest
terms of the beauty of Centralia, and
tho location of thu grounds that were
prepared for tlicir sports. On the -ith
of July tho citizens aro preparing to
have tho grandest celebration that has
ever been held in this part of the
Centralia is building
yet there is not n. house
rapidly and
in town for
rent. .Six months ago there was not
an express wagon on the streets; to-day
there uro six express and delivery wag
ons. Six months ago tho population
was eight hundred ; to-day it is eighteen
hundred. Property is very cheap con
sidering tho sizo of the town and tho
amount of business and building going
on here. Tho new hotel is nearing
completion and will bo ready to open
in about thirty days.
1 havo just come in possession of an
article published in tho Eastern Oregon
Republican, of May 15, in which,
speaking of tho railroad committee
sent from Union to Tncoma, it says:
"Mr. Itinehart's presence, thoro was
well enough, but not suflicient, while
tho si lection of Mr. Rees from Cen
tralia was in tho worst possiblo tasto,
his only interest in Union being the
possession of a small amount of real
estate which tho advent of a railroad
would materially increaso in value."
Now this, while it was a thrust at
mo without any causo that I know of,
sounds very much as though it came
from an enemy of tho Ifunt railroad
projw.gmon, In fact, the article all
tllo Wi.y through would indicalo that
tho writer is vory much afraid that the
Hunt railroad matter will not fall
through with. I hud no knowledge of
being appointed on tho conimitteo un
til 1 recoived a telegram from Mr.
Rinchart asking mo to meet him in
Tacomn, as I had been placed on tho
committuo with him by tho peoplo of
Union, or by some conimitteo for that
purpose, 1 do not know just how or
by what authority ; but thoro is ono
thing I do know, and that is that I
went, and paid my own expenses, and
that my trip did not cost tho editor of
tho Republican nor tho citizens of Un
it cont. If 1 have but a small amount
of real cstato in Union I think it is
nioro than tho editor of tho Republi
can has, and if I seo propor to say a
word in favor of Union on account of
having properly there, or from any
other honest motive, it Ss certainly my
own business.
T went from hero to Salom last win
ter to use, what little influence 1 could
in favor of Union in tho county seat
matter. 1 did it at my own expense,
and whatever I havo said, done or
wrote in favor of Union has not cost
tho citizens of tho town a single dollar,
and tho only comment 1 havo over re
ceived is the thrust at mo in tho Re
publican of May 15. Tho peoplo of
Union havo been altogether too collid
ing and havo paid their money to en
emies for services that wero never ren
dered. Union has fostored and sup
ported enemies, and elected oflicers
that wero pitted against tho town who
had no ability to do anything oven if
they hud been so disposed. It is high
timo that tho citizens of Union begin
to recognize their friends and keep
matters pertaining to tho prosperity of
tho town out of other hands,
If tho editor of tho Republican had
said, in regard to tho committee sent
to Taeomu, that a larger delegation
should have been bent then ho would
havo shown no personal feeling in tho
matter. Ho explains in a feeble man
lier the reason why Tacoma did not
subscribe to the subsidy. Tho princi
pal reason, however, is that thoro wero
cnomieH at work in Tacoma to defeat
(lie matter. The Republican says:
'Rofore Tacoma peoplo will part with
their money thoy want some assurance
tnat, on tho completion of tho road,
thoy will bo placed on even terms with
computing towns." Wliero aro tho
competing towns? There was no such
question raised.
No doubt there might luwo been
butter adults if Mr. Hunt had been
represented thoro as well -as '.thu eiti
aens of t'uion. '.Ami, now, as' tho ed
itor of'Uio" Republican 'will learn that
my going to Tacoma'ns one of the com
mittee has not cost him anything, and
owing to the largo interests in Union
and in Union county that he does not
own, ho ought to conclude that lie will
not bo materially affected by the build-
, ing of another lino of railroad to
' Grando Rondo valley, and let those
! who have some interest in the matter
work for that interest without being
nagged by him. If we have ever laid
j a straw in tho way of the Republican
; or its editor, wo would Iilio to know
how and when anil wo would gladly
apologize for any wrong done him.
Yours truly, I). IJ. REUS.
An Aliiinilfiiiro" uf Hay niul I'l-ult Itulu-
III)- Honey l!een--Scljit .(ck.
.7. K. flrahani and brother, of North
Powder, are hero looking for land.
