The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, June 27, 1889, Image 3

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An Oriental riant llronght HUher In Piw
historic Time.
Seeing how forcibly this wonderful
flower of tho lotus Impressed itself upon
tho minds of the ancient Egyptians and
tho East generally, how prominently it
figures in Eastern religions "all idols
of Huddha are made to rest upon
opened lotus flowers" it is safe to con
clude that when familiar to all, even in
this utilitarian age, it will not be mere
ly ranked as ono of mnny flowering
plants; it is of too commanding an ap
pearance for this, nnd to literature will
prove a boon. Asters, golden-rods and
buttercups can havo a well-earned
Years ngo the cultivation of tho
American species proved a failure, and
those who are now best capable of
judging still record the curious fact
that tho native lotus is much more
difllcult lo establish in our waters than
the Eastern, and does not grow with
quite tho saino luxuriance. Its intro
duction by aborigines along our East
ern sea-board hsis been mentioned; per
haps it has lost vigor sinco it lost their
enre, and h:is disappeared excepting
where its environment was peculiarly
favorable. And tho question nrises,
after all, is it in tho strict senso a
native? May it not, indeed, havo been
brought hither in prehistoric times?
Tho quoslion of a superlatively ancient
communication between tho continents
is a tempting subject for study,
and how appropriate when rest
ing in the shade of tho Eastern lotus!
Such a train of thought need not
stir up any ghost of a mythical lost At
lantis. Still tho American form has
certain markod peculiarities. Tho ma
ture torus has a decided constriction
somo distance from tho insertion of tho
htem, wanting iu tho foroign species,
and the seeds of tho former are globu
lar instead of distinctly oval. Whatov
er tho history of the American form,
that of tho Eastern, or Egyptian, as it
is usually called, is too well known to
need repeating, however brielly, and
yet tho plant is still wrapt in mystery.
A word, however, concerning the term
Egyptian in connection with it. At
present it is a plant of India, of China
and (Japan, Australia, tho Malay Archi
pelago and tho Caspian sea an enor
mous range; but it is no longer found
in tho valley of tho Nile. Tho use of
tho namo rests upon tho fact that it was
there, not only a cultivated plant, but
held sacred by tho peoplo of that coun
try, as t, is by the Hindoos. Egyptolo
gists, lion vcr, are not of one mind as
to tho relation of tho lotus to tho an
tiquities of the Nile region, some ques
tioning tho matter altogether, and con
sidering tho sculpturing to represent
tho lily of tho Xile. ono of the grandest
of tho whito nymphajas. Quite recent
ly, too, it has been ably argued to bo
tho renowned rose of Sharon. "Of such
a kingly llowor Solomon might well
have said, 'I am tho rose of Sharon.' "
Dr. Charles C. Abbott, in Harper's
A Popular lror Which lists llcen Sanc
tioned liy Artists.
I know tho masters of painting from
(initio in his wonderful "Ecco Homo"
down to tho present time have depicted
tho crown that rested upon the head of
our crucified Saviour as a twisted
branch of bare thorns, and that is, so
far as I k iow, universally accepted as
the true crown.
Some years ago an incident that oc
curred in the Holy Land caused mo to
think that tills popular belief may bo a
mistake. A parly of us who weio jour
neying toward .Jerusalem at this season
of tho year, which is identical with tho
passion and death of tho master, had
stopped to rest and lunch just after en
tering the hill country, some miles be
yond Hemloh, when a lady of the party
who was gathering tho beautiful Mow
ers that covered the landscapo on all
sides wreathed an exquisite spray, and
holding it up exclaimed: "The crown
of thorns!"
Our party wore dolighted with tho
wreath and upon examining it wo found
that long sharp thorns were concealed
by the lovoly (link llnwers. Wo were
convinced that this was the truecrown,
and as we advanced toward Jerusalem
we saw that the whole country, oven to
tho walls of tho city, was covered with
this (lowering thorn.
Tho plant and llowor nro very simi
lar to what wo commonly call tho flow
ering almond, with tho addition of tho
thorn. Tho bloom is very thick, so
that by merely entwining a branch a
wreath 1 niado, whllo tho long, sharp
thorns sot out at right angles about an
inch apart mako It a very painful
crown to wear upon the human brow.
When wo romoinbor that the soldiers
who dressed our Saviour with tho pur
ple robe and crown did it as a mockery,
it is reasonable to holiovo that thoy
choso this plant, which was so accessi
ble and would mako a beautiful appear
ance, while at the same time wounding
his holy brow.
Many who havo visited Palcstlno at
this season of the year havo doubtless
had this siiggosted to thorn, yot I have
never soon comntonts upon It in any
book of travels. Letter in N. V. Her
ald. m
Miss Kussanfeathors Mr. Hacon
always does tho right thing at tho right
time. Mrs. Yeast How so? "Why
ho proposed for my hand on Sunday."
"And was Sunday any more appropri
ate than any other time? ' "Why, cer
uiinly; don t you know it was Palm
A until wli ibuoirht a lot of Havana
cigars recently, or. being asked what
ho was carrying, roplied that thoy
"ito tickets to a course of lectures
to bo given by his wli
BtadrOHINCi ptetTlUifT.
e Farmer who s..w, cftfe tfetfc
Hardly Mako a m.
Through a larger part of thacouatt!
than tho advocates of th gnt W
will admit, tho moans of ioiproitjk
worn-out or Impoverished land ai On
most practical questions in farming.
It is almost certain that in largo por
tions of Dakota, even .before it is ad
mitted to Statehood, successive wheat
cropping has seriously diminished tins
yield. In Minnesota this failure of the
soil occurred several years ago. and so
suddenly that it is recognized as an era
by farmers and other business men.
Talking with a farmer recently from
that State, ho remarked that it was a
common thing to hear events dated
from the year of the wheat failure. It
was at the timo thought to bo a tem
porary a Hair, the result of bad season,
drought and insects, but experience ha
shown that the diminution In tho wheat
yield then experienced was duo to more
serious causes, as it has continued ever
since. This condition of affairs is not
an unmixed evil. It makes impossible
tho spendthrift extravagance of fertil
ity which has marked Western farming
and has put the Eastern farmers at so
great a disadvantage. Tho greatly
improved machinery for harvesting
grain crops has not only onnbled West
ern farmers to exhaust their farms
more rapidly, but has also obliged
farmers in the East to pursue tho same
system, lxiss stock has been kept In
localities where grain can be grown, and
tho deficiency in barnyard manure has
been made up by tho purchase of com
mercial fertilizers, good in thomsolvos,
but not furnishing a lasting manure for
tho Improvement of tho soil. Tho un
syninietrical character of much modorn
farming is shown by tho smaller pro
portion of land devoted to grass and
hay. Tlieso do not glvo the immediate
profit that grain crops do to average
farmers, but thoy are bettor for tho per
manence of tho business. If a farm is
plowed overy year, and tho product
sold at low prices, as it has been of late
years, it is scarcely possible for tho
farmer to avoid financial ruin. Tho
fertility of his land, which is his capi
tal, is boing exhausted, and when that
is gone ho has no way to easily replace
it. Tho best of all restoratives of fer
tility is clover. The farmer who sows
clover seed liberally can hardly make
a mistake. On, tho great majority of
farms the distance from market is so
groat that clover hay does not pay at
the comparatively low price it brings
to draw away, if fed on the farm it
makes a valuable manure, and at tho
sumo time tho hay crop is growing
the clover roots nro deepening tho soil
for future crops. Tho fanner who
grows clover largely can afford to try
the commercial fertilizers, for the clo
ver roots fas ton the mineral fortuity in
the soil. Instead of allowing it to bo
como inert and worthless. American
Cultivator. i
Systciiuitlo Kulm Summed U In Seven
teen Itriof rai'anniln.