They like tho valley verv much and
will probably become residents. We
havo a welcome for all such men.
'Still tliero is room for more. We
want fcoino stockmen to buy our stock
and hay, and stall-feed hero in tho
winter. Thcro is no better place than
Eagle valley for tho purpose.
Mowing machines aro running in
almost every field. Tho first crop of
alfalfa is almost in tho stack, and is
better than over before. TJiero will
bo largo quantities of hay for sale.
Almost every one in ue valley is
preparing to go to Pine valley to colc
celebrate tho Fourth. The Eagle val
ley band will furnish the music.
We understand there will bo two
picnics in Pino valley on tho Fourth,
to be held two miles apart. A house
divided against itself cannot stand.
Our sister valley should not do that
way. All should celebrate together.
Miss Nada Holcomb and Miss Ida
Perry have returned from Eugene',
where they havo been attending tho
State University.
Mits Clara Craig and Miss Laura
Moody, who havo been attending tho
High school at linker City, have re
turned home.
Our roads are getting in bad condi
tion in soino places. Tho county court
should appoint a road overseer to look
after the loads in this locality, or some
of us may not get to work those four
days this reason.
Wash Moody says he has tho best
.hay stacker in tho valley. Ho can
unload a wagon load of hay with four
forks full. That is tho way to do it.
It is reported that a wedding will
occur in t ho valley soon.
Albert Parker and Harry iUuroughs
the groat bee raisers and honey pro
ducerf;, aro handling bees quito exten
sively. The bees do well and make
lots of fine honey. This will become a
paying business in tho valley.
All of tho orchards hero aro loaded
down with fruit. All kinds of fruit do
well bore.
Eaglo valley is tho lovliest place in
Oregon. Come and site for yourselves.
A (li'i'iit l'liper.
The .Sun I'raneiseo Daily Examiner
is ti great paper and has scored u suceess
thai almost HUipu.sses the most tan
guino expeetationa of its proprietor.
Jt bus been only u sdiort lime since tbo
Uxnininer was only looked upon as an
average city newspaper in Han I'ran
eiseo, to which city itH influence, what
it had, was confined. This was the
condition of that paper nt tho time
tho present proprietor, V. U.
Nenrst, took hold of it. To-day tlm
Examiner takes tbo lead on tho Pa
cific Const und is rend by tens of thous
ands'. Now features luvo been added
from timo to timo until it is the
"leader" tho metropolitan journal
west of New York. It is a democratic
pnper in polities and tho advocate of
tho working classes. "Mr. Hearst, tho
proprietor, is backed by millions of
dollars in monoy nnd does not havo to
prostitute his papor in tho interests of
inonied corporations to live, liko many
other journals', but makes .war on
wrong wherever found. It was tho di
rect iiilhieneo of thu Examiner that re
duced water rates in Sim Francisco.
Tho latest good work that paper is
doing for tho masses is through its free
employment ofUee, through which
thousands of tho deserving wage
workers havo found good positions
without n cents cost to themselves,
This one feature is bringing thousands
of patrons and friends to that journal
. .
ItuclUfii' Arnli'ii Snlvu.
Tun 11it in thu world for Cuts,
llruUcJ, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Itbeilin, Fever
rfores, Totter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains,
Corns, and nil Skin KrupttoiiM, and pos.
nlvely cures Pllej, or no pay required. It
is guaranteed to give perfect nutisfactton,
or" money refunded. Price ' emits per
box. For hule ut llrown's drug store.
Weather fine, with some wind.
Quite a rain in the Park, Satnrday.
Grain looks well, and with a little
rain there will be large crops yet.
I). IT. Lee is having a neat and com
fortable residence put up. W. T.
Martin is superintending the work.
Shooting tquirrcls has become quite
fashionable in tho 1'ark.
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Martin are refit
ting their house with new furniture
and bedding to accomodate the trans
ient traveler. Stop and give them a
Tho mill company is still at work
sawing and planing. There is a good
deal of lumber taken to Powder river
for building purposes.
Union Real Estate Association
Nave listed a large amount of
Which are for sale on
Look at the List
- 11
US acres adjoining the city of Union.
Will be sold as a whole or in parcels. Good
opportunity to secure a cheap home. Price
of whole tract .f.'l.L'oO.