In raising poultry or stock of any
kind it should lie tho aim of every ono
to keej) it healthy and improve it. You
can do it very easily by adopting some
systematic rules. Theso may bo sum
med up in brief as follows:
1. Construct your houso good and
warm so as to avoid damp floors and
alToi-d a flood of sunshine,
is better than medicine.
"2. Provide a dusting and
place where you can bury
wheat and
corn, and thus induco tho fowls to take
the needful exorcise.
U. Provido yourself with some good,
healthy chickens, never to bo over
three or four years old, giving one
cock to overy twelve lions.
1. (Jivo plenty of fresh air at all
times, especially in summer.
5. Civo plenty of fresh water dally,
and never allow tho fowls to go thirsty.
li. Eeed them systematically two or
three tlmos a day; scatter tho food, so
thoy can't eat it too fast or without
proper exercise. Do not feed more
than thoy will eat up claim, or thoy will
got tired of that kind' of food.
7. (Jivo them a variety of both dry
and cooked feed; a mixture of eoolced
meat and vegetables is an excellent
thing for their morning meal.
8. (Jivo soft feed in tho morning nnd
the wholo grain at night, except a little
wheat and cracked corn placed in tho
scratching placos to givo them oxoreisu
during tho day.
'J. Abovo all things keep tho houst
clean and well ventilated.
10. Do not crowd too many into one
house; if you do look out for disease.
11. Uso carbolic powder occasionally
in tho dusting bins to destroy lico.
12. Wash your roosts and bottom
laying nests and whitewash once
week iu summer and onco a month
13. Lot tho old and young havo as
largo a rango as possible, the larger tho
11. Don't breed too many kinds ol
fowls at tho saino time, unless you aro
going into tho business. Throo or four
will your hands full.
16. Introduce now blood Into your
stock ovory year or bo by oithor buying
a cockerel or settings of eggs from some
rellablo breeder.
1C. In buying birds or eggs go to
jomo rollablo breeder who has his rei
utation at stake. You may havo to pay
u Httlo more for birds, but you can do
pond on what you goL Culls aro not
Mionp at any price.
17. Suva tho host birds for noxt year
brooding ami sand tho others to market.
In shipping fanoy poultry to market
ond It draseod. Mir&oy'a IllustraUsd
-A mau in Aow l"jtt'' u'lakos a liv
ing by outlinr? olectric-licht
fi .(g Ho employed by tho Hrush
Rlectric-liht Company, and has at-
temlci to thntmmil tir. u-iti.t., m,
littSvsj yett Ho stays day ami night
in the min olllco of to
. hero thoro f a gong on
alarms aro onniloJ. o
which all
i TVlilte Kleahamt of Slam, Lion of Eng
land, Drajron of China, Crass of Switzer,
land. Banner of Persia, Crescent of Knypt
Double Eaule of Russia, Star of Chill, The
Circle of Japan, Harp of Erin.
To Ret these buy a box of the genuine
Dn. C. McLank's Cki.khhatki) Livkii
Pills, price lift cents, and mall us the out
side wrapper with your address, plainly
i written, and 4 cents In stamps. e will
' then mail you the above lint with an ele
I pant packagu of olcographlc and cliro.
1 matic cards.
! Flkminq Bhos., Pittsiidro, Pa.
If you havo an enemy, net kindly to him ami
make him your friend.
PII.KS! IMI.KN!! 1M1.KN!!!
I)r. William' Indian l'lle Ointment Is the only
Mire cure for llllnd, Hleedlni: or Itching Pile
ever discovered. It never falls to cure old
chronic raes of loan standhiK.
Judge Comnbury, Cleveland, 0.. Pay:
"I have found ' experience that Hr. Wil
liam's. Indian l'lle Ointment gives Immediate
Do not suffer an Instant longer. Sold by II
Hamsou's Manufacturing Co., Prop., Cleveland,
Ohia. ,rflc and II.
Sold by 1.. lllumiiuer A Co., Wholesale Drug
gists, Portland, Or.
He that makes
none to spare.
the best use of his time has
CoiiKiimtttlnit Mi re I) Cured.
To thk Kditor: I'lease Inform your readers
that I have a positive remedy for tho abovo
named disease, lty Its timely use thousands
of hopeless cases have been permanently cured.
I shall be glad to send two bottles of my reme
dy free to any of your readers who havo con
sumption If thev will send me their express
and potolilce address. Respectfully,
T. A. 8 LOCUM. M. C, 181 Pearl st..New York.
Time Is cried out upon as a great thief; It Ik
people's own fault.
There Is no article made, that purity Is a Im
portant In as soap. Thousands, however, buy
cheap adulterated soups, to save a few cents and
lose dollars In rotteil clothing. Dobbins' Kiee
trlc Soap, perfectly pure, enrr dollar.
Lying rides upon debt's back; it is hard for
an empty bag to stand upright.
THY Okkmba for hronlcfaat.
Who know a pood tiling when they see it,
cannot be fooled bv a poor imniitation of
the well-known "Seal of North Carolina"
Plug Cut Tobacco.
Hear in viiiul that the. genuine "Seal"
costs you no more than the many trashy
plui cuts that some dealers carry.
See that you get the Sal of North Caro
lina, and ) on will smoke no other tobacco.
Swift's Snclflc cured m of Cancer, which whs
hereditary, fur my tather died of Cancer. My cane
resisted ua inner treaiinei i, in inci grew worse! all
the time. 1 leflolfull other remedies, nnd took
H. s). K. which forced out the poison until my system
wan cleansed, when the Cancer healed, not even
leuvlng it Higii. My heulth slic e has been excellent.
Hanson, (lu Kept, ill, 'M.
Send fur Treutise on Cancer and Mood Disease;
mulled free. HWIKT M'KCI l-'IC CO.,
Drawer M, Atlanta, (lit.
The Celebrated French Sure,
IS S'll.ll OS A
I o i 11 I e u II V
1(11111(11 neivous
disease, or any
illsoulei- of tho
geneintlvu or
gans of vllhet
k,.y whether nt-
otr UKfc sing lioni t he
cm. --no like ol Stimulants, 'lobauco or Opium
ortluongli youthful iiidlscietion, in it indulg
ence, Ac , Mich as Loss of Ilinin Pouer, Wakeful
ness, Dealing down Pains in the Muck, Seminal
Weakness, II) stei in, Nervous l'iitiiitlon Nocttiiu
nl Emissions, l.eiic(jirli(F'rt, Diziiiiiess, Weal; Mem
ory, Uissof Powerand linpoteiicy, which If ue
glected often lead lo proimiiuionldiigciiiiil insaii
lty. Piicoll.CO a box. 0 boxes for l.'i.OU Kent by
mail on leceipt of pi ice.
A V It ITT UN (ill A KANTi:iC forcveiy ff W
order, to lefiuid the money if a I'ei-iiiiiiienl
cnio Is not elici ted Thousands of lesihnoiiiiill
ftmn old ami young, of both sexes, permanently
cuied bv Ai'illt'UilTls'K Circular flee Addresf
WhSTM'.N ! sf II
HO .7 l'Uinl.Ml Oil
Bold by Strelblg A Lane, Druggists, cor. Bee
and and Washington Kts., Portland, Or.
I prescribe and fully rn
dorti Dig (; as th only
sped lie for the certain cure
of this disease.
Amsti-rdum, .N Y
V hove sold Illg (i tor
many years, and .t Inn
given mil utn oi satis
faction. li. It. DYC'HF. A CO.,
Chicago. Ill
81.00. Bold by Drucclsu.
O I Clll V? A I HAUIf. OoMor, ItoenUt
PUnoa; Ilurdatt On tea, buid loitrimecit. Lhik
lock o( Bheet Miulo nd lIooU. liuidj rat(lll
frukirn Prlort. MATTillAH (1EAY OL'.. TUI Vim)
Sin. Ktn riwn'w
Manufactured from K1NK8T BPKI.VO STKKL,
liubber Coated, Bat I no and hatln Covered.