,120ncres ten miles north of Union; all
tillable laud; unimproved: price $15. per
1.'120 acres of improved land, fourteen
miles north of Union; 1200 acres farming
laud; 200 acres in meadow and balance sui
table for meadow or pasture; good fences,
buildings, orchard and plenty of water. A
good homo for a desirable husbandry.
I 'rice .f IT), per acre; one fourth down and
balance on three and live year's time.
10 he res adjoining the city of Union,
known as the Moore garden; largo orchard;
shrubbery of all kinds; hot and dr house.
A line bargain for any one desiring to en
gage in the fruit and garden business.
Price .V)(H).
N) acres one mile west of Union; line
grain or meadow laud, Price $15. per acre.
lot) acres two and one-half miles north
west of Union; all grain and meadow laud;
well improved, price $25 per acre.
'120 acres 25 miles south of Union; all
fenced with good wire fence; improvements
fair; plenty of water and out-range; 8,000.
rails on tlie place; 150 acres farming land;
balance pasture land; good orchard; three
miles from timber; lime kiln on place.
Price $'J. per acre.
210 acres one mile south of Tclneaset and
nine miles south of Union; UX) acres deed
ed und W) acres timber culture; CO acres
good grain land: .'10 acres fenced mid under
cultivation; 5,000 rails on place; dwelling,
barn, cellar and out-buildings: good well,
Pi Ice $1,000.
100 acres just north of Tclocasetnnd 7
miles from Union; AO acres under cultiva
tion; fair improvement. Price $11.00 per
1 10
100 acres two and one-half miles north of
North Powder; HO acres tillable land; 45
acres iiudiir cultivation; good house, ham,
cellar and out-buildings. Mortgager $750.
Price $11. per acre.
1 1 11
1010 acres twelve miles north of Union,
in Cove: OKI acres grain and meadow laud;
balance pasture; well improved; good
fences, buildings, orchard, etc., and plenty
of water; timber Joining same on east. An
excellent farm for diversified husbandry.
Price $15. OiiO.
320 acres eleven miles north of Union, ill
Cove; 200 acres In cultivation; good fences,
buildings, etc. A lino farm. Price $0,000.
All Letters promptly an
swered and all information
desired will be eheerfnlly
Address all couununsciitions to
Secretaries Tnlon Ileal Estate Asi'n.
In the County Court for tho County of Un
ion, .State of Oregon.
In the matter of the Ks-1
tute of Thotnns Cul- Citation.
vcr, Deceased. J
To Mary A. Culver and Uertha Culver,
heirs nt law of Thomas Culver, deceased,
JL Oregon, Yoti arc hereby cited and re
quired to appear in the County Court of
mo M.'iio oi uregon. lor tlie i utility or un
,.. ... .1 - ... . t . ... i.
ion, nt th" couit room thereof, at I nion in .
thcCountv of Union on Monday, the lift!
uiiv of July. IKMI. at 111 o'clock in the fort-'
noun of time day then and there to flmw v j tnu all()vt, ,.titled court and suif
cause. If miv yi.ii hayc. why an order , n or before tho -J'ld day of September. A.
should not he panted to I). L. Carroll, j, the same being tho tlr-t dav i f a
Administrator i.f fall estate. to redeem tho I rir,,mr t(.rln f tie .,,ve entitled court,,
lands desciibcd as fnl.ows; J lie nnrtli lialf j connumic-itur next after the expiration of i
of the norllienst quarter of section , town- ix wct.xS f,.m t10 date of the lirst publi
ship A south, of range 40 iat of the Wil-, cation of this numinous, and if you fail so
laiiiette meridian, and to satisfy the mort-; to answer, for want thereof the plalntills ;
Cairo thereon in favor of the .state of Oregon I -ili . ,i, ..,., (.., n, -i;,.f ,!,,
. ...m; .ua j , 1(w i, mi-inc mini m
which mortgage was given on the whole of
the following described tract, to-wit: The
f I I r . . II " t .1 J. .n" .
... ... .. .
sou hw est quarter and the .southwest quar -
of the southeast quarter of section (i, and
I." ..I lii.i. n iiiu inn iiicul iiiii ti'i ui .sec
tion 7, township l south, raiiL'u 10 east of
the Willamette meridian, and the sum of
money now due lred Xodine, on ac
count iif the payment of said mort
gage by said Xodine, amounting
to the. sum of $105 (13. If it shall then ap
pear that .such redemption would be for
the Interest of said estate and not preju
dicial to the creditor thereof, or that if
such redemption he deemed not proper, or
inexpedient, why this court should not
order said lands sold in the manner anil
with like effect as is provided in other cas
es of Kale of real estate.