Not to Uut, Ilreak or Bpllt. Hitched to tho
Seams, Ko pocket or hot Irons required.
AA l"TlfTKI HKWAItB of worth
UAU I lUIM. Ion Imitations. Heo
lhat"KVEH HEADY" Is ktamped on the back
of each Slay.
Aro made of the kauo material, with elastic
fuiU and Jlucl:l(.
far-Ask or the KVKK-ltEAliV i-tay and Kx
tcuderi, nnd take no other. .
035 Market HI re tit, 8. V.
Corta Id 11
Quuatd Del ul
of f
u I2lTiuCtialulCo.
in Cine i nn.vtl .BHH
N. P. N. U. No. 20 -B. F. N. U. No, m
Nobody can live longer In pcare than his
I neighbor pleases.
M liy They I.cnil.
Dr. Pierce's medicines outsell all others. lie
cause ol their possessing such superior curative
projH'rtles as to warrant their manufacturers In
supplying them to the People (as thev aro doing
i through all druggists) on such conditions as no
other meillclnes are sold under, viz that thev
shall either betiettt or cure the patient, or afl
money paid for them will be refunded. Tho
"(ioldcn Medical Discover)" Is specific for
catarrh In the head and all bronchial, throat
and lung diseases, If taken In time and glcu a
fair trial. .Money w 111 be refunded if It does not
tHMictlt or cure.
Dr. Pierce's Pellets gently laxative or act
Ively cathartic according to iloe. - cents.
Play with the fool at home and he will play
with you abroad.
A disease iu one part of the body -will
eventually llll the whole body with dis
ease. Every year or two some part of the
system urows weak nnd begins to decay.
Such part should be removed at once, and
new matter be allowed to take Its place.
There's no need of cut Um; It out with the
surgeon's scalpel. Puree away the old.
dismsed nnd wornout parts with IIiian
imi.Tii's Pills. Then the new iwdy will
take care of itcelf.
He hath riches Milllclcut, who hath enough to
be charitable.
Happy Itecover) .
There Is nothing 1 now enjoy that I do not
owe to having used Dr. Dald Kennedy's pa
vorlte liemedy, of Honndout, N. Y., at a rime
when I was sullVrlug all that a human being
could endure. My troubles began In my kid
neys, from which I never expected to recover
My physician said I had llrlght's disease. l-ater
I had a bad attack of gravel. Six years ago last
June how well I remember that day- I saw
Dr. Kennedy's Kavorlte Itemed)' advertised In
our paper. After using throe bottles 1 was well.
I haw never had a return of the disease, and
though 1 am oer sixty )ears of age 1 am vlg
orous and strong, as 1 was In mv prime. What
physicians unit the many remedies 1 had taken
could not do. Dr. Kennedy, s Kavorlte ltctnedv
did; it stayed tho dlseasu and made me a well
woman. Mrs Kmlllue P. Mlzncr, llurg 1 1 111, O.
Dit. Kknseiiy's Kvvoiutk Kkmeiiv, made at
Kondout. X. Y. II; fi for .'.
Send for bood, how to cure Kidney, Liver ami
lllood disorders.
It Is the foolish aim of the atheist to scan iu
llultude with a microscope.
Tho country Is Hooded with poor imitations of
"tieiil of North Carolina 11 list ut Smoking
SURE, SAFE, SPEEDY. Si-Kciru will always relieve ladles,
Pleasant to take, (lunnintecd to succeed or
money refunded. Once tried you will never be
without It. liy registered mall, $l.r0. Send postal
note to Piinaniiispeclllc Co., box :is, Oakland.Cal
rir Itroncliiiil. Anthiii'ilic. and Till
iiioiiiii'.v ('oiiipliiliilN. "Uroini'n Itronchial
Troche" manifest remarkable curative proper
ties. 'J,', ets. a box
gf w to sS 11 ilnj . tramples wortn HM!.15
jTHtifc I'ltKI'.. Lines not under horses' feet
StT Write tr- stor Safety Itt'lu
Holder .. Ilollv. .lllcli.