Witness the Hon. O. I'.Goodall. Judge of
the County Court, of the State of Oregon,
for tho Countv of Union, u-illi tl
said Court aflixed, this 2!)th dav of May,
IBS). Attkst: A. T. XKIM,.
Dy Timxnit Ouvnit, Clerk,
Land Offick at La Gkaniu:, Oiif.uon. )
June 2J, MS!). J
Notice Is hereby given that the following-
named settlor has tiled notice of his inten
tion to make final nroof in sunnort of his
claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore the register and receiver at La Grande,
Oregon, on Aug. 0, 188!l, viz:
Annum W. I'aiikks,
D. S. No. 7480, for the NEJi Sec 21, Tp. 9 S.
If jr. 1,'
He names the following witnesses to
prove Ids continuous residence unon and
cultivation of, said land. vi. :
Josepli Avails. Harry Jtnrrows, Mcrritt
Itccves and Thomas Ilashaw. all of Kaclo
Valley, Oregon.
AllV linrson who desires f n nrntnsf n'miiiaf
the allowance of such proof, or who knows
of any substantial reason, under the law
and tlie regulations of tho Interior Depart
ment why such nroof should not be allowed
will he given an opportunity at the above
mentioned time and place to cross-examine
tlie witnesses of said claimant, and to oiler
evidence in rebuttal of that submitted by
lJ-28-wO Itcgister.
Land Ofi ici: at Ia Giiandi: Onnoox,)
June 21, 1880. )
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named settler has" filed notice of his In
tentions to make tlnal proof in support of
ins ennuis, aim inai. sam prooi win uc
made before the register and receiver at La
Grande, Oregon, on Aug. 12, 1SSD, viz:
Oi.ivek McKkkvek,
Hd. No. 4511, for tho SU; NWK and N',.
SW4 Sec 1. Tp 0 S, H 40 K.
He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon and
cultivation of said laud, viz :
Warren Frasicr, John Peeves, Cvrus
Prescott urd William Urasier, ail of Telo
caset, Oregon.
Any person who desires to protest against
the allowance of such proof, or who knows
of any substantial reason, under the law and
the regulations of the Interior Department,
why such proof should not be allowed, will
be given an opportunity at the above men
tioned time and place to cross-examine the
witnesses of said claimants, and to offer
evidence in rebuttal of that submitted by
0-23-wO Itcgister.
Land Officf. at La Giundk, OnnuoN,)
May 15, 18.s!. t
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has tiled notice of his inten
tion to make tlnal proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore the register and receiver at La Grande,
Oregon, on July 11, 1S8!) viz:
Wll.MAM II. Poirrnit,
D. S. Xo, S052, for the lots 1 and 2, and E
NW quarter Section III, Tp. 4 S, It 41 E.
He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon and
cultivation of, salil land, viz: G. W. Sim
mons, Alex Cockral, G, W.Ames and M. I'.
Ames, all oi union, uregou.
Anv persou who desires to protest against
the allowance of such proof, or who knows
of any substantial reason, under the law
and regulations of tlie interior department,
why such proof should not be allowed, will
bo given an opportunity at the above men
tioned time and place to cross-examine tlie
witnesses of said claimant, and to oiler
evidence in rebuttal of that submitted by
claimant. HENItY ItlNEHAUT,
ft-23-tlw Itcgister.
I.A.ND Omen at La Giiande, Oiikook.)
June 14. 1880. I
Notico is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his inten
tion to make final nroof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will bu made he-
lore tlie register ami receiver at i-a u ramie,
Oregon, on July 20, 18.S0, viz:
Hd. No. 3771, for tho NK SE;, SEK RE'.
See. :tl and SWi SV Sec. 35, Tp, 7S, H.
41 E.
He names tho following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon and
cultivation of, said land, viz:
F. M. Dean, G. W. Mathis, Haner Leo
und Dunham Wright, all of Medical
Springs, Oregon.
Any person who desires to protest against
tho allowance of Hindi proof, or who knows
of any substantial reason, under tho law
and regulations of the' Interior Department,
why Mich proof should iot be allowed, will
bo "jiven an opportunity at the above men
tioned time and place to cross examine the
witnesses of said claimant, and to offer
evidence in rebuttal of that submitted by
0-iO-wG Register.
Notice of Final Settlement.
In tho County Conn of Union County,
State of Oregon.
tho undersigned has filed his filial re-
Fort as Administrator of tho estate of J. N.
lountll, deceased, in the above entiled
Court, and that Tuesday, the 2nd day of
July, 1JX), ha been appointed for hearing
objections to the same. All persons having
any objections to the approval of said re
port are rrqulred to present the samo on or
bf fore said day.
Administrator of tho estate of J. N. Don
mil, deceased.
in me i ircuu court oi me ri.iie ui uii'sun, (
for Union coimtv. I
The Hoard of Commissioner for the sale)
of School and University Lands ami for
the investment of the funds arising there- ,
from, of the . State of Oregon, Plaintill's, j
vs. .
S. A. Malniffcy. Martha K. Mahnffey and
John S. Hay! Defendant. ,
To John S. Ray. Tim Aiiovn Namhii I)n-
i Oregon, voii are hereby renulrul 10 i.p-!
iwiiifntiil MtidtfitK tint mMti iilnfti t lllrwl nifniiisr
. Mill f IU llli; VyUIII . .HI 'IIV 11,111 UVIIII'll
, ,it.,i , Hiid complaint, to-wit: For a !e-
, cree foreclosing a certain mortage given
, ,v the defendant S. A. Mahnffey to the
' mi. u iviiuiiiib iii imiiiihih
: state of Orecon. i-overing the SK
' iUi tK0 SK'A of .s'K, Se
'4 of the
Sec. i. Til
a H- li. I5U H. W. M.. In Union countv. .State
of Oregon, given to secure two "certain
protnisory notes given 1v said S. A. Ma-!
haffeytothe said Statu of Oregon for the!
sum oi eacn, aim interci increon
from April tid.A.D. 1STS at the rate of
ten p er cent, per mini m., ami lor a sale oi
said premises, to satisfy the sums due on
said notes, and costs and disbursements of
this suit, said notes and mortgage being
now owned by the plaintiffs herein, and
to also ascertain and determine your in
terest and rights in said premises judg-1
nient creditor or tlie delendant b. A. .Ma -
haliey.and that yon i may lm forever barre.
of all right, title and interest in or to . said
premises and every part thereof, and for
general relief.
This summons is published by order of
the Hon. James A. Fee, judge of the above
entitled circuit court, made at chambers
and dated April !)th A. D. 18M).
4-25-w7 Attorney for Plaintiffs.
Notice to Bridge Builders.
-LA the county courts of Union and Wal
lowa counties, state of Oregon, will, up to
1 o'clock p. in. on July 20, 18S9, at the coun
ty clerk's oflice in Union, Union county.
Oregon, receive .sealed proposals for the
construction of a bridge across the Wal
lowa river at or near tno present bridge
across said stream, on the countv road
leading from Elgin, in Union county, to
Enterprise, in Wallowa countv. Said
bridge will consist of two spans of about one
hundred feet each, with the necessary
piers, abutments and approaches; or of one
span of two hundred feet, with the neces
sary abutments and approaches. Each
proposal to be accompanied by plans, speci
fications and strain sheet, furnished bv the
bidder, and with a certified check in the
amount of live per cent, of his hid, as a
guaranty that the bidder will enter into
contract if the award is made to him.
The county courts reservet'ie right to re
ject any and all bids.
County Judge of Union, coantv,. i!tate of
Oregon. T. II. VEAsSY,
County Judge of Wallowa county, State of
Oregon. 0-1.'!
In the circuit court of the State of Oregon.
for Union countv.
Thomas 11. Hart, Plaintiff,
Sarah E. Hart, Defendant
To Sakaii E. Haut, tiii: Aisovi: Nami:i
X Oregon, you are hereby required to ap
pear and answer tlieeoniplaint tiled against
you in tlio above entitled suit and court, on
or before the first day of the next regular
term of tho above entitled court, to wit:
On tho 2;!rd dav of September A. D. In-!).
and if you fail so to answer, tlie plaintiff
will apply to the court for the relief de
manded in the complaint, which is for a
dissolution of the marriage contract now
existing between you and the plaintiff
and for general relief. And you will take
notice that this summons is published by
order of tho Hon. James A. Fee, judge of
said above circuit court, made and dated
at chambers on the 14th dav of March A.