trade with 11 full Hue of Fireworks, Fire
crackers, Flags, llnlloons, Toy Pistols, etc II
lustrated Catalogue furnished on application
Correspondence solicited with Committees iu
charge of public celebrations.
l'i and II Pino street, Ban Francisco, Cat
ltKWAKl) If you have an Old Bore that needs
healing, and that other remedies have failed to
heai; or a breaking out or itching of the scalp
or hodv; or a lloli, Hum, Cut, or any ailment for
which a Balvo Is suitable, buy a IKV-cent box of
Icxiciiu Halve, which Is Warranted to
Cure when everythlngelso falls. If not kept by
vour druggist send '2." cents lw stumps to J. C,
ilKMKNT, Agt, Astoria, Or., and receive a box
by mail.
HAIDV FAPDCH M. Uraham's Depilatory
Hilll fJluDU. Paste is guriinteed to re
move hair and check its growth. $I.H) by
mall. Bend '2c Mamp for book "How to be
lleillltiful," MltS. (iKKVAIHK (iKAIIAM, "HeilUt)'
Doctor," il Powell St., Ban Francisco.
Dobbins' Electric: Soap
It is Strictly Pure. Uniform in Quality.
Till 0r141n.1l foniiul.i for which we paid V'.
I iwiity i'hIij nf j has ncsir bun minlilii'il 111
1 hanged 111 th. slightest Tills soup Is
Identical In inuHly to-ilny ttltli
dial miiile ven(y jcarB 110.
IT contains notllliiK Hint 'iu Injure
tlicliiicxt fiilnic. it linghlins. ulois
and htiMihi's ulutrs
II' w.ishe-. Ilanncls and hlankits as no nlhrr si up
in tin- world dot-, uitlimit slirinklng leaMiig
lliciii sufi and white and lite lew
Till Kl IsaKrenl sin Iiik of lime, of l.ibnr,o(
-o.ip.uriui I, and of Ihc f.ilirn .where Dobbins'
l.lei'trli soap is used iin olilillglli llti rt'lloiis,
ONK trial will ileiiionsir.ile its merit. It
will (.i you to make that
T IKI all liest tlilliKS, U is cxtinsivil) inn
lated and Loiinlei felted
,, HI, IIhH, 11,11,11
Beware of Imitations.
, tl, .IIIH, It
INSIST upon D.llililns' Flectric Don't take
Magmiii.Klei.irii Magu, I'liiladclpliM l.kiluc,
01 .in) oilier fraud. simply liec.inse it U cheap. The
will rum ilojlits, and arc dear at any ptke. Ask fur
and lake no other N'eaily eery groterhom Maine
to Mexico keeps il in sloi k II y our hasn't It lie w ill
.jrder from Ins nearest wholesale grocer.
RI.VDt arrfully the ins(de wrapper artiund eai h
bar, and b careful lo follow tllrcrtloim
on ea. It outside wrapper Von cannot nlliiril lo
wait longer before trying for yourself lliiaoM.ieliabli,
and truly wonderful soap.
Dr. Spinney & Co. Sffiffiii
NC Dlf f 1 1 R Debility, Lo of Vigor, Bemlna
tKVU U,5 i,oe. Weak llctnor f, Despon
dency, to.,(liio toeiceseor uliunc.curoil.
rrctlon uhould arail themselves o our treatment
A potiltlra cureKnarnnU'eii in every case, nypnoin,
Urinnrr unit Verureal DlwaM-i nil uuuuturid die
charneri, promptly and suleiy cured.
. . 1 . 1 1 . 1 1 . 1 ... 1. 1, .
eitMj 01 ivmneyii ur jiinuiier. ti ra. iii,j., .iciiuii.
Iiobilltr, Wasting of Heiilut Btreugtu, etc., cured
uod restored to healthy vigor.
Ii. 11. I'crsoDH unanitt 10 mil Tin max iw ircawj
st their home, by correspondence, Aledlclnei. am'
.nitructloni rent by rnauoreiprcsi. Cuaiultatloi.
I'ree. Bend 4 centi lnatampCor 'I he Voung Mun i
friend or uulde tu Wudloclc.
$75 TO S250.S2 iuVVSH '"
pretened who can furnish a horH ami glvo the
Wholtt time to tho Miilnewi. Himre moinenla may bo
urolltably employed ulo. X few vacuiicbnlnlowi
Rtid cltlist. Jt. jf. JOIINHO.V A Cl lun JIulll HI..
JUchmoiid, Vtt- ... ,
A'. B.- t'leate ilate ant and. buiinem experience.
Ktxtrmlnil about itndlng ttamp fur rtpli. 11. f.
J. A Co.
I do not mean merely to top them fur time nd
then hre tliem return wain I uirau mdlcul mite.
I hare iiukIo tliu UIm-umi ol ma, K.nme.v ui rxLL,
Ikii mcKjduw a llle lunK tudjr. I tturaut my rruitsl
to cure the vrurit caw. Hewuw others hme failed i
no reoD for not no retelling a cuie. Krnd utonce
tor k trettUa uJ k free bottle of 111 luftUIMv riiuedjr.
UlTC KlrM and I'iMt (imc. ,
U O. HOOT M. 0. ai,trlHt.,NewYnk.
lHiirniiiii; tin I iini'i'ii t-'iit',
"This wm sometime a paradost," as Hamlet
ay, since, lrtiwevcr, the people of America
and other lnnds have tieen cnablii! to plfcllo.
tetter's stomach Hitters airnltist that unecn foe,
mamrla, it Is 110 longer a paradox, hut an easy
possibility. Wherever malaria eolves Its misty
venom to poison the air, nnddecaylnifunwhnle- '
some VMrctatlnti Inttireittintex 'the water, there.
Iu the very stronghold of miasma. Is the aux
iliary potent to illarm the foe and assure clll
clent protection. Kever and acue, billions re
mittent, dumb ague anil ague cake, no matter
how tenaciously they have fastened their clutch
on the system, are first forced to relax their
Grasp and eventually to abandon It altogether.
Hut It Is Its preventative force that should
chiefly recommend the Hitters to persons dwell
ing In malaria-cursed localities, for It Is a cer
tain buckler of defence against which the
enemy Is powerless. Cures, likewise, dspepsla,
rheumatism, kidney ami bilious aliments.
lircat wealth and
c ntent seldom live to-
IU superior eirelleuoe prutvn In millions of homos far
morolhsn a nusrUr ot k cuiitury. It Is iiae.l lir Uie
Uulteil HtaU'S (lorpruuient. I'li'lnrmsl liy the hesda of
the (treat I'utvc railleo as the H ion rest, l'uri'." and most
Healthful I)r l'rlcw's ("ream ..luE Powder dous uot
oouUIn AiiMiiontn, X.imn or Ahioi. tudd only hi oaus.
by return mall,
lull descriptive
circulars 01
Any lady of ordi
nary IntcillKiico
can easily nn 1
quickly lea'ii tj
cut and mnl t
any garment In
tny style to nr
measuro forlaiiv
or child. AddriiH
Cincinnati, 0.
A littlo clilld. tired of jihiy, had pillowed his hend on u rail nnd fallen
nqlcep. Tliu trull' wus ulinost tmoii lilm when :t i);ts.siiij Ptnuirer nislietl forward
and Bitved him from :t horrible death. Perhaps you am aleep on tho track, too.
You are, If you aro neleellui; the 'nicking cough, the heetie Hush, tho loss of
appetite and growing vcukiii"a and lassitude, which havo unconsciously crept
iilion you. Wako up, or tho train will he upon you I Consumption, which thus
lusldiiously fastens Its hold upon Its victims while they nro unconscious of Us
approach, miit he taken Iu lime, If It Is to ho overcome. Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery lias cured thousand of cases of this most fatal of liialndles.