4-25-W7 Attorney for Plaintiff.
Timber I.ruiit
Act, Juno 3, 1STK,.
for I'uliUcatlon.
United States Land Oflice. I
La Grande, Oregon, June 10, 1SS0.I
1 in compliance with tho provisions of
the act of congress of June 3, lhS, entitled,
"An act for the sale of timber lands in the
states of California, Oregon, Nevada, and
Washington territory,''
Mr.ititiTT E. Wilkinson,
of Cnion, county of Tnion, State of Ore
gon, lias this day tiled in this olllce his
MvoriistateineiitNo.110, for the purchase
of thu SE4 of Section 0. in Township No.
4 S, ltange No. 41 East, and will oiler pruof
to snow mai inoiauu sougni. is more valua
ble for its timber or stone than for agricul
tural purposes, and to establish his claim
to said land before tho register and recei
ver of this olllce at La G-ande, Oregon, on
Saturday, the 7th day of September, lSt!).
He na'uies as witnesses: Poniard Logs
don. J. W. Minnick. It. V. Davis and 11.
W. Hates, all of Pnion, Oregon.
Anv and all persons claiming adversely
the above-described lands aro requested to
Hie their claims in this oflice on or before
said 7th day of September, lb'Sl).
(5-13-WlO Itcgister.
Nntlro f l-'lunl KuUlemont.
In the Countv Court within and for Union
County, Oregon
In the matter of tho Hs-
tate of W. 11. Martin
1 huev J. Martin, the Administratrix
of the Kstutc of W. H. Martin. Deceased,
has rendered nnd presented for. settlement I
and tiled in said Court her final account of i
her administration of said Instate, and Unit
TUESDAY, tho second day of JULY, 18.).
has been duly appointed by said Court for
tho settlement of said account, at which
time and place any person interested in
said Kstate may appear and lilo exceptions
and objections tliercto, and contest the
This notice is made and published by or
der of the County Court aforesaid, made
and dated the llth dav of March, A. D. 1KM).
Administratrix of the Kstate of W H,
Martin, deceased. V30
Not leu of l' Settlement.
In the County Court of tho State of Oregon
for tho County ot Union.
1 the undersigned has filed her thud rt
port as adininl-lratrlx of the estate of Pefr
llrujrger, dvuniil. in theaboe entitled
court, and that TUESDAY, the I'd day of
JULY. ISS0, has been appointed forbearing
objections to the same. All persons having
any objections to the Approval of said n
port aro required to preaunt the same un it
before said day.
Adiuiuistrntratrix a Uie Kslnte of Peter
iiriiggur, DecwiswT"
. ivo
and depart mm
li fi'l'OWS
1. ST li 'I'M'. V . Lot Nil.
I'as-- mi"! r. o. 4. 1vc I'i's ( !itcr. o..'!. Ivo
n ."i :'." a. in. i nt 1 :.'M j . in.
1'reih, . No. IV ve Freight Xo. 7, L've
at - :.r a. m. a! 1 1 n. m.
T 'l
Ttri.'I'Tt" ad tr"" principal points
ilL,ivJj 10 in the United States, Canada
and Kuropc.
7 1 j. l")nlllli:ill H
H POllll P , 1111,111 ( Q
-lMlil I'.l.lCO VCllO.
1' .-NcqMiT Ca-s lain Through
on Kiiv-s T.'aim to
Q 1?$ & H A
and ST. PAUL
Vrcc of r)l.,rj.e all(1 without Change.
I ... .. .,, .,
clo,p eomieetioiifi at I ortlai
( '( 0 !U"1 1 u'-f fcou
mil for San Frnn-
ouud points.
1 T1C. Oregon IJallwav t Xavigation Co.. and
, i'eific Coast Htcainsliip Co. will ilis
htU-h Steamers botween San Frnu-
cisco and Portland, as follows:
l llOM I'OKTI, .'l). I I'lai.M SAX KltANrlSTO.
Leaving at 12Midn'i. L'v'ng Spear st. wh'
as follows: I at as follows:
June 4
June :i
" 7
" 2.
12 j Oregon,
10 State,
20 i Columbia,
The company reserves the right to change
steamers or sailing days.