If taken In time, and given a fair trial, it will cure, or all money paid for
it will he promptly refunded.
For Weak I.iiiig", Spitting of Hlood, Shortneca of Tlreath, Bronchitis, Asth
ma, Severn Coughs, and kindred allectlons, It Is an eillcient remedy.
f'ojiyrliiht, I?8. y Woui.d'b Dibphssauv Mkdicai, afsociation, Proprietors.
nrifPTOMJ Or CA?AE5TI - lleiuliielin nliulnintlnn if rtnun ,lln,.l,n. f..H..
i Into tiiroiit.KOinetlun'H profuse,
'.!... "! I"""". '"'.""""v '"' 1'inrin , rytn ran iniKiiiir u earn, (icurncfifl,
(illllculty or flciuliiif throat, expectoration of oireiiHlvo mutter: breath
oirenslve; Btuell nnd tastu impaired, ami Konernl (lebllltv. Only a few of
Uiwkj BymptoiiiH likely to lie iirccent at once. Thousands of cases result
in rorimitiintloii. nnd end In tho irrnvo.
Ily lta mild, soothlujr, antl-Reptlo, clemmlnir,
cures the worst cases. Only W) cents. Bold by
JjKKIfKtr Ask your Grocer for
Clu-onic IVoixra,lgia,,
I'ormnncnt. Jaas II, HIT.
Batftred k Uag time with ntnnlgi In the head:
proitnted 1 1 tlme, gT St. Jkcobt OU trlkl;
nTe twn entlrtly eur.i; 113 rttarn.
JEREMIAH ENEV, UUW Lonbkrdtt , Bklto., Md.
1'crtnnnnnt Cures. October IT, 1881.
My wife wit pamlyzrd from niurklgti; iha could
not wtlk k itep; I boujht Bt Jkcobi Oil; krter one
bottle tu u.fd ihe walked about; eontlnned tut
eompleuiy cored her. JA3 P. MURPHlf,
Sprinjlleld, Tena.
l'oriuiuirnt Cures. jane IT, 188T.
Yean kgo bad nearal;la; not .abject to ktucxa
low; the cure by uio ot St Jacobs Oil was permk
sent, there hai been no reenrresco of the painful
kttlctlon. E. W gAN0LER, York, Fennk.
Xll IIll'CMil.S to fi .lit,
Several lare tracts of choice Improved
.init uiiitiiproved
Agricultural Land
In Whitman County, WaslihiRton, be
loiiKinp; to V. F. Ilurrell, et a!.,
Sown to Whoat nnd Will Ylold a
il) Uiishi'l Crop This Year.
Write for ileacriptlve
other information to
circulars and
Coll'ax, Washington.
Bmlth's Cash Store, 410 Front St., 8. F., Oat,
Urgcat general dcalera west of the Mississippi
Rlrer. Dry Goods, Notions, Hosiery, Under
wear; Wall I'apcr, Stationery: Illankets, Be
dlnc; Hoots, and Shoes; Canned Goods, Dry
IrulU; Wooden, Tin, Crockery, Glass .GranlU.
and Hardware. Meat, Fish, Provisions, Honey,
Grafn, Feed, Groceries, Pure Spices, Seeds, B
ans; Drugs, Afedecincs; Clocks, Ammunition,
Rubber Goods, Tents, and quantities of othssr
toods at lowest prices for Cash only. Send 2 ex
stamp for full list by first mall, and learn how
to lire rhfap and well at small cost; 32 yearn tat
imslness; Customers In every Connty weat at
thaUocky Mountains, and. many rlinmhajM.
' " " '!'" a
O'Ji'Jb'MHbi nX for nn lucurnlilo enso of
1 1 1 Catarrh in tho Head by tho
proprietors of UR. SAGE'S CATARRH REMEDY.
watery, and iicrhl.nt othc'rH, thick, tctuicloua.
and hcnllnir properties. Dr. Sajro's Itemed
dniKKlsta everywliew.