Cabin. - - SKi.O:) Steerage
- - ?S,00
- $30.00
Half Fare
- Free
Pound Trip Tickets, Unlimited
Children, under 12 years
ii 5 years
Inrliiilhuj Jfritltt tuid lSrtlhs.
(n-ii'l Manager. I U. P. i'i T. A,.
A. L. KANSOM, Agent. Union.
Cornucopia Saloon,,
Wm-. Wilson,
The Finest of Wines, Liquors
and Cigars always in stock.
Droji in and be sot iable
Keiitncky Liauor Store
Cor. Main and P. St-. - Union. Oregon,.
s.iiitiMAN tz i;,,.iii:y, rmps.
Mamifat isrcr i and dealers In Soda Wa
ter, Sar-iip iiilln. fiinge;' Ale, Cream Soda
and Cliaaiini'.'iU! Cider, Syrups, etc. Or
ders pp'lliptiy, tilled.
Tlmnisou ic Pin-sol tiro nircnts for
tlie rolclmtted Cyclone "WiuiLMill, nnd
as the price on tlietu liuvclicen great
ly reduced llicv tiro now within the
re:ic!i of tili. .Sample mill to he seen
nt tlu-ir pl'iner in North Union. Call
and examine it.
S8 Solid Oold Watch."
Sold for Skiou. until uteir.
Btit 3 55 witch la U world, i
rtntea. itttry oona uom
iiiuounf ittci. com itautr
find renu' lizci, with workt
i tnd cues of equal vtlue.
I UnePerion in etch lo
c&Jtir can ecore on free.
tope ther with oar Urge and val
uable. lino of Household
Samples. Thiio sampltt, aa
will aa the watch, w eend
Vre. and after tou ha?a ttpt
Iher In your home for 9 monthe and ehown thtm
who may ha?e called, they become your own property. Thoeo
who write at once can oe euro oi receiving iuv
and NamnlM,
eiUnnoacSf Co.
UOX Blg 'orwumf ninw
Cl::3y flrstrm of Memory Trnin!n.
1 o..r Uii'iliu Ij.-uriH'd ia oin io:i(iin.
.liiiiil wnnili-rinc cii-eil.
Ev v eiillit nnil ndtilt orruatV licRpfltlril.
l - .1 .:ij.i :.t'.it to C .Tojpjaiun-e Chisel.
I -i.'. i -1, w.tli opinion of Dr. Wm. A.
n: ii.!, t i v.- r I fnii. il H;ii-niibt i.i M Diuine),
it ii... 1 1 , "i- 'i.-vii ri'!ririifHi.
Mi. i. "f-II u-kli -,1) iJ-.l i .
IS - i r i I . i -. .. . t 1
11 it.., , i , ( 'I.-virT!r'Mii!i, 1 "' t IVrcluil.
1 1-, i ! in!i',
-i.l'. I.,
So wroiiif way to run It : It saws
too came ruuuine fonvurd or
ciiiis, oor, or looo Joints.
fi-aj-rra'10 nolesto llircail la maculae
?l)-vr-V J5.J orRliutuo.
ZltHw it51 Wo P101' I"lnt In any other raa-
For Sale by
n -, i on
ai ( tiiaDiun
trade to aiJ ferii, by
Dlannr oar machlnti
and fooda where the people can ae
io m, wo wui ecoa rree to on
'pertea in eaeh locality.the very
belt eewinr-machine made La
the world, with all the attechmcnta.
n e wui aiao tnd rree a compJeto
line c four coetly and alobleart
aampies. an reiwn we MfcthAt yo
bow what we tend, to thoao who
nay rati at your home, and after 3D
roootniauanaii become your owm
ptny. saia iraaa mat nine m
de after the Hlnacrr Mtenta.
hih have ma out trfure pateata
run out tt told for 8U'I, wuh U
aitarhmenlt, and now nUa for
WjO. lteaL.atreneai. moat um
fulmarhiae tn the world. AU l
It. Sm raniial rMulrnl. "Claia.
trief loNrmcUoatnefn. lbuee who write to be at once een
cure frre tho beat ee1a. mac Line In ibe world, and tho
tintu tiaeofworka oihrh art et er abewn lotthr in Antnca,
-XiiUJUakCU,, Uo 940 AUfUiU, MaJt
III k M Si n I
&i i n